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The Jeff Bezos thread

The Jeff Bezos thread

It would appear that they did try to work it out. If you look at the recent photos, and a little bit of body language analysis, you can tell she’s a lot more into him than the other way around. He seems to have checked out, and now we know why. Maybe the trial separation was the attempt to keep the family together, but once details of the Enquirer story came out with the texts and dick pics, the situation became untenable.

Without it, maybe they work some kind of quiet arrangement behind the scenes until all the kids are 18 and then make it official.

I keep seeing posts blaming the wife for all this, and based on the facts that have come out, this is 100% on Bezos.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-11-2019 05:51 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2019 05:45 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Lemon, the point is that you are assigning blame to Mrs Bezos even though you say you don't care who's fault it is. You're saying she's not an adult for letting her husband bang whom ever he wants to on the side, just because he's a powerful man. You're intensely angry at her for divorcing when you should be mad at Jeff for putting the marriage at risk with his stupidity. I mean come on, dick pics? Really? How about the husband of Bezos' paramour? What is your advice to him? Should he suck it up too? Or is it different for him because it's different when men get cheated on. Seems to me you ought to direct all this anger you have at Mr. Amazon but no matter how loudly you want to say it, you're willing to look the other way because "it's just what powerful men do".

So what you are saying is: it's acceptable for her to emotionally mutilate her kids because Jeff cheated on her?

No. But you're saying it's ok for Bezos to emotionally mutilate and humiliate his children by sending dick pics to some other married chick that he was boning. As others have said here, you're some naive guy if you think the kids are going to blame Mrs Bezos for the divorce. They will 100% blame their Dad for their lives being turned upside down. No. Doubt. About it.

Also, I see you conveniently neglected to answer my question about the husband of Bezos' lover. Will you be as angry with him as you are with Mrs. Bezos if he decides to divorce his wife?

Eradicator, I have a couple of friends who routinely cheat on their wives and while I tell them that I wish they would focus more on making their marriage better I also do tell them that whatever they do, just don't get caught. If you get caught, be prepared for it all to blow up in your face. If it blows up, you will have no one to blame but yourself. Problem is that most guys get cocky, thinking they'll never get caught or if they do, they can explain it away. Hence such stupidity as dick pics. I suppose they could always contact Mr. Lemon and he can stroke their pain by saying it's all your wife's fault for divorcing you and that she is a selfish prick for not allowing you to bone other hoes.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-11-2019 06:42 PM)Genghis Khan Wrote:  


This will destroy them and they will never, ever forgive her. She will be lying on her deathbed and the last thing one her children will whisper to her, as she's slipping into the void, is "mom, you fucking ruined my life...I have never forgiven you and I never will, and any children I have will know what you did."

She will say "no, that's not fair" but she'll realize she can't speak. Her kids will be staring at her with anger as her vision fades. She dies burning with regret and shame. Nobody is sympathetic.


This wasn't a woman ruining her marriage and family because of Eat Love Pray.

Jeff cheated.

I have a few friends whose dads cheated on their moms.

It isn't the mom that they're angry at.

It isn't the mom they have a hard time forgiving.

It isn't the mom they have a rough relationship with.


So what you are saying is: it's acceptable for her to emotionally mutilate her kids because Jeff cheated on her?

You're right Lemon. She should stay with Bezos, even though now the entire world knows about him sending dick pics. I'm sure the kids will be emotionally healthy knowing their parents have a sham marriage and when daddy is out of town he's fucking other women. Next time his text messages get leaked to the press, they can all just sit down in the living room and have a good laugh about it like one happy big family. I'm sure the kids' friends won't make fun of them every time Bezos is photographed with Sanchez. It'll be totally emotionally healthy!

Take a step back man. This marriage ended the moment all that stuff got released to the media. You have to be Clinton-level psycho to pretend to your kids you're a loving married couple after that.

Also, kaotic is right. We have no idea what went down in that marriage. As far as we know, SHE might've done everything possible to keep the marriage going, including turning a blind eye. As far as we know, HE on the other hand might've been the one adamant about getting a divorce. Let's not forget Jeff kept texting Sanchez "I love you" in very beta like manner. This wasn't just him getting his nut off, this wasn't a case of powerful men always cheat. No, he seems to have severe oneitis for this girl and might be deadly serious about wanting a divorce and getting officially together with Sanchez.

If he's the one filing for divorce, then he's the evil one and she's off the hook. Fine.

And no, I don't need to take a step back. I've been deeply enmeshed in the details of divorce and it's affect on kids for decades. I'm 100% comfortable in my position and my position is simple.

The problem is you guys. You are all over the map like a bunch of squawking seagulls. Not trying to be offensive, but you guys are essentially arguing for women on this issue. Funny to see.

No, I don't know the details of Bezos, but I'm trying to make a larger point about divorce:

1. 75% of the time, probably more, it's the women who initiate it.
2. They are initiating it not because of "abuse" or any danger whatsoever, but because A) they are bored or B) he cheated. Neither of these are acceptable reasons in any patriarchal society.
3. By divorcing, they are devastating their children for life. Every study EVER ANYWHERE has shown that divorce is utterly devastating to children. Why the fuck would you make the huge sacrifice to bear and raise a child, if you're just going to fuck them over for such a trivial reason?
4. They are emotionally mutiliating their children because they aren't willing to suck it up and deal with it. If you guys want to squabble and troll on this fine, but you get zero budge from me.

Divorce in this country is 100% fucked up and it is 75% women's fault. If you guys don't get that, then what the heck have you been reading on this site? Lol.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-11-2019 07:38 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

No. But you're saying it's ok for Bezos to emotionally mutilate and humiliate his children by sending dick pics to some other married chick that he was boning.

That's absurd. Him sending a dick pic to another women is utterly meaningless to those kids. Zero. Could care less. It gets into public? Ok that's about 5% important to them. They'll forget it in a few days at most.

On the other hand, getting divorced will be 100,000% important them. It will tear their lives apart and will haunt them for life.

Most people seem to have no abiiity whatsoever to understand clearly what those kids are thinking. This of course is exactly why the US divorce system is such a moral and ethical offense to nature. The essence of "no fault" divorce is to turn children into disposable wreckage, whereas in the past, protecting children were the primary point of stable marriage.

You guys have all swallowed the No-Fault-Divorce narrative whole.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-11-2019 07:55 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

Most people seem to have no abiiity whatsoever to understand clearly what those kids are thinking. This of course is exactly why the US divorce system is such a moral and ethical offense to nature. The essence of "no fault" divorce is to turn children into disposable wreckage, whereas in the past, protecting children were the primary point of stable marriage.

You guys have all swallowed the No-Fault-Divorce narrative whole.

As a child of three divorces: just fuck off Lemon.

You're quite literally the mirror opposite of a Jezebeller. Content in your "all women are 100% at fault" even though it's clear as day who the guilty party is.

We get it. Your ex wife/girlfriend took a massive shit in your Cheerios and now all women are sluts who only like money and muscles.

I'll say this one thing: I've met a ton of guys in both in the Northeast and in the UK. The ones who are so clearly hell bent on seeing things this way have absolutely zero success with women. The others who can objectively weigh both parties happen to not only be successful with women, but are pretty well rounded guys too.

But please, do sperg on and back peddle when you are so clearly in the wrong. Who cares about divorce when you clearly can't even get a chick worth marrying!

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-11-2019 07:47 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

The problem is you guys. You are all over the map like a bunch of squawking seagulls. Not trying to be offensive, but you guys are essentially arguing for women on this issue. Funny to see.

The problem with you Mr. Lemon at least as I see it is that you've become embittered by life and are now completely one-dimensional. Every time I see you have made a post I can predict with 95% certainty it's another rant about women and their evil ways. If there is a thread about an earthquake, mine-explosion, or beached whale that you commented on, it's a fairly good bet you've managed to somehow squeeze the word "women" into your post in an unflattering manner.

I mean, western women are utter toxic shit I'll be the first to say it, but there is no need to be a broken record about it let alone try to pin every last bad thing that ever happens on this planet on their perfidy. Most of the bad shit that happens on this gay earth is due to the machinations of men, and women are for the most part just useful idiots dancing to the tune of the male puppetmasters.

Edit: beast beat me to it.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Man, Jeff after seeing these text messages, give me a bil, I'll teach you some text game. Might have saved you 70.

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-11-2019 07:55 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2019 07:38 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

No. But you're saying it's ok for Bezos to emotionally mutilate and humiliate his children by sending dick pics to some other married chick that he was boning.

That's absurd. Him sending a dick pic to another women is utterly meaningless to those kids. Zero. Could care less. It gets into public? Ok that's about 5% important to them. They'll forget it in a few days at most.

On the other hand, getting divorced will be 100,000% important them. It will tear their lives apart and will haunt them for life.

Most people seem to have no abiiity whatsoever to understand clearly what those kids are thinking. This of course is exactly why the US divorce system is such a moral and ethical offense to nature. The essence of "no fault" divorce is to turn children into disposable wreckage, whereas in the past, protecting children were the primary point of stable marriage.

You guys have all swallowed the No-Fault-Divorce narrative whole.

This is comical. You're advocating for fault divorce which I actually agree with. I don't think people should be able to frivolously divorce one another without a good reason. Irreconcilable differences is not one of them. However, adultery is. As such, I have news for you. With fault divorce, in this case with the Bezos', guess who the judge would find at fault? Not the wife who filed for the divorce but the husband who committed adultery. He would have been found at fault, the divorce would be granted and she would likely get more than what she is going to get now in the no-fault divorce system. Filing for divorce does not constitute fault which is what you're saying here.

So any opinion on the other couple? Still awaiting your response on Bezos' destruction of that marriage.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-11-2019 07:47 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2019 06:42 PM)Genghis Khan Wrote:  


This will destroy them and they will never, ever forgive her. She will be lying on her deathbed and the last thing one her children will whisper to her, as she's slipping into the void, is "mom, you fucking ruined my life...I have never forgiven you and I never will, and any children I have will know what you did."

She will say "no, that's not fair" but she'll realize she can't speak. Her kids will be staring at her with anger as her vision fades. She dies burning with regret and shame. Nobody is sympathetic.


This wasn't a woman ruining her marriage and family because of Eat Love Pray.

Jeff cheated.

I have a few friends whose dads cheated on their moms.

It isn't the mom that they're angry at.

It isn't the mom they have a hard time forgiving.

It isn't the mom they have a rough relationship with.


So what you are saying is: it's acceptable for her to emotionally mutilate her kids because Jeff cheated on her?

You're right Lemon. She should stay with Bezos, even though now the entire world knows about him sending dick pics. I'm sure the kids will be emotionally healthy knowing their parents have a sham marriage and when daddy is out of town he's fucking other women. Next time his text messages get leaked to the press, they can all just sit down in the living room and have a good laugh about it like one happy big family. I'm sure the kids' friends won't make fun of them every time Bezos is photographed with Sanchez. It'll be totally emotionally healthy!

Take a step back man. This marriage ended the moment all that stuff got released to the media. You have to be Clinton-level psycho to pretend to your kids you're a loving married couple after that.

Also, kaotic is right. We have no idea what went down in that marriage. As far as we know, SHE might've done everything possible to keep the marriage going, including turning a blind eye. As far as we know, HE on the other hand might've been the one adamant about getting a divorce. Let's not forget Jeff kept texting Sanchez "I love you" in very beta like manner. This wasn't just him getting his nut off, this wasn't a case of powerful men always cheat. No, he seems to have severe oneitis for this girl and might be deadly serious about wanting a divorce and getting officially together with Sanchez.

If he's the one filing for divorce, then he's the evil one and she's off the hook. Fine.

And no, I don't need to take a step back. I've been deeply enmeshed in the details of divorce and it's affect on kids for decades. I'm 100% comfortable in my position and my position is simple.

The problem is you guys. You are all over the map like a bunch of squawking seagulls. Not trying to be offensive, but you guys are essentially arguing for women on this issue. Funny to see.

No, I don't know the details of Bezos, but I'm trying to make a larger point about divorce:

1. 75% of the time, probably more, it's the women who initiate it.
2. They are initiating it not because of "abuse" or any danger whatsoever, but because A) they are bored or B) he cheated. Neither of these are acceptable reasons in any patriarchal society.
3. By divorcing, they are devastating their children for life. Every study EVER ANYWHERE has shown that divorce is utterly devastating to children. Why the fuck would you make the huge sacrifice to bear and raise a child, if you're just going to fuck them over for such a trivial reason?
4. They are emotionally mutiliating their children because they aren't willing to suck it up and deal with it. If you guys want to squabble and troll on this fine, but you get zero budge from me.

Divorce in this country is 100% fucked up and it is 75% women's fault. If you guys don't get that, then what the heck have you been reading on this site? Lol.

This isn't a team sport dude. We're arguing for his wife because all the evidence points to JEFF BEING WRONG. I don't get how it's so hard for you to get. It's like your caught up in being hateful to women to the point that you've actually become the exact opposite of a man hating feminist.

The kids are going to blame the person who destroyed the marriage. JEFF. You seem to not be able to connect this result to the actions of the person who caused it. JEFF. It's really that simple man. Yeah this country divorce is fucked up. However, in this instance the blame lies squarely on the guy who sent a dick pic and has it out there publicly he's fucking another woman not his wife.

The kids are never going to look at him the same. They are firmly going to side with their mom on this 10000000000% GUARANTEED. Frankly, you're being delusional on this issue.

The Jeff Bezos thread

After seeing a fuller picture of this, I can't see how there is a defense for Bezos. To Mr.Lemon's point, not that I agree with the morality of it, but yes high value guys cheat. But at least, if you're Bezos pick some 25-35 year old who is much better looking than your wife, and actually treat her like a side ho. A woman is more likely to understand, and even tolerate that as long as it's not in her face.

Instead, this guy went and got with a woman who is older than his wife, only marginally more attractive, if that, pumped to the gills with plastic, ensuring the demise of her looks will be exponentially quicker than his wife's, and who has a body count that includes ex-NFL players and Hollywood big shots.

And he didn't just send dick pics to her, he sent her poems and love letters:


I want to smell you, I want to breathe you in. I want to hold you tight.… I want to kiss your lips…. I love you. I am in love with you


You make me better. You’re meant for me. I know it more clearly than I’ve ever known anything


I love everything about you. I love that your last pic takes me completely out of my head. I am crazy about you. All of you. I need to smell and touch you. I want to hold you. I know you’re right for me. I know we fit.

As others have said, the richest man in the world could have used Roosh's latest book, instead of banning it. Or any number of posts in the various Text Game threads on the forum. The bottom line though is that Bezos seemingly checked out of his marriage emotionally, committed adultery, and now has humiliated her in public. And mind you, the other woman was his friends' wife! They probably went on vacations together or something. How low is that, from a male friendship perspective? He couldn't find some other broad to step out with?

I don't have any problems with this guy getting done in court, he broke all the rules on multiple levels, assuming what has been published in the press is accurate. There is a bit of irony here though, in that in this era of peak you-go-girl-independent-wahmen-in-STEM-and C-Suite feminism, the richest woman in the world is set to be one who "achieved" it by marrying wisely.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-11-2019 08:04 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2019 07:55 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

Most people seem to have no abiiity whatsoever to understand clearly what those kids are thinking. This of course is exactly why the US divorce system is such a moral and ethical offense to nature. The essence of "no fault" divorce is to turn children into disposable wreckage, whereas in the past, protecting children were the primary point of stable marriage.

You guys have all swallowed the No-Fault-Divorce narrative whole.

As a child of three divorces: just fuck off Lemon.

You're quite literally the mirror opposite of a Jezebeller. Content in your "all women are 100% at fault" even though it's clear as day who the guilty party is.

We get it. Your ex wife/girlfriend took a massive shit in your Cheerios and now all women are sluts who only like money and muscles.

I'll say this one thing: I've met a ton of guys in both in the Northeast and in the UK. The ones who are so clearly hell bent on seeing things this way have absolutely zero success with women. The others who can objectively weigh both parties happen to not only be successful with women, but are pretty well rounded guys too.

But please, do sperg on and back peddle when you are so clearly in the wrong. Who cares about divorce when you clearly can't even get a chick worth marrying!

Hey dumbshit. Happily married. 3 daughters, one of whom is 21 and thinking about getting married. Sorry to see you dishonor yourself with such a stupid post. Don't bother responding again.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-11-2019 09:17 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

Hey dumbshit. Happily married. 3 daughters, one of whom is 21 and thinking about getting married. Sorry to see you dishonor yourself with such a stupid post. Don't bother responding again.

Mhmm, I bet you're married.

And with an attitude like that, this is probably your daughter too: Disappointed Dad Discovers Daughter Displaying Derrière (on PornHub)

The Jeff Bezos thread

A globohomo pushing, Hillary shilling, badthink censoring piece of shit who has more money than God but can't seem to pay his employees a living wage.

Even if the shoe was on the other foot and his wife fucked the tennis instructor and he found out, fuck Jeff Bezos, I hope he has to give her half.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-11-2019 09:05 PM)Dismal Operator Wrote:  

After seeing a fuller picture of this, I can't see how there is a defense for Bezos. To Mr.Lemon's point, not that I agree with the morality of it, but yes high value guys cheat. But at least, if you're Bezos pick some 25-35 year old who is much better looking than your wife, and actually treat her like a side ho. A woman is more likely to understand, and even tolerate that as long as it's not in her face.

Instead, this guy went and got with a woman who is older than his wife, only marginally more attractive, if that, pumped to the gills with plastic, ensuring the demise of her looks will be exponentially quicker than his wife's, and who has a body count that includes ex-NFL players and Hollywood big shots.

And he didn't just send dick pics to her, he sent her poems and love letters:


I want to smell you, I want to breathe you in. I want to hold you tight.… I want to kiss your lips…. I love you. I am in love with you


You make me better. You’re meant for me. I know it more clearly than I’ve ever known anything


I love everything about you. I love that your last pic takes me completely out of my head. I am crazy about you. All of you. I need to smell and touch you. I want to hold you. I know you’re right for me. I know we fit.

As others have said, the richest man in the world could have used Roosh's latest book, instead of banning it. Or any number of posts in the various Text Game threads on the forum. The bottom line though is that Bezos seemingly checked out of his marriage emotionally, committed adultery, and now has humiliated her in public. And mind you, the other woman was his friends' wife! They probably went on vacations together or something. How low is that, from a male friendship perspective? He couldn't find some other broad to step out with?

I don't have any problems with this guy getting done in court, he broke all the rules on multiple levels, assuming what has been published in the press is accurate. There is a bit of irony here though, in that in this era of peak you-go-girl-independent-wahmen-in-STEM-and C-Suite feminism, the richest woman in the world is set to be one who "achieved" it by marrying wisely.

I was just about to post some of those text messages as you did, so thank you for beating me too it.

This is proof positive that Jeff Bezos is no Alpha as many commenters on this thread have claimed. These text messages all but guarantee that Sanchez will very quickly find him to be the pathetic Sperg that he is and either use him resentfully for money or dump his ass spectacularly and then accuse him of rape.

The man texts like a bitch teenage boy who is stalking some chick who once kissed him. I don't know, maybe the feeling is somewhat mutual on her end, but as Dismal Operator pointed out, Sanchez has her first kid from an ex NFL player. The current or most recent husband is a top hollywood agent, ensuring access to THE BEST parties and scene. Jeff Bezos has mad money but zero awareness and game. What kind of person sends dicpics in their 50s? Is Jeff fun to bring to hollywood parties or more of a joke that people laugh at as soon as he leaves. It will be interesting to see this new relationship progress.

Also this basically destroys my likelihood of believing in conspiracy theories. This dude just got pwned by the National Enquirer for God's sake. The richest man in the world. Let that sink in. He was and is a total idiot who happened to have a couple good ideas and lots of cheap money.

Look at this classy move by Bezos:

"A few days earlier, Bezos was staying with MacKenzie and his family at a high-end Boston hotel while visiting the eldest of their four children at college. Sanchez, meanwhile, checked into a different room at the same hotel, the Enquirer claimed.

When his wife left to return to their home in Washington state, Bezos stayed with Sanchez and the pair was spotted together that night, the tabloid reported."


Is that alpha? Or kind of a bitch weasel move?

Also this may be controversial to say here, but this to me is further evidence that TRT and HGH are completely useless if you are a dildo.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-11-2019 10:21 PM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

A globohomo pushing, Hillary shilling, badthink censoring piece of shit who has more money than God but can't seem to pay his employees a living wage.

Even if the shoe was on the other foot and his wife fucked the tennis instructor and he found out, fuck Jeff Bezos, I hope he has to give her half.

Great list. I have one more addition: His destruction of the Washington Post. When he took over, instead of infusing it with funds (as he clearly had the means to do) he cut veteran staff and replaced them with no-nothing upstart "grad student" types.

This is a major reason the paper has turned mindlessly SJW and has lost all sense of balance. The old guys were liberal but fair. The new crowd is liberal and insane.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-12-2019 12:51 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2019 10:21 PM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

A globohomo pushing, Hillary shilling, badthink censoring piece of shit who has more money than God but can't seem to pay his employees a living wage.

Even if the shoe was on the other foot and his wife fucked the tennis instructor and he found out, fuck Jeff Bezos, I hope he has to give her half.

Great list. I have one more addition: His destruction of the Washington Post. When he took over, instead of infusing it with funds (as he clearly had the means to do) he cut veteran staff and replaced them with no-nothing upstart "grad student" types.

This is a major reason the paper has turned mindlessly SJW and has lost all sense of balance. The old guys were liberal but fair. The new crowd is liberal and insane.

I like to compare and contrast him with Bill Gates, a similarly richer than God but gameless chode.

Bill Gates does not treat his employees as if they were serfs (at least not anymore, see Vizcaino v. Microsoft), though he does take advantage of the H1-B visa but being treated like a serf in America is a step up from the average life the average person would have in India (I'm not approving of this, I'm just saying it is what it is).

Amazon's work hours and low wages are well documented.

Bill Gates had all his money, then gave a shit ton of it away and set up the Giving Pledge with Warren Buffet, though whether the Gates Foundation does more good than bad is subjective.

Bezos has given away about $100 million, hey big spender, out (((theming))) (((them))). Jeff Bezos has not made a commitment to the Giving Pledge. Among his donations are a college scholarship fund for undocumented immigrants, possibly spurious green energy firms and best of all, in irony you can see from space, to the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

Bill Gates helped usher in the age of the computer, again, positives and negatives subjective and hard to quantify but overall I'd say positive.

Jeff Bezos founded Amazon, which is an online marketplace that thanks to its market cap means Bezos can undercut his competition at every turn and can put every stubby little finger, toe and probably penis he has into every corner of the market (film and gaming studios, record production, robotics, space exploration etc.,). Being that Amazon is so ubiquitous in almost every corner of the world also gives him control over the medium, meaning if Jeff Bezos doesn't like you, then Jeff Bezos can go after your livelihood, as he did with a certain bearded playa who's name we all know.

Bill Gates isn't squeaky clean, but at least he puts up the pretense of trying to make the world a better place.

Jeff Bezos is a 21st century robber baron (and those texts reveal he has zero game).

Did I say 'Fuck Jeff Bezos and I hope he has to give her half' yet? Because fuck Jeff Bezos and I hope he has to give her half.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Next up:
Bezos gets red pilled after his darling media tosses him under the bus
Reads Game out of sheer desperation and loneliness while on the brink of suicide
Unbans Game from Amazon
Game and Lady become international bestsellers
Wa-Po cleans house and becomes a MAGA periodical

two scoops
two genders
two terms

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-11-2019 08:04 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2019 07:55 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

Most people seem to have no abiiity whatsoever to understand clearly what those kids are thinking. This of course is exactly why the US divorce system is such a moral and ethical offense to nature. The essence of "no fault" divorce is to turn children into disposable wreckage, whereas in the past, protecting children were the primary point of stable marriage.

You guys have all swallowed the No-Fault-Divorce narrative whole.

As a child of three divorces: just fuck off Lemon.

You're quite literally the mirror opposite of a Jezebeller. Content in your "all women are 100% at fault" even though it's clear as day who the guilty party is.

We get it. Your ex wife/girlfriend took a massive shit in your Cheerios and now all women are sluts who only like money and muscles.

I'll say this one thing: I've met a ton of guys in both in the Northeast and in the UK. The ones who are so clearly hell bent on seeing things this way have absolutely zero success with women. The others who can objectively weigh both parties happen to not only be successful with women, but are pretty well rounded guys too.

But please, do sperg on and back peddle when you are so clearly in the wrong. Who cares about divorce when you clearly can't even get a chick worth marrying!

Well said chap. I was reading through, thinking how even Jezebel would be hard pressed to pick fault with the balanced analysis of the situation, when he started going on about how the kids knowing the world knows Daddy sent a dick pick to a married woman wouldn't damage them!

Lemon, I know there's been a few of your posts before that have really resonated with me. What gives?

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety- Benjamin Franklin, as if you didn't know...

The Jeff Bezos thread

I actually think Mr. Bezos is getting divorced because of an (immediate) change in his stock price... He's trying to avoid SEC regulations.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-12-2019 03:43 AM)roberto Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2019 08:04 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-11-2019 07:55 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

Most people seem to have no abiiity whatsoever to understand clearly what those kids are thinking. This of course is exactly why the US divorce system is such a moral and ethical offense to nature. The essence of "no fault" divorce is to turn children into disposable wreckage, whereas in the past, protecting children were the primary point of stable marriage.

You guys have all swallowed the No-Fault-Divorce narrative whole.

As a child of three divorces: just fuck off Lemon.

You're quite literally the mirror opposite of a Jezebeller. Content in your "all women are 100% at fault" even though it's clear as day who the guilty party is.

We get it. Your ex wife/girlfriend took a massive shit in your Cheerios and now all women are sluts who only like money and muscles.

I'll say this one thing: I've met a ton of guys in both in the Northeast and in the UK. The ones who are so clearly hell bent on seeing things this way have absolutely zero success with women. The others who can objectively weigh both parties happen to not only be successful with women, but are pretty well rounded guys too.

But please, do sperg on and back peddle when you are so clearly in the wrong. Who cares about divorce when you clearly can't even get a chick worth marrying!

Well said chap. I was reading through, thinking how even Jezebel would be hard pressed to pick fault with the balanced analysis of the situation, when he started going on about how the kids knowing the world knows Daddy sent a dick pick to a married woman wouldn't damage them!

Lemon, I know there's been a few of your posts before that have really resonated with me. What gives?

Roberto, thanks for asking. I was arguing a point, and instead of arguing the point itself, some guys made it a personal attack on me, followed by a gratuitous personal insult against my daughter. Insulting another man's daughter is A) incredibly stupid, like, will get your brains blown out some day, and B) demonstrates that you are a cocksucking little loser.

Life is far too short to waste on that. Cheers!

The Jeff Bezos thread

People, can we stop the infighting and get back to the subject at hand?

We're now at the point where the topic has moved into a space where we can examine the media coverage. And, as you all might expect, The Propagandists are hard at work spinning.

First and foremost, CNN ran a mindless piece by feminist idiot Peggy Drexler titled "The remarkably amicable-sounding divorce of Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos."

This opinion piece deliberately leaves out the tawdry aspects of this case (which are the whole reason for the divorce, after all), and spins it to normalize divorce as just another aspect of "self care" for adults.

Drexler is a psychologist who penned the anti-father book "Raising Men Without Boys." Rather than question what she wrote, what we should ask ourselves is why CNN chose her -- of all people -- to write an op/ed. I think we know the answer to that.

And in other news, there's the Washington Post's coverage of its owner. They did a story on the divorce but thus far have not reported on his texts or "dick pick." Again, these elements are behind the divorce, so leaving them out is like reporting on a car crash but not what caused the crash.

As far as I can tell, no one outside of this forum has thought to write about the hypocrisy of Bezos, who imposes his "morality" on what titles get sold on Amazon WHILE SENDING PICS OF HIS DICK TO MARRIED WOMEN.

THIS is the story. Not "self care" during a divorce.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-09-2019 11:41 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Quote: (01-09-2019 11:17 AM)BaatumMania Wrote:  

Where can I sign up for the whole cooking / fucking and getting half a billionaire's net worth decades later? #NoHomo #ThisRooshOrJezebel?

Get a time machine, go back and talk to Eddie Murphy circa 1985, he knew what this shit was back then:

Repping you for posting this, everyone should watch it.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Quote: (01-12-2019 03:25 AM)NomadofEU Wrote:  

Next up:
Bezos gets red pilled after his darling media tosses him under the bus
Reads Game out of sheer desperation and loneliness while on the brink of suicide
Unbans Game from Amazon
Game and Lady become international bestsellers
Wa-Po cleans house and becomes a MAGA periodical

Naah that won't happen. Maybe in the future things will change but in Today's world... owning a Media company makes you immune to these things. There is a HUGE reason why billionaires buy up nonprofitable media companies. Even if things will change in the future... for now media companies carry TREMENDOUS CLOUT.

CNN, MSNBC..etc are VERY powerful in delivering propaganda and changing minds of people. Maybe not everyone but enough people to make a difference. Bezos Owns WaPo. No one would ever dare fuck with him. On top of that he's aligned with the mainstream media. So he's on their team, The richest man the world And on top of that he has his own Nuclear bomb to drop on anyone who dares fuck with him (WaPo)... Plus he has to power to remove your Prime membership(No more free two day shipping bitches)...

All these things mean Bezos will get favorable coverage in the mainstream and all of this will be conveniently forgotten quickly. You can already see that he is in control with the whole "Amicable divorce" BS that was pushed out before it came out he was fucking that other woman.

The Jeff Bezos thread

Wasn't his wife with him when he wasn't rich?

The Jeff Bezos thread

If you were worth 130 billion dollars would your sidepiece be a used up middle-aged woman, or would you have a private island filled with models?

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