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The NFL is dying

The NFL is dying

Some stadiums are empty this year.


Week 1 of the NFL season had plenty of important stories worth following, but maybe the most entertaining was the mostly empty stadiums in Los Angeles and Santa Clara. Both the Los Angeles Rams and San Francisco 49ers had sparse crowds for their home openers, and that has not gone unnoticed by the NFL.



Last year the NFL tried to blame the Presidential election for lower ratings, but it's down this year as well. Now they're blaming the hurricanes.


Fewer people watched the opening week of National Football League coverage than they did last year, a decline TV executives chalk up to Hurricanes Irma and Harvey.

Cable news and the Weather Channel almost tripled their audiences in prime time and grew fourfold during the day, according to data from the networks, drawing fans away from football. “Thursday Night Football” was down 13 percent, and Sunday games on Fox and CBS also declined. “Sunday Night Football” on Comcast Corp.’s NBC, featuring the arch-rival New York Giants and Dallas Cowboys, was a rare bright spot.

Whatever the excuse, it's clear people are losing interest in the NFL. There are many sources to blame, but one not often mentioned is that in an age of unlimited entertainment options, it's just too boring to sit down for 3 hours for something that only has less than 15 minutes of real action.


For five months of the year, the National Football League dominates Sundays in the United States; it’s more popular than church.
The NFL’s popularity is all the more remarkable when you inspect the fare it has to offer each week on television. An average professional football game lasts 3 hours and 12 minutes, but if you tally up the time when the ball is actually in play, the action amounts to a mere 11 minutes.

Before social media, an NFL game was the best way you could have fun on Sunday, but now it's boring to the average American who has a short attention span and multiple devices to share selfies with. The amount of commercials alone are insane.

The NFL is dying

It's finally happening. I played football for 12 seasons, including college. But that was a lifetime ago in a different era. Today I've simply lost interest, there's so many other things to focus on. For casual fans, it's a huge time sink. But there is other issues.

1. Your original bedrock fans just don't care anymore. They've lost interest after PC culture, Pink Uniforms and Protestors taking a knee took the spotlight.

2. No longer relatable for the common man. Most guys don't play football, I imagine it's even fewer today. We have a small number of super athletes that can dominate the sport, but they are so drawn into the game they have no time to be a part of their communities and build an organic fanbase. They are just physical drones beating the hell out of each other until they die too early from brain damage. That's not sustainable or relatable to the American every-man today.

3. More interesting entertainment options. Heck you can play Madden and be far more engaged. Sitting around watching a game takes a lot of time and tons of commercials. A whole Sunday at the Pub is just not appealing. Also many, including myself, cut cable with ZFG about losing NFL access. Until recently, a lot of guys kept cable simply to maintain their football games, but that's changing too.

In the interest of health, safety and entertainment, they should shorten the season so it's over by New Year's. They can impose a 10 year maximum career length so these guys can leave football and rejoin our economy to work as teachers (Especially in the hood) and gym coaches in our communities to be masculine role models instead of shells of brain dead humans exiting the league today.

The NFL is dying

Yeah as much as the NFL wants you to believe otherwise, the NFL and USA pro sports in general have been suffering. In some cases it's not changing with the times; our attention spans are shorter and entertainment options more plentiful, but the games are still just as long, with the same rules they've had for half a century. They need to shake up the rules, cut down the commercials, etc to renew interest and keep the product fresh. Baseball recently made some tweaks in the interest of shortening the games, the NBA FUCKING FINALLY made it so the last two minutes aren't time-out palooza. More of this is needed. I for one can't be bothered, I couldn't care less which team of overpaid divas wins a game of sportsball. I don't even watch tv or movies, too much Jew mind control and social engineering going on there. Kill your television.

The NFL is dying

I will add besides the PC culture taking over football there is widespread nerdiness that fantasy football has brought to the sport. People using their smartphones to check up on how their players for their "imaginary" football team are doing and barely watching a live game because they are constantly monitoring their player in other games.

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-15-2017 08:31 AM)bacon Wrote:  

I will add besides the PC culture taking over football there is widespread nerdiness that fantasy football has brought to the sport. People using their smartphones to check up on how their players for their "imaginary" football team are doing and barely watching a live game because they are constantly monitoring their player in other games.



The NFL is dying

I couldn't tell you the last time I watched a full NFL game. I just watch NFL RedZone amd it cuts out all the useless filler and goes to the games that have action.

"A happy man is a happy everybody else in his life."

"Ladies if you want to make your man happy, think about what makes you happy and do exactly the opposite."

"Hey how you doin' and I hope you know that I'm an upgrade for your stupid daughter." - Patrice O'Neal

The NFL is dying

It's well known that American Football is just a shit version of Rugby [Image: wink.gif]

The NFL is dying

Other reasons not mentioned so far: the American working class is broke. They can't afford to spend money on frivolities anymore.

And the welfare class would rather do drugs or fuck some heaux before watching White man oppression ball.

And the rich see it all as beneath them unless they are betting.

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The NFL is dying

What I see when I look at this phenomenon:

1. The parasitical corporate managerial class that has poisoned the rest of society's institutions has severely warped pro-football. Big Business in America is not so much about craftmanship and care for the product and concern for the customer, it is now about collaborating with the media to make and inflate a spectacle-- and charging as much money as the plebs can handle for them to observe it. Inflate the ticket prices, inflate the merchandise prices, pack as many commercials and sponsorships in as possible. Try to upscale the product and make it as boutique-like as palatable; higher ticket prices for the upper-middle class to partake in the "experience" of the athletic struggle and expensive corporate boxes for the local connected businesses/businessmen to fake the image of exclusiveness and importance-- kinda like bottle service. All this is a huge turn-off to Joe Average who just wants to see elite athletes play the damn game.

2. As such, the parasitical managerial class has done a similar number, using similar methods, to the economy. Joe Average struggles to afford season tickets, parking, refreshments, and merchandise for himself and his family. Just as the managerial class has forgotten that the economy was built by strong working and middle classes, they have forgotten that the football fanbase was that same working and middle classes. A tanked economy where only the well-to-do and their servants have money to pay for the inflated prices of the product leads to the economically depressed fanbase scrambling to pay their bills and staying home because they're not able to afford the product.

3. The white collar crowd might be able to afford attending the games, but there's a problem with that: a lot of them are women and effeminate males. Soy boys don't like athletics and they're certainly not going to support those neanderthal football players with their toxic masculinity.

4. An appreciation for athleticism of any kind is on the decline. Lots of men are now focused on anything else-- video games, netflix, their shitty job, grinding out a useless degree. Society is out of shape and soft. Even guys who do make physical activity a priority tend to be gym rats out for vanity or if they play a harder edged sport it's likely to be MMA. Work, gym, practice, social life. Watch football? No time or care for it.

5. The Narrative. After all this there are still masculine men willing to pay attention and spend some money on the product. And then the same managerial class, as part of their boutique appeal to the official piety of the times, just has to have the league run Pink Dildo Week and the week after remind Joe Average that he's a fucking white male oppressor. Joe Average, barely scrapping by on his $45 grand a year or less does the right thing-- he stays the fuck home and turns the channel to something that doesn't tell him it hates him.

The NFL is dying

I have one more thing to add: I stopped giving a shit about the NFL when they started wearing pink. How many men get breast cancer every year? Why not wear blue for prostate or testicular cancer? Oh that's right, because the NFL doesn't give a shit about cancer, it just wants more female viewers. Fuck the NFL.

The NFL is dying

I blame the Legend Football League for stealing viewership.

[Image: Legends_Football_League_Australia_-_(Vic...88706).jpg]

[Image: nick2641.jpg?w=950&h=633]

[Image: 20130528-legends-football-02.jpg]

I'm the King of Beijing!

The NFL is dying

Brilliant takedown Germanicus. I was going to post something similar, but you summed it up perfectly. The parasites in the C-Suite hate the working man and all he stands for. The Collin Kapernick distraction is another final reason people have had enough. The average working class and middle class Joe Blow is proud to American. We don't need BLM antics mixed with sports. May the NFL burn in hell.

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Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

The NFL is dying

I stopped watching back in 2014, when these ridiculous ads aired during games:


The NFL is dying

I have been an NFL Dallas Cowboys fan forever. To my understanding the team and the ownership will not put up with protests against the US and the National Anthem. That has at least kept me interested in following the team however the rest of the NFL can f*** themselves a cheap hooker.

Not surprising the 49ers fans not going to the games. The crappy SF Giants baseball team is a better value experience overall if you want to go to a national sporting event.

The NFL is dying

The commercials are just brutal. That's why I only watch the Red Zone channel as someone else mentioned.

The NFL is dying

I often DVR the games one or two hours past kickoff and jump over the commercials.

Quote: (09-15-2017 10:18 AM)ivansirko Wrote:

I have been an NFL Dallas Cowboys fan forever. To my understanding the team and the ownership will not put up with protests against the US and the National Anthem. That has at least kept me interested in following the team however the rest of the NFL can f*** themselves a cheap hooker.

Not surprising the 49ers fans not going to the games. The crappy SF Giants baseball team is a better value experience overall if you want to go to a national sporting event.

Or better yet, college football at Cal or Stanford. No gangbangers, much cheaper tickets, beautiful settings and top-notch athletes, more exciting than baseball, great outing.

Chris Carter, who does his crying bit in that video above, and the other ex-athlete anchors are repulsive cultural change operatives. They are overpaid Uncle Toms pushing the social agendas of their owners. They have for instance targeted Adrian Peterson for child abuse (with Carter doing his emotional bit) because he's a devout Christian who believes in disciplining his kids, like most Black fathers did before the 1960s.

Even if you think his disciplining is a tad too harsh, it is nothing like the child abuse imparted by absentee fathers on their progeny, and those absentee fathers are today the majority in Black society. You won't see those alphabet networks talking heads criticizing the single mother/nanny state system though (or at least giving credit to men like Peterson for maintaining their families).

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The NFL is dying

Another reason why I don't watch the NFL: Although I don't have any sons yet, if I did, why on Earth would I let him watch a sport that is so full of crybabies, prima donnas, and thugs? The NFL has a few good players that seem like genuine men, but a lot of the stars are abject punks that no father could tell a son to emulate. Even the college game is corrupt. Time after time bad behavior by top-tier football players is excused. We have many instances of coaches pressuring professors to give their players better grades than they deserve so they won't get cut from the scholarship cash. Football has a short career lifespan. These colleges and the NFL are doing absolutely nothing to get young men gearing up for the career to realize they had better study hard and have a life after football. These kids go through the grinder after a few years, then often end up broke and with broken bodies. The whole thing is a sham and a farce. I refuse even to go to college games. The college coaches are paid outrageous sums of taxpayer money. I want that money going into building bridges and deporting illegal aliens, not some college football coach.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

The NFL is dying

Cowboys games are pretty packed all the time, and we have a bunch of tourists come just for the games....the 49ers, Bengals, Panthers, Buccs, and most other teams are pretty mediocre. The real action is only with a few teams, kind of like with the NBA where it's pretty much Golden State Warriors vs Cleaveland....and everyone else is a bastard step child.

Also, Dallas Cowboys = Alpha Dark Triad team
The rest of the NFL = Cuckbois

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

The NFL is dying

This is the day I ditched it.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-15-2017 11:47 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Cowboys games are pretty packed all the time, and we have a bunch of tourists come just for the games....the 49ers, Bengals, Panthers, Buccs, and most other teams are pretty mediocre. The real action is only with a few teams, kind of like with the NBA where it's pretty much Golden State Warriors vs Cleaveland....and everyone else is a bastard step child.

Also, Dallas Cowboys = Alpha Dark Triad team
The rest of the NFL = Cuckbois

Even when the league goes bankrupt there will still be Cowboys fans

[Image: 7e1aa69a5f1d5a4b38d76d075643a0b8--footba...otball.jpg]

The NFL is dying

You guys really aren't excited to watch the SE Johnson Presents the 32nd Annual Tostito's Bowl Duracell Pre-Game Coverage on the Kitchenaid Scoreboard brought to you by the All-New 2018 Kia Optima Halftime Snickers Game Break and Lipton Leader List Recap by Folgers Only on FOX SPORTS?

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-15-2017 11:47 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Cowboys games are pretty packed all the time, and we have a bunch of tourists come just for the games....the 49ers, Bengals, Panthers, Buccs, and most other teams are pretty mediocre. The real action is only with a few teams, kind of like with the NBA where it's pretty much Golden State Warriors vs Cleaveland....and everyone else is a bastard step child.

Also, Dallas Cowboys = Alpha Dark Triad team
The rest of the NFL = Cuckbois

Where is Cleaveland? The Cleveland Browns have great attendance/fan base despite being horrible and not having a billion dollar stadium, got to give them props for that. Even with Tony Homo the Dallas SoyBoys had a solid playoff chance most years. If you gave Dallas a truly bad team for two decades all the bandwagons would fall apart.

"Boy ya'll want power, God I hope you never get it." -Senator Graham

The NFL is dying

Politics has infiltrated everything in America. There's literally no escape. I want football, and not have to sit through a political rally first! Football used to be the most talented athletes in the world banging heads for 3 hours. Now, you get thrown out of the game for that. There's not much that's special about the game anymore.

The Browns did a SJW video that was aired before the anthem - if you watch it, you'd think they were all about respect for the country, flag, anthem, etc. They even ran on the field with police and military personnel! But, with every liberal cause, they have to lie to get support. This video was followed by many of the players in it refusing to stand for the anthem because everyone in the stands are racists.


I think the owners are seeing the shift. I bet we see at least one team sold next year - and I guarantee Jerry's looking to unload the Cowboys.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-15-2017 09:53 AM)Suits Wrote:  

I blame the Legend Football League for stealing viewership.

I've gone to a few games (friends own a box for a certain arena).

These girls don't fuck around and get nastier than dudes on the grass.

Definitely weirdest boners ever.

Time and time again - PC kills viewership.

The NFL is dying

Quote: (09-15-2017 12:42 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (09-15-2017 09:53 AM)Suits Wrote:  

I blame the Legend Football League for stealing viewership.

I've gone to a few games (friends own a box for a certain arena).

These girls don't fuck around and get nastier than dudes on the grass.

Definitely weirdest boners ever.

Time and time again - PC kills viewership.

Females are vicious in any sport. Soccer, lacrosse, volleyball, etc. They go for blood.

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family die,
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