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The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

Pundint instead of pundit.

Black people saying POlice and white people saying plice.

Great idea for a thread, CP. It has already forked into several threads. There will be no end to this.

1. Grammar Nazi

2. Intentionally using bad grammar to make a point. (Grammar delete thread?)

3. Using grammar as an excuse to trash another country. (Will also work for race.)

4. Bad translations.

If this keeps going, you will end up having created a subforum.

I will add to this number five.

5. Double Bad translations.

An interview with Madonna, translated into Hungarian, then translated back into English, and read by a couple of smart asses.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

Quote: (09-25-2017 08:04 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

Envision - It's envisage. We gave you the language, America, don't take liberties.

I'll be back momentarily - No, you won't, you'll be back in a moment. It's not the same thing, and one is clearly nonsense.

One of my guys said the former the other day; it was all I could do not to throw him out of the window.

I believe you meant to say it was all you could do not to defenestrate him.

Here's a few more.

Faze is a word, so don't say things didn't phase you.

So is pique. Saying something peaked your interest means nothing, but if it did mean something, it would mean your interest has peaked, and is waning.

Also, if something energizes you, don't describe it as enervating. That means the opposite.

This thread could also be used for tie breakers between countries.

Aluminum vs. Aluminium.

Spring onion vs. scallion.

Aubergine vs. Eggplant.

Snow Peas vs. Mangetout.

Maths vs. Math already has a winner for now.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

dominate / dominant

"You need to be a dominate alpha male to get mad poozy!"

our / are

"Are squad roll deep."

Some of my friends write facebook posts on their iphone using the talk function. The poor enunciation is evident.

"The whole point of being alpha, is doing what the fuck you want.
That's why you see real life alphas without chicks. He's doing him.

Real alphas don't tend to have game. They don't tend to care about the emotional lives of the people around them."


The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

Quote: (09-25-2017 05:14 AM)asdfk Wrote:  

You need to get laid more often.

Alot of people on this thread need to get laid more often.

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

Quote: (09-25-2017 12:43 PM)Horus Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2017 05:14 AM)asdfk Wrote:  

You need to get laid more often.

Alot of people on this thread need to get laid more often.

It is always a lot, and never alot, unless you were joking. And thank god you didn't use allot, or the Grammar Valkyries might have come for you.

Thread mascot meme:

[Image: ba7.jpg]

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

Talking of getting laid....

It's always puzzled me hearing some of my North American friends describing the chase of poon.

"I'm heading into the city to catch me a hoe"

Compared to our quaint.

"A'hm gaun up the toon tae git ma hole"

Does this constitute a grammatical error or just an abbreviation?

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

Quote: (09-25-2017 01:16 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2017 12:43 PM)Horus Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2017 05:14 AM)asdfk Wrote:  

You need to get laid more often.

Alot of people on this thread need to get laid more often.

It is always a lot, and never alot, unless you were joking. And thank god you didn't use allot, or the Grammar Valkyries might have come for you.

Now you've peaked my interest...... Why did you capitalize Grammar Valkyries and not god?????!!!!!!!

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

Quote: (09-25-2017 01:28 PM)Horus Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2017 01:16 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2017 12:43 PM)Horus Wrote:  

Quote: (09-25-2017 05:14 AM)asdfk Wrote:  

You need to get laid more often.

Alot of people on this thread need to get laid more often.

It is always a lot, and never alot, unless you were joking. And thank god you didn't use allot, or the Grammar Valkyries might have come for you.

Now you've peaked my interest...... Why did you capitalize Grammar Valkyries and not god?????!!!!!!!

Out of curtusy to are ateist bros.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

[Image: 1q2flh.jpg]

"A happy man is a happy everybody else in his life."

"Ladies if you want to make your man happy, think about what makes you happy and do exactly the opposite."

"Hey how you doin' and I hope you know that I'm an upgrade for your stupid daughter." - Patrice O'Neal

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

Something being described as 'very/really' unique.

It's either unique or it isn't.

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

I was talking with an immigrant a few weeks back & instead of telling me about his friends twins, he referred to them as "double kids".

[Image: laugh6.gif]

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

Some of yous guys r rally frustrating and need to losen up. Just cuz some of you guys don't no nuthin or how to make things funner dont mean you have to stop our funness. Its why nobody likes you or you're Nazis.

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

It should be normality instead of normalcy. That one doesn't irk me too badly though.

In some cases it's difficult to NOT end a sentence with a preposition without resorting to a very formal use of English, however some egregious uses of prepositions to end a sentence drive me crazy.

"Where's the party at?" etc. Instead of just, "Where's the party?"

I get plenty of hilarious examples with my latino crew...there's actually an Instagram page called "Kitchen Tape" or something, showing examples of all the butchering of English done by immigrant workers. One of my favorites to this day was a bucket of peeled potatoes in a bucket of water that was labeled, "Guare Poteros". If you pronounce that in Spanish it would be something like "Wateh Potetos", or potatoes in water.

I really hate the misuse of quotations on advertisements. Places will have a banner up saying "Everything Homemade!" By putting it quotations when it's already on a banner, it makes it seem that everything is *not* homemade.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

Where you wanna have sex at?

(Ending a proposition with a preposition.)

I have posted this before, though Veloce and his prepositions is getting me fired up about it. Call it the Grammar Nazi party trick.

I can end a sentence in six prepositions.

The set up: Kid upstairs in bed, wants bed time story. Dad brings up book he has read before.

Kid says:

Dad, why did you bring that book I don't want to be read to from out of up for?

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

When people pronounce schedule as 'skedule' instead of 'shhedule'.

I agree with the ending in a preposition being infuriating. 'Where's the party at', 'why did you do that for'.

Affect vs effect (affect is a verb, effect is a noun)

People mixing up imply and infer.

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

The website forvo is useful when you practice a foreign language or want to check a pronunciation by country.

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

So-and-so "begs the question."

No, genius, "begging the question" is a logical fallacy. You, and 95% of everyone else who uses this phrase, meant to say that it RAISES the question. This is so basic, so simple, that it drives me nuts every time I hear it.

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

POOSY PARADISE [Image: banana.gif]

That is all the grammar that is accepted by the grammar nazis at RVF [Image: sleepy.gif]

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

I love grammar.


The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

Quote: (09-25-2017 01:28 PM)Horus Wrote:  

Now you've peaked my interest...... Why did you capitalize Grammar Valkyries and not god?????!!!!!!!

Goddammit, I can't let this one slide... please tell me you know it's supposed to be 'piqued'...

"Intellectuals are naturally attracted by the idea of a planned society, in the belief that they will be in charge of it" -Roger Scruton

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

"A large amount of people"

I suppose this could technically be correct if you're talking about the volume of water displaced by human bodies or something. Otherwise, it's "A large number of people."

"I have a lot of cousin's" "I like to buy treats for my dog's"

I feel like I've been seeing this shit quite a bit recently, including on this forum, and it drives me nuts. If it's not a contraction or a possessive then get the apostrophe the fuck out of there, unless of course it's the possessive "its" or "yours" that you're writing since you don't need one there in the first place.

"My house is bigger then yours."

Your house is bigger and then mine?

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

Quote: (09-25-2017 03:25 PM)britchard Wrote:  

When people pronounce schedule as 'skedule' instead of 'shhedule'.

I agree with the ending in a preposition being infuriating. 'Where's the party at', 'why did you do that for'.

Affect vs effect (affect is a verb, effect is a noun)

People mixing up imply and infer.

Guilty on schedule!! [Image: sad.gif]



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

Am I'm the only descriptivist here? These are normal, benign language differences -- not questions of correctness. 'Schedule' is pronounced differently according to the dialect of English. New Yorkers wait 'on line'. Meaning, pronunciation and usage change over time and place. Big deal.

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?

Quote: (09-25-2017 05:43 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

Am I'm the only descriptivist here? These are normal, benign language differences -- not questions of correctness. 'Schedule' is pronounced differently according to the dialect of English. New Yorkers wait 'on line'. Meaning, pronunciation and usage change over time and place. Big deal.

Part of the fun of this thread is that it is all over the place. Do you feel the same way about grammar as you do about the pronunciation of words?

I agree with you long term, that it is what it is.

Still, hanging on to grammar and specific meanings of words is part of culture. A language can be dumbed down so you lose a lot of meaning.

Some squabbles are nitpicking, and some are about meaning itself.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The Grammar Nazi Thread: Is that a fucking word?



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