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Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

Last night i met a 9 during a night out. It was one of those moments where you think, oh my god, i have to talk to her. I didn't even care if i fucked up, i just wanted to know her name. I struck up a conversation and she seemed nice. 5 min into the conversation i told her i had to leave but i want to grab her number.

Next week i texted her asking if she's going out again this weekend. She said she was, so we ended up at the same bar again. Im not bad looking but next to this girl it was crazy how much people looked. Like "what the hell is this girl doing with this guy?". That's how beautiful she was. I went to the bathroom and when i came back she was surrounded by 2 guys. I literally couldn't leave her for a second without a guy hitting on her. But she was nice enough to tell them "she was with her boyfriend" pointing at me. I thought shit, this girl does like me. She also responded well to kino, she was the kind of girl that are used to guys hitting on her since she was comfortable and had a good response to my game.

I've literally run the hardest and most focused game i've ever done before just to get this girl. I wanted it so bad. My game was 100% that night, making her laugh, no validation, a mixture of serious and fun, good push/pull, bringing up emotions in her, planting the sex idea in her head early on, you name it.

I walked her to the train station and to my luck the train was canceled. The gods were with me. Next train was in 3 hours and it was cold outside. I told her she could sleep at my place, i live 5 min away. She told me she was on her period, i said, it's cool, we'll just sleep. Turns out it was just a test and she wasn't on her period. As soon as i got in bed she got on top of me and started making out with me. One thing led to another and we had sex. This was my first time with a 9.

Honestly, the experience left me more empty than ever, cause i kept thinking, what's next? Is that it? All the excitement and work put into this for something so normal. The sex wasn't bad at all, it was just fine, but after busting a nut and looking at this girl, i couldn't feel any excitement, like when i first looked at her or when i first kissed her at the bar. I didn't see an amazing body, i just saw a normal girl. I guess it's true what they say, something has more value when you don't have it. But the question remains, now what? Should i go back banging 7's with minimal effort rather than exhausting myself chasing 9's and get the same outcome? The orgasm didn't feel any better. It was the same.

For the guys out there chasing the top tier hot girls 8's and 9's, what's your opinion about this? Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7? In the end, isn't it just the same wet pussy that you stick your dick in? In the end don't we just do this for the bragging rights and self-esteem boost of being able to lay down a stunner? One girl most guys in their lives won't even experience. Personally, i'd take a "yes girl" 7 with a good personality any time of the day over a 9 "maybe girl" with an average personality. What are your thoughts?

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

Quote: (05-08-2019 07:19 AM)lifecrisis Wrote:  

Last night i met a 9 during a night out. It was one of those moments where you think, oh my god, i have to talk to her. I didn't even care if i fucked up, i just wanted to know her name. I struck up a conversation and she seemed nice. 5 min into the conversation i told her i had to leave but i want to grab her number.

Next week i texted her asking if she's going out again this weekend.

I get confused.

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

Not better, just alot quicker

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

Quote: (05-08-2019 07:26 AM)No More Mr. Soy Boy Wrote:  

Quote: (05-08-2019 07:19 AM)lifecrisis Wrote:  

Last night i met a 9 during a night out. It was one of those moments where you think, oh my god, i have to talk to her. I didn't even care if i fucked up, i just wanted to know her name. I struck up a conversation and she seemed nice. 5 min into the conversation i told her i had to leave but i want to grab her number.

Next week i texted her asking if she's going out again this weekend.

I get confused.

my bad

i meant last night out, which was last weekend
then asked her if she was going out this weekend

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

wouldnt you be able to tell, since you just fucked a 9? unless you've never fucked a 7?

either way to me, its more about the kissing; kissing a 9 would be better than a 7. I think for fucking, it depends if the 9 is a cute 9 or a sexy 9.

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

I think porn might have done this to me but sex feels waaaay different with an attractive girl than a semi attractive girl. It becomes more of a mental thing.

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

The best sex of my life was with a 7. It’s less about appearance and more about intensity, passion, and connection. At least for me.

If a 9 doesn’t like rough, dirty sex, I’ll still bang for the novelty but my orgasm will be less fulfilling.

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

Might have better sex with the 7 but put a baby in the 9 to max out the genetic potential of your offspring

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

For anything serious, I’ll take a mentally stable, sweet and reliable 7 over most 9s

I already have one spawn with a mentally ill 8. Yeah, good genes and all that, lucky me.

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

To me your experience just explains the notion that looks aren't everything. I have noticed once hot 8 & 9s start looking like 7s and less after I have had my way with them. It's all mental.

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

I've had lousy, decent, good, great and awesome sex with anything from 5s to 9s (well, maybe not awesome with a 5, I'm too visually oriented for the plainness to not detract a bit from the experience). As long as a girl is clear above my attraction threshold, her looks in many cases - but not all (eg. fantastic breasts or other standout features) - is not the deciding factor in how much I enjoy having sex with her.

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

From my experience the uglier a woman, the better the orgasm. No idea if that's the norm though

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

I'll take a 9 personality/vibe in a 7 over a low personality/vibe in a 9 any day.

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

Looks only really matter in fucking to the point of does she make your dick hard often. Other than that it's for ego. Outside of that it's passion, submissiveness, how well the bodies and parts match up and just raw willingness for nastiness. That's why I can bust a mega nut with a 6 and not even nut for a 9.

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

Quote: (05-08-2019 01:58 PM)realologist Wrote:  

Looks only really matter in fucking to the point of does she make your dick hard often. Other than that it's for ego. Outside of that it's passion, submissiveness, how well the bodies and parts match up and just raw willingness for nastiness. That's why I can bust a mega nut with a 6 and not even nut for a 9.

Exactly that and I think and have heard this from a lot of 5s, 6s and even 7s they need to up their actual sex skills to compete.

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

Maybe it does not feel as great as you would have thought, but after you banged a 9, you will look at a 6 or 7 with different eyes. You just dont find them nice any more and want another 9.

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

Have to dissent from the general direction of this thread. To me sex is a lot better with an 8 or above than a 5-7. Fucking a young girl with an 8+ face is on some level a privilege even if she's a cunt (which she usually is).

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

Quote: (05-08-2019 12:37 PM)partyfowl Wrote:  

From my experience the uglier a woman, the better the orgasm. No idea if that's the norm though
It's a mix of things. When I did it to someone I didn't deem that attractive, it almost felt like I was punishing her? I would not know what to call it, but it felt dominating and like a conquest. I wouldn't call it guilty, either. More like, yeah I busted inside this average girl and conquered her.

I cannot explain it.

Akwesi says it best. The younger, the better.

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

^ Not to mention plain or ugly girls often work a lot harder in bed. Some of my best lays/orgasms have been pretty homely.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

Going to vary per guy. I’ve had some amazing sex with a 6 that left me dead, drained and pretty physically satisfied but mentally I felt bad.. because well she’s a 6.

Unless she’s shit in bed a 9 will satisfy me physically as well as mentally.

That girl couldn’t have been a 9 for you because you looked over and saw “just another girl”.

When I bang a 9 I look over and think “fucking awesome I pulled this off” and can’t wait to bang over again.

Of course this will wear off somewhat like with any other girl after the 20th time you banged her but not so quickly after the first one.

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Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

An orgasm with a 9 is better than a 6. Because of the physical beauty and you wan't her to get pregnant, there is more attraction which makes the orgasm better. And afterwards you feel good about it.

Not knocking 6's

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

EGO REASONS make orgasms way better.
If you know that your game+looks are that good to bang a 9....your ego is gonna feel REALLY GREAT

Other than that, the beauty of a woman helps in a orgasm

However there are 6's that fuck like heaven, and 9's that are like statues so....it really depends.

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

In a word? Yes.

I think hotter girls get me harder. Just how it is. Even a really hot chick who starfishes has me shooting monster loads multiple times in a session. A normal chick who is good in bed might get me to bust 1-2 times and then I want her gone.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

Lol at so many people here acting like they've banged a bunch of 9s. Having lived in manhattan for 11 years, in greenwich village, west village, and having extensively gone out in SoHo and to numerous fashion week events, I can still say I have seen maybe ~10 9s in my entire life in front of my eyes. I have exchanged words with only one. I have gone out at: Avenue, PhD, Blond, 1Oak, Boom Boom Room, Catch, Rose bar etc. etc. I did see 3-4 in my week in Ibiza. Lo and behold each and every one was a professional model.

I'm not saying it's not possible but ya'll are simply handing out 9s like candy if they are frequenting your podunk town's podunk bars. 9s are drop dead gorgeous top-tier professional model caliber women (i.e. not an average professional model). They literally make random men and women stop mid conversation.

Even walking around with ~8s I notice random people staring. The girl and I both point it out. I went on a date with an 8.25 once who was dressed to the 9s and she didn't even kiss me btw (so no humble brag), but when we got up to leave, the table next to us started clapping (lmao). I went back to the bar and the bouncer was like wtf dude what happened with her? You in? Cant even fathom what it's like to be with a 9. In all likelihood she's famous already.

Tl;dr I doubt most people have even kissed a 9.

Is an orgasm with a 9 better than with a 7?

Quote: (05-12-2019 07:42 PM)browndude Wrote:  

Lol at so many people here acting like they've banged a bunch of 9s. Having lived in manhattan for 11 years, in greenwich village, west village, and having extensively gone out in SoHo and to numerous fashion week events, I can still say I have seen maybe ~10 9s in my entire life in front of my eyes. I have exchanged words with only one. I have gone out at: Avenue, PhD, Blond, 1Oak, Boom Boom Room, Catch, Rose bar etc. etc. I did see 3-4 in my week in Ibiza. Lo and behold each and every one was a professional model.

I actually agree with this.

Beautiful women are much rarer than men imply. And especially when recounting their own conquests. [Image: wink.gif]

This is why ratings discussions are usually such a circle jerk.

Don't care what country you're in - the vast majority of rooms, as in almost all of them, that you ever walk into or going to be filled with people who are ugly and/or average (hence the meaning of the word).

With a sprinkle of above average girls (i.e. "attractive) here and there.

Just make an intention to observe the real life ratios of attractive people vs meh-looking people that you see today as you go around conducting your business and you can see what I mean for yourself.

Unless you work in a career that puts you in constant interaction with them (movies or modeling industry), truly gorgeous women are, by default, hard to come across in your everyday life. If they weren't exceptional, they wouldn't be so prized.

And actually, I'll even fix this one for you:


Even walking around with ~7s I notice random people staring.

Thanks to the nature of men, modern thirst, and the ratio of attractive women to bland women...all it really takes is a 7 to get a lot of attention in most places. They are the most abundant above average girls out there and what usually catches your eye.

(4-6 being the most abundant women in general)

So, 7...Not quite professional model material (though probably not far off, thanks to camera/computer tricks; varying tastes; and the economic value of an original look).

But cute, sexy, and/or pretty...Possibly in possession of a single standout trait, like great breasts or ass, that, combined with their prettier than average face, makes them a focal point in a room for healthy males and even other women.

Plain broads will envy them. Guys will cockblock you or constantly try to get at them behind your back.

They're those girls who are used to somewhat special treatment from everyone around them and a little dumbfounded when a true stunner makes an appearance and their presence suddenly feels diminished and undermined.

Guys who don't recognize that a girl you could call a 7 (when looking at the true spectrum of attractiveness in real life) are HIGHLY desired women just do not have an accurate perspective of social reality.

And probably aren't batting as high as they think they are either.

That's all well and good because a 7 with integrity, a good personality, and a slim or great body is a solid catch. And will get more attractive to you as you invest your time and attention into her.

Most men would happily marry a 7 with other things going for her; I would and certainly nothing wrong with that.

And probably award her with a higher rating to subconsciously justify his commitment.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

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