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The Spread Of Islam In America

The Spread Of Islam In America

The silent spread of Islam is a danger to our republic which should stand at the very forefront of our current struggle to make America great again. Over the past decade the Left has however been extremely effective in manipulating public opinion towards a misguided and false perspective of the true nature of Islam, mainly via systematic disinformation and quite often outright lies.

I could spend a few hours drafting a write up on the threat that Islam poses to our republic and our way of life as we know it. But few people except Bill Warner are better informed about the true nature of Islam than Clare Lopez at the Center For Security Policy who I have been following closely since I caught her speech at CPAC. So I leave it to her to set the stage of what we are dealing with right now today in our own nation:

Clare just posted a piece by Diana West which appears to have already been taken down. I am copying it here to kick start a much needed discussion on this topic free of soundbites, gaslighting, and false propaganda spread mainly by Islamic interest groups in the United States as well as all across Europe:


The Islam Catastrophe Continues

Feb 27
Written by: Diana West
Monday, February 27, 2017 5:17 PM

Former FBI special agent John Guandolo has written a strong and sobering essay at his website, UnderstandingTheThreat, called "Unfit for Duty." It argues that two senior Trump administration officials, HR McMaster and Sebastian Gorka, are "catastrophically wrong" in their assessment of Islam as publicly stated and that this is "leading America down a disastrous road towards defeat."

I agree. However, the problem is much, much larger than that.

It is true that the statements (excerpted below) of both men serve to sever the logical, in fact, blatant connections between Islam and what I will call Hot Jihad (terrorism, war) and Cold Jihad (the imposition of Islamic law and customs through migration into Western democracies, also Hot Jihad). Both are components of the age-old design of Islamic conquest. With regard to Sebastian Gorka, a friend and strong supporter of American Betrayal back in the day, it grieves me to have to say so, but I have to say so.

It is also true that this catastrophically wrong assessment of Islam is by no means unique to these two men. I wish it were. I know of no one in the US government or military who has a realistic view of Islam -- that is, a view derived from the study of authoritative Islamic texts and centuries of jihad and dhimmitude. None. Donald Trump the candidate actually came the closest, but, as president, he appears to be enveloped by the "establishment," which actually thinks Al Qaeda, or AQI, or AQIM, or AQAP, or the Taliban or ISIS or the next regrouping thousands of miles and oceans and deserts away is the main threat to these United States -- not the government's outsourcing of our understanding of Islam to jihad-affiliates; not the incursion of sharia into US finance; not the tranches of Islamic money subverting US education; not the seeding of mosques, generously funded by Islamic governments, throughout America to establish the sharia (Islamic law) for still-burgeoning Muslim immigrant and refugee populations. Houses of worship, only? Then why do more than 80 percent of mosques in America disseminate violent materials?

But I digress.

I haven't been writing as much about Islam of late -- I've written it all so many times over. It's not rocket science. Still, for old times' sake, I will mention again something that I think is pretty key: even Donald Trump's big, bad term, "radical Islamic terrorism," is but a riff on the old "tiny band of extremists" routine -- and, worse, a not-too-distant cousin of the "violent extremism" non-sense.

How can that be? All three terms, even as they seem to orginate on three different points of the political spectrum, depend on the exact same fantasy: that there exists some non-radical, non-extreme, non-violent "Islam," a peaceable and anodyne faith with texts and laws and a godhead that are separate and unrelated to jihad violence and conquest, Islamic supremacism and dhimmitude, and, more dangerous still, that are compatible, and, indeed, basically interchangeable with the Christianisty and Judaism of Western society.

This. Is. Not. True.

"Violent extremism" divorces jihad violence from Islam entirely, which is non-sense.

"Tiny band of extremists" divorces jihad violence from an imaginary Islam that is non-extreme.

"Radical Islamic terrorism" does exactly the same thing: If terrorism is the product of "radical" Islam then there must be some plain-Jane and non-radical-Islam that is perfectly ok.

But it doesn't exist! Islam is radical. Islam is extreme. So be it.

As Turkey's Erdogan so memorably put it, "Islam is Islam and that's it."

Donald Trump the candidate appeared to have an innate understanding of the dangerous radicalism of Islam itself, as well as the threat to our liberties posed by the import of Islamic violence and, more dangerous, sharia culture. He discussed this on the hustings. I can only hope he falls back on his own instincts again and seeks new knowledgable and experienced experts. I will gladly provide a list -- starting with veteran intelligence officer Stephen C. Coughlin, and former DHS official/whistleblower Philip Haney.

Meanwhile, here are some relevant excerpts from John Guandolo's essay.

On McMaster:

The New York Times, Guardian, and CNN all report Lt General McMaster told members of the National Security Council Thursday he felt “radical Islamic terrorism” was an unhelpful way to describe terrorism because becoming a terrorist is actually “un-Islamic” in the first place.

In a talk he gave at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in May 2016, LtGen McMaster said, “There is a cycle going on where groups like ISIL, who use this irreligious ideology, you know, this perverted interpretation of religion to justify violence, they depend on ignorance and the ability to recruit vulnerable segments of populations to foment hatred, then use that hatred to justify violence against innocents.”

Following his refutation of these statements, which have zero basis in any authoritative Islamic sources, follows, Guandolo concludes:

He [McMaster] is doing exactly what our enemy wants him to do – creating an imaginary target for us to chase while our real enemy prepares to defeat us.

On Gorka:

The President’s Counterterrorism advisor, Sebastian Gorka, is “over the moon” [about] LtGen McMaster is the new National Security Advisor. ...

Speaking at CPAC this past weekend, Gorka stated: “Zuhdi (Jasser) knows it better than anybody because he understands that this isn’t about poverty or lack of education. It’s about people who are fighting for the soul of Islam – not a war with Islam, but a war inside Islam; as King Abdullah, as General Sisi has said, for which version is going to win.”

Guandolo comments:

Utter nonsense. There is one version of Islam and one Sharia. To say otherwise is to be factually wrong, but also dangerous when national strategies are being built off that utter nonsense.


Several years ago at a town hall presentation hosted by Washington, D.C. radio station WMAL, Sebastian Gorka stated “99.9% of muslims do not support terrorism (jihad)” despite a mountain of evidence and polling data proving this comment untrue, and the fact the entire purpose of Islam is to wage jihad until the world is dominated by Islamic rule (sharia).

Dr. Gorka also writes in his book, Defeating Jihad, we are not at war with Islam (p.129) but our enemy is “the ideology of takfiri jihad” (p.123).

No muslim jihadi who fought on the battlefields of Afghanistan, Iraq or anywhere else, nor any of the jihadis who have died in Europe in the United States attacking us nor the jihadis we have arrested have said they are “takfiri jihadis.” They have said they are “Muslims” waging “Jihad in the cause of Allah” to “establish a caliphate under sharia.”

This is what Islamic doctrine commands them to do.

On page 144 of his book, Gorka ends with the call for the United States to spend billions of dollars supporting “Muslim reformers” in their “ideological war to delegitimize the message of holy war against the infidel and bolster modern interpretations of Islam.”

This demonstrates Sebastian Gorka is either completely free of any clue of Islamic doctrine or is intentionally lying about what Islam actually teaches.

Since these ideas and strategies to use “moderate Muslims” to ensure the “other version” of Islam wins are based in fantasy not reality, these policies will necessarily fail – and have failed the United States for 15 years.

Guandolo rachets it up to the next step, asking some very tough questions.

Is that Dr. Gorka’s intention? Does he not know that strategies to win a war must be based in the reality of who the enemy is? Why would Sebastian Gorka put forth such and idea when he knows what he is saying is untrue?

Is it possible Dr. Gorka has remained strategically incoherent for 15 years during this global war? Is he working on behalf of some outside entity to intentionally mislead the President of the United States, or is he is simply putting his paycheck ahead of the American people and his duty.

The United States will lose this war against the Global Islamic Movement if we do not clearly define the enemy and target the enemy. We cannot hit a target we do not identify and cannot defeat an enemy we do not target.

Our warfighting doctrine calls for an analysis of our enemy based on how the enemy defines itself. We begin our analysis there. Something we have not done since 9/11/01. If we did, our entire national security apparatus, including our military, would have been studying and teaching authoritative sharia and more of our soldiers, Marines, sailors, and airmen would be alive today because of it.

That is indisputable. Certainly, it is a reasonable, fact-based argument that senior White House and Pentagon officials should be presenting to the Commander-in-Chief. Over fifteen years after 9/11 and two disatrous wars later, it's way overdue. Only President Trump has the power, and, seemingly, the will to make it happen -- but he will have to overrule his inner circle and top administration officials to do so. Let's hope this happens sooner rather than later.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

The Spread Of Islam In America

Its not everyday I agree with guys here but here we're in consonance.

More disgusting, is the noise nuisance constituted by the 5.00 am nonsense blaring from loudspeakers in mosques. It fucks up your sleep, wakes babies, and drives the elderly nuts.

If you complain to the city, they just tell you to shut up and not make waves at best, at worst you become marked as a troublemaker.

But what can one do? You can't stop the ignorant and uneducated from making misguided decisions to embrace the damn religion.

Also, how can so little a segment of the populace, maybe 1 million at most have such an outsize effect on society??

And there was a report recently they'd be the most populous faith in the world by 2070 because their birth rates outstrips world population growth.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (03-03-2017 03:06 PM)El Padrone Wrote:  

Its not everyday I agree with guys here but here we're in consonance.

More disgusting, is the noise nuisance constituted by the 5.00 am nonsense blaring from loudspeakers in mosques. It fucks up your sleep, wakes babies, and drives the elderly nuts.

If you complain to the city, they just tell you to shut up and not make waves at best, at worst you become marked as a troublemaker.

But what can one do? You can't stop the ignorant and uneducated from making misguided decisions to embrace the damn religion.

Also, how can so little a segment of the populace, maybe 1 million at most have such an outsize effect on society??

And there was a report recently they'd be the most populous faith in the world by 2070 because their birth rates outstrips world population growth.

You're actually dealing with that in your own city? Do you feel comfortable disclosing what part of the world you're in?

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

The Spread Of Islam In America

I can't decide who's dumber, the mohammeds coming here with 9 kids or the white people who welcome them and pay for their schools.

In western Kansas a bunch of Somalis have been dumped on the local community, locals reacted by donating all sorts of supplies like diapers, school materials, etc.... we need to show them our love! lolz

The Spread Of Islam In America

@ Redpillage.

I admire your educational posts and merits about Islam, including Samseau and Zel but you're beating a dead horse here and I think, this thread included, should be in a position to offer advice and education on what it is that drives Islam and Muslims.

We're past the point of hoping our governments and militaries can stop this for now. We're past the point of pointing out the bullshit, lies, deceit and two-faced actions of people when it comes to Islam and its followers.

Fiction: Islam is peaceful
Reality: Islam is a military, political and religious strategy

Fiction: We welcome Islam and Muslims
Reality: Muslims change the societies and areas they inhabit. Go to Uk and EU towns and cities where high or even moderate numbers of Muslims live. You will sense a difference.

As much as I like Trump, he is not a mind reader and does not have all the answers but he does have a track record of being a man who can and will change his mind, learning about new things. Afterall he is a billionaire, a megastar and POTUS.

The man can and will learn. We're not even 2 months into him at the helm and its already a different world.

ISIS and Al'Qaeda will never be defeated until Islam is pacified. The difference between these 2 entities today and those of years ago is how they have subverted the Western populace to think they are what we believe them to be.

To have done this required allies within our own government and NGOs. Look at the WHite Caps. They are terrorists but have legitimate claim to be a humanitarian organisation. Hardly anyone knows about this.

In fact, "The Russians Are Coming" has taken presecedent over these two factions and Islam itself because Russia has nukes. It would be a comedy show if it weren't surreal.

What we should be doing is learning how to spot patterns and threats before we can be hurt by them.

The Spread Of Islam In America

I'm not too worried about this particular issue. Muslims still an extremely tiny segment of the American population, less than 2%. Sure, they could grow rapidly through high fertility rates and immigration but by "rapidly" we are talking many decades just to broach 10%. By the time they could have significant demographic power close to a century will have passed.

Whites will be a minority in the USA by the late 2030's or early 2040s. That is just 20-25 years away. This is what is terrifying.

If and when the Muslims become numerous enough to start stretching their muscles in the USA they will be the Mexicans' problem. I couldn't care less.

The Spread Of Islam In America

This is a total non-issue at this point, like Fast Eddie said. The US is far, far away from Europe-level of Muslim infiltration.

We are, however, light years ahead in terms of the creeping power and influence of another semitic group.

The Spread Of Islam In America

I was in Morocco long enough to see the appeal of Islam to Westerners - aside from the retarded "all deeply tanned people are saints, and anything that isn't American is awesome!" philosophy that leftist airheads cling to. Many of them never moved past that stage and actually analyzed the religion itself.

I realized this simple reality - Islam makes no apologies for being the dated, violent faith that it is, and it regularly says "go fuck yourself" to anyone challenging it. You don't have to worry about people thinking you're hip when you have an iron grip on the culture. What does Christianity have to offer in comparison? Apologetic adherents that deeply care about being uncool, an SJW pope, COMPLETE kowtowing to gays and popular culture, painful Christian rock, faggot priests that diddle kids, tranny ministers in the Protestant churches? Why would any self-respecting person want to dedicate their life to a faith that limp-wristed? Muslim men may act like pigs and barbarians, but they at least act like men.

I am a semi-practicing Catholic, and would love to see a resurgence of Christian pride - THAT is what will defeat the creeping influence of Islam in the United States, and perhaps the West. We need to get our balls back first, though. Maybe own the fact that you're a very old faith, and switch out the Jars of Clay records for actual Gregorian chants. (Those Muslim calls to prayer sound like they date back from the Crusades, and you don't hear one Muslim complaining.)

The Spread Of Islam In America

Watch all three videos. These will get you up to speed.

Great video on why "moderate" Muslims don't matter:


Use that hashtag. There's nothing better to describe this violent death cult.

Great longer video on the history of Islam. It 16 minutes, but a great primer on this war:

The Crusades weren't launched until after the Catholic Church responded to Muslims attacking them first:

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

The Spread Of Islam In America

Real alpha male leaders like Putin and Duterte don't seem to have a problem dealing with Muslims.

Rico... Sauve....

The Spread Of Islam In America


[Image: Top%2010%20dog%20breeds%20for%20protecti...k=dqurKq0O]

More dogs! The bigger the better!

[Image: Central-Asian-Ovtcharka-Guard-Dogs-728x485.jpg]

Walk 'em past the mosque every day.

[Image: 12-Dog-Breeds-for-Personal-Home-Protecti...61x441.jpg]

Teach 'em to be violently wacist against anyone wearing a stupid muslim outfit.

[Image: gdtc05.jpg]

They can be nutritionally sustained on muslim tears.

[Image: O4Dr9o3.gif]

And don't give up on that issue regarding the 5am call to prayer. Start a god-damned community action group if you have to.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Brigitte Gabriel is hot!!
She scares the shit out of me too.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (03-03-2017 09:28 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

This is a total non-issue at this point, like Fast Eddie said. The US is far, far away from Europe-level of Muslim infiltration.

We are, however, light years ahead in terms of the creeping power and influence of another semitic group.

The UK was only 2% Muslim in 2001... just pointing that out. They have a growth rate of over 70% per 10 years, and that is even though the white and black populations in the UK have actually increased slightly.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (03-04-2017 03:46 AM)britchard Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2017 09:28 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

This is a total non-issue at this point, like Fast Eddie said. The US is far, far away from Europe-level of Muslim infiltration.

We are, however, light years ahead in terms of the creeping power and influence of another semitic group.

The UK was only 2% Muslim in 2001... just pointing that out. They have a growth rate of over 70% per 10 years, and that is even though the white and black populations in the UK have actually increased slightly.

The Muslim population grows by 100% within every 10 years in the US. In countries like Germany, Sweden or UK the growth is even stronger. We Westerners always underestimate the power of demographics especially in the first generation. There are now living in US and EU Muslim men with 4 wives and 30+ children. Of course they are all on welfare and are only Islamicly married. The government does not even supply stats.

According to Usama Dakdok - one of those 2000 year old Egyptian Christians - Islam grows at 100% per year - thus the projections are as following:

You do the math and the US is already at 10 mio. Muslims.
2026: 20 mio.
2036: 40 mio.
2046: 80 mio.
2056: 160 mio.

It significantly outgrows the Mexican immigration because those groups mainly grow through migration, the Muslim immigrants grow through child-births as soon as they enter a welfare-fed system. Their women don't work at rates of 90% and all children will be fed and clothed by the state.

Yes - the Latinos, blacks and Christian Whites might be united against the Islamic future threat, but that is a slight consolation price when you are in the middle of a World War.

I expect World War III with Islam to go down around 2040-2060 at the latest.

The globalists know that Muslims will cause choas and terror in the West. They are not as dumb as their low-tier followers who believe in Kumbayah-singing-multiculturalism.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Every practicing Muslim with a phone when I was abroad (so, pretty much everyone under 50 and over 10) got the exact same call to prayer ringtone, right on the dot at prayer time. (Maybe the king issued it as a free download? Everyone had an identical ringtone, hammily oversung by the same muezzin.)

This was in an overwhelmingly Islamic country, too! If Muslims can hear the calls to prayer without being near the minarets, they can hear them without the minarets altogether. Anyone who says any different is just trying to fill the skyline with their landmarks. Resist it.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (03-03-2017 06:46 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

@ Redpillage.

I admire your educational posts and merits about Islam, including Samseau and Zel but you're beating a dead horse here and I think, this thread included, should be in a position to offer advice and education on what it is that drives Islam and Muslims.

Actually the point of this thread is to do exactly that - to arrest the growth of Islam in the United States and to establish measures to thwart its influence at its roots. Northern Europe in my mind is already lost and since I'm a European who also has an American passport my perspective covers a wide range of the Western hemisphere.

I do however disagree with your assessment of Islam not posing a threat to America. The reason why the Marxist Left was able to completely eviscerate any opposing political forces across Europe and to some extent also in the United States was due to what is now referred to as the 'long march through the institutions'. Islamic organizations are in fact copying this very effective approach and are at this point already deeply embedded within cultural and educational organizations as well as government entities. The most salient examples of this this trend are Sweden, Germany, and of course France, to some extent also Austria, and Holland.

The fact that followers of Islam only represent a small percentage of our population does not matter. The percentage of Muslims in the U.K. in 2001 was only 2%, as TigerMandigo already pointed out. Within only 15 years that number has swelled to about 5% - 7%, although the statistics most likely are fudged. I encourage you to take a walk through Londondistan or Manchester and make your own assessment.

Let's not forget that parasitic populations have a tendency to grow exponentially if conditions permit it. And the conditions across Western Europe at least could not be any more conducive. I'm copying below a pretty good guide to a commonly established growth pattern and its implications. I hope it will awake all of you to the insidious threat that Islam poses in hopes of fighting the problem in its infancy as opposed to 10 or 20 years from now when we may experience conditions akin to what we are currently facing in Europe:


slam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system.

Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component is a beard for all the other components.

Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called ‘religious rights.’

When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to ‘the reasonable’ Muslim demands for their ‘religious rights,’ they also get the other components under the table. Here’s how it works (percentages source CIA: The World Fact Book (2007)).

As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

United States — Muslim 1.0%
Australia — Muslim 1.5%
Canada — Muslim 1.9%
China — Muslim 1%-2%
Italy — Muslim 1.5%
Norway — Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:

Denmark — Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7% [that was in 2012 - it's closer to 7% now]
United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7% [ditto]
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.

They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply. (United States ).

France — Muslim 8%
Philippines — Muslim 5%
Sweden — Muslim 5%
Switzerland — Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad &Tobago — Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions ( Paris –car-burnings) . Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats ( Amsterdam – Mohammed cartoons).

Guyana — Muslim 10%
India — Muslim 13.4%
Israel — Muslim 16%
Kenya — Muslim 10%
Russia — Muslim 10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:

Ethiopia — Muslim 32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:

Bosnia — Muslim 40%
Chad — Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon — Muslim 59.7%

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:

Albania — Muslim 70%
Malaysia — Muslim 60.4%
Qatar — Muslim 77.5%
Sudan — Muslim 70%

After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:

Bangladesh — Muslim 83%
Egypt — Muslim 90%
Gaza — Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia — Muslim 86.1%
Iran — Muslim 98%
Iraq — Muslim 97%
Jordan — Muslim 92%
Morocco — Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan — Muslim 97%
Palestine — Muslim 99%
Syria — Muslim 90%
Tajikistan — Muslim 90%
Turkey — Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates — Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ — the Islamic House of Peace — there’s supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:

Afghanistan — Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia — Muslim 100%
Somalia — Muslim 100%
Yemen — Muslim 99.9%

Of course, that’s not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons.

‘Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world and all of us against the infidel. – Leon Uris, ‘The Haj’

It is good to remember that in many, many countries, such as France, the Muslim populations are centered around ghettos based on their ethnicity. Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. Therefore, they exercise more power than their national average would indicate.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (03-04-2017 03:22 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  


[Image: Top%2010%20dog%20breeds%20for%20protecti...k=dqurKq0O]

More dogs! The bigger the better!

Absolutely correct. Dogs are social creatures and have acquired the ability to read people's faces.


Researchers at the University of Lincoln have now shown that pet dogs also exhibit "left gaze bias", but only when looking at human faces. No other animal has been known to display this behavior before.

Muslims instinctively dislike dogs. It isn't haraam for them to own one, though it is not considered hygienic to keep a dog in the house. Thus they do not form the deep emotional bonds that we Westerners often develop with our own dogs.

A large dog is a much better, legal, and possibly lethal defense mechanism than a fucking pepper spray. Especially large trained dogs will give their life for you, it's simply in their nature to protect the pack. Among hundreds of reports over the past few years I have not heard of a single case of a European woman walking her dog being harassed or raped. That alone should tell you something.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (03-04-2017 03:46 AM)Rocket75 Wrote:  

Brigitte Gabriel is hot!!
She scares the shit out of me too.

A big rack can definitely push the wall by a few years but although I do appreciate th occasional MILF she's a bit too ripe for my taste:

[Image: aa4c999080af30c0bf2d57555c43dc3b.jpg]

Looks like Jon Voight beat you to the punch though ;-)

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

The Spread Of Islam In America

Nah - I read reports of rapefugees attempting to rape a woman and being defended by her dog.

In other cases smaller dogs were kicked and terribly mistreated:

But yeah - as a general guideline having a massive strong dog race with you is a good form of self-defense for a woman.

I joked with mine that if we were living in Germany, then I would have to get her two of those:

[Image: Kuvasz_named_Kan.jpg]

Hungarian Kuvasz - very protective, extremely dangerous for any attacker and quite big - loving and kind to their own, but God beware you are on the wrong side - that white soft fur will be covered in your blood - they fight to the death. I prefer them to Pitbulls or Dobermans because they are smarter. They were bred to manage cattle herds miles apart, protect them against wolves and foxes and also guide their herd home.

The Spread Of Islam In America

The twin tactics of deconversion either to atheism or Christianity is to be achieved. 2nd injecting the poz into their communities will substantially decrease birthrates as it happened to the west and as the universities in Iran is achieving. Toxic American culture is a great religious solvent.

Push women into fertility destroying careers and other ways of destroying fertility. Enforcement of feminist domestic violence laws and divorce rape so that their men go MGTOW.

Free contraception and exposure to progressive poz as they are taught in uni.

And make America so odious for them that they will self-deport in ways you guys describe.

Infiltrate leftist imams to turn their religion into pure cuck.

The Spread Of Islam In America

In short everything destroying fertility in the west and Japan are great weapons when you think about it. Feminism and related cultural marxisms especially and certain technologies. Make the society so anti-male including their own religion that fertility drops like a rock. Cuck their religion so hard and so on and so forth.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Whether a dog be big or small, the most intimidating breed I've ever met is the Bull Terrier.

[Image: IMG_0261.jpg]

The bizarre shape of their head, the beady little shark eyes and thin coat of fur that reveals every muscle in detail when they're getting ready to go apeshit really puts a fella on notice.

[Image: Pitbull-breed-painted-dog-harness-leathe...og-big.jpg]

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Spread Of Islam In America

I have radically changed my opinion on this issue, mostly because of what is currently happening to Trump. There is a clear plan being implemented at a soft coup, followed by an impeachment of a sitting president. This means that your vote doesn't count. You aren't free and don't live in a democracy. And it isn't the Muslims who are doing this. It's not the Muslims who control the mainstream media that is systematically trying to destroy Trump. We aren't that powerful and can't afford to fight the wrong enemy.

As for the security of America, there is a simpler approach. Restrict all immigration because we don't need anymore people. Period. And the US is under no obligation to take in refugees and fund their living. That should be the only thing said. The reason Trump's order was blocked was because they claimed it was about religion. There is no need to talk about religion. Just restrict immigration and if necessary get out of the UN.

Now we have them out of our country, there is no reason we can't cooperate with Muslims in other countries. Seeing them as a worldwide threat is a dangerous delusion. General Pershing subdued the fierce Muslim tribes in the Phillipines and they liked him so much they asked him to be their chief. The solution for dealing with Muslims is to have strong leaders and a strong society. Putin and Duterte deal with Muslims. Muslims are far more honest then the tribe that is stabbing us in the back. Being stabbed in the back by the enemy within is the real threat.

Rico... Sauve....

The Spread Of Islam In America

< Nope - that is an illusion as well - Islam is far too violent, far too evil, far to insidious than you think. You haven't studied it well enough. Most Muslims don't know their religion either.

It is an ideology that is anti-life, anti-science, anti-happiness, anti-liberty.

But yeah - without the support of the globalists they would be not doing much. You should check out the Migrant Invasion of Europe thread - we have a ton of details on it.

And as far as Muslim leaders being truthful - haha - that is the biggest joke in history. It is even written in the Quran and the Hadiths to be deceitful towards the infidels. I have no problem with Islam being taught in full awareness, because then everyone would know what an evil piece of shit of a religion this is. And it is not a genetic problem - if I would magically wipe out Islam today and make everyone Christian, Buddhist or whatever at random, then I can guarantee you that the Middle East and the Muslim refugees would stop being such a pain in the ass. They would be more happy, IQs would improve over time and they would settle into being some sort of more passionate Italians in terms of ideology. And we can deal with Italians - maybe Middle Easterners would chase pussy more, but that just makes them better Italians - heh.

Though to be fair - our globalist seemingly Satanic elite is even more evil, just a lot smarter.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (03-04-2017 07:38 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Nah - I read reports of rapefugees attempting to rape a woman and being defended by her dog.

In other cases smaller dogs were kicked and terribly mistreated:

But yeah - as a general guideline having a massive strong dog race with you is a good form of self-defense for a woman.

I joked with mine that if we were living in Germany, then I would have to get her two of those:

[Image: Kuvasz_named_Kan.jpg]

Hungarian Kuvasz - very protective, extremely dangerous for any attacker and quite big - loving and kind to their own, but God beware you are on the wrong side - that white soft fur will be covered in your blood - they fight to the death. I prefer them to Pitbulls or Dobermans because they are smarter. They were bred to manage cattle herds miles apart, protect them against wolves and foxes and also guide their herd home.

You, sir, are a walking fucking encyclopedia!

[Image: mindblown.gif]

Here's a video of the 13 month old specimen in action. I for one wouldn't want to piss him off...

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

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