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Aging Well

Aging Well

Now that I've gotten back into exercising I'm realizing how fast a body can just turn into shit after not having been taken care of for a year or two.

I used to be very athletic, and in pretty decent shape, but that turned to shit when I got into drinking, partying, and lounging around, and now I'm going back to living a semi-healthy life again.

After the initial few weeks when I got into a routine at the gym my body felt really weird. When my upper body muscles began developing and I went on a run I felt like I was supporting an extra mass I wasn't used to anymore. It was a pretty great feeling, because it reminded me of a time (only two years prior) when this would have been a totally normal feeling.

Which got me to realize, if we don't take care of our bodies as we age, and don't develop routines to maintain our bodies, we can easily turn into the slow moving old guys who just don't have the energy to get around.

This is an especially important thing to realize when you're in your early-to-mid twenties when a lot of you guys who used to be really active in high school and college go out into the "real world" where physical activity is not always at your doorstep and you have to make an effort to get out and stay active.

So, I'm realizing this now, luckily still relatively early in my life, that I need to work on all aspects of my life, all the time. The moment I start getting lazy atrophy quickly begins to work its magic.

We have to work on ourselves throughout our lives. We have to fight laziness. We need to constantly stay in the youthful frame of mind where we are always learning, and building. Constant growth and movement is the real key to a happy life.

Aging Well

Best investment of my damn life was probably my olympic bar, set of weights, power cage, and jump rope. You ain't kidding when you say constant growth and movement is a key to a happy life. Between lifting and dancing, I'm looking and feeling better than I have in decades.

Aging Well

This was a good point from Roosh's blog post today -- "The biggest way that men self-sabotage themselves is overdrinking. It’s worse than being best friends with a cockblocker."

I see a lot of guys developing really terrible habits in order to meet girls. At some point the scales tip, and those habits destroy them rather than help them.

I can think of a lot more times I didn't get laid because I drank too much than because I didn't drink enough.

The over consumption of alcohol plays a huge role in eating poorly and not exercising. It disrupts your sleep patterns. You have less energy to exercise and little motivation to eat well.

Aging Well

I have been a heavy boozer and smoker (and earlier in life a heavy drug taker) but I have always counterbalanced it with tons of exercise.

Surfing when I was younger. Now boxing, stretching and other hardcore sh*t.

I have written many times about how the best athletes are always heavy partiers. There is countless data supporting this.

Many people say I only use "old examples". False.

Look at Andy Irons, one of the best surfers in history (RIP), and heavy drug user. (Although I have kind of taken an anti-drug stance of sorts these days. Pro-legalization though).

(And avoid at all cost pharmaceutical and coke together. And heroin.)

You can drink and smoke and be in great shape. And I look easily 10 years younger than I am (part genetics).

Just make sure you work out or stretch for two hours per day minimum. And get your rest in.

Aging Well

G your a bit magical. If I smoke, drank, only got 6 hours of sleep a day and exercised hard 5 times a week and not really focus on my diet too much I'd decompose. It must be all the endorphins you get from constant fucking or something.

Aging Well

Quote: (01-05-2012 01:05 AM)ersatz Wrote:  

G your a bit magical. If I smoke, drank, only got 6 hours of sleep a day and exercised hard 5 times a week and not really focus on my diet too much I'd decompose. It must be all the endorphins you get from constant fucking or something.

Maybe I was a little blessed in this area, but the point I try to make is there are tons of cats out there that do this.

I also drink tons of water and green tea and other teas. Get massages.

A lot of this is mental strength.

When you are hung over as f*ck, suck it up and go work out.

Aging Well

You're only given one body. With the way that some people treat theirs it's not hard to figure out their lazy, no-effort approach to life.

Aging Well

I am in desperate need of getting into shape. I'm only 28 and beginning to look old, hair is receeding, going a little grey, eyes are looking tired, creases on the forehead, bad skin, crows feet and totally out of shape. I seem to switch from being told I had a baby face and looked really young for my age to being told I look older than I am almost over night. Scary.

Thing is I've never really been in shape, was never into sports or excercise. Definitely need to sort my shit out now or it'll never happen.

Aging Well

Stress and anxiety is the silent killer.

Not getting enough sleep will speed up aging also.

Aging Well

Quote: (01-05-2012 12:10 PM)KingofScotland Wrote:  

I am in desperate need of getting into shape. I'm only 28 and beginning to look old, hair is receeding, going a little grey, eyes are looking tired, creases on the forehead, bad skin, crows feet and totally out of shape. I seem to switch from being told I had a baby face and looked really young for my age to being told I look older than I am almost over night. Scary.

Thing is I've never really been in shape, was never into sports or excercise. Definitely need to sort my shit out now or it'll never happen.

I've been there, but kind of the other way round. I was really into sports at school, used to do weights or swim 3-4 times a week and played rugby at a pretty decent level. Then I went to uni and my lifestyle changed overnight ... boozing 4 or 5 times a week, smoking weed and cigarettes every day, eating like shit and doing no exercise. Within a year I gained over 2 stone and I definitely looked older than I was. Everyone told me this too...I remember when I was 24-25 most people guessed I was in my 30s.

Things like forehead creases and crows feet are partly influenced by genetics - my old gym instructor in Scotland was 24 and lived an extremely healthy lifestyle but had deep lines on his forehead. However, lifestyle also has a big influence. I've been blessed with pretty decent genetics in this department and while I don't have a total baby face, since getting into shape most people guess I'm a few years younger than my actual age of 27. Also, I don't know why, but I always seem to look younger with shorter hair...I definitely look older just before it's time to get it cut.

Just coming back from 2 weeks home in Scotland I know first-hand the temptations we have there but once you get yourself to Thailand you'll drop pounds just with the local diet. A good diet clears up your skin as well. Just go easy on the booze and drugs, work out (try Muay Thai?) and take care of your skin and a few years will seemingly drop off you.

Aging Well

Quote: (01-05-2012 01:45 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Stress and anxiety is the silent killer.

Not getting enough sleep will speed up aging also.

This too. Good point.

Aging Well

Health & wellness is a big thing in Cali and the West Coast. Principles applied there work well for anti-aging.

Three things I will never chronically compromise on:
- Diet/nutrition. Focus here is on organic or minimally-processed foods that can provide anti-oxidants, vitamins, high-quality protein, low-glycemic carbs, and omega-3/unsaturated fatty acids.
- Sleep. Averaging 10 hrs. is a beautiful thing. As people can get older and chronically ill, their ability to get quality sleep declines which only further accelerates their decline. The primary benefit of sleep is the mental repair, but since the brain controls your visceral organ function, the benefits extend to physical well-being as well.
- Stress management. Simplification and handling on what you can realistically manage. But honestly, I think wives and bitchy girlfriends are the source of most stress for men.

Sure I'll eat a ribeye steak with fat, run on fumes on a hard night out, and juggle more than I can handle from time-to-time. But that's selectively.

It's also important to choose mental and physical activities that rejuvenate your being and energy. Activities that counteract the body's natural tendency to degrade over time. My top three are weightlifting, yoga, and meditation in that order.

Aging Well

Quote: (01-05-2012 02:15 PM)scorpio Wrote:  

Health & wellness is a big thing in Cali and the West Coast. Principles applied there work well for anti-aging.

Three things I will never chronically compromise on:
- Diet/nutrition. Focus here is on organic or minimally-processed foods that can provide anti-oxidants, vitamins, high-quality protein, low-glycemic carbs, and omega-3/unsaturated fatty acids.
- Sleep. Averaging 10 hrs. is a beautiful thing. As people can get older and chronically ill, their ability to get quality sleep declines which only further accelerates their decline. The primary benefit of sleep is the mental repair, but since the brain controls your visceral organ function, the benefits extend to physical well-being as well.
- Stress management. Simplification and handling on what you can realistically manage. But honestly, I think wives and bitchy girlfriends are the source of most stress for men.

Sure I'll eat a ribeye steak with fat, run on fumes on a hard night out, and juggle more than I can handle from time-to-time. But that's selectively.

It's also important to choose mental and physical activities that rejuvenate your being and energy. Activities that counteract the body's natural tendency to degrade over time. My top three are weightlifting, yoga, and meditation in that order.

Good post.

I should have also added earlier when I went off on my smoking, drinking and drug diatribe that I also do almost all my shopping from farmers markets.

I eat tons of anti-oxidant type foods.

Also, I am probably the least stressed out person I have ever met in my life.

My friends have always tripped on how calm I am even when faced with bad things (lets keep it all in perspective though, I have never had my arm chopped off for instance. Knock on wood).

Being stress free is monstrous if you want to age well in your humble authors, humble opinion.

That is one of the many reasons why I love the whole "Gentleman of Leisure", International Playboy lifestyle.

Aging Well

Yeah I'm defo a stressed out person (no good reason to be most of the time but seem to be anyway), anxious, don't sleep well and haven't for over 10 years (4-6hrs broken sleep a night), don't excercise enough, like to drink, been off drugs for a while. Eat OK the majority of the time. There's definitelt plenty of reasons for me looking older than I am. Maybe I need to excercise more, cut out all the booze and eat healthy all the time. Can't help feeling there's something in my diet that doesn't agree with me though hence the not being able to sleep and the stomach bloating I experience. I cut out pretty much everything before (wheat, gluten, dairy, caffiene, sugar, salt, saturated fat etc) and still it happened.


Just coming back from 2 weeks home in Scotland I know first-hand the temptations we have there but once you get yourself to Thailand you'll drop pounds just with the local diet. A good diet clears up your skin as well. Just go easy on the booze and drugs, work out (try Muay Thai?) and take care of your skin and a few years will seemingly drop off you.

Loosing weight is NOT something I need to do. I'm super skinny and weigh hardly anything, though I am short so should be I guess. My diet isn't that bad most of the time though has been terrible over the holiday season. I'm detoxing and eating well as of monday when I should have no more booze left (got a crate of nice cider for Xmas - almost finished it) or chocolate and sweets left to eat. Will be a diet of meat, rice and veg in Thailand most of the time just need to stay away from the fried chicken etc. Drink & drugs will be an issue, I will probably drink almost every night. Last time I spent 6 months there and drank pretty much every day. :\n
As for skin care, what to do? I don't use any products on my face as they always seem to either make my skin too dry, greasy or break out in spots. What do people recommend doing and what products do you use?

Aging Well

King of -

"I don't use any products on my face"

No wonder you are aging fast holmes!

Put some suncreen on your mug!

I would start trying stuff out. What works for some people won't necessarily work for you. And vice versa.

Maybe get a hot girl to recommend some stuff for you. (Girls actually know of the few things they do know.)

Look younger and Game at the same time.


Aging Well

Yeah get aveeno 15spf moisturizer cream, it combines everything into one big bottle.

Aging Well

Quote: (01-05-2012 12:10 PM)KingofScotland Wrote:  

I am in desperate need of getting into shape. I'm only 28 and beginning to look old, hair is receeding, going a little grey, eyes are looking tired, creases on the forehead, bad skin, crows feet and totally out of shape. I seem to switch from being told I had a baby face and looked really young for my age to being told I look older than I am almost over night. Scary.

Thing is I've never really been in shape, was never into sports or excercise. Definitely need to sort my shit out now or it'll never happen.

Start using a good organic moisturizing cream every night before you got to sleep.

Aging Well

Sunscreen! Why? I live in Scotland it's freezing here plus it makes my skin greasy. I am off to Thailand in 2 weeks though so will use sunscreen more often. I can't remember it ever making my skin look younger before though and I travel for about 6 months of the year in warm climates.

Aging Well

Quote: (01-05-2012 02:57 PM)KingofScotland Wrote:  

Yeah I'm defo a stressed out person (no good reason to be most of the time but seem to be anyway), anxious, don't sleep well and haven't for over 10 years (4-6hrs broken sleep a night), don't excercise enough, like to drink, been off drugs for a while. Eat OK the majority of the time. There's definitelt plenty of reasons for me looking older than I am.

Yep, these factors are undoubtedly all adding together. Remember that exercise has more benefits than just making you fitter. It releases hormones that lift your mood and reduce stress and helps you get a great natural sleep. Getting regular exercise would be one of the best things you can do. Start now and take a pair of running trainers out to Thailand with you.

It sounds like you have a different body make-up to me (I'm short and stocky and put on fat really easily). Either way, weights are also good. I realise you'll have other things to fill your time with in Thailand, but doing three 30-40 min weight sessions a week won't take up too much time and will have many side benefits. You look better, feel naturally more confident and your testosterone levels are higher. Combined with the better diet in Thailand, you shouldn't look as old and worn-out after a while.


My diet isn't that bad most of the time though has been terrible over the holiday season. I'm detoxing and eating well as of monday when I should have no more booze left (got a crate of nice cider for Xmas - almost finished it) or chocolate and sweets left to eat. Will be a diet of meat, rice and veg in Thailand most of the time just need to stay away from the fried chicken etc. Drink & drugs will be an issue, I will probably drink almost every night. Last time I spent 6 months there and drank pretty much every day. :

The diet in many western nations, Scotland included, is god-awful and it's no wonder so many of our women look like shit. A HUGE difference I notice in Romania is the lack of processed foods. Most Romanians buy their food from markets and it's all good natural stuff straight from peasant's back gardens - fruit, veg, herbs, cheese, eggs and meat from the markets are delicious and full of goodness. Even the supermarkets don't have much in the way of processed foods full of starch, sugar and additives. Staying away from processed shit is a biggie, and if you stick mostly to the local diet in Thailand you'll do fine - there's a reason most Thais aren't fat. Obviously it's unrealistic to tell you not to drink or do drugs in Thailand (I know, I've been there) but if you've got months there, don't overdo the drugs and have a couple booze-free days per week.


Sunscreen! Why? I live in Scotland it's freezing here plus it makes my skin greasy. I am off to Thailand in 2 weeks though so will use sunscreen more often. I can't remember it ever making my skin look younger before though and I travel for about 6 months of the year in warm climates.

Sunscreen won't make your skin look younger but it does prevent premature aging, particularly if you're staying in a warmer climate. I'm pretty dark for a Scot and tan easily but I still use at least factor 15 in hot countries. As for moisturisers etc, like G says, get yourself into Boots or a similar store in Glasgow or your nearest big city. Then find a good-looking girl (worker or shopper) who looks like she takes care of her appearance and tell her what you're looking for. I use Loreal Men Expert and it works well for me. My dad calls me a poofter for using it but I can live with that if it knocks a few years off me [Image: biggrin.gif]

Aging Well

There ahve been lots of threads with lots of good tips. Run a search.

But all the good tips aside, research has consistently shown that short, frequent bouts of intense exercise (lifting weights, sprinting) is the single most important thing you can do to remain youthful.

Aging Well

Quote: (01-05-2012 02:15 PM)scorpio Wrote:  

- Sleep. Averaging 10 hrs. is a beautiful thing.

Its called "beauty sleep" for a reason.

Quote: (01-05-2012 03:01 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Put some suncreen on your mug!

Or use mother natures all natural, 100% free, sun screen - the shade. That, or a big hat.

Alot of those sunscreens are full of chemicals. Read the ingredients

Aging Well

Lots of good advice alchemist. My plan is to spend my last 2 months in Thailand staying in an apartment, I've seen a few which are part of complexes with a gym and pool so if I go that route I'll have little excuse not to use them. It certainly can't do me any harm to get in shape combined with a better diet. I'm not going to lie to myself and pretend that I'll lay off the drink in Thailand though, it's never going to happen. [Image: wink.gif]

Aging Well

Quote: (01-05-2012 05:02 PM)KingofScotland Wrote:  

Lots of good advice alchemist. My plan is to spend my last 2 months in Thailand staying in an apartment, I've seen a few which are part of complexes with a gym and pool so if I go that route I'll have little excuse not to use them. It certainly can't do me any harm to get in shape combined with a better diet. I'm not going to lie to myself and pretend that I'll lay off the drink in Thailand though, it's never going to happen. [Image: wink.gif]

That would be the best choice IMO. Even after a good night out you can hit the weights and then chill out in the pool. You say you've never really been active or sporty; as someone who's been to both extremes (very fit and a fat slobby bastard) I can assure you that everything feels better if you take better care of yourself. Your confidence soars, you have more energy, you sleep better, you get better boners and you're far more upbeat and less stressed. That's why exercise is one of the things that doctors recommend for people suffering from clinical depression. I'd especially recommend it if you return to Scotland after a while since it will help to deal with the post-travel blues.

Enjoy Thailand and make sure to read this well before you go [Image: wink.gif]

Aging Well

Been to Thailand before twice, no survival tips needed. [Image: wink.gif]

Cheers tho!

Aging Well

Quote: (01-05-2012 04:07 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

short, frequent bouts of intense exercise (lifting weights, sprinting) is the single most important thing you can do to remain youthful.


I'm only 21 so I couldn't really tell you what works, but I know some of the things I am and will be focusing on:

-lifting weights regularly, and intensely
-playing sports like basketball
-eating a higher protien, higher fat, and lower carb diet than the typical N.American. Also get enough fibre.
-getting a decent amount of sleep-> This is the one I'll give some slack on, though. It is necessary to lose sleep to do well sometimes, and hoping for 8-10 hours every night is unreasonable. But I'll try my best and not stay up for useless stuff.
-sufficient prehabilitation stuff, not every day but a few days a week. Things like stretching, foam rolling, mobility work, etc.

Some minor stuff:
-limiting consumption of things like fructose, and wheat in particular
-maybe trying Intermittent Fasting, in addition to the ease of it, and it's effects on getting lean, seems like it could be better for digestion as well

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