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Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

So I decided to spend a lot of time in Poland from early 2014 onward. After reading Bang Poland and getting sick of my non-existent sex life in Unbonnie Scotland I decided to make that call.

Long story cut short I lost my virginity within 3 weeks whilst traveling through the country. I work on a ship 180-200 days a year on an irregular rota and spent a decent amount of time in the country throughout 2015. I spent the most time in the capital city...

I didn't actually get laid at all despite making consistent daily day approaches throughout the year. The women in the capital are way prettier than what I was used to back home but I found the majority of them rejected me really quickly while a handful were friendly (which made it worth it). Using indirect 'Day Bang' methodology I got a 25% success rate but almost all of the girls flaked on me and I managed to screw up the few dates I had. I'm not an '8' in the looks department or even a '7' (I'm 5'7.5, white and have been told my R V himself I look too much like the local guys).

The thing is, the 2nd tier, smaller cities might actually be better for me (the girl I got laid with and was in a relationship with on and off all year was from 3rd tier city). My Polish language skills are so-so -(I have put in a Herculean effort over 2015) not fluent by any means but enough to have conversations so places like Bialystok might be an option. However, the capital seems like the best training ground because it means I will never run out of girls to approach or get recognized. Remember I approach 15 girls every day. Right now I am completely focused on getting notches and won't stop until I have reached my personal target of a couple of dozen or so. Girlfriends/close relationships will be after I am 30 or so (I'm 27 now). So probably the capital is the best option for me no matter where I go. Right now is the start of the 3 years I really make it count...

I am strongly considering buying an 2 bedroom apartment in the city center of the capital with great logistics. It would be great to have my own place, not piss rent down the drain and have a major asset for the future which I could sell if I really get sick of the capital. I am thinking of putting down a £22k deposit (including all bills - lawyer fees etc.). I was planning to rent the 2nd room out on Air b and b to minimize the mortgage payments and bills...

My questions are: what is the best procedure for buying a property in Poland?

- Do I need to see an accountant first in the UK to transfer tax payments from the UK to PL? I work for a UK company which deals with the tax but they wouldn't deal with this. I wouldn't actually need to pay tax as long as I work on the ship as I'd be out of both countries more than 183 days a year. However, soon I won't be working on the ship anymore or at least for a long break so it makes sense to be paying tax where I live and to stay in line with the law. I am considering teaching English part-time...
- Do I need a Polish bank account? I have a 0% currency conversion and no transactions fee mastercard with my UK bank account so it seems pointless but is it a necessity to buy an apartment?
- What services do I need in Poland to buy an apartment? And in what order?

Hello to anyone who was at the Germany lecture by the way - I really enjoyed meeting the guys who went and of course the man himself!

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Well you get repped by TJ so you must be a decent fellow. So I did a quick search for you.

Have you read 262's thread? thread-47239.html

This link discusses buying RE in Poland.

I hope this helps. Would be great to hear how it goes - best of luck!

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Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Quote: (01-08-2016 04:12 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

I'm 5'7.5, white and have been told my R V himself I look too much like the local guys.

An obvious question that hopefully you can address quickly so it's out of the way (and since someone else will ask anyway):

If you look like a local in Poland, have you considered Latin America or Southeast Asia? No worries if you've considered and figured no, but just want to make sure you're not missing something.

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Quote: (01-08-2016 04:12 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

So I decided to spend a lot of time in Poland from early 2014 onward. After reading Bang Poland and getting sick of my non-existent sex life in Unbonnie Scotland I decided to make that call.

Long story cut short I lost my virginity within 3 weeks whilst traveling through the country. I work on a ship 180-200 days a year on an irregular rota and spent a decent amount of time in the country throughout 2015. I spent the most time in the capital city...

I didn't actually get laid at all despite making consistent daily day approaches throughout the year. The women in the capital are way prettier than what I was used to back home but I found the majority of them rejected me really quickly while a handful were friendly (which made it worth it). Using indirect 'Day Bang' methodology I got a 25% success rate but almost all of the girls flaked on me and I managed to screw up the few dates I had. I'm not an '8' in the looks department or even a '7' (I'm 5'7.5, white and have been told my R V himself I look too much like the local guys).

The thing is, the 2nd tier, smaller cities might actually be better for me (the girl I got laid with and was in a relationship with on and off all year was from 3rd tier city). My Polish language skills are so-so -(I have put in a Herculean effort over 2015) not fluent by any means but enough to have conversations so places like Bialystok might be an option. However, the capital seems like the best training ground because it means I will never run out of girls to approach or get recognized. Remember I approach 15 girls every day. Right now I am completely focused on getting notches and won't stop until I have reached my personal target of a couple of dozen or so. Girlfriends/close relationships will be after I am 30 or so (I'm 27 now). So probably the capital is the best option for me no matter where I go. Right now is the start of the 3 years I really make it count...

I am strongly considering buying an 2 bedroom apartment in the city center of the capital with great logistics. It would be great to have my own place, not piss rent down the drain and have a major asset for the future which I could sell if I really get sick of the capital. I am thinking of putting down a £22k deposit (including all bills - lawyer fees etc.). I was planning to rent the 2nd room out on Air b and b to minimize the mortgage payments and bills...

My questions are: what is the best procedure for buying a property in Poland?

- Do I need to see an accountant first in the UK to transfer tax payments from the UK to PL? I work for a UK company which deals with the tax but they wouldn't deal with this. I wouldn't actually need to pay tax as long as I work on the ship as I'd be out of both countries more than 183 days a year. However, soon I won't be working on the ship anymore or at least for a long break so it makes sense to be paying tax where I live and to stay in line with the law. I am considering teaching English part-time...
- Do I need a Polish bank account? I have a 0% currency conversion and no transactions fee mastercard with my UK bank account so it seems pointless but is it a necessity to buy an apartment?
- What services do I need in Poland to buy an apartment? And in what order?

Hello to anyone who was at the Germany lecture by the way - I really enjoyed meeting the guys who went and of course the man himself!

Good lord, yet another guy on here checking in who says he has had to leave the UK in order to have a sex life. But may I ask whether you had already tried running daygame in your native Scottish town/city?

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

^^ the daygame blowouts are harshest amongst your own women. One man can only take so much rejection. Plus he said he was in a small town in Scotland. If he's getting blownout all day every day in Poland he doesn't have a chance in hell in the anglosphere.

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Not saying Warsaw is the best, but it does have the advantage of more anonymity which is helpful when you're doing a lot of approaches. Before you get too hasty in discarding the capital, you might want to consider that. Also if your "success rate" (I'm assuming you mean phone number to approach) is 1 in 4, that is pretty good. This doesn't make sense next to the part when you say you approached a lot (how many, roughly?) and got rejected by all but a handful. You didn't get bangs on the dates, but you at least got them back out. Going from date to bang is another step further. If you're not getting bangs at all, it's very easy to measure our success just by that. But it could be that things are more positive than they first appear, and that you just need to work on the next major step (date to bang), because if you've got 25% approach to number, there are improvements that can be made on that in the day, but fewer improvements than can be made if you're getting 0% date to bang. Day time approaches are more about numbers than I would like. Flake rates are high anywhere because most beautiful girls are in some sort of relationship and even if they're miraculously celibate for a year they still have very busy lives. You can't expect 100% of the numbers you collect to turn into bangs, or anywhere near that. The majority will flake, it's quickly weeding out the flakes that makes the difference. The less time you spend cleaning up your phone as I call it, the more time you can dedicate to putting new numbers in the phone and converting the good numbers to bangs.

I used to think I was failing at it, turns out I just needed more practice. When your skills are not good, your numbers look terrible. When your skills improve, your numbers improve to a point but they flatten out again as it becomes less to do with you and more to do with the girls and the environment as to whether you get her to even stop, then the number/bang etc.

Keep at it. A lot of people say going to Europe and approaching women in the day is taking the "easy" option. To me, it is a much better playing ground than the UK, but easy?! If this is the "easy" option then I don't even want to know what the medium or hard is. Day game in Damascus? There's being courageous and ambitious, then there's being realistic. Take some heart from the small victories you've already achieved, that most men would never have the balls to even attempt: the fact you even approached more than a handful of girls in the cold light of day, the fact that you got some phone numbers, the fact that you got some dates from them. If you keep improving yourself the bangs should come.

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome


Thank you my friend. These resources you have recommended me will be priceless.

And yes - I will log it for the benefit of others...


Hey man. I am planning a trip to Colombia (and maybe Brazil) at end of this year (when it comes unbearably cold in PL) to scope out the talent and see how the local girls react to me. From the booty dance videos I can say O am impressed... My only reservations are the danger aspect of those countries.

Also, I forgot to say, it was a major pain in the ball sack getting my boss to agree to letting me move from Scotland to the capital of Poland. Being a big city and near to the worksite made it acceptable. The same can't be said of S America though I won't always be working this job...


If I'm honest I will say I have tried to run day game in both native cities and the reactions I got were enough to make it unbearable though of course conditions were pretty dire at the time as I had a bad mindset and was a virgin. My numbers of approaches and consistency was in truth a lot lower than in PL. I was also on kratom whilst approaching - while it didn't improve my mood it did give me the 'extrovert' endurance needed for day gaming. It's a mega pity it's illegal in PL

@ Chickenlover

You said man! What you talked about truly encompasses everything I think.

I thought about the alternatives after all.

I need a large city where I can truly home my gaming skills to the point where I can lay a decent % of the girls I approach and date (even if it is a pretty low %). I could go to other European cities like Berlin or Paris but having been to such cities I see they are considerably more expensive and the quality of the women (not just looks but attitude) is unbearably low. At least in PL I am getting rejected by pretty girls and the cost of living is relatively low. In Europe probably there isn't a better option.

One I hone my gains then I can focus on 2/3rd tier cities where I can find much higher quality girls. Even if it turns out to be another country in the end... By the time I pay off the flat in Warsaw (2-3 years?) I will hopefully have honed my game skills and make a decision from there...

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Hey WannaBang, good to see you're still in Poland.

You do look like a local (we met in Berlin), but once you drop your UK-Scots accent the girls will perk up. It's true that looking different has a lot of value in Poland but that may be on the wane given the recent "refugee" crisis (or maybe Polish girls are immune to logic, time will tell).

That being said, yeah, you'd get huge success in Latin America or even Asia but if you like the Polish look and you like being closer to home, you'll do fine in Poland. I'm sure of it. Pussy won't be served to you on a platter but... then again... is it served up on a platter to anybody? [Image: biggrin.gif]

I'm really not a fan of Warsaw but there are worse places to be. Send me a PM whenever you drift Westwards.

I can't answer any of your accounting questions, but I can only say that opening an account in Poland is very simple, and not necessary. I'd open one to make life easier, the fees are very low.

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Thanks Nude Matador for your kind message.

It really was awesome meeting a lot of you guys- hopefully we'll be able to catch up in person at some point. It really would be awesome hanging out with such cool guys when possible. I'm on holiday in Florida now and already I've met 2 super cool guys from this forum...

When you say drop my Scots accent what do you mean precisely? I mean I was actually thinking about seeing a voice coach to change my accent to become more attractive (amongst far several other things).

I've been going through a lot of self- talk thinking about other European cities I could go instead. I can't really think of any that would be better than Warsaw. Any Western European city will have inferior talent and be more difficult in terms of day game - at least as far as I can gather after reading R V (and Krauser PUA) primarily.

There is Bucharest, Belgrade, Kiev and some other European cities but I get the feeling they are not for beginners and would be more challenging than Warsaw. Also I have spent several months in Warsaw and speak the language enough to converse. I guess I am looking at hitting day game in Warsaw hard as weight training program for conquering approach anxiety and honing my game to the highest it can be. Then I will truly reap the dividends when I go somewhere else whether that be a different EE country, smaller city or South America

I thought about Minsk as it is close though it seems like a very oppressive country to live in...

South America is an idea I have been thinking about a lot and of course as I said I am planning on taking a long holiday in Colombia come winter. I got no love at all from the Latinas in Miami but given the reputation of Miami it's probably no wonder. The only barrier to living there is that my work won't let me be based there (unless I leave and i am planning a year log sabbatical). Also I am worried about the safety factor. I am going to learn Spanish to prepare either way.

I would not go to Africa or Far East to get girls as I am generally not attracted to the women of either of these continents (though I am somewhat - a little into Oriental girls) TJ is making me think about Japan as a possibility some day.

Yet another idea I had was getting started learning Russian and checking out the 'stan' countries in Central Asia. The countries seem dodgy to live in though

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Quote: (01-16-2016 05:27 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

I thought about Minsk as it is close though it seems like a very oppressive country to live in...

Oppressive in what sense? I think Belarus could be a better option if you're looking for something serious, whereas Poland is a lot better for notches. Foreigners are also more exotic in Belarus but meeting women without speaking Russian can be a pain in the ass.

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Quote: (01-16-2016 05:27 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

Thanks Nude Matador for your kind message.

It really was awesome meeting a lot of you guys- hopefully we'll be able to catch up in person at some point. It really would be awesome hanging out with such cool guys when possible. I'm on holiday in Florida now and already I've met 2 super cool guys from this forum...

When you say drop my Scots accent what do you mean precisely? I mean I was actually thinking about seeing a voice coach to change my accent to become more attractive (amongst far several other things).

I've been going through a lot of self- talk thinking about other European cities I could go instead. I can't really think of any that would be better than Warsaw. Any Western European city will have inferior talent and be more difficult in terms of day game - at least as far as I can gather after reading R V (and Krauser PUA) primarily.

There is Bucharest, Belgrade, Kiev and some other European cities but I get the feeling they are not for beginners and would be more challenging than Warsaw. Also I have spent several months in Warsaw and speak the language enough to converse. I guess I am looking at hitting day game in Warsaw hard as weight training program for conquering approach anxiety and honing my game to the highest it can be. Then I will truly reap the dividends when I go somewhere else whether that be a different EE country, smaller city or South America

I thought about Minsk as it is close though it seems like a very oppressive country to live in...

South America is an idea I have been thinking about a lot and of course as I said I am planning on taking a long holiday in Colombia come winter. I got no love at all from the Latinas in Miami but given the reputation of Miami it's probably no wonder. The only barrier to living there is that my work won't let me be based there (unless I leave and i am planning a year log sabbatical). Also I am worried about the safety factor. I am going to learn Spanish to prepare either way.

I would not go to Africa or Far East to get girls as I am generally not attracted to the women of either of these continents (though I am somewhat - a little into Oriental girls) TJ is making me think about Japan as a possibility some day.

Yet another idea I had was getting started learning Russian and checking out the 'stan' countries in Central Asia. The countries seem dodgy to live in though

I meant "drop" as in "use".. once you DEPLOY your accent... my bad for the confusion, haha.

I can recommend Bucharest, Belgrade and Warsaw for you (though I'm personally not in a hurry to move to any of those). I don't feel the need to drop anchor anywhere in particular and Poznan is where I go for the notches.

I want to visit Minsk soon, and I think it's a safer bet for finding marriage material, but I wouldn't want to live there... [Image: smile.gif] East Europe (Warsaw barely counts as deep East...) isn't an easy place to live in, I mean it isn't for everyone. One will love it, the other will hate it. Try spending 6 months in Lublin or Minsk, winter included, it either vibes with you or it doesn't. I think Maverick Traveler touched on these points on EE particularly.

Both of these points meet in what Luisaceo said, funny enough.

If you're looking for a sweet girl for a LTR or more, there are definetely WORSE places than Warsaw, but it's still a slightly uphill battle. Preferable to scaling the cliffs of Scotland, but still...

Anyway, Poland is great for easy bangs, but it is a populous country and there are some quality girls for long-term thinking still...

TLDR I think you need to get more travel under your belt. I wouldn't throw down money on buying a flat in Warsaw. Check out the Balkans, East Asia, Latin America. Get some easy notches (Pierogi fever!). You'll figure out what you need.

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Quote: (01-22-2016 05:51 PM)The Nude Matador Wrote:  

[quote='WannaBang' pid='1194151' dateline='1452983270']
I think you need to get more travel under your belt. I wouldn't throw down money on buying a flat in Warsaw. Check out the Balkans, East Asia, Latin America. Get some easy notches (Pierogi fever!). You'll figure out what you need.

Concur strongly with this. You've obviously got a few quid lying around. Why not do a 1 month road trip around Poland, or the region if you wanted to open your options up a bit further. Stay in airBnB and hostels, cook your own meals and it shouldnt cost much. Work on your Daygame, practise the language and get a feel for where you want to live. You'll also get some bangs, and hopefully make some friends/contacts who can help you settle in and offer advice on any logistics of moving.

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Quote: (01-16-2016 06:07 PM)Luisaceo Wrote:  

Oppressive in what sense? I think Belarus could be a better option if you're looking for something serious, whereas Poland is a lot better for notches. Foreigners are also more exotic in Belarus but meeting women without speaking Russian can be a pain in the ass.

The reality about "notches" in Poland is different. Going around in the main cities it is very rare to see foreigners (expecially tourists) with pretty girls, as well as in the klubs. For this reason I don't trust people talking about "easy" notches and so on. Probably they are getting laid with fatties and girls a lot under average.
Poland has drastically changed in the last two-three years.

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

This guy again? With his post count, it seems his only "contributions" to the forum are posts meant to discourage people from considering Poland.

OP, it's rare to see foreigners in Poland, girl or no girl, except during summer in big cities like Warsaw and Krakow.

Are the notches "easy?" Well, you still need Game (daygame actually, it's otherwise a house-party culture) and time (at least two weeks for date Game). Same-day-lays and same-night-lays are harder for the same reason the girls are cuter - less feminism. Overall, it's still a step up from the West, which is why well-known guys like Roosh and Krauser come here.

But don't take our word. See for yourself.

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Quote: (01-23-2016 12:45 PM)262 Wrote:  

This guy again? With his post count, it seems his only "contributions" to the forum are posts meant to discourage people from considering Poland.

Poland can be considered on the long term, if you have a stable job/source of income and you really are interested in the culture of the country, to integrate yourself, etc.
These are people that in the end achieve some result, not only in life but also with girls.
If you would talk with girls, and observe the environments, you can see that they prefer Polish boys, since they are tired of foreigners.
It's due to too many pompous/fake reports/posts about Poland on various forums, that we can see on the main streets hordes of foreigners with zero chances to get laid...and that "contribute" to ruin the environments in the night since they will come back in their own countries in a few days and don't care to behave like normal people.


OP, it's rare to see foreigners in Poland, girl or no girl, except during summer in big cities like Warsaw and Krakow.
I hope you are really joking. The centers of big cities are massively invaded by foreigners, even on January.

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Quote: (01-23-2016 05:52 AM)Giacomo Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (01-16-2016 06:07 PM)Luisaceo Wrote:  

Oppressive in what sense? I think Belarus could be a better option if you're looking for something serious, whereas Poland is a lot better for notches. Foreigners are also more exotic in Belarus but meeting women without speaking Russian can be a pain in the ass.

The reality about "notches" in Poland is different. Going around in the main cities it is very rare to see foreigners (expecially tourists) with pretty girls, as well as in the klubs. For this reason I don't trust people talking about "easy" notches and so on. Probably they are getting laid with fatties and girls a lot under average.
Poland has drastically changed in the last two-three years.

What are you basing this on? sorry pal, but that's utter horse-shit. You don't see Stag Party crews out there with pretty girls, or maybe not out of shape slobs who think they can turn up for a long weeking in their shit clothes and instantly be beating locals off with a stick, but if you're a reasonably good looking guy with game, and you put the work in, you can punch way above your weight.

I don't think anyone in 2016 thinks about EE tours as being "easy" in the way it might have been a decade ago, that's just the nature of changing times. Your post stinks of negativity and blaming externals for your own shortcomings...

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Quote: (01-23-2016 03:46 PM)serpico Wrote:  

What are you basing this on? sorry pal, but that's utter horse-shit. You don't see Stag Party crews out there with pretty girls, or maybe not out of shape slobs who think they can turn up for a long weeking in their shit clothes and instantly be beating locals off with a stick, but if you're a reasonably good looking guy with game, and you put the work in, you can punch way above your weight.

I don't think anyone in 2016 thinks about EE tours as being "easy" in the way it might have been a decade ago, that's just the nature of changing times. Your post stinks of negativity and blaming externals for your own shortcomings...

The basis is the local life. Also the one of other foreigners living in Poland and observing the change. I don't claim results like we observe in many pompous reports, so you can just make suppositions about my "shortcomings"...are u sure? [Image: wink.gif]

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

I have to say the responses on my thread are fascinating! I really get the feeling that the extent to whether or not spending time in Poland and gaming myself to bear burn out is worth it or not is not a simple issue.

I read on Krauser's blog that he now goes for shorter trips in higher frequency to avoid burn out. When I was in the UK would you believe I actually took a substance called kratom to help overcome the rejection burnout which essentially extended my emotional endurance and even made me more extroverted. Sadly it is not legal here in Poland.

It seems to me that maybe short trips in each Polish city might be a better idea that spending a year constantly approaching in Warsaw simple to prevent burn our. I know me saying that seems like a sort of cop out but as an introverted individual (read Mike Cernovich if you don't know what I mean) I do feel like I have limited energy reserves for social interaction- not just approaching so I need to spend my time well.

I thought about buying an apartment in Warsaw and renting one room out on air B and B. I would put down a deposit of £22k (which my dad is giving me for free as long as it is spent on an apartment) which means my mortgage payment should be fuck all. That is assuming a 2 bedroom apartment in Warsaw is £60-80k. I could afford to use Warsaw as a base and take frequent trips to every city in the country whilst still having a property which one day will become a stream of income. This is my dad's idea mainly (minus the trips to other cities for pussy)...

As I said I currently work half the year on the ship so it means I need to split my day to be as efficient as possible. Gaming 12 hours a day is gonna burn me out plus I would have essentially no life at all.

For the last year or so my typical day has been like this:
-1-2 hours pumping iron always with 1/2 hour cardio
-1-2 hours day game (when I could push myself to do it)
- 2-3 times a week go out at night - my least favourite part of the week
-4-8 hours learning Polish- which only after a year and a half is starting to pay dividends

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Quote: (01-23-2016 04:48 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

I have to say the responses on my thread are fascinating! I really get the feeling that the extent to whether or not spending time in Poland and gaming myself to bear burn out is worth it or not is not a simple issue.

I read on Krauser's blog that he now goes for shorter trips in higher frequency to avoid burn out. When I was in the UK would you believe I actually took a substance called kratom to help overcome the rejection burnout which essentially extended my emotional endurance and even made me more extroverted. Sadly it is not legal here in Poland.

It seems to me that maybe short trips in each Polish city might be a better idea that spending a year constantly approaching in Warsaw simple to prevent burn our. I know me saying that seems like a sort of cop out but as an introverted individual (read Mike Cernovich if you don't know what I mean) I do feel like I have limited energy reserves for social interaction- not just approaching so I need to spend my time well.

I thought about buying an apartment in Warsaw and renting one room out on air B and B. I would put down a deposit of £22k (which my dad is giving me for free as long as it is spent on an apartment) which means my mortgage payment should be fuck all. That is assuming a 2 bedroom apartment in Warsaw is £60-80k. I could afford to use Warsaw as a base and take frequent trips to every city in the country whilst still having a property which one day will become a stream of income. This is my dad's idea mainly (minus the trips to other cities for pussy)...

As I said I currently work half the year on the ship so it means I need to split my day to be as efficient as possible. Gaming 12 hours a day is gonna burn me out plus I would have essentially no life at all.

For the last year or so my typical day has been like this:
-1-2 hours pumping iron always with 1/2 hour cardio
-1-2 hours day game (when I could push myself to do it)
- 2-3 times a week go out at night - my least favourite part of the week
-4-8 hours learning Polish- which only after a year and a half is starting to pay dividends

On introversion, burn-out, etc..:
I see myself the same way. After a few early spurts of "daygaming every day and going out every night" (behavior which I don't regret, yielded a lot of experience and hilarious stories, and which I still engage it now and then), I don't really consciously think of it. I do what comes naturally, at a pace that comes naturally. I know that if I want sex tonight in a new city, I can probably get it or at least have a fun time with a few funny stories. Not to mention the cities I already have girls lined up in... (and of course, they will fall out of my orbit eventually and I'll need to reap new ones). What I'm trying to say here is that you should be applying yourself fully if you feel you're not where you want to be, but eventually you'll internalize a lot of the ideas and find your own pace.

You should check out other Polish cities, and other European cities too - 1st and 2nd tier. Given where you are in terms of self-development, game progression and life, there's very little that can go wrong, and a very strong upside to travel, seeing new things, meeting people, etc... You're better off doing it now than when you're 35, right?

I won't get into the eternal "is Poland still good" thing. It's changed, it's changing, and it's still one of the best places to learn and gain some perspective and confidence *right now*. Time's going forward, not backwards, everything falls off the vine eventually. But I generally agree with serpico.


Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Just want to remind older members that Poland is still very good if you are 21 to 34. After that it I do not recommend.

Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Quote: (01-23-2016 07:35 PM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Just want to remind older members that Poland is still very good if you are 21 to 34. After that it I do not recommend.


Potentially Relocating to Poland - advice welcome

Early 20's Polish girls are less open to guys who don't look under 30, relative to FSU or SEA girls. Still better than the West though.

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