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Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

My mom has smoked since she was 14. I don't smoke because I never liked cigarettes. It's personal preference. If you want to smoke, go for it. If you don't, then don't. My mom has emphysema and will probably die a very painful death while barely being able to breath and hacking up blood. Not something I want to see, but it was her choice.

A HUGE pare of the reason I don't smoke? When I was about 6 or 7 I asked my mom to try her cigarette. She gave it to me, I took one hit, and damn near puked my brains out from coughing so much. You probably won't find this in any parenting books, and CPS would throw a fucking fit, but it was super effective. She knew I wouldn't be able to handle it and would always have that bad memory of cigarettes in my head. I will do the same if I ever have kids.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 03:02 PM)46. Wrote:  

Quote: (03-13-2012 01:25 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

This is probably the most re-hashed hated on subject on here.

With Suits being #2.

Ha ha I was reading this thread on my mobile walking to a meeting in Downtown Chicago, rolling on a Grey pinstripe Double Breasted suit, baby blue square blown out, V neck sweater, Persols flashin', enjoying a nice cooool Winston.

If you don't like smoking, don't do it. If you don't like suits, don't wear them. I don't know why this concept is so difficult. What's so threatening?
[Image: 460036e91611c2b4_lapo_3.jpg]

Yeah, I don't understand why Suits and Cigarettes stir so much emotion up in people.

What ever happened to personal freedom and choice? Especially on a forum like this?

Brainwashing by modern society is the only thing I can guess.

Modern day non-smokers:
[Image: three+hipsters.JPG]

Old school smokers:
[Image: lunchtime-atop-a-skyscraper.jpg]

I guess that is why.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

From Wiki


Tobacco-related diseases are some of the biggest killers in the world today and are cited as one of the biggest causes of premature death in industrialized countries.[citation needed] In the United States about 500,000 deaths per year are attributed to smoking-related diseases and a recent study estimated that as much as 1/3 of China's male population will have significantly shortened life-spans due to smoking.[36] Male and female smokers lose an average of 13.2 and 14.5 years of life, respectively.[37] At least half of all lifelong smokers die earlier as a result of smoking.[38][39] The risk of dying from lung cancer before age 85 is 22.1% for a male smoker and 11.9% for a female current smoker, in the absence of competing causes of death. The corresponding estimates for lifelong nonsmokers are a 1.1% probability of dying from lung cancer before age 85 for a man of European descent, and a 0.8% probability for a woman.[40] Smoking one cigarette a day results in a risk of heart disease that is halfway between that of a smoker and a non-smoker. The non-linear dose response relationship is explained by smoking's effect on platelet aggregation.[41]

Among the diseases that can be caused by smoking are vascular stenosis, lung cancer,[42] heart attacks[43] and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.[44]

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I used to smoke, ever since highschool. Then i've quit. Then i started again. I felt a lot better while not smoking, both mentally and physically. The only way my game suffered was that i couldn't use the light opener.

Balkan Power Individual™

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 02:46 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  


You mentioned Mike Phelps burned herbs in your rebuttal against elite athletes smoking.

Go back and look. I mentioned 50 examples. And I can do 50 more.

And obviously you haven't tried it yourself, so this conversation is pointless. You are just yapping and hating.


Instead of hating on smoking, why not put information up about how to Game as a non-smoker?

Break it down. Write volumes on it. Site historical examples. Go Bonkers.

I am sure it would be a hit.

The purpose of this forum isn't to hate on different Game styles.

Share what works for you.

Dude, I tried smoking something for an evening one night in the 90's. I felt like I had sold my soul. So I stopped.

You make a strong point about different game styles though. It doesn't work for me and in my opinion, makes no difference to how many lizards scored really.

What works for me?

Game, angled with dressing well, no need for smokes. A good body, try and dance with her (hail Samseau), and while she dances with me, she feels strong shoulders and a back etc, which piques her interest and raises her excitement.

The same principles of game. Not too much gassing off her head, not too much availability.

If I see a lizard I like, who has made IOI, I open up with whatever...a hi, crack a few jokes, we dance and see what's up.

The same principles of game discussed, including your examples which are again are great...just minus the smokes.

It's that simple, really.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 03:19 PM)Bill Wrote:  

From Wiki


Tobacco-related diseases are some of the biggest killers in the world today and are cited as one of the biggest causes of premature death in industrialized countries.[citation needed] In the United States about 500,000 deaths per year are attributed to smoking-related diseases and a recent study estimated that as much as 1/3 of China's male population will have significantly shortened life-spans due to smoking.[36] Male and female smokers lose an average of 13.2 and 14.5 years of life, respectively.[37] At least half of all lifelong smokers die earlier as a result of smoking.[38][39] The risk of dying from lung cancer before age 85 is 22.1% for a male smoker and 11.9% for a female current smoker, in the absence of competing causes of death. The corresponding estimates for lifelong nonsmokers are a 1.1% probability of dying from lung cancer before age 85 for a man of European descent, and a 0.8% probability for a woman.[40] Smoking one cigarette a day results in a risk of heart disease that is halfway between that of a smoker and a non-smoker. The non-linear dose response relationship is explained by smoking's effect on platelet aggregation.[41]

Among the diseases that can be caused by smoking are vascular stenosis, lung cancer,[42] heart attacks[43] and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.[44]

Yet the oldest male and oldest female in history were both smokers.

Quote: (03-13-2012 03:24 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Dude, I tried smoking something for an evening one night in the 90's. I felt like I had sold my soul. So I stopped.

Like I figured.

You tried it one night, gave up and now you hate on an entire population of people in every respect.

Makes sense.

I tried Egg Foo Yung one night. Didn't like it.

Now I hate on a Billion Chinese.

Let's revisit this discussion when you can make an intelligent case for yourself and your experiences.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I smoke and then not smoke sometimes for years either way. I'm not seeing a need to ask someone for a lighter either way. If that's all ya got to open girls you have other problems.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

have noticed that smokers appear a bit more alert than others due to nicotine excitation.They seem like being more agitated I cannot express exactly in English.Contrary to that non smokers have a more normal flow but may appear as sleepy.

For a girl that smokes it means immediately she can be a good target since she displays:

1.She has worries so she smokes

2.She can undertake risks(like sex) so she smokes

3.She likes putting things in her month(at ;east she accepts) so probably oral will not be a problem.

4.Probably she frequents clubs has social life and drinks as well so she must be easier.

5.She can expose her wrists more often without having it showing sexual interest per se.She can also blow the smoke with one thousand ways and get sexy poses.

On the other hand the man's advantage when smoking is:

1.He can immediately get rapport to smoking girls(do you have a lighter? And then lowering his mouth close to her hand)

2.He has excuse to move his hands and girls like when a man moves his hands.He also shows he likes pleasures of life(implying sex as well).

3.He has an excuse to go out to chill area in order to smoke so he can isolate there or meet other girls who smoke too not distracted from club noise

4.He can offer value to a girl by buying her a pack of cigarettes(this can be done by non smokers as well however it seems more pussy driven and artificial).

5.He can keep other guys away(non smokers) by the heavy smell of his cigarettes(if he smokes Galloise).This is an important advantage some smokers exploit to the extreme by leaving the ashtray full to cause more inconvenience to nearby non smokers.They also show strength I smoke I am tough I am willing to take risks you are an uninteresting person.

So in general I have no problem with smokers despite me being a non smoker.The only thing I disagree is their behavior is when they come with lit cigarettes to burn your clothes or arm ''accidentally'' and cockblock you this way when you are trying to talk to beautiful girls but I have seen it only in Greece I do not know if it happens abroad.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

The only reason I am against G's mention of smoking is because he is very impressionable (whether he likes it or not) and some of the younger guys see his words as gold. They will take his advice to the every letter. Meaning an insecure teen (15-18) or even higher who is struggling to get his nutt might take his dumb azz out to go and cop a square thinking that will help him get lizards.

I wouldn't wish that on any one I am mentoring. That's why I am against it.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I do not smoke.

I do believe that mainstream medical opinion on smoking is, in principle, correct. It seems clear to me that tobacco, in particular inhaled tobacco smoke; is carcinogenic, diminishes lung capacity, contributes to hypertension, and stresses the pulmonary system.

I am not a believer in mainstream lies either, or I would not be here. I am on the paleo diet, I study game, I am an HBDer, I don't use shampoo, and I'd rather blow my brains out than become another obedient drone. My contrarian bona fides are genuine.

I also do not want to be addicted to a product which has issues with cost, smell, and accessibility (anti-smoking legislation).

That said, G Manifesto is onto something.

Smoking is not as dangerous as we are sometimes led to believe. Fewer than 15% of smokers develop lung cancers. Cancer is not a simple cause and effect process either. Genetic predisposition is important, and there are many confounding factors as our environment and modern lifestyles are highly carcinogenic. In the 1930s it was established in Germany that smoking was dangerous, but at the same time 80% of men in Germany and America smoked high-tar cigarettes. Lung cancers were much rarer than today.

After the war the sugar-laden, processed carb, synthetic fat (think transfats and fucked up PUFA ratios) diet took off across the Western world. Cancer rates exploded. Fat and tobacco initially got the blame. Most of us here know that fat, at least the good kind, is not to blame. But tobacco has been overblamed in my view.

Smoking looks cool, is a useful nerve tonic, and is by far the best way to isolate. So if smoking is something you like and fits your game, go for it. It is dangerous, but isn't nearly as dangerous as say...a serious Mountain Dew habit.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 03:25 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-13-2012 03:19 PM)Bill Wrote:  

From Wiki


Tobacco-related diseases are some of the biggest killers in the world today and are cited as one of the biggest causes of premature death in industrialized countries.[citation needed] In the United States about 500,000 deaths per year are attributed to smoking-related diseases and a recent study estimated that as much as 1/3 of China's male population will have significantly shortened life-spans due to smoking.[36] Male and female smokers lose an average of 13.2 and 14.5 years of life, respectively.[37] At least half of all lifelong smokers die earlier as a result of smoking.[38][39] The risk of dying from lung cancer before age 85 is 22.1% for a male smoker and 11.9% for a female current smoker, in the absence of competing causes of death. The corresponding estimates for lifelong nonsmokers are a 1.1% probability of dying from lung cancer before age 85 for a man of European descent, and a 0.8% probability for a woman.[40] Smoking one cigarette a day results in a risk of heart disease that is halfway between that of a smoker and a non-smoker. The non-linear dose response relationship is explained by smoking's effect on platelet aggregation.[41]

Among the diseases that can be caused by smoking are vascular stenosis, lung cancer,[42] heart attacks[43] and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.[44]

Yet the oldest male and oldest female in history were both smokers.

Quote: (03-13-2012 03:24 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Dude, I tried smoking something for an evening one night in the 90's. I felt like I had sold my soul. So I stopped.

Like I figured.

You tried it one night, gave up and now you hate on an entire population of people in every respect.

Makes sense.

I tried Egg Foo Yung one night. Didn't like it.

Now I hate on a Billion Chinese.

Let's revisit this discussion when you can make an intelligent case for yourself and your experiences.

LOL. I could go at you and break you down (with all respect) but then I'd have to take off the gloves and people will think I am disrespecting so I don't know. However, you are one of the more aloof posters so I think you can handle my jabs and crosses.
However, it will just detract from the point of this thread. I can open up another one though just to go at you (all in friendly sportsmanship) so I might.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 03:30 PM)Moma Wrote:  

The only reason I am against G's mention of smoking is because he is very impressionable (whether he likes it or not) and some of the younger guys see his words as gold. They will take his advice to the every letter. Meaning an insecure teen (15-18) or even higher who is struggling to get his nutt might take his dumb azz out to go and cop a square thinking that will help him get lizards.

I wouldn't wish that on any one I am mentoring. That's why I am against it.

Get off your high horse. Quit trying to be people's Dad.

Let people do there own research and make their own decisions.

That is what Freedom is all about.

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” - Benjamin Franklin

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 03:05 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

My mom has smoked since she was 14. I don't smoke because I never liked cigarettes. It's personal preference. If you want to smoke, go for it. If you don't, then don't. My mom has emphysema and will probably die a very painful death while barely being able to breath and hacking up blood. Not something I want to see, but it was her choice.

A HUGE pare of the reason I don't smoke? When I was about 6 or 7 I asked my mom to try her cigarette. She gave it to me, I took one hit, and damn near puked my brains out from coughing so much. You probably won't find this in any parenting books, and CPS would throw a fucking fit, but it was super effective. She knew I wouldn't be able to handle it and would always have that bad memory of cigarettes in my head. I will do the same if I ever have kids.

Anthony Robbins gave a similar example in his book (awaken the giant within), if i remember it correctly, his mother gave him alcohol to drink and he drunk so much that he felt his head spinning and thought he was going to die, since that day he decided never to drink again or do any type of drugs. He thanked his mother to this day for the ''trial''.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 03:38 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-13-2012 03:30 PM)Moma Wrote:  

The only reason I am against G's mention of smoking is because he is very impressionable (whether he likes it or not) and some of the younger guys see his words as gold. They will take his advice to the every letter. Meaning an insecure teen (15-18) or even higher who is struggling to get his nutt might take his dumb azz out to go and cop a square thinking that will help him get lizards.

I wouldn't wish that on any one I am mentoring. That's why I am against it.

Get off your high horse. Quit trying to be people's Dad.

Let people do there own research and make their own decisions.

That is what Freedom is all about.

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” - Benjamin Franklin

Funny thing is you talk about research and it all shows to be against the benefits of smoking and you keep talking nonsense about the oldest women and man in the world.
I could chew you in a debate over this. It would be like Foreman (me) vs Mitch Green (you). Not even close.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I can understand Moma's point; if you don't smoke, you shouldn't take up smoking to open up more avenues to your game; that is just a sign of weak inner game. You don't need to smoke to game, but at the same time, smoking really doesn't hurt your game. The biggest lie (of the many) my mother ever told me about women? 'No woman will date a smoker!' WRONG!

In fact - and I feel a little guilty about this - I have turned several girls from non-smokers into smokers, not by giving them drags or smokes, but it's funny when a girl is enough into you; she'll at first hate your smoking, then she'll tolerate it, then one day you'll meet with her and she'll have her own. I have been smoking since I was 13 years old, I have tried to quit more times than I can remember and even succeeded for a prolonged period a few times (my longest was something like five months), but at the end of it all, there will always be something that happens that drives me back to it.

I'm not some weak-minded fool either; if a girl asks me if I'm a smoker, I say 'I am, does that bother you?' and if I like her, I'll pop in some gum after I smoke, and if she really doesn't like it, I say 'Hey, if you don't want to hang out with me then you don't have to' (and that always shuts them up about the matter). I don't say 'No' because she might not like it, then continue smoking and trying to hide it from her (she will always eventually find out).

Much of the negative effects of smoking can be mitigated by proper diet and exercise, which you should already be doing anyways. At least once or twice a month, some girl will run a girl-open on me and ask me for a smoke and a light, buying me five minutes to game her. At least ten lifetime notches from this very thing, and chances are if a young (<30) girl smokes, she is thin, pretty and sexual.

Oh and about the so-called 'official numbers' concerning smoking related deaths...yeah I wouldn't buy anything that the government or it's agents say about something they're trying to recriminalize. How about the fact that under the 'Tobacco-related deaths' rubric there are Strokes (which non-smokers can get), Heart Disease (which non-smokers can get) and various Cancers (you know what I'm going to say)...makes me wonder how much these numbers are being played around with.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Smoking is probably less dangerous than playing the game.

If you're playing the game seriously, you have thousands of sexual encounters.

What's the risk of a false rape accusation, an unwanted pregnancy, or an STD? What's the risk that the girl you're boning "forgot" to tell you she's married, as her husband returns home from work?

The game is serious, dangerous, and not for the weak-hearted.

Same thing with smoking.

I'm not even a smoker, but recognize it's cool and makes parties more fun. I'll occasionally bring a pack of clove cigarettes out with me.

Pulling women is 50% easier if you're smoking.

I don't smoke regularly, but certainly know the value in "Smoking Game."

All I'd say is....Try it.

Then report back.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I have 2 brothers in my age. Me and the other one are quite healthy. The one who smokes has no teeth left in his mouth and he stopped smoking after 3 operations and the doctors telling him they have to cut probably both of his legs when he doesn´t stop smoking.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I'm with G on this one, smoking is definitely a plus for gaming. I smoked most of my trip and it helped me especially in Brazil where i went to find girls in the smoker section. It relaxes me and gives me something to do at moments i'm not approaching.

Would i advice a non-smoker to start smoking just have better game ? No, i won't. It helps your game but it not enough to risk an unhealthy addiction for.

Smoking is a personal choice and people should be adult enough to make the decision to smoke or not.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I don't understand you part-time smokers or guys who only smoke when they drink, actually, I'm jealous of you. I smoked for about 18 years from the age of 10 until 28, then last year I managed to quit, it was one of the proudest moments of my life. In one of the dumbest moments of my life, I started smoking again about 3 weeks ago and sure enough I'm back up to my old pack a day habit.

Anyway, for anyone who is interested in quitting, try the book by Allen Carr "the only way to quit smoking", I'm gonna have to read it again before I go back home where a pack of darts will set you back $14.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Basically this thread comes down to this:

1. The people who haven't tried it, hate it, say it doesn't work and want to push their agenda on people that do.

2. The people that have tried it, like it, say it works from personal experience and believe in freedom of choice.

Read into this however you like.

The choice is yours. (Which of course, I believe everyone should have the freedom to make for themselves).

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Open this prospect, G-Money:

[Image: attachment.jpg5335]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I've gamed as both a non-smoker and now recently a smoker and I can say without a doubt smoking helps.

Now I agree, starting to smoke just to get girls is a shit idea. I started smoking in hopes it would relieve some of the stress from my crazy ass job, and guess what it did. Now I smoke two cigarettes a day during the week (never more) and then maybe 4-5 a night socially when I'm drinking.

What I noticed about being a smoker is:

A) Its a pass into "the club"
-Being a smoker immediately gets you social points with other smokers. People of all different walks of life will conversate while burning one down. Before as a non-smoker I'd be one of the few, if not the only, non-smoker in a group. Everyone else would book it out to smoke I'd either be left there by myself, which proves to kill your mood a bit (at least for me) or I'd have to go stand outside with them, which makes you look like a dweeb.

B) Its something to do
-If your out alone this is especially pertinent. There are those times when the venue just shifts. Maybe the DJ plays a shitty song, the group of hot chicks bounced to a new joint, or maybe everyones outside "in the club" (see A). Either way the vibe just goes a askew and you're left just standing their feeling it. Rather then stand there like a dork, or worse start playing with your phone you can go smoke and get a little socialization in and come back strong.

C) Its something to do OTHER then drink
-After getting pulled over coming home from the bar one night I made a vow to never be in that situation again and put myself on a strict limit. My problem is I'm a bored drinker. If I end up in the situation posed in B where the vibe of the place goes all funky, I'd kill the malaise by going to the bar and ordering a drink. Now I can go outside and smoke

D) It can be used a situational manipulator
-I personally dont like walking across a place just to talk to a girl. I know cold approaching is a big thing, but I Just dont like the feel of it. To me walking across the bar just to talk to this one girl puts her in a position of power because you're going out of YOUR way to talk to her. I prefer to manipulate the situation so that our paths cross. I can talk a different route so that I cross paths with a girl I want to talk to, throw down some game, and even if she blows me out of the water I can laugh, say "whatever" and just keep on my way outside.

E) Obvious appearance buff
-Ned Flanders doesn't smoke cigarettes. Nuff said.

F) Easy way to isolate
-If you're chatting up a girl you just met, especially if she's with her friends (and she is) if you dont smoke and just say "lets go outside" its about as rapey as a windowless panel van. If you smoke though, its an instant ticket to isolate her outside. "He I'm gonna go smoke, why dont you come with me."

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Non-smoker here, but there's no denying that it makes approaching much easier - and yes, I have tried this.

Mike, do clove cigarettes sold in the US have nicotine and tar, like the ones they smoke in Asia?

Some guys (either this thread or another one) mentioned they were non-smokers but carried a lighter. Can a non-smoker who is carrying a lighter do things to increase the chances that a chick smoker will ask for a light? Seems like these chicks typically just look for someone who has is currently smoking. Maybe hang out in front of the bar? Or keep an eye out for girls who are stepping out of the bar/club and pulling out cigarettes, but fumbling in their bag trying to find a lighter.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Moma: Problem with your argument is that it can easily be applied to drinking, which I think causes far more deaths than smoking. Can you imagine some guy saying he "sold his soul" when he sipped on a vodka tonic to help talk to some chick in a bar? It's true you don't HAVE to drink to pick up in a bar, but just having a couple makes it a lot easier without shortening your lifespan.

Bottom line is to be strategic about everything. You don't need to be a chain smoker to see benefits from "smoking game" without putting yourself at risk. A couple cigarettes on a night out where the hottest girls are indeed smoking can be helpful. For me to indulge, it has to be a venue where the logistics dictate that guys who smoke have access to better girls. This may be only 1 out of 10 clubs I visit.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-13-2012 05:58 PM)assman Wrote:  

Non-smoker here, but there's no denying that it makes approaching much easier - and yes, I have tried this.

Mike, do clove cigarettes sold in the US have nicotine and tar, like the ones they smoke in Asia?

Some guys (either this thread or another one) mentioned they were non-smokers but carried a lighter. Can a non-smoker who is carrying a lighter do things to increase the chances that a chick smoker will ask for a light? Seems like these chicks typically just look for someone who has is currently smoking. Maybe hang out in front of the bar? Or keep an eye out for girls who are stepping out of the bar/club and pulling out cigarettes, but fumbling in their bag trying to find a lighter.

Why wait? If you happen to be outside an a hot chick pulls a cig out just throw the flame up. I carry a nice chromed Zippo so thats an easy move since you can leave the flame up indefinitely and it doesn't go out easy.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

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