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Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Is it just me or is Barcelona kind of disappointing after the hype wears off? I moved to Barcelona almost a year ago from the US, and I must say I have been pretty disappointed with the girl/dating scene. Sure the weather is great, the proximity to beaches and palms are great, but it seems like a place overrun by tourists and so a lot of the night live, and places in general is catered toward tourists.

The Women:
I find the women in general pretty disappointing as well. Many are tatted up, unfeminine, have crazy piercings through their noses, and just in general dress like utter sluts. Theres nothing nice or feminine about them at all. Once in a while I see a cute girl where I'm really like "wow!" but when I do she is with a bunch of people and unapproachable.

The Dating scene:
I don't know about the rest of Spain, but im not too sure how to meet women in this town. Like I said, first of all 90+% of the girls literally are either tourists and or not attractive. When I go out, there are very few if any classy place or happy hour type places where you will see a couple of girls go out alone, where you can approach. It seems the "nightlife" in spain is very couples oriented and not at all single/mingle oriented like in the states and other parts of Europe. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? Also, very few times will you see a good looking and approachable girl on the street.

Whenever I visit netherlands the girls there are SOOOO much better looking and so much friendlier and more receptive. In netherlands the girls are cute, more feminine looking, and in better shapes because they ride their bikes everywhere. It also seems that Netherlands is MUCH more diverse than spain where you can run into good looking white girls, black girls, asian girls, whatever your taste. Spain seems kind of homogeneous. I.e. there's only one kind of Spanish girl. Am I crazy for thinking this way or just making excuses, or has anyone else had a similar experience?


Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

You're obviously going to the wrong places. Where have you been out?

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Quote: (09-08-2017 11:45 PM)Lucky Luke Wrote:  

You're obviously going to the wrong places. Where have you been out?

Ive been to places in Barceloneta by the waterfront, which is pretty much ALL tourists with a lot of clubs. I hit up some of the groups once in awhile which are hit or miss (mostly miss) at different places throughout the city. And I wander through various places in Gracia and Born every now and again. Places like Guzzo. Which is usually full of old late 30 somethings with kids lol (i shit you not), Cafe del Teatro which is cool for dates, but mostly has table seating so not good for mingling. L'entresol is another place Ive been thats an "ok" dingy bar I s'pose. I also live in a pretty terrible place...right near Sagrada Familia so I see nothing but tourists all day every day.
Why do you have any recommendations? I take it those are the wrong places?

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Why not just prey on all the tourist sloots that just finished watching Vicky Christina Barcelona?

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Funny I find Dutch girls very manly.

Barca is for tourist girls that's why I love it but it sounds like you want to be a boyfriend not a lover.

I know a couple Aussie dudes that live there and tbey've all got girlfriends.My best mate lives between Barca and Syd..married a Barca girl.

Everytime I'm there chicks get pissed off with me cause I don't live there and they want me to be a boyfriend.There are alot of non Catalan girls living there too.

But if does not resonate with you then get the fuck out.The hate is going to come out of your sub comms.Also stop looking for America or trying American tactics. Euros are just not into it.I have to ratchett up my Alpha in the US and tone it down in Europe.

Andalusia has got better looking local chicks in my opinion.And if you can speak Spanish well that's half the battle.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Barcelona is one of the largest tourist destinations in all of Europe. Of course the women you see are going to be very transient. At the same time the locals are so-so.

You should gear your game towards catching these girls in vacation mode.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

I felt the same way.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

It's a great place for players and daygame: warm, sunny, large concentration of young girls on vacation or studying, very easy to approach asking them to take a picture and then sneaking in the fact that you are local. If you're looking for something long term I got the feeling that a lot of these girls would love to stay in Barcelona if they had something lined up.

I think the nightlife can be hit or miss, you need to find the right spots and go at the right time. You also need a wingman thanks to the hordes of Pakistani, Gypsies, club promoters and pickpockets harassing people on the streets. Many girls will just throw you in the same crowd if you're walking around alone. That being said I like Barcelona a lot because you can approach on the streets at night. The weather in nice and warm so you don't need to be locked up in a shitty bar. A good example is a street in Born called Passeig del Born, easiest place to approach at night the girls walking around or sitting on the benches drinking beers. They also have a ton of free street festivals, chick magnets for somebody who is into game. I didn't like the clubs by the beach, the ratios were not good and many girls had attitude. If you're Spanish it might be a good place as they are all looking for Spanish dick. I got rejected several times because of that.
I know a couple Polish dudes who live in Barcelona and they do fine with the "local" EE girls. They avoid Catalan women as they are unattractive, loud and entitled. I spent a few weekends there to test the waters and I saw a lot of stunners in the old town. I would stick to the center as the locals only recommended shitty places that were either empty or far away. Barcelona attracts a lot of artsy type of girls, generally young and attractive but broke and living on daddy's money. The locals girls are not even worth mentioning, only in Montreal have I seen so many horrible tattoos and piercings. They also don't take care of themselves, especially their skin. Many look older than their age. One woman in particular was in her 30s and looked like 50...all those long days at the beach not using sunscreen really catch up with you later on. Locals guys however were quite cool and easy going.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

OP - Hold on...Your post has a lot of negativity. Do you daygame? Are you extraverted? What do you do all day? The fact you even referenced the local masculined females indicates you don't understand how to capitalize on this city. That's like me telling a friend about all the roadkill I drove by on the side of the road. Sure, the carnage is there. Why even bring it up? That just fucks up the mood.

Perhaps, we're opposite styles. You seem like you want LTR. I'm OK with high turnover.

As others mentioned, the bevy of tourists and students creates a bubbly social cocktail. You need to have energy and charisma to see this city's upside.

I visited there for the first time last month and had fun. I would definitely return. Barcelona is an intl hub, which attracts girls from EE, Scandinavia, etc... Instead of traveling to 5 different countries, I know I can meet some intl girl walking around, know some trivial historical / cultural fact about her country and build momentum. I travel / go out solo. My mindset: I'm accountable for my happiness and success in life. I have to make things happen.

In hindset, my Barcelona stop gave me the positive momentum and mindset to close chicks in my following cities. I was able to approach, banter, flirt, and close during the day or walking in the evening.

The advantage is that those chicks are just visiting or studying, so they're open to meeting a charismatic guy. Fyi, I'm not Spanish, was there for a few days nor do I speak the language. However, I soon became a tour guide to the girls I met (with Google maps). To local guys, they would see a tourist guy leading a tourist girl. I was confident and knew how to keep a conversation going...forever. I can talk a lot.

The only thing I have is the ability to talk about a variety of topics with cute female strangers. I'm perfectly fine with rejections. I daygamed non-Spanish / tourists girls, and it was one of the best cities I've visited. I tried the Tom Torero street approach just like the ones on YouTube and had some success with it. I went to W Hotel / Eclipse with many hot intl chicas. I made out with a Russian med student more than half my age.

I would even study Spanish in Barcelona just to meet non-local girls and work my day job. Daygame is my main source for building my funnel and yields the best ROI (time & effort) for closing younger, hotter girls.

I reckon being in a classroom and sharing my opinions in Spanish would lead to a variety of side adventures. Btw, I only know "hola," and I don't have time to read a textbook or do homework. I will learn only from practicing in the street and over coffee. I will need a lot of extra help from my classmates.

If the professor says: You will fail my class if you don't study.

My reply: I have an MBA and have a good job. Your classroom is an intl cafe which allows me to flirt with girls from all over the world. I'm here to practise more than Spanish.

This was my Barcelona experience.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

@jabba that pretty much sums up my time there as well. /thread

If tall skinny blonde blue eyed Dutch girls are your type, then I wouldn't imagine Spanish girls would be your jam. I've spent over 6 months of my life in Spain and I can tell you 100% that the nightlife is not couples oriented. Almost all bars and clubs I go to have wide open areas where people can mingle. Go to Kabul, meet a wingman and clean up on the tourists. Due to the extreme tourism the locals are being forced out of the downtown area of Barcelona from the rent increases. It's becoming one of the more touristy cities in the world, and I believe I heard it was the fastest increasing in 2016. It's like going to Cancun to meet Mexicans, good luck. And like others have said, your post sounds extremely negative. With that mindset it's hard to succeed in basically any aspect of life. Look at the positives, beautiful weather, 1000s of international women coming and going every day, nightlife 7 days a week, delicious tapas, probably the one of the best cities in the world for day game, etc.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Barcelona is one of the most fun cities in the world, with great weather, amazing women from all over the world, beaches, clubs, culture, hotels, architecture, history, food, higher education, a stable government, easy transportation, walkable, etc.

But moving there would be like moving to Times Square. It would get old, just like anywhere else. And it could be hard to maintain a positive attitude day after day, if your expectations are off base, or your there without a real purpose(schooling, work, etc).

Barcelona is like Paris, its one of the most popular destinations in the world for women. If I lived there I would primarily date tourists. I've met, dated and befriended some of the hottest women in the world I have ever seen, visiting from Peru, Colombia, Brazil and the US. Outside of South Americans, Russians also flock there too. Literally the hottest female tourists you will ever see, flock there en masse. Spanish are European women in general, but there are a lot of hot ones too. My Tinder game blew up there, with lots of cutie local Latinas.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Has the recent ISIS attack affected anything in Barcelona? Anyone been there recently since that happened ?

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Quote: (09-09-2017 06:39 AM)DigitalNomad Wrote:  

If tall skinny blonde blue eyed Dutch girls are your type

Eh, where can I meet these kind of tall blonde blue-eyed bitches? Asking for a friend.

I know the Nederlands would be the answer, but anything more specific?

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Quote: (09-09-2017 05:30 AM)jabba Wrote:  

OP - Hold on...Your post has a lot of negativity. Do you daygame? Are you extraverted? What do you do all day? The fact you even referenced the local masculined females indicates you don't understand how to capitalize on this city. That's like me telling a friend about all the roadkill I drove by on the side of the road. Sure, the carnage is there. Why even bring it up? That just fucks up the mood.

Perhaps, we're opposite styles. You seem like you want LTR. I'm OK with high turnover.

As others mentioned, the bevy of tourists and students creates a bubbly social cocktail. You need to have energy and charisma to see this city's upside.

I visited there for the first time last month and had fun. I would definitely return. Barcelona is an intl hub, which attracts girls from EE, Scandinavia, etc... Instead of traveling to 5 different countries, I know I can meet some intl girl walking around, know some trivial historical / cultural fact about her country and build momentum. I travel / go out solo. My mindset: I'm accountable for my happiness and success in life. I have to make things happen.

In hindset, my Barcelona stop gave me the positive momentum and mindset to close chicks in my following cities. I was able to approach, banter, flirt, and close during the day or walking in the evening.

The advantage is that those chicks are just visiting or studying, so they're open to meeting a charismatic guy. Fyi, I'm not Spanish, was there for a few days nor do I speak the language. However, I soon became a tour guide to the girls I met (with Google maps). To local guys, they would see a tourist guy leading a tourist girl. I was confident and knew how to keep a conversation going...forever. I can talk a lot.

The only thing I have is the ability to talk about a variety of topics with cute female strangers. I'm perfectly fine with rejections. I daygamed non-Spanish / tourists girls, and it was one of the best cities I've visited. I tried the Tom Torero street approach just like the ones on YouTube and had some success with it. I went to W Hotel / Eclipse with many hot intl chicas. I made out with a Russian med student more than half my age.

I would even study Spanish in Barcelona just to meet non-local girls and work my day job. Daygame is my main source for building my funnel and yields the best ROI (time & effort) for closing younger, hotter girls.

I reckon being in a classroom and sharing my opinions in Spanish would lead to a variety of side adventures. Btw, I only know "hola," and I don't have time to read a textbook or do homework. I will learn only from practicing in the street and over coffee. I will need a lot of extra help from my classmates.

If the professor says: You will fail my class if you don't study.

My reply: I have an MBA and have a good job. Your classroom is an intl cafe which allows me to flirt with girls from all over the world. I'm here to practise more than Spanish.

This was my Barcelona experience.

I dont day game much here, for the reasons stated above. I've had a lot of success and I've dated several language school students. But that was in Germany. Dated an amazing 18 year old Russian girl who was there for three weeks studying the language, but then she left back to Russia and I never really heard or saw from her again which I was a little disappointed about.
I've also dated an 18 year old i met here who was one of those girls outside of restaurants trying to get customers, but she was boring as hell and literally had nothing to say. And I've dated some others, especially chicks ive met at meetups. Again usually all boring has hell. With nothing to say.
Getting laid is no problem, but its the quality that is lacking. I've met a few girls in their late twenties that have wanted to bang (some being quite open about it) but i just kept rejecting them and making excuses why I couldnt. I'm just not into washed up late-20-30-somethings. To me at least, banging a different transient chick every couple of weeks gets old fast. And as one of the posters posed, the years of suntanning, makes a lot of them look MUCH older than they really are. He mentioned that there are a lot of 30 year olds looking like 50 year olds and thats spot on. I'm not necessarily looking for a girlfriend but I DO like girlfriend quality girls and would like to have that as an option if I liked the girl.

I did the spanish classes thing to. In my class where 3 guys, one of them who was with his mom and dad, myself, two fat girls, one of whom had a mustache (i shit you not) and one decent chick with a boyfriend. Disappointing to say the least.

I am not really here with a purpose. I am just here because I liked the weather and thought barcelona was awesome, and it is from an aesthetic point of view. I work remotely in sales for a global software company. And have a side gig importing classical cars to the US that I source from all over the world. I literally have a 3 hour work week. So I can live anywhere, and take long extended trips to any countries i like. But to me dating and banging nothing but transient tourists who are here for a couple of weeks and then go back home gets boring and tiring rather quickly man.

I dont think dutch girls are manly at all. And, like I said there are a lot of choices with dutch girls. Ive met cute dutch girls just from randomly chatting girls at mcdonalds, or on the street (in netherlands). And they are friendlier and warmer than catalan girls. Everytime I go there my head is spinning every which way with every other girl being good looking, thin, and not tatted up like a slag, and dressed stylishly.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Quote: (09-09-2017 07:31 AM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Has the recent ISIS attack affected anything in Barcelona? Anyone been there recently since that happened ?

I live here. I don't think its changed or effected anything. Las Ramblas, where the attack took places is as crowded, full of tourists, and as annoying as ever.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Quote: (09-09-2017 07:55 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Quote: (09-09-2017 06:39 AM)DigitalNomad Wrote:  

If tall skinny blonde blue eyed Dutch girls are your type

Eh, where can I meet these kind of tall blonde blue-eyed bitches? Asking for a friend.

I know the Nederlands would be the answer, but anything more specific?

Literally ANY dutch city. take your pick. I've been to many dutch cities. Amsterdam is great, but the smaller ones are great too and recommended if you dont want to live in a tourist hub. Rotterdam, Ultrecht, Den Haag, etc. But tall blonde blue-eyed girls arent the only thing youll find there. Netherlands is probably the most diverse country in Europe. But diverse in a good way with integrated cultured. Like in many cities, you'll find cool vibrant chinatowns for example

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Quote: (09-09-2017 08:09 AM)PepeLePew Wrote:  

Quote: (09-09-2017 07:31 AM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Has the recent ISIS attack affected anything in Barcelona? Anyone been there recently since that happened ?

I live here. I don't think its changed or effected anything. Las Ramblas, where the attack took places is as crowded, full of tourists, and as annoying as ever.

I heard from a local tour guide that there has been a considerable drop in tourism as a result. Take Paris, tourism was down 1.5 million last year due to the attacks in 2015. So stupid that people let that affect their travels.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Quote: (09-09-2017 09:52 AM)DigitalNomad Wrote:  

Quote: (09-09-2017 08:09 AM)PepeLePew Wrote:  

Quote: (09-09-2017 07:31 AM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Has the recent ISIS attack affected anything in Barcelona? Anyone been there recently since that happened ?

I live here. I don't think its changed or effected anything. Las Ramblas, where the attack took places is as crowded, full of tourists, and as annoying as ever.

I heard from a local tour guide that there has been a considerable drop in tourism as a result. Take Paris, tourism was down 1.5 million last year due to the attacks in 2015. So stupid that people let that affect their travels.

If anything thats the one positive that came from this tragedy. Barcelona is OVERRUN with tourists. But Barcelona gets about 35 million tourists per year. A city with a population of about 1.5 million. 2-3 million less tourists doesn't mean shit. You wont even notice that.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Quote: (09-09-2017 08:07 AM)PepeLePew Wrote:  

Literally ANY dutch city. take your pick. I've been to many dutch cities. Amsterdam is great, but the smaller ones are great too and recommended if you dont want to live in a tourist hub. Rotterdam, Ultrecht, Den Haag, etc. But tall blonde blue-eyed girls arent the only thing youll find there. Netherlands is probably the most diverse country in Europe. But diverse in a good way with integrated cultured. Like in many cities, you'll find cool vibrant chinatowns for example

This is why I have started spending a considerable amount of time in Rotterdam and the Netherlands in general. My Tinder was also off the hook over there. I do find the girls attractive as well. I hope to have some solid data on the country by the end of the year.

Where I am in Germany you are just stuck with white German girls and don't have any other options. Its sink or swim!

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

Mini Datasheets: Antwerp / Rotterdam / Lille

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Quote: (09-09-2017 08:07 AM)PepeLePew Wrote:  

Quote: (09-09-2017 05:30 AM)jabba Wrote:  

OP - Hold on...Your post has a lot of negativity. Do you daygame? Are you extraverted? What do you do all day? The fact you even referenced the local masculined females indicates you don't understand how to capitalize on this city. That's like me telling a friend about all the roadkill I drove by on the side of the road. Sure, the carnage is there. Why even bring it up? That just fucks up the mood.

Perhaps, we're opposite styles. You seem like you want LTR. I'm OK with high turnover.

As others mentioned, the bevy of tourists and students creates a bubbly social cocktail. You need to have energy and charisma to see this city's upside.

I visited there for the first time last month and had fun. I would definitely return. Barcelona is an intl hub, which attracts girls from EE, Scandinavia, etc... Instead of traveling to 5 different countries, I know I can meet some intl girl walking around, know some trivial historical / cultural fact about her country and build momentum. I travel / go out solo. My mindset: I'm accountable for my happiness and success in life. I have to make things happen.

In hindset, my Barcelona stop gave me the positive momentum and mindset to close chicks in my following cities. I was able to approach, banter, flirt, and close during the day or walking in the evening.

The advantage is that those chicks are just visiting or studying, so they're open to meeting a charismatic guy. Fyi, I'm not Spanish, was there for a few days nor do I speak the language. However, I soon became a tour guide to the girls I met (with Google maps). To local guys, they would see a tourist guy leading a tourist girl. I was confident and knew how to keep a conversation going...forever. I can talk a lot.

The only thing I have is the ability to talk about a variety of topics with cute female strangers. I'm perfectly fine with rejections. I daygamed non-Spanish / tourists girls, and it was one of the best cities I've visited. I tried the Tom Torero street approach just like the ones on YouTube and had some success with it. I went to W Hotel / Eclipse with many hot intl chicas. I made out with a Russian med student more than half my age.

I would even study Spanish in Barcelona just to meet non-local girls and work my day job. Daygame is my main source for building my funnel and yields the best ROI (time & effort) for closing younger, hotter girls.

I reckon being in a classroom and sharing my opinions in Spanish would lead to a variety of side adventures. Btw, I only know "hola," and I don't have time to read a textbook or do homework. I will learn only from practicing in the street and over coffee. I will need a lot of extra help from my classmates.

If the professor says: You will fail my class if you don't study.

My reply: I have an MBA and have a good job. Your classroom is an intl cafe which allows me to flirt with girls from all over the world. I'm here to practise more than Spanish.

This was my Barcelona experience.

I dont day game much here, for the reasons stated above. I've had a lot of success and I've dated several language school students. But that was in Germany. Dated an amazing 18 year old Russian girl who was there for three weeks studying the language, but then she left back to Russia and I never really heard or saw from her again which I was a little disappointed about.
I've also dated an 18 year old i met here who was one of those girls outside of restaurants trying to get customers, but she was boring as hell and literally had nothing to say. And I've dated some others, especially chicks ive met at meetups. Again usually all boring has hell. With nothing to say.
Getting laid is no problem, but its the quality that is lacking. I've met a few girls in their late twenties that have wanted to bang (some being quite open about it) but i just kept rejecting them and making excuses why I couldnt. I'm just not into washed up late-20-30-somethings. To me at least, banging a different transient chick every couple of weeks gets old fast. And as one of the posters posed, the years of suntanning, makes a lot of them look MUCH older than they really are. He mentioned that there are a lot of 30 year olds looking like 50 year olds and thats spot on. I'm not necessarily looking for a girlfriend but I DO like girlfriend quality girls and would like to have that as an option if I liked the girl.

I did the spanish classes thing to. In my class where 3 guys, one of them who was with his mom and dad, myself, two fat girls, one of whom had a mustache (i shit you not) and one decent chick with a boyfriend. Disappointing to say the least.

I am not really here with a purpose. I am just here because I liked the weather and thought barcelona was awesome, and it is from an aesthetic point of view. I work remotely in sales for a global software company. And have a side gig importing classical cars to the US that I source from all over the world. I literally have a 3 hour work week. So I can live anywhere, and take long extended trips to any countries i like. But to me dating and banging nothing but transient tourists who are here for a couple of weeks and then go back home gets boring and tiring rather quickly man.

I dont think dutch girls are manly at all. And, like I said there are a lot of choices with dutch girls. Ive met cute dutch girls just from randomly chatting girls at mcdonalds, or on the street (in netherlands). And they are friendlier and warmer than catalan girls. Everytime I go there my head is spinning every which way with every other girl being good looking, thin, and not tatted up like a slag, and dressed stylishly.

Good you have your financial / professional area handled.

You answered your own questions and have input from members who have been there.

Your execution is off or you're burned out living there. With street approaches, you see exactly what she looks like. I never do online, because it doesn't work for me anymore. I need to be on the ground, analog style. You don't have to approach the leatherfaces who ruined their skin for life. Meeting tourist girls implies high turnover and more volitility. If you want meaningful LTRs, try a steady business city with a low P/E ratio.

I liked BCN, because it's a European hub city, bustling with people, e.g. London, Paris, Rome. I've had good experiences with Spaniards with daily life, e.g. supermarket, buses, metro, taxi, restaurant, bars... I never got the arrogant vibe as I felt with the French (Paris) or British (London). I've traveled to other Spanish cities where intl people flock. Spanish girls aren't my target, and many aren't my type. I rarely approach them, yet they were friendly and sincere.

Why did you choose that language school? With proper research, you could find language schools who target a younger, female demographic or take some humanity / art courses at the university. I posit the quality good and energy is fun. My interest with Spain and learning Spanish is attributed to the access of to young, hot, intl tourist girls. I've traveled all over Europe for many years and always avoided Spain, because I wasn't attracted to the girls. I will be the first to admit that my strategy was wrong.

Selecting BCN as a homebase seemed plausible from a climate and aesthetic perspective. Perhaps, it's time to look for another city. You rode this wave to shore, and it's better to leave before your negativity manifests itself into other parts of your life.

Surely, I would have different opinions of Spain if I lived there. I have bases in other cities, and I visit Spain to recharge my batteries and have fun. When I'm there, I stay in my world, protect my vibe and don't get too close the locals. I intentionally stay a couple layers away from them. I don't want to know about all their hardships. I'm in then I'm out. I keep it light, tight and the good memories intact.

This is why I always try to surround myself around positive people, avoid negative people and OK to be solo. Ultimately, we become our environment.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Quote: (09-09-2017 01:28 PM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

Quote: (09-09-2017 08:07 AM)PepeLePew Wrote:  

Literally ANY dutch city. take your pick. I've been to many dutch cities. Amsterdam is great, but the smaller ones are great too and recommended if you dont want to live in a tourist hub. Rotterdam, Ultrecht, Den Haag, etc. But tall blonde blue-eyed girls arent the only thing youll find there. Netherlands is probably the most diverse country in Europe. But diverse in a good way with integrated cultured. Like in many cities, you'll find cool vibrant chinatowns for example

This is why I have started spending a considerable amount of time in Rotterdam and the Netherlands in general. My Tinder was also off the hook over there. I do find the girls attractive as well. I hope to have some solid data on the country by the end of the year.

Where I am in Germany you are just stuck with white German girls and don't have any other options. Its sink or swim!

Awesome. Yeah whenever I go to netherlands, i see stunners everywhere. I prefer direct day game, but I can't do day game on a girl I don't really find stunning because then ill be insincere in what I say, and it will come across. I lived in Dusseldorf Germany for a year or so and thats a total snorefest city. There you'll find the absolute whitest and most bland German girls you can imagine. I'll be interested to hear your thoughts about your time in netherlands, because I'm really considering leaving spain for netherlands. Not sure where in netherlands yet though. Don't know if i want to be in Amsterdam as its tourist central. But maybe a nice uni city.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Ok, if you want hot local girls you have to go either to Sutton or Bling Bling on weekends. The thing with those places is that locals usually like to mingle with locals (Catalans are very closed, I lived 10 years in Barcelona and I can count my Catalan friends -and lays- with the fingers of one hand). Guzzo is a nice place to bring a date, not to get a girl. CDLC is probably where you'll find the hottest girls, on Tuesday is full of models but you need to be on the VIP section, otherwise, no chance. And that's probably the hardest place to get into a VIP without having to pay a fortune.

IMO, Opium is the place you want to go, hottest girls that you can actually pick up without having to befriend PRs or spend on a table. Still, you'll find yourself losing the best girls to guys on the VIP. I was sort of a PR there at some point and with my friends we used to take hot girls from "normal" guys and take them to the VIP just for fun, even if we had girls already (and well, also because the club liked us to do so).

Also, check Cafe del Mar, a new club down the forum. I went there on a Saturday in June and it ROCKED. Older (25-30), really hot women, and open to be approached too. Loved it. Then I went back in July and it wasn't so good anymore. No clue now that the Summer is over.

If you want to get into PR game, I wrote a post on this forum on how I managed to get there without spending a dime in about 4 months in Barcelona a couple of years ago. Check it in my archive.

Best of luck

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

To OP, I think you're biggest issue just flat out don't like the city. That's the root of the problem.

If you honestly enjoyed the environment you're in, that positivity would trickle towards your ability in bagging all the tourist girls at your disposal.

I can however relate to your dilemma. If 99% of the local Catalan population sucks, then you have less leverage & more desperation to rely on tourist gals for your dating life.

Barca for me is an incredibly tacky city & not to mention very expensive. Yeah there are quite a bit of touristy gals that funnel in/out of the city. However, I'd rather spend my time in another tourist city with more of an enjoyable local vibe like say London, NYC, Miami, Hong Kong, etc.

The vibe in those locales would transfer into more positive energy when dealing with the local scene and tourist gals simultaneously. If I like the city, that gives me more incentive to steer tourist gals into more "insider spots" they wouldn't have known about otherwise. (I can't think of such spots in Barca where there is very little substance outside the lousy tourist traps)

Many guys on the forum can deal with not liking Barca as a city while still enjoying the touristy gals that funnel in/out. I guess my personality is different in that I'd rather spend my time & money elsewhere.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

I've been to Barcelona countless times but girls are absolutelly shitty there. I like the city because it has great food, weather and overall great in most of the things I look but if you went there just for girls, you've made a wrong choice.

I would never go to Barcelona if my only concern is girls.

Disappointed in Barcelona Spain

Quote: (09-09-2017 11:56 PM)Rossi Wrote:  

I've been to Barcelona countless times but girls are absolutelly shitty there. I like the city because it has great food, weather and overall great in most of the things I look but if you went there just for girls, you've made a wrong choice.

I would never go to Barcelona if my only concern is girls.

Well, I moved to Barcelona for the great food, weather, etc, AND thinking the girls would be nice as well. But I was wrong about the last one. Any recommendations on better places in Europe?

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