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The quality of the Bang

The quality of the Bang

The are two types of guys: those that Bang a girl because they are looking for a notch or flag and those that do it for sex. If you are doing it for a notch or a flag then the quality of the Bang is secondary and the work that goes into it is not being done for sex but for something else. IF on the other hand you are looking for sex, then you are probably looking for good sex.

Good sex is not easy to find. Just like finding someone that is good at anything is not easy e.g. plumber, mechanic, whatever… Finding someone just to have sex, good or bad, requires time, effort, and money. Unless you get lucky or have some serious status (movie star) then you are going to have to work for it. Whether we realize it or not we all weight the cost of obtain sex against the perceive quality of the girl. We are willing to work harder for an 8 than for a 6. But we really don’t know if the actually sex will be any good. The 6 could be far superior to the 8 in bed and in real-life usually is.

When you go out there you have to know what you are after. If you are after a notch or flag then the quality of the girl or the sex is of secondary importance. If you are after a relationship then the quality of the girl becomes very important. BUT if you are after some good sex then the sexuality of the girl becomes most important. After years of studying women I am fairly confident in my ability to detect a very sexual woman. I just need to interact with and touch her a bit. How she responds will tell me how sexual she naturally is. Girls that are naturally very sexual can’t help themselves. It comes out in the way they move, walk, dance, and interact with men. They are usually quite comfortable with their bodies and their sexuality. They know they are a woman and is not ashamed of it. The like sex and they usually like men. Doesn’t sound like it should be too difficult to find right? Yet, experience has taught me a truly sexual woman is the most rare of creatures.

Every guy will have his own price of what he is willing to pay for any given girl. For some of us, a 6 is just not worth the effort while for others it may be. Guys like Roosh are willing to put in some serious effort not for sex but for something else: notches/flags. You have to find what really motivates you. Because unless you are motivated you won’t be able to put in the work. For truly sexual girls I am willing to pay a very high price. (Hell, if they are a hooker then it certainly makes things simpler.) For just a beautiful girl that I don’t think is very sexual, even a 9/10, I don’t care much about. I’ve already had them, don’t need to prove to myself or society that I can get them.
For me they are simply not worth the price but if you never had them then it could be. The point is, you have to really know what you want (sex, relationship, social status) and focus on that, realizing that all of them will have a different price. Either way, without the motivation you won’t accomplish much. So focus on what really motivates you. And remember, what motivates some other guy on here may not necessarily motivate you. If you don’t really care about notches and flags then you will need to modify your game to account for this. Doesn’t mean the advice on here is not applicable. Just means how it’s used and the objective will be different.

The quality of the Bang

Another Thought Provoking post. I really enjoyed this one as well. I feel like its a good complimentary post to your other thread (for guys who didnt see it): Prerequisite of a player

I wonder how everyone else feels on the matter, especially on this forum which many go for the most flags/notches possible.

Me? If its not great sex, I'll stop halfway though. I came into the game having great sex and I will leave the game having great sex. For me, if its not quality, its just not worth the time or effort.

The quality of the Bang

knowing exactly what you want is crucial to be able to get it

The quality of the Bang

Quote: (07-26-2012 06:42 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

...Good sex is not easy to find. Just like finding someone that is good at anything is not easy e.g. plumber, mechanic, whatever…
I really like it when the attitudes that I take for granted, and yet appear so rare, are voiced.

I'm with you; the quality of the sex is paramount.

Some guys are virginity freaks. For them the absolute number one consideration for any relationship is how suitable the woman is for commitment. They are future time oriented. Wayyyy future time.

Others are the opposite end of future time orientation, and don't even care to cultivate the girl to be a devoted love slave. Something new is what they want.

I hear what you are saying - there is also just the quality of the experience. Nothing about the future and nothing about new. It's how good the fucking is. For me great sex is going to include a lot of openness to experience - like you said, being in your body and being comfortable and fun in it. For me all the various flavors of eroticism - violent, romantic, kinky, dominant and submissive, are all flavors of intimacy. And girls who are great at that are very rare.

And then there is just the fact that not all girls have a big g-spot - or any g-spot at all, and so don't easily have g-spot orgasms. And some can come for minutes on end, and some squirt. Some go from 0 to 100 in 5 seconds and are built with the stamina of freight train. Other girls work their way up slowly to a tepid squeaky little orgasm, after which they have a lonnnnng refractory period.

The quality of the Bang

We all go through difference stages in life. When we are younger and haven't had much sex then getting ANY kind of sex is a big deal. If we've never had a virgin then getting virgin is a big deal. But after you've been around the block a few times the quality of the sex becomes important. Why would I want to invest a ton of time, effort, and money to get a hot girl in bed only to have her lie there with the attitude ok I'll let you fuck me now and I have to do all the work? Why should I expend all of this energy for what is essentially some bad sex??? It took me a long time to be able to tell the how good a girl will be sexually. Now, I am rarely wrong and I test myself every now and then by going with a girl that I don't think will be that good just to prove it. At my stage in life I would rather just hang out and have a good non-sexual time with a girl that I believe won't be good in bed than to expend the much higher cost of getting her into bed for some bad sex.

The quality of the Bang

[Image: Nice-legs-waitwut.jpg]
quality bang

I am the cock carousel

The quality of the Bang

With a body like that I would have to give her the benefit of the doubt [Image: smile.gif]
Quote: (07-27-2012 06:46 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

[Image: Nice-legs-waitwut.jpg]
quality bang

The quality of the Bang

I can't speak for others, but once you've had a lot of girls, I think it is only about quality. I only seek out quality. Mediocre sex from mediocre looking girls is a waste of time!

The quality of the Bang

Quote: (08-06-2012 01:50 AM)brianmark Wrote:  

I can't speak for others, but once you've had a lot of girls, I think it is only about quality. I only seek out quality. Mediocre sex from mediocre looking girls is a waste of time!

I've banged hotties who sucked in bed. Girls who were young and had pussies loose enough to fool me into thinking they were 40 years old.

I've banged regular girls who fuck for hours on end and always stay wet.

Experience has taught me that the quality of sex is waaaaaay more important than how hot she is.

1. If the sex sucks, you're not going to last long in bed. You'll blow a load and be done. The girl isn't going to be particularly enthused with banging you again.

2. If the sex is amazing, you'll feel like a champ and have the upper hand should you decide to keep fucking her. She'll be addicted to your cock and you'll be able to sleep around with less repercussions because even if she does find out she'll be hesitant to give up on the sex.

Obviously the best situation is to bang a hottie with amazing sex, but damn it's like finding a needle in a haystack.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The quality of the Bang

These are the voices of "experience" - but maybe this wisdom can only come from experience...

Personally, if I don't think there is a good chance of a girl delivering in bed, I just turn it into a platonic relationship and everyone wins and I don't have to deal with any emotional BS after for a lousy lay.

Quote: (08-06-2012 02:13 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (08-06-2012 01:50 AM)brianmark Wrote:  

I can't speak for others, but once you've had a lot of girls, I think it is only about quality. I only seek out quality. Mediocre sex from mediocre looking girls is a waste of time!

I've banged hotties who sucked in bed. Girls who were young and had pussies loose enough to fool me into thinking they were 40 years old.

I've banged regular girls who fuck for hours on end and always stay wet.

Experience has taught me that the quality of sex is waaaaaay more important than how hot she is.

1. If the sex sucks, you're not going to last long in bed. You'll blow a load and be done. The girl isn't going to be particularly enthused with banging you again.

2. If the sex is amazing, you'll feel like a champ and have the upper hand should you decide to keep fucking her. She'll be addicted to your cock and you'll be able to sleep around with less repercussions because even if she does find out she'll be hesitant to give up on the sex.

Obviously the best situation is to bang a hottie with amazing sex, but damn it's like finding a needle in a haystack.

The quality of the Bang

You'll never know if she's a good bang until you've put your dick in her pussy.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The quality of the Bang

At this point in my life I am rarely wrong about knowing if a girl will be good or not and I hate wasting my time...

I would rather spend days getting a girl I know will be good rather than hours on one that I know won't be.

But with that said, we all have different standards...

Quote: (08-06-2012 02:10 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

You'll never know if she's a good bang until you've put your dick in her pussy.

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