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Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level
Real Male Earnings Still Below 1973 Level: Household Income Gains Entirely Due To Rising Female Earnings

[Image: median-income-2017-09-12a.png?w=529&h=354]

The Census Bureau report Income and Poverty in the US 2016 shows real household income in the US hit a new record high of $59,039 in 2016, thanks to a methodology change and rising incomes of women.

Real, inflation adjusted, earnings of men are below where they were in 1973.

[Image: median-income-2017-09-12b.png?w=529&h=348]

When all else fails, change the methodology.

Here's how they are closing the "gender pay gap". Just keep men's incomes the same for 50 years.

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Quote: (09-14-2017 08:56 AM)DamienCasanova Wrote:
Real Male Earnings Still Below 1973 Level: Household Income Gains Entirely Due To Rising Female Earnings

And is it a just a coincidence that this started around the same time women began to enter the work force en-masse?

I've seen a lot of mainstream articles discussing how immigration depresses the wages of American workers, especially blue-collar workers.

Women of course tend to eschew the trades/construction/etc., so their entry into the workforce has generally been into white-collar fields.

So, in the past 40+ years we've nearly doubled the labor supply for white collar work (men to men+women) and have been importing millions of immigrants for the blue-collar work that remained after we outsourced our manufacturing base.

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Who cares about averages? Be exceptional at something that provides value to others or do something more complex or cutting edge than the typical pre-packaged 8 to 5 job where you just push a button on a computer and you won't have to worry about money or work with women.

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Quote: (09-14-2017 11:03 AM)Renzy Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2017 08:56 AM)DamienCasanova Wrote:
Real Male Earnings Still Below 1973 Level: Household Income Gains Entirely Due To Rising Female Earnings

And is it a just a coincidence that this started around the same time women began to enter the work force en-masse?

I've seen a lot of mainstream articles discussing how immigration depresses the wages of American workers, especially blue-collar workers.

Women of course tend to eschew the trades/construction/etc., so their entry into the workforce has generally been into white-collar fields.

So, in the past 40+ years we've nearly doubled the labor supply for white collar work (men to men+women) and have been importing millions of immigrants for the blue-collar work that remained after we outsourced our manufacturing base.

Has there been anything more detrimental to society than women entering the workforce?

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Quote: (09-14-2017 10:27 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

Has there been anything more detrimental to society than women entering the workforce?

(((Fellow white people)))

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Quote: (09-14-2017 10:27 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2017 11:03 AM)Renzy Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2017 08:56 AM)DamienCasanova Wrote:
Real Male Earnings Still Below 1973 Level: Household Income Gains Entirely Due To Rising Female Earnings

And is it a just a coincidence that this started around the same time women began to enter the work force en-masse?

I've seen a lot of mainstream articles discussing how immigration depresses the wages of American workers, especially blue-collar workers.

Women of course tend to eschew the trades/construction/etc., so their entry into the workforce has generally been into white-collar fields.

So, in the past 40+ years we've nearly doubled the labor supply for white collar work (men to men+women) and have been importing millions of immigrants for the blue-collar work that remained after we outsourced our manufacturing base.

Has there been anything more detrimental to society than women entering the workforce?

Women entering the voting booth.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Quote: (09-14-2017 09:55 PM)IvanDrago Wrote:  

Who cares about averages? Be exceptional at something that provides value to others or do something more complex or cutting edge than the typical pre-packaged 8 to 5 job where you just push a button on a computer and you won't have to worry about money or work with women.

While there is merit to trying to excel, and I encourage every man here to do so, the fact of the matter is that the average There have been systematic efforts to keep men down as a group, and they have largely worked.

One of the things I do when hanging out with male friends is those who are in management at their companies, I encourage them to hire only men whenever possible. When you hire men, you make more breadwinners, which is what society needs. Society needs less women in the workforce and more women in the kitchen.

Roosh needs to bring back Traditional Gender Roles Week.

Back to the kitchen!

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Quote: (09-14-2017 10:59 PM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2017 10:27 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2017 11:03 AM)Renzy Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2017 08:56 AM)DamienCasanova Wrote:
Real Male Earnings Still Below 1973 Level: Household Income Gains Entirely Due To Rising Female Earnings

And is it a just a coincidence that this started around the same time women began to enter the work force en-masse?

I've seen a lot of mainstream articles discussing how immigration depresses the wages of American workers, especially blue-collar workers.

Women of course tend to eschew the trades/construction/etc., so their entry into the workforce has generally been into white-collar fields.

So, in the past 40+ years we've nearly doubled the labor supply for white collar work (men to men+women) and have been importing millions of immigrants for the blue-collar work that remained after we outsourced our manufacturing base.

Has there been anything more detrimental to society than women entering the workforce?

Women entering the voting booth.

Things really started tanking in the 1970s, after women entered the workforce, which is the main symptom of a broader feminist movement that the globalists unleashed at the end of the 60s.

Quote: (09-14-2017 10:27 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

Has there been anything more detrimental to society than women entering the workforce?

The private debt-based fractional reserve system, which was set up a century ago in the US... It all started there. This allowed oligarchs like the Rockefellers to take over academia, the media and think tanks, thus giving them control over all cultural levers. They were behind modern feminism:

The Fed debt system also created the baked-in inflationary spiral which has been depressing real wages. That is the reason why households with both parents workings are barely as wealthy today as households with stay at home moms from the 1950s-70s. You have to run twice as fast today on that treadmill just to stay in place.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

As 911 remarks, the source of this is international usury.

Remember also that Nixon took the world reserve currency off the gold standard in 1972 and the West began to fall under the sway of Saudi oil after the Oil Crisis of 1973.

Indebted governments needed to tax female labour and did it by doubling the non-domestic workforce at the expense of fertility rates thus creating the need to import cheap labour and fecund wombs. The CEOs hated the married man's wage premium that enabled young men to marry and buy a family home and supported white collar "equality" to replace the married man's wage with cheaper women (whom they knew would be the second earners of couples and therefore less incentivised to demand pay rises - [Woman: His money is ours and my money is my own]). Now look at the earning gap between the average CEO and the average white collar employee.

When the serpent slithers in to offer the woman equality with God if she only takes the forbidden fruit, what is to be done?

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Quote: (09-14-2017 09:55 PM)IvanDrago Wrote:  

Who cares about averages? Be exceptional at something that provides value to others or do something more complex or cutting edge than the typical pre-packaged 8 to 5 job where you just push a button on a computer and you won't have to worry about money or work with women.

Yeah, who cares about our Neighbors? As long as I get mine that's all that matters.

It's not like we need to love our Neighbors to get into heaven or anything

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

The one thing misleading about the OP is that without the explosion of hispanic population, real incomes would have actually be recorded as having risen.

Look at the hispanic income, it is nearly unchanged from 1973-2013 at 40K. It only raises after the methodology change. We can definitely infer that without hispanic migration the median incomes would have risen. Still, the modest rise of incomes is still nothing compared to what the usury system is sucking from us all everyday.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Latinos make tons of money under the table. Their actual take home is often higher than $40k, which is just the recorded rate.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

This is just two years after Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard.

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

It also closely matches the influx of immigrants, a lot of them illegal, in the 70s. About the same time massive welfare programs were becoming more available...strange timing.

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Quote: (09-14-2017 09:55 PM)IvanDrago Wrote:  

Who cares about averages? Be exceptional at something that provides value to others or do something more complex or cutting edge than the typical pre-packaged 8 to 5 job where you just push a button on a computer and you won't have to worry about money or work with women.

Is this something that we could seriously say to the left side of the bell curve?

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Quote: (09-14-2017 09:55 PM)IvanDrago Wrote:  

Who cares about averages? Be exceptional at something that provides value to others or do something more complex or cutting edge than the typical pre-packaged 8 to 5 job where you just push a button on a computer and you won't have to worry about money or work with women.
I agree that we should all be the best versions of ourselves, but when the average (beta) dude begins to suffer extensively that is a sign of a society that is not in good shape.

The simple fact is that when the average man suffers, suffering is not far off for the exceptional men. Unless you have absolutely no ties to the West and you're so ballin that you can just escape any huge economic shifts, it pays to care about what happens to the common man.

That's how I view it.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

The massive expansion of the workforce via woman and immigrants is the cause. I really question how shortsighted the Globalists are though with increasing automation. We are going to have a massive unemployable underclass.

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Quote: (09-16-2017 06:20 AM)Thomas Jackson Wrote:  

The massive expansion of the workforce via woman and immigrants is the cause. I really question how shortsighted the Globalists are though with increasing automation. We are going to have a massive unemployable underclass.

First: that's why contraception was invented. Never forget that Planned Parenthood began as an impetus to prevent negroes breeding any further.

Second: unemployable underclasses are always kept from destroying the ruling class by the same thing: bread and circuses.

In the MSM you have the modern Circus Maximus.

The bread part of the equation will be in the form of a Universal Basic Income, which will be the final acknowledgment that vast swathes of the population are simply unnecessary to existence. Around the same time, most drugs will be legalised, allowing people to self-medicate their way to oblivion.

I only predict this because there is already a UBI in operation in most Western nations already. We call it by various other names -- food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, Federal student loans, jail -- but they amount to the same thing. We just can't call it a UBI because our narcissism doens't permit us, we have to kid ourselves that there's another reason we do it.

If you really want to know precisely how much money it takes to bribe people into not rioting in the streets or burning down the Capitol, you already have your answer:


Is there a natural economic equilibrium price where, say, a U Chicago grad can do no economically productive work at all but still be paid to use Instagram? Let me be explicit: my question is not should we do this, my question is that since this is precisely what's happening already, is it sustainable? What is the cost? I don't have to run the numbers, someone already has: it's $150/mo for a college grads, i.e. the price of food stamps. Other correct responses would be $700/mo for "some high school" (SSI) or $1500/mo for "previous work experience" (unemployment). I would have accepted $2000/mo for "minorities" (jail) for partial credit.

"That's silly, we put people in jail who deserve to be there." Tell me why it's the Devil's own job to overturn a conviction even with DNA evidence, then. Also provides a sort of Freakonomics explanation for why we put away so many blue-collar criminals and let the white collar criminals go: the white collar criminals move more money and are therefore more valuable to The System in the end, because one way or the other, the money has to be spent somewhere, and it's easier to tax Louis Vuitton at his store's tills than it is to tax Bernie Madoff while he's sitting in a Federal penitentiary.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

There's a lot of problems with how inflation is calculated, and it's showing here.

For one, nearly zero things I own had a remotely comporable product in 1973. Many of the "same" products, such as cars, are infinitely better equipped with much better specs. A 2017 Civic would destroy a 73 Ferrari

If you look at cost of new home compared to income, housing costs have risen somewhat, but once you factor in square footage, that rise in cost disappears altogether.

Also, there seems to be this assumption that wages should keep rising, and I'm not sure why. Expecting rising average wages by everyone in a population without a corresponding effect on inflation is basically the opposite of every econ class ever

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Quote: (09-16-2017 01:19 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2017 09:55 PM)IvanDrago Wrote:  

Who cares about averages? Be exceptional at something that provides value to others or do something more complex or cutting edge than the typical pre-packaged 8 to 5 job where you just push a button on a computer and you won't have to worry about money or work with women.
I agree that we should all be the best versions of ourselves, but when the average (beta) dude begins to suffer extensively that is a sign of a society that is not in good shape.

The simple fact is that when the average man suffers, suffering is not far off for the exceptional men. Unless you have absolutely no ties to the West and you're so ballin that you can just escape any huge economic shifts, it pays to care about what happens to the common man.

That's how I view it.

I think we should support policies that are good for the common man. Certainly each of us should support policies that are good for average and left side of the bell curve men in our own countries, and arguably, we should support policies that are good for men worldwide.

However, I think RVF men can all excel and become exceptional, regardless of the circumstances. Even a man of average or lower natural talent can excel if they adopt a winner's frame of mind, and strive to get ahead.

Learn a skilled trade, work lots of hours, minimize your cost of living and stack cash, max out any 401k or similar opportunties, buy index funds and hold them, and in 20 yesrs you'll be very well off. If you live in an exceptionally depressed area, move to a place where things are happening, and play to win.

For more gifted men, the sky is the limit with red pill knowledge and a killer instinct.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Quote: (09-16-2017 02:15 PM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

Quote: (09-16-2017 01:19 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2017 09:55 PM)IvanDrago Wrote:  

Who cares about averages? Be exceptional at something that provides value to others or do something more complex or cutting edge than the typical pre-packaged 8 to 5 job where you just push a button on a computer and you won't have to worry about money or work with women.
I agree that we should all be the best versions of ourselves, but when the average (beta) dude begins to suffer extensively that is a sign of a society that is not in good shape.

The simple fact is that when the average man suffers, suffering is not far off for the exceptional men. Unless you have absolutely no ties to the West and you're so ballin that you can just escape any huge economic shifts, it pays to care about what happens to the common man.

That's how I view it.

I think we should support policies that are good for the common man. Certainly each of us should support policies that are good for average and left side of the bell curve men in our own countries, and arguably, we should support policies that are good for men worldwide.

However, I think RVF men can all excel and become exceptional, regardless of the circumstances. Even a man of average or lower natural talent can excel if they adopt a winner's frame of mind, and strive to get ahead.

Learn a skilled trade, work lots of hours, minimize your cost of living and stack cash, max out any 401k or similar opportunties, buy index funds and hold them, and in 20 yesrs you'll be very well off. If you live in an exceptionally depressed area, move to a place where things are happening, and play to win.

For more gifted men, the sky is the limit with red pill knowledge and a killer instinct.

Well, of course, I never said, "don't strive for the best," but the West is now in a situation where many opportunities for the normal man have been straight-up erased. The dream of having a small property, loving kids and a decent wife is now becoming harder to achieve. I don't care about that shit. I don't like houses or wives, but that is something that holds a lot of sway in the minds of many men. When that shit starts becoming harder to achieve that is scary. That shit is basic.

We can blame migrants, we can blame Hillary, we can blame Martians, but shit got tremendously harder for the average taxpaying man. They're having fewer kids, their buying less property, their saving's accounts have been plundered and many of them are becoming Incels. That scares me. Sure, I'm not one of them and I chose to do something different, but that still does bother me.

Sure, you can leave them all behind and say, "I escaped!" but what does that say about our society? I do worry about what happens to my fellow man since what is visited upon him may one day be visited upon me, no matter how exceptional we are.

Bank account seizures, restrictions on free speech, decimated work opportunities, skyrocketing healthcare and educational costs and a slew of other shit has gutted the common man.

When the common man has the flu, the cold is about to come your way. When the rich man has the flu, the bubonic plague is on the way for the common man. It's all connected.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Real Male Earnings Below 1973 Level

Quote: (09-16-2017 08:09 AM)Sonoma Wrote:  

There's a lot of problems with how inflation is calculated, and it's showing here.

For one, nearly zero things I own had a remotely comporable product in 1973. Many of the "same" products, such as cars, are infinitely better equipped with much better specs. A 2017 Civic would destroy a 73 Ferrari

A 1973 Ferrari Dino is worth about a quarter million dollars in decent shape. A 2017 Civic in good shape will be worth one tenth that, if you're lucky, in 40 years...


If you look at cost of new home compared to income, housing costs have risen somewhat, but once you factor in square footage, that rise in cost disappears altogether.

It's definitely not the case in most coastal cities, real estate has outperformed inflation there. It is true though in red state cities like Atlanta or Houston where Case-Shiller flat behavior in real terms holds true.


Also, there seems to be this assumption that wages should keep rising, and I'm not sure why. Expecting rising average wages by everyone in a population without a corresponding effect on inflation is basically the opposite of every econ class ever

Productivity, that's why. Tools like the internet, computers, tech, new processes have made companies more profitable and productive, wages will usually track that rise.[/quote]

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

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