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Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: 17xov8.png]

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: giphy.gif]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Powerful speech, high energy delivery!

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

another stupid fucking cunt who waited that long into the speech before pulling shit. god fucking dammit that's going to be the new non-story.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

The Code Pink cunts need to be thrown into a vat of Hydrofluoric Acid.

“….and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say… we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.

- President Donald J. Trump

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Holy shit, Trump just confirmed FBIAnon 4chan AMA.

Quote:Donald Trump 2016 RNC draft speech transcript Wrote:

When the FBI Director says that the Secretary of State was “extremely careless” and “negligent,” in handling our classified secrets, I also know that these terms are minor compared to what she actually did. They were just used to save her from facing justice for her terrible crimes.

In fact, her single greatest accomplishment may be committing such an egregious crime and getting away with it – especially when others have paid so dearly. When that same Secretary of State rakes in millions of dollars trading access and favors to special interests and foreign powers I know the time for action has come.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I made the mistake of watching most of the Ivanka speech on ABC. Her serious titties were covered up by text. So had to switch to pbs to enjoy the speech more.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Ask any one of us in the security field. There's no reality where Hillary unknowingly or without criminal offense breached her obligations. Hillary should be up for life in jail if she were held to the same standard as the rest of us

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: Pxc8GjKEfrbIk.gif]

[Image: freedom-boner.gif]

[Image: 485488.jpg]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Liberals are melting down online.

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

He said LGBTQ so slow to get it right. [Image: lol.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

360 Cam Live:

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I know. That's really the only thing to like about Ivanka's and his talking points on these issues

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

"As a Republican, it makes me feel great to hear you cheering for what I said." - that gays deserve protection as all US citizens do.

Smart. So smart.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I read this article and thought it was the Onion. I was wrong.


Trump’s Repulsive Acceptance Speech Just Got Hillary Clinton Elected President

After the transcript of his speech leaked, Trump went on a wild ego rant where he repeated all of his stump speech points about how successful he was during the primary. The speech quickly turned into a bizarre mismatch of rewrites that were thrown in at the minute, and parts of the leaked transcript.

Trump is terrible on the teleprompter, so his delivery was poor.

Trump promised that there would be no lies. He then proceeded to lie throughout the entire speech. Every time Trump said these are the facts, it was the cue for another lie.

Donald Trump immediately settled into his comfort food of robotically reading off statistics to make himself sound knowledgeable. Trump painted immigrants as roaming bands of criminals who are terrorizing the American people, “The number of new illegal immigrant families who have crossed the border so far this year already exceeds the entire total from 2015. They are being released by the tens of thousands into our communities with no regard for the impact on public safety or resources.”

Trump is alienating every group of voters that he needs to win. Trump is playing to angry, white, conservative America.

By doing so, he just may have gotten Clinton elected to be the nation’s next president in November.

The author, Jason Easley. (Don't know why it's not showing up...)

[Image: vs6B-wfZ.jpg]

Bald, fat, and cucked.

Trump gave a tremendous speech tonight. Watch the media (for whom trust is at an all-time low) try to spin it.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

(((Our Greatest Ally)))

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Wow the crowd cheer so hard for Israel.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Whoa he just said Islamic Terrorism! No radical adjective!

He looks more fit. Would be awesome if he become ripped during the presidency.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Trump is absolutely killing it. Not holding anything back.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 09:57 PM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

I read this article and thought it was the Onion. I was wrong.


Trump’s Repulsive Acceptance Speech Just Got Hillary Clinton Elected President

After the transcript of his speech leaked, Trump went on a wild ego rant where he repeated all of his stump speech points about how successful he was during the primary. The speech quickly turned into a bizarre mismatch of rewrites that were thrown in at the minute, and parts of the leaked transcript.

Trump is terrible on the teleprompter, so his delivery was poor.

Trump promised that there would be no lies. He then proceeded to lie throughout the entire speech. Every time Trump said these are the facts, it was the cue for another lie.

Donald Trump immediately settled into his comfort food of robotically reading off statistics to make himself sound knowledgeable. Trump painted immigrants as roaming bands of criminals who are terrorizing the American people, “The number of new illegal immigrant families who have crossed the border so far this year already exceeds the entire total from 2015. They are being released by the tens of thousands into our communities with no regard for the impact on public safety or resources.”

Trump is alienating every group of voters that he needs to win. Trump is playing to angry, white, conservative America.

By doing so, he just may have gotten Clinton elected to be the nation’s next president in November.

The author, Jason Easley. (Don't know why it's not showing up...)

[Image: vs6B-wfZ.jpg]

Bald, fat, and cucked.

Trump gave a tremendous speech tonight. Watch the media (for whom trust is at an all-time low) try to spin it.

At least he wiped the cum off his chin for the pic.

“….and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say… we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.

- President Donald J. Trump

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 09:55 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Liberals are melting down online.

Twitter is going insane. They are fucking terrified.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Not good. His teleprompter skills are still very clearly lacking and he seems to have regressed. His voice tone is far too harsh. The speech started OK but the content dragged on, got redundant, and the focus on vision was lacking, unlike Mike Pence's speech last night too much fear.

My initial gut instinct is that Trump has not risen to the occasion here. He could have launched a massive new persuasion offensive and he didn't do it. You could hear the echoes of it but it just wasn't there.

The convention was great until this last sub-battle. Unfortunately this is the sub-battle that counts and he didn't win it.

We'll see what Scott Adams has to say about it but that is my initial instinct.

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
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Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 08:09 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

The videos are getting taken down and then put back up. Smells like Chunk-friendly censorship. This encounter makes Chunk look really bad. No impulse control. He acted like a teenage girl on her period.

InfoWars confirms YouTube has been removing and then replacing their uploads without explanation. Reports indicate that Chunk and his crew were seen at a YouTube kiosk immediately following the incident. Ah, the leftist corruption in tech is colossal.



Videos disappear after progressive news host has on-air meltdown

UPDATE: Infowars’ videos on the Alex Jones Channel were reinstated by YouTube without explanation.

Every video uploaded to the Alex Jones YouTube channel since the Young Turks meltdown is being automatically removed without notice.

According to eye-witnesses at the RNC, members of the Young Turks were seen at the YouTube stage just after the incident.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:02 PM)Canopus Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 09:55 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Liberals are melting down online.

Twitter is going insane. They are fucking terrified.

Liberal Twitter right now:

[Image: giphy.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Push pull on the right talking points. Sprinkle liberal points here and there, contrast with hard nationalist ideals, keep finishing with strong patriotism points.

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