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How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Would you ever use violence in a class if a bitch annoyed you and made your blood boil to the point where you want to shove a fucking chair on her head?

There are some girls in my school who act like spoiled princesses and they use strategies like:

1) victimizing themselves in front of betas.
2)complimenting betas for (wrong) "chivalry" behaviors who then compliment her back.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-03-2011 07:16 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

Would you ever use violence in a class if a bitch annoyed you and made your blood boil to the point where you want to shove a fucking chair on her head?

There are some girls in my school who act like spoiled princesses and they use strategies like:

1) victimizing themselves in front of betas.
2)complimenting betas for (wrong) "chivalry" behaviors who then compliment her back.

you can put them down with words never violence against women bro...

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

my friend threw a chair across the room at some cunt who called the teachers wife a whore and him a faggot because he didnt pass her.

opting for something less extreme. i laughed in the face of this bitch one time because she denied any correlation between obesity/stroke/diabetes etc.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Are you in Jr. High?

Grow up if you're not.

Players don't lose their cool.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

As long as they're not causing problems for you, you should just ignore them.

BTW, Do NOT use violence.


How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-03-2011 06:08 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Are you in Jr. High?

Grow up if you're not.

Players don't lose their cool.

This is easier said than done when attending class with the same retarded women 3-4 days a week. Sometimes, you just want to shut down the feminist in your class with some heavy handed ego-destroying insults.

But the reality is, giving any of these harpies your attention, even if negative, validates their views.

The best thing to do is read something on your cell phone, and completely ignore them. These women will end up spinsters, so just let father time take care of their over-inflated ego's. You needn't do anything.

Make sure you game lots of other girls outside of your class to help you care less about these bitches.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

If she is really an idiot and holding up the class by saying all kinds of stupid shit, don't be afraid put her in her place. Just be sure that the rest of the class will be on your side. Just don't be to serious about it, say it half jokingly. Make fun of her for being an idiot. Girls will love it.

Do it when you're sure she is wrong and the rest of the class will agree with you.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

why don't you focus on learning and getting good grades until you graduate? M.O.B.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-04-2011 07:10 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (12-03-2011 06:08 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Are you in Jr. High?

Grow up if you're not.

Players don't lose their cool.

This is easier said than done when attending class with the same retarded women 3-4 days a week. Sometimes, you just want to shut down the feminist in your class with some heavy handed ego-destroying insults.

But the reality is, giving any of these harpies your attention, even if negative, validates their views.

The best thing to do is read something on your cell phone, and completely ignore them. These women will end up spinsters, so just let father time take care of their over-inflated ego's. You needn't do anything.

Thanks. Just imagine Seeing and hearing the same bitches that often, plus the guys who always, Always speak about lame football topics in class.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Some women are stupid and don't even know it. It's the same if some ignorant person spewed fabricated facts but did not know the real truth. There is no need getting upset at them. They just do not know.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

I ignored 99% of my peers in class. You should learn to as well. Slackers and losers.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-04-2011 07:33 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

If she is really an idiot and holding up the class by saying all kinds of stupid shit, don't be afraid put her in her place. Just be sure that the rest of the class will be on your side. Just don't be to serious about it, say it half jokingly. Make fun of her for being an idiot. Girls will love it.

Do it when you're sure she is wrong and the rest of the class will agree with you.


99% of the time in debates in front of a crowd, no one gives a fuck about who is right and who is wrong. Truth is irrelevant. It's about who is "winning." It's just like how you can watch a presidential debate on mute and still pick the winner. It's all just a dick waving competition of who's more socially savvy. You win by being the "cool" one.

You can easily get on the wrong side of this, by thinking that people actually care to know the truth. They don't. If you want to win status points, you're best just making amused cynical remarks attacking your opponent. Insinuating that your opponent cares too much or tries too hard is an old standby.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-05-2011 08:01 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

Thanks. Just imagine Seeing and hearing the same bitches that often, plus the guys who always, Always speak about lame football topics in class.

You have a 4.0?

What makes you so smart?

You have academic awards, accolades, research assistantships with top professors?

The guys who talk most often about the "stupid retards in class" were rarely the top performers.

I got straight A's, and was better than my classmates.

Not because I raged like a little child who couldn't sit still when other talks.

But because I spent less time thinking about how stoopid there were, and more time on my studies.

Much of life is like that.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-05-2011 07:15 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Quote: (12-04-2011 07:33 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

If she is really an idiot and holding up the class by saying all kinds of stupid shit, don't be afraid put her in her place. Just be sure that the rest of the class will be on your side. Just don't be to serious about it, say it half jokingly. Make fun of her for being an idiot. Girls will love it.

Do it when you're sure she is wrong and the rest of the class will agree with you.


99% of the time in debates in front of a crowd, no one gives a fuck about who is right and who is wrong. Truth is irrelevant. It's about who is "winning." It's just like how you can watch a presidential debate on mute and still pick the winner. It's all just a dick waving competition of who's more socially savvy. You win by being the "cool" one.

You can easily get on the wrong side of this, by thinking that people actually care to know the truth. They don't. If you want to win status points, you're best just making amused cynical remarks attacking your opponent. Insinuating that your opponent cares too much or tries too hard is an old standby.

good post. in other words style over substance wins. kind of like game

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-03-2011 07:16 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

Would you ever use violence in a class if a bitch annoyed you and made your blood boil to the point where you want to shove a fucking chair on her head?

There are some girls in my school who act like spoiled princesses and they use strategies like:

1) victimizing themselves in front of betas.
2)complimenting betas for (wrong) "chivalry" behaviors who then compliment her back.

These kind of women get a perverse pleasure from men who hit them. Don't do it, the best way to get back at them is to laugh in their face and belittle them. For example, maybe take that beta a straight talk him, and get your friends to all gang up on that girl and tell her how worthless she is. or just insult and make fun of her until she cries. Talk about how her daddy doesn't love her and cheats on her mom and how you saw it. Diss her up so bad, that she will cry after. Thats what I did, I never had to beat up a girl, I just tear them down so bad they give up, insults their moms, dads, brother, family. Girls can't take family insults. Say her dad jumps infront of cars for money and is a hobo who eats from a tin can. Say her mom is a whore and a slut and you saw her shooting internet porno where ten men ejaculated in her moths mouth and they were all of whatever race you know she hates. Say her brother is a gay man who likes rampant butt sex and that her grand daddy has aids, and that no one should talk to her because she might give them the aids, and every time you see her just yell aids, and encourage all the boys to call her aids. That ought to shut her up good. Do it and report back to me and pm me and post inn forum how it works out. [Image: banana.gif]

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-05-2011 07:33 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (12-05-2011 08:01 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

Thanks. Just imagine Seeing and hearing the same bitches that often, plus the guys who always, Always speak about lame football topics in class.

You have a 4.0?

What makes you so smart?

You have academic awards, accolades, research assistantships with top professors?

The guys who talk most often about the "stupid retards in class" were rarely the top performers.

I got straight A's, and was better than my classmates.

Not because I raged like a little child who couldn't sit still when other talks.

But because I spent less time thinking about how stoopid there were, and more time on my studies.

Much of life is like that.

Grades don't always prove how smart someone is. Most of my peers memorize a textbook and regurgitate it on an exam to get an A. They lack the simplest ability to solve problems not found in a textbook and because they have such a limited understanding of the concepts behind something they will forget everything in under 6 months.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-06-2011 03:34 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

Grades don't always prove how smart someone is. Most of my peers memorize a textbook and regurgitate it on an exam to get an A. They lack the simplest ability to solve problems not found in a textbook and because they have such a limited understanding of the concepts behind something they will forget everything in under 6 months.

If you can't get straight A's, you're not nearly as smart as you think you are.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-06-2011 03:44 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2011 03:34 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

Grades don't always prove how smart someone is. Most of my peers memorize a textbook and regurgitate it on an exam to get an A. They lack the simplest ability to solve problems not found in a textbook and because they have such a limited understanding of the concepts behind something they will forget everything in under 6 months.

If you can't get straight A's, you're not nearly as smart as you think you are.

You're right that getting A's doesn't prove much.

However, being unable to get them does prove something (whether it's lack of innate intelligence or lack of discipline is open to question).

"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

I was saying that on a purely grades standpoint. I am capable of straight A's, but there is more to being smart than that such as the achievements you mentioned (MikeCF)

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-06-2011 04:47 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

I was saying that on a purely grades standpoint. I am capable of straight A's, but there is more to being smart than that such as the achievements you mentioned (MikeCF)

For someone going on about "smarts," your critical thinking skills could use work.

I wrote: "If you can't get straight A's, you're not nearly as smart as you think you are."

That claim is not the same as saying, "If you get straight A's, you are smart."

Look at it like this: "All smart people can get straight A's."

That can be understood as two subsets of people: a) smart people, and b) people who get straight A's.

While I made a claim about subset a), I said nothing about b).

More: All ducks can swim.

Does this mean all swimmers are ducks?

See also,

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-06-2011 05:24 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2011 04:47 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

I was saying that on a purely grades standpoint. I am capable of straight A's, but there is more to being smart than that such as the achievements you mentioned (MikeCF)

For someone going on about "smarts," your critical thinking skills could use work.

I wrote: "If you can't get straight A's, you're not nearly as smart as you think you are."

That claim is not the same as saying, "If you get straight A's, you are smart."

Look at it like this: "All smart people can get straight A's."

That can be understood as two subsets of people: a) smart people, and b) people who get straight A's.

While I made a claim about subset a), I said nothing about b).

More: All ducks can swim.

Does this mean all swimmers are ducks?

See also,

lmao logic is awesome.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

My original statement was in reference to "You have a 4.0?" and it was meant as Caligula stated it. My opinion is that someones intelligence should be based on their accomplishments and their level of performance rather than how well they perform on tests. I am not trying to start an internet argument, I am just making an opinionated statement.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-06-2011 03:44 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2011 03:34 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

Grades don't always prove how smart someone is. Most of my peers memorize a textbook and regurgitate it on an exam to get an A. They lack the simplest ability to solve problems not found in a textbook and because they have such a limited understanding of the concepts behind something they will forget everything in under 6 months.

If you can't get straight A's, you're not nearly as smart as you think you are.

Grades measure obedience more than intelligence. Even in the hard sciences.

"Do assignments X, Y, and Z, and in the format I tell you!"

Following orders isn't a mark of high intelligence.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-06-2011 08:14 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Grades measure obedience more than intelligence. Even in the hard sciences.

"Do assignments X, Y, and Z, and in the format I tell you!"

Following orders isn't a mark of high intelligence.

Recognizing the advantages of good grades (good luck getting in at Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other start-ups with shitty grades) is a mark of high IQ.

Not doing work because, well, "Fuck it I'm 19, so how dare some professor tell me anything!" is petulant, and insufferable to any guy who has done shit with his life.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

The only reason I'm quibbling with you Mike, is because I understand what Andreas is going through. School is much worse today than it was your day. The propaganda is awful.

Quote: (12-06-2011 08:52 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2011 08:14 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Grades measure obedience more than intelligence. Even in the hard sciences.

"Do assignments X, Y, and Z, and in the format I tell you!"

Following orders isn't a mark of high intelligence.

Recognizing the advantages of good grades (good luck getting in at Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other start-ups with shitty grades) is a mark of high IQ.

Not doing work because, well, "Fuck it I'm 19, so how dare some professor tell me anything!" is petulant, and insufferable to any guy who has done shit with his life.

Grades are earned for their instrumental advantages, not to demonstrate intelligence.

Your original claim...


If you can't get straight A's, you're not nearly as smart as you think you are. too strong, since a guy with A- or even a B isn't displaying a lack of intelligence.

I would say that if you can't get at least a B, you're a retard. That's more sensible. But straight A's is the mark of a person who devotes their life to school, not that they have extra intelligence.

Some of the dumbest women I've had the displeasure of speaking with had 4.0's.

Early on in my academics, I came to the sad conclusion that grades had only a small correlation with intelligence for the liberal arts, and a strong but not complete correlation for the hard sciences.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

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