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Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

When guys start shit and try to press charges when they get their asses whooped. I'm just kidding travolta...

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Quote: (03-07-2012 09:25 PM)travolta Wrote:  

Shit like this makes me want to kick people in the face. I don't like when people try to undermine something I take seriously.

If you do, let him know I have a good lawyer for him.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

As soon as I start collecting 10% of the guy's paychecks until he can pay off the settlement he's going to owe me, I'll recommend my lawyer to you.

*waits for forum people to make "if I ever meet you" threats, and call me a pussy scum bag*

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Quote: (03-07-2012 11:38 PM)travolta Wrote:  

As soon as I start collecting 10% of the guy's paychecks until he can pay off the settlement he's going to owe me, I'll recommend my lawyer to you.

Thanks, but I won't need a lawyer. I don't sue people nor call the cops, I have pride.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Quote: (03-07-2012 11:38 PM)travolta Wrote:  

As soon as I start collecting 10% of the guy's paychecks until he can pay off the settlement he's going to owe me, I'll recommend my lawyer to you.

*waits for forum people to make "if I ever meet you" threats, and call me a pussy scum bag*

So you get the urge to kick people in the face if they don't have the exact same attitude as you do about something? And when you talk shit to someone for no reason, basically instigate a fight, and then get beat up for it, you try to sue them? Did I get it correct?

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Quote: (03-07-2012 01:17 PM)RougeNoir Wrote:  

-Building more interstate when it causes more traffic in the short term as well as the long term pisses me off. Induced traffic is what that is called.

- The U.S. not having an efficient high-speed rail service. Yes, I know they are "working on that one" yet slowly. China is investing over $400 billion into high-speed rail.

Has anyone ever worked out whether High Speed Rail is actually cost-effective. Given the unbelievaby high cost/km it would seem to make sense only in very densely populated areas. Say Bos-Wash, Northern Europe.

Maybe a better idea to build HSR from city centres to airports, and let the planes carry the people to their final destination. The air is free. No need to construct overpriced rail lines up there.

Also, China has absurdly cheap labour, and there have been many deaths on these trains due to shoddy construction. Similar projects in the US would have to have a much higher safety rating and will cost many times more.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

[Image: BooYaa+TRIBE+boo_yaa_Tribe_0.jpg]

It's the tattoo "artists" that put that shit on people that piss me off. They probably piss the Boo Yaa Tribe off, too.

For some folks, tattoos are a cultural thing, but these freaks are ready to rape that culture for $75. They don't even do it the right way.

The guys who have done mine would never pe'a up some hipster from Akron, OH. When some skinny kid comes up and tries to compare his store-bought shit to mine all I do is tell him to get fucked, where as I hope they don't go trying to compare with the guys in the picture above. I think they found Jesus though.


Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Giving this this thread a bump right here. I'm pretty easy going and not a lot of shit pisses me off, but I can contribute something...

What I am about to post is not anything female related; want to fuck a bunch of girls? Well, then be prepared to deal with a little bit of bullshit, and accepting this should be the first step you take; if game were easy, everyone would do it.

[size=22pt]Was this Beta?™[/size]

But what I will post is something immensely time-sucking and something I'm seeing more and more every day; People debiting and crediting small purchases.

Never mind my issues with the credit system in general, or that it shows just how short-sighted people are these days, or that it rivals the student loan hustle in terms of creating debt slaves; it's just a big damn time waster.

Today getting groceries there were three people in front of me; the first a young mother and a young kid with a taco kit, some rapini (or kale?), some apples, a chocolate bar and a magazine...debit (maybe $12?). The next a young dude with a few cases of pop and some cooked (maybe $10?), and just in front of me an older guy with some fruits and vegetables, some bulk stuff, a French stick and a few other small items...debit (maybe $15?). Me with ten pounds of chicken, a small tub of Ben & Jerry's, a case of coke, a few peppers, some brown rice and a few cans of pasta (about $41). I was in line for over five minutes; I would have been out of there in two if everyone paid cash.

Taking and processing a credit or debit card takes 20 seconds to over a minute; taking my cash and giving me change takes ten seconds. I don't even know by the time I die how many years I'll have spent standing in line between jerkoffs buying $8 worth of shit on credit (according to this page, the average American will spend 2-3 years over a lifetime standing in line...ouch), and honestly; I can understand crediting a big purchase, not everyone is comfortable walking around with 2g's in their pocket (et tu, G?), but I try to pay everything in cash (within reason, obviously); it's taken everywhere, it's quick and efficient and I don't want the big supercomputer that runs the credit system (no doubt with a feed directly into the government) knowing that I bought this at this place at this time in case they one day want to turn it on me.

Whenever I get paid I send some online to my bills, keeping a small chunk for emergencies and going to the ATM and pulling the rest in cash. I don't go to the grocery store or the liquor store to waste my time.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Girls who think its okay to kiss you with morning breath. Go brush your teeth your sewered mouthed skank.

I've got my girl trained to swish her mouth with hydrogen peroxide before trying to get frisky in the mornings.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Fresh from the gym, this one pissed me off:

People who stop and fill up their goddamn water bottles at the gym water fountain. It's annoying as shit waiting behind them and it seems like every other person does it. Just walk over and get a drink when you're thirsty you lazy bastards.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Quote: (03-12-2012 07:53 PM)Jackhammer Wrote:  

Fresh from the gym, this one pissed me off:

People who stop and fill up their goddamn water bottles at the gym water fountain. It's annoying as shit waiting behind them and it seems like every other person does it. Just walk over and get a drink when you're thirsty you lazy bastards.

I agree. PROPER protocol is to wait until nobody is in line before filling your bottle.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

people who have no drive or ambition, and are cool with mediocrity.
people who have no sense of individuality. ie. wearing glittery tee shirts and true religions one week, wearing skin tight pants another

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Quote: (03-12-2012 07:53 PM)Jackhammer Wrote:  

Fresh from the gym, this one pissed me off:

People who stop and fill up their goddamn water bottles at the gym water fountain. It's annoying as shit waiting behind them and it seems like every other person does it. Just walk over and get a drink when you're thirsty you lazy bastards.

Agreed. I hate that.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Quote: (03-12-2012 07:53 PM)Jackhammer Wrote:  

Fresh from the gym, this one pissed me off:

People who stop and fill up their goddamn water bottles at the gym water fountain. It's annoying as shit waiting behind them and it seems like every other person does it. Just walk over and get a drink when you're thirsty you lazy bastards.

When I'm at the gym I work out hard so I usually drink 60-70 oz of water during a workout. Sometimes I bring a gallon jug of water with me and obviously I never have to fill it up. Sometimes I forget or don't have a gallon jug so I'll roll with a 20 oz bottle that I have to fill up 2-3 times. It takes 10 seconds to fill up that bottle as opposed to 5 seconds to get a drink. Do you get pissed about waiting 5 extra seconds? I'm not going to walk all the way across the gym every two minutes to get a drink.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

I fucking hate fucking FAUX poser lesbians!

That is all.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Noise when I'm trying to think.

"Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby that's all we need" - Ronald Reagan

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

People who squat above parallel
Guys with jacked upper bodies and chicken legs
Bicep curls in the squat rack
Personal trainers
Traditional Martial Arts nerds who don't really spar
People who think X person makes too much money because they are too ignorant or stupid to understand what X person does for a living but has no problem that Y celebrity/athlete makes $20m /year

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Rappers and hip hop culture. I can't stand to think that lil Wayne has a Bugatti veyron.
At least I know that in 10 years they will have squandered all their wealth on the dumbest shit imaginable like fake diamond chains and spinning rims. Brings me hope.

"Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby that's all we need" - Ronald Reagan

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Pretty much everything about America these days.

I love America. I hate Americans(majority).

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Fat bitches that think they are good for anything but sucking dick and breaking dry spells

Said she only fucked like 4 or 5 niggas so you know you gotta multiply by three

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

I hate getting up in the morning and making coffee.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

This is the original Hater's Lounge. [Image: lol.gif]

Quote: (12-21-2012 09:33 AM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I hate getting up in the morning and making coffee.

If you can be arsed enough to figure out the shitty clocks most coffee makers have on them, your coffee can be ready for you when you wake up. Shit, my coffee pot acts like an alarm clock sometimes - hard to sleep through all the loud burbling.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

It pisses me off when someone starts another Haters Lounge. I AM THE ORIGINAL HATER!

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

I fucking hate winter. Seriously.

It's been 30 degrees and 50 mile an hour wind gusts for the past two days. I don't smoke in my own residence, always step outside for a puff - but I'm seriously considering changing that policy.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Quote: (12-21-2012 10:04 AM)MSW2007 Wrote:  

I fucking hate winter. Seriously.

It's been 30 degrees and 50 mile an hour wind gusts for the past two days. I don't smoke in my own residence, always step outside for a puff - but I'm seriously considering changing that policy.

Same here. I had to fire up a kerosene heater in the garage just to survive smoking a cigarette.

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