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Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Organic man, what is with all the smilie emojis? Not only is it faggoty, we’re talking about serious shit here. Is your life that boring that you get your kicks from knowing people in your general vicinity just met their maker? The fucks wrong with you?

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

My wife grew up in the deep south of Thailand. Her dad was a naval officer and was stationed down there from the 1970s to the late 1980s. The area had been pacified by then and my wife experienced zero violence as a kid. For her Dad, compared to being stationed on the Cambodian border (Thai soldier would get their throats cut whilst sleeping), the south was a nice, quiet, assignment.

Back then the Thai government and the local Islamic leaders pretty much came to a peace agreement. The Muslims could be Muslims (religious freedom, have their own schools, etc.) and in return, wouldn't inflict violence on the non Islamic population. That seemed to have changed starting in the very late '90s and early 2000s. Wahabbists (financed by our "old friends" the Saudis) moved to Thailand and began to radicalize the young men attending various madrases. The rather mild form of Islam of Southeast Asia mutated into the bloody desert variety.

By the mid 2000s it was bombings and beheading daily. Buddhist families would have their homes invaded and entire families slaughtered. The latter was terrifying my wife's best friend. Her family still lived down there and already had several close calls with death.

I am starting to wish we let Saddam roll into Saudi Arabia back in the early 1990s and just wipe out the Saudi Royal family, right down to the last prince-ling. The world would be a much better place for it.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Quote: (08-11-2016 10:25 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

A few things about the southern muslim insurgents in Thailand..

They have had the manpower and the capability to cripple Thailand's tourism sector for a long time now. They could have spread their terror attacks into Bangkok and Phuket a long time ago.

The reason why they didn't is because they are mostly separatist in motivation and contain their terror attacks in the deep south* for this reason. They view non muslim Thais living in the south as infidel invaders of their territory.

They view the southern tip of Thailand as their rightful homeland which has been historically separate from the culture of Siam.

They aren't really interested in turning Thailand into a caliphate. This is what makes their terror motivations different from let's say ISIS or Al Qaeda who just want to see western and other non muslim civilizations burn and its downfall.

It's entirely possible that another faction within the southern insurgency did this but it would have to be a very big change in motivation if this is what's going on. In this situation I would not be so quick to assume it's the southern insurgents until more information comes in.

*When i'm referring to deep south i'm talking about the border region connected to Malaysia and includes cities like Narathiwat, Pattani, Yala, etc...

southern Thai people speak the same language as the people in Malaysia, they are culturally the same and ethnically the same too.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Google "fight or flight"

I'm high on adrenaline (fight mode) still just thinking about it and hearing from friends here in Hua Hin!

Something like this can go viral in the west cause they reject human biology where logic for me has gone out of the window due to this damn rush of adrenaline!!!

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Quote: (08-12-2016 11:09 AM)Organicman Wrote:  

Google "fight or flight"

I'm high on adrenaline (fight mode) still just thinking about it and hearing from friends here in Hua Hin!

Something like this can go viral in the west cause they reject biology where logic for me has gone out of the window due to this damn rush of adrenaline!!!

No, you're just attention seeking now.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Quote: (08-12-2016 11:09 AM)Organicman Wrote:  

Google "fight or flight"

I'm high on adrenaline (fight mode) still just thinking about it and hearing from friends here in Hua Hin!

Something like this can go viral in the west cause they reject human biology where logic for me has gone out of the window due to this damn rush of adrenaline!!!

That's not all you're high on.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Quote: (08-12-2016 11:34 AM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

Quote: (08-12-2016 11:09 AM)Organicman Wrote:  

Google "fight or flight"

I'm high on adrenaline (fight mode) still just thinking about it and hearing from friends here in Hua Hin!

Something like this can go viral in the west cause they reject human biology where logic for me has gone out of the window due to this damn rush of adrenaline!!!

That's not all you're high on.

Correct! I'm in Thailand so we are still boozing it up!

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Exciting is technically the right word. Give it a rest. Who gives a shit. Some poor bastards got blown up again by some Muslim cunts no doubt. Don't see what the moral high horses have to do with this.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Yeah this is actually an interesting topic and this forum is pretty quick on getting news/info updates. I think most people would like to see the thread stay on point rather than the moral posturing over vocabulary.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Newsflash: No one cares if you find someone else on this forum "distasteful"

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Quote: (08-12-2016 02:50 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Newsflash: No one cares if you find someone else on this forum "distasteful"

With everyone focused on the distastefulness, it appears no one remembered to say.....



Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Belize is a pretty chill place. I spent some time there vacationing, and have plans to make a longer term visit. (couple months or so) English is the native language due to it having been a British colony. And there are quite a few expats there from all over. If I ever did need to leave the US, that's probably where I'd go. US currency is 2=1 in favor of the US dollar and everything costs the same. Also, very little crime outside Belize city.

I'm holding out to see what happens but back against the wall central America all the way.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

The roads are 100x more dangerous over here with 26000 deaths a year (80 a day). These no need to fear a bomb going off at a tourist area. Thailand has the second most dangerous roads in the world. I nearly killed myself here over 5 years on a bike. Took me 1 year to walk again. If you going to ride a bike over here MAKE SURE you have experience on a motorbike first! Everyone on the roads are out for themselves cause no one followers road rules. Mini buses usually go 200 km down a 1 way highway swerving in and out of cars to overtake.

Hua Hin UPDATE: Went into Hua Hin yesterday. The place is kind of dead cause people are staying in doors. The food market I eat at daily was always packed but only about 30% capacity. Only just under half the stores were open. I also noticed some military men where putting cameras up and more police/military presents.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

I went into town today (Hua Hin) and it looks like everything is open and there is people everywhere like any other night! These cops on bikes going down each road every 5 minutes. I took some pictures below of the bomb site today at Johnny 56 which is open.

This one was from the next day.

[Image: ZWOwiq3.jpg]

These ones were taken by me today.

[Image: ywchcKf.jpg]
[Image: f964D8x.jpg]

On the left where the green plants are is where it went off.

[Image: ywchcKf.jpg]
[Image: KTn0iNW.jpg]
[Image: CBOLyig.jpg]

Where people where hit looking up the street.
[Image: krNrjON.jpg]
[Image: H0FKOYh.jpg]

Johnny 56 is on the north west.

[Image: bintamap2014.jpg]

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

^Will someone please teach this man how to re-size an image?

I'm the King of Beijing!

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

RIP mobile users.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Just open to new frame and it will resize you noob! I'm not like you that goes on a holiday and "has to bring" a computer with him to play WOW or resize an image.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Quote: (08-14-2016 08:08 AM)Organicman Wrote:  

Just open to new frame and it will resize you noob! I'm not like you that goes on a holiday and "has to bring" a computer with him to play WOW or resize an image.

What's your problem?

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

He is on adrenaline!

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Massive, un re-sized images are so EXCITING!

Лучше поздно, чем никогда begins at "70% Warning Level."....

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

So these giant pictures are to show us that nothing is wrong?

The streets look normal to me. I am really confused. The hostility makes my confusion level grow.

Please explain.


Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

OP, man, if you post giant pictures, please be it giant pictures of boobs. Not of grey boring streets. Thanks.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

From the established members' triggered moral reactions to this dude's weird Usenet-era writing style and ye olde 4000x6000px unresized pictures of blurry grey streets, I think all in all this thread can be summarized thusly: EXCITING!

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

I'm still confused. I just looked at the pictures again.

So the bombing was in the general area where the very large pictures were taken. Now, however, there is no evidence of anything happening and its business as usual?


Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

[Image: icon_popcorn.gif][Image: popcorn3.gif][Image: clap.gif][Image: laugh7.gif]
Quote: (08-14-2016 08:08 AM)Organicman Wrote:  

Just open to new frame and it will resize you noob! I'm not like you that goes on a holiday and "has to bring" a computer with him to play WOW or resize an image.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

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