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Vinny's world travel log

Vinny's world travel log


Before answering I want to note, that in my opinion there is a general feel of negativity in your post. Also you are trying to compare different people results.

First off this is not competition, this is different men trying to enjoy their lives fullest choosing different routes to similar goals based on their characters and strong traits.

Quote: (06-24-2017 10:40 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

I was surprised when you and DN linked up, because even before you said anything your styles appeared to be totally different. DN talks about downing 20 shots like it's nothing, and he does this shit all week, yet maintains fitness, alertness, productivity. Doesn't get hangovers when 1 single shot gives me a banging headache the next day, doesn't get jet lag when I get it pretty bad and can take me a week to adjust. DN is like a freak of nature. On the one hand, I am jealous of him. I know he wasn't always a natural but his characteristics are strikingly similar to naturals I knew in the night game scene when I was around 20. Standard triple digit notch count, genuine love of the night/party scene, fantastic target selection for the freakiest sluts, crazy stories about threesomes, foursomes swapping girls, sex in public places, and of course, getting both yourself and the girls absolutely shitfaced. I feel like 95% of the stories just wouldn't be possible without girls getting drunk, they just have too many inhibitions but deep down are horny as hell. I guess that's part of the reason why they get drunk in the first place, so their mind will allow them to have fun. Your sober/relatively sober dates from daygame (and mine) look extremely tame in comparison.

There are a lot of differences between me and DN, but there are even more similarities. The most important thing in common is that we are both not naturals and late bloomers. Both invested huge amount of time and effort in learning "how to" only chose different schools of game if I can put it this way. Since this is an acquired skill set it is flexible and can be easily transformed. I can see DN excelling in daygame if he will pursue it. I generally do well during nightgame as long as I go out and have few drinks. It is hard to do both efficiently at the same time, drinking at night make me tired during the day.

As long as you are able to cold approach and you have good social skills you can pull in any setting.

Quote: (06-24-2017 10:40 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

So much of the stuff we are usually taught is just bypassed. When I watched my natural friends and their quick pulls I thought "b-b-but what about Comfort? Doesn't a girl need that?" It soon became apparent that providing the right logistics (jacuzzi and sauna plus "[more!] drinks for afterparty") and following through just based on momentum and how horny girls get when they are drunk is enough. They know what they are doing, they just purposely shut down the part of their brain that makes them have inhibitions so they can enjoy themselves. Part of that is getting to know a guy properly, sufficient comfort before bang.

Yes by the use of alcohol you bypass comfort building phase. Yes by the use of alcohol you bypass your approach anxiety. Yes logistics matter and improve results. This applies both to day and nightgame.

Yes daygame is hard. You need to fight both your own demons (AA) and girls (building comfort and attraction) all on your own. No doping, no stimulation, no wingman most of the time.

Quote: (06-24-2017 10:40 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

Hearing these stories, sometimes I feel like the "slower" pace of day game and the fact that doing traditional date based day game alone doesn't lead immediately to as many bangs or as many insane stories makes me feel like I am doing the "wrong" thing in the way I do things. No matter how good you are, luck will always be a major factor. Especially, I feel, in daygame, where girls are not just in one place to party, they have other shit to do, either of you may be leaving town soon -- logistics of daygame are just much worse. DN by contrast can go out and get laid pretty much 1 in every 2 nights he goes out, that's a 50% hit rate. In daygame there are long streaks of bad lucks, flakes, shitty dates, near misses (your girl from St Pt., as an example).

The first sentence in this paragraph is wrong. You should stop comparing yourself to others and let goals of others become your goals. Do you live your life to enjoy or to impress others?

I can openly say I am not chasing a high notch count. Yes people use your notch count to value your success, but this will not affect my actions and it will not make me bang an ugly girl just to get a notch. Quality over quantity is my approach. 3 regulars in a month vs 15 one night stands is my approach. Is it right or wrong? Neither. Choose your own, create one if needed.

There is nothing wrong in understanding other's success and analyzing it, but it should not affect your decision making.

Quote: (06-24-2017 10:40 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

The "advantage" is the more pleasant environment (in our opinion) and the higher quality girls, some of whom may have LTR potential, or at least as a medium term part of mLTR.

GG on the flower girl. I thought it was cool you went to her graduation. When I'm in another country and meet a girl in the day like that, and she's cute and pleasant enough, I like to go to local things like that as well. Your point about the illusion of innocence with her dress and flowers etc. at graduation compared to her when she was partying is correct, we cannot always assume. Or rather, the assumptions are never, ever going to be perfect. In general, though, I've found quality in the day to be far higher in looks and especially in behavior and temperament, family values etc. I think your girl was ecstatic for sex and to do all that crazy shit maybe because it's relatively new to her. Girls with more experience tend to be more "masculine" in the way they do sex. I've had a couple non-virgin, relatively inexperienced girls who haven't had sex in a long time, and it might take a bit more time to loosen them up, but they have an almost childlike enjoyment of it, like you see a beaming smile on her face or her squealing with pleasure. And yes, some of them can go crazy after a few drinks.

Maybe I have unrealistic expectations i.e. looking for unicorns, but I still like to think one major reason I do daygame is to meet girls with lower notch counts, or even virgins, who are more conservative and family oriented. Of course girls in the day and night can overlap - obviously those Finnish girls had come to Estonia to party - but I like day game for the girls that I would never otherwise have the opportunity to meet. I wonder, though, if I am deluding myself: there is no way I could go out in the day and pull a girl home 1 in every 2 days as DN does at night; the day game conversion rates are lower. So the reasons in favor of day game must make up for the less frequent success in the day otherwise it wouldn't be worth doing. Now that you have seen DN in action, and compared his approach with yours, and seen how a seemingly innocent girl in the day can turn both your expectations upside down, why do you still choose day game over night? The lack of alcohol is the main one above, already mentioned, but what else keeps you going?

There are many advantages to daygame. I mentioned most of them in the Motivation part of my daygame datasheet which was largely ignored. Do you want to know why?

Daygame is hard. And this is why most people will never overcome their AA and exit their comfort zone.

Why is quality during daygame higher? Cause you get access to 100% of people while other methods only provide a certain level of society. But it is not full proof. Numerous times I daygamed girls who turned out to be Tinder users later.

You have already answered your question in regards to what keeps me going with my own quote.


I don't think this lifestyle is sustainable if you want to stay fit, productive and healthy, but if you want some crazy things to happen, some drinking has to be involved.

I want to build a sustainable lifestyle. Stay fit, productive and healthy. I want to have a skill set not depending on any drug or alcohol intake. A skill set which will work now, 10 years and maybe even 20 years from now. I have learned that by observing and meeting older red pill guys. The older you get the more daygame remains the only feasible option.

Also I simply enjoy it more. I mentioned earlier that we each choose our way based on our characters. I enjoy walking around new city and exploring, and seeing any beautiful girl passing by as an opportunity.

My belief in unicorns dissipates with every new day, but if I will find something close it will be daygame or some form of social game.
My acceptance to slutiness grows. I start to see women more as a soft clay, which will form according to hands she is in. This is the only reason why you are looking for this virgin clay. But once you look away the clay might be touch by someone else and loose the form you gave it.

Daygame is free, daygame is healthy, daygame is the game and this is why I chose it.

I will still go out once in a while when I feel like it, but to have fun and not to simply get laid. Of course I will not loose opportunity if one presents itself.

Story update:
I came back to Riga.

I banged a Latvian model whom I daygamed in Helsinki airport a year ago. She gave me a lot of LMR and a couple of handjob - blowjob mixed sessions, but wound not yield any further. She closely followed me on Instagram, commented on my stories etc and suggested a meetup. Banged her yesterday. I don't think I could maintain a year long whats app conversation but IG slow cooking was a low maintenance endeavor.

The shoeshop girl came to visit me from Tallinn, it is a short ride. Enjoying her company and all debauchery aside she is a pretty sweet girl, fun in bed and beyond.

Vinny's world travel log

@Vinny, your previous debate with Skank_Hunt was a great read. You guys can open a separate thread on that [Image: wink.gif]

" I have learned that by observing and meeting older red pill guys. The older you get the more daygame remains the only feasible option."

However, I disagree with your statement above. For those who travel or want STR's day-game may be fine but (if one's goal is relationships) daygame becoming more important as one ages is not true. I think even the best players one's they age get to the point where the comfort of using apps to filter out the non-serious girls and the time-wasters becomes more appealing, instead of spending hours walking around chasing girl after girl for a number only for a few of them to respond back and even fewer to go on date's. Actually the number of available targets on the street as one ages diminishes, especially if one is over the age of 35. Let me explain. From my experience I feel that at a certain point day-game decreases in productivity and becomes as much of a time-waster as night-game. The only feasible type of game for older guys becomes either online game, social game, or in rare cases day-game (location dependent, for example certain countries like Ukraine where a) age is not as much of a factor or b) one's exotic look/differences trump any perceived minuses in the local girls eyes).

One's one get's to age 40+ the quantity of single women closer to one's age to approach on the street decreases exponentially; for example I am hard-pressed to find a women over the age of say 28 in my area without a ring on her finger, a baby stroller in tow, a guy holding her hand, or one who is still physically fit and attractive. I've "instadated" a few girls from a street approach only to find out later when I opened their facebook that they were already dating someone else.

Frequently I find myself trying to approach girls on the street yet wandering all along if they are "old enough" and "single enough". These I call time-wasters. I've had a couple of them follow me actively on facebook, but what's the point if one is looking for relationships. This is not an issue in online game as you can filter by age and status or social game where you already have some knowledge of the other person.
Mind you, day-game is not really an issue for younger people, say college-age, where everyone tends to be single, carefree, age variances are small and mentality is similar, however for relationship building at an older age online game is very effective with more targets.
The funny thing, having said all that I still feel that all game should be used to make oneself a complete player, and no method of game should be discounted, encompassing both day-game, night-game, online game, social game, and my favorite "evening game".

Vinny's world travel log

Quote: (06-26-2017 06:09 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

@Vinny, your previous debate with Skank_Hunt was a great read. You guys can open a separate thread on that [Image: wink.gif]

" I have learned that by observing and meeting older red pill guys. The older you get the more daygame remains the only feasible option."

However, I disagree with your statement above. For those who travel or want STR's day-game may be fine but (if one's goal is relationships) daygame becoming more important as one ages is not true. I think even the best players one's they age get to the point where the comfort of using apps to filter out the non-serious girls and the time-wasters becomes more appealing, instead of spending hours walking around chasing girl after girl for a number only for a few of them to respond back and even fewer to go on date's. Actually the number of available targets on the street as one ages diminishes, especially if one is over the age of 35. Let me explain. From my experience I feel that at a certain point day-game decreases in productivity and becomes as much of a time-waster as night-game. The only feasible type of game for older guys becomes either online game, social game, or in rare cases day-game (location dependent, for example certain countries like Ukraine where a) age is not as much of a factor or b) one's exotic look/differences trump any perceived minuses in the local girls eyes).

One's one get's to age 40+ the quantity of single women closer to one's age to approach on the street decreases exponentially; for example I am hard-pressed to find a women over the age of say 28 in my area without a ring on her finger, a baby stroller in tow, a guy holding her hand, or one who is still physically fit and attractive. I've "instadated" a few girls from a street approach only to find out later when I opened their facebook that they were already dating someone else.

Frequently I find myself trying to approach girls on the street yet wandering all along if they are "old enough" and "single enough". These I call time-wasters. I've had a couple of them follow me actively on facebook, but what's the point if one is looking for relationships. This is not an issue in online game as you can filter by age and status or social game where you already have some knowledge of the other person.
Mind you, day-game is not really an issue for younger people, say college-age, where everyone tends to be single, carefree, age variances are small and mentality is similar, however for relationship building at an older age online game is very effective with more targets.
The funny thing, having said all that I still feel that all game should be used to make oneself a complete player, and no method of game should be discounted, encompassing both day-game, night-game, online game, social game, and my favorite "evening game".

I do feel like there is a different mental approach that one needs to take if you are looking for a successful relationship or something long term. Most of these guys who have slept with hundreds of girls will struggle to hold down a long term relationship ever in their life. I think many of them believe they have that 'option' but a very small percentage will be able to do it. That may be fine for a lot of them but some will struggle with it for sure especially as their life perspectives may change as they get older.

Vinny's world travel log

I went to Estonia for two more days, to spend another weekend of debauchery with DN and settle some unbanged business. This lead to an interesting interaction (intercourse) which I think is worth mentioning in detail.

During my first visit I messaged a cute chick on Instagram. Was not looking for her actively, she popped up when I clicked the search bar.
Exchanged few messages, she seemed interested. On the Friday evening I suggested she joins me on a night out, she said no. On a Saturday morning when I suggested a meetup, she joked about my night not being successful. In response to which I sent her a video from a Friday night displaying two sexy young Estonian girls dancing in their panties next to a beer pong table at the place I shared with DigitalNomad.

This is something I never do in EE, which is display my players nature. What would scare away 99% of girls attracted this one. Lesson learned.

Yesterday she picked me up on a new luxury car (can't go into detail to protect her identity) and took me to the beach. We walked a bit and flirted lightly. She took me back, and said she will go workout take a shower and then we can fuck. No BS, no game playing, I like you, you like me, lets fuck.

Few hours later she sent me a message with instructions, come to "x" hotel, say your name, concierge will give you a key to "x" room. So I come to this fancy hotel, go 20+ stores up. She is waiting for me, wearing two things only, black tight short dress and black high heel shoes. There is an amazing view on a city a fruit platter and two coffees waiting. We bang for couple of hours, all poses, all goes, even anal (although I am not a big fan). She cums like 5 times.

What an amazing bang. She is an 8, i would give her a 9 if not for the fake tits. Bisexual, fully open to talk about anything, I did not need to hide anything or play any games. This was a liberating experience. She was enjoying it so much and this in combination of her being a high value girl, gave a notable confidence boost. She said she is ass girl and I told her that she needs to come to SA and have an interracial threesome with me.

After midnight she took me home where I was joined by my shoeshop girl regular.

Very little investment on my behalf, few messages, an hour walking on a beach and a 3 euro taxi drive. She paid for everything. No alcohol was consumed. I guess I am making my first steps to becoming a gigolo [Image: biggrin.gif] Fuck oil and gas. Next time I will have to ask for money. JK.

So the girls Instagram photos display an impressive car park of luxury vehicles and every display of wealthiness you normally see on IG. There is also a photo with an old man hiding his face, who I believe pays for all of this. Some pay, some play.

She was also a new flag for me, an EE country I will not mention to protect her identity.

Instagram delivers. I am out of Estonia (will take a break from chasing pussy to settle some business). I enjoyed Estonia, especially with this promising new prospect. There could be threesomes and more, but still I can't wait to go to Kiev in one weeks time.

@road_less_taken: I worked for years to stop girls from seeing me as a relationship material guy. I guess when the time comes I will have to reverse this.

Quote: (06-26-2017 06:09 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

@Vinny, your previous debate with Skank_Hunt was a great read. You guys can open a separate thread on that [Image: wink.gif]

" I have learned that by observing and meeting older red pill guys. The older you get the more daygame remains the only feasible option."

However, I disagree with your statement above. For those who travel or want STR's day-game may be fine but (if one's goal is relationships) daygame becoming more important as one ages is not true. I think even the best players one's they age get to the point where the comfort of using apps to filter out the non-serious girls and the time-wasters becomes more appealing, instead of spending hours walking around chasing girl after girl for a number only for a few of them to respond back and even fewer to go on date's. Actually the number of available targets on the street as one ages diminishes, especially if one is over the age of 35. Let me explain. From my experience I feel that at a certain point day-game decreases in productivity and becomes as much of a time-waster as night-game. The only feasible type of game for older guys becomes either online game, social game, or in rare cases day-game (location dependent, for example certain countries like Ukraine where a) age is not as much of a factor or b) one's exotic look/differences trump any perceived minuses in the local girls eyes).

One's one get's to age 40+ the quantity of single women closer to one's age to approach on the street decreases exponentially; for example I am hard-pressed to find a women over the age of say 28 in my area without a ring on her finger, a baby stroller in tow, a guy holding her hand, or one who is still physically fit and attractive. I've "instadated" a few girls from a street approach only to find out later when I opened their facebook that they were already dating someone else.

We already talked about your disbelief in daygame for older men. I guess we will have to keep disagreeing on this until the moment we meet, when I am pretty sure I could convince you in my ways during the actual daygame. But you have to realise that the Insagram close method I am preaching is actually introducing a bit of online game into your daygame. Unless you are already doing amazingly well and you don't want better results you could give it a try.

Quote: (06-26-2017 06:09 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

Frequently I find myself trying to approach girls on the street yet wandering all along if they are "old enough" and "single enough".

This voice in your head. We all have it. You have to learn to shut it up and approach anyway. And often enough the girl you thought to be not single will be single.

Vinny's world travel log

5 mins with DigitalNomad and King Vins stories have started reading like DigitalNomad.

Good Stuff brother cashing in on them instagram chips!

I agree after a while of sustained success just gaming and a regular 8 is not enough. It has to be an experience, a story, a semi celeb to stand out. Cheers to that !

Vinny's world travel log

Vinny -- I don't really need to debate your response to my post, because I pretty much agree with everything you said. I appreciate the time taken on the response, so thanks. I've always favored day game and it's always a pleasure to talk with men of great experience in this very difficult pursuit.

With regard to social media, I admit, this is a source of great negativity. While I have gotten bangs from online, the overall impact of the internet and social media is something I'm forced to confront on a daily basis, in the sense that it has had an extremely destructive effect on women where I live (USA). All types of game offered a far, far greater ROI before this whole social media thing took over, so even though some success (as your recent bang above - she sounds like a great shag by the way!) is available online, and I don't doubt that, I am overall not a supporter of social media/online game (not just restricted to official dating sites/apps). If I meet a girl via a day game approach, her personality has been affected greatly by the internet and social media, even though it's a "real life" approach. So yeah, negativity in this area - guilty as charged.

I know I should adapt and IG at the moment is the most popular app; but online these most popular sites/apps seem to come and go. MySpace to FB now IG is the app at the moment. Who knows if IG will die in a few years and then we're left chasing some other site/app. However, whatever the app is, having a collection of great pics for whatever platform will provide great benefit regardless of what app is most popular at the moment.

So with this in mind, your "IG" service could be applicable to FB and other apps, present and future.

I strangely take pictures of stuff I do very rarely. It's always been like that. I don't even have a picture of me and my best friend in high school, not even one picture of me and my high school sweetheart, and less than ten pictures of me and my close family. I always preferred to just remember. Nowadays, everyone is so preoccupied with having to document everything, taking selfies and pictures everywhere. I find it annoying and obnoxious (american girls mostly) and by my nature I also tend not to have the habit of taking pictures. So even though I've done some cool things in my life or been at great parties or in great places etc., I have very little record of that in the form of pictures.

So I'm going to start slow and basic. When I'm in EE in a few months, I'm going to make a conscious effort to take pictures. And also maybe do a greater variety of activities other than hunting for skanks and take pictures of those activities.

I very much agree with you on the preference for 3 quality girls in rotation vs 12 ONS. There is a balance between variety and quality and depth of a relationship with a girl. There is too little quality and depth to ONS for me whereas short to medium term LTR are so much more satisfying and beneficial emotionally and physically. Secretly there is deep down the hunt for unicorns which I know will never happen but still, a handful of girls I have met during the day have been unicorn-like compared to some of my debauched ONS. I think having a high notch count from cold approach for a man is a fantastic achievement due to the difficulty, in a similar way to a man doing a world record bench press. But my recognition of the achievement doesn't mean I want to put myself through the same things. As you rightly point out, you do whatever you choose to do and don't seek notch counts simply as a way of feeling superior to other men. That is just a fool's errand.

As for TripleG's point about looking for older girls as you get older... Now I'm not saying 60 years old, but when you're, say, 40 years old, and you have made yourself into an attractive and successful man, in fact far more than 10 years prior, then why the hell not approach a 20 year old? Why go after older women, who tend to be less polite, less fun, often bitter... just because of society's constraints and "age inappropriate" relationship shaming. If you are fit, healthy and attractive and the girl is available, is the 20 year old going to immediately discard you because there seems to be a bit of an age gap? There's a hell of a difference with respect to attractiveness in a 40 year old man vs 20 year old man and 40 year old woman vs 20 year old woman. Heck that's one of our main advantages: if you have fucked up your 20s, then at 30, and at 40, it's not too late. For a woman, 40 years old is game over. Maybe I just look younger or something but I haven't noticed any problems approaching 18-24 year olds in the day, compared to 24+ or 28+. Heck the 28+ are the most impolite of the bunch.

It's an interesting question, probably for a separate thread: when is it truly "too late" for a man to pull hot 18-24 year old women? (Obvious exceptions excluded e.g. p4p, Thai/Filipina brides etc.)

Vinny's world travel log

Quote: (07-04-2017 06:42 PM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

It's an interesting question, probably for a separate thread: when is it truly "too late" for a man to pull hot 18-24 year old women?
At one of our previously mentioned parties, my 43 year old friend pulled a good looking Finnish girl in this age range (although by doing so Vinny's threesome chance was ruined by the argument it started [Image: undecided.gif]). But if you are in shape, have a good job, and dress well, I think that market is open for you until 45-50. It probably starts getting quite a bit more difficult after 40 though.

Vinny's world travel log

Hi DM, great stuff as usual. What are your plans about Stockholm and Krakow? When are you going to visit the towns?

Vinny's world travel log

Quote: (11-02-2016 05:12 PM)Vinny Wrote:  

I am taking a year off work to travel the world. I feel that there will be stories to tell and I will do it here.

My journey begins in 2 weeks time. I am planning to:

Visit 3 continents: Asia, Europe and South America. I have never been to SA so this is going to be my priority

Stay for a longer time in countries that I love.

Take my Spanish to the next level while I am in SA.

Get to know new cultures and collect new flags.

Collect business ideas as I move around. Look into new ways to invest money, learn about new ways of making money and even make money when possible.
Work on online business so that by the end of this year I would not have to go back to work. Work by day, have fun by night.

Grow my Instagram to the proper travel blogger levels and get freebies like free accommodation. I am currently approaching 10k follower mark. My goal is 30-40k by the end of this year.

Meet forum members. Have fun, share the knowledge and make new friends.

Get my game to the next level. Get good bangs - find ways to meet actresses, singers and this sort of quality.

Reach new levels of fitness, I am pretty fit at the moment, but I would like to improve.

Enjoy life.

The reasons I am starting this thread:

To brag about how amazing I am. (JK)
To hold myself accountable and not to get lazy.
To get valuable advice from the more experienced travelers.
To improve my writing skills.
To motivate other people to travel and enjoy life.

My first stop is Vietnam. I am so excited and I just can't fight it.

IdeaThat's good friend.. Its amazing

Vinny's world travel log

Today is my 4th day in Kiev.

This time Ukraine met me with good weather, beautiful girls everywhere and most intense LMR sessions I have endured in my life.

First 30 hours in Kiev resulted in 4 dates, 3 bounce backs, 3 extreme LMR sessions and 1 nut. With two 3 hours LMR sessions one after another, all of this after gym and I was utterly exhausted mentally and physically.

Possibly a streak of bad luck, or a streak of good girls all talking about future relationship and not willing to settle for anything less, none of my LMR overcoming magic working.

Yesterday it all ended with two new same day bangs. One a HB7 from an IG pipeline, second a same day lay from daygame. An HB9 visiting from Odessa, who abandoned friends she was visiting to go listen to me singing songs in Karaoke.

Today we had a nice 6 guys meet up for a business lunch. I love this about Kiev, always a lot of guys to hang out with in the summer.

We had a productive daygame session yesterday with Tenerife and Sosa. Just standing next to metro station and catching girls coming in and out of it. Absolute abundance of talent.

Later on us three were sitting in an Uber in traffic. I see a super cute girl walking on the opposite side of the road. Car is not moving. I jump out approach the girl, get the lead and get back into the car. All of this just to find out that Tenerife has already approached and dated her before. Small world.

A bit of sad stuff now. Skip it if you don't want to have your vibe ruined.

A year ago I met a girl on Instagram while skimming through some geotag photos. She was 18 yo back then, a virgin, beautiful huge green eyes, doll face, blonde hair, small bubble butt and small perky tits. A girl in her prime.

We had one date when I bounced her back to my place, we made out, but she never let my hand touch anything below her waste. I left Kiev a week later.

We kept in touch via IG this year and she was eager to meet once I am back. When I saw her I noticed she lost some weight and that her clothing was sort off worn and she wore these old fashion soviet style shoes. I asked her what happened. She said she lost 8 kilos during the winter, and gained 5 back since then. On the question why she just said that they did not have much food at home.

There is no reason for her to lie to me and she also never asked me for anything, but I must say I did not feel that sad for a long time now. A beautiful girl, just starving during the winter in Europe in 21 century. This is fucking sad.

I felt like feeding her and buying her new shoes, as well as taking her to Lviv which she said was her dream. Now I am facing a dilemma.

If I spend time with the girl and do all this nice things to her she will get attached when I leave, which I eventually will. If I don't do this I will feel like shit as well. This thought has been hunting me for a while, and ruining my vibe couple times a day. I know she is not my responsibility, I know I cause no harm by coming to Ukraine and spending my money here but this is anyway my feeling.

I would like to hear your guys thoughts on this.

For now I am meeting her daily for short dates, feeding her some food and deserts she desires and kind of letting the whole situation sit, before I make up my mind.

Vinny's world travel log

Wow look at you with your compassion....

If I were in your shoes I would probably stop seeing her as a potential notch (don't know how you see her now) and just give. I've read your stuff and you seem like a smart guy, seems you trust she is not playing you. Don't know what the point of Lviv would be but whatever. Get her some food and clothes - nothing wrong with genuinely caring for someone. Talk about day in the life travel....

BTW what do soviet style shoes look like?

Vinny's world travel log

I think banging a girl in that situation if you are offering a genuine attachment and not following through with a relationship would be very rough on her no matter what she says.

Keep helping her and stay in contact if she is a kind person.

Have a baby with her 5 years from now.

You seem to be loving your adventure lifestyle too much right now to form a deep attachment to this girl. I'd be very upfront with her about you having to leave and not leading her on, letting her know you would love to stay in contact & you enjoy spending time with her.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Vinny's world travel log

I agree with what Travesty said, if this girl is as sweet and conservative as you say, then pumping and dumping her would have a very negative effect on her. I would say that the best thing you can do is to state that your lifestyle means that it's not possible for you to have a relationship. Seeing as you enjoy seeing her, I see no issue with continuing to go out on dates with her. There is something about a soft, sweet, feminine woman that just captivates a man soul, the way she moves like a gazelle, her energy, her willingness to be lead. I don't know about you, but spending time with a woman like that gives me a great feeling of happiness, a sunny outlook on many aspects of my life and great feeling that feels so natural, so primal. Being in the company of women like her is good for men. Continue seeing her, just don't pump and dump her and shit all over her.

Besides, think about how much a nice dinner out, or grabbing ice cream etc... must mean to someone who struggles to eat during winter. Sometimes its just nice to do nice things for people who genuinely struggle in life. Plus, she could be a possible LTR material, which seems to be harder to find by the day.

Vinny's world travel log

Quote: (07-13-2017 10:29 AM)Vinny Wrote:  

Today is my 4th day in Kiev.
If I spend time with the girl and do all this nice things to her she will get attached when I leave, which I eventually will. If I don't do this I will feel like shit as well. This thought has been hunting me for a while, and ruining my vibe couple times a day. I know she is not my responsibility, I know I cause no harm by coming to Ukraine and spending my money here but this is anyway my feeling.

I would like to hear your guys thoughts on this.

Vinny, you said she was a virgin when you first met? Is she still? Have you been with her yet? If you haven't; honestly man I would let her go. She sounds like a sweet girl and a bit down on her luck. The more time you spend together, and the more you do for her, the more she'll get attached. Especially if she's pretty naiive with men. And you're just going to get more attached also. When it comes time to move on it will hurt for you too. Not only her. You said you are already seeing her daily and the mental dilemma is ruining your vibe. You are getting attached. As far as feeling like shit if you don't do these things for her to help her out, I feel you, but you can't save all the puppies in the pound. If you do all these things, date her, bang her, and move on, that will seer your conscience more heavily that just cutting her loose while you're at it. Get your vibe back, and enjoy the city and it's women.

If, on the other hand you really want her..look her direct in the eye and say "look, we can go out have fun, spend time together, but just remember that I'm leaving and that we have an expiration date." She may run for the hills, or not care but at least you gave her a disclaimer. If you give her that disclaimer and she accepts your brief invitation into your life; her heart was in her hands. I've said that countless times, and have lost some bangs because of it, but in the end never once regretted it. Though with a girl like this, I wouldn't even let it get that far. Feminine, virginesque, sweet women are hard to come by. And when found, if you're not on that same boat or frame of mind, nothing good come of it.

Dreams are like horses; they run wild on the earth. Catch one and ride it. Throw a leg over and ride it for all its worth.
Psalm 25:7

Vinny's world travel log

Quote: (07-13-2017 10:29 AM)Vinny Wrote:  

A bit of sad stuff now. Skip it if you don't want to have your vibe ruined.

A year ago I met a girl on Instagram while skimming through some geotag photos. She was 18 yo back then, a virgin, beautiful huge green eyes, doll face, blonde hair, small bubble butt and small perky tits. A girl in her prime.

We had one date when I bounced her back to my place, we made out, but she never let my hand touch anything below her waste. I left Kiev a week later.

We kept in touch via IG this year and she was eager to meet once I am back. When I saw her I noticed she lost some weight and that her clothing was sort off worn and she wore these old fashion soviet style shoes. I asked her what happened. She said she lost 8 kilos during the winter, and gained 5 back since then. On the question why she just said that they did not have much food at home.

There is no reason for her to lie to me and she also never asked me for anything, but I must say I did not feel that sad for a long time now. A beautiful girl, just starving during the winter in Europe in 21 century. This is fucking sad.

I felt like feeding her and buying her new shoes, as well as taking her to Lviv which she said was her dream. Now I am facing a dilemma.

If I spend time with the girl and do all this nice things to her she will get attached when I leave, which I eventually will. If I don't do this I will feel like shit as well. This thought has been hunting me for a while, and ruining my vibe couple times a day. I know she is not my responsibility, I know I cause no harm by coming to Ukraine and spending my money here but this is anyway my feeling.

I would like to hear your guys thoughts on this.

For now I am meeting her daily for short dates, feeding her some food and deserts she desires and kind of letting the whole situation sit, before I make up my mind.

was over just the past weekend with my on/off girl too. I'm always paranoid when you guys post you are in Kiev, worried you end up gaming her eventually ahahahahah [Image: biggrin.gif]

What metro stations do you guys hunt from? Will tell her to avoid ahahahahhah [Image: biggrin.gif] [Image: biggrin.gif] [Image: biggrin.gif]

As for the poor girl... I would have no doubt wrt what to do. I would definitely go for helping her out the ways you said. Yes she will get attached, but what the hell, why refuse to do a good deed if you can easily help someone? I bought my girl 2 dresses and a pair of sneakers last Sunday, she looked like a princess with those cute Oasis dresses on, and made her day as well as mine seeing her smile.

Vinny's world travel log

I had the pleasure of working on my daygame with Vinny this week. I can highly recommend him as a coach - you will get sound practical advice, helpful feedback and plenty of live demonstrations. Vinny has a nicely balanced teaching style that will ease you beyond your comfort zone and get you great results.

Vinny's world travel log


A year ago I met a girl on Instagram while skimming through some geotag photos. She was 18 yo back then, a virgin, beautiful huge green eyes, doll face, blonde hair, small bubble butt and small perky tits. A girl in her prime.

Sounds very odd to me. Hot 18yr olds, virgins or not, are almost never left wanting in Ukraine.

Having said that, I very much doubt that a girl would be seen dressed in rags just to extract money from a guy - but who knows

Vinny's world travel log

I left Kiev yesterday and I am now in Kharkov (Kharkiv). This trip to Kiev was productive and I will now try to recap on the last month - full of events and emotions.

It is going to be a long post so here is a list of Highlights:

Good girls:
Virgin parade, relationship material El Dorado and "You just want sex"

Bad girls:
Kinky Ukrainian with Brazilian butt and 8 hours train bootycall

Recovering regulars
Bros over hoes and a curse of Kiev WA chat
Instagram Daygame Ultimate test
Poor Virgin girl
First impressions of Kharkov

Virgin parade, relationship material El Dorado

This time in Kiev I have been blessed (or cursed) with meeting and dating numerous girls that would have been a perfect relationship material. My old self, from few years ago would be happy to take any of these girls and settle without hesitance.

Virgins, full families, dad loving, chess championship ballerina gymnasts, with perfect looks, temper and intelligence. Few times while on a date I felt my eyes glaze over while listening to a girl telling me about herself and seeing my mental relationship requirement check list being filled in perfectly.

One girl that is worth mentioning in particular.

"Chess champion girl". I met her on Instagram. She seemed cute, too cute indeed. She flaked twice, but I decided to give her one last chance. When we met she seemed even cuter. Feminine, perfect body, beautiful face with bright blue eyes (could not see that on photos). When we were getting to know each other while smoking shisha, a thought came to my mind about how I am going to write a post here, starting with something like "Sorry guys, my travels and debauchery are over, I found the perfect one". I was that close.
The girl was not only beautiful, from a good family, but she was also in top rankings for chess in several European countries, thus smart and talented.

I came back to my senses with a red flag. I bounced her to a Karaoke and she saw a guy she knew and acted weird. Means she goes out a lot and there is something else going on she is trying to hide. She fixed it partially later on by saying she was sorry and introducing me to the guy and still being affectionate with me among him and his friends. Still it all lost an aura of innocence. I went back to my normal mode and after charming the shit out of her with some passionate Karaoke singing I bounced her home and escalated. Her top was off, her skirt was pulled up. Her pussy was in my hands and her nipples in my mouth.

She said she was on her period, and I decided to let her go. Terrible mistake, which brings me to the next part of the story.

"You just want sex"

Next time I met her. She was cold. I warmed her up a bit, but I never recovered the full speed we were going on the first date. There was no next date. "You just want sex, I want more than that" was a part of a viber message she sent to me. We agreed to meet again, but never did.

The story kept repeating itself. Gym trainer, two rhythmic gymnasts, ballerina and few other good girls. Half of them virgins ranging from 7.5 to 9, each came to at least a make out, some bounce backs, naked in bed, they give you everything but sex.

These girls are dead serious about them wanting a relationship and they are all doing the right thing. This is what I would want my daughter to do if I had one. But now being in a role of a guy who wants quick results I hated it. If I would be looking for relationships, if I could take it slow and invest time in one particular girl I would be in heaven. But I am not in that mode now. I want to bang chicks, and have fun.

I tried everything, changing tactics, changing my story, but nothing helped me break the vicious circle. The good high quality girls just would not bang me, no matter what I did. The level of discipline these girls possess makes me respect them and hate them at the same time. Wet through their pants, moaning in my bed, they would still not put put.

If a high quality Ukrainian girl (both looks and character, upbringing etc) does not like you she does not come on dates with you. If she likes you (my case) she comes out, spends time with you and does everything, but will not bang you for a long time, cause she wants you to invest and get in a relationship with her. If you push a bit to hard you lose the girl.

For a while I could not recover. I saw 8s and 9s walking around. 8s and 9s I picked up and gamed so well, and who nearly all refused to bang me after that. I felt like approaching them is just useless as I did not want to waste any more time. Hard part is that there is no way to know the girl is one of the good ones. Some times only epic LMR was the sign, and then it was too late. You already wasted your time.

Last summer in Kiev was not like that. There are two possible reasons. Girls are too interested in me, or I am tapping into a different league of girls.

But thanks god there are still bad girls

Kinky Ukrainian with Brazilian butt and 8 hours train bootycall

Lets get back to a positive vibe.

Don't get me wrong. I still did extremely well. My only disappointment was the fact that time invested did not bring the results I deserved. I still got the fair share of new bangs, as well as recovered a faithful regular from last summer.

Bad girls in HB7 to HB8 range. A bit more sexually open, more in touch with their bodies and less with their minds.

Brazilian butt girl
Those lucky in Kiev whats-app group chat saw that epic ass, that would put most black chicks to shame. Met the girl on Instagram, and bounced her back home on a 2nd date. Very enjoyable bang, kinky.

8 hours train bootycall
The highlight of the trip and amazing testimonial to Instagram game.

In February I was scraping Ukrainian geotags. A funny video of a crazy dancing tatted up girl came up in my feed after the bot followed her. I messaged her, she replied. Few minutes conversation and we ended up following each other. I have probably messaged her twice in all the months she reacted to few of my stories too.

A week before I left Kiev she posted a sexy IG story dancing with a transparent top on and I invited her to come to Kiev. She said she would come if I bought her train tickets. I did exactly that, it cost me 9 euros for a return trip. Two days later she arrived on a morning train and I said we should get some sleep cause it is too early. 10 mins later I was banging her in my bed.

Body of a 10, a set of perfect titties, porn star looking with sexy tattoos. Up until the moment she left back to her 3rd Tier Ukraine city I was not sure it will not turn out to be some sort of scam. The body on a girl was too surreal, never seen a skin like that on a non Asian girl. Her face was a 6.5 but it was greatly compensated with cool and fun personality, her body, tattoos and sexy vibe. I am sure I will be seeing this girl again.

This story made me curious about 2nd and 3rd tier Ukraine. The fact that you can build trust like that overtime, just by having a girl observe your life confirms the whole concept of a long term IG game. I am wondering how many more girls out of my almost 30k followers are slowly getting ready for their time to come.

Recovering regulars

Five of my last year bangs answered my messages. Three had a relationship they did not wish to jeopardize, two have agreed to meet. One of them became my regular once again and few times a week I would stay over at her place, get my balls emptied in the evening and a breakfast in the morning. HB8 a TV host who lived 5 minutes walk from my place.

Another girl came over to my place and brought a girl for my roommate. Due to language barrier, he could not really game her so I ended up trying to get a threesome. For a second it was going great, I had a new girls ass in my hand while making out with my last year regular HB9 squirter, but seconds later girls withdrew to a bathroom and after talking for a while left. The last year regular said I have changed and became a player. She is right, but I had to try, so no regrets.

Bros over hoes and a curse of Kiev WA chat

There were up to 20 guys at a time in Kiev. Awesome bro time. Always someone to go to gym and to have lunch with. Great time, but terrible in terms of productivity. When in Colombia I would grab a 10 min lunch after gym and get back to work in Kiev a great conversation over lunch would drag and carry on to a coffee and a walk.

Last summer in Kiev I started a Kiev WA chat. After I came back this year I could not get in as the only admin changed his number. So I started another one. Which got swamped with guys talking about whores and non Kiev related shit. So a new third chat was started where the discipline got restored. It was stricter than RVF perhaps, with even gay jokes not allowed.

Instagram Daygame Ultimate test

I will not talk about numerous approaches and coaching sessions I had in Kiev, but one in particular has made me appreciate IG daygame close even more. I approached a girl in a Metrograd underground shopping center and could not IG close as the mobile internet was too weak, so I took a number instead. It was a good set and we agreed for a date over viber. Next day I messaged her to confirm the date, to which she said she changed her mind and does not want to meet. I asked her for her Instagram and managed to recover her interest and get a date and a kiss the next day.

This goes to prove that girls have short memory spans and you need these extra stimulation to even make them remember why they wanted to meet you in the first place.

Overview and future plans

A month in Kiev is a long time. It feels like months when I look back at it now. All the dates and all the social interactions. I feel like I need a break from all this, so I am now going to Russia to enjoy some family time, will travel around visiting relatives. After that I will get back to Ukraine and try to salvage some of the old leads.

The biggest lesson I have learned is that you can't be honest. If you tell the high quality girls that you are in Kiev for a short time, they will not give you time of day, they will not bang you. You have to lie, your story has to be bulletproof. I am generally against lying, but some extreme truth bending might be necessary.

The intelligence I missed so much in South America and in South East Asia, the smart conversations and all is also a drawback. These girls are hard to fool. I honestly start to believe that one should leave Ukraine for later in life when you want a relationship. If you want a lot of bangs in 8+ range, expect the dating process to become a job, with 3 dates a day and a lot of frustration.

Next I would like to find a place, which is boring, get few regulars and concentrate on work and gym. Kiev in summer is too much fun and too consuming.

Poor Virgin girl.

After receiving your entries and thinking about that whole situation I decided to do the only right thing and let the girl go. So after taking her out for some food and entertaining her couple of times I delivered her "lets be friends" speech and she took it well. I met her again just few days before leaving Kiev and she was happy to see me, no hurt feelings.

@Wander: You were right, cute girls don't stay single for a long time. I did not take her to Lviv, but according to her IG someone else did, as well as to Odessa. So I guess she found a right guy or he found her and I believe she deserved it.

First impressions of Kharkov

I walked around the city during rush hours today. Busy metro stations and central streets. I am not impressed with talent. Girls from Kharkov seem pale, and lack both ass and tits in comparison to Kiev talent. It can all be different when the students are back in town and girls who are at the seaside are back too. But overall Kiev in summer is way more promising than Kharkov.

Vinny's world travel log

I left Kharkiv two days ago. Spent two nights there chilling. Did not really like the place, and since I saw no decent talent I had time to finally watch 4 episodes of Game of Thrones.

Went out once with a milf I met in Lviv last year. She has been following me actively on IG since the day we met. Ended up partying surrounded with 5 milfs, but did not feel like banging any of them. My last bang in Kiev set the bar too high. It will take a while to recover.

It is funny the way she presented me to her female friends as some sort of celebrity and the way this introduction made the whole interraction totally different. Whole night I felt as a prize, reversed roles. She was saying things like "You should see how he looks without a shirt" [Image: biggrin.gif]

The day I was leaving I needed to take a metro to the far away station to catch my blabla car to Belgorod - Russia. In the metro I had one of the least pleasant experiences since I started travelling. I got stopped by two policemen who took me to some dark room and went through all my stuff. I was stressed and in a hurry and although I did not have anything forbidden with me I did not like the feeling of being searched.

One of them took my money out of my wallet and held them for like 5 minutes asking me if they were mine I said yes. He kept asking are you sure, how much was there. I did not know. Anyways after half an hour, bunch of stupid questions and after making a mess in my posessions they let me go in peace. You feel powerless in a situation like this. All of a sudden not free to go wherever you want and not knowing what us about to happen. Especially in a corrupt place like Ukraine.

I barely made it to my bla bla car.

I am now roaming around south Russia, slowly making my way to a black sea coast.

Vinny's world travel log

Quote: (08-15-2017 04:48 AM)Vinny Wrote:  

The day I was leaving I needed to take a metro to the far away station to catch my blabla car to Belgorod - Russia. In the metro I had one of the least pleasant experiences since I started travelling. I got stopped by two policemen who took me to some dark room and went through all my stuff. I was stressed and in a hurry and although I did not have anything forbidden with me I did not like people go through my stuff.

One of them took my money out of my wallet and held them for like 5 minutes asking me if they were mine I said yes. He kept asking are you sure, how much was there. I did not know. Anyways after half an hour, bunch of stupid questions and after making a mess in my posessions they let me go in peace. You feel powerless in a situation like this. All of a sudden not free to go wherever you want and not knowing what us about to happen. Especially in a corrupt place like Ukraine.

Exactly the same thing happened to me in Kharkov last year when I went on the metro to my apartment. Did it happen at University metro station by any chance? They did exactly the same to me searching all my luggage and when they did not find anything letting me go without any issues or bribes. My guess was that they were hoping to find some weed or any other drug and then make some money through a bribe.

Where this would also be a huge problem I guess would have been if I would have been overstaying the 90 days.

Anyways I learned my lesson and stopped traveling on public transport with my luggage. Just use taxis from airport or train station to apartments.

Vinny's world travel log

Dropping a line or two of appreciation to Vinny for helping me out in Kiev a couple of weeks ago.

Well it actually goes back further as he helped another forum member with IG who then shared the advice with me.

I spent most of my 20s in relationships, blue pill etc. About 2.5-3 years ago I started reading up on game. Spent a couple years pulling easy 6s and the odd 7 on Tinder, online etc. Minimal day gaming.

My personal growth caused 6s and 7s to be incompatible with who I've grown into. Decided a standard of 7.5+ going forward.

I knew this is only possible 3 ways:

1) Social circle - but not possible as I'm traveling long term these years.

2) Online - but only high-level niche activity like IG. Vinny's data sheets have helped me big league. My IG has been transformed to higher quality, less posting. I use his bot service and my followers are now in the 1,000s. Lots of likes on pics too.

3) Day gaming - I always had AA and was always rationalising and making excuses about why I wouldn't do it. So much inventive excuse making, all to compensate for my fear.

Anyway, spent an hour with Vinny one afternoon 2 weeks ago. He went through what I needed to do, step by step. I went through my usual objections I would make to myself, and he put things in perspective.

His coaching helped me a lot. 2nd approach turned into an instadate.

I went out myself over the next few days, armed with my new mindset (because that's all you need). I made 15 approaches. Last night I got my first bang. Beautiful girl, nice to hang out with etc.

I mainly used the IG close. My new profile definitely played a roll in getting dates because girls commented on my pics and followers.

Feel great today. Proud of myself for going out there and hunting a babe and banging her after a few dates.

Don't mean to ramble or get OT here but I read some of the above posts and I get the sentiment being expressed. I was in that boat too, in one way or another.

Vinny's coaching was the key factor in this for me.

Vinny's world travel log

My road trip around South Russia lasted almost two weeks and more than 5 thousand kilometers.

I took a break from gaming girls except for few occasional daygame approaches on Russian Black sea coast. I swam in Black and Caspian seas and visited some remote places in Caucasus mountains.

If you want a virgin wife who will want nothing, but popping babies and cooking for you go to Dagestan. To get a wife all you need is to talk to her parents. Benefits include abilities to get more than one wife if financial status allows, drawbacks include instability of the region and you might have to convert to Islam [Image: biggrin.gif]

Kiev met me well after two weeks without sex. Four days in a row I was banging a different girl each day, a mix of new and old regulars. Now with a happy soul and empty balls I am going to Odessa.

Even now in late August air is chilly, "winter is coming" in Ukraine. I am planning to escape yet another winter so I purchased a return ticket to Medellin beginning of October.
My plan is 6 months in this beautiful city. Less travel, less girls, more work. I can write a blog post about blog ideas alone so it is time for me to sit down and write a lot.

@Fenetre: Thank you for this in detail review of my coaching abilities. It was my pleasure. (just met a guy for lunch and he reported a 2nd daygame bang) I am proud.

It does make me sad that not that many people are ready to challenge themselves and convert to the ways of daygame. To promote this positive change I declare another free daygame coaching trial giveaway. Number of free sessions is limited. PM me to claim yours.

@Superchalk: Smart move. No more metro travel with more than one backpack.

Vinny's world travel log

First day in Odessa.

Students are back in town and city has a lot to offer in terms of daygame. Made couple of successful approaches with some dates scheduled.
Met a regular I have been banging since 2015, that is impressive that she still likes me and wants to meet. Even if I don't approach at all this time it wont be a dry month. I have 3 girls I banged prior currently in town and in touch and a girl I dated and made out with in Kiev, that I want to make my regular or even a GF for while I am here, but the time will show.

Went out to Arkadia. Summer is ending and thus the summer clubs are slowly closing. Arkadia after midnight felt like a terrible sausage fest and a trap for arab and Turkish sex tourist so I decided that sleeping will be a way better way to spend time. Will go out another time, cause that is the tradition I have. Go out once just to get the scope of things.

Got a gym membership and already visited gym. Not a single forum member in town, thus not a single excuse not to do some work. This shall be a productive month.

Got quite a few messages about daygame coaching, will reply shortly.

Vinny's world travel log

I took part in Kyle's podcast talking about Instagram game first here
And then about Peru here

For those of you wanting to hear my funny accent and hear how passionately I talk about Instagram game check these out!
It gets better after first 5 minutes or so.

Here is a recap on Odessa after two weeks spent here.

Girls in Odessa are some of the prettiest in Ukraine. You have to come here outside of summer to see that, cause in the summer there are little to no locals around. They are generally smaller, darker and curvier than their Kievan counterparts. You will also see some really exotic looking faces and features. It is easily explained by the way city was populated. Most people here are a very thorough mix of Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Jewish, Moldavian, Cossack and many more nationalities. Plus due to it being a port city there is always new people coming over and getting blood mixed up and fresh.
For example one of my regulars has some Lithuanian blood in her, another one claims she is Ukrainian but with her big ass and upturned almond eyes she belongs more in Medellin than Odessa.

Same as everywhere else in Ukraine girls are relationship oriented and will try to make you invest a lot of time before letting you bang them. Conclusion: If you like tanned caucasian girls come to Odessa in Autumn.

Sexual marketplace:
Odessan girls like local guys. A lot of guys are studying to be seafarers and walk around in the uniforms. They look pretty good and act manly plus the uniform give them unfair advantage. Long story short, you will meet more girls than ever who will say they have a boyfriend. These guys are well off and can take good care of their women.
However a big chunk of 20+ girls walk around alone cause their boyfriends are away in the sea for 6 months at a time. And obviously they desire some love. I am not into the whole forbidden fruit thing but it is worth a mention.

In the city center if you look at the male part of the population more than a half of the guys you see will be Turks or Arabs. I personally have nothing against them as I target a different niche of girls, but if you look darker (like me) make sure to state clearly to girls that you are not an Arab or a Turk within a first minute of the interaction, as these nations have a very bad reputation.

Stay in Arcadia beach district during the summer and stay in the old city center rest of the year. Since I arrived here in Autumn I settled in the old town. All is in vicinity and I can daygame 5 seconds after leaving my apartment.

Odessa is a great place to go if you have a lot of regulars in Ukraine, cause they will come over and visit. City has high appeal if the weather is good. I have been lucky with 27 degrees Celsius average temperature (80F) so I had a regular from Kiev come over for some banging.

I never nightgamed, except one short visit to a salsa place (heard some Bachata music while walking pass). But even just walking around night venues and looking into some bars you can see that ratio is off. 2-3 darker looking guys on a single girl. So I stick to Daygame and Instagram game.

One of the biggest reasons for me to come to Odessa was to get rid of distractions, too many cool friends and good leads there. So I could not be efficient with my online work. I am doing less gaming and dating for a while. So I went from few dates a day to few dates a week and mostly stick to my regulars, Odessan girls I met in Kiev this summer. Most of my new leads come from passive IG game (software following girls for me), and from passive daygame (spotting girls as you go around your day, 2 minute chase approaches allowing IG to do the rest of the work for me). Yes I am that lazy. However I freed some time to learn about crypto-currencies and start investing as well as working on existing projects.

It is my fourth time in this city so I don't feel the adventure vibe here any more, but there are plenty of things to see here or in vicinity. This time I explores Akkerman fortress and Shabo wine factory. Was impressed with how good Ukrainian wine was at the tasting. I definitely advice taking the electric bus tour around the city and visiting Catacumbs. There are 2000km of tunnels under the Odessa, truly a must see.

Vinny's world travel log

Pleasure to have you on bro. Here's an easier link for anyone who would like to listen:

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