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The Colombia Master Thread

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-02-2016 07:23 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (08-02-2016 06:57 PM)stefpdt Wrote:  

And even with the violence, it seems like Colombian cities can give you a certain sense of freedom, at least from what I can tell (someone please correct me if I'm wrong).
The freedom is one of the reasons I do love Colombia. The police may smack you in the head with sticks if you're a dick - I wouldn't chance it - but mostly they just leave you alone. Most Colombian police are compelled to be police (they have obligatory service), and they're just young kids. They can serve in the armed forces or be policemen. And like most kids, they're not going to eff with anyone. They just want to be law abiding citizen. They're very cool usually.

I don't feel as free in the USA as I do in South America. The cops are WAY more tolerant in South America.

Watch this video. The guy has a fucking machete, and no cop has his pistol drawn. They don't even have their hands on their weapons. US police would have shot him. The Colombians are trained by the US police, but they still seem to have their heads about them when dealing with problems. But then you can find other videos of Colombian police smacking about civilians, so I don't know, man. A good rule is to not fuck with anyone's police.

Colombian police isn't trained by US police (neither is the military).

These police kids aren't technically police. In order to be a police you have to go to the police academy for like one year, and pass several tests and grades. Auxliares bachilleres only carry out preventive and educative actions.

The Colombia Master Thread

How would a dark mestizo guy with fluent spanish that is grown up in scandinavia do in colombia? I'm not super good looking but not ugly either. Decent game.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-04-2016 02:41 PM)joacocanal Wrote:  

Quote: (08-02-2016 07:23 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (08-02-2016 06:57 PM)stefpdt Wrote:  

And even with the violence, it seems like Colombian cities can give you a certain sense of freedom, at least from what I can tell (someone please correct me if I'm wrong).
The freedom is one of the reasons I do love Colombia. The police may smack you in the head with sticks if you're a dick - I wouldn't chance it - but mostly they just leave you alone. Most Colombian police are compelled to be police (they have obligatory service), and they're just young kids. They can serve in the armed forces or be policemen. And like most kids, they're not going to eff with anyone. They just want to be law abiding citizen. They're very cool usually.

I don't feel as free in the USA as I do in South America. The cops are WAY more tolerant in South America.

Watch this video. The guy has a fucking machete, and no cop has his pistol drawn. They don't even have their hands on their weapons. US police would have shot him. The Colombians are trained by the US police, but they still seem to have their heads about them when dealing with problems. But then you can find other videos of Colombian police smacking about civilians, so I don't know, man. A good rule is to not fuck with anyone's police.

Colombian police isn't trained by US police (neither is the military).

These police kids aren't technically police. In order to be a police you have to go to the police academy for like one year, and pass several tests and grades. Auxliares bachilleres only carry out preventive and educative actions.

Are you sure about that? I ask because I met a former military guy down there and he was telling me about training with some US Army soldiers in Colombia. Considering the amount of money that the US pumps into the country via Plan Colombia, I wouldn't be surprised if they do.

Also, the DEA has offices in the Medellin and Bogota airports to bust people smuggling coke, so they do work side-by-side, not sure about training but again, considering that Colombia is a key ally to the US in South America, I wouldn't doubt that there's quite a bit of co-operation going on between police and military.

Quote: (08-04-2016 06:59 PM)Guayacan Wrote:  

How would a dark mestizo guy with fluent spanish that is grown up in scandinavia do in colombia? I'm not super good looking but not ugly either. Decent game.

Hard to say but as long as you have realistic expectations and cover the basics (dress well, have a bit of money, don't stay in hostels, etc) you should have a great time, just like everyone else, the Spanish definitely helps since you won't be relying on the gringo factor.

The Colombia Master Thread

[quote] (08-04-2016 07:14 PM)scotian Wrote:  

[quote='joacocanal' pid='1366511' dateline='1470339680']
[quote='BrewDog' pid='1365183' dateline='1470183781']
[quote='stefpdt' pid='1365169' dateline='1470182279']

Hard to say but as long as you have realistic expectations and cover the basics (dress well, have a bit of money, don't stay in hostels, etc) you should have a great time, just like everyone else, the Spanish definitely helps since you won't be relying on the gringo factor.[/quote]
I dress well but i'm young and studying so not alot of money right now. might have a budget on $1K/month if i go there. All my fam and social circle in scandinavia are upper middle, or upper class and ones skin color never really mattered to girls so this whole "gringo factor" thing is just weird and kind of annoying to me lol.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-04-2016 02:41 PM)joacocanal Wrote:  

Colombian police isn't trained by US police (neither is the military).
The first two times I went to Colombia back in the late 90's and early 2000's was to train Colombians.

The US military and police have been training Colombians for decades. There are Army Special Forces and US law enforcement attaches all over Colombia. We gave them $400 million in aid this year for law enforcement and military aid.

You don't know what you're talking about.

The Colombia Master Thread

^Well there you go, that's settled. One of the RVF old school Colombia vets who doesn't post much on here anymore first went down to Cali in the mid-90s after his friend, a DEA agent whose job was to bust the Cali cartel, told him to come visit. The way he describes the country back then was the glory days, probably similar to post-USSR Russia or something. Maybe Venezuela is like that now.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-04-2016 10:30 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (08-04-2016 02:41 PM)joacocanal Wrote:  

Colombian police isn't trained by US police (neither is the military).
The first two times I went to Colombia back in the late 90's and early 2000's was to train Colombians.

The US military and police have been training Colombians for decades. There are Army Special Forces and US law enforcement attaches all over Colombia. We gave them $400 million in aid this year for law enforcement and military aid.

You don't know what you're talking about.

This is true. My old jiu-jitsu instructor, a Puerto Rican guy, was sent down there in the 90s when he was in the Army to help train Colombian forces. He was in Bogota for while and told me he banged 20 some-odd girls while living there, said it was one the best times of his life, haha.


Maybe Venezuela is like that now.

It seems like Venezuela really could be the next frontier in South America. NTP said something to this effect before he got banned.

Probably still too dangerous right now, might be smarter to give it a few more years. I have a feeling Maduro will be removed from power soon, one way or the other.

The Peru Thread
"Feminists exist in a quantum super-state in which they are both simultaneously the victim and the aggressor." - Milo Yiannopoulos

The Colombia Master Thread

Anyone in Bogota? Heading down there the 24th of August and I haven't been able to find anyone there. I always have more fun going out with a wingman or two.

The Colombia Master Thread

Venezuelan girls seem to put even more emphasis on their looks than Colombians, I bet in 5-10 years time everyone on here will be talking about how good it is there instead of Colombia.

Pretty sad what's going on there now but for the people that want to travel Venezuela it's to our advantage since it's dirt cheap due to the inflation. My buddy was there a year ago and said he went to a top tier club where the local celebrities would go and $20 covered everything, including the most expensive bottle you could buy in the club.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-05-2016 02:43 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

Venezuelan girls seem to put even more emphasis on their looks than Colombians, I bet in 5-10 years time everyone on here will be talking about how good it is there instead of Colombia.

Pretty sad what's going on there now but for the people that want to travel Venezuela it's to our advantage since it's dirt cheap due to the inflation. My buddy was there a year ago and said he went to a top tier club where the local celebrities would go and $20 covered everything, including the most expensive bottle you could buy in the club.

Is it worth it though?

The Colombia Master Thread

The golden time is now, by the time it settles down and "safe" enough for'll flood out.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

The Colombia Master Thread

Can anyone tell me how much they rape you on money transfer fees from USD and where the best place to do so is in Bogota? I already know that ATM withdrawals is the best way but looking for the best cash option.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-09-2016 02:57 PM)Shimmy Wrote:  

Can anyone tell me how much they rape you on money transfer fees from USD and where the best place to do so is in Bogota? I already know that ATM withdrawals is the best way but looking for the best cash option.

Post in local expat facebook groups; there's always someone looking to buy dollars at market rate. Otherwise try Xoom.

The Colombia Master Thread

How hot girls are you guys actually able to pull in Colombia? Anyone banging 9+'s?

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:39 PM)Guayacan Wrote:  

How hot girls are you guys actually able to pull in Colombia? Anyone banging 9+'s?

I never banged anything less than a 9 in my entire life and in Colombia only go for 9.75s or higher. I'm also 6'4, 240 lbs, 7% bf and have a 10" cock.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:44 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:39 PM)Guayacan Wrote:  

How hot girls are you guys actually able to pull in Colombia? Anyone banging 9+'s?

I never banged anything less than a 9 in my entire life and in Colombia only go for 9.75s or higher. I'm also 6'4, 240 lbs, 7% bf and have a 10" cock.

Guyacan, I don't want to ruin it for you, but in a total of four weeks in Colombia, three in Medellin, I remember seeing a total of one girl who would be in the top 1% of looks worldwide. I approached her, didn't really like the response that I was getting from her, talked to the next lady I saw, and banged her pretty much every day for a week.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:44 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:39 PM)Guayacan Wrote:  

How hot girls are you guys actually able to pull in Colombia? Anyone banging 9+'s?

I never banged anything less than a 9 in my entire life and in Colombia only go for 9.75s or higher. I'm also 6'4, 240 lbs, 7% bf and have a 10" cock.

I can vouch for all of this. Except for the part about the 10 inch cock.

I thought it was much longer.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:54 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:44 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:39 PM)Guayacan Wrote:  

How hot girls are you guys actually able to pull in Colombia? Anyone banging 9+'s?

I never banged anything less than a 9 in my entire life and in Colombia only go for 9.75s or higher. I'm also 6'4, 240 lbs, 7% bf and have a 10" cock.

Guyacan, I don't want to ruin it for you, but in a total of four weeks in Colombia, three in Medellin, I remember seeing a total of one girl who would be in the top 1% of looks worldwide. I approached her, didn't really like the response that I was getting from her, talked to the next lady I saw, and banged her pretty much every day for a week.
Haha how would it ruin it for me? I'm just curious about the results people here are getting.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-09-2016 05:00 PM)Guayacan Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:54 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:44 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:39 PM)Guayacan Wrote:  

How hot girls are you guys actually able to pull in Colombia? Anyone banging 9+'s?

I never banged anything less than a 9 in my entire life and in Colombia only go for 9.75s or higher. I'm also 6'4, 240 lbs, 7% bf and have a 10" cock.

Guyacan, I don't want to ruin it for you, but in a total of four weeks in Colombia, three in Medellin, I remember seeing a total of one girl who would be in the top 1% of looks worldwide. I approached her, didn't really like the response that I was getting from her, talked to the next lady I saw, and banged her pretty much every day for a week.
Haha how would it ruin it for me? I'm just curious about the results people here are getting.

Because people, both on the forum (guys who haven't visited Colombia) and off of the forum, for some inexplicable reason, often have some vision that Colombia is completely full of top quality girls. Average there is really bad and bottom of the barrel is horrible. Top tier there is good, but it is good in most places.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-09-2016 05:02 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 05:00 PM)Guayacan Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:54 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:44 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:39 PM)Guayacan Wrote:  

How hot girls are you guys actually able to pull in Colombia? Anyone banging 9+'s?

I never banged anything less than a 9 in my entire life and in Colombia only go for 9.75s or higher. I'm also 6'4, 240 lbs, 7% bf and have a 10" cock.

Guyacan, I don't want to ruin it for you, but in a total of four weeks in Colombia, three in Medellin, I remember seeing a total of one girl who would be in the top 1% of looks worldwide. I approached her, didn't really like the response that I was getting from her, talked to the next lady I saw, and banged her pretty much every day for a week.
Haha how would it ruin it for me? I'm just curious about the results people here are getting.

Because people, both on the forum (guys who haven't visited Colombia) and off of the forum, for some inexplicable reason, often have some vision that Colombia is completely full of top quality girls. Average there is really bad and bottom of the barrel is horrible. Top tier there is good, but it is good in most places.

I agree, if you can't get decent looking women in your home country then don't expect to be pulling models in Colombia. Myself I would say that the girls I date in Colombia may be a point or two above what I date in Canada. The big bonus of dating in Colombia is that the girls don't mind a big age gap, I mean 15-20+ years.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-09-2016 05:02 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 05:00 PM)Guayacan Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:54 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:44 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 04:39 PM)Guayacan Wrote:  

How hot girls are you guys actually able to pull in Colombia? Anyone banging 9+'s?

I never banged anything less than a 9 in my entire life and in Colombia only go for 9.75s or higher. I'm also 6'4, 240 lbs, 7% bf and have a 10" cock.

Guyacan, I don't want to ruin it for you, but in a total of four weeks in Colombia, three in Medellin, I remember seeing a total of one girl who would be in the top 1% of looks worldwide. I approached her, didn't really like the response that I was getting from her, talked to the next lady I saw, and banged her pretty much every day for a week.
Haha how would it ruin it for me? I'm just curious about the results people here are getting.

Because people, both on the forum (guys who haven't visited Colombia) and off of the forum, for some inexplicable reason, often have some vision that Colombia is completely full of top quality girls. Average there is really bad and bottom of the barrel is horrible. Top tier there is good, but it is good in most places.
Well i haven't been there yet, but i think they have more girls that are my type. Heck, even in Ecuador that everyone on this forum is bashing, i found plenty of hot girls (although i got rejected alot aswell many nights) and banged a girl that i would consider an 8.5 but it was trough a friend that i made there. I showed pics of her and some of the other girls i banged to some Scandinavian guys, and even in Scandinavian standards, they were impressed by the quality. I don't mind the average being low as long as there are many available hotties.

For example, in most of Europe the average is pretty high and there are many cute girls but i'm not very impressed with them. Even the best looking girls are just meh to me.

I'm on a budget so i wanna know what i can expect before planning a trip there.

The Colombia Master Thread

I don't know what the fuck you guys are smoking, but Colombian girls are fucking smoking. Even a jackass like me can get a nice looking, fit Colombian chick 15 years younger. And they're possibly golddiggers and cheats, whatever. But they're fun as shit.

Buy them a beer and a fucking hotdog for dinner and they're happy. They're cool, and I like them.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-09-2016 05:38 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

I don't know what the fuck you guys are smoking, but Colombian girls are fucking smoking. Even a jackass like me can get a nice looking, fit Colombian chick 15 years younger. And they're possibly golddiggers and cheats, whatever. But they're fun as shit.

Buy them a beer and a fucking hotdog for dinner and they're happy. They're cool, and I like them.

I think that there's three types of guys who travel abroad to places like Colombia:

#1) Average dudes who have realistic expectations, like to go out and do stuff, party, move around, etc. Still pull girls but don't get too bent out of shape if they don't get laid, or if the girl they pull isn't a smoke show.

#2) Guys who are above average in looks, dress very sharp and consistently pull attractive women.

#3) Guys who should be more realistic like #1 but think because they are from developed countries that women will be dropping their panties like they do for #2. These guys are glued to their phones swiping on Tinder, chase women all over the city and often get flaked on and have boring trips because they waste most of their time sitting in their hotel rooms chatting with girls online instead of actually going out and doing stuff.

I consider myself to be in group #1, I went through a stage when I was a #3 guy (in Medellin) but after getting flaked on so much by those idiots, I decided to say fuck and enjoy the country and culture instead of chasing women.

The Colombia Master Thread

That's a great summary. I'm also in group one. My entire trip isn't based on getting ass.

I have fun, and along the way I get laid. But I don't treat Colombia like it's Bangkok. I just wanna go see cool shit; if I get laid, that's fucking great. If not, I still had an awesome fucking time.

But the good thing about Colombia is the "I happened to get laid" part seems to happen a lot.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (08-09-2016 05:53 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2016 05:38 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

I don't know what the fuck you guys are smoking, but Colombian girls are fucking smoking. Even a jackass like me can get a nice looking, fit Colombian chick 15 years younger. And they're possibly golddiggers and cheats, whatever. But they're fun as shit.

Buy them a beer and a fucking hotdog for dinner and they're happy. They're cool, and I like them.

I think that there's three types of guys who travel abroad to places like Colombia:

#1) Average dudes who have realistic expectations, like to go out and do stuff, party, move around, etc. Still pull girls but don't get too bent out of shape if they don't get laid, or if the girl they pull isn't a smoke show.

#2) Guys who are above average in looks, dress very sharp and consistently pull attractive women.

#3) Guys who should be more realistic like #1 but think because they are from developed countries that women will be dropping their panties like they do for #2. These guys are glued to their phones swiping on Tinder, chase women all over the city and often get flaked on and have boring trips because they waste most of their time sitting in their hotel rooms chatting with girls online instead of actually going out and doing stuff.

I consider myself to be in group #1, I went through a stage when I was a #3 guy (in Medellin) but after getting flaked on so much by those idiots, I decided to say fuck and enjoy the country and culture instead of chasing women.

You missed #4, which may be the most important, due to the effect which they may have both on Colombians and on guys in the other three categories. Sex tourists. There may even be #5, which would be guys who can't even have sex if they pay. I'm sure they exist.

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