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Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

One of the cool things you can do on Facebook is choose to 'not see posts from [this source]' without unfollowing the person who shared it.

Things really smoothed out once I did this with BuzzFeed.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-30-2017 08:44 AM)The Man w/ the Golden Gun Wrote:  

That is a good point HCE. I'd like to provide these "tangible symptoms" below for anyone who A. wants to get their T checked for free and B. may be experiencing some of these symptoms themselves or C. are perfectly fine, but could get away with BS'ing your PCP a bit/have a good, solid relationship with him

"tangible symptoms":
Increased body fat
Decreased muscular strength
Brittle bones (this and following symptoms really getting into female territory)
You're not growing body hair
Bitch tits
hot flashes

Not a doctor, but just as interested in this subject as any of you fellas.

Oh and hey if you don't have any of these symptoms (which you should not), invest in that private lab test!

Just keep in mind that family medicine doctors are practically enslaved by the government and have to maintain quotas for prescriptions, exams and sick leaves or else their income can be slashed severely. So they probably won't just give it to you like that.

Once you factor the wait times at the A) family medicine doctor and B) hospital biochem lab, you'll find that you could have used that time to produce much more money than you saved with that prescription anyway. IMO, for cheap tests like this there's no reason to go through the whole system.

If you're doing something extremely specialized like genetic markers for rare conditions (which can cost thousands of kuna), then sure... but a 120 kn testosterone test is probably not worth it.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

If those manlets only got on some zinc, started a compound weight lifting program, and worked on their body language, they'd be well on their way to the land of oppressive masculinity.

Data Sheet Maps | On Musical Chicks | Rep Point Changes | Au Pairs on a Boat
Captainstabbin: "girls get more attractive with your dick in their mouth. It's science."
Spaniard88: "The "believe anything" crew contributes: "She's probably a good girl, maybe she lost her virginity to someone with AIDS and only had sex once before you met her...give her a chance.""

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Around the 8:50 mark in that video the chick says that the guy has a soft jaw line which "makes him more desirable....for long term partnership"


She basically called him a beta bucks.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-29-2017 09:34 PM)gework Wrote:  

Not much research here, but this seems a strong indicator that men with higher T are more likely to vote for less government:

[Image: Screenshot_at_2017-10-30_02-07-20.png]

On that last bullet point, there's no link between women's physical strength and political views For women, the link is probably based on beauty. Ugly girls => liberal, Pretty girls => conservative.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-30-2017 01:16 AM)ProGambler Wrote:  

Watched the video. Gas them.

Haha! That made me laugh out loud in a public space.

I genuinely couldn't make it past 10 seconds, it's the fucking feminine voices/patterns of speech these 'men' have that I can't stand.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-29-2017 08:29 PM)Col. Tigh Wrote:  

They don't lift, they don't fuck women (often), they play videogames or stare at mobile devices all day, and they've been exposed to endocrine disruptors since the womb. Who's surprised?

Testosterone in the womb is actually genetic and is by far the strongest factor as to why these guys have low test. They have exceedingly narrow faces - no amount of working out and eating right will help them - this is who they are. Their patrilineal ancestors were all betas since the dawn of time, since T is carried in the Y-DNA passed on from fathers to sons.

The height to width ratio predicts your testosterone levels with perfect precision, you don't even have to get tested.

[Image: attachment.jpg37814]   

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Testosterone is responsible for your hair darkening growing up. These people are obviously promoting aryan white supremacism with their dislike for androgenic hormones!

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

I went for a testosterone test fairly recently (about 4 months ago).

My results were "high testosterone" and my doctor actually sent me for more tests. When I looked at the numbers, they were simply high normal (I think I was around 950ish) however they sent me for more tests worried about hypergonadism or whatever.

So even though this was within the range, doctors were actually saying "it's too high" and pulled more blood and got me to jerk off into a cup.

Interesting that they have lowered the standards, I really think this is one of the major factors to the downfall of civilization. The Greatest
Generation never had to worry about low test, look what they accomplished. Theres a lot of millennials my age and younger that don't even have the energy to fuck girls or build anything besides their World of warcraft character, and we wonder why..

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-30-2017 05:56 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

TRT is nice, but I'm pretty sure you get better results just by power-fucking your lady from behind while pulling her hair.

Or is this one of those chicken/egg scenarios?

Biochemical stuff all appears to be a feedback loop. Sexual domination of a woman probably releases more T, which increases the desire to sexually dominate.


I think on an individual level, high T is a good thing. On a societal level, not so much. This is pure theory on my part but if you look at countries where the male population has, on average, higher T - they're usually backwards places. Asia in comparison is relatively safe with all the soyboys running around lol.

True. For example, Christianity encouraged monogomy. Over centuries this transformed Europe from a region typically controlled by male dominance to one controlled by commercial competence. It did this by giving more men access to pass on their genes by sexual egalitarianism of monogamy. It also provided an environment in which men would pass on more knowledge with each generation, rather than being out marauding or being killed. It's ironic that these adult babies at Buzz Feed and elsewhere so despise Christianity, the system that was responsible for changing the genetic makeup of society to allow them to live the lives they live. But once these people get control they make so many decisions that will end their family line and their physically weak and mentally submissive genes:

- piling into the cities and renting till death
- no property, no mortgage
- no marriage, no children
- living lifestyles that lead to them needing IVF
- investing all their spare money in luxury that builds nothing in the future

The affect Christianity had on society was one of accidental eugenics. The priestly caste appear to have been people with physically weak genes; and thus on one level I think religion was a deep subconscious effort for them to find a way to replicate their genes in a society they couldn't compete in.

This is an excerpt describing the process of domesticating foxes:


The least domesticated foxes, those that flee from experimenters or bite when stroked or handled, are assigned to Class III. Foxes in Class II let themselves be petted and handled but show no emotionally friendly response to experimenters. Foxes in Class I are friendly toward experimenters, wagging their tails and whining. In the sixth generation bred for tameness we had to add an even higher-scoring category. Members of Class IE, the "domesticated elite", are eager to establish human contact, whimpering to attract attention and sniffing and licking experimenters like dogs. They start displaying this kind of behavior before they are one month old. By the tenth generation, 18 percent of fox pups were elite; by the 20th, the figure had reached 35 percent. Today elite foxes make up 70 to 80 percent of our experimentally selected population.

These BuzzFeed boys are the "domesticated elite" of a coincidental eugenics program.

The orient had it's similar religions, which over centuries made them low T, less violent societies. The reason that orientals are typically underpresented in crime in the West and their own countries also low crime is that they had religions that calmed society from earlier times.

If you look at areas that didn't have such religions: The Middle East, South + Central America and Africa, you find levels of violence far beyond what you find in Europe and the Far East. It's because their cultures still or recently widely selected success on dominance and violence; and had considerable practice of monogamy, largely excluding weaker men for procreating.

But this leads to the situation where we are now: where society becomes so weak that it won't protect itself from aggressive outside influences. This happened to China When they built a wall to keep out their neighbours, but were so weak they fell any way.

IMO the solution is to be high T, but know what that means and turning the aggression into assertiveness.


Around the 8:50 mark in that video the chick says that the guy has a soft jaw line which "makes him more desirable....for long term partnership"

Makes him more likely to knowingly pay the bills for all the other guys' kids she will pop out.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-29-2017 08:43 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (10-29-2017 08:38 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Last I saw, the new narrative will be to insinuate that a low T level is actually the "new normal".

Correct, the WHO is lowering the bar with sperm counts, which is directly correlated to T levels:


Sperm count, or sperm concentration to avoid confusion with total sperm count, measures the concentration of sperm in a man’s ejaculate, distinguished from total sperm count, which is the sperm count multiplied with volume.[5] Over 15 million sperm per milliliter is considered normal, according to the WHO in 2010.[6] Older definitions state 20 million.[2][3]

I wrote about it here:

Speaking of which, these guys had their sperm counts tested a while ago. The only ones with "normal levels" of volume and overall count were the Asian guy (Eugene) and Ned (who in this recent video had the lowest T).

Interestingly, at around 3:03 the doctor says "one of the biggest ways of getting your sperm counts go to 0 is actually taking supplemental testosterone".

I'm not an expert but from what I understand TRT certainly doesn't make you sterile. Is what he says just bs?

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-30-2017 02:26 PM)Gopnik Wrote:  

Interestingly, at around 3:03 the doctor says "one of the biggest ways of getting your sperm counts go to 0 is actually taking supplemental testosterone".

I'm not an expert but from what I understand TRT certainly doesn't make you sterile. Is what he says just bs?

Not b.s. Two and half years ago I had low T symptoms and a sperm count & quality on the low end of the "normal" scale for a guy my age (40s). I went to a very well known urologist to get tested and get a rundown on what the hell was wrong with me.

He basically told me (further research on my end backed this up) that synthetic and natural shots T kills your sperm count. Worse, over time, it makes your body produce less T on its own. I got a detailed explanation as to why this happens, but I don't recall it in enough detail to regurgitate it here. This was a big deal because my wife and I were trying to have kids.

Per my Doc, the key is to get the body to produce more T. For my case the treatment was (which other have mentioned as well):

* Take a good antioxidant. Doc recommended extra vitamin C (which many claim is useless.. but it I gave it a try anyway).
* Zinc supplement
* LOSE THE GODDAMN EXTRA FAT! Being overweight kills T level, sperm count, and promotes estrogen (source of dreaded 'man boobs').
* Muscle building exercise.

Did the above.. it fixed EVERYTHING! My son is now 3 months old.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-30-2017 01:26 PM)gework Wrote:  

The affect Christianity had on society was one of accidental eugenics. The priestly caste appear to have been people with physically weak genes;

Err, the Monks were the smartest of society, celibacy was diseugenic. High quality males are either smarter or stronger than the average, almost nobody is both.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

A bit late to this party but I would imagine over on the left, there is a thread like this celebrating the "new normal" of herbivore, soy boys.

What I find sad is the the still from the video that shows their faces, they look to still have potential. I don't understand how I could, in my late 30's, have triple their T levels. They seem chiseled, fit, and healthy. There must be something deeper.

I agree that these guys are a product of their environment. As any of us inner city players know, there is a massive leaning toward this type of manlet. The fags have T levels 3-4x the levels these guys have. And that is no joke.

What we have now is a competition toward genetic cliffs for media/government/tech workers running alongside fags. Women are cheating at levels of men these days, with any man worth a damn being lied to in order to cuck her boyfriend. Remember, women have not really changed so much as they have just been given the green light with no repercussions to fulfill their biological urge.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Dailydot, Medium, and UK Metro all suddenly have articles insinuating that the soy insult is a sign of insecurity among men who use it.

There will be more. This is just the beginning.

Because they don't realize that you can't shame someone who doesn't care what you think.

I left a comment at the third one.


You will never understand the meaning of this term.

Because woman.

And none of your male friends will be able to explain it to you.

Because soy.

What have you done today?

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Do all of them claim to be straight?

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-29-2017 08:25 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I just can’t watch it all the way through...
[Image: f1cb3213249c849827956a72442401f6.gif]

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-30-2017 02:26 PM)Gopnik Wrote:  

Interestingly, at around 3:03 the doctor says "one of the biggest ways of getting your sperm counts go to 0 is actually taking supplemental testosterone".

I'm not an expert but from what I understand TRT certainly doesn't make you sterile. Is what he says just bs?

It's called negative feedback. The high amount of testosterone is your body will signal decrease production by your body natural sensor for testosterone. This is basic biological regulation. Injecting TRT in steady amount into your body will lead to the testes, major organ to produce testosterone and sperm, to cut down the production of sperm and T.

If any man what to increase there T levels, follow what Hell_Is_Like_Newark said. By the Newark, congrats on your son.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-30-2017 03:42 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

What have you done today?

I haven’t consumed any fucking soy. Will that do?

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

As a relevant PSA I feel obliged to leave my anti-estrogen datasheet here... don't fall into the deep soy trap!


Menace Wrote:
An experience is in her head and no guy can ever jizz on it.
Vaun Wrote:
Goldmund Wrote:
This was used a lot when I was young and really into the underground scene. I would invite girls to come back to listen to Fugazi records.
This is the first time in recorded history that Fugazi was used to remove panties.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-30-2017 06:53 PM)Conscious Pirate Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2017 03:42 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

What have you done today?

I haven’t consumed any fucking soy. Will that do?

If you drank any beer, drank any tap water, drank any water out of a plastic bottle, took an unfiltered shower, touched any plastic that's been exposed to the sun, eaten any commercial produce with pesticide residue on them, used any conventional cosmetics/hygiene products, or eaten any conventional processed foods... no that simply won't do.

Menace Wrote:
An experience is in her head and no guy can ever jizz on it.
Vaun Wrote:
Goldmund Wrote:
This was used a lot when I was young and really into the underground scene. I would invite girls to come back to listen to Fugazi records.
This is the first time in recorded history that Fugazi was used to remove panties.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-30-2017 02:49 PM)Hell_Is_Like_Newark Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2017 02:26 PM)Gopnik Wrote:  

Interestingly, at around 3:03 the doctor says "one of the biggest ways of getting your sperm counts go to 0 is actually taking supplemental testosterone".

I'm not an expert but from what I understand TRT certainly doesn't make you sterile. Is what he says just bs?

Not b.s. Two and half years ago I had low T symptoms and a sperm count & quality on the low end of the "normal" scale for a guy my age (40s). I went to a very well known urologist to get tested and get a rundown on what the hell was wrong with me.

He basically told me (further research on my end backed this up) that synthetic and natural shots T kills your sperm count. Worse, over time, it makes your body produce less T on its own. I got a detailed explanation as to why this happens, but I don't recall it in enough detail to regurgitate it here. This was a big deal because my wife and I were trying to have kids.

Per my Doc, the key is to get the body to produce more T. For my case the treatment was (which other have mentioned as well):

* Take a good antioxidant. Doc recommended extra vitamin C (which many claim is useless.. but it I gave it a try anyway).
* Zinc supplement
* LOSE THE GODDAMN EXTRA FAT! Being overweight kills T level, sperm count, and promotes estrogen (source of dreaded 'man boobs').
* Muscle building exercise.

Did the above.. it fixed EVERYTHING! My son is now 3 months old.

I remember watching a video where the guy explains how injecting T from external sources renders the need for your testes to not produce as much testosterone and so, in due course they would shrink as the body was getting it from elsewhere.

Hence why bodybuilders get the small dick insults.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-30-2017 06:53 PM)Conscious Pirate Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2017 03:42 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

What have you done today?

I haven’t consumed any fucking soy. Will that do?


Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-29-2017 10:25 PM)Scoundrel Wrote:  

...The guy in the middle even said he would gladly have sex with all of the others...

More precisely, he said he would happily penetrate them. I.e.: take the male/masculine role with them in the female/feminine role.

It's like he could sense their pathetic testosterone levels compared to his own even without the bloodwork, and instinctively measured them all as "catchers".

Dude must have T-band gaydar.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-29-2017 08:49 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Roosh this one will end up being the best thread of the year. I am in tears as what we have known for very long is true as the fact that the sun will rise tomorrow. Modern soy based urban life is literally the antithesis environment to normal healthy masculine men. All those four men you could say in soy based LA are st the pinnacle of the new economy and modern age working for a mega fluffy media corporation that gives them good day, benefitsx and the ability to rent in downtown LA and travel and all that. Yet, when it comes down to it, all these men have rasian balls, weak sperm, and see basically toss-aways to the the gene pool.

This modern weak lifestyle is almost by design to make men weak and into cucks. I hope his inspires dudes to go to the gym tomorrow and keep on the good fight to combat weaponized soy. It is clear as day it is all intended to make men weak. What more proof do you need than Buzzfeed being packed with soy boys with testosterone levels of teenage boys.

Ghengis Khan talked about his disdain for urban living and it making men weak. While the sedentary Chinese were eating noodles, the nomadic Mongols were eating flesh. Even to this day, Mongols are significantly larger than other Asian groups. Not to mention, they conquered most the fucking world.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

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