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Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

I don't know how things are in Europe, but back in my day(I was these kids age about ten years ago so not that long ago) an 'attack' like this would not be considered noteworthy in any way.

By 15/16 every boy I went to school with had been in worse 'fights' than this dozens of times, I'd regularly get into more serious scuffles than this with my friends. I don't want to frighten any euros(or refugees) that may be reading but sometimes there were even punches thrown and marks left, we wouldn't even need video evidence to prove that there'd been a fight. Imagine!

If I were in the administration of this school I'd make sure this kid was suitably punished. I'm thinking a 30 minute detention after school and no dessert for the rest of the week. He'd also be required to pay restitution to the poor refugee of sufficient value to make up for this vicious attack, either £2.50 or maybe a cool drawing if he didn't have any cash on him.

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

A cool drawing. How about a banana, or even a goat?

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Quote: (11-30-2018 12:44 PM)mikado Wrote:  

A cool drawing. How about a banana, or even a goat?

Yeah it can be of anything as long as it's well done.

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Quote: (11-30-2018 12:35 PM)mikado Wrote:  

You cannot even have enough respect for a CHILD that you call him "rapefugee in training ".

Now you are just being naive, most likely that CHILD will be raping girls within the next 10 years.


I hope him and other parents and adulte don't have any qualms about getting money, if people like you two and Tommy Robinson keep pushing this narrative.

Oh they are all taking money, rest assured they have no fear of taking money.

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k


Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Quote: (11-30-2018 12:35 PM)iop890 Wrote:  

I don't know how things are in Europe, but back in my day(I was these kids age about ten years ago so not that long ago) an 'attack' like this would not be considered noteworthy in any way.

By 15/16 every boy I went to school with had been in worse 'fights' than this dozens of times, I'd regularly get into more serious scuffles than this with my friends. I don't want to frighten any euros(or refugees) that may be reading but sometimes there were even punches thrown and marks left, we wouldn't even need video evidence to prove that there'd been a fight. Imagine!

If I were in the administration of this school I'd make sure this kid was suitably punished. I'm thinking a 30 minute detention after school and no dessert for the rest of the week. He'd also be required to pay restitution to the poor refugee of sufficient value to make up for this vicious attack, either £2.50 or maybe a cool drawing if he didn't have any cash on him.

I'm 31 and have no business doing so, but still get in grappling matches with my friends here and there, for fun, that make both boys look like weak little bitches.

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

All part of the Grand Replacement™.

Get stomped into a hospital bed while your non-white attackers shout "die, you fucking kuffar/cracker" then it's just random violence caused by poverty.

Get into a minor scuffle with a non-white over trivia (and don't have the good grace to take a dive) then it's a hatecrime and your life is over.

The first people that have to go are the white cucks. No sense in hating on the diversity. They are mostly incapable of being honest actors in these regards. It's just not in their DNA. Most people fear for the demographics of our nations when the boomers die out, but personally I give less of a shit about democracy than ever before. When the boomers are dead then a proper dialogue can begin, and a fundamental white withdrawal of consent to be lawfully abused will alter the geo-political landscape immensely.

I thusly welcome this kind of stupidity. That 100k+pounds is not coming from middle-aged Starbucks workers. It's coming entirely from ancient boomer degenerates with 6 figure salaries, and it's the dying gasp of their delusional world view. When they die out in sufficient numbers then we can kick off the next great social realignment.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

In the UK, of course. The Brits never miss an opportunity to display the negative results of Germany losing WW2.

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

I have no idea what happened before or after that video, but it looked like a dick move picking on a scrawny kid with a broken arm. I saw worse shit in middle school and high school but the problem is everything is on camera nowadays.

Regardless; if it was a scrawny white kid being bullied by a Muslim, I'd put money down that Mikado would not appear in the thread.

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

All institutes of egalitarianism and fairness have been invented by white men.

Do you honestly think a nation like Saudi Arabia deserves to be on the UN human rights council? Any non-white nation for that matter?

These institutes, for white people, are a vehicle to foster their altruism.

For most others, particularly Arabs and Africans, it's a vehicle to subvert white competitive advantage.

As most of you know, this instance, with many, many others, if roles are reversed, is not an issue. The institutes of fairness are now a vehicle to hide or defend non-white double standards and abuse.

Mikado, as we have all observed, has this psychologically entrenched through black privilege that French institutes now provide. This clear double standard is opaque to him, the default is that in any conflict between white and non-white, then white must be to blame because the virtue of non-white is perpetual innocence, barring individual exception.

As proven, whites invent institutes to foster forums for non-whites to come to the table, non-whites have never come forward with altruistic gestures towards white.

By definition, non-whites are more racist that whites.

The accusation of racism will hit tin ears one day, or maybe even a stance if survival. White South Africans can attest to that. When it does, it ain't going to be pretty

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Quote: (11-30-2018 10:28 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

All part of the Grand Replacement™.

Get stomped into a hospital bed while your non-white attackers shout "die, you fucking kuffar/cracker" then it's just random violence caused by poverty.

Get into a minor scuffle with a non-white over trivia (and don't have the good grace to take a dive) then it's a hatecrime and your life is over.

The first people that have to go are the white cucks. No sense in hating on the diversity. They are mostly incapable of being honest actors in these regards. It's just not in their DNA. Most people fear for the demographics of our nations when the boomers die out, but personally I give less of a shit about democracy than ever before. When the boomers are dead then a proper dialogue can begin, and a fundamental white withdrawal of consent to be lawfully abused will alter the geo-political landscape immensely.

I thusly welcome this kind of stupidity. That 100k+pounds is not coming from middle-aged Starbucks workers. It's coming entirely from ancient boomer degenerates with 6 figure salaries, and it's the dying gasp of their delusional world view. When they die out in sufficient numbers then we can kick off the next great social realignment.

The younger end of the boomers are still only in their late 50s. So we've got several decades of neoliberal magic soil arguments to look forward to and by then the demographics will be too much to turn around I'm afraid. I'm in a nihilistic mood today, though those statistics do ring true.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Don't feel constrained by the current paradigm or let it get you down.

Spain was occupied by muslims for many years and they were still tossed back across the Med. Europe could be purged considerably faster, even by a white minority that found its balls.

No peoples are obligated to suffer perpetual invasion of their lands just because the invaders reach second generation status.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Fellow Christians, this one's on us.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Debeguiled I agree the bully was a prick (no guarantee he's Christian though) picking on a boy with a broken arm. Not only is he not "picking on someone his own size" but someone who straight up can't fight back.

My issue is, this isn't newsworthy, and not a 6 figure of charity worthy crime.

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Quote: (12-01-2018 12:53 PM)godfather dust Wrote:  

Debeguiled I agree the bully was a prick (no guarantee he's Christian though) picking on a boy with a broken arm. Not only is he not "picking on someone his own size" but someone who straight up can't fight back.

My issue is, this isn't newsworthy, and not a 6 figure of charity worthy crime.

I was being sarcastic.

There are a lot of posts on the forum recently in the vein of, "Fellow men, we have to do better blah blah blah."

I agree with you totally. Bully got punished, you don't need a payday.

There are no broader lessons about culture, whiteness, blah.

[Image: Daily-Stormer-Muffugguh-155.jpg]

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

First I was irritated after hearing about the ridiculous gofundme for some kid getting water poured on him, then I realized what an amazing entrepreneurial opportunity this could provide. Just get two teenage boys, one white and one black, and have the white one throw an egg at the black one while you film it on your phone. Let the video go viral and then set up the gofundme and split the money three ways.

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Quote: (12-01-2018 01:38 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

First I was irritated after hearing about the ridiculous gofundme for some kid getting water poured on him, then I realized what an amazing entrepreneurial opportunity this could provide. Just get two teenage boys, one white and one black, and have the white one throw an egg at the black one while you film it on your phone. Let the video go viral and then set up the gofundme and split the money three ways.

Just have the white boy rock a Halloween mask (get an Obama one to make it extra "racist") and call him "John Smith."

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Quote: (12-01-2018 01:49 PM)godfather dust Wrote:  

Quote: (12-01-2018 01:38 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

First I was irritated after hearing about the ridiculous gofundme for some kid getting water poured on him, then I realized what an amazing entrepreneurial opportunity this could provide. Just get two teenage boys, one white and one black, and have the white one throw an egg at the black one while you film it on your phone. Let the video go viral and then set up the gofundme and split the money three ways.

Just have the white boy rock a Halloween mask (get an Obama one to make it extra "racist") and call him "John Smith."

God Damn It! Look what you've done now! This isn't funny!

[Image: 582345871600002e002c960b.jpeg?ops=scalef..._noupscale]

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Quote: (12-01-2018 01:49 PM)godfather dust Wrote:  

Quote: (12-01-2018 01:38 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

First I was irritated after hearing about the ridiculous gofundme for some kid getting water poured on him, then I realized what an amazing entrepreneurial opportunity this could provide. Just get two teenage boys, one white and one black, and have the white one throw an egg at the black one while you film it on your phone. Let the video go viral and then set up the gofundme and split the money three ways.

Just have the white boy rock a Halloween mask (get an Obama one to make it extra "racist") and call him "John Smith."

You pixelize them both out "for their protection", since they're underage. It's sad really, that poor abused Syrian boy made far less on his gofundme than Christine Blaise Ford and he at least actually had something happen to him, trivial as it was.

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Quote: (11-30-2018 07:40 AM)Dark Emperor Wrote:  

No surprise, people on here are quick to believe anything negative when it comes to Muslims and refugees.

Obviously the kids family doesn't deserve over £85k but why all the hate. We are better than that.

Because 99% of the time when there's an incident between a man and a dog, I'm going to assume that it was the dog who bit the man. Guess I must be prejudiced against dogs, then.

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

That's nothing if you think about it, someone set up a gofundme to reunite rapefugees with their kids that got separated at the border and got over 20M overnight. I guess there is nothing stopping anyone from making a gofundme and collecting money for rapefugees, and then using it on something else, like anything else. How can they possibly track where that 20M goes?

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Quote: (12-01-2018 02:48 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

That's nothing if you think about it, someone set up a gofundme to reunite rapefugees with their kids that got separated at the border and got over 20M overnight. I guess there is nothing stopping anyone from making a gofundme and collecting money for rapefugees, and then using it on something else, like anything else. How can they possibly track where that 20M goes?

The Human Fund: Money For People

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Quote: (11-30-2018 12:24 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

As for bias, most of the muslims in Europe are rapists, criminals and terrorists, a handful of them are good, honest and decent people. Does any of that make it ok to give them £85000 for getting pushed to the ground?
The problem isn't with Muslims, Muslims are [almost all] decent people. The problem is how transporting alien groups to a new society creates division, friction and political change via demographics not persuation

If we adopted 2 million ME newborns, the UK would just get a little more tanned, but it'd same culture, more or less. Letting millions in, with no assimilation or brotherhood with the locals would be seen as madness to our ancestors.

Likes denote appreciation, not necessarily agreement |Stay Anonymous Online Datasheet| Unmissable video on Free Speech

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Fake Refugees. Nothing but invaders

Refugee Attacks Girl, Then He gets Choked and the Cucks give Refugee £85k

Quote: (12-01-2018 07:46 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Don't feel constrained by the current paradigm or let it get you down.

Spain was occupied by muslims for many years and they were still tossed back across the Med. Europe could be purged considerably faster, even by a white minority that found its balls.

No peoples are obligated to suffer perpetual invasion of their lands just because the invaders reach second generation status.
Recommend this video series on it:

In addition the reconquest of Spain was in large part enabled by the divisions among the Muslims themselves and the infighting that results.

Hence allowing Spain to play one off against the other and thereby enabling Spain to be reconquered piecemeal over 700 years.

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