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The Hillary Clinton thread

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-18-2016 09:20 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Allow me a moment of despair here.

Even with Trump in the White House, even with all the forces of weaponised autism at our command, I seriously doubt this sort of thing is ever going to be dragged into the open. Conspiracy charges are very difficult to prove at the best of times, and the levels at which this sort of thing goes on are practically impenetrable even for bodies like the FBI, simply because they have to be proven beyond reasonable doubt, and circumstancial evidence is never going to be enough to take on the Clintons. Until you find a fourteen year old kid who doesn't have a history of a major drug habit and who manages to stay alive more than 48 hours after the story breaks, nobody is bringing these guys down.

I'm reminded of a panel from Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns. Commissioner Gordon is telling Yindel about the old conspiracy theory - some might say hidden history - that FDR had advance warning of the impending attack on Pearl Harbour and let the attack happen. Gordon compares FDR's decision to Batman's vigilantism on the rationale that FDR allowing the attack to happen got the US off its ass in time to stop the Axis powers. Leaving that aside - it's Gordon's remark that has stayed with me through the years: "Wasn't proven. Things like that never are."

There is no way in living hell that Hillary will ever be successfully prosecuted. 300 people will die mysterious deaths if needs be.

That kind of power does not come by a family that is worth a couple hundred million $. Trump does not have that kind of political and behind-the-scenes safety net and he is worth much more.

Clintons will always walk free even if Hillary is caught by cops strangling a 4yo child while Bill rapes a 5yo in the back.

They can do almost anything so long as no live vids or pictures get distributed of their vile acts on the net. And that will never happen since they are protected by the secret service at all time. The orgy island where Clinton went has probably even better security.

The Clinton crime team will go on pouncing on the next Haiti to make another 50 mio. $ off it. Hillary will be the feminist champion - 1. female presidential candidate. They will make more bucks. Their reckoning must come after death.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Can you guys imagine she would have won? We would have had to watch that wench gradually decompose over the next four years. I don't think I would have been able to maintain a solid erection with that constantly in my mind. She probably singlehandedly would have lowered fertility rates in the U.S. by a measurable margin.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

The Hillary Clinton thread

The Pizzagate thing is looking very probable, take a look at the Reddit, this isn't random occurences. Lots and lots of sexual themes in relation to Comet Pizza and Ping Pong and the constant use of coded language on Instagram posts and the like. This very likely is what it looks like. Use a Tor browser though if you're going to look into it.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Just curious, if you are Trump or a Trump supporter, who would you rather the Democrats run in 2020: Michelle Obama, Corey Booker, Chelsea Clinton, Antonio Villaraigosa(former LA mayor)

I'm not really sure who they have left, I don't think Bernie wants anything to do with the Democrat party after the way they treated him in 2016.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Chelsea Clinton. She could be pegged as just more of the same. Family dynasties, etc, we aren't a monarchy. Antonio is a illegal alien supporting asshole. I think he would also be defeated.

Still, this is all a moot point unless trump really starts deporting and FAST. The demographics aren't on our side for large numbers of woke minorities. Hopefully Trump will pull them out of the intellectual ghetto, but I'm not optimistic. Simply put, the white folks by and large got trump the Oval Office. Hopefully they and the handful of minorities who did vote for him will have more kids.

Lastly, trump really needs to tackle the source of our problems, the horrible education system of indoctrination in our country. Start by pulling all federal funding whenever liberal propaganda is found in any school. Also, we need some masculine shitlords to go into education and speak some real talk to the next generation.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

The Hillary Clinton thread

Please let it be a Clinton.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Well the identity politics fools would definitely get a two for one with Michelle Obama. Black / female.

Or is it a three (tranny) for one? [Image: rolleyes.gif]

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-18-2016 02:38 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

Just curious, if you are Trump or a Trump supporter, who would you rather the Democrats run in 2020: Michelle Obama, Corey Booker, Chelsea Clinton, Antonio Villaraigosa(former LA mayor)

I'm not really sure who they have left, I don't think Bernie wants anything to do with the Democrat party after the way they treated him in 2016.

Sanders had no stamina in 2016, will have no stamina in 2020. He will be 79!
Chelsea looks strange. Has a tainted name and has lots of "chief XYZ Officer" in shady companies, foundations.
Michelle unless she gets a position in government like HRC did, will have no experience at anything except pegging her wife. The Democrat machine would reap the most benefits with her. Good name, black, female, no scandals around her.
I do not know the other two, but I would expect the candidate to be a non-white, perhaps lesbian, female. That's how the democrats win, not by policy, by identity politcs

The Hillary Clinton thread

Transracial tranny would be the best. Maybe Bruce Jenner and that Rachel Dolezal chick can have a kid.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

The Hillary Clinton thread

At this point, what difference does it make?

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-18-2016 02:38 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

Just curious, if you are Trump or a Trump supporter, who would you rather the Democrats run in 2020: Michelle Obama, Corey Booker, Chelsea Clinton, Antonio Villaraigosa(former LA mayor)

I'm not really sure who they have left, I don't think Bernie wants anything to do with the Democrat party after the way they treated him in 2016.

Bernie - Too damn old to run again, low energy, DNC left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Michelle Obama - She probably has the highest odds of running but she's filled with empty platitudes and doesn't have much of a political resume besides the standard first lady movements.

Corey Booker - To be honest, I don't follow him or know much about him besides being a semi rising star in the DNC

Chelsea Clinton - Too much Clinton baggage, I highly doubt she'll run, she's been staying out of the spotlight most the time and doing her own thing. I'd bet money even she knows her mother's election run was going to tank.

Antonio - I personally hate this moron from my state- he's a horrible public speaker, stutters a shit ton, has scandals, has a checkered past, most of all he doesn't seem relatable or likeable. Even if he ran - he'd get beat down. He's an empty vessel. He's a mexican male version of Hillary with 1/10th of the corruption.

IF the DNC was smart they'd prop up a likeable rising star who has a decent AND CLEAN record.

My money is on another male minority or something of the likes of a Elizabeth Warren (shudders).

The Hillary Clinton thread

[quote] (11-18-2016 12:34 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

[quote='Paracelsus' pid='1447275' dateline='1479478859']
Allow me a moment of despair here.


Yeah, that was always going to be a pipe dream. People like Hillary don't get 'done'. They get away with their crimes. It's called 'impunity'.

[quote] (11-18-2016 02:25 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  


That was a total bust. Handkerchiefs and maps? As in 'jam rags' and 'dna'? Uh? Why the fuck else would they be talking in such coded language? What did you think they were talking about?

It's already apparent what went on there, but no good will come of it, weaponized autism or not. They got away with it.

They basically hired out to rent apartments to rape young children they had kidnapped, and when one of them left some blackmail material in the form of a 'jam-rag' (spunk wiping implement), one of their sub-ordinates wanted to suck up and earn brownie points by pointing it out. A used 'map' is of high-value indeed. I have no doubt a team was sent around to pick up said 'map' and also another team to have a word with those bringing attention to it - brownie points or not. Probably commited suicide by now anyway.

It didn't take a genius code-breaker to work all that stuff out. That is why /pol/ have been knocking their socks off to get something concrete. You can feel their frustration. They know. But they have nothing that will stand up in a court of law. In the mean time, by all means, keep on thinking it was about a dropped handkerchief.

And all that black/white symbolism. And dominoes? It was about domination. About them dominating young children, and also some of them being dominated by the young children once they had been trained up. Sick fucks.

Bill is a rapist. So is Hillary. Podesta and his brother too.

But they will walk.

You need to come to the UK and see how it is done here. We have been living with this shit for years. The royal family is involved.

Eppstein and Savile. Jimmy was a friend of Prince Charles, who happens to be Prince Andrew's brother, who is Eppstein's best chum. They nearly got him. But he got off. Nothing to answer, nothing to see here.

It's a beautiful system. They engage in it, and they blackmail those others who engage in it. I've been studying it for years and years. None of it surprises me. It's all true. At least it is coming to light now.

See Dutroux and the Belgian shit that went on. The police not investigating. Evidence going missing.

See Rotherham and Rochdale. Police involved with the abuse. Councillors and politicians. They love it. They love to drug and rape little children who have no family, no brothers or sisters, no parents to back them up. And should a family member stick his head above the parapet, they are crushed - they always seem to have child porn on their computer - oh dear!

Fucking love the system they have going. I almost admire the deranged bastards.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-18-2016 04:51 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

At this point, what difference does it make?

Having said all this, "Why isn’t The Hillary Clinton thread 1917 posts ahead of The Donald Trump thread?" you might ask? [Image: icon_lol.gif]

The Hillary Clinton thread

You guys should take a look at the Pizzagate subreddit. The more I read, the more I believe this is 100% true. Worlwide pedophile rings of famous people and politicians is a real thing. The Jimmy Saville investigation showed strong and verifiable connections to the British house of parliament. It was shut down by police. This is real.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-18-2016 04:50 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Transracial tranny would be the best. Maybe Bruce Jenner and that Rachel Dolezal chick can have a kid.

But..., how is Bruce Jenner going to get... pregnant...? (J/K)

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-18-2016 05:53 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Quote: (11-18-2016 04:50 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Transracial tranny would be the best. Maybe Bruce Jenner and that Rachel Dolezal chick can have a kid.

But..., how is Bruce Jenner going to get... pregnant...? (J/K)

It is Hollyweird. I'm sure they have eggs and sperm on ice somewhere. True to form, it will be a lab baby. Can't have anything natural or normal.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

The Hillary Clinton thread

Fucked up if true:

[Image: attachment.jpg34690]   

[Image: attachment.jpg34689]   
[Image: attachment.jpg34691]   

EDIT (link):

The Hillary Clinton thread

Yes, as I wrote, this has legs, not some random conspiracy theory thing. My intuition tells me this is real, too much coincidences, everywhere you look with the Podestas, people, places, emails, logos, there is always some pedo innuendo.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-18-2016 06:19 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Yes, as I wrote, this has legs, not some random conspiracy theory thing. My intuition tells me this is real, too much coincidences, everywhere you look with the Podestas, people, places, emails, logos, there is always some pedo innuendo.

Let's not forget this guy known to grope everyone for a photo shoot.
[Image: Cxg0EpFWEAAGlDq.jpg:small]

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-18-2016 12:34 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (11-18-2016 09:20 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Allow me a moment of despair here.

Even with Trump in the White House, even with all the forces of weaponised autism at our command, I seriously doubt this sort of thing is ever going to be dragged into the open....

There is no way in living hell that Hillary will ever be successfully prosecuted. 300 people will die mysterious deaths if needs be.
They can do almost anything so long as no live vids or pictures get distributed of their vile acts on the net. And that will never happen since they are protected by the secret service at all time. The orgy island where Clinton went has probably even better security.

We live in interesting times. I'm not going to rule anything out. Having said that, I personally think Hillary is living in her own self-constructed hell right now, slipping into irrelevance as her mind and body fail her. Prison would only be the icing on the cake, and more relevant as a display of justice for the for the rest of us than for her.

p.s. People like Bill and Hillary don't get convicted because that thread is woven into the rest of the sweater, and once you start pulling it the whole thing will unravel.

Try to imagine for just a second the sheer depth and breadth of these organised crimes and depravities. The number of ultra-rich and powerful people we never see or hear about that are involved. Who would get rolled on once the first arrests started? Frankly it was nothing short of a miracle to get Epstein convicted. Even if Hillary was arrested and charged, she'd be found dead the next day of a heart attack or some-such.

No, if justice is served to these demons it will be by the hand of the vigilante. Could Trump do it? It would cost him his life, and unless the rest of us stepped up with guns and grit his sacrifice would be for nothing.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Hillary Clinton thread

CNN just went into a commercial with this:

" A flood of fake information came from social media this cycle. Did it shape the election"

SJWs always double down.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-18-2016 09:49 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

CNN just went into a commercial with this:

" A flood of fake information came from social media this cycle. Did it shape the election"

SJWs always double down.

Interesting how the damaging information showcasing the cunt and her party in a negative light went from being illegally hacked by the Russian government from legit email accounts to being completely made up "fake" information on "fake" websites.

Apparently the exact same information can go in a couple weeks time from real, but nothing to be upset about except the Russians trying to influence the election to harmful information fabricated and invented out of thin air by domestic trolls. Strange, huh?

The Hillary Clinton thread

I think if they can get something to stick to Hillary, she will sing like a canary, and dominoes can start falling.

Or maybe they can find something concrete on Podesta, and he can sing about the ring.

You gotta start somewhere, and I don't think these people have loyalty to each other if you can get something huge on just one.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

The Hillary Clinton thread

I think that some of these people are so spiteful and vindictive that the moment they realised they were spending the rest of their life in jail regardless, they'd sell out everyone they ever knew just to be a bastard.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Hillary Clinton thread

They will go for a black woman in 8 years time. But this is the DNC afterall so i expect them to use her in 2020.

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