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The God pill

The God pill

Quote: (03-30-2019 09:02 AM)Avoy Wrote:  

[Image: earthinmilkyway.jpg]

Which naturally leads us to this:

I saw Monty Python's Meaning of Life on the verge of puberty and let me tell you, it wasn't so much as funny but horrifying. The intentional demystification of sex that you partly get here or more appropriately the scene about the schoolmaster talking about "vaginal juices" to a bored classroom. That punch-line keeps reverberating decades after I was squirming in my seat watching it (probably next to my parents). It was the blackest of black pills.

My point is that everyone starts out initially in life with a sense of wonder and anticipation of reaching this or that life goal. The pinnacle of this (IMHO) is indeed puberty when the prospect of sex is like unwrapping and playing with the ultimate toy.

As you go through life you begin to move the goalposts until you reach a mid-life crisis:

And you may find yourself (fill in the blanks)
And you may ask yourself, well
How did I get here?

There is a remarkable sameness in people's motivations. I understand the school of thought that says that we should all lead humble lives and not get too hung up on personal ambition, but for me, that pre-programmed sameness is a sure-fire way of making anyone feel like little more than a wind-up toy playing through a script.

The banality of "basic" motivations means everyone is judged by more or less a standard set of criteria: looks, money, status. But what happens if you do get the beautiful house and the beautiful wife? Well, the wife hits the wall, divorce rapes you, and you wind up living in a van...down by the river.

So I really think the goal of life is to find what else it is beyond those basic life goals you want to do that makes you feel special. And it's not for anyone else to judge what that is. It's a completely personal thing. What society deems worthy of respect almost always reflects the lowest common denominator, which is why the likes of Cardi B are a thing.

The God pill

Quote: (03-30-2019 09:02 AM)Avoy Wrote:  

Basically, you can look within for answers or follow a monotheistic religion and leave it to blind faith in a supernatural being. There are many paths one can take. To each his own. A God Pill infers there's either only one true God and way of life or a universal God and globalist religion we can all get behind -- neither will satisfy everybody and both concepts are man-made and human specific in a vast universe that goes way beyond us.

[Image: earthinmilkyway.jpg]

Looking for answers in the universe have led many to Christianity. The more we discover of the universe the more convinced they are of its truth.

The God pill

The best thing you can do if you want to understand Christianity is to study the Bible. Christians believe that the Bible is not just another book - rather, that it is actually the inspired Word of God, authored by the Holy Spirit through the special inspiration of chosen human authors. Unlike man-made institutions and traditions, the Bible has not changed since it was written. It remains uncucked and unpozzed. A true understanding of Scripture brings a deep and unshakeable faith that doesn't rely on any single man or group of men or church or human tradition. If you want to know what God and Jesus Christ is about, go directly to the source and find out for yourself. I can recommend two excellent resources for studying the Bible. I have shared these over the years with several guys who have gotten a lot out of them, and I personally have as well.

The first is the site . This is a scholarly ministry of Dr. Robert Luginbill, a Christian professor of Classics who is fluent in Hebrew, Aramaic and Ancient Greek. His knowledge of the Bible and his love for Christ are as great as his web design is simple. He's been operating this site for over twenty years and there is a tremendous amount of content there (you could literally spend months reading through it all). I would recommend guys start out by reading through his series on The Satanic Rebellion and then follow that up by reading The Coming Tribulation. Together, these two studies essentially provide bookends for the Christian worldview as taught in the Bible. They explain the origin of humanity, our purpose on Earth and our ultimate destiny as children of God. I really cannot recommend these highly enough. If you actually take the time to read through these studies and understand the teachings, it will do more for your faith and understanding than anything else. A lot will suddenly click into place once you have this background knowledge.

The second great resource I can recommend are the sermons of Dr. John MacArthur, who has been preaching for over fifty years now. He is also a Biblical scholar fluent in the ancient languages, and his preaching style is simply to take a few verses of the Bible and go in depth as to their meaning. That's it. He believes in the power of the Bible to speak for itself and doesn't try to impress with rhetorical preaching techniques or emotional appeals. He's just a Bible teacher. His content can be found at which is the website of his ministry Grace to You. They have a 24/7 stream there of his sermons, and all of his sermons are searchable by topic and available for download. But the easiest way to listen that I personally recommend is to listen to the Grace to You Radio podcast (just search for that on whatever podcast app you use). This breaks his sermons down into convenient 30 minute chunks that you can listen to whenever.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

The God pill

I see where this is going. I just checked out Roosh's Twitter feed. Not feeling the slave, servant, or son take on submission.



I posted this previously in the Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal thread.

Humans are very self-centered creatures who think the world/universe and God's interest only revolves around them because we were created in his image. Hate to break it to you... if God is the creator, then everything in the infinity of space is made in his image. Even the concept of God is too limited because our brains can't process thoughts beyond what is humanly possible.

I later said... Buddha himself one-upped me! I'm now in this camp.


No Creator God
The Buddha pointed out that no God or priest nor any other kind of being has the power to interfere in the working out of someone else's Kamma. Buddhism, therefore, teaches the individual to take full responsibility for themselves. For example, if you want to be wealthy then be trustworthy, diligent and frugal, or if you want to live in a heaven realm then always be kind to others. There is no God to ask favours from, or to put it another way there is no corruption possible in the workings of Kamma.

Do Buddhists believe that a Supreme Being created the universe? Buddhists would first ask which universe do you mean? This present universe, from the moment of the 'big bang' up to now, is but one among countless millions in Buddhist cosmology. The Buddha gave an estimate of the age of a single universe-cycle of around 37,000 million years, which is quite plausible when compared to modern astrophysics. After one universe- cycle ends another begins, again and again, according to impersonal law. A Creator God is redundant in this scheme.

No being is a Supreme Saviour, according to the Buddha, because whether God, human, animal or whatever, all are subject to the Law of Kamma. Even the Buddha had no power to save. He could only point out the Truth so that the wise could see it for themselves. Everyone must take responsibility for their own future well-being, and it is dangerous to give that responsibility to another.

Ultimately, you should follow what you think is right. What makes sense and connects best with you.

The God pill

Quote: (03-30-2019 10:25 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

The best thing you can do if you want to understand Christianity is to study the Bible. Christians believe that the Bible is not just another book - rather, that it is actually the inspired Word of God, authored by the Holy Spirit through the special inspiration of chosen human authors. Unlike man-made institutions and traditions, the Bible has not changed since it was written. It remains uncucked and unpozzed. A true understanding of Scripture brings a deep and unshakeable faith that doesn't rely on any single man or group of men or church or human tradition. If you want to know what God and Jesus Christ is about, go directly to the source and find out for yourself. I can recommend two excellent resources for studying the Bible. I have shared these over the years with several guys who have gotten a lot out of them, and I personally have as well.

The first is the site . This is a scholarly ministry of Dr. Robert Luginbill, a Christian professor of Classics who is fluent in Hebrew, Aramaic and Ancient Greek. His knowledge of the Bible and his love for Christ are as great as his web design is simple. He's been operating this site for over twenty years and there is a tremendous amount of content there (you could literally spend months reading through it all). I would recommend guys start out by reading through his series on The Satanic Rebellion and then follow that up by reading The Coming Tribulation. Together, these two studies essentially provide bookends for the Christian worldview as taught in the Bible. They explain the origin of humanity, our purpose on Earth and our ultimate destiny as children of God. I really cannot recommend these highly enough. If you actually take the time to read through these studies and understand the teachings, it will do more for your faith and understanding than anything else. A lot will suddenly click into place once you have this background knowledge.

The second great resource I can recommend are the sermons of Dr. John MacArthur, who has been preaching for over fifty years now. He is also a Biblical scholar fluent in the ancient languages, and his preaching style is simply to take a few verses of the Bible and go in depth as to their meaning. That's it. He believes in the power of the Bible to speak for itself and doesn't try to impress with rhetorical preaching techniques or emotional appeals. He's just a Bible teacher. His content can be found at which is the website of his ministry Grace to You. They have a 24/7 stream there of his sermons, and all of his sermons are searchable by topic and available for download. But the easiest way to listen that I personally recommend is to listen to the Grace to You Radio podcast (just search for that on whatever podcast app you use). This breaks his sermons down into convenient 30 minute chunks that you can listen to whenever.

I wouldn't like to be unkind to the learned man, but maybe someone should point out, especially since Roosh has just started on The Way, that this two Armageddons - Antichrist's and Christ's - doctrine is recognized neither by the Catholic Church nor the Orthodox Church.
The final, puryfying fire has been always Protestant obsession, with the Rapture concept. On the other hand, the Catholic and the Orthodox have the Sacrament of Confession, so do not have to live in the constant tension and fear of eternal condemnation.

I suggest reading J.N.D. Kelly Early Christian Doctrines as a general introduction to the formation of Church teachings and how variable they were.

The God pill

[Image: attachment.jpg41524]   

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

The God pill

@ RIslander

Religion is not feelings only. Truth is not unimportant. What someone on the quest does want to hear? A joke? Or a direction?
We trivialize too many things already .

The God pill

If you have the sudden urge to post some "clever"atheist meme, or write something very witty, just don't.

Deus vult!

The God pill


Sounds like your life is challenging enough right now.

Putrefaction is great as a Jungian metaphor.

No need to have a stinky kitchen on top of that.

Otherwise known as shitty composting strategy.

You need more carbon in your pile.

Please consult handy chart:

[Image: carbon-nitrogen-sources.png]

P.S. Don't let Kona try to pawn some of his lawn clippings off on you. Lawn people have the same problem as you. Too much Nitrogen in their pile.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The God pill

You simply trying to achieve full philosophical alignment

Yes secular modernity is sick

Yes religion is a social necessity

But I'm sorry no, as a strict factual matter, there is no God. There is nothing

The God pill

The internet killed LexisNexis.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The God pill

It seems that some people here have urgent blasphemous desires. After the first example... the next, and the next one cannot be just a mistake.
And some of them have been around quite a while.

People! If you do not respect God, respect a man, and be quiet. God will hear and know you anyway.

The God pill

I don't understand why the atheists feel the urge to contribute, even though they've been asked politely not to. Interesting path for you Roosh. I wish you the best. However, how will you reconcile the fact that your earlier books are leading men to sin? I might be wrong, but I view your situation as similar to that of St. Augustine.

David took his men with him and went out and killed two hundred Philistines and brought back their foreskins. They counted out the full number to the king so that David might become the king's son-in-law. Then Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage. 1 Samuel 18:27

The God pill

Quote: (03-30-2019 02:41 PM)lex the impaler Wrote:  

However, how will you reconcile the fact that your earlier books are leading men to sin?

Men have to learn how to attract a girl and keep her attracted to him. Talking about "sin" won't keep a Christian girl from dumping your ass because she's bored. Men can't be competent at managing a relationship without extensive experience. I was a nice catholic boy and girls shit all over me and I never understood why lol. Men have to build their value, women do not.

Meekness is absolutely repellent to women, even nice Christian girls.

Men have to compete in many ways, I always found irony in the Church accumulating billions tax-free, then scoffing at men for having strategies to get women & money.

The priest is living tax-free, then judging us for all the hoops we have to go through to attract a mate? fuck that

The God pill

I guess this begs the question of separation of God from the church, and to what degree you would have to be a practicing Catholic, Christian etc. to feel the presence of God. If the church is 'subverted' as many claim it to be, where do we turn for our education on the subject of finding and embracing God?

I have a load of questions about this.

The human condition is one of suffering. Everyone suffers at one point or another, and it's likely the thing that brings all of humanity together in one shared experience, as sad and depressing as that is. We all experience loss, pain, and hurt in many points of our lives. Is it an embracing of this pain that allows us to get closer to God?

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

The God pill

I have little to add to this thread but for my support of Roosh embracing his faith. I sincerely hope you can find peace through your relationship with God. With things being as bleak as they are in the world I see little alternatives to maintaining tranquility in one's life.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

The God pill

Quote: (03-30-2019 06:29 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

I don't want to dwell on it because it's a very touchy subject for some people, suffice to say that I hope that wise Catholics find a parish which is to the maximum extent kept at arm's length from the Vatican.


Some will attack me as being a subversive but a temple like this and it's altars are not designed by accident.

My only motivation is to ensure that men seeking God do not blindly put their trust in the Church as an organisation. At some point, perhaps soon, all Catholics will be forced to choose between God and the Vatican.

We have to understand that the church is comprised of men. Similar to any powerful organization it will be infiltrated by evil. At this point it may be more infiltrated then it has been in a long time.

The design of these places does indeed appear evil and subversive, but we can balance this with the thousands of beautiful catholic churches throughout Europe. The most important thing right now is that younger people begin going back to Church to create a needed Christian counter culture, I think it is happening, this forum is proof. I also think that the fact that Christianity has been thrown so far out the window culturally, makes it much clearer all the benefits it brought. Sad that we want what we don't have , and often don't appreciate it when we have it ( a spiritual ethic and standard in our society).

While I am Roman Catholic, I am also aware of the Protestant view that the Catholic Church could indeed become the whore of Babylon. On the other hand, we can see that the Catholic Church has been very strong on birth control and abortion, although possibly slipping on some other items. I am not theologically strong enough to know the difference. But we know them by their fruits.

At this moment we can only hope for a new pope. A couple of guys are hoping for a less globalist pope such as the African Cardinal below:

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

The God pill

Quote: (03-30-2019 02:46 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Quote: (03-30-2019 02:41 PM)lex the impaler Wrote:  

However, how will you reconcile the fact that your earlier books are leading men to sin?

Men have to learn how to attract a girl and keep her attracted to him. Talking about "sin" won't keep a Christian girl from dumping your ass because she's bored. Men can't be competent at managing a relationship without extensive experience. I was a nice catholic boy and girls shit all over me and I never understood why lol. Men have to build their value, women do not.

Meekness is absolutely repellent to women, even nice Christian girls.

Men have to compete in many ways, I always found irony in the Church accumulating billions tax-free, then scoffing at men for having strategies to get women & money.

The priest is living tax-free, then judging us for all the hoops we have to go through to attract a mate? fuck that

I have an uncle in Medellin who was preparing to be a pastor in a local church in the early 2000s. Great and intelligent man. He dated a local christian virgin girl for a couple of years and was getting ready to get married and put a ring on it. I can account for his commitment and knowledge of the Gospel.

haha, a couple of months before the marriage, his girl turned out to be pregnant from a local bad boy who was into hip hop and rap. He followed the whole 'no sex out of wedlock', and the 'nice religious guy' and this was how the girl payed to him. Not only the girl but life in general.

He was so disappointed not only with that but with so many shady things in the 'religious community' that he followed the self-improvement path and quit the church. He basically bought a motorbike, let his hair grow out, worked out like a beast in the gym and banged Medellin in the 2000s. He dated with some of the hottest bitches I've seen. 20 years later he is in his 50s, still works out in the gym three times a week, goes out with girls in their late 20s and has a great lifestyle. When I visit him and go out with him he gets eye-fucked while I'm fucking invisible in my late 20s haha, I've got to work out soon!.

He's always been a dad model for me way before this manosphere even existed and the very little game I've always had has come from him.

He still believes in God and is very spiritual in his own way. Doesn't do drugs or alcohol. He is a great human being. His only sin is he hasn't been able to settle down or have children, but always has a new beautiful girlfriend every year. Nobody's perfect I guess.

But this is key for me. DON'T THROW AWAY THE RED PILL. Don't take for granted what that mindset can do for your life. I was an atheist but now I believe in GOD a lot, I feel thankful to him everyday and I've improved my relationships with my family and I'm basically cured of depression. I know for sure though that I have to be a man and act in this world to get what I want. Cheers.

The God pill

How do Christians reconcile that the Bible is a book written by men yet is claimed to be the word of God? How do we know that this book is actually God's words? Further, how do we know God's true meaning in the passages when the language can be interpreted in so many different ways?

I grew up Christian but could never reconcile the above. I always found the interpretation of the Bible to be arbitrary in my studies. I've never "spoken to God". All I know about God is what the Church and Bible have told me.

The God pill

Quote: (03-30-2019 03:28 PM)Gotti Wrote:  

How do Christians reconcile that the Bible is a book written by men yet is claimed to be the word of God? How do we know that this book is actually God's words? Further, how do we know God's true meaning in the passages when the language can be interpreted in so many different ways?

I grew up Christian but could never reconcile the above. I always found the interpretation of the Bible to be arbitrary in my studies. I've never "spoken to God". All I know about God is what the Church and Bible have told me.

If you go see a play, you see actual men saying things onstage as if they were thinking them up on the spot.

How do you reconcile this with the concept of playwright?

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The God pill

Quote: (03-30-2019 03:35 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (03-30-2019 03:28 PM)Gotti Wrote:  

How do Christians reconcile that the Bible is a book written by men yet is claimed to be the word of God? How do we know that this book is actually God's words? Further, how do we know God's true meaning in the passages when the language can be interpreted in so many different ways?

I grew up Christian but could never reconcile the above. I always found the interpretation of the Bible to be arbitrary in my studies. I've never "spoken to God". All I know about God is what the Church and Bible have told me.

If you go see a play, you see actual men saying things onstage as if they were thinking them up on the spot.

How do you reconcile this with the concept of playwright?

I don't get the analogy. The actors could be just improvising and coming up with their own lines. They may not be faithfully representing the writing of the playwright. If they don't represent the playwright, the playwright may indicate that to the audience after the fact. The same is not true of God (in my experience).

The God pill

Quote: (03-30-2019 01:43 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

The internet killed LexisNexis.

Lack of faith I reckon.

The God pill

I first caught this forum, not for game or chasing pussy, (although I did and am grateful for what that's taught me about women) but because they spoke the truth.

Return of Kings knew there was something wrong with the world, that the world wasn't right for creating healthy relationships between men and women.

Back in 2016 I caught a glimpse of the God Pill. Just before the US election I attended church twice.

I saw the traditions, the marriages, the families, and thought that was all good and nice, certainly better than the complete submission of Islam, or the hedonistic homosexual lifestyles.

It no doubt it brought meaning to their lives - but I hadn't put it all together. I was still lost and not ready to receive the love of Christ.

Many major experiences and lessons learned since 2016, of which a few stand out: having a child, committing to the carnivore diet, learning that we are still fighting the invasive Jews for thousands of years...all of this has not only changed my life and outlook on it, but also my perspective on religion: on all the teachings of my Christian upbringing that I had discarded.

My kid is going to be raised in a world being destroyed by (((evil))), and by Christians who have (been led?) strayed from the teachings of Christ. I've only added fuel to this fire because I made the wrong choice in who I had him with and the circumstances - a lesson from God? Him testing me?

I could not build the foundation for a healthy relationship, and feel as though I have failed my son - but in my failure, I must persevere for his sake: Keep building, become a man of Our Father, and teach my son to receive the love of Christ.

Almost 5 years later, I've sought many truths. The ultimate truth is the word of Christ.

I've committed to reading the Bible. I look forward to every Sunday to gather and worship Him.

The God pill

The sun was shining today, I'd just finished chopping up some firewood in my long process of eliminating the trees on my property slowly to avoid the neighbors noticing and having to get a permit, I figured I'd amble on over to Starbucks and write up a nice long post on this thread to disprove the existence of God and settle all this nonsense.

Then I was served by a bearded transvestite and took it as a sign from above to pick my battles.

The God pill

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.
That whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

That is it, nothing else needs to be done, Christianity is the only religion, that calls for faith, every other religion calls for good works.

6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
Isaiah 64:6

Our good works will not earn us a place in Heaven, only Faith in Christ.

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