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SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

My take:


SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

"We're not burning ideas...we're burning books".
- Berlin, 1939

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

Breitbart jumps on the story as well.

The crackdown came after a week of censorship on Reddit, including the mass deletions of links to media stories and even satirical cartoons concerning CEO Ellen Pao. There was also a bizarre incident in which a moderator of a gaming community demanded a user write a 500-word essay on trans acceptance before being unbanned. The user’s crime was using the word “trap”: a common, but not derogatory, term of Internet slang to describe crossdressers. Despite protestations from transwomen who said they were not offended, the moderator refused to relent.

There are early indications that the Reddit admins may have finally crossed the Rubicon on the road to alienating their user base. User activity on their main competitor, had been rising steadily since social media censorship became an issue during the #GamerGate controversy, but in the past few hours their figures have skyrocketed. At the time of writing, there are over 3,700 active users on Voat’s alternative to /r/fatpeoplehate —almost double its number of subscribers.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

This is going way, way tooo far. One fucking little cunt can just close down an entire site? with over 200k members? This is the equivalent to Google banning the search of "fat women" this is insane. I hope this wakes up folks.

And then hearing about the emasculated fag who took his wife's last name? I don't know if I can take this any longer.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

[Image: YW53SMX1.jpg]

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

Quote: (06-10-2015 03:58 PM)Menace Wrote:  

RVF guys should band together and start a venture to market to these guys. Next-level trolling is to get people to actually pay for your troll product. Maybe an eBook on SJW on-line defense or something?

I am an app publisher. Any iphone/ipad app ideas here to market to these guys? I will be happy to publish it and take their money[Image: smile.gif]

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

Quote: (06-10-2015 10:50 PM)YoungAngel1 Wrote:  

This is going way, way tooo far. One fucking little cunt can just close down an entire site? with over 200k members? This is the equivalent to Google banning the search of "fat women" this is insane. I hope this wakes up folks.

And then hearing about the emasculated fag who took his wife's last name? I don't know if I can take this any longer.

Google essentially has banned it already. They modify your searches based on geolocation, demographic, and history with use of their services in the past. My IP at work is not 10 minutes away from my IP at home and the results appear different. This is actually detrimental to my workflow because I do work on my own car, and any time spent looking for background reading I do on my free time at work I have to redundantly look for again, unless I email/Pastebin links to myself.

I would recommend alternate services like DuckDuckGo, but unfortunately their search algorithms are not up to snuff - your searches will scarcely graze the surface of the "surface web" as their indexing bots are not nearly as profound (or invasive) as Google's.

Plenty of folks have woken up, but the masses will constantly continue to argue over TMZ news. I've taken a liking toward limiting my use of the Internet, it's much better for your mindset.

I know this sounds dismissive or even condescending, but the fact remains that the people at the highest level, like Ellen Pao, don't care about whether the content they host makes you angry, happy, or sad. They don't care if you are an MRA, a PUA, a Player, a Pimp, a feminist, a Skip, A Scap, A Scallywag or an SJW. Once you've clicked on a link on their site, you have paid them their Pageview. This fact really goes against the grain of conventional thinking on how the Internet works. "Internet 2.0" is a completely different beast than the conventional Internet we all grew up on. Reddit actually will see an increase in traffic over the next few days/weeks, and then it will decrease months later as Roosh predicts. The long term decrease affects the users who generate content, but it doesn't matter to the owners and investors. We can hope that our fellow man "wakes up" - but really, Digg gives way to Reddit which will give way to Voat/Alternatives until collapse.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

Here's the list of all five subreddits that have been banned.


“We will not ban questionable subreddits,” Reddit’s then-CEO, Yishan Wong, wrote mere months ago. “You choose what to post. You choose what to read. You choose what kind of subreddit to create.”

But in an apparent reversal of that policy, and in an unprecedented effort to clean up its long-suffering image, Reddit has just banned five “questionable subreddits.”

The site permanently removed the forums Wednesday afternoon for harassing specific, named individuals, a spokesperson said. Of the five, two were dedicated to fat-shaming, one to transphobia, one to racism and one to harassing members of a progressive video game site.

All five subreddits were warned previously, the company said. And administrators will watch the site carefully to make sure those five subreddits don’t pop up again.

“We want to be open about our involvement: We will ban subreddits that allow their communities to use the subreddit as a platform to harass individuals when moderators don’t take action,” the company said in a statement. “We’re banning behavior, not ideas.”

What kind of behavior, you ask? These are the five subreddits that were banned.


Members: 149,504
In their own words: “Absolutely NO FAT SYMPATHY.”
Chief offense: A clearinghouse for lifted photos of overweight people from around the Web. The only rules for stealing and posting these photos — beside the aforementioned ban on “sympathy” — was that submissions include no identifying information.


Founded: October 2013
Members: 3,071
In their own words: “We are a Pro-Health sub! No ifs, buts, or coconuts. With that being said, if you’re a delusional lardmuffin this sub may be a bit offensive.”
Chief offense: Posting pictures of overweight people, frequently from Facebook, Flickr and similar photo-sharing sites, and relentlessly making fun of them in vicious comment threads. One recent photo showed a smiling couple standing outside with the caption “what a happy little hamily.”


Members: 149
In their own words: “Tired of transgender people and their degeneracy? Disgusted by trans things? Hate the intolerant and whiny transgender community always playing the oppression card? This sub is for you. We aim to ridicule and mock the transgender community because they deserve to be laughed at.”
Chief offense: A running “tranny of the day” feature that pulled photos of individuals from Reddit’s pro-trans subs for the purpose of harassing them. “Mocking photos of [trans people] is okay,” the subreddit’s rules said, “but use imgur instead of linking to their submission if its on Reddit.” The purpose of that work-around, of course, is to avoid anyone discovering it. r/Transf–s also hosted threads on topics like “the best way to tell a [trans person] to kill themselves.”


Founded: December 2013
Members: 1,239
In their own words: “We generally allow anything. Anyone is welcome to post here and talk s—, or have a serious discussion. Here freedom of expression is sacred — not a lousy principle worked around to protect untenable ideologies and crybabies.”
Chief offense: Unlike the other banned subreddits, which targeted broad groups of people, r/Neof– had a narrower purpose: Harassing members of NeoGAF, a “civil, inclusive” gaming site, and its founder, Tyler Malka. Among other things, members posted pictures of GAF moderators and mocked their appearance.


Founded: July 2012
Members: 219
In their own words: “Listen to stuff n—–s say, both on Reddit and anywhere else on the web.”
Chief offense: SNS was a member of “The Chimpire,” a disgusting and wide-ranging network of racist subreddits that the Southern Poverty Law Center named the Web’s worst earlier this year. While the others are regrettably still around, SNS seems to have been banned for copy/pasting things black Redditors said in other forums and then going after them.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

Quote: (06-10-2015 09:36 PM)Blaster Wrote:  

Quote: (06-10-2015 08:04 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (06-10-2015 07:47 PM)trian1 Wrote:  

I wouldn't just chalk this up to SJW influence.

The fatpeoplehate subreddit was harassing individuals, not shaming ideas.

That is why the racists/etc. subreddits were not banned. Those redditors may say things like, "I hate [insert race ... let's say Asian] people." But they didn't post specific photos of Asians who are not in the public eye, and say, "I hate this specific Asian person who works at this specific place." Fatpeoplehate subreddit did.

There is a difference in the two, and that is why the racist subs are still live, and the fatpeoplehate is not. (I made a similar argument in this thread:

You have an embarrassing lack of understanding regarding how SJWs operate. Let's revisit this thread in a year's time and see how many more controversial subreddits were banned in that time for "harassment" and "creating an unsafe space". My guess is that it will be well over a dozen, and will include The Red Pill (for being "sexist" and "threatening to women").

What happened today was just the camel's nose entering the tent. The rest of the camel is sure to follow before long.

The interesting thing to me is how many people don't seem the least bit fooled. I've seen some variant of "first they come for the socialists..." half a dozen times today.

Nope, if I worked in that field, I would have banned this subreddit, as big an asshole as I am. I know full well what can happen. Don't blame SJW's for this -- this subreddit did it to themselves.

Call out censorship when it exists. It simply did not in this case. The subreddit openly violated the TOS. It got banned. Go to my original link and discover that THERE IS A DIFFERENCE between shaming and harassing. The subreddit harassed individuals, who outside of being called out in this subreddit, are not putting themselves in the public eye and are therefore not considered subjects for protected ridicule.

As much as I want to, I can't blame SJWs-- the behavior, not the beliefs, of the subreddit did them in. They bullied rather than shamed. They are to blame.

There are legitimate battles to fight. This is not one of them.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

Quote: (06-11-2015 01:32 AM)trian1 Wrote:  

Call out censorship when it exists. It simply did not in this case. The subreddit openly violated the TOS. It got banned...

...If you disagree, please post a photo of yourself and list where you work right here. Let everyone on the Internet see it, and mock you. Then, I will take your most assuredly well-thought out rebuttal seriously.

You're on a site where site's owner was publicly-shamed on a national television show after being scolded by the presenter that public-shaming doesn't work.

I refuse to rise to your challenge, or even entertain your argument, when it's been shown again and again in Progressive Media Companies like Twitter and Patreon that terms of service violations don't apply to the members of SJW In-Groups. This is just the Reasonable Sounding Excuse Marxists use to shut down any discourse that challenges their narrative.

It'll be interesting to see what happens to the numerous SJW public shaming groups designed to harass publicly-name Thoughtcriminals on the site. Do you think ShitRedditSays will be held to the same standard anytime soon? Do you think every progressive on Reddit is going to hold back from engaging in the next dogpile when a celebrity says something they consider offensive?

There is a culture war happening. You're naïve enough to expect them to play fair?

[Image: all_animals_are_equal_but_some_animals_a...others.jpg]

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

If the other side is not playing fair, don't make it easier for them to do so. You must be above reproach.

No commercial economically viable site would tolerate what was happening in that subreddit. They were culpable. They were posting photos of people who worked at a company and listing details about them. They were doxxing employees/people not involved with that site or the controversy with Imgur.

The group was in the wrong, and suffered for their ignorance. One must pick their battles wisely. This is not the battle to rally behind.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

Quote: (06-10-2015 11:02 PM)dies irae Wrote:  

Quote: (06-10-2015 03:58 PM)Menace Wrote:  

RVF guys should band together and start a venture to market to these guys. Next-level trolling is to get people to actually pay for your troll product. Maybe an eBook on SJW on-line defense or something?

I am an app publisher. Any iphone/ipad app ideas here to market to these guys? I will be happy to publish it and take their money[Image: smile.gif]

I would highly suggest not dancing with the Devil. Consider that leftists professors are the ones who have typically made money off these SJWs and now they're terrified that they'll lose their job because of them. You may think you'll make a quick buck, but you could be contributing to a monster you won't stop. In addition, you're not making money from people who work, you're making money from people who steal. If they can't afford your product, they'll just find a new group to steal from; this is how they work.

It looks like Reddit has competition; this is how we'll win. If Reddit keeps a course of controlling speech, people will stop going there. But trying to make a quick buck off these SJWs by defending them (even if fake) is playing a dangerous game that people aren't seeing the unintended consequences of. People tend to easily forget the lessons of those in the Soviet Union, but many of the people who pretended to help the communists for a quick dollar, found that when the communists won, they lost anyway and they wished that they had never helped.

Short term thinking is very destructive.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

If they were actually about stopping harassment, they'd just ban members engaging in this (harassment being continuous targeted spiteful actions towards a specific person). Ban half the sub-reddit if necessary.

If they were against certain opinions, they'd shut down sub-reddits where those opinions are expressed.

Since they have done the latter, this is just censorship.

As usual, people are in favour of freedom of speech... unless someone says something they don't like and they have the power to silence them.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

Well, this is what r/all looks like right now:

will be interesting to see how long this goes for/how dedicated people are to trolling the fuck out of reddit.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

Quote: (06-11-2015 02:37 AM)trian1 Wrote:  

If the other side is not playing fair, don't make it easier for them to do so. You must be above reproach.

No commercial economically viable site would tolerate what was happening in that subreddit. They were culpable. They were posting photos of people who worked at a company and listing details about them. They were doxxing employees/people not involved with that site or the controversy with Imgur.

The group was in the wrong, and suffered for their ignorance. One must pick their battles wisely. This is not the battle to rally behind.

Why not ban the individuals doing that(the doxxing)? Why shut down an entire community? Sounds like they weren't interested in stopping the doxxing that you're saying were happening, but use that as justification in order to shut down an entire community that defends ideas contrary to what they deemed "right".

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

Quote: (06-11-2015 04:52 AM)Jvramerys Wrote:  

Quote: (06-11-2015 02:37 AM)trian1 Wrote:  

If the other side is not playing fair, don't make it easier for them to do so. You must be above reproach.

No commercial economically viable site would tolerate what was happening in that subreddit. They were culpable. They were posting photos of people who worked at a company and listing details about them. They were doxxing employees/people not involved with that site or the controversy with Imgur.

The group was in the wrong, and suffered for their ignorance. One must pick their battles wisely. This is not the battle to rally behind.

Why not ban the individuals doing that(the doxxing)? Why shut down an entire community? Sounds like they weren't interested in stopping the doxxing that you're saying were happening, but use that as justification in order to shut down an entire community that defends ideas contrary to what they deemed "right".

The entire community was built around posting photos of individuals. That is bad enough. But to then give the site justification to remove it, justification that almost everyone will find acceptable, is just adding fuel to a fire that defenders can't put out.

It was not a community around self-improvement. It didn't systematically shame a negative trend, but rather individually humiliated people. There was no "red pill" element to it. Better to spend time encouraging people to discover "/r/loseit".

I think SJWs and Pao are bad for the site. But, this is not the battle that is going to nudge any borderline followers toward that line of thinking. The subreddit was abusive, immature and misguided (even if I found some of the posts funny ... more than one person has described me as "abusive, immature and misguided").

"Manosphere" writers were not up in arms when Reddit banned "/r/jailbait." But they are now. They want to see this as a turning point -- a shot fired to start a battle.

This in not the Fort Sumter of a cultural war.

Trying to make it such will simply weaken one's argument later if they do start going after subreddits like "/r/theredpill". The mental hamstering being that people who found the personal humiliation and attacks of "r/fatpeoplehate" to be tasteless, yet defended by the same people defending the deletion of "r/theredpill", will lead them to just assume that the site was engaged in similar bad behavior.

You will be most remembered by your allies, not your enemies. Chose your battles carefully.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

Quote: (06-10-2015 02:32 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Well whatever. Fuck reddit, place sucked anyways. The fags who hung out there need a real life and this may be the kick in the ass needed to get them moving.

First they came for them, then they came for my neighbours. I have my gun ready for when they come for me.

The only way they could possibly ban the likes of RVF, ROK etc is through ISP's doing a mass block at source. They already have these sites behind an 18 rated approval wall.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

[Image: subreddit-private.png]


this subreddit is private

the moderators of this subreddit have set it to private. you must be a moderator or approved submitter to view its contents.
a message from the moderators of /r/HAESSuccessStories

This is a safe space to share your HAES success stories, whether it be improved health, improved attitude or healthier outlook on life.

We are waiting this shit out. Fuck off!

HAES = health at every size, for those who don't know. They'd post obituaries of fat people [Image: lol.gif] but now of course they have to keep themselves hidden or else Chairman Pao bans them.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

If things like doxxing is happening, you ban the individuals responsible for it. But if instead of it you shut down everything, there are more to it than stopping "bad behavior".

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

Exactly, I dont think there was doxxing, just posting images that imgur had probably already shared themselves otherwise how did they find them?

Don't white knight for chairman pao

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

Quote: (06-11-2015 05:05 AM)trian1 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-11-2015 04:52 AM)Jvramerys Wrote:  

Quote: (06-11-2015 02:37 AM)trian1 Wrote:  

If the other side is not playing fair, don't make it easier for them to do so. You must be above reproach.

No commercial economically viable site would tolerate what was happening in that subreddit. They were culpable. They were posting photos of people who worked at a company and listing details about them. They were doxxing employees/people not involved with that site or the controversy with Imgur.

The group was in the wrong, and suffered for their ignorance. One must pick their battles wisely. This is not the battle to rally behind.

Why not ban the individuals doing that(the doxxing)? Why shut down an entire community? Sounds like they weren't interested in stopping the doxxing that you're saying were happening, but use that as justification in order to shut down an entire community that defends ideas contrary to what they deemed "right".

The entire community was built around posting photos of individuals. That is bad enough. But to then give the site justification to remove it, justification that almost everyone will find acceptable, is just adding fuel to a fire that defenders can't put out.

It was not a community around self-improvement. It didn't systematically shame a negative trend, but rather individually humiliated people. There was no "red pill" element to it. Better to spend time encouraging people to discover "/r/loseit".

I think SJWs and Pao are bad for the site. But, this is not the battle that is going to nudge any borderline followers toward that line of thinking. The subreddit was abusive, immature and misguided (even if I found some of the posts funny ... more than one person has described me as "abusive, immature and misguided").

"Manosphere" writers were not up in arms when Reddit banned "/r/jailbait." But they are now. They want to see this as a turning point -- a shot fired to start a battle.

This in not the Fort Sumter of a cultural war.

Trying to make it such will simply weaken one's argument later if they do start going after subreddits like "/r/theredpill". The mental hamstering being that people who found the personal humiliation and attacks of "r/fatpeoplehate" to be tasteless, yet defended by the same people defending the deletion of "r/theredpill", will lead them to just assume that the site was engaged in similar bad behavior.

You will be most remembered by your allies, not your enemies. Chose your battles carefully.

I suspect you were personally offended by the shitlords of FatPeopleHate. So why don't you tell us the truth?

Where is your evidence that they doxxed anyone from imgur?

As for humiliating individuals, it was official FPH policy to block out names in social media conversations, block out faces of those not involved, and most pictures were borrowed elsewhere from the internet. I was a regular there and the moderators strictly enforced these rules.

This is merely a censorious bullshit move from Pao and company because:

1. They offended Imgur's fatties and Imgur and Reddit have an incestuous relationship.
2. A ton of Reddit's userbase are fat millenials who wear their feelings on their sleeves.
3. FPH was in the top 20 subreddits, which drove them crazy.
4. All non-admin SJW attempts to infiltrate and subvert FPH consistently failed due to FPH's diligent moderators.

As for whether Fat People Hate was red pill or not, who cares? Most of Gamergate isn't "red pill" but I suspect a lot of people who would've never found the manosphere, "red pill" ideas, etc. did because we allied with them in the fight against the SJWs.

That being said, there were a lot of "red pillers" that posted to FPH because it was one of the few places on that site where you could speak the truth about something and mock those telling lies without being banned.

To see a strong pushback against the forces of SJW obesity apologism and fat feminism was a morale booster.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

Quote: (06-11-2015 01:32 AM)trian1 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-10-2015 09:36 PM)Blaster Wrote:  

Quote: (06-10-2015 08:04 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (06-10-2015 07:47 PM)trian1 Wrote:  

I wouldn't just chalk this up to SJW influence.

The fatpeoplehate subreddit was harassing individuals, not shaming ideas.

That is why the racists/etc. subreddits were not banned. Those redditors may say things like, "I hate [insert race ... let's say Asian] people." But they didn't post specific photos of Asians who are not in the public eye, and say, "I hate this specific Asian person who works at this specific place." Fatpeoplehate subreddit did.

There is a difference in the two, and that is why the racist subs are still live, and the fatpeoplehate is not. (I made a similar argument in this thread:

You have an embarrassing lack of understanding regarding how SJWs operate. Let's revisit this thread in a year's time and see how many more controversial subreddits were banned in that time for "harassment" and "creating an unsafe space". My guess is that it will be well over a dozen, and will include The Red Pill (for being "sexist" and "threatening to women").

What happened today was just the camel's nose entering the tent. The rest of the camel is sure to follow before long.

The interesting thing to me is how many people don't seem the least bit fooled. I've seen some variant of "first they come for the socialists..." half a dozen times today.

Nope, I have worked in this very field. I would have banned this subreddit, as big an asshole as I am. I know full well what can happen. Don't blame SJW's for this -- this subreddit did it to themselves.

Call out censorship when it exists. It simply did not in this case. The subreddit openly violated the TOS. It got banned. Go to my original link and discover that THERE IS A DIFFERENCE between shaming and harassing. The subreddit harassed individuals, who outside of being called out in this subreddit, are not putting themselves in the public eye and are therefore not considered subjects for protected ridicule.

As much as I want to, I can't blame SJWs-- the behavior, not the beliefs, of the subreddit did them in. They bullied rather than shamed. They are to blame.

There are legitimate battles to fight. This is not one of them.

The issue is not that fph was banned the issue was the circumstances, manner in which they did it ("oh btw we also axed 4 others"), and the inconsistency around their claims of "behavior vs ideas." Specifically, they cite "harassment" which if you've been paying attention to anything that's been going on for the last year or two, "harassment" has turned into a gigantic fucking catch-all that means someone else had their feelings hurt, and no exploration of facts or details is necessary.

On top of that, the CEO overseeing this change has ZERO credibility with regards to principles like justice and rule of law, which is an absolute requirement if your interpretation is to apply.


If you disagree, please post a photo of yourself and list where you work right here. Let everyone on the Internet see it, and mock you. Then, I will take your most assuredly well-thought out rebuttal seriously.

This is an extremely intellectually dishonest argument. As far as the actual forum membership goes, I would be fine sharing my photo and workplace. But of course, it's not this forum I'd be worried about, and the people who could harass and harm me for posting here are not the kind of people I can just ban from reddit or ban from the internet.

And again to speak of reddit, fatpeoplehate had never been banned before. The subreddit had been allowed to grow to 150,000 subscribers, despite the supposed clear violation of policy. Now, all of a sudden, they institute a summary ban, particularly leaving alone other clearly violating sites like shitredditsays that just so happen to favor SJW politics.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

As for the mass trolling that was all over the front page an hour ago, its pretty much all gone now.

Although I'm not a reddit user really so maybe I just can't see it or something but I'm pretty sure it's gone.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

I finally realized what all of this reminds me of.

Back around 1968, MGM Records hired a new president named Mike Curb. He came up with the idea that the label needed to "purge" all the rock groups connected with drug culture (source here).

So, out went the Velvet Underground and Frank Zappa's Mothers of Invention, both of women had their contracts either terminated or not renewed. And in came...well, no one remembers what he brought in because he essentially killed the label. What was left of it was sold to Polygram Records in 1972.

In his quest to rid the world of pesky, drug-related rock bands, Mike Curb neglected to see that what was selling -- and what would continue to sell -- was exactly that kind of rock music.

Ellen Pao is the new Mike Curb.

SJW Reddit CrackDown Begins: "We’re banning behavior, not ideas."

Ellen Pao is a scumbag pure and simple. It's amazing (or maybe not so amazing) how some ugly entitled asian-american woman can lie and connive her way into some CEO position in the U.S. I said this before, this type of bullshit would never fly in asia.

Her husband is a serious dirtbag as well who made his money bilking hardworking blue collar police, firefighters, etc.. through his shitty scam fund. Then on top of that spent his time suing various employers for "racism" and other nonsense getting them to settle.

Calling him a hustler is besmirching the rep of real hustlers who make it in the world through legit work and intelligence. He's just a common criminal and a con man.

The fact these two shitbags teamed up should be a clear warning sign to not let them anywhere close to your business or personal life. Yet reddit is apparently run by retards. I foresee some big company out there with a social media presence eventually doing their own reddit type venture with ads and just raping their business model.

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