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The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

Quote: (08-17-2016 02:13 AM)Switch Wrote:  

Quote: (08-17-2016 12:30 AM)corsega Wrote:  

The more I read Heartiste the more I realize how ridiculous the shit he writes is.

Honestly, I tried some of his text game out and the über-alpha stuff just doesn't work.

I think his stuff works best when you look at it as one extreme and try to position yourself somewhere in the middle.

Every bit of game material you read must be absorbed and applied within the context of your own experiences. What works for Heartiste will work for guy A but not for guy B. It's all about congruence. If you start texting like Heartiste but don't give off that vibe in real life, it's simply not going to work. Adjust it accordingly.

Also I think of Heartiste's principles as the 'pinnacle of alpha'. One should strive to become what Heartiste describes as alpha. Once you naturally text like Heartiste says an alpha texts, you have become alpha. At this point, good game has simply become part of your personality.

Remember this, 'game' is simply emulating the behaviors of true alpha males, with the end goal of becoming an alpha male yourself, such that there is no more 'faking it'. Heartiste is in the business of describing true alpha male behaviors, and it is your job to emulate them until you become them.

I agree with you, but I have a nagging feeling that the real "Roissy" is more of a keyboard warrior type that uses his blog as a form of projection to an "alpha" personality that he wishes he could be.

Reading his writing, that's the vibe I get.

I suppose only Roosh or one of the other DC guys that used to game with him can say for sure.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

I believe Roissy is a caricature of an Alpha...but that's kind of the point. The shit he writes about is purposefully exaggerated.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

I agree that Roissy's newest stuff on alpha is very exaggerated. I also don't think he claims to be this alpha. I think he is just extremely good at predicting what a "true alpha" would do in a certain situation. And the more situations you are able to act like a true alpha in, the better your game is.


The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

His writing is funny and entertaining but for me it was toxic in the long run. He sounded a bit like a misogynist and brought out the worst in me as I tried in vain to be an aloof asshole alpha.

Posts like
how to stand like an alpha
chicks dig jerks
he hit me, it felt like a kiss
Chris Brown is alpha
so you want to be a bad boy
kicking pussy off the pedestal
aloof game, didnt help me at all.
Maybe I am just an omega dreg.

Don't debate me.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

When it comes to game, Roissy admittedly has some decent stuff.

When it comes to just about everything else, Roissy doesn't know his ass from his mouth.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

Quote: (04-01-2016 04:25 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

No. I'm saying that roissy's interpretative framework is a crock of shit. It fits perfectly with vox's definition of "gamma."
Quote: (08-17-2016 12:30 AM)corsega Wrote:  

The more I read Heartiste the more I realize how ridiculous the shit he writes is.
Quote: (08-17-2016 02:10 PM)XXL Wrote:  

He's waaaaaaay too intellectual the way he writes about game. There's nothing that serious about game to be honest.

I hope you guys realize there's a big difference between Roissy, the original author of the blog from 2007 through mid 2011, and Heartiste, the writer(s?) who took over after Roissy was doxxed.

They actually switched domains, from to

(I distinctly remember coming back from class one day, trying to access the original site, and freaking out once I saw it had shut down, as I had just discovered it/game and thought this treasure trove of information had disappeared.)

Heartiste, I will agree, is hit or miss. Excluding the white nationalism, his posts mostly tend to be old material rehashed with new examples. The heavy lifting in game has already been done, for the most part, and without any new breakthroughs/major concepts to discuss, extrapolating on tiny details or repeating old themes is really all that's left.

Roissy, on the other hand, may be the greatest game blogger of all time. By combining the in-field experiences of guys like Mystery and Neil Strauss with the burgeoning fields of evolutionary psychology and biochemistry, he almost single-handedly invented an entirely new way of understanding, strategizing, and implementing the art of seduction. 95% of the posts from 2007-2010 are, quite simply, solid gold-because they came from Roissy, not Heartiste.

This is an underappreciated fact that I'm surprised has not been discussed more often.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

^If that's true, that would certainly explain a lot.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

Quote: (08-17-2016 02:16 PM)corsega Wrote:  

I agree with you, but I have a nagging feeling that the real "Roissy" is more of a keyboard warrior type that uses his blog as a form of projection to an "alpha" personality that he wishes he could be.

Reading his writing, that's the vibe I get.

I suppose only Roosh or one of the other DC guys that used to game with him can say for sure.

Anyone who understands what he understands and who speaks the way he speaks can get women and keep them in line.
Unless you think his lumberjack/navy seal/et cetera credentials aren't up to spec, I don't see how he could be called pretentious.

Are pimps pretentious for dressing like sci-fi royalty? Not if it serves its purpose.
Likewise with Roissy's manner of speech.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

Quote: (08-19-2016 10:55 PM)dispenser Wrote:  

Quote: (08-17-2016 02:16 PM)corsega Wrote:  

I agree with you, but I have a nagging feeling that the real "Roissy" is more of a keyboard warrior type that uses his blog as a form of projection to an "alpha" personality that he wishes he could be.

Reading his writing, that's the vibe I get.

I suppose only Roosh or one of the other DC guys that used to game with him can say for sure.

Anyone who understands what he understands and who speaks the way he speaks can get women and keep them in line.
Unless you think his lumberjack/navy seal/et cetera credentials aren't up to spec, I don't see how he could be called pretentious.

Are pimps pretentious for dressing like sci-fi royalty? Not if it serves its purpose.
Likewise with Roissy's manner of speech.

What's this about lumberjack/Navy Seals? I'm missing context here.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

What do you feel that Roissy lacks?

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

^I knew that something happened circa 2011 for Roissy to change to Heartiste, but that was only when I first started reading any sort of game material, so I never visited the original Roissy site. What happened?

All of the best posts are from pre 2011, but honestly the writing style is still largely the same, and there is hardly any change from post to post, so I think it is still just the one guy and the same guy at that. He has gotten more bitter/angry over time, though.

A lot of new guys are probably turned off by his political stuff. You have to hang around this corner of the Internet for a long time before you can stomach full-on Heartiste evopsych and political commentary. It's going to be too much for 99% of people, which is sad because the people who need his game advice the most won't get to it before getting (justifiably) very offended and leaving.


The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

Quote: (08-20-2016 01:25 AM)dispenser Wrote:  

What do you feel that Roissy lacks?


The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

Quote: (08-20-2016 10:23 AM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2016 01:25 AM)dispenser Wrote:  

What do you feel that Roissy lacks?


Brains too, mostly.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

Quote: (11-12-2014 04:20 PM)Swedreams Wrote:  

Quote: (11-11-2014 11:33 PM)kbell Wrote:  

Great collection. I will have to look into how to turn this into a pdf to take around with me in my phone.

Made a script to get them all into a pdf. They're in alphabetical order and I added the first post in the beginning.

Can be downloaded here: 200 pages... Now I have some reading to do [Image: banana.gif]

Thank you. This is a great resource.

Young buck on the come up.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

I used to read the original Roissy a long time ago, when I was about 15-16. I was not in the position to use the knowledge because of circumstances, so I forgot most of what he wrote.

I remember the comments used to be inspiring and encouraging to men new to the game and red pill in general. Even black guys were on there time to time. It was great reading Roissy, Roosh, the spearhead, Dalrock, etc. There are others that were just as good or even better.

I remember other great blogs that were always up with new content.

The changing of Roissy to Heartiste marks a change in the mindset of readers in these areas in general.

Comment sections usually go off point now, and the great commenters moved on.

The Roissy archives are really good info. the only upside to Heartiste is that it is more recent.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

Quote: (08-17-2016 02:16 PM)corsega Wrote:  

I agree with you, but I have a nagging feeling that the real "Roissy" is more of a keyboard warrior type that uses his blog as a form of projection to an "alpha" personality that he wishes he could be.

Reading his writing, that's the vibe I get.

I suppose only Roosh or one of the other DC guys that used to game with him can say for sure.

You can judge for yourself by looking at the public record. Roissy / Heartiste was doxxed back in 2011. What was revealed was a middle-aged Jewish guy with a normal build, dressed like it was 1996, and who worked as a cube-dweller for a quasi-governmental entity that regulates stockbrokers. Whether he was an A+ with the ladies I do not know, but he was at best a B- when it came to careers and lifestyle. (His position at Finra was pretty much the definition of "dead end job.")

Say what you want about the brilliance of his insights (I've seen some of his more loyal fans compare him to Aristotle), but the wisdom of someone regularly espousing racist and "misogynist" views online, picking fights with other bloggers and doxxing them, while having a career like that, is questionable. Neither the decisions he made, or the position he held IRL, leads me to believe that he was not the alpha he projects to his readers.

His bitterness in recent years can likely be, in no small part, attributed to his loss of career, subsequent humiliation and the changes that would they would have forced on him, but I think that's only part of it.. The fact is, the guy is in his mid to late 40s and still writing about game like he's 22 with a hysterical anger that's not appropriate at his age. All of his behaviors would be completely appropriate and understandable in your 20s, but eventually a man should relax a bit and he should take things with a bit more stride. All of this supposed hasn't led to any perspective, maturity or wisdom. It's rather depressing.

And his racism is the bizarre variety that can only come from a self-hating Jew. He is a good example of where the difference is between being red-pilled about race, and being an old school despicable racist. The sense of entitlement, the slurs, the arrogant broad determinations he makes about history, biology and psychology, coupled with his politics, simply screams someone who's not comfortable in their own skin - someone who's compensating.

The image I get is of a guy who never really was, but who could fake it online and sometimes with the ladies, but who can't do it like he did 10 years ago. Instead, he's left in the role of watcher. He hangs out at the mall, staring at people, thinking that he has them all figured out, mentally taking notes. Then he buses back to his little apartment, where he types his little blog and goes to bed alone.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

Some links to his "outing" .

While I completely agree his racist ramblings really muddy the water , some of his game stuff is genius and IMHO he would really have to be practising what he preaches to come up with it.

Some of the jerk boy stuff is a bit over the top and can get you into more trouble than its worth but if you are selective in your reading there's some real gems in there that I've used to great affect the past year or two.

Ultimately his EGO got the better of him , he was exposed , lost his job etc etc.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

I have been looking for this compilation for a while. Thanks LG

"Stop playing by 1950's rules when everyone else is playing by 1984."
- Leonard D Neubache

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

Does anyone still read Heartiste? How is his current stuff?

Don't debate me.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

Has some good game articles still, mostly political stuff though. And the comments are a sewer.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

I recall first reading him about 4-5 years ago and thought that the stuff was funny because true, for the most part, and was pleased to see that there were plenty of others out there that weren't buying modern cultural bullshit. Other than that, I moved on to other sources with more depth, and less snarky-ness.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

He's really a vile person - full of bitterness and hate. His obsession with trying to land the type of woman who generally don't date men who look like him and have shitty civil service jobs like he held before being doxxed, seem to have pushed him over the edge and he's launched into full racial fetishism.

He's a bizarre variety of the self-hating jew that spends all of this time ranting about the importance of keeping the white race pure. It's extremely hard to look at WASPs and see them as being part of the same racial group as jews. Mr. Wiedmann is no exception.

If he wasn't such a snarky little fuck, I'd feel sorry for him.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

(Pretty sure he is not Jewish, but of German extraction: clue is the two N's at the end of the name).

Also Chris Weidman the UFC fighter has one N but is extremely Christian.

To appreciate Heartiste, it's all about perusing the archives from 2007 onwards. Even the comment sections used to be worthwhile to read.

Great game insights, great written expressions of things usually only learned audibly or visually.

Many negatives can be said about recent years, but I assume this thread is to focus on the value hidden there.

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

Quote: (05-28-2018 12:12 PM)456 Wrote:  

(Pretty sure he is not Jewish, but of German extraction: clue is the two N's at the end of the name).

Also Chris Weidman the UFC fighter has one N but is extremely Christian.

To appreciate Heartiste, it's all about perusing the archives from 2007 onwards. Even the comment sections used to be worthwhile to read.

Great game insights, great written expressions of things usually only learned audibly or visually.

Many negatives can be said about recent years, but I assume this thread is to focus on the value hidden there.

I think that he's a "Germanic Jew". According to [url=http://
][/url] , two n's are among German jewish surnames. I had a number of back and forths with him years ago, and I seem to recall him making observations about "his people", but I really don't know.

Honestly, who cares?

I hate Roissy for his stupid, hypocritical racism, but mainly I hate him because he's a false prophet.

This was laid bare when he was doxxed. The pictures and other supporting public documents that came out prove he's a liar who didn't live in the way he claimed. He's the epitome of 'the keyboard warrior.'

He portrayed himself like some international playboy, but when he was outed by some SJW he picked a fight with, he was working some dead-end, bottom-of-the middle, shitty job at Finra (then the NASD).

I've got plenty of respect for guys living on $12k a year in Chiang Mai running an internet business or driving their own cab, but he went to a cube in some grey little office, every day from 9 to 5, and took orders from people who were the best ass-kissers of people who got their jobs from political patronage. He had the kind of job that most people have, with 3 weeks of vacation and a 401(k) match of 4%. In short, his "real life" sucked.

Whatever you think about him, he was hardly the Alpha male banging 8s, 9s and 10s every weekend and conquering the world like he portrayed! No wonder he was always deriding "beta providers" and talking about how women love to fuck dirtbags.

He should have devoted some of those many hours banging away on his blog (about "banging") instead on his career and investing, rather than on scoring with some 6 he met at a Georgetown bar.

The moral of Heartiste, to me anyway, is that without financial independence nothing else matters. You need to have your financial house in order before you devote yourself to sexual adventurism.

This isn't to say that Heartiste doesn't ever have anything useful to say. Anyone that prolific is bound to stumble upon some wisdom. "A broken clock..." But I think that people in the manosphere are even more eager to elevate false prophets than in general society. Confirmation bias is real.

My $0.02 - Look at the man's life and contrast it with his words. Is he someone you want to emulate?

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

Absolutely agree that financial independence is the real bedrock, and that any hero-worship is counterproductive. One can emulate some of his strategies and witticisms while leaving the rest.

However, I don't doubt that he was charming and cleaned up outside of his 9-5, regardless of looking fairly plain. His stories rang pretty true about the urban slutscape and his vignettes of love affairs did not seem keyboard jockeyish. Deep conversion is real.

Also appreciate the turns of phrase and writing style.

Edit: Not commenting about the political / race parts -- keeping this thread just about game and early nuggets of wisdom.

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