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Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

In Dupont Circle around 6:00 there are plenty of men and women after work. Frequently musicians will play for small crowds. The distribution of women is average, but not dressed up in heels, with make-up, etc.

A few hours later, bars crowds are mostly male, with few attractive women. But then going home on the Metro, there is again an average distribution.

Conclusion: D.C. bars suck. But that doesn't mean D.C. sucks. Women do not go out alone. For reasons of safety, convenience, and expense, they don't like going out to bars at night. Attractive ones will have invitations to private parties instead.

Some will go to happy hours for cheap drinks. They will join their friends from pink collar jobs and drink after work. It is no surprise Roosh wrote about Day Game after experiencing this.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

there's a lot of truth to this. because the bar scene here sucks, and because the girls tend to be more career oriented and upscale, the late night bar scene blows. girls are either tired, have to get up early, or somewhere more exciting then a shithole bar

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

I guess you have to leave guys to wallow in the mess. How is D.C. even the subject of conversation? Nothing on that continent stimulates me.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Quote: (03-18-2012 11:23 AM)makher Wrote:  

I guess you have to leave guys to wallow in the mess. How is D.C. even the subject of conversation? Nothing on that continent stimulates me.

Please bust out some info on how awesomely spectacular your life is. Or a short autobiography.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Quote: (03-18-2012 11:23 AM)makher Wrote:  

I guess you have to leave guys to wallow in the mess. How is D.C. even the subject of conversation? Nothing on that continent stimulates me.

D.C is a continent?



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An Ode To Lizards

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Quote: (03-18-2012 08:20 AM)kimleebj Wrote:  

Conclusion: D.C. bars suck. But that doesn't mean D.C. sucks. Women do not go out alone. For reasons of safety, convenience, and expense, they don't like going out to bars at night. Attractive ones will have invitations to private parties instead.
So your only options is to day game where women put a bitch shield and even have the nerve to call you a rappist if you tell them "you look good" (see thread on harrasment)? I like how look for an angle to make it better, but why go to D.C. where there are many more desirable hunting grounds? Everyone who has even been there agrees to this for a reason.
Conclusion: D.C.still sucks!

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

I have seen on occasion reasonable ratios in bars (e.g. American Ice Company in U St area and Front Page in Dupon Circle). Girls were 5-7 (of course). But, this was all before 11 pm. As the night progressed, more and more guys came in and less and less women were around.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

My issue with DC is not so much the ratios, its the attitude. Finding a cute girl isn't hard, its finding one thats not a completely entitled bitch who believes you deserve to grovel for her time. Only in and around DC have I ever had a girl put her hand up flat in the universal gesture for "stop" when I politely and casually approached her on the dancefloor.

You'll always have ugly bitches, but only in places like DC do they not know their place

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

I'll put money on it DC is better than central WI...

Fuck I gotta get out of here.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Quote: (03-18-2012 05:29 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

My issue with DC is not so much the ratios, its the attitude. Finding a cute girl isn't hard, its finding one thats not a completely entitled bitch who believes you deserve to grovel for her time. Only in and around DC have I ever had a girl put her hand up flat in the universal gesture for "stop" when I politely and casually approached her on the dancefloor.

You'll always have ugly bitches, but only in places like DC do they not know their place

[Image: potd.gif]

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Quote: (03-18-2012 01:00 PM)Menace Wrote:  

I have seen on occasion reasonable ratios in bars ... before 11 pm.
Quote: (03-18-2012 05:29 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

My issue with DC is not so much the ratios, its the attitude. ... a girl put her hand up flat in the universal gesture for "stop" when I politely and casually approached her on the dancefloor.

The ratios support the attitude. After 11:00 p.m., she knows she is the prize.

Quote: (03-18-2012 12:42 PM)Jarocho2003 Wrote:  

So your only options is to day game where women put a bitch shield and even have the nerve to call you a rapist if you tell them "you look good"

Only a beta would surreptitiously whisper "you look good". Instead, you smile and confidently ask "Is that granola good?"

I feel like complainers are not adapting to the DC locations and strategy changes. Some guys know where to meet women (Textile Museum, jazzercise, happy hours, etc.). When they do, the women complain there are no decent men. They only meet creepy or obnoxious dudes who use night game during the day. They meet guys who try to dry hump them on the dance floor. And they meet older, married men at happy hour. Or they meet supplicating Capitol Hill betas at cockfests. They have trouble meeting "normal" "real men". Some guys can capitalize on this. Others use the wrong strategy in the wrong place at the wrong time, and then complain it doesn't work.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Quote: (03-18-2012 05:35 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

I'll put money on it DC is better than central WI...

Fuck I gotta get out of here.

Definitely. Unless, maybe, you're in Madison. Good college town I hear.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

I think day game is better in DC. Just approach with the mindset that you're in a new town. Imagine being in Paris (a town reputed for its pretentious locals). If you were a tourist and saw a girl there, especially given she speaks French, you probably wouldn't give any thought to approaching her, especially if she made eye contact. Always look for the eye contact, but approach anyway. The eye contact is a giveaway.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Quote: (03-18-2012 09:31 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (03-18-2012 05:35 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

I'll put money on it DC is better than central WI...

Fuck I gotta get out of here.

Definitely. Unless, maybe, you're in Madison. Good college town I hear.

Far enough from Madtown that it's not a good option.

And being 42 it's a little harder to pick up the college babes.

Saying that, UW has a LOT of hotboxes running around. I think they are all from out of state or something... [Image: biggrin.gif]

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

DC sucks, but it doesn't swallow like Toronto or Copenhagen.

In Toronto, girls that I wouldn't look at twice if there was anything better around say they won't talk with guys under 6'3" before telling me to fuck off. I've had similar experiences in a few other American and Scandinavian cities. I've never had to deal with that shit in DC.

If you work here, you'll at least get something. I can't say that for Ontario or Denmark.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

I went out with a DC native last Thursday and I gotta say, although this chick will get the dick and she's slutty and all that which I like, her head is in outer space. This girl in Europe would be 6, but somehow in DC she thinks her status is elevated to above the clouds. She goes on and on during the date about how many guys she's talking to and how they wanna fuck her. Then she tells me she needs to get over this work relationship guy because he's married and it's dangerous for her career and not good in general and whatever. So I propose that I give her some dick to make her forget about him, and this bitch told me that'd be nice but she's already fielding some other dick and that maybe next week she'll come over for a go. This girl is a fucking 6!! I'm almost like "bitch I've got chicks spending their own money to fly out to see me that look twice as good as you, and younger." The whole time she was just talking about these chodes she's stringing along, hoping to get a piece of this 6, this chubby fucking 6. But can you really blame them? What are the other options if you can't leave DMV? And she was bitch to the waitress which is not cool. I mean, fella's it's the fucking audacity of the chicks here. It's almost like a "where the fuck else are you gonna go? you better take my offer and appreciate it" kinda thing. I'm so glad I'm getting the fuck outta here. Right now I can't see the forest from the trees and it seems like the hot thin young girl I'd get in Europe is impossible to get here. Only stuck up chubsters.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Quote: (03-18-2012 10:42 PM)americanInEurope Wrote:  

So I propose that I give her some dick to make her forget about him, and this bitch told me that'd be nice but she's already fielding some other dick and that maybe next week she'll come over for a go. This girl is a fucking 6!!

If she's a 6 as a chubster, her face must be really pleasing (as in 8+ if thin?). Being a 6 still puts her in the top half of the gene pool.. plenty of thirsty dudes plow the bottom half regularly. It's just plain embarassing how the attractive pool of American women is shrinking.

Your post is spot on.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Quote: (03-18-2012 10:21 PM)beta_plus Wrote:  

DC sucks, but it doesn't swallow like Toronto or Copenhagen.

In Toronto, girls that I wouldn't look at twice if there was anything better around say they won't talk with guys under 6'3" before telling me to fuck off. I've had similar experiences in a few other American and Scandinavian cities. I've never had to deal with that shit in DC.

If you work here, you'll at least get something. I can't say that for Ontario or Denmark.

I would take any of those cities over DC for numerous reasons. I've always had a great time In Toronto and girls are often enthusiastic about coming to the states to hangout.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Quote: (03-18-2012 05:35 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

I'll put money on it DC is better than central WI...

Apples and oranges. DC is the nation's capitol and on the east coast. WI is a flyover state.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Quote: (03-18-2012 09:13 PM)kimleebj Wrote:  

Only a beta would surreptitiously whisper "you look good". Instead, you smile and confidently ask "Is that granola good?"
See thead about "D.C. harrasment" as that was refering to someone using that and nearly being called a rapist (that tells you a lot of the women there).
Are you from D.C. for something? I wouldn't get all butthurt about the place in general being viewed as a bad for picking up women. There are many posts on this very forum that make it very clear that D.C. is to be avoided...unless of course you have to be there for some reason, I would rather spend my time and money elsewhere...

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Quote: (03-19-2012 06:41 AM)JayMillz Wrote:  

Apples and oranges. DC is the nation's capitol and on the east coast. WI is a flyover state.
I would much rather go out in Madison, WI than Washington D.C. It's a great college party town with a thriving music/art/indy/whatever scene, and the regional economy is booming. It's sort of like a smaller version of Austin, TX.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Quote: (03-19-2012 09:32 AM)Thorfinnsson Wrote:  

Quote: (03-19-2012 06:41 AM)JayMillz Wrote:  

Apples and oranges. DC is the nation's capital and on the east coast. WI is a flyover state.
I would much rather go out in Madison, WI than Washington D.C. It's a great college party town with a thriving music/art/indy/whatever scene, and the regional economy is booming. It's sort of like a smaller version of Austin, TX.

I've hung out on State Street in Madison and had a good time, but I would take DC because of its proximity to NYC. My expectations of WI are pretty low compared to the Nation’s Capital, but I actually like WI in small doses

Austin, TX, however, I would take over DC. I love Austin and the weather is much better than Madison.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Given that you live in NYC I would think you would just take NYC. I live in Chicago so I have no need of Madison, but I enjoy going there if there's a big football game since the entire city goes absolutely nuts.

If we're not taking where we live (or the fact that it's easier to fly to DC) into account, then I say Madison is a better town than DC to party and swoop.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Quote: (03-19-2012 09:56 AM)Thorfinnsson Wrote:  

I say Madison is a better town than DC to party and swoop.

I've only been to Madison a handful of time, thus I take your word. It would not surprise me since DC sucks. The point I was making with my "apples to oranges" remark is that the expectations for DC are probably much higher, which makes the reality even worse.

Why D.C. Might Not Suck

Get out of the DC dump while you can. It's an environment that is set up for you to lose. I just moved away from DC to the SF bay area which is only slightly better, but I have absolutely no regrets about leaving Washington DC. LEAVE. Trust me, your emotional, physical and spiritual state of being will inevitably rise when you do. America is a black hole and DC is right at the center.

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