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Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

I think one of the reasons that people read me is that my advice matches their experience more often than not. I get a lot of feedback from guys saying "What you write about so and so country was dead on." I like to think that I am in tune to the Average Guy Experience.

Unfortunately, I can't say the same with some of what I've read here. Some of the things have just been way off, not only for me, but for other guys as well. I'd like to take the time to bring people back to reality so they don't make decisions that cost them a lot of time and money.

FORUM HYPE (pre 2009-2011): Scandinavian girls are hot and easy
REALITY: More easy than hot. Scandinavian girls trend overweight and hipster with feminist attitude. They are easy, but no easier than American girls. Quality is lower all around than Eastern Europe or South America. You pay more to get at mostly 5s and 6s on short trips.

FORUM HYPE: Swedish girls are the gem of Scandinavian. Day game is easy to pick them up.
REALITY: Leaning false. These girls are less attractive than Finnish and Norwegian girls. They like Americans but do play a surprising amount of games and are social circle dependent. Day game is an okay option, but it's not guaranteed and not easier than in places like Poland and Estonia.

FORUM HYPE: Finnish girls in Helsinki are easy and will fuck fast.
REALITY: Confirmed. My experiences matched perfectly with a couple other posters.

FORUM HYPE: Ukraine is pussy paradise. Just speak English and you'll have girls throwing themselves on you.
REALITY: False. Ukraine is not easy, and there are many logistical hurdles. The Duke has been most honest with discussing how it's really like on the ground. Greek Kamaki pays prostitutes, so can be ignored. Deb uses model fantasy game, so can be ignored. Surprising lack of good information coming out of Ukraine.

FORUM HYPE: Riga is amazing.
REALITY: False. One of the worst cities I've been to in Eastern Europe. Scams up and down that city.

FORUM HYPE: European girls are easier at the beach.
REALITY: Leaning false. My 3 weeks in Hvar was a grind. It was actually much easier to bang a Norwegian girl in Oslo than in Hvar, which would go against forum logic. I'm in a big city now and am so happy at how much easier it is than gaming in a resort town where girls were like little kids in a candy store from all the attention they were getting from guys.

FORUM HYPE: Balkan Power
REALITY: False. Croatian girls were complaining to me about their men about day one. One said they are "scared". Croatian guys get drunk and act stupid like Estonian guys. They don't even approach. The only power I see from them is Beta Power. Greek Kamaki's meme is DOA.

Did I miss anything?

To maintain the integrity of the forum, I'll be busting hype more vigorously. We can't have guys bullshitting endlessly in an attempt to get male attention or validation.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Also, any guy who has said, "Oh yeah I love Balkan power, I use it all the time" is definitely on my radar.

It would be like me saying, "Oh yeah I love Santa Claus. I just ran into that motherfucker last week."

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

How about "Black guys kill it in .... "


South America is easy without speaking Spanish

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Myths busted, you've earned yourself a lay with Kari Byron


Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Quote: (07-27-2012 11:16 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Also, any guy who has said, "Oh yeah I love Balkan power, I use it all the time" is definitely on my radar.

I would dare to conjecture that what Greek Kamaki calls Balkan Power is, essentially, Serbian Thug Power. This is not a myth like Santa Claus. Yes, there are over-civilized betas in the Balkans, too. But there are also men in that region who really are scary, and not scary in that fake tough-guy way that one sees in America. Those Serbian thugs have that cold gaze of killers. If I were to invade a country and needed warriors, I would recruit in Serbia.

Roosh, respectfully, you cannot judge Serbs by observing how Croats behave. It's like judging Russians by observing Finns.

"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

This is why we love Roosh - cuts right through the BS... like a gamesman's cock through pussy...

His private advice has already saved me a thankless trip to Kharkov - some of the Ukraine pundits on RVF make it look like any busted dude with a working penis can make it rain by just turning up.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

So what's the deal with Toronto?

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Myth: being white and having a functioning penis gets you laid in Thailand for free.

Myth: Malaysian girls are an exotic blend of Malay, Chinese, and Indian. Nomad says he loves Malaysia and KL specifically, but what an unattractive lot of women with an aversion to talking to anyone outside of their social circle.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

It is about generalizations.It is another thing what one likes to hear and what actually happens.Also about details.
I did not pay prostitutes in Ukraine.I have written many times about the coherence between western Ukraine where you are supposed to be future groom and eastern Ukraine where women ask firefly for presents.I have presented the 50-50%of polish reality (same girl when she views you as future groom you do not pay when she views you as temporary lover you pay).I have presented the Czech reality with girls giving it for vacations for free but not asking directly for money or presents.The Russian reality where the girl is always the winner by cold Soviet stubborness and you will always pay a lot but the tessera are high (top girls to bang).
And of course the reality of Balkan power or Serbian power which makes girls spoiled,toughened and immune to any propositions.
All these terms I proposed have practical consequences and are deeply rooted.For example in the disco I search actively for polish girls because I know they are the easier and the more likely to respond.I may buy them with some drinks as well.And let me tell you you can buy lots of them with cash directly.As everyone knows they make better use of it.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

The experience also differs according to the age of the traveller, the duration of the travel, the season, the cash spent and the knowledge of local language.There are several factors to take into account.If I went to Ukraine to a provincial city without knowledge of Russian and focused only on disco I would get a very negative experience for several reasons.Because girls in provincial discos in Ukraine do not go there to meet guys like they do in Poland, because many discos are suspicious and because i would not be able to approach the poorest and most impressionable girls without knowledge of Russian.All this changes considerably when you focus on right city (extremely important), run day game by knowing the language.It is a very different experience altogether.
Actually I have photos to prove what I am talking about (Czech girls on Greek islands, polish in my home, Ukrainian women in hotel room etc).

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation


It is about generalizations.It is another thing what one likes to hear and what actually happens.Also about details.

It's not a generalization if it applies to 0.01% of the population. Your Balkan Power theory applies to maybe 10 guys in the capital in one turbofolk club on a weekend night.


I did not pay prostitutes in Ukraine.

Giving expensive gifts to girls in order to get laid is prostitution. Those girls wouldn't classify themselves as prostitutes, but it's still the same. You're using direct gift exchange to get laid. Most guys here don't do that, so your advice on Ukraine should be mostly ignored.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Quote: (07-27-2012 11:26 AM)Icarus Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2012 11:16 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Also, any guy who has said, "Oh yeah I love Balkan power, I use it all the time" is definitely on my radar.

I would dare to conjecture that what Greek Kamaki calls Balkan Power is, essentially, Serbian Thug Power. This is not a myth like Santa Claus. Yes, there are over-civilized betas in the Balkans, too. But there are also men in that region who really are scary, and not scary in that fake tough-guy way that one sees in America. Those Serbian thugs have that cold gaze of killers. If I were to invade a country and needed warriors, I would recruit in Serbia.

Yes but how does Balkan thug power help you get laid in any way? That's the point Roosh is making,not that there is no such thing but rather that the women there don't have time for those kind of dudes.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Quote: (07-27-2012 01:10 PM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Yes but how does Balkan thug power help you get laid in any way?

It does not help one get laid. But recognizing the type may save one's life.

"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Quote: (07-27-2012 12:11 PM)BigAlexBoss Wrote:  

His private advice has already saved me a thankless trip to Kharkov - some of the Ukraine pundits on RVF make it look like any busted dude with a working penis can make it rain by just turning up.

Just to be clear, Ukraine can be great for an average looking guy if you're willing to put in the effort first into learning the language. If you have the rest of your shit together also (style, swagger, making lots of approaches) then its better than anywhere I've been in America for sure.

I completely agree that showing up with just your English, average bankroll, and not looking like Channing Tatum means you're going to be in for a struggle. You might get lucky and find an English groupie but in my experience there is a significant negative correlation between amount of English spoken and physical attractiveness.

Beware, a dry streak in the FSU is more painful than dry streaks elsewhere because you're surrounded by thin, attractive women.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

What about the height hype? Will shorter guys be having sex alone every night in countries where tall guys are everywhere like some people say?

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Quote: (07-27-2012 01:32 PM)houston Wrote:  

What about the height hype? Will shorter guys be having sex alone every night in countries where tall guys are everywhere like some people say?
Yes. Don't bother overseas unless 5'11 or better. Sorry bud.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Quote: (07-27-2012 12:13 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

So what's the deal with Toronto?

Yep, I would like to see Roosh's take.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Quote: (07-27-2012 01:37 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2012 01:32 PM)houston Wrote:  

What about the height hype? Will shorter guys be having sex alone every night in countries where tall guys are everywhere like some people say?
Yes. Don't bother overseas unless 5'11 or better. Sorry bud.
Thanks man. I'll probably never leave my city because of this. What's the point [Image: confused.gif]

Quote: (07-26-2012 12:32 AM)velkrum Wrote:  

Southern women are into taller guys usually around 6'0 and up
But for real, shit like this quote needs to be called out.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Quote: (07-27-2012 01:37 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2012 01:32 PM)houston Wrote:  

What about the height hype? Will shorter guys be having sex alone every night in countries where tall guys are everywhere like some people say?
Yes. Don't bother overseas unless 5'11 or better. Sorry bud.

Deleted my comment.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Quote: (07-27-2012 10:29 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

FORUM HYPE: Swedish girls are the gem of Scandinavian. Day game is easy to pick them up.
REALITY: Leaning false. These girls are less attractive than Finnish and Norwegian girls. They like Americans but do play a surprising amount of games and are social circle dependent. Day game is an okay option, but it's not guaranteed and not easier than in places like Poland and Estonia.

It's interesting that you say Finnish girls are more attractive than Swedes. I saw quite a number of posts that suggests that most Finns are fat or obese and masculine.

I've never been, but I wonder where does the truth lie?

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Myth 101: Filipino girls are mostly ugly, short, unbangable and by far the ugliest in SE Asia. UNTRUE.
Most guys who have been there, have seen plenty of quality and the ease of the young 18 to 21 is a sight to behold. Though, Thailand may have a bit more 8's and above, they are far less acessible. Also would rate Filipinas higher than Indonesian and Malaysian girls.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Quote: (07-27-2012 03:21 PM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Myth 101: Filipino girls are mostly ugly, short, unbangable and by far the ugliest in SE Asia. UNTRUE.
Same for Mexican girls. They don't even all look the same so why do people on here say they're ugly? [Image: huh.gif]

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Quote: (07-27-2012 03:39 PM)houston Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2012 03:21 PM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Myth 101: Filipino girls are mostly ugly, short, unbangable and by far the ugliest in SE Asia. UNTRUE.
Same for Mexican girls. They don't even all look the same so why do people on here say they're ugly? [Image: huh.gif]

GDL and Monterrey has some of the most beautiful women I have laid eyes on. Although my only other international experience is Germany. The Mexicans who come to America are mostly of the poor/working class. They also tend have more Native blood. The bad bitches are those of European blood. Some in the South also have some African blood mixed in. Until you go to Mexico, you dont really have a clue how gorgeous Mexican women can be.

The cycle of disrespect can start with just an appetizer.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

FORUM HYPE: Poland as SNLs land

REALITY: fuck no. even though it happens here and there no doubt if you screen well, it's not popular thing for poles to go for SNL or classic fuckbuddy/no strings attached relationships. the most common way of meeting girls is social circle game (most people i know met each other through social circles/mutual friends/referrals). the most common way to have sex is dating.

Busting RVF travel hype and misinformation

Quote: (07-27-2012 04:07 PM)XXL Wrote:  

FORUM HYPE: Poland as SNLs land

REALITY: fuck no. even though it happens here and there no doubt if you screen well, poles are still way too conservative for SNL or classic fuckbuddy/no strings attached relationships. also, social circle game is the most popular way of getting girls, most people i know met each other through social circles/mutual friends/referrals.

While I've been very careful to put up disclaimers about how fast it takes to get laid in Poland, what is it with Polish guys and their complete inability to understand that their women put out much faster for foreigners who don't meet them via social circle? Just because YOU can't get a SNL doesn't mean others can. You're game denialism is rearing its head again.

This is why my myth busting relies on triangulation... not just my experiences but many other guys I correspond with, often in private. I'm not going to trash a place just based on my experience alone.

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