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Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Quote: (02-10-2016 12:48 PM)Requiem Wrote:  

Why the blood though? I get it when PETA does it, but what does Milo do that could be associated with blood? Do they even think of how to protest or do they just copy something supposedly outrageous that got one of their freak-mates the most attention?

"Hey shitlib, the blood-thing is what the animal-rights groups do, what are you red for? Do your eggs wander?"

Maybe they go to a Turisas concert later on?
[Image: bfmn-turisas-open.jpg]

We move between light and shadow, mutually influencing and being influenced through shades of gray...

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Cover yourself in invariably sticky corn syrup dyed with red food coloring, that'll show'em. Better yet, hang out for the remaining forty minutes. I appreciate this type of amusing lunacy. "I'll show you! I'm gonna make MYSELF uncomfortable for your entire speech!"

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Quote: (02-10-2016 12:25 PM)Requiem Wrote:  

From what I read/heard from him, Mike is an upstanding guy who I like but I'm not sure if he's really Alt-Right? Haven't looked at his stuff for a while so can't tell for sure.

I look at Mike's stuff regularly and I can tell you that Mike gives Ramzpaul a lot of credit for enlightening him and taking him from calling himself libertarian to calling himself alt-right. There are a lot of tweets in Mike's TL to this effect.

Quote: (02-10-2016 12:25 PM)Requiem Wrote:  

As for the rest of your comment, since I'm not protected by a first amendment in my country and since I want to keep being a part of this forum but feel like every other post of mine brings me closer to the edge, the only way I see fit to respond to what you wrote is by asking you the following questions:

1) You say you had to look it up... so then - is what you say about Rockwell (him being a supremacist) something that you read about him (like the world read about Roosh that he supposedly advocates rape), or did you come to that conclusion by your own critical thinking after having read some of what he wrote/listened to his speeches on youtube? I don't know much about him but saw a speech of him once on /pol/ and it didn't seem supremacist to me, so I'm skeptical.

I'm assuming that since he lived from 1918 to 1967 and founded the American Nazi Party in 1959 (a pretty bold thing to do at THAT time), that Rockwell himself would welcome the label "white supremacist". So I'm not sure what you're getting at by doubting that he is one. I'm sure the man would call himself that were he alive today. I think what you are questioning is whether or not being a white supremacist is evil or not. I think it is certainly evil if it is done disingenuously as a false flag move, and I suspect that is precisely what Rockwell was doing. Either that or he was just trolling for attention. And either way, it was misguided and it got him shot and killed. And so that leaves the remaining question as to whether or not white supremacy is evil when it is not done disingenuously, but rather done in honest belief in the supremacy of the white race. In that case I think it's more stupid than evil. Current statistics show that Asians outscore whites in all the metrics that seem to count for the arguments of racial supremacy: academic grades; financial success; IQ; etc., etc. So the honest white supremacist that bases his arguments on racial DNA is clearly ignoring the data, and is therefore an idiot. Hopefully that answers your question about my assessment of Rockwell. He was either a troll or he was an idiot. He seems to have been quite talented though, so I think we can rule out the latter.

Quote: (02-10-2016 12:25 PM)Requiem Wrote:  

2) How do you interpret the 14 words? Do these words - without thinking about who has supposedly coined them - in and of themselves express any idea that could be seen as an attack against any other kinds of people living on this planet? Or do you interpret them in the way that those using them want to make sure that their descendants can have a good life for themselves? And is that a bad thing to wish for?

I interpret the words to be an expression of fear. I think they represent the fear of the loss of one's race. Since I don't feel that fear, I find the words to be useless to me personally, though I understand perfectly the sentiment of those who cling to them. Quincy Jones once said that the motivation for every single human action can be reduced down to one of two emotions: fear or love. Because I know this, I tend to try to govern myself such that I am motivated by the latter and not the former. All the races on the earth are a mixture. The racial spectrum is, mathematically speaking, continuous, not discrete. I'm white, but my daughter is mulatto. Her mother is black, originally from Haiti. My daughter is one of the most brilliant people I know and she is going to light this world on fire one day. You see, hybrids take the best traits from their parents, any biologist can explain this to you. So my answers to your questions are:

- No I don't think the words are an attack, but I think they are motivated by fear, and as such the sentiments they stimulate could very well lead to attacks. It would be better to find a slogan that promotes winning, rather than worries about losing. Like "Make America Great Again". Trump 2016!

- The people that use these words are hung up on race. They should rather focus on culture. Some cultures are better than others. America's culture is great and we should fight to preserve the culture that was handed down to us by the founding fathers. That culture belongs to the people that are descended from the English, the Scots, the French, the Irish, the Italians, the blacks, the native Indians, the Armenians, and the all the rest. It doesn't matter. If you played football you learned out on the gridiron that we all bleed the same colour and we're all brothers that should be judged by the content of our character, like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. dreamt.

- It's great to want a great future for your children. But why does that have to mean ONLY white children? Let's make America great again for ALL of America's children. And let America's great culture spread all over the world.

Quote: (02-10-2016 12:25 PM)Requiem Wrote:  

3) What do you personally think does the "88-sign" represent to the people who use it? Are you aware that there are a lot of people out there who have a much different understanding of history than what is usually taught? Do you believe the people who use it are all in favour of everything that is said to have happened during the time in which the respective person was in power? Or do you mediate that these people might think of something completely different than what you have in mind when talking about the subject? How intensively have you studied and researched the history of Europe of the last 150 years?

I personally think Hitler was a piece of shit. I think Stalin was an even worse piece of shit and I think Mao and Che Guevara and Napoleon were all also pieces of shit. I think all these pieces of shit took advantage of the tyrannical power that socialism bestows on its leaders and I think that is why America is so great fundamentally... because her founding fathers foresaw the evil tyranny of socialism and created a republic that had a chance to resist it. God bless America. Whatever anyone's understanding is of European history, he will not change my mind about Hitler. I have indeed studied said history and am ready to debate the subject intensely and openly in this forum. Come at me bro!

Quote: (02-10-2016 12:25 PM)Requiem Wrote:  

I haven't actually seen Ramzpaul actively distance himself from the 14/88ers who follow him.

He does so regularly on Twitter. It was actually FROM HIM that I got the idea that most of these guys are false flags. I think you and I agree more than we disagree, but I am certainly willing to answer your questions and debate these subjects. I think this is precisely where this forum shows its greatest value.


"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Quote: (02-10-2016 12:48 PM)Requiem Wrote:  

Why the blood though?

It's supposed to represent menstrual blood. They're accusing Milo of misogyny, so they are "wearing" their menstrual blood to signify their feminism. It's absolutely disgusting.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Thank you for your reply. In order not to unsettle the forum-atmosphere too much with these seemingly unpleasant topics, I have answered you via PM.

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

My best friend and I are making plans to go down to Pittsburgh to see Milo on the 29th. I hope it's as intense as it looked like it was tonight.

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread


There was also a scuffle when a white student attempted to walk through the group of protesters as he was leaving the site. The protesters asked him to go around them and began to chant “go around” when he refused.

Jalissa, an SAS Junior and member of the Latin American Womyn Organization said: “Any school that allows a group like this to spread hate, and a school that claims diversity is not a school I want to be at.”

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

It seems like Milo's "gay card" might not protect him for much longer. For all the progressive talk of "diversity, acceptance, and tolerance," I've seen that if you don't tow that party line, they'll eat you up regardless of skin color, sex, or lifestyle preference.

Also, disturbing to see this happening at Rutgers. They were the rival of my alma mater and not too far away. Hope that's not indicative of SJWism spreading to my Uni at any point.

"This old dog's tired of the junkyard trash. I'm hungerin' for some of that showroom ass."

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

If you now hate Rutgers students and feel like you'd enjoy a bunch of their liberal arts hipsters get destroyed by Sam Hyde, feel free to do so here:

Full version (1h48min)

Highlights (15min)

For those of you who don't know him yet, he has a very different comedy style and a somewhat unusual type of humour so a lot of members might not like it. It took me a while but now I got into it. At some points he's cringe as fuck, makes me uncomfortable just watching it but he just pulls it off like that, I love it. He's also on the red side of the pill spectrum and supports Trump (see his "transformation" following the 50:30 mark in the full version [Image: banana.gif] TRIGGERED).

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread


Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

I don't even care that Milo is gay anymore. Hes helped me realize this. Literally modified my worldview.

We're all sinners. And the scale of human sin is insignificant compared to any absolutely infinite moral law giver.

I'm fizzing.

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Quote: (02-12-2016 05:53 AM)Sooth Wrote:  

I don't even care that Milo is gay anymore. Hes helped me realize this. Literally modified my worldview.

We're all sinners. And the scale of human sin is insignificant compared to any absolutely infinite moral law giver.

I'm fizzing.

It's not as if he's shoving black cock in our faces (that wasn't a challenge Milo... [Image: confused.gif]).

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

What does Milo being a raging faggot have to do with the validity of his ideas? And vice versa. The fact his sex life is fucking disgusting has nothing to do with the words that come out of his mouth on other topics. Shooting the messenger is as old a concept as it gets. There is no dissonance in liking him as a politician and disliking him as a sexual deviant. You can invite him into your browser without inviting him into your bedroom. An ally doesn't have to be a friend.

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Quote: (02-12-2016 10:22 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

What does Milo being a raging faggot have to do with the validity of his ideas? And vice versa. The fact his sex life is fucking disgusting has nothing to do with the words that come out of his mouth on other topics. Shooting the messenger is as old a concept as it gets. There is no dissonance in liking him as a politician and disliking him as a sexual deviant. You can invite him into your browser without inviting him into your bedroom. An ally doesn't have to be a friend.

Nailed it. This is exactly why the alt-right's attacks on Roosh are so frustrating. Say what you will about his past and writings, but the man is doing more to fight against cultural degeneracy than most of us.

Not on here much anymore. I'm either out on 2 wheels or trying to kill something.

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Quote: (02-12-2016 10:22 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

What does Milo being a raging faggot have to do with the validity of his ideas? And vice versa. The fact his sex life is fucking disgusting has nothing to do with the words that come out of his mouth on other topics. Shooting the messenger is as old a concept as it gets. There is no dissonance in liking him as a politician and disliking him as a sexual deviant. You can invite him into your browser without inviting him into your bedroom. An ally doesn't have to be a friend.

This is true enough though with women and gays you have to set a line in the sand for yourself.

Women and gays are the definition of attention whore, and very often they will start out saying things you agree with and then, when they see they have an audience, they start dropping little details about themselves into the conversation that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Pretty soon they are dropping all sorts of pictures of themselves, and listing their personal preferences about topics no one is interested in , and if they get away with this, they start becoming more vulgar and inappropriate, and little by little, almost without anyone noticing, they are no longer talking about anything relevant, and you are lulled into accepting it because they started out so strong. One day, you think to yourself, man, how did we get here.

Milo can be great. He knows the facts and can stick to them, and has no fear of feminists, and can think on his feet. At the same time, when it comes to dropping way too many comments about his personal preferences in areas you don't want to know anything about, it has begun.

I don't care about his hair, and I don't want to hear him flirt with Joe Rogan or Gavin McInnes, and I definitely don't want to know what color man he prefers, and what he likes to do to them.

For me, he is right on the edge now of tolerability. He provides enough useful information in a direct and engaging way that I can put up with the other stuff, but we shall see where it goes.

He kind of reminds me of how things were in the old Howard Stern tv show. Stern would show you a picture of a good looking woman, and promise you that you would get to see her in a bikini, so you would sit through a bunch of crap you didn't want to watch, and then when you finally got to see the girl, you had to watch her wrestle a midget.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Quote: (02-12-2016 02:33 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Women and gays are the definition of attention whore, and very often they will start out saying things you agree with and then, when they see they have an audience, they start dropping little details about themselves into the conversation that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Pretty soon they are dropping all sorts of pictures of themselves, and listing their personal preferences about topics no one is interested in , and if they get away with this, they start becoming more vulgar and inappropriate, and little by little, almost without anyone noticing, they are no longer talking about anything relevant, and you are lulled into accepting it because they started out so strong. One day, you think to yourself, man, how did we get here.

I love Milo but I defer to truth when it is spoken. I was talking to my teenage daughter about Milo last night because I'm taking her to see him in Ann Arbor later this month. When I mentioned the fact that the Rutgers protesters were using old Black Panther symbolism, my daughter said, "But Milo's not racist." To which I replied, "Right? He prefers black guys." My daughter suddenly became disgusted and said, "I didn't need to know that." She's right. None of us did. Great post debeguiled. Head of nail, meet hammer.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Quote: (02-12-2016 05:33 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

I was talking to my teenage daughter about Milo last night because I'm taking her to see him in Ann Arbor later this month.

I would love to read your reaction, as well as your daughter's, to seeing Milo live. If you are so inclined.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Most protestors don't seem to have any idea what they're doing. Remember that idiot who flew an ultra light helicopter into DC airspace and landed on the Capital lawn to protest Campaign Finance Reform? What the hell does one have to do with the other? I'd hate to think what kind of protest he'd relate to FAA policies. A Santa costume?

Smearing blood on your face because you don't like what Milo says? Makes no sense to the sane. Most of these people are intellectually children. They may have the age and ID and student loans to be legally considered adults, but mentally they're still children who didn't get spanked enough if at all.

Quote: (02-10-2016 12:53 PM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Quote: (02-10-2016 12:48 PM)Requiem Wrote:  

Why the blood though? I get it when PETA does it, but what does Milo do that could be associated with blood? Do they even think of how to protest or do they just copy something supposedly outrageous that got one of their freak-mates the most attention?

Probably not best to try and understand these people, it's clearly just severe brain damage, they don't follow rational predictable behaviour.

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Quote: (02-12-2016 09:49 PM)emuelle1 Wrote:  

...Most of these people are intellectually children. They may have the age and ID and student loans to be legally considered adults, but mentally they're still children who didn't get spanked enough if at all

Easier to be a child in a "safe space" college as opposed to venturing forth into the harsh reality of the real world.

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Quote: (02-12-2016 05:51 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (02-12-2016 05:33 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

I was talking to my teenage daughter about Milo last night because I'm taking her to see him in Ann Arbor later this month.

I would love to read your reaction, as well as your daughter's, to seeing Milo live. If you are so inclined.

Definitely will share. If I forget to post something here, I will make sure and post a blog article about it here:


"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Here is Milos complete Rutger speech in good quality:


Milo Yiannopoulos Thread



If you're from one of the feminist movements on campus, I've put an ice cream truck outside.

[Image: ohshit.gif]

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

I've always liked Milo. He's a fag yet he's sticking up for us. Call me naive but I think that's pretty cool. Yes he has attention seeking traits but I tend to find them endearing because he has substance to back it up. Compare this to your commonplace mentally ill lesbo with the intelligence of a gold fish. I particularly enjoy watching him trigger feminists live on air. He is very sharp and makes his points in such an articulate, well-informed and soothing manner that it is difficult for his opponents to simply dismiss his input as fabricated "hate speech". The freaks just can't keep up and so they resort to heckling and screeching as their arguments are systematically and so fabulously destroyed. Of course he gets extra leeway because faggot but he is using it for good so I have no problem though I wish he would mention his exploits with black men slightly less frequently.

For most politicians, mainstream media, and everything they represent, Mr Milo truly is one dangerous faggot. He is currently sneaking in the back door (no pun intended) and delivering death blows to the nonsense all across the United States. Which is more than I am actively doing for heterosexual white men around the world, so who is the real faggot here?

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

Quote: (02-17-2016 02:33 AM)Buakaw Wrote:  

Here is Milos complete Rutger speech in good quality:

Milo's frame and demeanor is pretty great. I like how he just smiles and shakes his head when the fat medicated SJW and BLM thugs go into a hog frenzy. Then he calmly waits for their emotions to settle and then destroys their arguments one by one.

Milo Yiannopoulos Thread

I just watched this video. It reminds me of a blog post where the commenters are so busy trashing each other, they forget that the author has written something and is just sitting there waiting for some sort of feedback. He spends most of this talk standing there, silent, looking down, waiting.

I did like the part where a questioner starts listing all the elements of his personal identity, and Milo asks, at about 24:00:


"Do you have a question not related to your identity?"

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

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