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Dumbass attempts to kill girlfriend

Dumbass attempts to kill girlfriend

Eric Whitaker has been identified by police as the man who drove through a service station's storefront in an attempt to reportedly kill his girlfriend. Watch the shocking video and the aftermath that follows as he tries to flee from the scene of the crime.
Police were called to a service station in Columbia, Tennessee for not one, but two car accidents. One was a pickup truck that ran into the gas station's convenience store and the other was a head-on collision with a small delivery truck on the road. The driver in both instances has been identified as Eric Whitaker.

At first glance it seems like an odd coincidence, but when one views the video below the situation becomes even more bizarre with a storyline that will shock many. The video is taken from the surveillance cameras at the station and shows the many angles of both accidents.

The video opens with a woman, identified as Whitaker's 37-year-old girlfriend, running into the store and a pickup truck following dangerously close. The truck shoves another vehicle out of the way and in the next camera angle from within the store the truck crashes through the glass doors and slams into a bystander. The fleeing victim barely misses a hit from the vehicle.

Once the vehicle has buried itself deep within the store, Whitaker's girlfriend attempts to make a getaway, but stops short when Whitaker climbs out of the driver's side door. He checks beneath the vehicle and walks right out of the store without looking back.

Whitaker walks up to a SUV and begins to drive away from the station. As he turns onto the busy road, he slams into a delivery truck head-on.

Whitaker was taken to a nearby hospital in critical condition and according to reports his health seems to be improving.

Police have classified this case as a domestic violence incident.

Dumbass attempts to kill girlfriend

I still can't believe how the guy who gets hit by the truck gets up and walks away

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

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Dumbass attempts to kill girlfriend

Quote: (12-18-2011 03:43 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

I still can't believe how the guy who gets hit by the truck gets up and walks away

Yea, that was a total die hard moment. Whoooo shiiitttt, almost got my shirt dirty.

Dumbass attempts to kill girlfriend

Quote: (12-18-2011 03:43 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

I still can't believe how the guy who gets hit by the truck gets up and walks away
I still can't believe that guys think a woman is worth this much trouble.

Dumbass attempts to kill girlfriend

Quote: (03-30-2012 12:13 AM)assman Wrote:  

Quote: (12-18-2011 03:43 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

I still can't believe how the guy who gets hit by the truck gets up and walks away
I still can't believe that guys think a woman is worth this much trouble.

wise words of wisdom.

Dumbass attempts to kill girlfriend

The girls looks to be pretty fat. Probably the most exercise she's done in a long time.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Dumbass attempts to kill girlfriend

That dirtbag bitch deserved it i'll run her over my self.


Dumbass attempts to kill girlfriend

Quote: (03-30-2012 12:13 AM)assman Wrote:  

Quote: (12-18-2011 03:43 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

I still can't believe how the guy who gets hit by the truck gets up and walks away
I still can't believe that guys think a woman is worth this much trouble.

Yeah, really. He probably won't have to worry about women for some time, though, once he's out of the hospital and has been put through the court system.

Men do stupid shit when it comes to bitches. Search Google News for the phrase "over a woman" and you'll come across all kinds of articles, including tidbits such as:

"Devin Graves, 21, of Murray, was allegedly assaulted due to an altercation over a woman being harassed..."

"A fight over a woman left one man stabbed and another one in jail..."

"Melbourne police said a video captured a fight that started over a woman, but ended with racial slurs and permanently disfiguring injuries..."

"Lorain man wanted for assault after getting into a fight over a woman..."

"Chief Deputy Randy Christian said the shooting, in the 1300 block of Downs Road, stemmed from a dispute over a woman..."

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Dumbass attempts to kill girlfriend

Quote: (03-31-2012 10:48 PM)MSW2007 Wrote:  

Men do stupid shit when it comes to bitches.
Any fight that starts at a bar on a Friday night - it's almost always a chick that causes it.

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