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The Jeff Bezos thread

The Jeff Bezos thread

Reporting this hypocrisy seems a good way to get kicked off of YouTube.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-12-2019 10:15 AM)Enoch Wrote:  

If you were worth 130 billion dollars would your sidepiece be a used up middle-aged woman, or would you have a private island filled with models?

Yeah, can we talk about why a billionaire risks destroying his family to bang a 49 year old?

[Image: us57pYE.jpg]

A marriage died for this.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Jeff doesn’t seem very game aware but as mentioned, he would benefit from a subscription to seekingarrangement, this forum and books like game and bang. I mean he just threw away 80 billion dollars for sending thirsty texts to a frumpy 49 year old married girl

The Jeff Bezos thread

Jeff Bezos has spent majority of his waking hours his entire life working to build his triple digit billion dollar empire. Most men who are that dogged in their career or business have an imbalance in their family and friend relationships.

Why do you think most men settle on a tolerably comfortable career, tolerable wife, few kids, and an affordable hobby or two and call it a life after seeing a few kids and maybe grand kids? Because that is the ultimate compromise. There is nothing to hate in a man for trying to achieve a balance and compromise achieving extreme success in either area.

So in a way Bezos divorce was inevitable the way he sacrificed his life for business. Someone like that has few genuine relationships. I'm sure this woman has either truthfully or deceptively gotten herself into the "genuine" box. She probably places few demands on his limited personal time whilst giving him everything he wants. Smart. She's playing it right and dating the richest man sure helps with tingles even if it's not the best sex or the most emotionally fulfilling relationship.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-09-2019 10:38 AM)BaatumMania Wrote:  

Well if she gets half then it would probably be mainly in Amazon stock. Unless somehow she gets a Demigod lawyer who forces Bezos to pay her in cash (which means he would have to crash the price of Amazon stock lol - would be lulzy to see a booming company go stagnate and decline over a sole woman).

If it's in stock then that $65 billion could easily turn into $200 billion in a few years.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-12-2019 11:28 AM)iop890 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-12-2019 10:15 AM)Enoch Wrote:  

If you were worth 130 billion dollars would your sidepiece be a used up middle-aged woman, or would you have a private island filled with models?

Yeah, can we talk about why a billionaire risks destroying his family to bang a 49 year old?

[Image: us57pYE.jpg]

A marriage died for this.

He's the richest man in the world. He has almost certainly banged hundreds of hot supermodels. He can get them any time he wants, any hour of the day. Almost every supermodel except the very tops in the world supplements her income by sleeping with rich men...50K a pop. He has a hundred emails a day from virgin 18-years bluntly offering to fuck him. He has every major unmarried (and many married) movie starlet in the world sending him emails offering to fuck him. There is no human reality now, or any time in the future, in which the richest man in the world has a lack of easy pussy. Women exchange pussy for power and always seek the most powerful man. He doesn't even have to pay, but he does just to get them to go away afterwards.

He is so far beyond our comprehension, financially, morally, and mentally, that he might as well be an alien.

Remember also that none of us in this site can spend a Billion dollars intelligently, even if we worked hard at it. Anything over 100 million dollars is essentially just funny money. You can't spend it and it's actually a giant pain in the ass to deal with...massive amounts of boring meetings with ass-kissing accountants droning about money. He and his wife could live like kings on the interest their earn in a week. It's not even "their money" in their minds, they consider it to be a burden that they've been handed, like being the guy who has to protect the village gold supply.

He's banging the 49 year old because she's exciting in some strange way. Maybe she has a leather suit and a whip. in fact that's the most likely; a guy as powerful as him almost certainly craves being dominated. He's probably been doing heavy Domme sessions for decades as his stress relief. His staff and executive assistants know about it, just like all the silicon valley billionaire's staff know about their sexual adventures. His wifey at home won't do it and he likely wants to keep it separate from the family anyway. Most likely she's known about it for years but she's ignored it because she understands it's a stress relief. Maybe they've even talked about it quietly in the late night, and he promised there would be no sex, and she finally gave in and stopped complaining.

Then one day she finds out it's turned into an affair and it hits the press. Very hard for any wife to endure such humiliation. Remember women could care less what their husbands say, all that matters is what their friends say. Public humiliation to a wife is akin to death.

The Jeff Bezos thread

What I always appreciate about this site is the diversity of opinions.

I fall somewhere between Beast1 and Mr. Lemon.

I watched my mother go through two divorces and it was rather soul-crushing in hindsight. Back then I never let on how much it really hurt. I know it nearly ruined my brothers. My youngest brother became a total shut-in and my middle brother became a bit of delinquent. They both got over it and they're doing well, but it really did hurt them a ton and it was obvious. I'm not saying it was %100 because dad wasn't around, but it certainly did contribute to some suboptimal outcomes for them.

On the other hand, my mom did need to get away. I won't go into details but he was abusive and no one should go through that. I glad she didn't let it go on for years and years. I can't speak for what Bezos did or didn't do, but there are always layers to this shit. I rarely meet someone in the midst of a divorce (male or female) who is totally innocent.

I am a fan of bros before hoes, but is Bezos really our bro? You guys have threads where you brainstorm ways to boycott his media empire. I'm not too sure why guys care too much about if he loses half his fortune. In fact, him losing half his fortune WILL directly impact the moves he can make into the future.

We might just be seeing the end of Bezos glorious United States of Amazon--and is that necessarily a bad thing?

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-12-2019 11:28 AM)iop890 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-12-2019 10:15 AM)Enoch Wrote:  

If you were worth 130 billion dollars would your sidepiece be a used up middle-aged woman, or would you have a private island filled with models?

Yeah, can we talk about why a billionaire risks destroying his family to bang a 49 year old?

[Image: us57pYE.jpg]

A marriage died for this.

Yeah she's definitely past her prime @ 49... and yeah she's not Hot! However just by looking at her... she's the type of woman that can make you tap into something deeply carnal... which can then make you loose your mind... except if you're a seasoned player that realizes that you're loosing it & slap yourself back into form!

For those of us who watch a lot of porn... we all have that 1 Pornstar who's not Hot...that we might not even fuck in real life... yet we somehow have a folder of her clips in the Fap bank... Well she was that to Bezos! She made him tap into something which made him feel like a Bo$$... which I can't even image how intoxicating this would be since he can already buy whatever the hell he pleases for the rest of his life! Him cheating was wrong... but just seeing her I can feel how & why he went down this path!

The Jeff Bezos thread

Man currently going through pictures of Bezos' wife... and while she's not hot... there's a certain elegance & grace to Her! Bezos' money helped I'm sure... but still she had the discipline to maximize her silhouette to still look fantastic at her age! I'm Quite impressed!

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-13-2019 01:48 AM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

Man currently going through pictures of Bezos' wife... and while she's not hot... there's a certain elegance & grace to Her! Bezos' money helped I'm sure... but still she had the discipline to maximize her silhouette to still look fantastic at her age! I'm Quite impressed!

Do I hear a plan being created here? Perhaps some billionairesss-swooping in mind?

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-13-2019 01:22 AM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

Yeah she's definitely past her prime @ 49... and yeah she's not Hot! However just by looking at her... she's the type of woman that can make you tap into something deeply carnal... which can then make you loose your mind... except if you're a seasoned player that realizes that you're loosing it & slap yourself back into form!

Past her prime, maybe. But the guys on this forum acting like she's not hot, or easily capable of seducing someone like Bezos, are deluded, and ignorant of history. If someone here is banging a girl right now with a better body than Sanchez's, feel free to prove it:

[Image: Lauren+Sanchez+Showing+Off+Bikini+Body+C...U2EYVx.jpg]

She is really fucking hot. If this woman worked in your office, I guarantee you'd have obsessive, masturbatory fantasies about the hard bodied latina milf a few cubicles down. No question.

She also has sexy and exciting hobbies. Did you know she's a helicopter pilot? This is on top of hanging out with the power elite of Hollywood and keeping her perfect body with a gym routine.

But these things pale compared to her life experience. Not all women spend their lives the typical way, getting banged by a couple chads, then gaining weight and spitting out babies for a beta male, drowning their sorrows in ice cream and reality TV.

Ms. Sanchez is clearly quite special. She's a learner, and her story is reminiscent of one of the most famous seductresses in history (I originally read about Diane de Poitiers in the excellent "Art of Seduction" by Robert Greene):

"Diane de Poitiers (3 September 1499 – 25 April 1566) was a French noblewoman and a prominent courtier at the courts of King Francis I of France and his son, Henry II. She became notorious as King Henry's chief mistress and in this role she wielded much influence and power at the French Court, which continued until Henry was mortally wounded in a tournament accident. It was during that tournament that his lance wore her favour (ribbon) rather than his wife's."

Sound familiar? Diane was much older than the King of France, who could have had as many hot 18 year old French virgins as he wanted. Instead he spent his entire life obsessed with the older Diane, who completely mesmerized him with the lost art of feminine charisma.

Lauren Sanchez has spent her life ascending into the absolute top tier of society, mostly by leveraging her looks and relationships with high status men. She is probably more red pilled than any of us will ever be. She knows what powerful men want and need from a mistress, and how to seduce their minds, which is infinitely more powerful than seducing their bodies. Bezos can buy unlimited supermodels to act as glorified masturbation aids. But an ultra charismatic latina MILF seductress who understands him perfectly? Priceless.

If you don't believe me, look at Bezos' text messages to her. The world's richest and most powerful man, reduced to a giddy teenager! I, for one, tip my hat to Mrs. Sanchez. If she isn't a player, who is?

The Jeff Bezos thread

[Image: image.png]


The Jeff Bezos thread

MrLemon, I think you're a good man with very good insights and have good intentions but you've just been consistently wrong on this thread due to your hatred for women. When everyone is telling you the same thing maybe you should step back and reflect on what people are saying instead of automatically attacking everyone, it doesn't look good.

Quote: (01-12-2019 02:01 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

He's the richest man in the world. He has almost certainly banged hundreds of hot supermodels. He can get them any time he wants, any hour of the day. Almost every supermodel except the very tops in the world supplements her income by sleeping with rich men...50K a pop. He has a hundred emails a day from virgin 18-years bluntly offering to fuck him. He has every major unmarried (and many married) movie starlet in the world sending him emails offering to fuck him. There is no human reality now, or any time in the future, in which the richest man in the world has a lack of easy pussy. Women exchange pussy for power and always seek the most powerful man. He doesn't even have to pay, but he does just to get them to go away afterwards.

He is so far beyond our comprehension, financially, morally, and mentally, that he might as well be an alien.

Remember also that none of us in this site can spend a Billion dollars intelligently, even if we worked hard at it. Anything over 100 million dollars is essentially just funny money. You can't spend it and it's actually a giant pain in the ass to deal with...massive amounts of boring meetings with ass-kissing accountants droning about money. He and his wife could live like kings on the interest their earn in a week. It's not even "their money" in their minds, they consider it to be a burden that they've been handed, like being the guy who has to protect the village gold supply.

He's banging the 49 year old because she's exciting in some strange way. Maybe she has a leather suit and a whip. in fact that's the most likely; a guy as powerful as him almost certainly craves being dominated. He's probably been doing heavy Domme sessions for decades as his stress relief. His staff and executive assistants know about it, just like all the silicon valley billionaire's staff know about their sexual adventures. His wifey at home won't do it and he likely wants to keep it separate from the family anyway. Most likely she's known about it for years but she's ignored it because she understands it's a stress relief. Maybe they've even talked about it quietly in the late night, and he promised there would be no sex, and she finally gave in and stopped complaining.

Then one day she finds out it's turned into an affair and it hits the press. Very hard for any wife to endure such humiliation. Remember women could care less what their husbands say, all that matters is what their friends say. Public humiliation to a wife is akin to death.

You're just completely wrong on this again, no man that is banging hundreds of hot supermodels and 18 year old virgins is writing those child like texts to a used up, ultra plasticized woman. He most likely is NOT banging supermodels and virgins by the hundreds like you claim, quoting Robert High Hawk, "The man texts like a bitch teenage boy who is stalking some chick who once kissed him". He just strikes me as those nerds that got happened to get rich but still carry with them that loser nerd mentality regarding women.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-13-2019 11:49 AM)Teutatis Wrote:  

You're just completely wrong on this again, no man that is banging hundreds of hot supermodels and 18 year old virgins is writing those child like texts to a used up, ultra plasticized woman. He most likely is NOT banging supermodels and virgins by the hundreds like you claim, quoting Robert High Hawk, "The man texts like a bitch teenage boy who is stalking some chick who once kissed him". He just strikes me as those nerds that got happened to get rich but still carry with them that loser nerd mentality regarding women.

Blind Items Revealed #5
December 3, 2018

This A+ list mostly movie actor said this very very beyond rich man who is also a celebrity kept making it a point to the actor that the rich man had two escorts waiting for him in the car to service the rich man whenever he needed it. Our actor asked why they were not at the party, and the rich man said something to the effect of they know their place and their place is not here.

Brad Pitt/Jeff Bezos

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-13-2019 10:58 AM)jeffreyjerpp Wrote:  

[Image: Lauren+Sanchez+Showing+Off+Bikini+Body+C...U2EYVx.jpg]

She is really fucking hot. If this woman worked in your office, I guarantee you'd have obsessive, masturbatory fantasies about the hard bodied latina milf a few cubicles down. No question.

A couple problems with your theory

1. Men and women don't walk around in bathing suits in public 24/7.
2. Jeff Bezos lives in Medina Washington (the state North of Oregon). And imagine this women moved there to be around him. Check out the weather in Medina: no one is wearing paper thin dresses or bathing suits in that climate (lol).

You know for a 100% fact both Bezos' Wife and Mistress are probably going outside 6 days of the week wearing some trashy American blue jeans and some GAP-style Hoodie. If not winter gear because Medina is dropping to near zero now.

To me my mind is blown that the richest man on Earth wants to live in a 2nd tier city like Bellevue with rainy cold weather. I mean Bill Gates was slightly (undiagnosed) autistic so that could be explained but why would Bezos follow him there? LOL

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-13-2019 10:58 AM)jeffreyjerpp Wrote:  

Past her prime, maybe. But the guys on this forum acting like she's not hot, or easily capable of seducing someone like Bezos, are deluded, and ignorant of history. If someone here is banging a girl right now with a better body than Sanchez's, feel free to prove it:

She is really fucking hot. If this woman worked in your office, I guarantee you'd have obsessive, masturbatory fantasies about the hard bodied latina milf a few cubicles down. No question.

She also has sexy and exciting hobbies. Did you know she's a helicopter pilot? This is on top of hanging out with the power elite of Hollywood and keeping her perfect body with a gym routine.

But these things pale compared to her life experience. Not all women spend their lives the typical way, getting banged by a couple chads, then gaining weight and spitting out babies for a beta male, drowning their sorrows in ice cream and reality TV.

Ms. Sanchez is clearly quite special. She's a learner, and her story is reminiscent of one of the most famous seductresses in history (I originally read about Diane de Poitiers in the excellent "Art of Seduction" by Robert Greene):

"Diane de Poitiers (3 September 1499 – 25 April 1566) was a French noblewoman and a prominent courtier at the courts of King Francis I of France and his son, Henry II. She became notorious as King Henry's chief mistress and in this role she wielded much influence and power at the French Court, which continued until Henry was mortally wounded in a tournament accident. It was during that tournament that his lance wore her favour (ribbon) rather than his wife's."

Sound familiar? Diane was much older than the King of France, who could have had as many hot 18 year old French virgins as he wanted. Instead he spent his entire life obsessed with the older Diane, who completely mesmerized him with the lost art of feminine charisma.

Lauren Sanchez has spent her life ascending into the absolute top tier of society, mostly by leveraging her looks and relationships with high status men. She is probably more red pilled than any of us will ever be. She knows what powerful men want and need from a mistress, and how to seduce their minds, which is infinitely more powerful than seducing their bodies. Bezos can buy unlimited supermodels to act as glorified masturbation aids. But an ultra charismatic latina MILF seductress who understands him perfectly? Priceless.

If you don't believe me, look at Bezos' text messages to her. The world's richest and most powerful man, reduced to a giddy teenager! I, for one, tip my hat to Mrs. Sanchez. If she isn't a player, who is?

You can't be serious. Sure thing, I'd fuck her if she was naked in my bed, but she's not "fucking hot" certainly no where close to being an object of ''obsessive, masturbatory fantasies", and who gives a shit about her hobbies?

The thing is, she's just an old bangable woman with nothing particularly special and the richest man on the planet should do much better. Those texts from him are cringe worthy.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Maybe he has it but Jeff Bezos should setup a secret harem somewhere in the Caribbean where he has to wear a mask the entire time and gets to raw dog Latinas for hours on end. I'm picturing high end reflective stone interior, a gold chalice with viagra / celia stockpiled (or aphrodisiacs made from an extinct animal) and so on. Maybe blondes from Russia and Asians from Korea can be flown in too.

Maybe a Doctor can be employed full time to check his vitals and to prescribe birth control cocktails to the girls.

In real life: such a world we live in where the world's richest men live inferior sexual lives to Medieval Sultans - mainly because the stock market is super conservative. Think of Elon Musk who gets into trouble talking about weed even though it's a herbal plant with medicinal qualities.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-13-2019 11:58 AM)Teutatis Wrote:  

The thing is, she's just an old bangable woman with nothing particularly special and the richest man on the planet should do much better. Those texts from him are cringe worthy.

This reminds me of people who hated Trump complaining that he was unqualified for the Presidency, that he had never held office, that the most powerful country on earth should "do better".

He immediately plowed through all competition and became the leader of the free world. The haters who cannot recognize his game due to spite are blue pilled.

I think you're looking at this woman the same way. She shouldn't be able to have the world's richest man wrapped around her finger...but she does.

There's a lesson in there.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-13-2019 12:02 PM)BaatumMania Wrote:  

Maybe he has it but Jeff Bezos should setup a secret harem somewhere in the Caribbean where he has to wear a mask the entire time and gets to raw dog Latinas for hours on end. I'm picturing high end reflective stone interior, a gold chalice with viagra / celia stockpiled (or aphrodisiacs made from an extinct animal) and so on. Maybe blondes from Russia and Asians from Korea can be flown in too.

You mean, like these guys?

[Image: c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg]

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-13-2019 11:56 AM)BaatumMania Wrote:  

1. Men and women don't walk around in bathing suits in public 24/7.
2. Jeff Bezos lives in Medina Washington (the state North of Oregon). And imagine this women moved there to be around him. Check out the weather in Medina: no one is wearing paper thin dresses or bathing suits in that climate (lol).

You know for a 100% fact both Bezos' Wife and Mistress are probably going outside 6 days of the week wearing some trashy American blue jeans and some GAP-style Hoodie. If not winter gear because Medina is dropping to near zero now.

To me my mind is blown that the richest man on Earth wants to live in a 2nd tier city like Bellevue with rainy cold weather. I mean Bill Gates was slightly (undiagnosed) autistic so that could be explained but why would Bezos follow him there? LOL

I am not sure if this is a troll post or what.

Bellevue is routinely ranked as one the best places to live in the US, and home to many Fortune 500 companies. It is loaded with rich people (for example, Jeff Bezos) and directly next to Seattle.

And I highly doubt Jeff Bezos' wife (now the worlds richest woman) or his mistress are walking around in Gap and hoodies. Even if the mistress is, her body is great, and would look amazing in form fitting clothing.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Had only Bezos hired one of the keyboard jockeys on this forum as a life coach, maybe he could have made something out of himself.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-13-2019 12:03 PM)jeffreyjerpp Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2019 11:58 AM)Teutatis Wrote:  

The thing is, she's just an old bangable woman with nothing particularly special and the richest man on the planet should do much better. Those texts from him are cringe worthy.

This reminds me of people who hated Trump complaining that he was unqualified for the Presidency, that he had never held office, that the most powerful country on earth should "do better".

Haha, you really are out there.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-13-2019 12:08 PM)jeffreyjerpp Wrote:  

Quote: (01-13-2019 11:56 AM)BaatumMania Wrote:  

1. Men and women don't walk around in bathing suits in public 24/7.
2. Jeff Bezos lives in Medina Washington (the state North of Oregon). And imagine this women moved there to be around him. Check out the weather in Medina: no one is wearing paper thin dresses or bathing suits in that climate (lol).

You know for a 100% fact both Bezos' Wife and Mistress are probably going outside 6 days of the week wearing some trashy American blue jeans and some GAP-style Hoodie. If not winter gear because Medina is dropping to near zero now.

To me my mind is blown that the richest man on Earth wants to live in a 2nd tier city like Bellevue with rainy cold weather. I mean Bill Gates was slightly (undiagnosed) autistic so that could be explained but why would Bezos follow him there? LOL

I am not sure if this is a troll post or what.

Bellevue is routinely ranked as one the best places to live in the US, and home to many Fortune 500 companies. It is loaded with rich people (for example, Jeff Bezos) and directly next to Seattle.

Well my thinking is Bellevue to Amazon Head Quarters is probably a 40 minute drive in rush hour. Add in the parking and going up the elevator or whatever it's like a hour for him to get to work.

Why can't he just get his own private island (Washington State has tons of them) and use a helicopter each day? Telecommute?

It's also another option for him to live in Wine Country. Wine country in Washington is very gorgeous and it reminds me a lot of Italy.

Or better yet being the world's richest man why can't relocate the Amazon Head Quarters to somewhere better and more relaxing?

Seems like the world's richest man is powerless, lives in a wet cold rainforest and undersexed.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Some (a lot) of wealthy men really are hardworking and intensely focused on their business. They're not that interested in commissioning a secret viagra recipe from kidnapped Chinese scientists and fucking the world's finest whores. Really. They're geeks, and if they do spread their wings, they find that power and influence is more fun than pleasure.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-13-2019 11:49 AM)Teutatis Wrote:  

MrLemon, I think you're a good man with very good insights and have good intentions but you've just been consistently wrong on this thread due to your hatred for women. When everyone is telling you the same thing maybe you should step back and reflect on what people are saying instead of automatically attacking everyone, it doesn't look good.

Quote: (01-12-2019 02:01 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

He's the richest man in the world. He has almost certainly banged hundreds of hot supermodels. He can get them any time he wants, any hour of the day. Almost every supermodel except the very tops in the world supplements her income by sleeping with rich men...50K a pop. He has a hundred emails a day from virgin 18-years bluntly offering to fuck him. He has every major unmarried (and many married) movie starlet in the world sending him emails offering to fuck him. There is no human reality now, or any time in the future, in which the richest man in the world has a lack of easy pussy. Women exchange pussy for power and always seek the most powerful man. He doesn't even have to pay, but he does just to get them to go away afterwards.

He is so far beyond our comprehension, financially, morally, and mentally, that he might as well be an alien.

Remember also that none of us in this site can spend a Billion dollars intelligently, even if we worked hard at it. Anything over 100 million dollars is essentially just funny money. You can't spend it and it's actually a giant pain in the ass to deal with...massive amounts of boring meetings with ass-kissing accountants droning about money. He and his wife could live like kings on the interest their earn in a week. It's not even "their money" in their minds, they consider it to be a burden that they've been handed, like being the guy who has to protect the village gold supply.

He's banging the 49 year old because she's exciting in some strange way. Maybe she has a leather suit and a whip. in fact that's the most likely; a guy as powerful as him almost certainly craves being dominated. He's probably been doing heavy Domme sessions for decades as his stress relief. His staff and executive assistants know about it, just like all the silicon valley billionaire's staff know about their sexual adventures. His wifey at home won't do it and he likely wants to keep it separate from the family anyway. Most likely she's known about it for years but she's ignored it because she understands it's a stress relief. Maybe they've even talked about it quietly in the late night, and he promised there would be no sex, and she finally gave in and stopped complaining.

Then one day she finds out it's turned into an affair and it hits the press. Very hard for any wife to endure such humiliation. Remember women could care less what their husbands say, all that matters is what their friends say. Public humiliation to a wife is akin to death.

You're just completely wrong on this again, no man that is banging hundreds of hot supermodels and 18 year old virgins is writing those child like texts to a used up, ultra plasticized woman. He most likely is NOT banging supermodels and virgins by the hundreds like you claim, quoting Robert High Hawk, "The man texts like a bitch teenage boy who is stalking some chick who once kissed him". He just strikes me as those nerds that got happened to get rich but still carry with them that loser nerd mentality regarding women.

Teutatis, you are 100% free to disagree with me any time. But you don't know a fucking thing about my attitude towards woman and your personal attacks on me, your constant attempts to turn this into ad-hominem attacks, and Beast's creepy little insults towards my family, are idiotic and personally insulting.

I could absolutely care less what you puny idiots have to say about my "attitude" towards women. I have zero, I mean zero interest in "stepping back and looking at what I've written." You are nothing to me. Nothing. OK? How many of you is even married? And you are giving me advice?

I think you are some kind of seems like you are going back and looking up my old posts and then formulating a weird stalker opinion about who I am and what I should or should not feel towards women. It's creepy.

Quote: (01-11-2019 08:05 PM)Higgs Bosun Wrote:  

The problem with you Mr. Lemon at least as I see it is that you've become embittered by life and are now completely one-dimensional. Every time I see you have made a post I can predict with 95% certainty it's another rant about women and their evil ways.

Here is my "advice" to you: be less of a creepy loser, ok? If you want to post, post. Put less of your time into following me around and giving your personal advice -- which I've made abundantly clear I have zero interest in.

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