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Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 06:19 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Bottom line is to be strategic about everything. You don't need to be a chain smoker to see benefits from "smoking game" without putting yourself at risk. A couple cigarettes on a night out where the hottest girls are indeed smoking can be helpful. For me to indulge, it has to be a venue where the logistics dictate that guys who smoke have access to better girls. This may be only 1 out of 10 clubs I visit.

There's a geographic bias here.

Why am G and I so insistent on smoking game?

Cali has an indoor smoking ban.

Girls have to go outside, to a narrow section of the bar (either a balcony or outside), to smoke.

In places where smokers aren't herded to a small corner like criminals, Smoking Game is isn't as effective.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 06:29 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (03-13-2012 06:19 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Bottom line is to be strategic about everything. You don't need to be a chain smoker to see benefits from "smoking game" without putting yourself at risk. A couple cigarettes on a night out where the hottest girls are indeed smoking can be helpful. For me to indulge, it has to be a venue where the logistics dictate that guys who smoke have access to better girls. This may be only 1 out of 10 clubs I visit.

There's a geographic bias here.

Why am G and I so insistent on smoking game?

Cali has an indoor smoking ban.

Girls have to go outside, to a narrow section of the bar (either a balcony or outside), to smoke.

In places where smokers aren't herded to a small corner like criminals, Smoking Game is isn't as effective.

Thats how it is here in MD as well

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 05:48 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

B) Its something to do

I always hate the waiting game and it does make me a bit anxious. At least while I wait, smoking would relax me. And I don't look like a dope standing there.

C) Its something to do OTHER then drink

I'm tired of whiskey dick ruining my pulls. I'm not worried about erectile dysfunction if I'm not addicted to smoking, eating healthy and lifting weights/exercising.

D) It can be used a situational manipulator

ex. 1 "Excuse me, do you have a cig/light?"
ex. 2 she asks for smoke, then you say: "I only share with people who smoke with me." Especially if you're smoking the good stuff (cigarrillos) and don't want to waste it on just anyone.

F) Easy way to isolate

Enough said. buys you more time to run game without interference.

[Image: partagas-mini-2.jpg]

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I don't smoke but the Greatest Opener of all Time works and works well. At parties I usually grab my beer and go chill with the smokers. I always bust in and say, "Is this where the cool kids hang out?" Always gets a laugh.

I also use, "You seem pretty cool. I guess you can come smoke outside with us."

Team Nachos

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

This thread is just an arguing match..but Im gonna drop my shit here anyway.

For a long time I didn't smoke..My mom smokes..I hate it cause she lights up every 20 minutes it seems.
She also drinks alot..functions perfect..but i've seen her her the cabinet at 7 in the morning

When I got into the club and bar scene, no matter what you say.."cool" people often smoke..
Some of the hottest chicks in the club will also smoke.
It also goes to truth that if a person isnt drinking, they probably dont have a good story to tell

I happen to be lucky and got my moms high alcohol tolerance and my dads non addictive personality(my dad still IS a G)
I can drink alot and be fine when everyone else is falling around..and I don't feel the need to drink period

I took G's advice in a way.
I'll go out an buy a pack of high quality cigs and carry them with me

If a hot chick in near and she goes to light up.. I'll go light up with her for the conversations.
If one ever knows I smoke.
I've been doing this for a good year and I feel no need to smoke and only pull one in a social situation
Fuck what you say about me doing it to "fit in"
It works.

I had straight make outs to fuck from girls wanting to swap cigs or swap smoke. All of which would never happen if I didnt have a cig with me.

On the other hand. I have a handful of chicks that don't smoke and would be disgusted with me being a smoker.
And those are the ones that have no idea.

In the end..what Im trying to get at is:
You dont even have to be a smoker.
But you can cash in on alot of opportunities by simply carrying a pack of cigs and a lighter when you go out.

Now drop all the health shit an move on..cancers gonna kill all of us anyway

I am the cock carousel

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I think we need a Dope Lighters thread.

Team Nachos

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Fine@G and MikeCF, I'll go and pick up a fake cigarette pack with fake cigarettes and report back.

If anything, I'd rather pick up burning herb since it seems to be much more effective in landing lizards (I know a fair amount of herbalists).

At least herb has some proven medicinal benefits and it is more 'rebellious' than puffing on a square.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I agree with Moma.

Most of the smokers I know find it hard to quit. It costs money and you'll always end up freezing outside because you need a smoke.
Not to mention the fact that it has negative health benefits(proven scientifically).

G only gives us ancedotes. Yes, a guy who takes care of health can smoke and still be healthy, but he would probably have been somewhat healthier if he hadn't. In any case, I'm not in any rush to deposit toxic chemicals into my lungs, I already get enough of that from second hand smoke.

Smoking is scientifically proven to be harmful. And no, its not a conspiracy against cigs. That doesn't make any sense. Cigarette companies are owned by the elite, the fact that it took so many years for smoking's harm to be accepted shows how strong the cigarette and tobacco lobbies were.

G, I respect you and its cool if you smoke but Moma has a point. Young impressionable guys might get into smoking and carry it forth as a lifelong habit. His post is a counterpoint to your posts.

I do agree carrying a lighter may be a good move. Maybe some fake cigs too.

I'm in favor of smoking the herb occasionally in party settings. Maybe its because I'm younger but I see far more benefits in that without the same smell or bad effects. Also weed is not addictive like cigs.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 07:19 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

And no, its not a conspiracy against cigs. That doesn't make any sense. Cigarette companies are owned by the elite, the fact that it took so many years for smoking's harm to be accepted shows how strong the cigarette and tobacco lobbies were.

This is exactly what they want you to believe. And you just proved my point. (Thank you by the way).

And frankly, it is amazing to me that more people don't understand this issue.

The government is wrong on every issue, yet this is the one issue they are correct on? You really believe that?

My heart goes out to you.

Big Pharma has been a much stronger lobby since the Tobacco cases.

This is a battle over the delivery of Nicotine.

Big Pharma is winning. (And just to put two and two together for you, Big Pharma peddles smoking cessation drugs and patches, which are way more dangerous than cigarettes).

All these "grassroots" anti-smoking organizations are funded by Big Pharma.

All the anti-smoking legislation is funded by Big Pharma.

And if you don't think "Scientists" are influenced by Big Pharma, I have an tropical island to sell you in Toronto.

Don't accept what they are jamming down your throats.

Dig deeper and as always, follow the money.

That is always where the truth lies.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Just throwing in my opinion on the matter:

I agree with Moma in that the G throws some weight around these parts and might influence the more impressionable around to start smoking, but if you start smoking because some guy on the internet (no disrespect) tells you its cool then you've got some 'inner game' issues to work on. I also agree with Chad about the benefits of it, you don't have to smoke a ton to reap the 'game' benefits smoking gives. When it comes down to it its your choice to smoke or not and because of that you shouldn't have to take any shit about it. If you want to smoke smoke, if you don't don't complain unless some dude is smoking in your face.

Personally I've smoked for a bit, but for the most part I stick to an occasional cigar, or if need be I'll ask a girl for a cigarette.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Fruit and vegetable consumption in relation to risk factors for cancer: a report from the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study.

This study indicates that several established risk markers and risk factors of cancer may be independently associated with low fruit and vegetable consumption. The findings suggest that the adverse effects of factors such as smoking, low physical activity and a high-fat diet could partly be explained by low consumption of fruit or vegetables. The implied health benefits of a low or moderate alcohol consumption may be similarly confounded by high consumption of fruit or vegetables.


If you're exercising regularly, eating good foods, drinking fish oil, taking coconut oil, drinking almond milk....Is smoking really going to be that bad for you?

If you dig into the research, you'll see this line: "Smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer." That's a far cry from saying smoking causes cancer.

Tobacco might even be good for you:

Guys, lots of you talk about "swallowing the red pill" and "unplugging from the Matrix."

Yet you're thoughtlessly repeating government lines (or should that say lies?) about smoking.

Why are you so ready to distrust the Establishment when it comes to feminism, male oppression, and diet (you're all eating Paleo) while swallowing the government's load on smoking?

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I smoked for over ten years and quitting was the best thing I ever did. The feeling between being a smoker and non-smoker is night and day. I immediately stopped getting chest colds when I quit. No more getting winded walking up stairs. No more coughing up phlegm all the time. My appetite immediately got stronger and I have a much better sense of taste. I'll still have a cig when I'm out and the time is right (i.e. it helps me open a woman), but otherwise I've lived on both sides and will never believe that smoking is not harmful for your health. I don't care what government says or doesn't say, I've lived it.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

One thing is for sure; smoking is not good for your health.
I don't think anyone can seriously argue that it is.

Breathing the products of the combustion of dried leaves into your lungs?
Come on, it doesn't take Dr.Oz to tell you it's not great for your lungs.

I have a cigarette from time to time. I buy Dunhill blues, they're nice and smooth. I can control myself though, I don't NEED to smoke.

I think that is what Moma is getting at. Many people that start CAN'T stop. I remember my father quitting smoking every 2 months for years and years. And if people like G portray it as cool and the thing to do then I think Moma is concerned that a lot of people are going to get into a pack a day habit that is going to become a crutch to them.

G you keep saying all this stuff about the 100 a day boxer and the oldest man and woman. It seems completely ridiculous but I need to do the research and find out for myself. What are the oldest people's names? I just have trouble believing it without evidence cited. Sorry if you cited it elsewhere but I haven't read every single thread on here.

"Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby that's all we need" - Ronald Reagan

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I enjoy smoking, but only do it when I drink. I got a bit spooked recently as my friend who smokes is 22 and has just been diagnosed with chronic bronchitis.

21 y/o brit.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Has G not heard of big tobacco? Big tobacco had such a grip on Capitol Hill that they were still able to say with a straight face into the early 1990s that tobacco was not medically harmful...sixty years after it was first shown to be.

We also have a defense against the corrupting influence of money: peer review. It is in no way perfect (how else could bullshit like the Ansel Keys study be accepted?) and is still influenced by money and status (researchers who stick close to the status quo have safer careers), but it helps shine a light down a dark corridor for sure.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-14-2012 10:03 AM)Thorfinnsson Wrote:  

Has G not heard of big tobacco? Big tobacco had such a grip on Capitol Hill that they were still able to say with a straight face into the early 1990s that tobacco was not medically harmful...sixty years after it was first shown to be.

Key word "had".

Re-read my post above.

You post makes sense except for the part when you say: "Has G not heard of big tobacco? "

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I feel like I have to chime in here. On Friday night I went out suited down (overall approaches were more positively welcomed) and I also decided to get a zippo and cigarettes.

Worst decision ever to bring the smokes. It's true that your standards get lowered when you decide to smoke for the PURPOSE of picking up chicks, and that it is weak game. Do not compromise your health. Sure, GMan, maybe 1-2 top athletes smoked a lot but you have to learn the difference between causation and association. 400,000 people die each year from smoking-related diseases so telling young cats that smoking is essential or even a bit more helpful than not smoking for game, is a fallacy.

Will never smoke in my life again.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-14-2012 10:22 AM)alphaspiraton Wrote:  

I feel like I have to chime in here. On Friday night I went out suited down (overall approaches were more positively welcomed) and I also decided to get a zippo and cigarettes.

Worst decision ever to bring the smokes. It's true that your standards get lowered when you decide to smoke for the PURPOSE of picking up chicks, and that it is weak game.

So you tried it once and it didn't work for you, so now it doesn't work for anyone.

Makes sense.

I tried drinking once and it didn't work for me.

Drinking doesn't work for anyone in the world.

Make sense?

What city were you in?
Which bar?
What kind of bar?
What happened?
How was the scene in the bar?
What happens for you on a normal night?
Why was is the "worst decision"?
Did you end up in a car crash? Now your paralyzed?
What kind of Suit were you wearing?
Why was your Game so weak?
Is it normally strong and you pick up models?
But then you had a smoke and picked up a guy?

Break it down.

Maybe it's not for you?


Sure, GMan, maybe 1-2 top athletes

Either you can't count or you didn't read this:

The Greatest Athletes in the World Share one thing in common: Smoking

Or read the thread. I named close to 50, and could name 50 more.

I noticed you haven't busted out one Data Sheet on here of value.

How about bringing something to the table besides criticism on something you tried once?

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

So let me get this straight; people are worried about G's ability to influence people to smoke because he writes vividly about smoking with women at the Hotel Om in Barca and on Diagonal and stuff. And this is coming from a forum with 5,000 dudes incessantly bragging and posting every manner of action that mocks, basically, every religious and moral value system ever created.

I know I'm new here, but is there some 2009 thread or something that explains the disconnect? Someone please tell me there is.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I didn't start smoking until my mid 20's. IME, sometimes smoking helps, sometimes it hurts. I got a lot of attention from girls in Europe because of the American brand I was smoking. Then the whole "American cigarettes aren't better" argument would get brought up. I'd give them one and they'd freak. Then the rest of the night they would come up to me and bum.

On the downside, you spend some time gaming a chick, then step out for a smoke. Then you come back in and some dude has swooped her. And then, some chicks are anti-smoking. They won't touch you because of the way you smell.

If you guys wanna light up to swoop chicks, pinch the filter. That way you won't inhale.

Oh yeah, on a sidenote, there is nothing better than an after sex cigarette.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-14-2012 10:49 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I didn't start smoking until my mid 20's. IME, sometimes smoking helps, sometimes it hurts. I got a lot of attention from girls in Europe because of the American brand I was smoking. Then the whole "American cigarettes aren't better" argument would get brought up. I'd give them one and they'd freak. Then the rest of the night they would come up to me and bum.

On the downside, you spend some time gaming a chick, then step out for a smoke. Then you come back in and some dude has swooped her. And then, some chicks are anti-smoking. They won't touch you because of the way you smell.

If you guys wanna light up to swoop chicks, pinch the filter. That way you won't inhale.

Oh yeah, on a sidenote, there is nothing better than an after sex cigarette.
The after weed cig is better.

Ali what's going on with you? Where are the reports I'm trying to follow

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

There's no way around it. Smoking is bad for your health. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body. Cigarette smoking causes 87 percent of lung cancer deaths. It is also responsible for many other cancers and health problems. These include lung disease, heart and blood vessel disease, stroke and cataracts. Women who smoke have a greater chance of certain pregnancy problems or having a baby die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Your smoke is also bad for other people - they breathe in your smoke secondhand and can get many of the same problems as smokers do.

Quitting smoking can reduce your risk of these problems. The earlier you quit, the greater the health benefit.

NIH: National Cancer Institute

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Not sure what else to say. Did you ever think that those athletes were just tough cats and could tolerate smoking more than the average cat? 90% of people who smoke regularly die from smoking related illnesses or diseases. Did you follow thise athletes and see how they died? Sure their bodies could handle the smoke but their deaths speak volumes about how much longer they could have lived if they didn't smoke.

Anyway i'm not here to rant but spread FACTUAL information which correlates through causation and not association. I don't have a useful datasheet because i'm mostly a lurker. Anyway no hate on you at all G. I like all your other things but the smoking part - which I will voice my opinion.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-14-2012 10:53 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2012 10:49 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I didn't start smoking until my mid 20's. IME, sometimes smoking helps, sometimes it hurts. I got a lot of attention from girls in Europe because of the American brand I was smoking. Then the whole "American cigarettes aren't better" argument would get brought up. I'd give them one and they'd freak. Then the rest of the night they would come up to me and bum.

On the downside, you spend some time gaming a chick, then step out for a smoke. Then you come back in and some dude has swooped her. And then, some chicks are anti-smoking. They won't touch you because of the way you smell.

If you guys wanna light up to swoop chicks, pinch the filter. That way you won't inhale.

Oh yeah, on a sidenote, there is nothing better than an after sex cigarette.
The after weed cig is better.

Ali what's going on with you? Where are the reports I'm trying to follow

Got nothing to report. My free time is almost up. Fucking sucks.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Good to see you backed away from your ridiculous claims above.

Quote: (03-14-2012 11:30 AM)alphaspiraton Wrote:  

90% of people who smoke regularly die from smoking related illnesses or diseases.


Keep in mind, 100% of non-smokers die as well.

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