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Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

I'm going to be in Thailand in a few days.

What are the best social networking sites for meeting women online? Is good in Thailand? What else? Any tips on setting up a prospect pipeline? Is facebook relevant? I'm an early twenties tall white guy, decent looking.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Couchsurfing has plenty of girls on it, check out the quality and see what you think. I'm currently using OKCupid and POF which have tons of nice looking, young, girls on it and all English speaking too. I'm pipelining hard on there and getting them onto MSN messenger (they all love MSN, I had to download it especially for this purpose) and chatting to them whenever possible. Many of them seem pretty keen to meet up and a fair few have given me their numbers to call when I arrive.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

I wasn't aware of thaifriendly, will look into that tomorrow. Thanks for that. I looked into ThaiLoveLinks but you have to pay for membership but if she just ahs the free membership she cannot reply to your message plus the girls aren't any better than OKCupid or POF which are free and have less women looking for a husband and more young, cool, chicks looking to meet a young, cool, western guy.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

If you're a decent looking guy, why on earth would you look online while you're in Thailand?. If it's a confidence thing then don't worry you will be hit on by plenty of Thai girls [Image: smile.gif]

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

It makes sense to pipeline before you go, just turning up in Thailand and heading out to clubs for the majority of people either leads to dissapointment or needing to go to after hour whore clubs and shoring. I've been before and I know I can get laid (with the lower quality to middle class girls) but why wait until I'm there when I can hit the ground running by contacting chicks online in advance? I already have a ton who want to meet and I'm going to have a ton more by the time I arrive in 2 weeks time. There's lots of very good looking and cute girls online particularly on Thai Friendly which I've just signed up for. Think I'll pay for the premium membership as the free one is quite limited, I don't seem to be able to read the messages I've received and can send just one message every 10 minutes.

youngmobileandglobal, how many girls roughly did you contact from Thai Friendly, how many did you end up meeting and how many did you fuck in the end? What sort of messages did you send out to them?

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

You might try A lot of ladyboy posers on there using fake pictures though, so make sure you see their Facebook before agreeing to meet. Fortunately, most will be honest when you ask even if their profile is dishonest.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Yeah I'm wary of that, I've messaged a lot of girls on various dating sites and whilst I'm sure none of them are ladyboys I guess you can never be sure until in person. Would be easy for them to pick pictures which make them look more feminine etc.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Quote: (01-02-2012 03:39 PM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

If you're a decent looking guy, why on earth would you look online while you're in Thailand?. If it's a confidence thing then don't worry you will be hit on by plenty of Thai girls [Image: smile.gif]

I fucked nearly a dozen girls in 4 months from online alone. Could have nailed way more had I put more time into it. I didn't spend much time on it either.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Quote: (01-01-2012 11:36 AM)youngmobileglobal Wrote:  

Create a tagline with something that's not cocky, but humble and kind.

"Kind man, honest heart."

Ha, love it! Stolen.

I can't have sex with your personality, and I can't put my penis in your college degree, and I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams, so why are you sharing all this information with me?

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Dateinasia for Thailand is a waste. During the first 2 weeks I was in BKK during my mini retirement there last year, I contacted and was contacted by a lot of girls in BKK. I met a few and 99% had pics that were either taken 10-15 years ago and or were heavily photoshopped, so all in all, a waste. However, I did meet one nice, upper middle class professional chick with her own career and a very nice car and I was with her for about a month. She would bring most time her younger colleague and all 3 of us would go party and end up the night at my place quite a few times. You can read more about it on my Mini Retirment I thread from a year ago. But all in all, DIA in LOS is a waste and I'd agree with Deb that there's very little need for online gaming in LOS as you'll have no problem getting girls, provided you're not fat and too ugly. Just be careful of the ladyboys. Trust me, after a night of drinking and partying, they can be very hard to distinguish and when the little heads makes the talking...

But if one has the time, it won't hurt to play the online game and line up some dates and if they do not measure up or thep pics were fake/too old, no worries, can easily meet some good ones pretty much everywhere, on the BTS, in the malls, the clubs, on the streets etc...If you do play the online game, make sure to see them on a webcam in order not to waste your time...

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Quote: (01-03-2012 09:59 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

I fucked nearly a dozen girls in 4 months from online alone. Could have nailed way more had I put more time into it. I didn't spend much time on it either.

And what sites did you use?

I can't have sex with your personality, and I can't put my penis in your college degree, and I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams, so why are you sharing all this information with me?

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Quote: (01-03-2012 11:37 PM)Soma Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2012 09:59 PM)RioNomad Wrote:  

I fucked nearly a dozen girls in 4 months from online alone. Could have nailed way more had I put more time into it. I didn't spend much time on it either.

And what sites did you use?

Mostly ThaiLoveLinks and also ThaiFriendly. ThaiFriendly is best for Bangkok.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Quote: (01-01-2012 01:39 PM)KingofScotland Wrote:  

I wasn't aware of thaifriendly, will look into that tomorrow. Thanks for that. I looked into ThaiLoveLinks but you have to pay for membership but if she just ahs the free membership she cannot reply to your message plus the girls aren't any better than OKCupid or POF which are free and have less women looking for a husband and more young, cool, chicks looking to meet a young, cool, western guy.

Only one person needs a paid membership. So if you pay, all girls can message you, even if she's on a free account.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Here are a few tips I learned during my 4 months in Thailand for pipelining.

1. Be careful when using the word "fun". Some girls will think this translates to sex. I had something a long the lines of "looking for a fun girl" in my profile and may have cost me quite a few responses. Had one girl freak out on MSN and block me when I mentioned something about her being fun, or liking to have fun.

2. Use lots of emoticons. Thai bitches love these things.

3. 55555 translates to "hahahah" in Thai internet talk. It is because the Thai word for 5 is "Ha". So when they type 55555, it would sound like them saying "Hahaha" in real life.

4. A Thai girl might being 2 or 3 friends with her and not tell you. I had one girl come pick me up in her car to go grab a drink and as soon as I get to her car I see three other Thai girls in the back seat. I guess this is common, but only happened to me one time.

5. You will be expected to pay for her drinks, and her friends. When the girl mentioned above came to pick me up I didn't know about this and didn't pay for their drinks. I was friends with the Thai bartender and he informed me of this after they left. He told me to just text her and let her know that I didn't know. Was no big deal and I ended up banging her quite a few times. She had a super round and firm ass for a Thai girl, but the more I fucked her the stranger her face started to look to me so I had to cut her off lol.

Not paying for their drinks is losing face in Thai culture and you are basically seen as a loser, from what I understand. This is why it can be difficult to approach a mixed set of Thais, because the oldest man of the group is expected to pay for everyone. Otherwise he is seen as a loser because he is the oldest, but not successful. Because of this, no girls in the group would want to flirt with a foreigner (farang) because it would be disrespectful towards the head of the table. Your best bet is to try and befriend him if possible.

Let me know if you all have any other questions I may be able to help with.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?


I contacted and was contacted by a lot of girls in BKK. I met a few and 99% had pics that were either taken 10-15 years ago and or were heavily photoshopped, so all in all, a waste.

I'm avoiding sending or replying to any profiles that have obviously pro photo shoots or look heavily edited. If they don't look natural no response, on OKCupid and POF this hasn't been an issue. On there's a lot of this though. ThaiFriendly doesn't seem too bad for this.


I'd agree with Deb that there's very little need for online gaming in LOS as you'll have no problem getting girls, provided you're not fat and too ugly.

There's no good reason not to do it. Always pays to have a head start when visiting a country. I've got a ton of girls on MSN or in the phonebook already so I'll be arranging dates every day for my first week before I even arrive. If I didn't pipeline before hand I'd have to wait until I had touched down, take time to meet girls and then arrange dates. It's not an issue about not being able to get girls, we all know Thailand isn't a hard place to get laid but at the same time it can be difficult to get girls who aren't lower class / bar girls unless you've got a social circle, status or invest a bit of time so again it makes sense to get online before hand and build a connection. I'm hitting the ground running.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Thanks rio nomad.

From my experience in another asian country, online dating sites can be good for tapping into so-called "expat groupies", ie. local girls that are just into foreigners, particularly young white guys.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

rio nomad, if you would, what was your strategy like as far as the initial messaging and follow through?

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

A girl I found on POF or OKCupid (I forget now) and have been chatting to on MSN is offering to pick me up at the airport and drive me to my hotel. I'm going to decline the offer obviously, far too keen for my liking and possibly a bit sketchy.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

I joined thaifriendly today, and paid 40 bucks for premium membership for 3 months. I got a hot 30 yr olds phone number. I conncected with her through the online chat function, kinda like msn. I basically just showed an interest in what she does, etc. I asked for more pictures. She's totally bangin even though she is older than me (by 8 years).

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Great, so did you meet her and fuck her or not? Getting a number is easy, the Thai girls I've spoken to give them out no problem, it's whether you're banging them or not we want to know about.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

I got a hot girls number today off of thaifriendly. I used the online chat function, kind of like msn. She is a bit older (30), but whatever. she's got a rockin body. she wants to meet up. I bought a sim card and cheap cell phone today as well.

I've been trying to open sets on khao san road. That shit just aint' easy. I've been staying at a guest house here for a few days. I'm going to move elsewhere tomorrow, and within a week I'll probably fly to phuket.

this site lists the top thai social networking sites:

the girl I'm going to meet up with had her photos on hi5 when I asked her for more photos.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Yeah you told us you got a hot girls number already, but it means nothing in its self. Report back once you have met her in person. Khoa San road to pick up Thai girls? Probably not the best idea as most tourists down there are considered scruffy, drunken, backpacker or sex tourists but if the girls in KSR in the first place maybe thats what she is looking for. You'd be better off heading to one of the malls and hitting on customers and shop assistants. MBK is a good place as it has tons of little stalls with young girls working behind them, they'll give you their phone numbers if you ask with ease.

What guest house you in and how is it? I'm booked to stay in a place near Ekkamai (Sukhumvit 71) area for my first couple nights as I've stayed there before and like it but will be moving somewhere more cental so open to suggestions.

I don't see any links to thai social networking sites but tbh I've got my hands full just trying to chat on MSN with the girls I found on OKCupid, POF & Tagged so probably not got time for many more.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Quote: (01-05-2012 01:02 PM)KingofScotland Wrote:  

Yeah you told us you got a hot girls number already, but it means nothing in its self. Report back once you have met her in person. Khoa San road to pick up Thai girls? Probably not the best idea as most tourists down there are considered scruffy, drunken, backpacker or sex tourists but if the girls in KSR in the first place maybe thats what she is looking for. You'd be better off heading to one of the malls and hitting on customers and shop assistants. MBK is a good place as it has tons of little stalls with young girls working behind them, they'll give you their phone numbers if you ask with ease.

What guest house you in and how is it? I'm booked to stay in a place near Ekkamai (Sukhumvit 71) area for my first couple nights as I've stayed there before and like it but will be moving somewhere more cental so open to suggestions.

I don't see any links to thai social networking sites but tbh I've got my hands full just trying to chat on MSN with the girls I found on OKCupid, POF & Tagged so probably not got time for many more.

Yeah, I couldn't put the link in because I don't have 10 posts yet. ha. I didn't realize i double posted either.

I'll let you know how thaifriendly goes. How many girls have you banged from doing day game in places like mbk?

How much thai do you need to know to talk to girls working at mbk?

I wasn't trying to pick up thai girls on khao san, I was hitting on white girls. I got a lot of girls giving me negative looks. At times it was worse than america. some girls were nicer.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Quote: (01-05-2012 01:01 AM)Rurik Wrote:  

rio nomad, if you would, what was your strategy like as far as the initial messaging and follow through?

I would always put something funny in the subject line, but in caveman English. Generally I would say "Your hair so suay, like mine. [Image: tongue.gif]" I shave my head so it was playful, and partly a neg. Suay means beautiful in Thai. And like I said, Thai bitches love emoticons lol.

Then in my subject I would just have a basic template about me being from California (DHV) and going on a 4 month Holiday to Thailand. Some girls I would tell I was there to wrestle, because I do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. However, one Thai girl told me she thought I did WWF type of wrestling lol, so I stopped using that.

I would usually also make a joke about needing a tour guide so I didn't get ran over by Tuk Tuk drivers in Bangkok.

Then if they respond give them your MSN, and also ask for theirs. Try to get them over to MSN to chat asap because Thai girls will spend HOURS on MSN, and not as much time on a dating site.

I would always be very heavy on the flirting. Most Thai girls liked this, a few didn't. You want that though so you can weed out the traditional girls.

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