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Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

The dark truth about this is that subconsciously, a woman like that probably wants to be put in her place by a dominant man. I'd bet that her boyfriend wasn't doing it for her.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

"I can honestly say that I've never in all my years ever felt the need to smack a woman"

If what you say is true, then you are either gay or celibate ....................

Now, whether you act on the desire/need is one thing - but to say you've never felt the need/bull is bull.

Either that or you don't have much experience dating.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

"The hamsterman is doing some serious overtime trying to rationalize violence against women."

This is an incredibly dishonest statement. You've seen clearly on all of these videos that these women were perpetuating violence against men, and men defended themselves. In my opinion, violence against women is initiating physical contact with them. Mental and physical abuse - responding to words alone with violence (like what Snookie got). No one here is advocating violence against women. We're advocating giving these roughneck bitches what they themselves are doling out. This whole idea of matching the exact force a woman uses is ridiculous. If someone escalates a confrontation to physical, you can use whatever force necessary to end the confrontation. Once a confrontation escalates to the use of physical force, the idea is to injure. That first shot has to be such to make your combatant less enthusiastic about continuing. If a woman decides to fight a man, she knows he's physically stronger. If she wants to go there, she can't claim victim status when she gets her cranium cracked. The premise that the driver wasn't in "immediate" danger is faulty. This young woman has a penchant for violence. How many women have found themselves in ONE situation where they could be shot or stabbed/slashed, let alone 4 or 5? Is she some kind of innocent babe in the woods that simply has bad luck, or is she attracted to or the instigator of incidents that result in violence? Violence is what she understands. She continued at this guy until she got what she's most comfortable with - violence. Just like none of us advocates rape - we just condemn false rape claims and think a bitch should be punished for pressing such a claim. That's not hating women, that's believing women should suffer the consequences of their actions the same way a man would. We wouldn't feel the least bit sorry for a dude that swung on another dude and subsequently suffered a one-punch knockout.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

The one thing you Euro dudes gotta realize is that the U.S. is just plain violent.

I'm seeing this point being made...not to attack those weaker than you, to protect them etc or handle things in a nonviolent manner.

That's just not how shit works here, we're the most violent 'civilized' country on earth.

Vorkuta and Neil, I still see the basis for your guys' argument coming from a place of chivalry. And props to you guys for upholding those virtues, seriously. I can't tell you why I don't feel chivalrous, I just don't. Consider me a product of my environment. What I WILL tell you is my dad and grandparents would have been chivalrous as HELL (all combat vets). So what went wrong? I don't know.

Maybe it's some underlying bitterness of being raised by a single mom. Maybe it's some underlying bitterness at getting my heart broken when I was 19, or dealing with every fucked up bitch since then. So what? You're going to tell me that everyone on these boards is required to be some emotionally and psychologically complete, well-adjust human being? Nah fuck that. Everyone does the best they can to adjust to what they've been handed. Some of us here in the U.S. just have more violent tendencies, that's all. You can berate us and our culture but it doesn't make much difference, it just is the way it is. You can comment all you want about how broken our culture is, and let me tell you, beating women to put them in their place is just the TIP OF THE ICEBURG. How about school shootings or our prison population? Those, to me, are far more disturbing.

When you've got a fucked up friend do you change your judgement of him simply because of his past and he might have some shitty habits? That's more of a reflection on you as a friend.

So STFU with this argument, accept that we're gonna bitch-slap the occasional cunt, and let's all [Image: kiss2.gif][Image: grouphug.gif][Image: american.gif]

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

I have a video of two local bar skanks trying to fight me I took with my iphone how do I post?

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 12:38 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

I have a video of two local bar skanks trying to fight me I took with my iphone how do I post?

Upload it to youtube (on "private" setting, if you want) and put the link here.

[Image: popcorn2.gif]

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 12:44 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2012 12:38 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

I have a video of two local bar skanks trying to fight me I took with my iphone how do I post?

Upload it to youtube (on "private" setting, if you want) and put the link here.

[Image: popcorn2.gif]
Ok I'll find it later and give it a shot. Should I leave it here on this thread?
I'm going to need to turn the volume off somehow. Can I?

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

I don't understand Vorkuta & Neil's point. If someone comes at you and initiates violent physical contact, then you're within your rights to strike and dispatch them. Don't beat them after they're no longer a threat (part of why I was skittish about the McD's episode - the guy was beating them with a metal rod after they seemed to cease being a threat).

The US isn't that violent, typically. But it has pockets with extremely high violence, that are much rarer in Europe.

Timoteo posted a video of a black guy punching a girl who talked to him in line. That was completely out of line, the dude is a savage who deserves to be brought up on assault charges. Escalating a verbal confrontation into a physical one, without agreeing to a fight, is a bitch move and the mark of a thug.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Athlone= Colin Powell
Basil Ransom= Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.

I back everything they've said on this thread. So much more I wanna add, but need to get my thoughts together. This topic has become a warzone, and I can't even figure out which front to start on.*

*Disclaimer-Neither of the aforementioned want my endorsement, about like Romney wants a nod from W Bush. [Image: blush.gif]

Hold the line gents. I'll be there shortly.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 01:23 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I've had to straight up cold cock a bitch in the U.S. It is an amazing feeling. Especially when they then realize they are the weaker of the sexes. Well, when they wake up that is.

I agree. If you get the chance to knock a bitch out, give it everything you got. You'll feel great.

Just make sure you are 100% in the right.

Quote: (10-13-2012 01:23 PM)NeilSkywalker Wrote:  

I'm pretty much done talking about this.

I like when Neil says he's done with the argument but then he posts more.

And hey Neil, I always advocate beating ass, but that bus driver might have stepped over the line, so I'm on your side buddy. You getting a point from me.


Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 02:16 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  


Well if the states is really that bad and your women are so fucked up that you regularly feel the need to knock them unconscious on a night on the town you get no sympathy from me. Shame on your fathers. On your uncles. Teachers. On you. Because you Americans didn't learn how to keep your women under control,you're all culpable for letting things get this way. When did you let things get so fucked up? Get off the computer,call your fathers and ask them why they fucked up America for you. [b]And then look in the mirror and ask yourself if you've contributed to the decline too.[/b

I'll keep this civil - I vehemently disagree with what you say - but I do not know you or have a beef with you.

I extremely resent you saying that I share fault for the condition of women today. I'm 20 years old. I can't help that I wasn't born a god with women or with the understanding of how to handle them. I can't help that my parents haven't been helpful with this either. Saying that I must share fault with my father's and forefather's, to me, is akin to saying that the Germans of today are responsible for the deeds or their forefathers*. That notion is ludicrous.

I've only learned about game and the manosphere three years ago. The first websites I read were Roosh V, Roissy, and The Spearhead. As I first learned of the scope of feminism and how it has affected the world today (including recognizing what I had seen beforehand) and how a false accusation can ruin a man's career, education, marriage, and life I grew fearful of women. I was taught never to hit a women. I prayed never to meet a women who was liberal with her fists. My sister was the first girl to show me how much it sucks when idealist clashes with reality and incurs me pain. Learning game has taught me how to not only get better with women but to deal with them besides using violence I'd formerly wanted to when I was scared for myself.

I would not advocate beating the shit out of women every time one hit you. I am advocate of crushing disrespect and defending myself.

I've been playfully slapped by a couple of girls and I playfully slapped them back. I've turned my back on girls who disrespected me. Not every response I have is to whip out my fists.

I'm American, but I've lived in Europe for twelve years (I live in the U.S. now). I've never really experienced what many other Americans described because I was in Europe for most of my life. I was raised with the blue pill and the relatively sane European women did not raise any suspicion in me that I might be doing things wrong.

As soon as I got back to the U.S. for university - going into the military system - I've been bombared by politically correct bullshit - mandatory sexual harassment training - standard for cadets and ROTC (you can't become an officer without going through these trainings). There have been constant seminars on respect, dealing with relationships "the proper way". Sure - some people call bullshit here and there because they don't want to go to stupid meetings - but the personal beliefs of many shock. I remember my first month in university. One self-professed pussy slayer bragged about how he beat the shit out of some guy who slapped his girlfriend at a party.

Talk about too much punishment for too little crime!'

Quote: (10-14-2012 02:16 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Europe is not the land of milk and honey but the women for the most part know their place in society because our parents kept them in line. ...

...just do us Europeans a favour and don't fuck things up over here for us by kowtowing and pedastalling our women as you've seemingly done to your own. You seem to have fucked up one continent already,to do it twice would be unforgivable.

What I see here that you are using European logic and imposing European style of dealing with unruly women in an American situation - which is bound to not work and get you dirty looks from Americans.

First off - because you are used to comparatively well-behaved women - your idea of an unruly woman is different to an American's idea of an unruly woman. Therefore, your idea of dealing with an unruly woman is also different to an American's idea of dealing with an unruly woman. For this argument, if you cannot see the situation through an American's eyes, you may have to just agree to disagree here.

Second, I think you should get off your high horse about how we would fuck it up across the pond if we Americans came to Europe in search of greener pastures and more agreeable women. The fact that you are used to pleasant women makes you soft to any change in their behavior that may change into the American women. It is when you have it good that you should be most wary of things turning bad.

Just as Europeans are more distrustful of their government (i.e. not truthfully believing their government has their best interests at heart) because they have prior experience with tyranny (Russians especially!) - many Americans of today are more wary and less forgiving of their women based on their experiences with them in the last forty years.


*My point is that your assertion is ludicrous, hyperbole - I do not want to start any side arguments about Nazis.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Vorkuta, do you really think the few members of RVF who live in the US or Canada are to blame for the sins of the armies of white knights.

I can see a lot of traditional chivalry mindsets with you guys but that simply doesn't cut it here. If a woman does hit me but its not severe(like a major threat to my safety) I won't hit her back. But I'll make every attempt to send her ass to jail.

Legally its a good idea to protect yourself. In Toronto women can be rude but its not that bad, usually the worst is you get shoved. My friend got slapped once but he threatened to call the cops on her so she apologized profusely. Me and him know the deal, we'll use the full force of the law against any women who tries to assault us. He got into a ton of shit for tapping a girl on the shoulder so we know the deal(charges got dropped, but his life stopped for a month as he was shit scared). Don't hit a girl, try to record it, have eyewitnesses and the cop has no choice but to press charges if you claim assault and eyewitnesses saw her hit you.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 03:10 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Athlone= Colin Powell
Basil Ransom= Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.

I back everything they've said on this thread. So much more I wanna add, but need to get my thoughts together. This topic has become a warzone, and I can't even figure out which front to start on.*

*Disclaimer-Neither of the aforementioned want my endorsement, about like Romney wants a nod from W Bush. [Image: blush.gif]

Hold the line gents. I'll be there shortly.

I believe the Powell doctrine states that if you're going in, commit everything and obliterate the enemy. I believe if you reach a point where you must defend yourself physically against a hoodrat, you commit fully to the punch. If you don't hurt her, she'll keep coming. She doesn't respect you in the first place, because she raised her hands to you. As long as she struck first, the retaliatory blast is justified.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 09:02 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

My instinct is to protect someone physically weaker then me not smack them.

I understand. I have the same instinct. But I would like to elaborate on how I feel about the subject.

I would divide people into two groups - dominant and weak.

In terms of physical strength, I, as the average man, am dominant compared to the average woman.

I would not attack the average woman out of the blue because I know I am stronger and that she is no threat to me. I also seek to protect her from harm (other less controlled dominant men/women) who seek to impose their dominant strength on her maliciously (muggers, etc).

However - this is no one way street. Just as I understand I do not need to dominate the weak women, I expect her to understand not to provoke me. It is naturally - a woman would not provoke a stronger man lest he end her life and gene pool.

When a woman betrays this instinct of mine, by using it against me to attack me, I feel betrayed and disgusted that I would be punished for my good nature. For good reason too. If I trust the wrong person, male or (there are weaker men too - often a little brother or student you take under your wing) female, it could result in serious personal injury, if not death, or destruction of my livelihood (today's context: false rape accusation, accusation of abuse in marriage, person decides to bring a knife to me).

Each person has a mutual obligation in this set up. When one person breaches the contract and does not fulfill their obligation - you do not continue with your obligation any longer. The contract is void with that person. And you will be hesitant to keep that contract with anyone similar to that person.


Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

This remix of it had me in tears. Look out for around 1 minute in..


Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut


Two things I don't understand.


I'm American, but I've lived in Europe for twelve years (I live in the U.S. now). I've never really experienced what many other Americans described because I was in Europe for most of my life. I was raised with the blue pill and the relatively sane European women did not raise any suspicion in me that I might be doing things wrong.

Not only you but lots of RVF members are always extremely vague about their whereabouts. Why is this? Is it so hard to say where you lived in Europe so we all can get a better point of view. For me it makes a different if you grew up in let's say France or Albania.

Not really directed at you but man this always bothers me. A lot of posters live in cities with millions of people and still they are vague about where they live. To me this weird and I naturally distrust behavior like this.
I myself wrote quite a controversial book and live in reasonably small city so yes, of course I won't disclose it but people living in major cities? Some here are even to scared to say what country they live in.


I just learned a new word :vehemently

vehemently (comparative more vehemently, superlative most vehemently)
In a vehement manner; expressing with a strong or forceful attitude.

I vehemently disagree with most posters in this thread. [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 03:26 PM)Walderschmidt Wrote:  

I'll keep this civil - I vehemently disagree with what you say - but I do not know you or have a beef with you....

Wald, I think you make a lot of good points in your post. Of course blaming all Americans for the way things are is grossly unfair but in posts and debates we sometimes have to generalize to make a wider point,don't take it personally it's just forum banter. I'm a Brit and people write shit about us all the time ( nasty teeth,drunken dicks,ungrateful cnuts for you saving our asses in the war,ugliest women in the world ) it's just forum fun nothing to take personally.

Your post deserves a fuller reply but I've honestly said everything I need to on the matter and don't see any point in saying more. What we have learnt from all this is that Europeans are white knights and you guys are a bunch of women beaters,it's all cool.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

If anything, the one positive from this story are the Youtube comments. People seem to be supporting the bus driver over her.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 03:45 PM)dk902 Wrote:  

This remix of it had me in tears. Look out for around 1 minute in..

What she's being made a courageous victim now? Like she's been through a life changing experience?

"I changed. If things escalate like this again I will leave"

How about you don't start it in the first place.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 03:47 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Not only you but lots of RVF members are always extremely vague about their whereabouts. Why is this? Is it so hard to say where you lived in Europe so we all can get a better point of view. For me it makes a different if you grew up in let's say France or Albania.

Not really directed at you but man this always bothers me. A lot of posters live in cities with millions of people and still they are vague about where they live. To me this weird and I naturally distrust behavior like this.

It's not important to be more specific in Walder's case. He brought up Europe to show an understanding of the European posters' perspective.

America is a place where alpha male behavior is shamed by most women and envied by lesser men. At RVF we have an anonymous locker room where guys can discuss topics without the political correctness police showing up. Do you really want to compromise that kind of liberty?

Mechanico mentioned that he comes late to work because he "takes care of an elderly couple." [Image: lol.gif] Red pill is fine, but the larger part of society is still deeply blue pill. Some truths aren't for them, so it's better to let them keep dreaming.

"The whole point of being alpha, is doing what the fuck you want.
That's why you see real life alphas without chicks. He's doing him.

Real alphas don't tend to have game. They don't tend to care about the emotional lives of the people around them."


Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 04:13 PM)Pappy Wrote:  

[quote='dk902' pid='287510' dateline='1350247553']
This remix of it had me in tears. Look out for around 1 minute in..

What she's being made a courageous victim now? Like she's been through a life changing experience?

"I changed. If things escalate like this again I will leave"

How about you don't start it in the first place.

Exactly. Like these kinds of situations "just happen" to her. She just "happened" to get 3 or 4 caps busted in her? She stubbled into a situation where she got her face carved up? This bitch runs her mouth and incites violence, then acts like she had nothing to do with it? She writes rather large checks with her mouth that her ass can't cash.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 04:59 PM)SpiderKing Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2012 03:47 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Not only you but lots of RVF members are always extremely vague about their whereabouts. Why is this? Is it so hard to say where you lived in Europe so we all can get a better point of view. For me it makes a different if you grew up in let's say France or Albania.

Not really directed at you but man this always bothers me. A lot of posters live in cities with millions of people and still they are vague about where they live. To me this weird and I naturally distrust behavior like this.

It's not important to be more specific in Walder's case. He brought up Europe to show an understanding of the European posters' perspective.

America is a place where alpha male behavior is shamed by most women and envied by lesser men. At RVF we have an anonymous locker room where guys can discuss topics without the political correctness police showing up. Do you really want to compromise that kind of liberty?

It IS important to know in this case because some one who lives in Monaco (rich white people) thinks differently about things than some one from Albania ( dirt poor, predominantly moslim)

I'm not asking for posters address but just a bit more info to be less vague.
This goes for skin color and visited countries also. The profile is there. Use it. This gives a better perspective to know if a poster is full of shit or not.

Are you so paranoid about what you write on an online forum? Who is gonna check this and is gonna find out your posting here?.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

I knew it, Goodwin's Law strikes again!

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 05:10 PM)BoiBoi Wrote:  

I knew it, Goodwin's Law strikes again!

Who are you addressing here?

Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."[2][3] In other words, Godwin observed that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably makes a comparison to Hitler and the Nazis.

Not sure what you are talking about.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

That video cuts out all the shit leading up to the punch.

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