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Tampa vs. Atlanta

Tampa vs. Atlanta

So my plan is to get out of DC and Tampa and Atlanta are high on my list. I figure Tampa is better than Atlanta, but I'm finding jobs in Tampa are tougher to come by and pay less than I expected. Plenty of jobs in Atlanta.

My question, has anybody done both Tampa and Atlanta? Which is better? Why? And is it a lot better or just a little?

I've never been to Atlanta, but the people on the City Data forums keep talking about how there's way more women than men in Atlanta. And I gotta figure Atlanta women are hot. Sounds like the ratios are most skewed for black women, not sure about for white women. And Tampa women are absolutely gorgeous and approachable, but I wasn't wowed by the ratios when I was down there last.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Catch 22 tell us a little about yourself , Age , Race , Profession , motive behind the move, preference of type of girls etc etc .

I'm sure plenty of RVFers will chime in with specific info ....

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

Tampa vs. Atlanta

If you don't mind being landlocked. What's that worth?

Tampa vs. Atlanta

I've heard only good things about Tampa. Underrated city in my opinion. Supposedly the women are know to get down there. Not like other southern cities where you have to court them a few months.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

I haven't been to Tampa in several years, but I can tell you Atlanta is loaded with attractive single women and the ratio is definitely in favor of men. Good nightlife.


Posted by bluemonday - Today 09:37 PM
I've heard only good things about Tampa. Underrated city in my opinion. Supposedly the women are know to get down there. Not like other southern cities where you have to court them a few months.

You what , mate? [Image: huh.gif]

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Atlanta sucks for white dudes. Stay outside the beltline. If you're lucky. Probably spent $50K chasing on the outskirts. Not worth it. Go to Florida.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Tampa. Atlanta sucks unless you like beach temperature with no beach. Charleston is better than both by a long shot though.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Ha, someone from DC on this forum needs to mention why they want to move? Too many trolls acting like they're 9's. Not the friendliest or most fun people, either.

I'm a whitey and tend to go for white girls. Fit blondes are my fav, but I'm usually good with blondes, brunettes, or red heads.

$50k? You're kidding, right? Months?

So obviously Tampa's good. Weird range of opinions on Atlanta. What's your race MrXY?

Tampa vs. Atlanta

I lived in Atlanta from 2008 - 2011.
It's a beautiful city with different niche neighborhoods.

  • Nightlife sucks (clubs are way overcrowded)
  • Meeting women in clubs and bars sucks (too many shields and bad attitudes)
  • Lack of variety (mostly white or black girls)
  • Transient City (You will meet a lot of great people but they only stick around for a few months due to contract work)
  • Meeting women at work is awesome
  • Meeting women during the day is awesome
  • Meeting women at events is awesome
  • Meeting "country girls" outside of 285 for raunchy sex
  • Meeting professional women inside 285 for upscale dating (and raunchy sex)
  • Lots of fit attractive women
  • Lots of horny women
  • Lots of out of state women
  • Easy to bang a different girl every week
  • Great night life (if your not trying to pick up women)
  • Easy to make great friends
  • Lots of wealthy successful people willing to share their knowledge
  • Did I mention Atlanta is beautiful ? (mountains, lakes)
  • Surrounding towns (Alpharetta, Marietta, Sugarloaf)
    are upscale and well kept.
  • Atlanta is cheap and affordable
I trashed Atlanta in a thread from the past but I now realize that Atlanta is a gem of a city:
  • Take time to let it grow on you
  • Find a niche of all the things you like

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Quote: (07-23-2012 09:01 PM)Catch 22 Wrote:  

Ha, someone from DC on this forum needs to mention why they want to move? Too many trolls acting like they're 9's. Not the friendliest or most fun people, either.

I'm a whitey and tend to go for white girls. Fit blondes are my fav, but I'm usually good with blondes, brunettes, or red heads.

$50k? You're kidding, right? Months?

So obviously Tampa's good. Weird range of opinions on Atlanta. What's your race MrXY?
That post makes me think Sarasota may be your place. Our Tampa redheads may be more trailer like.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

I moved from DC a year ago to check Tampa out. The talent is strong here. You'll see buttloads of hot white women here. But like you said, there are few jobs here and they are low-paying ones. You'll shake your head when recruiters are calling you to offer you $12-14/hour jobs with no benefits. Unless you have a particular skill that is not related to the work that goes down in DC, you will need to get creative if you want to make it work down here.

I had been trying to secure work before getting down here for a couple of years. I finally quit stalling waiting for the perfect opportunity and just did it. Well, this place has been said to be the hardest hit area as far as jobs and the economy. I knew it might be difficult before moving, but I went ahead with it. The weather is pretty nice down here year-round. But the Sun isn't paying your bills. You gotta get creative with stacking chips down here (hint: IM).

I would say go to Atlanta, but I've never been there. So I can't offer any advice on that city. I've honestly looked at jobs that interest me in Atlanta and haven't seen much difference there in the volume of new opportunities that pop up like they do in Tampa (not very much). You just won't see the frequency of new job opportunities popping up down here like they do in DC every week. And for some obvious reasons. But they're completely different animals. You may want to stick it out in DC and just travel a lot on the weekends to other cities until you find work before moving. Save your money during the week so you're not out blowing it on trolling the bars for MPP fatties with attitude.

With all that said from a personal perspective--and on the verge of moving back to that shithole because of jobs alone, here is a little breakdown on the nightlife that I have experienced in Tampa:

Hyde Park/SoHo

This is a strip of bars and clubs on Howard Avenue that are easily within walking distance if you live in this part of South Tampa. Drynk is like any shitty nightclub in DC with 30K millionaires and lots of dicks. Pass on this one. SoHo Tavern is semi ok, but not that great. Yard of Ale is decent, but I think you gotta get there earlier. Cheap is doable. Its layout is pleasing for trolling. MacDinton's I sort of liked when I first moved here, but that place is full of people you'd rather not be around. People seem to go there after all the other bars shut down. They have karaoke on Wednesday's I think, and the earlier you go the better. The other Wednesday spot is The Dubliner. Loads of young, white women in here with a band. The main dish, I think, is the outside bar at World of Beer. I have had women approach me here a few times. Crazy to think women doing the approaching after DC. There are a few others I haven't mentioned, but I think those have been the most pleasant for me in this area.

Ybor City

Think Adams Morgan shitholism but with a little edge. I guess that's an accurate description. You can find white girls here before midnight. The later you go past midnight is when you start seeing what you see in Adams Morgan after the bars let out. If you're past the point of liking Adams Morgan, you'll probably want to avoid this place and stay in South Tampa. There was this one bar where you drink a boot of beer and scream DAS BOOT before the bartenders would allow you to take a gulp. The name escapes me, but you might like it. I think Gaspar's Grotto is ok too.


Think NoVa mall bars. You can make it work, but I think the talent whisks away from here earlier and back to Hyde Park/SoHo.

And of course there is the Hard Rock. I am a bad blackjack player, but you can have a lot of fun here after the bars have closed. I actually passed up a free lay from the blackjack table because I felt like losing more money at the tables than paying for a room. [Image: eatpuss.gif]

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Quote: (07-23-2012 09:12 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (07-23-2012 09:01 PM)Catch 22 Wrote:  

Ha, someone from DC on this forum needs to mention why they want to move? Too many trolls acting like they're 9's. Not the friendliest or most fun people, either.

I'm a whitey and tend to go for white girls. Fit blondes are my fav, but I'm usually good with blondes, brunettes, or red heads.

$50k? You're kidding, right? Months?

So obviously Tampa's good. Weird range of opinions on Atlanta. What's your race MrXY?
That post makes me think Sarasota may be your place. Our Tampa redheads may be more trailer like.

Yeah? I thought Tampa was loaded with "enhanced" blondes?

Sloth, how would you feel if jobs weren't an issue? Has your notch count skyrocketed compared to DC?

Velkrum, how was Atlanta for your white friends? I've consistently heard that Atlanta's great for African American men. Mixed reports from white guys.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Honestly, I got laid all the time in DC. Some 7s, some trolls, and the occasional hotties. I had money to blow on chasing tail and going out often. I've spent so much time trying to focus on money in Tampa that I haven't spent much time in bars since I first got here. The first few months I did and got some action, then I stopped and focused. I wanted to find a decent gig and then travel around Florida, but sadly that hasn't happened. If you've got no issues with dough, you should be able to bang all the time. That's one thing you're not worrying about.

But one other thing is the nightlife is weak compared to DC. I mean you can go out every day of the week here and find something to do even past 3 am. It's just that it's not several neighborhoods packed in tightly like DC along with Clarendon, Courthouse, Ballston and Old Town thrown in the mix. It's spaced out and you're not going to cab it to St. Pete or Clearwater from Tampa. I mean I guess you could, but that sounds like what it's like in Atlanta. Sprawled out.

I've seen the bars here and haven't been to all of them, but I think it's already made me lose interest. New places pop up in DC all the time. But I still don't really care for the place beyond the fact that the jobs are there. Guess you can always wonder or just go through with it and pull the trigger like I did. It may work for you.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Quote:Catch 22 Wrote:

Velkrum, how was Atlanta for your white friends? I've consistently heard that Atlanta's great for African American men. Mixed reports from white guys.

I need your personal stats:
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Level of fitness
  • Rough Idea of your Monthly Income
  • How would you rate your game ?
  • What type of girls are you attracted to ?
  • Do you make friends easily ?
  • What part of the city will you be living in ?

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Wow, I haven't seen money helping with DC women. How did you turn money into getting laid often? How much we talking? Or was this like 5 years ago?

Velkrum - 5'10"/160, medium fitness - slim and tone but not ripped, probably $85k in Atlanta (what's that, maybe $5k take home per month?), medium game - not the strongest approaching and transitioning (DC has made me a little gun shy)/strong dater & closer, attracted most to fashionable slim white girls with long hair - more into blondes but like them all, make friends very easily, could be any part of the city, really...gotta figure they'll all be cheaper than DC - Midtown or Virginia-Highlands maybe?

Tampa vs. Atlanta

  • 5'10 is a solid height.
  • Southern women are into taller guys usually around 6'0 and up
  • Transplants don't care about height
  • Medium Fitness isn't to bad.
    Atlanta is a health conscious city (muscular men, athletic women are a norm)
    adopting a fitness oriented lifestyle and building muscle esp. with your height
    will take you far.
  • 85k will definitely make you an attractive candidate for women in this city.
    Having a luxury high rise guarantee's you sex. Be vocal about your money,
    Atlanta is an economically divided place. Flaunting your wealth is excellent social proof.

Your spots will be:
  • Virginia Highlands - Black guys are ignored, White guys are sought after
  • Andrews upstairs - Cougarville, black guys are ignored, white guys are sought after
  • Flip Flops (Real World Cast members work here) - Lots of attractive college girls
    Black guys don't get the hook ups, white guys do.
  • Graveyard Tavern - More of a hangout spot, phenomenal music, seedy and grungy , white guys can pull a one night stand with ease, black guys aren't well received.
  • Opera - fairly diverse, I think as a white guy you'd do well here. Downside..the place gets too crowded !!
    Ormsby's - One of my favorite spots ! great concept bar that mixes board games and drinking (they have bocce ball in the back). Cool people but black guys are not well received by the women. White guys run the show.

There's a TON of locations I'm leaving out but as you can see, Atlanta, is not as diverse and progressive as some people think. The cool dive bars and trendy spots are segregated. You will see a few black people every now and then but white guys are the prize.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Quote: (07-25-2012 10:36 PM)Catch 22 Wrote:  

Wow, I haven't seen money helping with DC women. How did you turn money into getting laid often? How much we talking? Or was this like 5 years ago?

Not sure if you're just trolling. It takes money to go to bars and ride in cabs throughout the cities... Unless you're bringing a flask and buying soft drinks and hiding in the bathroom to fill your sodas. When you're going out 3-4 nights a week, that takes a chunk. Not sure where you're getting the money spending on women thing. I'm talking about going out in general at night to meet women. I like to drink. So I spend money and ride in cabs, so I know my habits and the amounts usually spent during nights.

You asked for the advice on Tampa, so I gave it to you from my personal experiences. Hope it was what you were looking for.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Quote: (07-25-2012 12:41 AM)velkrum Wrote:  

Quote:Catch 22 Wrote:

Velkrum, how was Atlanta for your white friends? I've consistently heard that Atlanta's great for African American men. Mixed reports from white guys.

I need your personal stats:
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Level of fitness
  • Rough Idea of your Monthly Income
  • How would you rate your game ?
  • What type of girls are you attracted to ?
  • Do you make friends easily ?
  • What part of the city will you be living in ?

You got an in with Atlanta? Break it down holmes! Bust out a data sheet. Stop being weesh.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Phenomenal post, Velkrum. Thanks! You lived many other places? Sounds like Atlanta could be good for me. Any guess how Atlanta would be compare to Tampa and DC?

Aliblahba, raliv - any rebuttals?

Sloth, that makes sense - just can't say I've heard people say they've gotten laid "all the time" in DC, even the guys on here with top-notch game.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Quote: (07-26-2012 12:32 AM)velkrum Wrote:  

Southern women are into taller guys usually around 6'0 and up
Correct. Anyone under 5'10 basically has no chance in the South.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

I have lived in Atlanta and been to Tampa many times. I would say the reason to choose Tampa over Atlanta would be love for the water and the beach. If that is not that important to you, then I'd suggest Atlanta because it a bigger city with more to do, more jobs, and better pay.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Quote: (07-26-2012 10:48 PM)houston Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2012 12:32 AM)velkrum Wrote:  

Southern women are into taller guys usually around 6'0 and up
Correct. Anyone under 5'10 basically has no chance in the South.

I hope you guys are being ironic.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Quote: (07-26-2012 10:14 PM)Catch 22 Wrote:  

Sloth, that makes sense - just can't say I've heard people say they've gotten laid "all the time" in DC, even the guys on here with top-notch game.

What can I say? I figured out what worked for me. Tried method after method before moving to DC from the South. DC gave me plenty of practice. I was good at one night stands and getting to second dates and banging at least by then if not first night meetings. The one place I haven't been able to crack yet was NYC. Guess I've only been there a few times, so I can't say I have enough experience there to know I can get laid anywhere. After DC, whenever I'd visit my hometown for the holidays, getting laid was toooooo textbook and it was like I was playing Nintendo with Game Genie. DC will give you the experience to approach and brush off rejection easily. I think everyone should live there for a bit to understand the dynamics of that hellhole that is filled with fembots.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

velkrum, seems like you know a lot about ATL. I'm also looking for a place to move, most likely ATL or New Orleans.

Any idea how yellow guys get treated out in ATL? At first glance I'm easily identifiable as Asian but I was born on the west coast.

Tampa vs. Atlanta

Quote: (07-26-2012 10:14 PM)Catch 22 Wrote:  

Phenomenal post, Velkrum. Thanks! You lived many other places? Sounds like Atlanta could be good for me. Any guess how Atlanta would be compare to Tampa and DC?

Aliblahba, raliv - any rebuttals?

Sloth, that makes sense - just can't say I've heard people say they've gotten laid "all the time" in DC, even the guys on here with top-notch game.

Raliv is gonna tell you to roll to Athens. I concur. In the ATL, go to Hamilton Mill, to this place:


The place used to be a GOLDMINE during happy hour. Weekends were hit an miss. Another spot is:


It used to be another goldmine. My info is a few years old, so don't hold me to it. Wild Wing was gold b/c the Days Inn let me have a room for $30 with a CDL. It's in the same "parking lot".

I can promise you, at the bottom of my heart, that Tampa has more talent. Clearwater, Sarasota, Palm Harbor, ect.

But you gotta weigh in the money making potential too. Not sure if Tampa has a tech market. Money over bishes.

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