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Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

I must say when this was posted a few months back I looked into it, but I couldn't get the financials to work. Not to say it couldn't, but the problem I found was that if you're targeting young and single bachelors that come from everywhere across the world and have travelled on a shoestring, you aren't going to be making a lot of margin. Add in the fact you'll likely have to coerce big players (hotels/airlines/clubs, etc.) into giving you better deals/a better cut on stuff, you've got your work cut out to make anything out of it.

And marketing would be a nightmare.

That is just what I came to when I was throwing some figures around. My advice would be, if anyone is planning on it, trying to use some sort of couchsurfing get-up with people they know and trust (at oleast initially) and hook-up non-chain bars and clubs.

that is just my advice. Like I said, I've given the planning a whirl a few times. If anyone is interested I've got some other ideas I figure might be useful, so just let me know.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Interesting. I remember my friend from Sri Lanka saying that Alcohol is more expensive there than the US. All we'd need to do is figure out how to ship it (without it wrecking our pockets) and exactly what products people around the world demand.

I'm not the best at making business ideas since I have small experience in it, but I do think that with a team that has chemistry like the Power Rangers and a little planning we could get shit done.

Can you teach me how you make good ideas like that? In exchange I can teach you how to dougie G. haha.
Oh and Kit, I'm always open for new ideas man! Only thing that should be changed about the forum is we should be able to PM more than 2 people. Small help is all help mt friend. [Image: smile.gif]


Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Quote: (06-07-2012 10:31 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (06-07-2012 10:19 AM)Rosca Wrote:  

PMed you about it Source. I'm feeling pretty good about this little business thing. We need your experience at this shit man.

Also props to G for throwing the idea out there.

See now this is a kid who is going places.

He has Respect.

Here is another idea for you:

You might want to include services, like sending people things from America ie American smokes, medicine, vitamins etc that are difficult to get in other countries.

Just an idea.

Actually we also somewhat discussed this as well. We talked about maybe including something for getting event tickets as well if there were to be a band in town as well or sporting event we would take care of it (say Euro 2012/World Cup 2014.) Any feedback would be appreciated, and Source ill get your skype and whatnot from Rosca if he has them or shoot me a pm sometime.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

What type of medications are we talking here? The stuff over the counter or behind the counter?

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

I unno. I'd mail a Mexican chick some birth control pills for some pesos.

But honestly thats a question, I don't know yet.


Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

I just found this thread after rosca posted. I'm thinking you could open your target market to older people and add numerous activities. Like you can add some extreme sports most people wouldn't normally do in far off places in the world like bungee jumping in south america then party it up in the best spots in rio or cali, then go home with a girl to a sick pad. the ideal target market would be young men in the older 20s, early 30s since they're into their jobs and have cash to blow. A big plus is that you can show them the world outside the US through traveling to great places which could get them hooked on the service.

my 2c

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Rosca shoot me a PM with what ideas you're talking about.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Pro-Tip: Ideal Target Market is never guys in their early twenties. It is rarely ever guys in their late twenties either.

If you're talking about disposable income, you need to aim for a higher age bracket than you think. Most 29 year olds either don't have a career or have only been in it for a couple of years.

Late thirties men, especially unmarried ones, have a lot more money. You could probably hook down men in their 40's with or without wives as well, and you'd be making more money.

That is exactly what places like casino's do, as well as the more 'traditional' international dating services. If anyone is looking into this, that is where I'd start for models to follow.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

I like the ideas everyone are saying. When we expand the business we will def figure out how to aim for the older crowd. I see more men in their 30s thinking about this sort of stuff when it comes to traveling.

We're calling this business: Fly Out
And by July 1st we'll have a little something started and possibly begin taking requests. We're starting the business at a small level by only providing service to the forum.


Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

If you limit yourself to only providing to this forum you will have practically no customers IMO. I think only G has said he would use a service like this, most of us are happy making our own travel arrangements and can do it easily.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

I was just reading the original G's post, I immediately thought that this sounds like a concierge service in a high-end hotel, but taken to a global level. I googled 'global concierge' an voila:

They seem to overlap with a lot with what G was talking about; as they website states: "first-hand knowledge of the high service expected by travellers, insight into managing smooth travel arrangements, and creative ideas surrounding dining and entertainment options". They target execs and high rollers in general, people with a lot of money, as you would expect. People who value their time over money to the highest degree, someone who doesn't really care about the cost, but expects only the best (or seemingly impossible). This would keep the margins high for the business, which you would need considering the case -by-case effort required to make these kind of arrangements. Business like this would require very good reputation. Not something you would start as a rookie. Probably a business for a veterans in the travel industry.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Kitsune had some very good points. If I would venture in this area (broadly something like travel/leisure/dating) I would look at the marriage agencies/tours and the PUA industry. Both businesses are based on the same basic idea - selling the average chodes a service that (as they believe) would transform him, or at least make him feel like a G, if only for a moment. The marriage tours must be profitable as fuck, I mean $5000 for 2 weeks in Ukraine???

I was thinking about a business that would combine some aspects of the above with adventure travel. Something like a "every man's dream" tour. Destinations - best would be South America or South East Asia, mostly due to cost, landscape and lots of cute, somewhat "easy" girls. Days would be filled with extreme adventures - rafting, rappelling, zip-lining, parasailing, etc. Nights would be spent in the best local night spots, possibly combined with light PUA training, which could be nothing more than simply making the guys to actually approach. Another good night activity would be the marriage-tour style introduction night. Whenever possible you would hire local girls as employees, this should be relatively cheap in most destinations. Part of the girl's job description would be making the guys feel like they have a shot with them (since they would most likely be semi-pros anyway, they would actually have a very good shot). You get the idea, basically selling the "best time of you life". Your target group would be frustrated professionals, probably from late 20s up to late 40s or so. It would be priced with a generous, but fair margin. Would be definitely priced higher than your average resort vacation, but would be 100x more exciting. If you pull it off right you wouldn't have problems getting more customers, word of mouth and repeat customers would give you as much business as you could handle. Basically something like introducing average Joes to the RVF lifestyle in one easy, supercharged, accessible package.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Quote: (01-04-2012 06:37 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

I was just thinking about a biz idea for some of the younger guys out there:

Create a "travel agency" of sorts for "International Playboy" types like myself.

One of the biggest hurdles for me is to plan my trips.

Search for flights? I hate doing that.

Searching for 6 hours for an apartment in the best part of town? I don't have time for that noize.

Figuring out the nightclubs? Give me a little head start.

(Hell, this could even be expanded to generating some online girl leads for the cat a head of time. Sort of like "E-Pimping". I wouldn't be interested in this part, but I am sure some might.)

I just need someone to piece this sh*t together for me.

Hell, 90% of the info and data sheets you can put together you can probably get from this site. (You probably want to give Roosh a cut of the action though).

If I told someone my dates and country and they came back to me with:

1. A sick apartment in the dopest part of town
2. A list of nightclubs and nights
3. Best plane ticket options
4. Other good Data Sheet info

I would pay for it.

I think there could be a biz here. Sure you are not going to be the next Foursquare or Groupon, but hell, it could def generate some walking around money. (Plus, you would learn tons).

Especially if the information was legit, and vouched for by others well respected G's.

Maybe the market would be super small. I don't know.

Mixx, would you pay for this?

Houligan Harry?

Just thought of this idea again.

Here is a service that would be invaluable for International Playboys:

1. Of course find the apartments in the dopest part of town

2. Stock the apartment with a grocery list ie Booze, food, toilet paper, olive oil, ACV, Coconut Oil etc.

I have been traveling around a bunch lately and I am straight up sick of going to the grocery store for a "starter run" every new place I get to.

Aren't the rest of you guys sick of this?

Hell, sometimes it is hard to find some of this stuff ie Coconut Oil, and you have to go to multiple stores.

Also, you could hook up the place with a juicer or blender too.

I think this could be a real biz here.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers


That a good idea. Finding that stuff can be impossible.

Thats why I travel with my own "starter set".

Condoms, lube, coconut oil, acv, tea tree oil, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, baking soda, etc.

I pack it all in my checked bag.

I call the airlines first to ask about how much liquid I can have in my bags.

I just tell them the truth about what I am bringing. They always say "no problem".

I just talked to United Airlines about traveling with peanut butter and olive oil. They said as long as its packed in my checked bag, its no big deal. I wrap it in large amounts of newspaper and towels so it can't break.

If I needed to, I would would pack my juicer and blender into a separate bag or box and check that.

Shit, if I needed to I would carry my juicer as my "carry on".

You know me, I always have fruit in my pocket and avocados in my car. And, a joint in my shoe.

Good biz idea though. In Rio, some guys I know were doing this. Find you an apartment, pick you up from the airport, get your groceries, show you bars and clubs, give you a tour, get you a working girl, etc.

Would definitely work in the right location with the right people running the operation.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Quote: (07-02-2013 06:02 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Condoms, lube, coconut oil, acv, tea tree oil, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, baking soda, etc.

What do you use this stuff for Gio? I actually have some but I'm not sure how to get the most use out of it.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Ideally, there should be a link in being able to find the accommodation and being able to procure the groceries/amenities needed. This could be a welcome pack in the apartment when the client arrives.
A website in which the client can make choices as to what he wants and then is presented them on his arrival and it is included in the total price would be a good idea however I believe the people who are interested in such services skip the apartments and go directly to hotels or concierge services.

I dig this idea nonetheless, I am curious to hear from Rosca about this plan.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Funny, I was thinking of this a lot recently given my time in Ukraine. A lot of my time here is devoted to figuring out this damn country. Imagine that was all laid out for you and you can hit the ground running? I'm considering this as a hobby/aside to make some money if I decide to live any extended times in this country.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

To pull this idea off you need multiple people.

You're not going to know all the top spots in every city as a one man show. So you'd need to have say 20 people and each person is responsible for their respective cities (this is similar to roosh's previous attempt as the mayor for each city for RVF members)

Doable but quality control is tough.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Quote: (07-02-2013 08:16 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

What do you use this stuff for Gio? I actually have some but I'm not sure how to get the most use out of it.

It is an all purpose antiseptic and skin cleaner.

It has many uses, I use it...

On acne and blemishes, works great.

On cuts and scrapes, I play a lot of soccer and basketball.

It will fight infection.

It's also an all purpose cleaner when mixed with hot water.

If you "Google it", a lot more info comes up.

People use it for dandruff, warts, athletes foot, etc.

It's very strong, so don't use too much.

After shaving, I dab a little on any skin blemishes and then apply my coconut oil to moisturize.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Going back to the original post there could be something in this.

Think about those 18-30 holidays. But classier and more exclusive.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Quote: (07-03-2013 09:34 AM)WestCoast Wrote:  

To pull this idea off you need multiple people.

You're not going to know all the top spots in every city as a one man show. So you'd need to have say 20 people and each person is responsible for their respective cities (this is similar to roosh's previous attempt as the mayor for each city for RVF members)

Doable but quality control is tough.
This was the biggest hurdle that we came across. That and we'd have to pay loads of money to even get it off the road. I love the idea, but we just couldn't find a way to fully execute it.

However two things came out of it:

Made solid connections with a few members from the forum.
We came up with the idea to create a Google Map with RVF datasheets on it.

So on the bright side, it wasn't all that bad. I'm still glad G posted the idea. [Image: smile.gif]


Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

I can't believe I've missed this thread!

I've been plotting a side business like this for a few months. This type of shit is exactly what I'm good at.

I'm going to have ample time to think/work on this idea over the next couple of months.

Shoot me a PM if you've thought seriously about this idea and are thinking about putting some of your mental grind into action. I don't want to be a dick, but I've got a pretty rich sense of who is traveling and living the life, and who is sitting behind a keyboard. When thinking of business ideas, I'm not here to teach a guy the ropes of the world.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Quote: (07-03-2013 12:04 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2013 08:16 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

What do you use this stuff for Gio? I actually have some but I'm not sure how to get the most use out of it.

It is an all purpose antiseptic and skin cleaner.

It has many uses, I use it...

On acne and blemishes, works great.

On cuts and scrapes, I play a lot of soccer and basketball.

It will fight infection.

It's also an all purpose cleaner when mixed with hot water.

If you "Google it", a lot more info comes up.

People use it for dandruff, warts, athletes foot, etc.

It's very strong, so don't use too much.

After shaving, I dab a little on any skin blemishes and then apply my coconut oil to moisturize.

Nice. I read about it's uses before purchasing, I was just curious about where you find it useful. Thanks for the info.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

Tried something like this once: had lots of friends in finance and entertainment in Asia when I lived there and so had access to the best nightlife. Seoul in particular was easy for Asian Americans in the early 2000's. When I came back, stories of our exploits in Seoul and Hong Kong had gotten back to a group of extended friends... all asian american professionals in their early 30's ranging from slightly to very beta. After hearing, "man, I gotta party with you guys" from several of these guys, I decided to pitch them a party week itinerary in Seoul. Cost: $2800

Set up a package that included flight, hotel, food, ground transport, drink, nightclub and p4p fees for a 8 days. Built in a 30% margin in the front and a 20% margin on the back end with referrals from the hotel, club and p4p owners... Or so I thought.

First off, after a couple of months, I pretty much gave up on getting kickbacks from the club and p4p owners as they were all invariably gangsters or hooked up with them. Secondly, this type of shit is really hard to scale up and it took all of my energy shuttling these mooks around to bars and clubs, translating shit all the time, literally pushing them into rooms to bone girls... Also, lots of unforeseen expenses that either popped up or I was too naive to think about in the first place.

With 7 guys, I thought I was going to pocket an easy $10k, but I ended up walking away making a little over $3000. And that was after my local friends (who were in finance and so didn't really need the money) saw how ragged I was running and went pro bono to help me out. These same guys were bringing out all of their stewardess, print model and hostess friends out to the club for free as well.

I'm sure it would've been easier had I been with a bunch of straight players, but chances are people like that wouldn't have approached me for something like this in the first place. Also, legitimacy is a definite barrier to entry in this type of gig. Again, these guys wouldn't have believed some of our stories had not one of my crew kept an excel spreadsheet of all the chicks he'd banged in a year with pictures of the girls sleeping naked... Yeah, kind of a scumbag, that guy.

This whole business model barely worked because I had no marketing costs, I handled 95% of the logistics, and I had some really great local friends that filled in some gaps for free. I can imagine this would've been a money loser had these things not been in place. Oh, and to add insult to injury, several of the guys claimed that they didn't have fun at all, although I later found out that one of the mopes actually lost his virginity to one of the p4p broads and another one of the whiners couldn't get it up with any of the girls we threw at him.

Didn't mean to throw a wrench in the gears, but figured I would share my experiences.

Biz Idea for The Younger Up and Comers

I've been thinking about this for a while now G. Even as far as having people for clients to meet up with on the ground to show them around and introduce them to fly girls in a place like brazil. One drawback I was thinking of though is insurance and liabilities. What if my people take someone out and they get the shit kicked out of them and robbed? I guess it would be a good idea minus having people for them to meet up with on the ground.

I was also thinking about doing pot tourism here in CO, but that's another liability because it is federally illegal.

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