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FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

Support Email

If you are unable to PM me, contact this email address: [Image: 1b4a924c30883e1573a5efc4f043aa1a.png]

Rules Of The Forum
(Updated 5/23/19)

1. Do not talk about pre-marital sexual activity. You can discuss how to meet, attract, and date women with the intention of entering a relationship with them, but not how to have sex. You cannot discuss cheating or casual hook-ups. You cannot ask where to travel to in order to have sex.

2. Do not use vulgar or pornographic language. Do not describe sexual encounters or situations that are beyond the act of kissing. Refrain from using profanity if a cleaner word would suffice.

3. Do not share personal information on the forum, even through private messages. Use a burner email and entirely new username to register an account. Pick an email address that does not reveal your identity if leaked out and a username that you have never used on other sites. Both should be Google-proof. Do not share photos or personal details of yourself. If you want to meet other members, share your burner email to take the conversation off the forum.

4. Don't talk down to members. Don't call someone an idiot, moron, or hater. Don't use condescending language such as "WTF are you talking about?" Don't use textspeak. Don't flood the forum with low value posts. Don't post someone's personal information. Don't be a drama queen. Defer to senior members, who help make the forum what it is.

5. No race or political baiting. It's okay to talk about race if that's the topic, but no geo-political discussions on why one race is superior or inferior to another or why an upcoming race war in X country will be bad. Newbies under 50 posts are not allowed to participate in race or political discussions.

6. No spamming or self-promotion. Do not register solely to promote your business or web sites. You can post commercial links to your signature after you gain 30 reputation points.

7. Your account and posts are permanent. Accounts and posts can never be deleted, even if you're banned. You have 60 minutes to edit any post you make. You also cannot maintain more than one account. You cannot register again if you have been previously banned.

8. No girls, homosexuals, or transsexuals. Their opinions or comments are not welcome here.

9. Do not post about the following: jailbait girls, illegal crimes, p4p, gore, scat, NSFW images, or images of girls you know. Do not share images or screenshots that identify your dates or girlfriends (e.g., first names, faces, phone numbers, etc) and do not upload naked photos directly to the forum.

10. You cannot create new threads or send private messages until you have made 5 posts and been a member for at least 1 week. Use that time to understand forum best practices.

11. By signing up to the forum, you agree to receive updates about your account to your email address. We sent occasional notifications and product updates to your registration email.

Do You Need Girl Advice?

Newbie game posts should go into the newbie forum, not the main game forum. If you're not sure whether you're a newbie or not, that means you're a newbie. Read this FAQ for the most common newbie questions.

Helpful Guidelines

1. Do you have a web site or business you want to promote? Click here for self-promotion rules.

2. Before you post a new thread, do a quick search to see if the topic has been posted before. Click here to learn about effective searching.

3. Want to share an interesting article? Check out best practices for sharing a link on the forum.

4. Want to embed a Youtube video? Click on the TV icon on the top right above the posting box.

[Image: attachment.jpg34835]   

5. Want to embed a Tweet? Use this code (change the tweet URL to the one you want to embed):


FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

Quote: (05-16-2012 07:53 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

1. If you skipped reading the rules before registering, read them now by clicking here.

2. Posts cannot ever be deleted. You have a 60 minute window to edit them and after that it's there forever. Don't message me to edit or delete posts. Think hard before you hit the submit button.

3. The members of this forum believe in a model of abundance. We consider it a waste of time to get needy with one girl who in all likelihood doesn't hold you in a positive light because of the poor game you already used on her. Once you mess up with a girl, it is almost impossible for her to change her opinion of you, no matter how good you eventually may get. In other words, if you have zero game, we don't want to hear your sob story of some girl who only wants to be friends with you. Game is about banging a lot of new girls, not one girl is 100% sure she doesn't want to bang you.

4. If you haven't done any approaches yet, start with The Program. You need to put in the work to improve your game. There are no shortcuts.

5. Newbie posts should go into the newbie forum, not the main game forum. If you're not sure whether you're a newbie or not, that means you're a newbie. Read this FAQ for the most common newbie questions.

6. The forum has two search engines that work extremely well. You will not build any goodwill with the membership if you post before searching whether your topic has been previously discussed. Bump an old thread on your topic instead of starting a new one. Click here to learn about effective searching.

7. There is both a Like and Reputation system. Click here to read the two rules concerning their usage.

8. Since the forum has been open for so long, there are a lot of inside terms in use. Click here to learn more about the personality of the forum.

9. Don't troll and don't be a dick. View this thread to understand what we consider trolling so that you don't get banned.

Hundreds of men have helped to make this forum a solid community through their contributions. We take our rules seriously in order to maintain an environment where information can be shared freely without judgement or drama. Please read the links above very carefully before you start participating.

Enjoy your stay...
How do we change usernames?

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

Quote: (05-18-2014 03:14 AM)vannigoc Wrote:  

How do we change usernames?


Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

Monsieur Roosh Rules!

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

How do I add a photo and country to my posts?

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

Edit above*** How do I add a photo to my profile?

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

I feel really stupid asking this question, but I can't find the option to automatically subscribe to the threads I posted in. Can anyone tell me how I could do that?


FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

Quote: (01-08-2017 11:48 AM)A.S Wrote:  

I feel really stupid asking this question, but I can't find the option to automatically subscribe to the threads I posted in. Can anyone tell me how I could do that?


Go here: usercp.php?action=options

Then change "Default Thread Subscription Mode:" setting on the left side.

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

You Are The Sunshine Of My Life Jaime I Want You As My Wife

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

^^^ Suspicious first post. reported [Image: whip.gif]

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

How do i quote excerpts from other webpages , documents or even excerpts from other people's posts?

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

Concerning quotes from outside articles, web pages, etc., you can distinguish your comments from the other material by using the [quote] copy/paste whatever you want to quote here {deliberate typo in the close to keep the code visible} ---> [ /quote]

As for quoting 1 forum comment, you can use the "reply" below the comment. To quote multiple comments from different members (or a series of comments by 1 user), use the "+" located between "reply" and "report" beneath each comment. The "+" adds these comments to a list in your reply that you can edit for brevity. Then you can use the preview post to make sure the formatting is correct.

Hope this helps.

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

Quote: (02-22-2017 09:25 PM)Gustavus Adolphus Wrote:  

As for quoting 1 forum comment, you can use the "reply" below the comment. To quote multiple comments from different members (or a series of comments by 1 user), use the "+" located between "reply" and "report" beneath each comment. The "+" adds these comments to a list in your reply that you can edit for brevity. Then you can use the preview post to make sure the formatting is correct.

Hope this helps.

An important note:
You must request a desktop version of the website if you're on a mobile phone browser in order to see many of the buttons or use most of the more convenient functions of the forum (some of the ones Gustavus lists in his post).

Read My Old Blog - Subscribe To My Old Blog
Top Posts - Fake Rape? - Sex With A Tranny? - Rich MILF - What is a 9?

"Failure is just practice for success"

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

^ yes, thanks AO. Switching to full version is the first thing I do when I come on the forum, should have added that part.

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

Gustav Adolphus & Aneroid Ocean, thanks.

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)


Testing 1, testing 2

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

it worked [Image: smile.gif]

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

DELETED (sent bug report to webmaster instead)

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

What's up everyone?

I'll be back in Kiev April 26th for at least a month, maybe (probably) longer. I was there from Late August through October of last year. Had a pretty good run. I've been to most of the nighttime spots– had better luck at Disco Radio Hall and Sorry Babushka then CHI and Skybar, though CHI on a Saturday night is fucking dope with unbelievable talent.

Through a mixture of Tinder and night game, I closed with 5 in about 7 weeks, with a few other near-closes. What worked for me was a simple direct approach. A stupid joke that isn't difficult to understand. I always made sure it was clear that I lived in Kiev. I speak hardly any Russian, but I do know a few words. It helps to make the effort.

Anyway, PM me if you're in town and want to hang.


FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

Quote: (04-23-2017 08:56 PM)Brandiakus Wrote:  

What's up everyone?

I'll be back in Kiev April 26th for at least a month, maybe (probably) longer. I was there from Late August through October of last year. Had a pretty good run. I've been to most of the nighttime spots– had better luck at Disco Radio Hall and Sorry Babushka then CHI and Skybar, though CHI on a Saturday night is fucking dope with unbelievable talent.

Through a mixture of Tinder and night game, I closed with 5 in about 7 weeks, with a few other near-closes. What worked for me was a simple direct approach. A stupid joke that isn't difficult to understand. I always made sure it was clear that I lived in Kiev. I speak hardly any Russian, but I do know a few words. It helps to make the effort.

Anyway, PM me if you're in town and want to hang.


What does this have to do with Forum Guide & Rules?
I think your post should be in the travel section, or maybe forum lounge.

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

I have been reading a lot on a number of different lifestyle, dating and approaches related forums. I would like to start posting some updates as well as questions. But it says I dont have access rights to do so. What do I need to do?

Second question, how do I access select private forums?

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

Quote: (07-06-2017 01:55 AM)alphainside Wrote:  

I have been reading a lot on a number of different lifestyle, dating and approaches related forums. I would like to start posting some updates as well as questions. But it says I dont have access rights to do so. What do I need to do?

Second question, how do I access select private forums?

Which private thread(s) are you interested in particular?

Post some stuff, add value, and when the time arrives....the private forum will open up. [Image: smile.gif]

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

Quote: (07-06-2017 01:55 AM)alphainside Wrote:  

I have been reading a lot on a number of different lifestyle, dating and approaches related forums. I would like to start posting some updates as well as questions. But it says I dont have access rights to do so. What do I need to do?

Second question, how do I access select private forums?

-How are you aware of any private forums, should they even exist? If they exist, they would not even be visible to you at this point.

-What is the motivation to gain access to these alleged private forums given that you have not even participated in the public forum in any way? There is all the information in the world in the publicly visible forum, you can add value there and discuss anything you'd like.

-If these private forums do exist, you would be granted access after certain milestones are reached. They would obviously not be meant for 1 post, 3 week newbies. Only time and value added through posts will get you there.

Americans are dreamers too

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

Quote: (07-06-2017 01:55 AM)alphainside Wrote:  

Second question, how do I access select private forums?

"In RooshV forum, private forums access you!"

Лучше поздно, чем никогда

...life begins at "70% Warning Level."....

FORUM GUIDE & RULES (Must Read Before Posting)

Quote: (07-06-2017 01:55 AM)alphainside Wrote:  

Second question, how do I access select private forums?

Sacrifice a flawless lamb (or your first born) on each of the six tallest peaks of the Caucasus mountains.

[Image: Sacrifice-of-Jesus.jpg]

I'm the King of Beijing!

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