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Vancouver Data Sheet

Vancouver Data Sheet

What's there to do in Van on Canada Day? I'll be in the area in a few days and since the first falls on a Saturday, I was thinking about partying it up in the city. Other than that, I'm going to do some salmon fishing and may hit up Squamish/Whistler.

Vancouver Data Sheet

@Laner- Thanks for the info. Steamworks was ok at the start, then it got pretty busy and a little too loud. It probably wasn't the best place to go, but it is easy to find from the sky train. I didn't get a chance to check out the other venues you mentioned because she had a curfew and didn't want to be out late, so that kind of threw me off. We ended up going for a "short" walk instead and stayed out late anyways. Got the kiss too!

Even though it was a short trip, I had a great time in Vancouver. It really is the gem of the PNW, and is way better than Portland or Seattle. For the guys that live here, you are really lucky!

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (06-27-2016 02:15 AM)scotian Wrote:  

What's there to do in Van on Canada Day? I'll be in the area in a few days and since the first falls on a Saturday, I was thinking about partying it up in the city. Other than that, I'm going to do some salmon fishing and may hit up Squamish/Whistler.

There is lots to do, and being on a Saturday its going to be huge. I might start down at English bay/ Sunset Beach or Third Beach and just enjoy the Tragically Hip bursting out of the stereos and sipping cold Canadian out of a solo cup. Lots of topless babes at the latter, but rent a bicycle and ride around Stanley Park.

I will be at the Jazz fest for some work related stuff, but text me anyways and I will let you know where I am at. Its in Yaletown and will be madness with babes.

In years past I just rent an outboard boat for the afternoon from Horseshoe Bay and head out to Lions Bay cliffs for some cliff jumping, then over to Anvil Island for a picnic. Its cheap and holds 5 people. Gutless 75hp motor, but it does the trick.

Fireworks is at Canada Place.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Scotian let me know how your salmon fishing goes. Howe sound?? I am going to my place sort of near campbell river in a couple weeks and have heard it is a bit of a weak season. Same deal with people I know who have already fished Port Hardy, Port Alberni, Langara and Uculet. Must be El Nino? Hopefully the slab action picks up into July, although I'm running off anecdotes, maybe it's not as bad as it seems.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (06-28-2016 02:09 AM)komatiite Wrote:  

Scotian let me know how your salmon fishing goes. Howe sound?? I am going to my place sort of near campbell river in a couple weeks and have heard it is a bit of a weak season. Same deal with people I know who have already fished Port Hardy, Port Alberni, Langara and Uculet. Must be El Nino? Hopefully the slab action picks up into July, although I'm running off anecdotes, maybe it's not as bad as it seems.

I'll be fishing off of Salt Spring Island somewhere, not quite sure how far yet. I've fished up off of Parksville and Port Hardy, the latter was amazing, hopefully I catch some this time, the charter told me the srings are running pretty good around there these days. Any of you have any intel on Salt Spring Island? I'll be there for 3-4 days with family, I imagine its all rich, retired hippies, just wondering if there's anything cool to see or do there.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (06-28-2016 02:13 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2016 02:09 AM)komatiite Wrote:  

Scotian let me know how your salmon fishing goes. Howe sound?? I am going to my place sort of near campbell river in a couple weeks and have heard it is a bit of a weak season. Same deal with people I know who have already fished Port Hardy, Port Alberni, Langara and Uculet. Must be El Nino? Hopefully the slab action picks up into July, although I'm running off anecdotes, maybe it's not as bad as it seems.

I'll be fishing off of Salt Spring Island somewhere, not quite sure how far yet. I've fished up off of Parksville and Port Hardy, the latter was amazing, hopefully I catch some this time, the charter told me the srings are running pretty good around there these days. Any of you have any intel on Salt Spring Island? I'll be there for 3-4 days with family, I imagine its all rich, retired hippies, just wondering if there's anything cool to see or do there.

I would be interested in your thoughts on Salt Springs even though I have never been there.
I ask only as I sell on Amazon and we send more orders out there then even big cities like Vancouver.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (06-28-2016 11:38 AM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2016 02:13 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2016 02:09 AM)komatiite Wrote:  

Scotian let me know how your salmon fishing goes. Howe sound?? I am going to my place sort of near campbell river in a couple weeks and have heard it is a bit of a weak season. Same deal with people I know who have already fished Port Hardy, Port Alberni, Langara and Uculet. Must be El Nino? Hopefully the slab action picks up into July, although I'm running off anecdotes, maybe it's not as bad as it seems.

I'll be fishing off of Salt Spring Island somewhere, not quite sure how far yet. I've fished up off of Parksville and Port Hardy, the latter was amazing, hopefully I catch some this time, the charter told me the srings are running pretty good around there these days. Any of you have any intel on Salt Spring Island? I'll be there for 3-4 days with family, I imagine its all rich, retired hippies, just wondering if there's anything cool to see or do there.

I would be interested in your thoughts on Salt Springs even though I have never been there.
I ask only as I sell on Amazon and we send more orders out there then even big cities like Vancouver.

Salt Spring is where older folks from West Van retire.

Its a beautiful spot, but the ages are fairly old. The good thing is that a lot of cute girls go out to stay with their grandparents for the summer and work all the menial jobs at the markets, cafe's, etc that are bustling during the summer.

Also families have inherited their parents places on the island in the past years and are choosing to move to Salt Spring. My friend has a high end men's shop in Duncan and a huge part of his business is suiting up high school boys in the fall who come over on the ferry to Duncan for school shopping. He said its a recent phenomenon.

Lovely little spot. I should grab my buddy and head over there and we can stay with his grandparents.

I have heard zero about the fishing this year. Which could mean its OK. When it sucks, I hear. When its amazing, I hear.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Never been there Scotian, good luck. Keep you eye on what rigs the guide used and post on here, that Strait of Georgia intel will correlate nicely to me! Plug color, flashers, depths. Not trying to be a Mooch, but this is a Full data sheet request!!

Vancouver Data Sheet

Hey Guys if you need a daygame wing (or even film approaches) i can help..

Spent a few years living in Korea but am originally from Van and im getting rusty thanks to a LTR I just got out of..

DT, Metrotown or UBC's good if you wanna practice

PM me cheers [Image: smile.gif]

Vancouver Data Sheet

In Vancouver just to check it out for 28 hours. Laner (who I met in Hong Kong back in 2015) was nice enough to show me some of the good spots near English Bay last night and defend me from various physical assaults by homeless men.

After more than two years straight in Mainland China (with only two short breaks in Hong Kong), Vancouver is perfect for a little decompression. The relaxed environment and extreme friendliness of the locals is a very nice change of pace.

I've heard Vancouver described as a little China (due to the high number of Chinese immigrants), but based on my experience over the past day, it couldn't be more different.

I definitely intend to come back at some point.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Vancouver Data Sheet

I just spend three days in Van and had a great time, yesterday I visited a buddy in Chilliwack and its pretty nice out there. I took a float plane back to Salt Spring and am gonna go salmon fishing tomorrow then it's back to Fort Mac on Friday. I'll write up a trip report on here in a few days.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Scotian how was the fishing?

Vancouver Data Sheet

Not so good, didn't catch any salmon but jigged two rock cod and a big ling. The captain of the boat set a big crab truck out the night before and hauled us in five big Dungeness so we ended up with a big feed but I was still disappointed, especially after shelling out $550 for a half day of fishing!

Vancouver Data Sheet

Dang, too bad! I'll post up here if I have any luck, I'm flying into Comox on Friday I reckon.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Back in town after Calgary Stampede. Will be around for the summer at least.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Delete, boat serial ## visible in pic, don't wanna get doxed

Vancouver Data Sheet

Sounds like you have a nice set up out there bro, I hope you land some nice ones your next time out! Do you have your own boat and gear? I've been fishing off the coast three times and two of them cost me $500 a pop, not a cheap hobby lol. Fucking seals, that's why you should take a rifle, I was fishing on a river north of Fort Mac recently and my buddy snagged a beaver with a five of diamonds, we were gonna put it out of its misery but fortunately the poor fucker shook the hook loose after five minutes. Fuck seals though, I'd waste one of those bastards right quick.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Some observations on Van.

First and most importantly thanks to Laner and RustyShackleford for the time and hospitality. Awesome to meet more cool guys from RVF.

Each od these guys owns their destiny and owns Van in their own ways.

So Van is the kins of place that has a lot of money moving through it despite the Army of Canadian Government Beauracrats who, if they understood what Vancouver really was would build a dam and starve the city of commerce. Thankfully their 20k a year University educated brains do not fully comprehend and only go after easy targets their pea brains can grasp. Rich Chinese are buying condos. They are too rich. They are annoying with their tricked out BMWs. Therefore we must take 15 percent. Meanwhile real big business is conducted and the sales of fly swatters is skyrocketing afterall these future government pensioners are like flies.

Van is Kiddie City in some ways also. Lots of kids going out in groups. I would guess you would need membership into one good or several decent fun little groups.

Girls, well its a wide wide range. Sharp Asians, boring Asians, HOT Canadians, trashy fucked up trade-a-massage-for-a-tattoo looking rejects from all over the plains. Tons of immigrant girls that think its odd when someone says hi before ordering a Tim coffee. It must upset their slave rythm to be greeted in a manner that says "I dont care if this takes a second longer. Any human present?". Lefty lefty lefty but every ten you get a spark of think for herselfism.

Its pretty, weather rocks. Approachable, layered. Get your housing straight, after that a little cash goes a long way. There is no unity or common thread. They are all just "there."

With so many asleep, bring your game and you will crush the competition.

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (08-02-2016 11:48 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

Some observations on Van.

First and most importantly thanks to Laner and RustyShackleford for the time and hospitality. Awesome to meet more cool guys from RVF.

Each od these guys owns their destiny and owns Van in their own ways.

So Van is the kins of place that has a lot of money moving through it despite the Army of Canadian Government Beauracrats who, if they understood what Vancouver really was would build a dam and starve the city of commerce. Thankfully their 20k a year University educated brains do not fully comprehend and only go after easy targets their pea brains can grasp. Rich Chinese are buying condos. They are too rich. They are annoying with their tricked out BMWs. Therefore we must take 15 percent. Meanwhile real big business is conducted and the sales of fly swatters is skyrocketing afterall these future government pensioners are like flies.

Van is Kiddie City in some ways also. Lots of kids going out in groups. I would guess you would need membership into one good or several decent fun little groups.

Girls, well its a wide wide range. Sharp Asians, boring Asians, HOT Canadians, trashy fucked up trade-a-massage-for-a-tattoo looking rejects from all over the plains. Tons of immigrant girls that think its odd when someone says hi before ordering a Tim coffee. It must upset their slave rythm to be greeted in a manner that says "I dont care if this takes a second longer. Any human present?". Lefty lefty lefty but every ten you get a spark of think for herselfism.

Its pretty, weather rocks. Approachable, layered. Get your housing straight, after that a little cash goes a long way. There is no unity or common thread. They are all just "there."

With so many asleep, bring your game and you will crush the competition.

Fuck man, that's poetry.

Would you mind sharing more of your thoughts on why the government bureaucrats should build a damn around Vancouver? I have my theories on why one might say that, but given the detail of your post, I'm curious to hear it from the horse's mouth.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (08-03-2016 03:17 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (08-02-2016 11:48 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

Some observations on Van.

First and most importantly thanks to Laner and RustyShackleford for the time and hospitality. Awesome to meet more cool guys from RVF.

Each od these guys owns their destiny and owns Van in their own ways.

So Van is the kins of place that has a lot of money moving through it despite the Army of Canadian Government Beauracrats who, if they understood what Vancouver really was would build a dam and starve the city of commerce. Thankfully their 20k a year University educated brains do not fully comprehend and only go after easy targets their pea brains can grasp. Rich Chinese are buying condos. They are too rich. They are annoying with their tricked out BMWs. Therefore we must take 15 percent. Meanwhile real big business is conducted and the sales of fly swatters is skyrocketing afterall these future government pensioners are like flies.

Van is Kiddie City in some ways also. Lots of kids going out in groups. I would guess you would need membership into one good or several decent fun little groups.

Girls, well its a wide wide range. Sharp Asians, boring Asians, HOT Canadians, trashy fucked up trade-a-massage-for-a-tattoo looking rejects from all over the plains. Tons of immigrant girls that think its odd when someone says hi before ordering a Tim coffee. It must upset their slave rythm to be greeted in a manner that says "I dont care if this takes a second longer. Any human present?". Lefty lefty lefty but every ten you get a spark of think for herselfism.

Its pretty, weather rocks. Approachable, layered. Get your housing straight, after that a little cash goes a long way. There is no unity or common thread. They are all just "there."

With so many asleep, bring your game and you will crush the competition.

Fuck man, that's poetry.

Would you mind sharing more of your thoughts on why the government bureaucrats should build a damn around Vancouver? I have my theories on why one might say that, but given the detail of your post, I'm curious to hear it from the horse's mouth.

When I heard about the Chinese condo buyer tax I just envisioned the gruuby little socialists in the Van government wishing they were able to take it all. After all they know better what to do with your money than you do. They spent four years in college brainstorming a better way (to be imposed by state force if you dont like it)...

Vancouver Data Sheet

I am actually going to blame this on the NDP. They have been riding and feeding the hate toward foreign investment for a long time now, and were no doubt going to use this as an election platform for the 2017 election.

When I moved to Vancouver 16 years ago, people were celebrating the end of a reckless NDP government, which in the end took about a decade to come out of financially. With successive Liberal (not that kind of Liberal) governments BC has finally found a way to compete with the world. And we are doing it well.

Unfortunately this is BC. Its almost a mental illness here how much people forget, and how quickly. We are so retarded that this little tax was pushed through now so people would forget by election day and then the NDP really has nothing to stand on except the usual:

No oil.
No gas.
No tankers.
No pipelines.
Raise corporate tax.
Crown companies.
Etc. Etc.

This tax was aimed at taking care of those Evil Rich Chinese (oh the left cannot even see the irony here) once and for all so we can take care of the flavor of the week minority class that gets the most virtue points.

0.8% of Vancouver real estate is bought by foreigners. Most of these people are Americans and Europeans.

So much for the Evil Rich Chinese throwing suitcases of cash at corrupt realtors.

I am ground zero for this sideshow, the snakes tail is now firmly in the back of its throat.

Vancouver Data Sheet

I for 1 welcome our new NDP overlords!

When they are done messing up the province in whatever way they can, the economic and class segregation will be ever deeper. More starving artsy models at English Bay and Yaletown servers with +2's will be begging for dick by those financially better off.

I'm getting ready all that lettuce I've been stacking and tying it to a stick. Proverbial carrot and horse baby!

Let's give these ladies a taste of their own medicine! How the world goes around!

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (08-03-2016 10:51 PM)jj90 Wrote:  

I for 1 welcome our new NDP overlords!

When they are done messing up the province in whatever way they can, the economic and class segregation will be ever deeper. More starving artsy models at English Bay and Yaletown servers with +2's will be begging for dick by those financially better off.

I'm getting ready all that lettuce I've been stacking and tying it to a stick. Proverbial carrot and horse baby!

Let's give these ladies a taste of their own medicine! How the world goes around!

I like your attitude. PM me if you around I am in Gastown

Vancouver Data Sheet

Quote: (08-03-2016 11:22 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Quote: (08-03-2016 10:51 PM)jj90 Wrote:  

I for 1 welcome our new NDP overlords!

When they are done messing up the province in whatever way they can, the economic and class segregation will be ever deeper. More starving artsy models at English Bay and Yaletown servers with +2's will be begging for dick by those financially better off.

I'm getting ready all that lettuce I've been stacking and tying it to a stick. Proverbial carrot and horse baby!

Let's give these ladies a taste of their own medicine! How the world goes around!

I like your attitude. PM me if you around I am in Gastown

Laner meant to say he owns Gastown, he was being humble.

Vancouver Data Sheet

More UN Shills (Professors) trying to push Agenda 21. Same crap was said in Portland. Forces of World Communism are strong and pop their heads up everywhere when you aren't looking.

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