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Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Yeah, whatever. It's 04.16 here and this guy is gonna close his eyes in my safe country without hoodrats. Please keep them across the ocean.

I'm pretty much done talking about this. There are a few posters here I will not have high regards of from now on.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 09:20 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Yeah, whatever. It's 04.16 here and this guy is gonna close his eyes in my safe country without hoodrats. Please keep them across the ocean.

I'm pretty much done talking about this. There are a few posters here I will not have high regards of from now on.
You know you want some don't lie. I can tell you envy the fact we can get that.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 09:26 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

You know you want some don't lie. I can tell you envy the fact we can get that.

LOL, you are a windup!



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Bring that white ass over here Neil
[Image: michbol-1282010323.jpg]

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 09:30 PM)houston Wrote:  

Bring that white ass over here Neil
[Image: michbol-1282010323.jpg]

yea she will produce good strong children..athletes all around. Isn't that Precious's older sister?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-12-2012 04:09 PM)Adam Michaels Wrote:  

The 'Sean Connery' slap-a-hoe

We all agree that the alpha/beta thing gets a little out of control at times but this is the ultimate example of alpha behavior. Not necessarily the topic itself but the way he handles it...she (Barbara Walters?) comes into it expecting him to backtrack. He is completely unfazed. He holds his ground firmly and doesn't waver. He gets his point across and at the end you can see he passed the shit test. She makes no argument and she is beaming as she mentions he's been married for 31 years without a complaint.

Sean Connery is a fucking G.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

We have to start a fund to send Neil a ghetto-ass hoodrat from East NY or South bronx. We can pay for her flight to Holland.

We will also send a camera crew and make it a reality TV show for the RVF

Calling it:

" Neil <3 Tayesha, part 1"

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

I found the video Nasheed refers to. It's from the security cam at the restaurant, so there's no audio. The "victim" is 16 years old, and supposedly started talking shit to this man (who was with his children) because she thought he was jumping the line. For those of us that have been to fast-food restaurants, it's a simple misunderstanding. You'll have people just kind of standing there, looking at the menu, not necessarily in line. The cashier will call for the next customer, and no one moves. You know what you want, so you step up and order. If she was next in line, she could have politely said so, and he probably would have apologized. Unfortunately, people can be quick to get hostile, taking every little action as some sort of sign of disrespect. A grown man can't let a teenager step to him like that. Could he have dealt with it differently? Sure. But this hoodrat, through words and body language, may have presented a threat to this man and children. So she got chin-checked with a combination. She can either continue down the path of the hoodrat, or she can straighten up. It's her choice. I think this was in the Crenshaw section of LA, so homie knew what he was dealing with. He knew he needed to rattle some teeth.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-12-2012 12:44 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I 100% approve.

Bystander: "That a female!"
Hero: "She wanna be a man, I'll treat her like a man." [Image: thumb.gif]

This guy is probably going to be fired. We should do a charity drive for him.

That account was "terminated".

Another perspective


Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 09:06 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

And one other thing doesn't seem to compute with you is the fact that in the first video there is NO visual confirmation of punching,choking or spitting. None. She does something but it is not visible on the vid. We see the guy stand up and knock her out.

It doesn't compute with me because it makes no damn sense, man.

Nearly 100% of the other 1 million+ who viewed this video could tell he had hit her in the first video. It was blatant, which is why this guy got off with no charges and has generally enjoyed quite a bit of support.

You'd have to make a serious effort to miss this.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Neil, I think you are wrong here. Check out that second video. Ask yourself: if it was a guy that pushed the driver, would you still feel the same way?

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-13-2012 08:03 PM)dragnet Wrote:  

It's clear to me that the few white knights on this board have absolutely no experience whatsoever dealing with the kind of ratchet in the video that spawned this thread. It's easy to sit back and talk how about how using force in this situation is a bad idea when you're comfortably ensconed in Europe or other places where the "women"---a term I have no choice but to use loosely these days---have not completely lost their goddamn minds. Spend a few weeks in an urban matriarchy dealing with a few of these hard-boiled bitches and then come back to the forum. Until then, STFU.


Well if the states is really that bad and your women are so fucked up that you regularly feel the need to knock them unconscious on a night on the town you get no sympathy from me. Shame on your fathers. On your uncles. Teachers. On you. Because you Americans didn't learn how to keep your women under control,you're all culpable for letting things get this way. When did you let things get so fucked up? Get off the computer,call your fathers and ask them why they fucked up America for you. And then look in the mirror and ask yourself if you've contributed to the decline too.

Europe is not the land of milk and honey but the women for the most part know their place in society because our parents kept them in line,brought them up right,let them know the difference between man and woman,right and wrong. We didn't let our sisters take the piss and disrespect us when we were growing up,we didn't pedestal our women,we never emasculated ourselves to the point where our women felt they could punch us,abuse us. British women get a bad rap for their looks and rightly so but I've never had any trouble from them. Never had a drink thrown on me,never been attacked,never been so disrespected that I felt the need to do something about it,I've never in my life felt the need or desire to knock a girl out. The only places shit like that happens is in the under-classes in the rough parts of cities where a lack of education and prospects and despair contribute to social problems,fortunately I have made enough of myself not to need to visit those places.

So take a good look at yourself then Americans and instead of crying into your beer about how bad your women are and expecting sympathy,man up and take control of the situation,regain your territory. You just don't need to do so by smacking women in the teeth because she is an annoying bitch. If the task is beyond you come to Europe,just do us Europeans a favour and don't fuck things up over here for us by kowtowing and pedastalling our women as you've seemingly done to your own. You seem to have fucked up one continent already,to do it twice would be unforgivable.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 02:16 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

So take a good look at yourself then Americans and instead of crying into your beer about how bad your women are and expecting sympathy,man up and take control of the situation,regain your territory. You just don't need to do so by smacking women in the teeth because she is an annoying bitch. If the task is beyond you come to Europe,just do us Europeans a favour and don't fuck things up over here for us by kowtowing and pedastalling our women as you've seemingly done to your own. You seem to have fucked up one continent already,to do it twice would be unforgivable.

And that is what gives Europeans a bad name. Next you will be telling us about how we should govern ourselves.

Do we really need to post videos of how British chicks behave?


The only places shit like that happens is in the under-classes in the rough parts of cities where a lack of education and prospects and despair contribute to social problems,fortunately I have made enough of myself not to need to visit those places.

The woman in the video certainly sounds and acts like she is upperclass, doesn't she? [Image: dodgy.gif]

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 02:24 AM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2012 02:16 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

So take a good look at yourself then Americans and instead of crying into your beer about how bad your women are and expecting sympathy,man up and take control of the situation,regain your territory. You just don't need to do so by smacking women in the teeth because she is an annoying bitch. If the task is beyond you come to Europe,just do us Europeans a favour and don't fuck things up over here for us by kowtowing and pedastalling our women as you've seemingly done to your own. You seem to have fucked up one continent already,to do it twice would be unforgivable.

And that is what gives Europeans a bad name. Next you will be telling us about how we should govern ourselves.

Do we really need to post videos of how British chicks behave?

The only places shit like that happens is in the under-classes in the rough parts of cities where a lack of education and prospects and despair contribute to social problems,fortunately I have made enough of myself not to need to visit those places.

The woman in the video certainly sounds and acts like she is upperclass, doesn't she? [Image: dodgy.gif]

Aw,did I upset your feelings worldwidetraveler? So Europeans can be mocked as white knights,told to STFU,told we don't know shit but as soon as you get a little home truth you get defensive. [Image: gay.gif]

Read the post I was responding to. The poster never said tbe women were cunts in rough areas but in general I'm saying that ain't so in Europe. Is that a difficult distinction to understand for you?

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 02:52 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Aw,did I upset your feelings worldwidetraveler? So Europeans can be mocked as white knights,told to STFU,told we don't know shit but as soon as you get a little home truth you get defensive. [Image: gay.gif]

Read the post I was responding to. The poster never said tbe women were cunts in rough areas but in general I'm saying that ain't so in Europe. Is that a difficult distinction to understand for you?

haha Don't flatter yourself bro. I know how British women act so why don't you clean up your side of the pond before acting all high and mighty.

I do agree, this shit has gotten too far and we are to blame for it. I just think you're behaving hypocritical acting like all is well in Brit land.

I think the guy screwed himself because he lost his cool. He should have got off the bus and called the police. He wasn't in immediate danger when he got up and cold cocked her. She still deserved it and he put her in her place like you suggested in your recent posts. Now you are saying we are to blame but condemn the guy for putting her in her place. You can't have it both ways mate.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 02:56 AM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2012 02:52 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Aw,did I upset your feelings worldwidetraveler? So Europeans can be mocked as white knights,told to STFU,told we don't know shit but as soon as you get a little home truth you get defensive. [Image: gay.gif]

Read the post I was responding to. The poster never said tbe women were cunts in rough areas but in general I'm saying that ain't so in Europe. Is that a difficult distinction to understand for you?

haha Don't flatter yourself bro. I know how British women act so why don't you clean up your side of the pond before acting all high and mighty.
I do agree, this shit has gotten too far and we are to blame for it. I just think you're behaving hypocritical acting like all is well in Brit land.

I think the guy screwed himself because he lost his cool. He should have got off the bus and called the police. He wasn't in immediate danger when he got up and cold cocked her. She still deserved it and he put her in her place like you suggested in your recent posts. Now you are saying we are to blame but condemn the guy for putting her in her place. You can't have it both ways mate.

Jeez,you still going on with yourself. You've made two edits to your post already,surely that's enough.

I've said what I wanted to say in my post,not interested in debating it with you because you get too defensive about things a d can't be assed to read posts properly.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 04:08 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Jeez,you still going on with yourself. You've made two edits to your post already,surely that's enough.

I've said what I wanted to say in my post,not interested in debating it with you because you get too defensive about things a d can't be assed to read posts properly.

haha Are all Europeans so emotional?

I was hoping to make myself more clearer hence the edits. I actually think it is a good debate but it seems you are a little fragile at this moment.

I would be interested to know how you would put a woman in their place in the same situation. A woman that is spitting, hitting and punching you. How would you correct that behavior so they wouldn't do that to another man? This man had no choice in what neighborhoods or people he had to interact with since he was doing his job so please don't say you would avoid such women.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Yep he treated her like a man. Back home his daughter is watching a tv serie where a woman acts like a man and she's admired for doing so. So in america man are so repulsed by their woman they decide to apply extreme violence on them. You're to blame. Maybe you should create a fund raising for a political party or movement. In law this is called venire contra factum proprium.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

The only time I have been touched, in a violent manner, was by my ex who happened to be European. I allowed it to happen a couple of times telling her that it had to stop. It only stopped when I did something about it and it never happened again. In all my dating, within the US, I was never put into a position that I have to get physical with a girl.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 02:16 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2012 08:03 PM)dragnet Wrote:  

It's clear to me that the few white knights on this board have absolutely no experience whatsoever dealing with the kind of ratchet in the video that spawned this thread. It's easy to sit back and talk how about how using force in this situation is a bad idea when you're comfortably ensconed in Europe or other places where the "women"---a term I have no choice but to use loosely these days---have not completely lost their goddamn minds. Spend a few weeks in an urban matriarchy dealing with a few of these hard-boiled bitches and then come back to the forum. Until then, STFU.


Well if the states is really that bad and your women are so fucked up that you regularly feel the need to knock them unconscious on a night on the town you get no sympathy from me. Shame on your fathers. On your uncles. Teachers. On you. Because you Americans didn't learn how to keep your women under control,you're all culpable for letting things get this way. When did you let things get so fucked up? Get off the computer,call your fathers and ask them why they fucked up America for you. And then look in the mirror and ask yourself if you've contributed to the decline too.

Europe is not the land of milk and honey but the women for the most part know their place in society because our parents kept them in line,brought them up right,let them know the difference between man and woman,right and wrong. We didn't let our sisters take the piss and disrespect us when we were growing up,we didn't pedestal our women,we never emasculated ourselves to the point where our women felt they could punch us,abuse us. British women get a bad rap for their looks and rightly so but I've never had any trouble from them. Never had a drink thrown on me,never been attacked,never been so disrespected that I felt the need to do something about it,I've never in my life felt the need or desire to knock a girl out. The only places shit like that happens is in the under-classes in the rough parts of cities where a lack of education and prospects and despair contribute to social problems,fortunately I have made enough of myself not to need to visit those places.

So take a good look at yourself then Americans and instead of crying into your beer about how bad your women are and expecting sympathy,man up and take control of the situation,regain your territory. You just don't need to do so by smacking women in the teeth because she is an annoying bitch. If the task is beyond you come to Europe,just do us Europeans a favour and don't fuck things up over here for us by kowtowing and pedastalling our women as you've seemingly done to your own. You seem to have fucked up one continent already,to do it twice would be unforgivable.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Literally, in my Dutch mind the words were there but didn't translate well to English. I agree with Vorkuta 100%

For sure there are more posters feeling this way about beating women and American culture but they have get out of the woodwork first. I'm missing several well known posters in this debate. Perhaps they need to grow a bit more balls to step up to an overwhelming majority. I knew I was going to get shit over this when I made my first comment and even risk getting banned but I said what I had to say about it because it felt wrong in my core life principles.

I also think it's a typical American problem and I sincerely hope the bad parts of American culture do not cross the ocean but I fear the worst and slowly but steadily this Jerry Springer culture is making it way over to Europe by television series like Jersey Shore and hip hop music and Hollywood movies,for example most of the Eddy Murphy comedies in the last 10 years have loud mouth families and women shouting they will "beat the black of a nigga when a man disrespects them". I guess white trailer park trash is no less worse but lesser known on television and movies.

The hamsterman is doing some serious overtime trying to rationalize violence against women.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Women are neotenous, and it's our instinct to not harm the neotenous; women and children.

However women use their neoteny to manipulate men. To claim permanent victim status, and to garner a quick army of white knights to her aid.

We get duped by this. I see guys in this discussion getting duped. Ya, the human is neotenous. But sometimes violence is called for. Even towards women and children.

Sometimes its the most appropriate response.

Even towards women and children.

Sometimes it's not only just, but pragmatic. It gets the results we want.

Ya, it hurts. So what? Women are above ever being hurt?

Did you how that woman handled the punch? She's hardly made of glass.

Guys are duped by our protective instincts. Don't be such a sap.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 05:34 AM)xsplat Wrote:  

Women are neotenous, and it's our instinct to not harm the neotenous; women and children.

However women use their neoteny to manipulate men. To claim permanent victim status, and to garner a quick army of white knights to her aid.

We get duped by this. I see guys in this discussion getting duped. Ya, the human is neotenous. But sometimes violence is called for. Even towards women and children.

Sometimes its the most appropriate response.

Even towards women and children.

Sometimes it's not only just, but pragmatic. It gets the results we want.

Ya, it hurts. So what? Women are above ever being hurt?

Did you how that woman handled the punch? She's hardly made of glass.

Guys are duped by our protective instincts. Don't be such a sap.

This. The guy did what he should've. He got bullied, he was quiet, she kept it up, finally he stood up and decked her. She deserved it. And his words were true. I don't condone violence against women or children normally, but there are times when YES, it is the ONLY proper course of action. "You act like a man, you gonn get treated like a man!"

If you act like a cunt, expected to get plowed.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 02:16 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  


Well if the states is really that bad and your women are so fucked up that you regularly feel the need to knock them unconscious on a night on the town you get no sympathy from me. Shame on your fathers. On your uncles. Teachers. On you. Because you Americans didn't learn how to keep your women under control,you're all culpable for letting things get this way. When did you let things get so fucked up? Get off the computer,call your fathers and ask them why they fucked up America for you. And then look in the mirror and ask yourself if you've contributed to the decline too.

Europe is not the land of milk and honey but the women for the most part know their place in society because our parents kept them in line,brought them up right,let them know the difference between man and woman,right and wrong. We didn't let our sisters take the piss and disrespect us when we were growing up,we didn't pedestal our women,we never emasculated ourselves to the point where our women felt they could punch us,abuse us. British women get a bad rap for their looks and rightly so but I've never had any trouble from them. Never had a drink thrown on me,never been attacked,never been so disrespected that I felt the need to do something about it,I've never in my life felt the need or desire to knock a girl out. The only places shit like that happens is in the under-classes in the rough parts of cities where a lack of education and prospects and despair contribute to social problems,fortunately I have made enough of myself not to need to visit those places.

So take a good look at yourself then Americans and instead of crying into your beer about how bad your women are and expecting sympathy,man up and take control of the situation,regain your territory. You just don't need to do so by smacking women in the teeth because she is an annoying bitch. If the task is beyond you come to Europe,just do us Europeans a favour and don't fuck things up over here for us by kowtowing and pedastalling our women as you've seemingly done to your own. You seem to have fucked up one continent already,to do it twice would be unforgivable.

Vorkuta, I hear what you are saying. I cant really take sides on this regarding Europe vs America cos I grew up in Britain but unnu know where I be at now. London is a different animal and I have seen women do that sort of thing as seen in the video.

My friend got attacked by a lizard while he was at Works nightclub in Kingston upon Thames (he was trying to get her number and she was getting aggy) and when he tried to retaliate, the bouncers threw him to the ground.

Another incident, I saw a woman attack my ex after my friend beat up her brother (who was in our faces prior for no reason). She just hit my ex in the head with an umbrella.
I broke up the fight by shoving the offending lizard into some dustbins.

However, I grew up on the estates and not in the nice semi attached houses so that is the London ghetto equivalent.

My point? It happens in Europe too but I guess due to the sensationalist nature of America as well as the sheer amount of people tied under one country, one area gets the rap for the entire country.

There are parts of the US that are relatively as Meek as mouse milk. Some areas are low income and rough.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Disclaimer: I am not ghetto.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

[quote] (10-14-2012 06:57 AM)Moma Wrote:  

[quote='Vorkuta' pid='287183' dateline='1350198969']


Well if the states is really that bad and your women are so fucked up that you regularly feel the need to knock them unconscious on a night on the town you get no sympathy from me. Shame on your fathers.

Europe is not the land of milk and honey but the women for the most part know their place in society because our parents kept them in line,brought them up right,let them know the difference between man and woman,right and wrong. We didn't let our sisters take the piss and disrespect us when we were growing up,we didn't pedestal our women,we never emasculated ourselves to the point where our women felt they could punch us,abuse us. British women get a bad rap for their looks and rightly so but I've never had any trouble from them.[/quote]

Maybe america is the worst offender, but this trend is worldwide, not just for americans. Individualism is spreading everywhere, even in Canada. I remember talking with an italian immigrant who could not understand that when people on the street see somebody on the floor looking sick, they just walk around him and leave him there.

While Europe still has more basic respect between people, I think it's in decline. I remember reading biographies of doormen in England telling their stories working in night clubs. The women there were sneaky and nasty, hitting people with glass in the face, disfiguring them and sending them to the hospital. They were not women anymore. And I remember reading newspaper articles about female teenager gangs wearing metal high heels and beating up random people, elderly included. These are the worst crassy examples of british society, but so is that american female gangster who hit the bus driver.

Loud bitch gets hell of an uppercut

Quote: (10-14-2012 06:57 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Vorkuta, I hear what you are saying. I cant really take sides on this regarding Europe vs America cos I grew up in Britain but unnu know where I be at now. London is a different animal and I have seen women do that sort of thing as seen in the video.

My friend got attacked by a lizard while he was at Works nightclub in Kingston upon Thames (he was trying to get her number and she was getting aggy) and when he tried to retaliate, the bouncers threw him to the ground.

Another incident, I saw a woman attack my ex after my friend beat up her brother (who was in our faces prior for no reason). She just hit my ex in the head with an umbrella.
I broke up the fight by shoving the offending lizard into some dustbins.

However, I grew up on the estates and not in the nice semi attached houses so that is the London ghetto equivalent.

My point? It happens in Europe too but I guess due to the sensationalist nature of America as well as the sheer amount of people tied under one country, one area gets the rap for the entire country.

There are parts of the US that are relatively as Meek as mouse milk. Some areas are low income and rough.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Disclaimer: I am not ghetto.

Thanks for the eloquent reply. I have nothing to correct you about,your experience is your experience and it's as valid as mine or anyone else's. Please allow me to
elaborate a little on my point and your post.

Firstly I don't want to make it into one of those Europeans v Americans arguments. I'm not one of those jingoistic Europeans or Brits that wants to stick the boot into America. I've been many times and love it there and I have a lot of time for
Americans in general. I wanted to clarify that point first.

My earlier post from this morning was in response to what I see a lot on this forum and seemingly it's usually from Americans which is a level of bitterness towards women. I read posts in this thread and others about how women are bitches and how people 'fcuking hate women' and how they need to be treated like men for trying to act like men. I see people laughing at videos of drunken women getting smacked unconscious by big dudes and taking real pleasure in it. That tells me that things have gotten out of hand stateside and there has to be a reason for that.
And the reason I believe lies at the door of the American man.

The fact is that yes in the UK,as you know, we have women who are twats. We have annoying women who flake,who cheat,who can drunkenly annoy me,no doubt swing a week assed punch but not in my experience to the extent that American posters seem to be saying exist in their country. I can honestly say that I've never in all my years ever felt the need to smack a woman. Maybe I have been lucky? It seems from some posters that stateside it's a part of a normal night out.

I'll say this Moma,maybe I'm in the minority but to me it just don't feel right. My instinct is to protect someone physically weaker then me not smack them. When a
drunken woman gets in my face I laugh at that shit,I destroy her with my wit and intelligence not my fists. If a woman threw a punch at me I'd laugh and destroy her in front of her friend's with my banter not knock her unconscious. Women flake on me all the time or fuck me over,it don't make me bitter,it don't make me hate them its water of a duck's back,it's just part of the fun and games of trying to
bang women. I flake on them and make false promises all the time to women so i dont take it personally in return.

For me to smack a woman she would have to really attack me with intent to hurt
me,then if I feel my life is in danger I'll drop her. She comes at me with a knife,I'll drop her. Comes at me with a broken pint glass,I'll drop her. But throw a weak assed slap,hell no,I laugh at that shit,that shit is funny to me. I lime that kind of drama its something funny to laugh about with mates down the pub. That's why I think the bus driver was out of order. Yes she was an annoying bitch but he was winning,he was destroying her with his wit,the bus was laughing at her. Then she has to regain some face and throws a weak punch/slap(?) and moves away from
him. If he had in defense instinctively punched her whilst under attack I'd give him leeway in this but he didn't. He parked up,got out of his seat and uppercutted the
fuck out of her. That was over the top. Yes she was a bitch,yes she should not have slapped him but she is still a woman and still not a threat to him. What he should of done was what you did in London Moma,grabbed her and stuck his foot in her ass,kicked her off the bus. Then I'd be 100% behind him. But a big old dude smacking a bird full force when not strictly necessary,well,it just doesn't sit right with me. If I'd done that I'd feel a cnut for a long time afterwards.

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