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Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Roosh wrote an on-point article a couple of weeks back, that brought me back to the forum. Read it if you haven't already read it.


In the Trump forum there's some discussion of the Inversion of Normal Rockwell on display in Time, male to female, christian to muslim, straight to gay, etc, (more examples in the thread):


I've spoken before how the Progressive Left is simply the religion of Reform Judaism, and about the weird inversion of values they push, meaning, anything they take over will eventually set out to offend God and, as I mentioned in the recent missionary thread, they will try to make you believe moral truth is Subjective and open to a personal interpretation of right and wrong, rather than Objective Truth, meaning, God's Natural Law, leading you, predictably, to dysfunction.

Check in on the post if you want to understand that context:


I also wrote a long post back in April, in the Bible Thread, noting the predictable pattern of Satanic Reversal to what they demand you believe - jump to the middle section where I list the pattern in example after example:


Thinking on these patterns, I stumbled across this online yesterday in a discussion of Cultural Marxism, which, for obvious reasons, intrigued me:

[Image: e15aeb2f4fe6b52a76f330f224e27f6356e8bbbd...da684b.png]

Further research into what is known as the Sabbatian Heresy and the related Frankist Movement was enlightening:


The pronouncements of Sabbatai Tsevi (1626–76) gave rise to Sabbatianism, a key messianic movement in Judaism that spread across Jewish communities in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. The movement, which featured a set of theological doctrines in which Jewish Kabbalistic tradition merged with Muslim and later Christian elements, suffered a setback with Tsevi’s conversion to Islam in 1666. Nonetheless, for another hundred and fifty years, Sabbatianism continued to exist as a heretical underground movement. It provoked intense opposition from rabbinic authorities for another century and had a significant impact on central developments of later Judaism, such as the Haskalah, the Reform movement, Hasidism, and the secularization of Jewish society.

Obviously, I figured it wasn't worth reading anything aimed at Gentiles, so went to Jewish Writings on the subject, and, what I read made the insanity of the world made sense, particularly the constant process or erosion and decay of society I have viewed within my lifetime.

Here's a fascinating interview with a Jewish Woman interviewing a Rabbi, where they go into this in great detail, voicing their disgust for the Heresy that these strands of Judaism engage in, which means excommunication, which should nip any charges of Anti-Semitism in the bud.

It's roughly 40 minutes, but as the whole thing unwinds it only gets more and more interesting. There's too much to summarize:

What this means: based on their religion, Reform (and, seemingly, Conservative) Judaism want to destroy all virtuous people upon the earth, intending to bring back their Messiah, meaning, they need to take full social control, so they can then exterminate all segments of the population that don't engage in Sin, or outright Religious Heresy. Note that they don't care what you believe, or how you particularly fall, just that you aren't Catholic, and worship the Objective Truth, Jesus Christ.

Does the aims of the subverted institutions make sense now? They will demand you call evil good and good evil. They will prey on the weaknesses of the gentiles, via their appetites, and their tendency to naturally revert to the spiritual sloth of Paganism, particularly by feeding ideas into the imagination, which, traditionally in Theology, is considered where the demonic has its most power to influence your behaviour or induce temptations in you. Note the Millennial obsession with Fantasy worlds, and their obsession with the ironic, the trivial, and the trite - signs of lacking a Divine Spirit. They will work to punish and erase Catholicism - see the widespread deaths of Catholics after the Russian Revolution, and note most of the Immigrant Catholics I know fled their countries due to America working with Israel to Islamify their countries - which is why I've been annoyed that everyone seems ultra-skeptical of anything the media says, except when it comes to what is happening in the Catholic Church, when it's suddenly taken at face value, and doesn't match what is there when you research into it.

Remember the warnings of Jesus in the Bible: of people who use a false name for what they are, and who they actually belong to. Which matches the Objective Truth you see around you?

Don't hate them, they're actually a tool for your own personal sanctification, if you resist every attempt to choose a Subjective Truth. Your protections are obeying the Natural Law, so my advice would be to examine everything you think you morally-believe, and figure out where the source of that original decision came from. If it comes from the Controlled Institutions, it's poison.

And of course, they're after your kids. They say Gays are the best parents and Draq Queens are good babysitters. Even look at a Christian Story like 'The Snow Queen', where it's originally faith in Jesus that defeats the monster. What happens when its filtered through (((Disney)))? Jesus is erased, the Monster becomes the Heroine, and her signature song is a call to take pride in throwing away moral shame when judged by traditional standards of Objective Truth.

Anything they produce will be poison to the soul. You wouldn't leave your child in the hands of a known child molester, would you? So why trust them to entertain your child? Why trust the same groups to educate your child?

For some reason, things are only ramping up since Trump's election, and they're getting even more brazen about calling Evil Good. Despite what those on the Right say, I'm not sensing any fear at all from them, just an increased sense of righteousness, and Trump seems unwilling to engage them on the social / moral level where it actually matters, most likely because the goals of Satanism (disobey God) and Luciferianism (be God) aren't all that different, it's just about who holds the power.

I mentioned to some members privately back at the start of the year that I'd gotten the sense that 2018 was about donning the Armour of God. One thing I can vouch for, is that it helps you see Objective Truth more clearly, especially with regards to the excuses you make for you own behaviour.

Very, very interesting times.

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

The Bosch is back !

[Image: DftU7fO.gif]

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Delete. I need to better articulate what I wrote. Nice piece by Roosh though. Should be read widely.

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Quote: (11-26-2018 10:08 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

For some reason, things are only ramping up since Trump's election, and they're getting even more brazen about calling Evil Good. Despite what those on the Right say, I'm not sensing any fear at all from them, just an increased sense of righteousness, and Trump seems unwilling to engage them on the social / moral level where it actually matters, most likely because the goals of Satanism (disobey God) and Luciferianism (be God) aren't all that different, it's just about who holds the power.

This is one of my biggest disappointments with Trump.
Apart from his twitter rants, Trump has shyed away from full on open spiritual warfare with the synagogue of satan.

Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of satan.

Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie;

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

I was just digging into 'Spiritual Theology' by Jordan Aumann, a book I've heard recommended by a Catholic Exorcist, as I was interested in understanding the Divine and Demonic Spirits, so as to better identify with them.

One of the signs of the Demonic Spirit made me laugh:

Scrupulous adherence to the letter of the law and fanatical zeal in promoting a cause.

... which pretty much explains every woman in Human Resources.

Do you wonder why the Left never rest? I'd suggest they're incapable of it, because they're diabolically-obsessed. This would involved a particular fixed idea captivating them that involves all of the energy of the soul. Utopia. Feminism. Equality. Blah blah blah. Ignore the failures! It's entirely-possible! It just hasn't been done right!

This is why I think the majority of the Right are incapable of really fighting them on a societal level, because they're not obsessed, and spread their energy around.

A fat feminist like, say, Lindy West is spiritually-consumed with the act of being a fat feminist, meaning, everything she does would have to be filtered through her lens of fat feminism. Whereas, I've got many friends who have no idea I was ever, say a Musician, or a very Good cook, and I wouldn't demand the world conform to my musical desires or cooking standards.

I can't see anything in Aumann so far, but I'd suspect from experience that the Divine Spirit promotes a still complexity, and the Diabolic promotes a furious simplicity. This would probably match what I've observed as I've gotten more involved with the Religious Class on a frequent basis: Liberal Women are so interchangeable as to be dull and predictable in their conversation and behaviour, whereas the Nuns I'm constantly-interacting now with are incredibly-enigmatic, all knowing smiles and quietly-offering up hidden depths when they do speak.


Back to the topic at hand: if the Imagination is a doorway to Demonic Temptation - and I'd suggest for the majority of people, when they're presented with Fantasy Images they're then mistaken for Remembered Experiences of Reality, meaning they'd expect reality to therefore confirm to fantasy - then I'd expect the first Generation that grew up under the influence of (((television))) to have been somewhat obsessed with it, and drastically abandoned traditional morality and conform to the religious beliefs of Sabbatian-Frankism seeded within.

Of course, it'd be the Boomers. Viewed through this lens, there's a lot of interesting conclusions happening between the lines of this article.


I listened to an interesting talk by an Exorcist a few weeks back, who suggested that Civilizations follow the same predictable pattern of destruction, as they progressively-fall prey to what is known as The Table, the five demons under Lucifer. The first goal is to promote sexual promiscuity, and each demon is given reign as each marker falls: one for the satanic sacrament of abortion, male homosexuality, female homosexuality / feminism, etc. One of the Feminist websites is, unsurprisingly, named after one of them.

Think about what came after 'Free Love'.

According to a study from early 2018, the Average Boomer watches 47.2 hours per week. I find this unbelievable. That's 6.7 hours per day. I think I've watched maybe five hours of television in all of 2018, and only 'cause I was laid up, sick.

These would be people who have no idea what reality, ie Objective Truth is, because they've spent their life consuming so much fantasy.

Do you now understand why the battle is raging so hard over the video game industry? This generation has to be turned away from TV, so must be programmed to conform to Reform Judaism and accept related heresies against God. Since women are especially-prone to spiritual weakness, it makes sense this 'geek girl' programming has seemingly come out of nowhere: they need their soldiers to satanically-reverse the culture.

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Quote: (11-27-2018 12:07 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Since women are especially-prone to spiritual weakness, it makes sense this 'geek girl' programming has seemingly come out of nowhere: they need their soldiers to satanically-reverse the culture.

"Geek girls" (and girls who play video games and are into other masculine activities and also have male style sex drives) are very often victim of asperger syndrome, which falls under the autism spectrum disorders.

These girls have been bred & programmed through various methods (such as baby vaccines) to be better slaves to the evil cause than any of the previous female generations.

Asperger syndrome in girls is tough to spot unless you know what symptoms and behaviours to look for.
I believe it's a LOT more widespread in females today aged 0 to 30 than we are really aware of.

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Mind kinda blown. Your analysis is thorough and you’ve definitely made some thought-provoking connections. Watching TV is literally consenting to being brainwashed

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

I see corporate rule as the basis of most of these social ills. We now live in a time where we're ruled by big global corporations more than ever in history. They call the shots when it comes to day-to-day morality through their company policies and public pronouncements.

(Most) people don't think to question this because unlike the churches, they dress their preaching up in clever slogans using "hip" writers or attractive actors and actresses they employ.


Yes, there were always corporations. But within the last 20 years they've become massive due to a variety of factors, such as our reliance on technology, company mergers, and the "international" class of rich folks who pledge allegiance to no country but themselves and sit on all their boards of directors.

There is a line in a Bruce Springsteen song that goes: "Poor man wanna be rich/rich man wanna be king/ and a king ain't satisfied till he rules everything."

I think this is what's happening. Having money and power isn't enough for the various self-appointed "kings." They want control.


This is where morality comes in. They already control the banks and most of what we buy. The one thing they don't control is the places of worship. Religion is subversive to these oligarchs. Its teachings run counter to their orthodoxy: Marry, be humble, don't waste. How are you gonna grow obedient little consumers from that?

The problem is, we're in uncharted territory. It was simpler when the enemy was The King or The Moral Majority or The Commies or whomever.

But the enemy now is sort of amorphous. It's behind the banks in which we deposit our money. It's in the tech companies whose products we use. It's buying the favors of our politicians.

It's also behind the media people consume and get their "facts" and concepts about life from. Example: Conservative Web sites complain about Cosmo, but they don't think to step back and look at the bigger picture. Who is behind Cosmo?

Cosmo is owned by Hearst Communications, which owns scads of newspapers, magazines, radio stations, Web sites, and syndicates.

So, that article that encourages teenage girls to have anal sex isn't coming from a writer per se. The writer is the tool being used by a MASSIVE organization that has a board of directors of international billionaires.

Here is a list of Hearst-owned assets. I count almost 50 in media alone. By the way, this includes ESPN and Viceland. So if you're wondering "Hm, why has ESPN gone SJW? It's because it's a sister company to Cosmo and Viceland!"

And this is just one conglomerate. I was going to get into record companies and tech companies, but what is the point? I think everyone can see the larger picture by now.

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Quote: (11-26-2018 11:04 PM)Caduceus Wrote:  

This is one of my biggest disappointments with Trump.
Apart from his twitter rants, Trump has shyed away from full on open spiritual warfare with the synagogue of satan.

This x1000

Dreams are like horses; they run wild on the earth. Catch one and ride it. Throw a leg over and ride it for all its worth.
Psalm 25:7

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Quote:Isaiah 5:20 Wrote:

What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.

The inversion agenda is ancient. It was far advanced in the Kingdom of Judea, which had allowed usury to oppress the poor, just before its final collapse and the captivity of its best in Babylon.

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Regarding the "Inversion Agenda", Roosh talked about it in his recent Roosh Hour and mentioned it a few times.
(Scroll to 37:29, 1:02:24, 1:17:16, 1:17:40, 1:23:39, 1:25:24, 1:25:39, 1:25:54, 1:36:17, 2:03:14, 2:21:53, 2:22:36, 2:22:39 & 2:23:59)

Quote: (11-27-2018 01:39 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

Quote:Isaiah 5:20 Wrote:

What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.

The inversion agenda is ancient. It was far advanced in the Kingdom of Judea, which had allowed usury to oppress the poor, just before its final collapse and the captivity of its best in Babylon.

I've read through the Bible & the Book of Jasher in order to increase my awareness of all of this degeneracy around the world. After detailed reading through both of the books, there really is "nothing new under the sun" as this has likely happened to every civilisation throughout the entirety of human history.

These passages address this in one way or another. In order to understand these passages, one needs the ability to "rightly divide the word of truth" & learn "here a little, there a little".
Quote:The Bible Wrote:

The information age is very interesting. Here's a passage from Daniel 12:4 (KJV) that likely describes this current era:
"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."
"And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days." #198

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

I’ve noticed that during the collapse of men’s attendance at the mainline churches (apparently there will be NO men at British churches by 2030), that online groups of men are forming and they’re referring to the extra-Biblical books such as the books of Jasher and Enoch.

Yes there’s nothing new under the sun and when I reread the passages of child sacrifice in the ancient world, I can’t help seeing the hypergamy behind it (less family expenses and more social advancement after pleasing the gods).

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

The more and more I think about the world the more it becomes clear to me that Judaism is worshipping the Demiurge.

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

In my opinion, the most critical thing to realize is that it is all made up fantasy. If you wallow in it, you may become seduced. There is no inherent power or magic in their deluded words. There is nothing to learn by studying it.

Dutch Christian businessman Johan Huibers built a life sized version of Noah's Ark which he plans to sail to Israel.

[Image: attachment.jpg40746]   


How much valuable time have Europeans wasted pondering Jewish fantasies. The above is an example of Christian masturbation. These are the useless activities Europeans with resources are doing while their world turns into darkness. Ask yourself: Does this fantasy serve us?

I propose that we form our own constructs which come from us and give us the strength to do real battle with their darkness. It was the rediscovered Greeks that propelled us to greatness in the Renaissance.

Jewish Fantasy: Xanity, Psychotherapy, Feminism, LGBT, Movies, Neocons, Fake News

European Fantasy: Greek philosophy, Renaissance, Science

The way out. Stop consuming their junk.

Rico... Sauve....

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Quote: (11-26-2018 11:04 PM)Caduceus Wrote:  

Quote: (11-26-2018 10:08 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

For some reason, things are only ramping up since Trump's election, and they're getting even more brazen about calling Evil Good. Despite what those on the Right say, I'm not sensing any fear at all from them, just an increased sense of righteousness, and Trump seems unwilling to engage them on the social / moral level where it actually matters, most likely because the goals of Satanism (disobey God) and Luciferianism (be God) aren't all that different, it's just about who holds the power.

This is one of my biggest disappointments with Trump.
Apart from his twitter rants, Trump has shyed away from full on open spiritual warfare with the synagogue of satan.

Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of satan.

Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie;

Disappointed, but not surprised.

[Image: 2FD9465400000578-3390812-image-a-51_1452283969158.jpg]

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Quote: (11-27-2018 11:50 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

Disappointed, but not surprised.

[Image: 2FD9465400000578-3390812-image-a-51_1452283969158.jpg]

I've picked up a book on this subject, '1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance' by Robert Sepehr:

[Image: 51I%2BkGHF3JL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-st..._OU01_.jpg]

Judging from the blurb...


Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world's Jewish population during the 17th century.

Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai's adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.

After Sabbati Zevi's death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on his leadership, and his claim to be the reincarnation of the Messiah Sabbatai Zevi. He, like Zevi, would perform "strange acts" that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, and promoting orgies and sexual immorality. He often slept with his followers, as well as his own daughter, while preaching a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professor Gershom Scholem called Jacob Frank, "one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history".

Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world's religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order.

Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world's media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Still considered nothing more than theory to many, more and more people wake up each day to the possibility that this is not just a theory, but a terrifying Satanic conspiracy.

...The Sabbatean-Frankists work with the Freemasons, which would mean the election, his would be populist revolution, the 'deep state' and 'globalist' handwringing, and Trump's '4D Chess Battle' where no-one is actually taken off the board of play is all a performance for the masses.

It matches my suspicion that it feels like Trump isn't really serious about fighting the left, and, particularly, protecting anyone on the Right.

Then again, I could never convince anyone on the Forum that Trump was a Freemason to begin with.

[Image: 2E1DAACB00000578-3303819-image-a-6_1446735033179.jpg]

[Image: the-constitutions-of-the-freemasons-by-d...n-1723.jpg]

There's a lot more signalling, but, I'm not interesting into getting deeply into him, but this interview on the Jews is also very interesting, and explains why they think Debauchery is Theology:

"Blessed be he who permits the forbidden".

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Great article by Roosh, hopefully a follow up on how to combat this (d-)evolution!

Quote: (11-28-2018 12:52 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Then again, I could never convince anyone on the Forum that Trump was a Freemason to begin with.

[Image: 2E1DAACB00000578-3303819-image-a-6_1446735033179.jpg]

so that picture proves...? what exactly? that he eats candy and blows his nose in tissues?

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

^The painting on the ceiling and columns are from the cover of Freemason's Constitution.

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

This is a great thread but one question that keeps flashing in my mind is how does game, pickup and some PUA's insistence on continuous pump 'n dump tie into all of this?

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Quote: (11-28-2018 01:54 AM)speculator Wrote:  

^The painting on the ceiling and columns are from the cover of Freemason's Constitution.

aha I was distracted by the arrows, fair enough!

but to be fair that's just the sun god Helios... Not saying Trump is not a freemason or he is... Just stating he probably has a Sun King complex like Louis XIV

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Quote: (11-28-2018 01:41 AM)Meliorare93 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-28-2018 12:52 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Then again, I could never convince anyone on the Forum that Trump was a Freemason to begin with.

[Image: 2E1DAACB00000578-3303819-image-a-6_1446735033179.jpg]

so that picture proves...? what exactly? that he eats candy and blows his nose in tissues?

The use of paired columns is a sign of Freemason architecture. I was having a conversation with another man 'in the know' last week about our Cathedral, and it's modernisation during the late 60's: each side of the altar has paired Corinthian Columns - what you see in the Trump pic. They represent Hiram Abif, and are a symbol of beauty, and denote Trump as a Junior Warden, meaning, there are at least two levels of Masons above him.

On what was the old High Altar in the Cathedral, they added Fleur De Lis - a Freemason symbol - wallpaper behind the statues of Jesus and Mary. Now, when you enter either door of the Church, you cross a checkerboard floor - another Freemason symbol.

Note the mural of the Sun God on both Trump's roof and the Freemason Booklet. Note that Louis XIV was also considered a Freemason, and they, as a group, were behind the French Revolution.

Trump's Penthouse starts on the 66th Floor, and the tower itself is a reported 664 feet high. I wonder if that's accurate. Note Kushner's 666 property.

You can read further. All the symbolism matches up with what I've read in other sources.


This is why I've said you can't trust anything he says and shouldn't follow this man for a good 18 months now.

Anyway, here's another interesting interview:

Probably not much more to say on this, really. Note the choice between Zionism and Socialism that was to be offered by Churchhill, which mirrors what is going on now with Trump. There's nothing we can do really, except wait for events to play out. I'd suggest learning to suffer - to bear your crosses with patience, and to get right with God, because this can't end well, particularly when half of the country thinks reality is what they decide it is, and can't recognise facts, logic and evidence.

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Interesting thesis AnonymousBosch and thx for elaborating... I don't have enough knowledge about these matters to form an opinion but I do would like to inquire about this:

Quote: (11-28-2018 05:13 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

[quote='Meliorare93' pid='1894322' dateline='1543387318']
[quote='AnonymousBosch' pid='1894305' dateline='1543384323']
Note the mural of the Sun God on both Trump's roof and the Freemason Booklet. Note that Louis XIV was also considered a Freemason, and they, as a group, were behind the French Revolution.

Louis XIV was already dead when the French Revolution started so perhaps there was no idea yet within French Freemasonry to start the Revolution. But if there already was why would Louis XIV cooperate with something that would be the end of the power of his house?

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Quote: (11-28-2018 05:24 AM)Meliorare93 Wrote:  

Louis XIV was already dead when the French Revolution started so perhaps there was no idea yet within French Freemasonry to start the Revolution. But if there already was why would Louis XIV cooperate with something that would be the end of the power of his house?

Check out these articles:



Freemasonry was popular on both sides of the French Revolution, not just with the monarchy and among the aristocracy. It wasn´t just the Kings and nobles who understood the power of Freemasonry and its plethora of symbols; many of the French common people also understood this power, and were drawn to Freemasonry for the same reasons people today are drawn to it—because by nature they are spiritually attuned; because they know that life was created for bigger and larger ends; because they seek to find out what those ends are; because their questions are not answered by organized religion; and because they march to the beat of a different drum, led by a higher calling.


Note how Trump likes to rouse the lower classes by discussing 'Elites' and 'the Deep State'. I've wondered if we're being 'programmed' to accept a privileged class purge for 18 months now, but, obviously, since everyone is addicted to comfort and no-one wants to suffer any kind of hardship, I can't really see a civil uprising happening, bar some short, intense skirmishes.

So, I don't trust him, and choose to put my faith in God, not man.

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

I don't trust him either, then again I don't trust any politician...

Thx for elaborating again, interesting article especially the two eyes and third eye in Versailles, hopefully I can visit it one day and see it my own two or three eyes [Image: smile.gif]

Roosh's 'Inversion Agenda' & the Satanic Reversal

Quote: (11-28-2018 06:33 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (11-28-2018 05:24 AM)Meliorare93 Wrote:  

Louis XIV was already dead when the French Revolution started so perhaps there was no idea yet within French Freemasonry to start the Revolution. But if there already was why would Louis XIV cooperate with something that would be the end of the power of his house?

Check out these articles:



Freemasonry was popular on both sides of the French Revolution, not just with the monarchy and among the aristocracy. It wasn´t just the Kings and nobles who understood the power of Freemasonry and its plethora of symbols; many of the French common people also understood this power, and were drawn to Freemasonry for the same reasons people today are drawn to it—because by nature they are spiritually attuned; because they know that life was created for bigger and larger ends; because they seek to find out what those ends are; because their questions are not answered by organized religion; and because they march to the beat of a different drum, led by a higher calling.


Note how Trump likes to rouse the lower classes by discussing 'Elites' and 'the Deep State'. I've wondered if we're being 'programmed' to accept a privileged class purge for 18 months now, but, obviously, since everyone is addicted to comfort and no-one wants to suffer any kind of hardship, I can't really see a civil uprising happening, bar some short, intense skirmishes.

So, I don't trust him, and choose to put my faith in God, not man.

How are the lower classes any different from the upper classes these days?

Is this:


...really all that different from living in a gold house? Both of them interrupt my digestion. I couldn't be comfortable in either place. As Common Filth liked to say, Trump is an Alpha Consumer. The difference between a home decorated with cheap movie posters and talking fish, versus his golden palace to Ra, is a difference in degrees not kind.

Both are uncomfortable. Both are disposable. Both are fundamentally anti-life - they don't have the richness and rootedness of a home.

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