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Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (06-07-2015 05:52 AM)Giacomo Casanova Wrote:  

I mean, the discussion is about the "atmosphere" in the city. It's plenty of cities in Europe where foreigners get laid. But Krakow is not so different from an other student city in West, with the difference that in other student cities you don't observe a constant flow of tourists of this dimension.
Years ago you entered in klubs and you could find planty of girls looking and smiling at you. From this point it was easier to start a conversation and something more.
Now you enter in klubs and what do you see? Several groups of drunk tourists with beer in their hand, talking loudly and scaring the few girls who are dancing. You could imagine how the atmosphere has changed.
Again, I underline that ratios are like in West: 70% males, 30% girls, and you know what it means. Some years ago the opposite was the normality.

Didn't see any of that. I mean, this situation is existent in town, but regards just a little part of the tourists. I'd say a 5% of them behave this way. There still are normal guys and normal girls who go out in search of a sexual partner.
Also, if you are a normal dude, you will stand up from the crowd of annoying drunk guys.
Sure, girls have more choice now, so your game must be tighter and your appearance above average in order to get the good and quick results we were used in the past.
But things change, and nobody said EE is still the same pussy paradise it was until years ago.
Sorry guys, but I think you want the things easy. Poland is no more as good as you remember? Improve your game through experimentation and hard work; explore second and third tier cities; bring your ass to some other countries. Anything is better than staying here complaining and saying Poland is over. Poland is over perhaps for you. And for me too.... This year I realized I'm too old for the scene and moved my ass, started learning russian and went to another country.
But there are still a lot of guys who get laid in Krakow.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Still, according to Krakow, it really depends the period of the year. Now it is kind of the worst because it's exam session for students and sunny days that bring horde of tourists every week ends. I was out most of the week end and I have to admit it was long time ago I haven't seen such a sausage fest everywhere in the clubs in Krakow.

Rynek and Kazimierz have to be avoid during week end, definitely. I remember last Saturday, was going home around 3 am, a drunk tourist was in front of McDonald's, beating up by security guard. The guy was pant down with his dick in the air. In the streets it was 80% of group of tourists.

In the other hand, day gaming outside of main tourist areas have lot of potential. Because it was sunny and exams soon, many girls alone or by group of 2 by river banks of Wisla. Most of them in mini shorts laying on the grass, even some in bikini sunbathing. Just from Dabie to Salwator by the river side, you have hundred of students girls.

Anyway, winter is still the best season in Krakow, preventing tourists to come when it's minus 15 and still clubs are full.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Just FYI...Shakers have started a ladies night on a FRIDAY!! Doh! Anyway here's a great shot of the dance floor in Shakers on a Friday

[Image: attachment.jpg26693]   

As i've said before...not exactly full of Polish models...

More photos here -

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

This is from last september
Quote: (09-16-2014 01:25 PM)turkishcandy Wrote:  

I'm currently in Krakow. I saw Roosh's Alanya cockfest photo and decided to share how my trip looks like:
[Image: 29uzub9.jpg]

What's more ridiculous is they charge you 5 euros to get into this cockfest. They promote it as ''ladies night''. I hope it will be better when the universities open.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Maybe you guys don't know that in Krakow at 1am the night is over in the clubs. Yes, it will become a sausage fest. Go in the club at 23.30 as I used to do... If you play smooth and have some luck by 00.30 you'll have your finger smelling pussy.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

I am currently in Krakow. I have just returned from Shakers. Almost every guy is a tourist. True sausage fest. Girls aren't really horny. Circles. High prices. I wish I chose another venue. Today I am going to Prozak. I hope it will be better than in Shakers.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Is it really this bad right now in Krakow? Maybe I should scratch it off of my list of places to go to.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

As has been said before, summers in Polish cities are average...if your into tourists it's not too bad, but from the end of June, most of the out of town students are gone, and there will just be a lot of horny male tourist groups. But there are always some local girls there, Kazimierz is always busy, but with a slightly older group crowd (bars not clubs). Most students will head home or to the mountains/lakes/beach/abroad.

drmariusz - what time are you getting to clubs? My friend always used to do well 2am+, whereas I used to do better 10pm-2am as Garzero suggests. Depends on your style, if it's a weekend or not and who's out to party. I'd recommended hitting up a different 4zloty bar at about 8/9 - you get the tail end of groups that have finished work and are having a drink with friends before heading home, and some of the girls that will be going to clubs later, but want to get cheap drinks. Hardly any Polish guys will talk to girls they don't know in these places, Erasmus students from Spain/Italy sure will though, and will probably already know half the people in there. They are good places to warm up, and/or join a group going to clubs later. I always used to hit a couple of bars, and 1 or 2 clubs depending on the night. As most places, Wed - Sat are the best nights...but the girl-guy ratio usually gets worse, and there's a lot of groups of thirsty male tourists...

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Maybe you guys don't know that in Krakow at 1am the night is over in the clubs. Yes, it will become a sausage fest. Go in the club at 23.30 as I used to do... If you play smooth and have some luck by 00.30 you'll have your finger smelling pussy.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Yesterday I entered Shakers. There were many annoying drunk foreign guys walking among people with glasses full of beer. They were hitting each person on their way. You have to look out not to get drink on your shirt. They were also cute girls. Many of them in circles. Nevertheless some guys succeeded. I didn't have luck. I got into club around midnight. I left at 3am. Today I am going to Prozak. Any advice?

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (06-09-2015 09:52 AM)drmariusz Wrote:  

Yesterday I entered Shakers. There were many annoying drunk foreign guys walking among people with glasses full of beer. They were hitting each person on their way. You have to look out not to get drink on your shirt. They were also cute girls. Many of them in circles. Nevertheless some guys succeeded. I didn't have luck. I got into club around midnight. I left at 3am. Today I am going to Prozak. Any advice?

Prozak is an hipster place that students go to. As it is exam sessions now, I bet it will be not that good.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

So where should I go tonight?

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

it looks like prozac & studio for tonight [Image: wink.gif]

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (06-07-2015 06:32 AM)Garzero Wrote:  

Didn't see any of that. I mean, this situation is existent in town, but regards just a little part of the tourists. I'd say a 5% of them behave this way. There still are normal guys and normal girls who go out in search of a sexual partner.
Also, if you are a normal dude, you will stand up from the crowd of annoying drunk guys.
Sure, girls have more choice now, so your game must be tighter and your appearance above average in order to get the good and quick results we were used in the past.
But things change, and nobody said EE is still the same pussy paradise it was until years ago.
Sorry guys, but I think you want the things easy. Poland is no more as good as you remember? Improve your game through experimentation and hard work; explore second and third tier cities; bring your ass to some other countries. Anything is better than staying here complaining and saying Poland is over. Poland is over perhaps for you. And for me too.... This year I realized I'm too old for the scene and moved my ass, started learning russian and went to another country.
But there are still a lot of guys who get laid in Krakow.

The percentage of tourists in nightlife I would say it is about 40% of total - among them, 90% are males.
Any person that has been living in Krakow for some years can see the situation. Things are changing so fast that even 3 months ago is already something far in the past.
Looking back I think that something started changing in 2012, but the last good year was 2014.

I think that even Milan or Paris could be better places at this moment. As someone have explained in last posts it's not matter of game when you go in a Klub and you find 70% of thirsty tourists.
I am curious about British tourists, considered that usually walking on the street in the night seems like to be in Liverpool or Manchester:

- situation in UK with girls is so terrible?
- why these people are not aware that from june to september there are better opportunities in Europe, for example in Spain and Greek Island, with similar prices, beaches and girls from all Europe in holiday?
-why undervalue London where in summer you can enjoy a decent nightlife and it's plenty of girls from all the world on holiday or willing to learn english?

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

^^^ J*sus first Warsaw now Krakow? I can only assume most of the students are either gone or studying hard for their finals but it sounds pretty bad at the moment. If UK guys are coming in by the boat load it usually is a bad sign [Image: lol.gif]

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (06-14-2015 02:33 AM)Akula Wrote:  

^^^ J*sus first Warsaw now Krakow? I can only assume most of the students are either gone or studying hard for their finals but it sounds pretty bad at the moment. If UK guys are coming in by the boat load it usually is a bad sign [Image: lol.gif]


It's always a bad the UK the average guy has to get hammered to match how drunk he thinks the girls need to be in order to get a bang. And when they don't get a bang...that's usually when the random violence starts.

I once lost a really hot girl half my age (but absolutely drunk) to a very tall young guy in a I was trying to lead her out the venue...she literally let go of my hand to put her arms around his neck...and didn't let go for 10 minutes...I kept an eye on them the rest of the night, and his game was to get her even more drunk, dance a bit, and talk to her for two hours till the club closed. So even if he got the bang, and she didn't pass out/throw would have been messy, bad sex. This is the standard plan for most guys/girls in the UK. One girl I led out at 2am said she'd never left a club so early...and I'd only met her 15 minutes before that...

When I visited Prague...I couldn't believe how badly British tourists have laid waste to that place. We have a bad rep in a lot of places with cheap flights and beer, British guys in Poland will find it an uphill battle with some girls when they first meet...I even had one girl tell me outright that her and her friends avoid British it's good to be the exception not the rule!

Just have reasonable exceptions of Poland...a land of some cute, friendly girls. No need to lie, behave like a dick, treat the locals badly or trash the place. Just go, be yourself, have fun, talk to cute girls...

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Thanks to turkishcandy's great advice, I've signed up to the big party at Prozac 2.0 on 25/6 through Where2B. Judging by the quality of pics of the RSVPed girls, it will be the best place in the city.

PM me if anyone else is in Krakow that night and is keen to go along.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Guys! June is not as bad as they describe. Visiting Krakow since tomorrow, and Wed with success. Pulled 'dublet' and closed longer legs. Now at Cien and looks promising.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

glostic sense

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

And what about nightlife venues in Kazimierz? Or better stay in Old Town? I am visiting Krakow again and I have to decide where to settle.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (07-05-2015 06:54 AM)drmariusz Wrote:  

And what about nightlife venues in Kazimierz? Or better stay in Old Town? I am visiting Krakow again and I have to decide where to settle.

Depends on the type of girls you like and if your ok with going up to tables of girls who are all sat down staring at you and interrupting their evening...cock blocking is pretty widespread.

I'd say Alchemia is about the best bar there, usually find some cute tourists there too, and although there are a few bars on the back streets, most of the action is on the main square, lots of outdoor tables with groups (the age range is often older here). Theres a couple of cheap bars (Bania Luka and Pijalnia - but not been in these, usually good earlier in the night, at least in town) and singers (old sewing machines on the tables, slightly hipster crowd sometimes), theres a couple of outdoor garden bars which are good when it's nice weather, but they are away from the square.

A good place to "bump into" single or small groups of girls is when they are buying zapiekanka from the little windows in the middle of the square...for the love of all that is holy, do not eat this local's basically a findus french bread pizza...but asking girls about it is a good ice breaker.

Avoid taawa (posh club above nova on the corner of the sq) not worth the money really, head into town if you want to go to a club.

When are you in Krakow...I'm around for a week or so, but pretty busy and not here for partying really...gimme a pm if you want to grab a pivo tho

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (06-08-2015 06:12 PM)Garzero Wrote:  

Maybe you guys don't know that in Krakow at 1am the night is over in the clubs. Yes, it will become a sausage fest. Go in the club at 23.30 as I used to do... If you play smooth and have some luck by 00.30 you'll have your finger smelling pussy.

I was actually told this on Friday by a girl I'm seeing here. I forget the term she used but it was essentially that it was only losers by that time.

With that said I still haven't been to a Polish club and I've been working here almost a month. I didn't like them in the states and I probably won't like them here - always did better at bars..

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (06-16-2015 04:13 PM)averagebritguy Wrote:  

When I visited Prague...I couldn't believe how badly British tourists have laid waste to that place. We have a bad rep in a lot of places with cheap flights and beer, British guys in Poland will find it an uphill battle with some girls when they first meet...I even had one girl tell me outright that her and her friends avoid British it's good to be the exception not the rule!

Lol, yeah... I've been here a short while but all the native Poles tell me they basically hate the British due to the 'stag' parties. Doesn't matter if it's coworkers or people I've met on Tinder, one thing is the same, their 'non-approval' of British activities in Krakow.

I've found it's better here to say you're an American than British lol.

Easiest nightlife venues in Krakow

Quote: (02-16-2015 01:03 PM)drmariusz Wrote:  

This is my experiance from last days.

COCO CLUB: On Wednesday it is very crowded. Full of tourists and probably Erasmus students. Girls are generally horny and very young. I picked up a nice 19-year-old chick. We were dancing, kissing touching but no more than this. We exchanged our phone numbers but I do not know when I will be there again. What is bad is the fact that there is no quiet area to isolate a girl. The bar area is lighted and everything is seen. The dancfloor is dark and there you can play the game. In my opinion the club is really worth to visit. Drinks are quite expensive but there is no fee for enter.

PROZAK 2.0: On Thursday. It is very dark inside. Much place for isolation. Full of students, especially Polish. The girls that night weren't eager unfortunately. The cover is 10 PLN and you get a free drink for it. Drinks are cheap. Because the girls were not receptive I decided to change the venue.

BACCARAT: Beautiful club. Full of place to isolate a target. But it was dead. Maybe 10 people by bar and noone was dancing. I went away.

FRANTIC: The bitch shields were pretty high as it was said above. There were not many girls. Some foreign and some local. The age is rather above 21. There to much light on the dancefloor. Drinks are to expensive. Beer 300 cl - 16 PLN. I didn't like the club.

To sum up. COCO CLUB will be my choice if I visit Krakow again.

Hey Good Report. I am a good looking latin man with tan skin, i will visit Cracow in October, what do you think can be the best night club for me? I am just 22. Did you do day game? what can be the best places?. Also i banged two polish girls in my country who were from Warzaw. Can you recommend one club with salsa and bachata music in your city? i can dance very well. Thanks a lot.

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