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White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Quote: (07-02-2016 07:51 AM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

Employers put on a big PR front about hiring vets but its mostly just a front. As I've come to find out, many organizations behind the scenes don't want veterans due to possible integration issues and/or due to a fear of making the current employees look like shit. Many simply don't even know how to interpret your experience or give it the basic respect/benefit of the doubt it deserves. If you don't fit into their square box designed for people on a strict civilian career track, you are pretty much fucked unless you get someone in the hiring process who is ex-military themselves.

I've always wondered why vets don't more frequently go into business with each other. I can't help but think that in small to medium sized businesses they would have a real edge on the lazier competition.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Does anyone know why hot women in America stopped going to malls? I remember when I was younger and worked at the mall it was an endless supply women. Now all I see are fat people and families. Damn shame.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Quote: (07-02-2016 09:17 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2016 07:51 AM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

Employers put on a big PR front about hiring vets but its mostly just a front. As I've come to find out, many organizations behind the scenes don't want veterans due to possible integration issues and/or due to a fear of making the current employees look like shit. Many simply don't even know how to interpret your experience or give it the basic respect/benefit of the doubt it deserves. If you don't fit into their square box designed for people on a strict civilian career track, you are pretty much fucked unless you get someone in the hiring process who is ex-military themselves.

I've always wondered why vets don't more frequently go into business with each other. I can't help but think that in small to medium sized businesses they would have a real edge on the lazier competition.

Excluding the veteran aspect for a minute, the climate for small/medium size business creation in America right now is pretty toxic in my opinion.

1. Big businesses have A LOT of unfair hard and soft power over smaller operations (example: politicians bought off and allow the import of illegal labor, HB-1 visa, get regulations that make business entry difficult/impossible, etc)

2. Political correctness is insane; making legit hiring and firing cumbersome and potentially costly (example: Reddit Chairman Pao case). Also makes for boring and uncomfortable work environments.

3. Obamacare/healthcare requirements. Much easier to deal with as a bigger business since you have more leverage.

4. Very litigious society where you can be sued for anything and everything under the sun from both employees and customers. Lawyers aren't cheap.

5. A lot of banks aren't willing to loan money for start-up funds unless you have significant collateral (there are a few workarounds this however).

6. Significantly high corporate/personal taxes.

Honestly if I were start a business: With a few exceptions, it would be overseas. I know overseas isn't a picnic by any means but I HATE politically correct work environments. I use to work in a (most of the time) very un-PC environment early on in the military and then went to a very "proper" PC place later on. A place where women get treated like princesses and the men are blue pill limp dicks is a special kind of Hell for someone with my personality. Unfortunately, the vast majority of work environments in the US are like this. There are different degrees of PC-ness but as an owner/boss, there is WHOLE another layer of potential PC bullshit you have to deal with.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

It's the painkillers. Avoid painkiller addiction like plague.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Quote: (07-02-2016 10:14 AM)Kish Wrote:  

Does anyone know why hot women in America stopped going to malls? I remember when I was younger and worked at the mall it was an endless supply women. Now all I see are fat people and families. Damn shame.

Amazon, smartphones, Netflix, more female participation in sports, helicopter parents not letting kids go out.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:39 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

The only way to reliably attract women with a job is if you have a top 20% or so job, so if you can't achieve this or don't want to put in the effort then your options are to become a player or some kind of MGTOW (nerd, recluse, homosexual, whoring).

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:39 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

The 80% of men without the baller jobs to attract females usually don't have a family by 50+ and many find no reason to continue living.

I have easily a 'top 20%' job; probably more like top 5%. I earn way more than the vast majority of my peers. I can tell you first hand that it's worth shit for attracting women. 99% of them absolutely could not care less. In fact, I think such a job is a detriment to attracting women, as it's extremely difficult to go from thinking logically 40 hours a week to trying to connect with a woman's emotional side on a date. If I didn't work out religiously and study game, I'd be a sexless sadsack hoping and praying for a stray fatty to give me the time of day.

I'd revise your 20% to 0.001%. Pro athlete and rock star are the only jobs I can think of that would attract women by themselves. For everyone else, you'd better have more to bring to the table.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:17 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:39 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

The only way to reliably attract women with a job is if you have a top 20% or so job, so if you can't achieve this or don't want to put in the effort then your options are to become a player or some kind of MGTOW (nerd, recluse, homosexual, whoring).

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:39 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

The 80% of men without the baller jobs to attract females usually don't have a family by 50+ and many find no reason to continue living.

I have easily a 'top 20%' job; probably more like top 5%. I earn way more than the vast majority of my peers. I can tell you first hand that it's worth shit for attracting women. 99% of them absolutely could not care less. In fact, I think such a job is a detriment to attracting women, as it's extremely difficult to go from thinking logically 40 hours a week to trying to connect with a woman's emotional side on a date. If I didn't work out religiously and study game, I'd be a sexless sadsack hoping and praying for a stray fatty to give me the time of day.

I'd revise your 20% to 0.001%. Pro athlete and rock star are the only jobs I can think of that would attract women by themselves. For everyone else, you'd better have more to bring to the table.

This is a valid objection, but the rest I don't agree with. You have money, if you can't think of ways of using it to attract women, then you should consider if you could do more to expand your interests.

Boating, skiing, wine tasting, motorcycle riding, windsurfing, horseback riding, weekend trips across Europe, all these fun things cost money and women like them.

Perhaps some of it comes from if you have asked yourself why you want money?

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Quote: (07-02-2016 07:51 AM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

This is what I posted in a dupe thread back in November: Death Rates Rising for Middle-Aged White Americans - My Post

Quote:The Black Knight Wrote:

Well, what do you expect from a group that has seen the following:

1. Divorce raped into the next dimension

2. Jobs shipped overseas / benefits destroyed.

3. Vibrant communities now ghost towns.

4. Constantly reminded by the media and society that your problems don’t matter because you’re white and well, you have it easy. Say anything un-PC and have your life destroyed.

5. Multiple stupid fuckin wars (Vietnam and Iraq) that have claimed the lives of many of your relatives and/or friends. Those severely injured are left to deal with the inefficient VA that barely can do anything right for years on end; despite the fact politicians have time to appease and bend over backwards for stupid bullshit SJW causes and illegal immigrants.

6. Watched illegal immigrants be given preferential status in many instances; including in the labor market, welfare benefits, and culturally.

7. Once feminine thin women turn into fat disgusting slobs who abuse the court system to extract every cent of child support possible. No one cares that you can’t pay or see your kids frequently.

Some people are simply going to be overwhelmed with all the aforementioned and give up. For those left, sadness will eventually turn to anger. There is a reason someone like Trump is doing as well as he is in the polls. A storm several decades in the making is coming.

Furthermore, what chicane said rings very true:

Quote:chicane Wrote:

Loneliness, isolation and a lack of purpose. Add to that no hope of ever having a family. Why not give up? There is truly nothing to live for. That's my life.

Today I listened to an episode of "The Art of Manliness" that's several weeks old. It was an interview with the author of "Charlie Mike" talking about some of the issues that are affecting returning vets. Going from being part of a team to being alone. Going from having a mission to having none. There are a few organizations out there that are addressing those issues.

As a veteran, I can speak about this directly. One of the most jarring things about returning to civilian life is realizing and finally accepting that no one gives a shit about your service time unless they have a relative/close friend that was/still in the military.

Since only a very small part of the population joins the military now, you run into A LOT of people (dating, employers, random people) who have ZERO concept of what you REALLY have dealt with being government property during wartime for years on end. Furthermore, sometimes people will even TALK DOWN to you like you those 4+ years of your life were on easy street or something. I shit you not: I've even had people say to me I don't deserve the GI Bill; implying directly or indirectly that I didn't it earn it in some capacity.

Unless you talk to other veterans, no one seems to remotely get it, have the slightest care in the world of just trying to get it a tiny bit, or gives a shit just in general. It can be pretty isolating sometimes; especially if you live in a libtard area where anti-military viewpoints are a bit more prevalent.

In dating, I've had chicks ask me if I had PTSD from the get-go (I don't). I've had other chicks say that they won't even date a Marine or anyone in the military just on principle. Even had a few whores say they will only date officers. Many chicks seem to have a anti-military bent to them; even if you are ex-military. Because many of these chicks only have a superficial concept of the military, you actually start off in the hole with them; having to prove that you are not like "the typical military guy."

Employers put on a big PR front about hiring vets but its mostly just a front. As I've come to find out, many organizations behind the scenes don't want veterans due to possible integration issues and/or due to a fear of making the current employees look like shit. Many simply don't even know how to interpret your experience or give it the basic respect/benefit of the doubt it deserves. If you don't fit into their square box designed for people on a strict civilian career track, you are pretty much fucked unless you get someone in the hiring process who is ex-military themselves.

Anyhow, as a veteran who happens to be a white male: it is only relatively recently where I have realized and accepted that the overall culture and society largely doesn't give a shit about me no matter what I do. I'm guilty before innocent and my problems and concerns don't matter. That's life but I won't be standing by waiting to take in the ass from ignorant arrogant people that don't give a shit about me; hoping they will come around one day. I'll just do what I have to do to move forward like I have always done.

On a random note: I was just in the gym a while back having a laugh with some guy joking about silly "first world problems" and some sloppy fat Asian chick yelled out in the middle of our conversation "you mean first world white peoples problems!"

I played it off and kept my cool obviously with that minor shit-test but I could tell by the tone of her voice that there was a real undercurrent of resentment and that because I'm a white male, somehow I don't have real issues in my life, I was born on 2nd base, and I shit out gold bars as par for the course. If anyone knew me and what I've been through, they'd know that is absolutely bullshit.

I wrote a massive post about what life is like for many guys these days if anyone wants a sense about what I mean exactly: The "Entitled Millennial" Non-Sense is Getting Really Tiresome

As I said in my dupe thread post:

Some people are simply going to be overwhelmed with all the aforementioned and give up. For those left, sadness will eventually turn to anger. There is a reason someone like Trump is doing as well as he is in the polls. A storm several decades in the making is coming.

Where do you live? Move somewhere there's a military culture among the civilians, like Fort Meade or Annapolis, Maryland or even San Diego.

As for the fat Asian chick, obnoxiousness seems to be a problem with fat women of all races and ethnicities. There must be something about fat cells that screw up the part of the brain associated with personality. Someday scientists will release a study that says too many cupcakes sends a message to the female brain that says "Be loud and unbearable."

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

^ Women love attention. Maybe when a woman becomes fat, she subconsciously realizes that she won't be getting attention passively so she starts to actively get attention. Easiest way for the younger generation to do this is to be obnoxious.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:33 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:17 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:39 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

The only way to reliably attract women with a job is if you have a top 20% or so job, so if you can't achieve this or don't want to put in the effort then your options are to become a player or some kind of MGTOW (nerd, recluse, homosexual, whoring).

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:39 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

The 80% of men without the baller jobs to attract females usually don't have a family by 50+ and many find no reason to continue living.

I have easily a 'top 20%' job; probably more like top 5%. I earn way more than the vast majority of my peers. I can tell you first hand that it's worth shit for attracting women. 99% of them absolutely could not care less. In fact, I think such a job is a detriment to attracting women, as it's extremely difficult to go from thinking logically 40 hours a week to trying to connect with a woman's emotional side on a date. If I didn't work out religiously and study game, I'd be a sexless sadsack hoping and praying for a stray fatty to give me the time of day.

I'd revise your 20% to 0.001%. Pro athlete and rock star are the only jobs I can think of that would attract women by themselves. For everyone else, you'd better have more to bring to the table.

This is a valid objection, but the rest I don't agree with. You have money, if you can't think of ways of using it to attract women, then you should consider if you could do more to expand your interests.

Boating, skiing, wine tasting, motorcycle riding, windsurfing, horseback riding, weekend trips across Europe, all these fun things cost money and women like them.

Perhaps some of it comes from if you have asked yourself why you want money?

You missed his point. The point is not what you can do with the money. It's that a top 20% job on its own is worthless for attracting women.

There used to be a time when having a steady job itself was attractive to women. The argument now is that you need a top 20% baller job - i.e. the level of status/security/money provided by a job now has a higher bar for many women. Delta is making a valid point, which is that even a top 20% job inherently does not attract women anymore. As women have found their own security/money, they do not care whether you can provide. Unless you're at the 0.001% level because then you could provide a higher quality lifestyle.

Not happening. - redbeard in regards to ETH flippening BTC

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

White men are getting shit on from all directions. Add in some self destructive decisions and behaviors and it is game over. Any man who is not learning from a forum like this is walking around with a target on his back.
Men can turn it around before it is too late. I banged the hottest tightest chick ever after opening her by asking if she was a tranny.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Quote: (07-02-2016 03:07 PM)Genghis Khan Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:33 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:17 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:39 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

The only way to reliably attract women with a job is if you have a top 20% or so job, so if you can't achieve this or don't want to put in the effort then your options are to become a player or some kind of MGTOW (nerd, recluse, homosexual, whoring).

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:39 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

The 80% of men without the baller jobs to attract females usually don't have a family by 50+ and many find no reason to continue living.

I have easily a 'top 20%' job; probably more like top 5%. I earn way more than the vast majority of my peers. I can tell you first hand that it's worth shit for attracting women. 99% of them absolutely could not care less. In fact, I think such a job is a detriment to attracting women, as it's extremely difficult to go from thinking logically 40 hours a week to trying to connect with a woman's emotional side on a date. If I didn't work out religiously and study game, I'd be a sexless sadsack hoping and praying for a stray fatty to give me the time of day.

I'd revise your 20% to 0.001%. Pro athlete and rock star are the only jobs I can think of that would attract women by themselves. For everyone else, you'd better have more to bring to the table.

This is a valid objection, but the rest I don't agree with. You have money, if you can't think of ways of using it to attract women, then you should consider if you could do more to expand your interests.

Boating, skiing, wine tasting, motorcycle riding, windsurfing, horseback riding, weekend trips across Europe, all these fun things cost money and women like them.

Perhaps some of it comes from if you have asked yourself why you want money?

You missed his point. The point is not what you can do with the money. It's that a top 20% job on its own is worthless for attracting women.

There used to be a time when having a steady job itself was attractive to women. The argument now is that you need a top 20% baller job - i.e. the level of status/security/money provided by a job now has a higher bar for many women. Delta is making a valid point, which is that even a top 20% job inherently does not attract women anymore. As women have found their own security/money, they do not care whether you can provide. Unless you're at the 0.001% level because then you could provide a higher quality lifestyle.

No, he said top 5% and earning way more than his peers. There's a big difference, top 20% is a lot of things, top 5% is something else entirely, that's freedom and expensive hobbies.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

These suicide by profession statistics were just released by the CDC a couple days ago. I was not happy to find out my profession is number three. What some people might notice is that at the top are male dominated fields that involve long hours of hard physical labor, danger, and unpleasant, often solitary working conditions. The bottom are female dominated fields that usually have benefits and happen in safe place type, air conditioned, PC workplaces like schools and hospitals.

The CDC’s occupational suicide list:

1. Farmworkers, fishermen, lumberjacks, others in forestry or agriculture; 85 per 100,000.

2. Carpenters, miners, electricians, construction trades; 53.

3. Mechanics and those who do installation, maintenance, repair; 48.

4. Factory and production workers; 35.

5. Architects, engineers; 32

6. Police, firefighters, corrections workers, others in protective services; 31.

7. Artists, designers, entertainers, athletes, media; 24.

8. Computer programmers, mathematicians, statisticians; 23.

9. Transportation workers; 22

10. Corporate executives and managers, advertising and public relations; 20

11. Lawyers and workers in legal system; 19

12. Doctors, dentists, and other health care professionals; 19

13. Scientists and lab technicians; 17

14. Accountants, others in business, financial operations; 16

15. Nursing, medical assistants, health care support; 15

16. Clergy, social workers, other social service workers; 14

17. Real estate agents, telemarketers, sales; 13

18. Building and ground, cleaning, maintenance; 13

19. Cooks, food service workers; 13

20. Childcare workers, barbers, animal trainers, personal care and service; 8

21. Office workers, administrative support; 8

22. Education, training, librarians; 8

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Quote: (07-02-2016 03:07 PM)Genghis Khan Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:33 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:17 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:39 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

The only way to reliably attract women with a job is if you have a top 20% or so job, so if you can't achieve this or don't want to put in the effort then your options are to become a player or some kind of MGTOW (nerd, recluse, homosexual, whoring).

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:39 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

The 80% of men without the baller jobs to attract females usually don't have a family by 50+ and many find no reason to continue living.

I have easily a 'top 20%' job; probably more like top 5%. I earn way more than the vast majority of my peers. I can tell you first hand that it's worth shit for attracting women. 99% of them absolutely could not care less. In fact, I think such a job is a detriment to attracting women, as it's extremely difficult to go from thinking logically 40 hours a week to trying to connect with a woman's emotional side on a date. If I didn't work out religiously and study game, I'd be a sexless sadsack hoping and praying for a stray fatty to give me the time of day.

I'd revise your 20% to 0.001%. Pro athlete and rock star are the only jobs I can think of that would attract women by themselves. For everyone else, you'd better have more to bring to the table.

This is a valid objection, but the rest I don't agree with. You have money, if you can't think of ways of using it to attract women, then you should consider if you could do more to expand your interests.

Boating, skiing, wine tasting, motorcycle riding, windsurfing, horseback riding, weekend trips across Europe, all these fun things cost money and women like them.

Perhaps some of it comes from if you have asked yourself why you want money?

You missed his point. The point is not what you can do with the money. It's that a top 20% job on its own is worthless for attracting women.

There used to be a time when having a steady job itself was attractive to women. The argument now is that you need a top 20% baller job - i.e. the level of status/security/money provided by a job now has a higher bar for many women. Delta is making a valid point, which is that even a top 20% job inherently does not attract women anymore. As women have found their own security/money, they do not care whether you can provide. Unless you're at the 0.001% level because then you could provide a higher quality lifestyle.

You're correct about the point I was making before, but I'd also argue it's more difficult than you think to convert $ into (non-prostitute) girls. The cool high-brow activities nomadbrah brings up may help keep a girl around, but I don't see how they can attract one to begin with. Just like everyone, on first dates I have no idea whether the girl is someone I'd want to spend time with, so I'm not going to take her on a boat, I'm going to do something low key and low investment, ie drinks at a bar. You may say I can wear high end clothes and accessories to these bar dates, but fuck that, the average person can't actually tell the difference between a real Rolex and its $20 Chinese knockoff. Baller apartment? Getting her back to the apartment is the challenge; once she's in, you're getting laid whether you live in a penthouse overlooking Central Park or a shitbox studio apartment with flies swarming around your pile of dirty dishes.

Case in point- Anyone know a guy who works in the tech industry? (This isn't the field I work in, just using it for illustrative purposes). These guys tend to have more cash than they know what to do with and could wipe their ass with stock options. So then are they hot babe magnets? [Image: lol.gif] That question doesn't dignify a response. Women despise them because they don't connect with them.

Any guy out there who thinks money is the panacea to scoring more women, I can tell you from experience you're sadly mistaken.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Men have always worked with a purpose and that purpose was to attract a wife and support a family. There is always a means to an end. Working for the sake of devoloping some so called work ethic is delusional.

Being gainfully employed means nothing now for attracting women.

More women attend college now.
Women under 30 in urban areas out earn men.

Men have woken up to see that when they do everything that society tells them and they are reduced playing video games and jerking off. They become demoralized and Hopelessness ensues. Thank your lucky stars for a community like this where we can collectively call things for what they are.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America


White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Money and or a top tier job might not help one attract women, but only because game is still needed. Once you have a large amount of expendable resources, free time, and the game to execute it all you will have a constant pussy flow. Saying money and a sexy job alone will get you laid is still game denialism. Game still required. Never forget that. Even into marriage and LTR's-the game doesn't stop for any more people than the carousel or wall do.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:17 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:39 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

The only way to reliably attract women with a job is if you have a top 20% or so job, so if you can't achieve this or don't want to put in the effort then your options are to become a player or some kind of MGTOW (nerd, recluse, homosexual, whoring).

Quote: (07-02-2016 01:39 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

The 80% of men without the baller jobs to attract females usually don't have a family by 50+ and many find no reason to continue living.

I have easily a 'top 20%' job; probably more like top 5%. I earn way more than the vast majority of my peers. I can tell you first hand that it's worth shit for attracting women. 99% of them absolutely could not care less. In fact, I think such a job is a detriment to attracting women, as it's extremely difficult to go from thinking logically 40 hours a week to trying to connect with a woman's emotional side on a date. If I didn't work out religiously and study game, I'd be a sexless sadsack hoping and praying for a stray fatty to give me the time of day.

I'd revise your 20% to 0.001%. Pro athlete and rock star are the only jobs I can think of that would attract women by themselves. For everyone else, you'd better have more to bring to the table.
What is the top 5% job that you do?

Doesnt having money - or showing you have money... attract all the gold-digging bitches?

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

My occupation is #2 on AAJ's suicide list, I'm still alive, fuck ya!

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

I have always believed and told people "that if men could felate themselves the human race would have never built civilization and humans would still live in trees." Men through all ages have always at the end of the day been able to have sex with a half-decent looking girl-even if its a whore. Nowadays many men are realizing-just like a millenial that realizes they wasted 4-6 years of their life incurring 50K of student debt for a worthless humanities or social science degrees and still cant find a job-that despite their best efforts and doing what they were told they still will not end up or be able to enjoy a variety of not just beautiful, but even attractive women.

There just aren't enough slim, long-haired, feminine, available females to go around anymore. In addition, men are finding out that these women find their phone and their social media accounts, along with a number of orbiters, more satisfying than their average male counterparts attempting to woo them. I think once a society gets to this point all hell breaks loose.

All men want is a beautiful woman to make them a sandwich and blow them at the end of the day and that kind of feminine devotion is becoming hard to come by. Look for the herbivore movement to become a thing in the west. It is different than MGTOW because most of them I believe have digital or virtual concubines. This is the future for these men. Life-like sex robots.

Sad. There will be guys blowing their brains out and dying without ever finding out what real pussy feels like.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Quote: (07-02-2016 10:11 PM)AboveAverageJoe Wrote:  

I have always believed and told people "that if men could felate themselves the human race would have never built civilization and humans would still live in trees." Men through all ages have always at the end of the day been able to have sex with a half-decent looking girl-even if its a whore. Nowadays many men are realizing-just like a millenial that realizes they wasted 4-6 years of their life incurring 50K of student debt for a worthless humanities or social science degrees and still cant find a job-that despite their best efforts and doing what they were told they still will not end up or be able to enjoy a variety of not just beautiful, but even attractive women.

There just aren't enough slim, long-haired, feminine, available females to go around anymore. In addition, men are finding out that these women find their phone and their social media accounts, along with a number of orbiters, more satisfying than their average male counterparts attempting to woo them. I think once a society gets to this point all hell breaks loose.

All men want is a beautiful woman to make them a sandwich and blow them at the end of the day and that kind of feminine devotion is becoming hard to come by. Look for the herbivore movement to become a thing in the west. It is different than MGTOW because most of them I believe have digital or virtual concubines. This is the future for these men. Life-like sex robots.

Sad. There will be guys blowing their brains out and dying without ever finding out what real pussy feels like.
Honestly if a guy just wants to 'get laid', he just has to have basic game or conversation skills - it isn't that hard; if a guy has game and is decently good looking he can pull sluts at local bars or on dating or hookup sites pretty easily, even if he's living poor.

Getting a an attractive or stable wife, or raising a family might be a little trickier if he isn't in a good financial position. Though even then if the guy knows how to ignite a woman's desire, I believe a lot of women will be more willing to overlook any money problems he has ; guys who have to rely on money alone to attract women are usually the guys with no game who just settle for a trophy wife.

This is one reason why I'm almost thinking of rejoining a Christian church; I've met some young, nice-looking women who are devout Christians who were very modest and effeminate and would definitely make better wife material than the typical vapid millennial chick.

Asked one of them out though who was into me and she said I'd have to come to her church and join her religion before we could see about dating; that scared me out of it at the time, but in retrospect I admired that a lot, versus other girls I've met who thought nothing of fucking within less than 24 hours of the first "meeting". (if a guy's determined to be a player though he'd probably have to give up that lifestyle if he joined a conservative church, so I can see why a lot of guys here aren't too keen on that).

And to be honest, dating outside of a strong community or social network is something of a modern thing, with the advent of dating websites, etc - it definitely isn't the traditional norm where people met their partners through family, friends, or church; today the social structure is so broken down that a lot of people don't have much of a "social network" after HS or college, other than coworkers, any outside hobbies like sports leagues, or childhood friends (if they're lucky to still live in the same town, as opposed to moving across the country after college). Meeting a smoking hot chick at a bar, club, or on a dating website therefore probably runs into a lot of problems that it wouldn't have if the couple both came from a strong community rather than met as pure strangers.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Quote: (07-02-2016 10:26 PM)EDantes Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2016 10:11 PM)AboveAverageJoe Wrote:  

I have always believed and told people "that if men could felate themselves the human race would have never built civilization and humans would still live in trees." Men through all ages have always at the end of the day been able to have sex with a half-decent looking girl-even if its a whore. Nowadays many men are realizing-just like a millenial that realizes they wasted 4-6 years of their life incurring 50K of student debt for a worthless humanities or social science degrees and still cant find a job-that despite their best efforts and doing what they were told they still will not end up or be able to enjoy a variety of not just beautiful, but even attractive women.

There just aren't enough slim, long-haired, feminine, available females to go around anymore. In addition, men are finding out that these women find their phone and their social media accounts, along with a number of orbiters, more satisfying than their average male counterparts attempting to woo them. I think once a society gets to this point all hell breaks loose.

All men want is a beautiful woman to make them a sandwich and blow them at the end of the day and that kind of feminine devotion is becoming hard to come by. Look for the herbivore movement to become a thing in the west. It is different than MGTOW because most of them I believe have digital or virtual concubines. This is the future for these men. Life-like sex robots.

Sad. There will be guys blowing their brains out and dying without ever finding out what real pussy feels like.
Honestly if a guy just wants to 'get laid', he just has to have basic game or conversation skills - it isn't that hard; if a guy has game and is decently good looking he can pull sluts at local bars or on dating or hookup sites pretty easily, even if he's living poor.

Getting a an attractive or stable wife, or raising a family might be a little trickier if he isn't in a good financial position. Though even then if the guy knows how to ignite a woman's desire, I believe a lot of women will be more willing to overlook any money problems he has ; guys who have to rely on money alone to attract women are usually the guys with no game who just settle for a trophy wife.

This is one reason why I'm almost thinking of rejoining a Christian church; I've met some young, nice-looking women who are devout Christians who were very modest and effeminate and would definitely make better wife material than the typical vapid millennial chick.

Asked one of them out though who was into me and she said I'd have to come to her church and join her religion before we could see about dating; that scared me out of it at the time, but in retrospect I admired that a lot, versus other girls I've met who thought nothing of fucking within less than 24 hours of the first "meeting". (if a guy's determined to be a player though he'd probably have to give up that lifestyle if he joined a conservative church, so I can see why a lot of guys here aren't too keen on that).

And to be honest, dating outside of a strong community or social network is something of a modern thing, with the advent of dating websites, etc - it definitely isn't the traditional norm where people met their partners through family, friends, or church; today the social structure is so broken down that a lot of people don't have much of a "social network" after HS or college, other than coworkers, any outside hobbies like sports leagues, or childhood friends (if they're lucky to still live in the same town, as opposed to moving across the country after college). Meeting a smoking hot chick at a bar, club, or on a dating website therefore probably runs into a lot of problems that it wouldn't have if the couple both came from a strong community rather than met as pure strangers.

I thought it was consensus that church girls are some of the most active sluts around? The thought of joining a congregation to find a decent LTR has occured to me. I never followed through and I would have to join one of those Superchurches to have a proper number of fit women I could game through. Most Superchurches around here preach the prosperity gospel and that shit makes my want to vomit. I did go to Church (Episcopalean) with my mom recently because she told me there was a petite, single, Filipina who was a teacher going there now. Tiny one room church, really way too small of a congregation to game in.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Quote: (07-02-2016 11:13 PM)AboveAverageJoe Wrote:  

I thought it was consensus that church girls are some of the most active sluts around?
More of a stereotype; you'll have the people on one hand who show up every Sunday but more or less do whatever they want the other 6 days of the week; but then the are those who are more active in their community. Probably varies a lot by the denomination, and the church and individuals itself; the 'mainline' churches for example with more watered down, progressive doctrines probably wouldn't be the best bet.

(I'd personally avoid the more extreme, fundamentalist churches though; some of them border on cultishness or make a big point of promoting fringe views like "young earth creationism").


The thought of joining a congregation to find a decent LTR has occured to me. I never followed through and I would have to join one of those Superchurches to have a proper number of fit women I could game through. Most Superchurches around here preach the prosperity gospel and that shit makes my want to vomit. I did go to Church (Episcopalean) with my mom recently because she told me there was a petite, single, Filipina who was a teacher going there now. Tiny one room church, really way too small of a congregation to game in.
The more conservative churches tend to involve the church community in the 'courtship' process a lot more; I think if a guy was an active member of a church and looking for a LTR he'd probably find more girls of a serious relationship mindset. I've talked to some conservative guys involved in the churches who were very strong, alpha, patriarchal types.

If a guy wants a strong sense of community and conservative set of standards, there are probably good churches out there he could join, but if he's looking less for a traditional marriage, kids, or relationship and wants to game, then I wouldn't recommend getting too heavily involved in the church; It'd be frowned upon and he'd probably feel like the church is trying to 'control' his life too much.

The downside of what I have seen is that sometimes the church tends to involve itself too much in the relationships, and people might feel 'pressured' into marrying someone they don't know well; but on the flip side the mainstream world has put too much emphasis on 'finding the perfect person' and unrealistic expectations.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

Quote: (07-02-2016 11:13 PM)AboveAverageJoe Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2016 10:26 PM)EDantes Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2016 10:11 PM)AboveAverageJoe Wrote:  

I have always believed and told people "that if men could felate themselves the human race would have never built civilization and humans would still live in trees." Men through all ages have always at the end of the day been able to have sex with a half-decent looking girl-even if its a whore. Nowadays many men are realizing-just like a millenial that realizes they wasted 4-6 years of their life incurring 50K of student debt for a worthless humanities or social science degrees and still cant find a job-that despite their best efforts and doing what they were told they still will not end up or be able to enjoy a variety of not just beautiful, but even attractive women.

There just aren't enough slim, long-haired, feminine, available females to go around anymore. In addition, men are finding out that these women find their phone and their social media accounts, along with a number of orbiters, more satisfying than their average male counterparts attempting to woo them. I think once a society gets to this point all hell breaks loose.

All men want is a beautiful woman to make them a sandwich and blow them at the end of the day and that kind of feminine devotion is becoming hard to come by. Look for the herbivore movement to become a thing in the west. It is different than MGTOW because most of them I believe have digital or virtual concubines. This is the future for these men. Life-like sex robots.

Sad. There will be guys blowing their brains out and dying without ever finding out what real pussy feels like.
Honestly if a guy just wants to 'get laid', he just has to have basic game or conversation skills - it isn't that hard; if a guy has game and is decently good looking he can pull sluts at local bars or on dating or hookup sites pretty easily, even if he's living poor.

Getting a an attractive or stable wife, or raising a family might be a little trickier if he isn't in a good financial position. Though even then if the guy knows how to ignite a woman's desire, I believe a lot of women will be more willing to overlook any money problems he has ; guys who have to rely on money alone to attract women are usually the guys with no game who just settle for a trophy wife.

This is one reason why I'm almost thinking of rejoining a Christian church; I've met some young, nice-looking women who are devout Christians who were very modest and effeminate and would definitely make better wife material than the typical vapid millennial chick.

Asked one of them out though who was into me and she said I'd have to come to her church and join her religion before we could see about dating; that scared me out of it at the time, but in retrospect I admired that a lot, versus other girls I've met who thought nothing of fucking within less than 24 hours of the first "meeting". (if a guy's determined to be a player though he'd probably have to give up that lifestyle if he joined a conservative church, so I can see why a lot of guys here aren't too keen on that).

And to be honest, dating outside of a strong community or social network is something of a modern thing, with the advent of dating websites, etc - it definitely isn't the traditional norm where people met their partners through family, friends, or church; today the social structure is so broken down that a lot of people don't have much of a "social network" after HS or college, other than coworkers, any outside hobbies like sports leagues, or childhood friends (if they're lucky to still live in the same town, as opposed to moving across the country after college). Meeting a smoking hot chick at a bar, club, or on a dating website therefore probably runs into a lot of problems that it wouldn't have if the couple both came from a strong community rather than met as pure strangers.

I thought it was consensus that church girls are some of the most active sluts around? The thought of joining a congregation to find a decent LTR has occured to me. I never followed through and I would have to join one of those Superchurches to have a proper number of fit women I could game through. Most Superchurches around here preach the prosperity gospel and that shit makes my want to vomit. I did go to Church (Episcopalean) with my mom recently because she told me there was a petite, single, Filipina who was a teacher going there now. Tiny one room church, really way too small of a congregation to game in.

This is not necessarily true, I've found. For detailed (but cynical) explanations about this, go to the Dalrock blog.

Believe it or not, for all the complaining I do about Catholicism, I was a church regular once -- because I was the in-house musician at my local parish. (My parents volunteered me in eighth grade.)

So I'm old enough to be able to look back at the various church girls I knew about tell about what happened to them. What I found is that most had kids and stayed married.

It's the same story with girls I knew outside of my church, but who were religious. Some of these girls were Jewish, in fact, but involved in their synagogues.

The women who got divorced or became single mothers were the party chicks, the ones who dressed like sluts, the club-goers, and the future career women -- the latter of whom are mostly childless. It's easy to see the way this all panned out now, but back twenty or thirty years ago, men didn't have the info we did now (i.e. the chart showing that the more sexual partners a woman has the more likely she is to divorce).

It didn't matter if these girls went to church or not. If they did, the other 99 percent of their lives told the real story. So "the wild church girl" stereotype is true with them, but only if you only look at them going to church. Ask what they did the night before.

Luckily, this isn't the 1980s or 1990s where the only information some of us had (ahem) about this topic was feminist bullshit propaganda from Big Media. I think anyone who is a member of this forum will easily be able to go to a church, talk to some women, and be able to realistically know what kind of woman he's dealing with.

White Male Suicide skyrockets in America

I think there's another relevant factor when looking for proper Christian girls for a wife or an LTR.

If you go to some massively inclusive megachurch you might have a larger pool to work with but you're inevitably going to be stuck with some bitch who would preach tolerance and forgiveness while her own kids are having their throats cut by islamists.

I suppose the sweet spot would be to find someone from a smaller more militant congregation who identified herself strongly as a part of the local community rather than as a terminal forgiveness-bot acting as society's punching bag.

A good woman has enough protective instinct to recognise that sometimes you have to draw a line around your own people, and if necessary defend it violently.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

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