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The Hillary Clinton thread

The Hillary Clinton thread

Has this been posted in this thread?

[Image: Oehm1lu.jpg]

The Hillary Clinton thread

The best sick hillary picture is kosko's avatar.


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"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Not only is Shrillary dealing with her election loss, she's facing the specter of jail. No wonder she looks like hell.

Take care of those titties for me.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-17-2016 11:44 AM)DJ-Matt Wrote:  

The best sick hillary picture is kosko's avatar.


That's clearly a Photoshop trying to make her look like an ape. We shouldn't repeat falsehoods. There are many legitimate pictures of her looking unhealthy especially from her most recent appearance.

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The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-16-2016 11:33 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

Quote: (11-16-2016 11:11 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Killary now looks like Soros, if Soros had a sex-change...

[Image: ig4kecz3l3yx.jpg]

philosophical_recovery, did you create this 'shop or did you find it elsewhere?
Rather distinctive of course, yet I'm seeing it all over Twitter & the Joe Rogan Board.

The Hillary Clinton thread

I found it. Rarely have time to make them myself

The Hillary Clinton thread

Guys, it's over.
She lost.
She's finished.
She looks like death.
Satan has obviously come to reclaim his debts from her.

This thread needs to die.
We need to stop playing with the corpse.
I'm going to take care of that right now.

[Image: 55469383.cms]

[Image: hillary-clinton-54d7fda5-98f9-4929-860b-...5c716e.jpg]

[Image: hillary-death-575x301.jpg]

[Image: 3A760DC100000578-3944234-image-m-2_1479350300284.jpg]

[Image: media:9673241c315b4146aef2154cc85fbe77AP...inton.JPEG]

[Image: 8034674-3x2-700x467.jpg]

[Image: hillary-sick-575x332.jpg]

[Image: hillary-clinton-7ef55801-9909-4a80-86ad-....jpg?w=840]

[Image: article-doc-i60ny-1pja05bmyv30b99e1a7df3...36x382.jpg]

[Image: images%7Ccms-image-000016958.jpg]

The Hillary Clinton thread

What happened? Did she fire her makeup artist? Damn. That wasn't smart.

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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Her hair looks dirty too.

I guess her handlers don't think it's worth blowing a grand on making her look as good as possible every time she needs to be in public, now that she's lost her value to them.

The Hillary Clinton thread

The Pizzagate posts are extremely disturbing to read. This article about pedophilia on the rise in the U.S. from the Washington Examiner was published over a year ago.

FBI: 'Epidemic' levels of pedophilia, child sex trafficking
By BARBARA BOLAND • 7/30/15 10:33 AM

Pedophilia in the U.S. is "unprecedented" and has reached an almost "epidemic level," according to assistant director of the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division Joseph Campbell.

Although the FBI rescued 600 children last year, the FBI believes that tens of thousands of children are still being sexually exploited. Hundreds of children are sold every night for sex, the BBC reported in an investigative piece on child sex trafficking in the U.S.

"The level of pedophilia is just unprecedented right now," Campbell said. "We have so many cases constantly of individuals in all walks of life, from the very wealthy … to all other levels engaged in child pornography, child exploitation … it just seems to be almost an at epidemic level."

The vast majority of the children trafficked in the U.S. are not Mexican or Central American, but are American.

Women from the East Coast to the Midwest tell "frighteningly similar and horrific stories," reported the BBC. "Neglected, abused, exploited and often ignored starting from a young age — sometimes even prosecuted by the very people who should have protected them."

Girls are manipulated and taken advantage of before being trafficked, according to Jenny Gaines, who works at Breaking Free, a Minnesota-based advocacy group that helps former sex workers.

Half the women at Breaking Free's support group were under 18 when they were first sold for sex, and many were not much older than 18, reported the BBC.

One woman said "when [her abuser] actually found out how old I was [14] it didn't stop him ... he wanted me even more."

One woman the BBC spoke to was five months pregnant and still on the streets. She said she "was groomed from age 12 by a neighbor, who enticed her with a garage full of toys and games. He offered her money for topless photos," reports the BBC.

"I see more and more younger girls out here now and it's really sad," she said. "It's not a choice. At 12, it was not a choice."

The Hillary Clinton thread


Well, the FBI was running half the pedo sites on the dark web throughout 2016, so they presumably know.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-17-2016 04:32 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

Her hair looks dirty too.

I guess her handlers don't think it's worth blowing a grand on making her look as good as possible every time she needs to be in public, now that she's lost her value to them.

Hopefully next stop on the post campaign trail is the morgue.

Alcoholism and the few marbles left rattling around in her evil dome will take its toll eventually.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-17-2016 04:32 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

Her hair looks dirty too.

I guess her handlers don't think it's worth blowing a grand on making her look as good as possible every time she needs to be in public, now that she's lost her value to them.

There is not reason to spend money trying to make her look good anymore, remember the networks were doing their best for her, the right light, the right camera angle.

Once all that is gone, well.....
Compare below
[Image: article-3945330-3A7AB1A100000578-832_636x382.jpg]

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-17-2016 08:21 PM)Paracelsus Wrote:  


Well, the FBI was running half the pedo sites on the dark web throughout 2016, so they presumably know.

What do you mean?

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-17-2016 09:21 PM)komatiite Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2016 08:21 PM)Paracelsus Wrote:  


Well, the FBI was running half the pedo sites on the dark web throughout 2016, so they presumably know.

What do you mean?


The FBI reportedly operated almost two dozen child pornography websites hidden on the dark web to lure and catch predators.

Unsealed documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union revealed investigators had the authorization to run 23 such websites.

It had already been known that the agency ran the website, Playpen, to help identify users.

The sites were, 'dedicated to the advertisement of child pornography, the discussion of matters pertinent to child sexual abuse', according to Ars Technica.

The agency's sites also monitored: 'methods and tactics offenders used to abuse children, as well as methods and tactics offenders used to avoid law enforcement detection while perpetuating online child sexual exploitation crimes.'

The FBI hoped to distribute malware to users of the sites so that they could be identified.

The new documents also revealed the trap sites were ran out of a government facility, and they were able to learn the identities and IP addresses of users.

Cybercrime expert Fred Jennings told Ars Technica there is: 'no other way to read (the documents) than websites 1-23 were hosted at a government facility, with the FBI's knowledge and to the FBI's informational benefit.

'It's clever phrasing on their part.'

An FBI spokesman said he was unaware of an operation with 23 websites, according to a statement given to the website.

Other reports -- which of course I can't now remember where they are -- estimated this at about half the total number of paedophile sites operating on the dark web.

Let's assume for a moment that there are no paedophiles in the FBI who had access to this program. If these guys were able to identify users from their IP addresses, and if some of those addresses led back to Washington, I think we suddenly have a motive behind why some elements of the FBI seemed absolutely determined to get Clinton away from the Presidency. Quite independent of anything that was found on Weiner's hard drive.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-17-2016 09:28 PM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2016 09:21 PM)komatiite Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2016 08:21 PM)Paracelsus Wrote:  


Well, the FBI was running half the pedo sites on the dark web throughout 2016, so they presumably know.

What do you mean?


The FBI reportedly operated almost two dozen child pornography websites hidden on the dark web to lure and catch predators.

Unsealed documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union revealed investigators had the authorization to run 23 such websites.

It had already been known that the agency ran the website, Playpen, to help identify users.

The sites were, 'dedicated to the advertisement of child pornography, the discussion of matters pertinent to child sexual abuse', according to Ars Technica.

The agency's sites also monitored: 'methods and tactics offenders used to abuse children, as well as methods and tactics offenders used to avoid law enforcement detection while perpetuating online child sexual exploitation crimes.'

The FBI hoped to distribute malware to users of the sites so that they could be identified.

The new documents also revealed the trap sites were ran out of a government facility, and they were able to learn the identities and IP addresses of users.

Cybercrime expert Fred Jennings told Ars Technica there is: 'no other way to read (the documents) than websites 1-23 were hosted at a government facility, with the FBI's knowledge and to the FBI's informational benefit.

'It's clever phrasing on their part.'

An FBI spokesman said he was unaware of an operation with 23 websites, according to a statement given to the website.

Other reports -- which of course I can't now remember where they are -- estimated this at about half the total number of paedophile sites operating on the dark web.

Let's assume for a moment that there are no paedophiles in the FBI who had access to this program. If these guys were able to identify users from their IP addresses, and if some of those addresses led back to Washington, I think we suddenly have a motive behind why some elements of the FBI seemed absolutely determined to get Clinton away from the Presidency. Quite independent of anything that was found on Weiner's hard drive.

Something similar happens with KingDotCom and Megaupload, after the raid at his house and the whole situation which was motivated heavily by Hollywood, KingDotCom said many Hollywood studios did in fact asked him to run many trailers ads for movies and TV shows years before the raid he said he still have the emails from studios executives, and that many studios IPs addresses were pirating movies themselves.

In sense, Hollywood used its power in government to go after KingDotCom and Megaupload for piracy, but KingDotCom has IPs addresses of Hollywood studios pirating movies themselves.

The Hillary Clinton thread

[Image: CxfYfCYUQAA1S74.jpg]

The Hillary Clinton thread

All of those Hillary pictures look like George Soros' crops.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-17-2016 08:27 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (11-17-2016 04:32 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

Her hair looks dirty too.

I guess her handlers don't think it's worth blowing a grand on making her look as good as possible every time she needs to be in public, now that she's lost her value to them.

Hopefully next stop on the post campaign trail is the morgue.

Alcoholism and the few marbles left rattling around in her evil dome will take its toll eventually.

Holy crap. I just saw the rest of the photos. It didn't realise that anyone could make Merkel look better by comparison!

No, I want the reaper to hold off until she's in prison, assuming that happens soon.

I for one will issue a hearty belly-laugh if both Sanders and Clinton shuffle off this mortal coil before their theoretical first terms would have ended.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Hillary Clinton thread

It would be a shame for her to due prior to a conviction. She needs a final humiliation before being ushered out. She needs to be made an example of, such that others will think twice about following in her wayward ways.

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The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-16-2016 11:28 PM)rpg Wrote:  

What is her drink of choice? She has to have a favorite bottle.

[Image: fvggtihxtk6z5lqfnexl.jpg]

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Add another mysterious death to the Clinton count. Monica Peterson who was in Haiti investigated a child trafficking ring tied to the Clinton's decided to end her own life under "suspicious circumstances."

But hey what do I know I'm just some crazy racist alt right conspiracy theorist.

More info here

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The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-18-2016 07:47 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Add another mysterious death to the Clinton count. Monica Peterson who was in Haiti investigated a child trafficking ring tied to the Clinton's decided to end her own life under "suspicious circumstances."

But hey what do I know I'm just some crazy racist alt right conspiracy theorist.

More info here

Her own fault for accepting a suicide mission. If you do not become aware of the world we live in, then the world will catch up on you nonetheless.

Someone naive: "Wanna research the Clinton foundation and pedophile network?"
Me: "Do you have a gun with you?"
Naive: "why?"
Me: "Because it is easier if I shoot myself right now and spare us the trouble & heartache."

The Cunt - if she does not die, may still remain in the limelight - plenty of positions can be filled working for the globalists. They never forget one of their own servants unless they oppose them - like Thatcher did in the 1990s or Churchill later in life.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Allow me a moment of despair here.

Even with Trump in the White House, even with all the forces of weaponised autism at our command, I seriously doubt this sort of thing is ever going to be dragged into the open. Conspiracy charges are very difficult to prove at the best of times, and the levels at which this sort of thing goes on are practically impenetrable even for bodies like the FBI, simply because they have to be proven beyond reasonable doubt, and circumstancial evidence is never going to be enough to take on the Clintons. Until you find a fourteen year old kid who doesn't have a history of a major drug habit and who manages to stay alive more than 48 hours after the story breaks, nobody is bringing these guys down.

I'm reminded of a panel from Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns. Commissioner Gordon is telling Yindel about the old conspiracy theory - some might say hidden history - that FDR had advance warning of the impending attack on Pearl Harbour and let the attack happen. Gordon compares FDR's decision to Batman's vigilantism on the rationale that FDR allowing the attack to happen got the US off its ass in time to stop the Axis powers. Leaving that aside - it's Gordon's remark that has stayed with me through the years: "Wasn't proven. Things like that never are."

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The Hillary Clinton thread

HCs human form was finally revealed at that press-conference. Looks like she needs to be watered. She looked rough.

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