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Guys that slept with hundreds of women

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

Guys that have slept with hundreds of women, did they trick the women ?
For example did the women think a relationship would have come out of it?
what % of women just want a fling ( just sexual) when they flirt heavily in a club etc. ?
I have had a few relationships and have quite often women look at me but I usually ignore it because for a relationship I have high standards psychically ( i am thinking ahead) , or at least higher then if I didn't have to make a commitment.
I have no clue how to just keept it casual and I don't want to Fuck and then break her heart a bit by not bringing it to the next level ( relationship)
How do you guys just get laid without the drama.And what do the guys do that sleep with a lot of women., to keep it casual ? .How many women are into it %?

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

[Image: ?]

I'm not mocking you, just having some fun. It's good to relax and have a sense of humor about these things. Jokes aside though, guys who have slept with 300+ women typically have some sort of celebrity status or established wealth because guys who work for a living, were late bloomers, have some kind of budget, etc. usually don't have the time or logistical ability to game that many women while balancing all of their other activities and responsibilities as well. Even skilled gamers usually don't hit the 300 mark unless they save money and take off a year or two to live wild in some place where getting women is far easier than wherever they came from because many, if not most, guys will find that the novelty begins to fade with each new notch after a certain notch count and they will slow down, enter one or more LTRs (Long Term Relationships), and/or get married before hitting the 300 mark.

Most gamers in my observation either enjoy a steady stream of a single-digit number of females per month (thus, maybe a few dozen per year) or have long dry spells punctuated by intense periods of utter debauchery. There are others who follow a different pattern and some who make gaming women the primary focus of their lives, permanently forsaking marriage and children (usually causing them to get more notches), but that is generally what I've observed. Personally, if a guy told me that he had banged more than even 200 different women, my first instinct would be to think that he probably has made women the focus of his life, has spent a large stretch of time in Thailand or some similar place, and/or is a trust fund baby who has all day to game women. None of these things are necessarily bad or anything, they are probably just not a description of your situation.

As for your question of how to not lead a girl on, don't worry too much about this. Just don't explicitly state that you are looking for something long term. Don't bring up the issue at all and, if she brings it up, either be blunt and say you are not or be ambiguous. Females are generally more intuitive than guys and will pick up on things like that. Besides, if she is not in a committed relationship with you, and even if she is, don't assume you are the only guy she is in communication with. Females never conduct themselves without backups and orbiters waiting in the wings (often these are her male "friends" and any other non-family male names in her contact lists). This is why, whenever a female initiates a breakup with a guy, she is back in the game immediately because she already had at least one or two other guys lined up. Females never leave themselves completely open and optionless the way most males do.

Females are also not as fragile as you are implying, especially if they are not virgins. They generally will not be upset over you for long if they are for any length of time at all. Given your question, I suspect that it is entirely likely that you will be more emotionally distraught over her in the long run than she will be over you.

If you are dealing with a female, especially in a Western country (I see a Dutch flag next to your name), operate on the assumption that you are just the guy she is seeing right now and not the only one she is seeing this week/month. "She is not yours, it is just your turn" as they say. Unless you have made an explicit verbal agreement to be committed and exclusively faithful to a female in exchange for her doing the same for you, no such agreement exists and it is best to assume that it has not crossed her mind and to not bring it up. You are not responsible for a woman's emotions unless you have made some kind of agreement to be, which would be crazy given how fickle and beyond your control they are. What sort of masochist would make himself responsible for something entirely outside of his control? Don't put that on yourself, man.

Welcome to the forum and I hope you find what you are looking for here.


Guys that slept with hundreds of women

Life is one big tragicomedy - There will always be drama. You just need to decide how much of your energy you'll focus on that drama.

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

Quote: (01-08-2019 07:52 PM)Benjamin88 Wrote:  

I have no clue how to just keept it casual and I don't want to Fuck and then break her heart a bit by not bringing it to the next level ( relationship)
How do you guys just get laid without the drama.And what do the guys do that sleep with a lot of women., to keep it casual ? .How many women are into it %?

I've never intentionally done this, but:

If you only want to see a woman once, an easy way to avoid breaking her heart is to become super clingy and needy immediately after having sex the first time. She will generally be so repelled by your anti-game that you won't have to worry about hearing from her again.

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

When I was younger and inexperienced, before smart phones, I really wanted sex and thought the way to get it was to pursue mini relationships. It worked, but there are drawbacks.

These days, I have the inner confidence to communicate that I just want sex. There are plenty of women who are fine with that.

The mistake a lot of guys make is that they are not congruent. If you take a woman you just want to have sex with on a dinner date or to an art gallery, they get confused. One part of them tells them to not be a slut, hold back, and the other part is strongly attracted to you.

The silver lining is that its easier now than ever to find a woman to have sex with. Ironically, it may be more challenging to find someone that you would enjoy having dinner with.

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

Yes. I trick them with my IG pimp bottle rat game.

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

Wow, Nice reply's guys, I am making notes .I also like a kind of relationship but not to 1 women. Something in between one night stand and total relationship.Isn't that even more difficult then one night stand?
Did this work for you ( like FWB) or when you do not sexual things too, women generally want a total monogamy relationship.
I feel like monogamy is totally against my nature...

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

Quote: (01-09-2019 08:52 AM)Benjamin88 Wrote:  

Wow, Nice reply's guys, I am making notes .I also like a kind of relationship but not to 1 women. Something in between one night stand and total relationship.Isn't that even more difficult then one night stand?
Did this work for you ( like FWB) or when you do not sexual things too, women generally want a total monogamy relationship.
I feel like monogamy is totally against my nature...

What you are describing is called "friends with benefits" and, yes, it is generally harder to pull off than a ONS (One Night Stand) because one of you will usually wind up getting jealous when the other begins to become less available and/or begins making it more obvious that they are banging other people more than the other one of you is. It can be easy to move into cuck/orbiter territory from an FWB starting point if you only have one FWB (as most guys who have an FWB do) because you can start to feel as though you are competing for her attention with the other guys you know she is banging (which you are) and she will pick up on that desperation.

On her end, even if you maintain frame, the female will often bond more with you over time and things can easily get weird from that as well since she is a woman you only ever considered an FWB and maybe someone fun to go hiking with and bang in a tent or something but not one you would ever consider for a committed LTR as you already know she is capable of casually banging more than one guy at a time, keeping it private/secret, and compartmentalizing her emotions to manage that promiscuous lifestyle.

It sounds hypocritical at first until you consider that this is one of the ways in which men and women are wired differently. Sex is not an intrinsically emotional thing for men in general but it is for women so normal women will typically have difficulty psychologically managing a promiscuous lifestyle and it will mess them up over the long term. This is a choice that they make freely as adults however and one that they would make with another man if not with you, so it is not your responsibility. They are choosing this lifestyle because they know that some guy will likely still eventually wife them up at some point anyway but there is no reason why that guy has to be you.

Having an FWB is like being in a "polyamorous" relationship, it seems logical in theory until you take the human factor into account. There is a saying among people who have experimented with polyamory: "Polyamory is one person living polyamorous while the other suffers in silence." Avoid being the one who suffers in silence.

An alternative is to do what is called "spinning plates." This is when you have about 3-5 women whom you maintain regular contact with and see frequently. You can hang out with and bang them in the same way as you would with an FWB (Friend With Benefits) but, unlike most guys who have an FWB, you will not have only one of them so, when one of them becomes less available, you have a few others whom you can call and, if one of your plates drops (leaves/is left by you), you pick up another plate to replace her and restore your original plate number which, again, is ideally 3-5 as this is enough to be insured but not so much as to be tedious or overwhelming.

Another benefit to this approach is that, while you may feel that monogamy is totally against your nature now, you may find that you change your mind about that gradually as time goes on and that you want to gravitate more towards monogamy. If/when that happens, you select your favorite plate and do that with her while friend-zoning your other plates to keep them around as backups in case your new LTR goes south. This is what women do to men (virtually every male "friend" of a moderately attractive woman would bang her if allowed and women are aware of this) and it has historically worked for them so why not adopt their winning strategy for yourself?

Just look at this guy. Doesn't he look like he's having a great time?

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcoffeenapsandbooks.file...s1.jpg&f=1]

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

If you start early and keep it on track with momentum then racking up a huge number isn't a big deal IMO.

Every man who is active in game and isn't subject to gaming to LTRs will eventually get a high notch count.

If you bat average, i.e. one new girl each month, for a year then 100+ takes 10 years. When you consider the average man does not get more than 1-15 partners in his lifetime.. it puts things into perspective.

But... be careful what you wish for. I rinse through SNL and girls and only deal with them once, twice, three times max, typically. I always get the excitement of a new girl but where it weakens me is that I never build up a true comfort level to where I can maintain the good ones in a stable. In a perfect world it would be a stable which then frees up time to then be selective of when I want to go after new leads.

As others have mentioned to get above average you have to make woman your focus an/or devote lots of energy to maintaining lots of different mini-relationships while still getting time in to look for new girls. For some dudes a system is what they develop. First example, if online works for them they will focus on that to get new leads. Second, if you have flexibility then a trip or two to a hunt heavy location like SE Asia can produce huge results. My one buddy goes to SE Asia each winter and will plow down 35-50 girls. When he is on these trips game is his sole focus and nothing else. Literally. He sleeps, eats, games, and repeats this. For him the hunt is a rush as much as the reward and with so many new girls that pass through he will never run out of options so it keeps him motivated.

The key is finding a flow and approach that works for you. Issues come when life schedules makes it hard or as you advance into different age stages as well. For me, having a light environment where I can get conversations going with some girls over some drinks, I will get the bang. I just need the right environment and I can get it to where I want to be, to the point that when it is right and flowing I can already "see the sale". The issue come is that that "perfect" environment isn't as easy to find as I would like.

So, in the end, you will find what works for you and will settle into a flow that will get you results. Time and refinement just keeps more results going. I think it is healthy when you get to a level of when you can make the choice of how much you want to invest to get new girls (I am still working towards that). The game also elevates when you can manage the stable of side girls -- IMO that is when you are peaking and rolling.

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

Not all notch counts are created equal. Mine is over 100 (I'd guess in the 125-150 range, lost count around 25 though). That said, there are maybe only 25% of those I'm legitimately proud of and at least that many that I was legitimately disgusted with myself for (the rest were "meh"). Combination of a decade or so period of my life where I was a) living in a number of places filled with very low quality but slutty women, b) getting shitfaced 2-4 nights a week while being prone to beer goggles, and c) had a lower SMV of my own and consequently far lower standards than I do now.

Would I trade my sexual history to have a notch count of 50 but of whom 90% were high quality? Absolutely.

Don't get hung up on raw numbers. They aren't entirely meaningless, but once you get past a certain point (25 or so IMO) you get diminishing returns.

I got my Magnum condoms, I got my wad of hundreds, I'm ready to plow!

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

@Dr Mantis Tobaggan

That’s pretty real man, respect. Not all notches are created equal indeed. I know some guys who brag about their super high notch count but I question the quality of the women they were fucking.

My notch count is relatively low IMO (50) but there are only about four of those lays that I am ashamed of. I usually judge them where if my dad saw me walking with them if I would try to hide or not haha. With those three or four gnargoyles the post-coital regret/negative feelings was so strong that I resolved to let a bang go if it didn’t meet quality control standards. That said, sometimes alcohol and/or horniness takes over and slip-ups happen. The male sex drive is a powerful force of nature indeed

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

Quote: (01-09-2019 11:04 AM)Dr Mantis Toboggan Wrote:  

Not all notch counts are created equal. Mine is over 100 (I'd guess in the 125-150 range, lost count around 25 though). That said, there are maybe only 25% of those I'm legitimately proud of and at least that many that I was legitimately disgusted with myself for (the rest were "meh"). Combination of a decade or so period of my life where I was a) living in a number of places filled with very low quality but slutty women, b) getting shitfaced 2-4 nights a week while being prone to beer goggles, and c) had a lower SMV of my own and consequently far lower standards than I do now.

Would I trade my sexual history to have a notch count of 50 but of whom 90% were high quality? Absolutely.

Don't get hung up on raw numbers. They aren't entirely meaningless, but once you get past a certain point (25 or so IMO) you get diminishing returns.

Reality. Wisdom right there.

To your first two questions: You can't really "trick" women. That's like a lottery winner with a billion dollars being "tricked" into giving you the money. It's sorta up to the person with the money to not give the money away. That all said, I would advise against lying to women and trying to trick them into sex. (1) If you're asking the question, you'll probably be bad at it, and (2) that's a dark and rough long-term road to go down. Also, if you do trick a woman, she's probably unstable and using her pussy for connection...not the kind of girl you want.
Women generally know whether to expect a relationship or not at the outset. Most women don't assume a relationship after one roll in the hay.

The % of women who just want a fling shows your naivete. There's no number. On one hand, they all do (romance novels, romcoms, etc). On another hand, none of them do (relationship, resources, mommies). The general trend would be fling until 20s, shifting toward relationship focused in 20s, then kids (no libido), then at some point fling again (for the husband, hopefully this just manifests as some excitement in the bedroom).

Don't mistake your high standards for anxiety.

"I have no clue how to just keept it casual and I don't want to Fuck and then break her heart a bit by not bringing it to the next level ( relationship)"
This makes me think you're still young and a bit inexperienced. It's a man's job to escalate. Again, I would advise self-honesty during the escalation. Don't lie, don't be a dick, just be normal.

Not many women are into keeping it casual for very long. It's fine if that's what you want. It really all depends what you want.

How do you guys just get laid without the drama.And what do the guys do that sleep with a lot of women., to keep it casual ? .How many women are into it %?
Very occasional texts (mostly for logistics). Don't see her more than 1x per week. I'm not advising this type of relationship (having been in a couple), but that's how you do it. Not very many women are into it for very long.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

Don't count. I love women and love to fuck them. Don't count you're wasting your time.

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

Women want FWBs too.

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

Quote: (01-09-2019 11:54 AM)Hypno Wrote:  

Women want FWBs too.

That they do. And if they regret it later, it's not your responsibility. Adult choices.

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

You'll lose count around 30. You will just start to do it for the enjoyment, and numbers go out the window.

Shooting for a certain number will put you on a treadmill similar to a instagram thotty looking for likes. Aim for quality and enjoyment instead of a raw notch count.

Personally, I would rather have a girl that I enjoy being around more than 5 that I just bang and peace out afterwards.

If you want hundreds of notches, you won't even remember many of them.

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

One thing Heavy said is interesting and something I didn't realize until I was more experienced. The same woman might want a LTR and a SNL at the same time time. Not necessarily from the same person. It all depends on how you present your self. Just don't assume you need some sort of relationship to get laid.

I mostly do online. When I meet my date, I begin escalating physically and leading them from the first moment. I give them a hug and a squeeze and lift them off the ground. I push them away, look them up and down, ask them to turn around so I can admire what they wore for me. Women spend an hour or more getting ready, most guys think they have to sneak a peak. Instead, invite them to show off for you and tell them how much you enjoy what they wore for you. It will make them feel appreciated and it reinforce s the frame that they are to jump through hoops to seek your approval.

At the restaurant or bar I select a booth and sit on the same side as her. I ask her an open ended question so she will talk and be distracted. To further the distraction I listen intently. At the same time, I make a point of touching her. I want her to know I'm sexually attracted to her and let her know that it's OK to touch me. At first just her hand or are, nonthreatening, but eventually I might move her hair away from her face, place my hand on her thigh, eventually play with her hair or touch her face or neck. After a while her hand will be on your thigh. Then you jump to your place and bang.

Contrast that with what most guys do. They sneak a peak at her body. They hide the fact that they are sexually attracted to her. They talk about themselves. They wait until the end of the date to physically escalate, by which time she probably put you in the nice guy category.

It took me until my 40s to get this down and be comfortable with it. Take small steps that are congruent with who you are and what you are feeling. Remind your self that she's interested in you - you know that because she agreed to the date - and she wants your validation as much as you want hers. And always consider how you are presenting your self--as a nice guy for an LTR or the exciting guy for a SNL/FWB.

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

I lost my virginity in the 1980's and grew up in Atlanta so I am well above 100. College and rave culture increased my count drastically. I now focus on quality over quantity.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

heavy is right about most women generally not wanting to keep things casual for very long. This is one more reason I advise you to spin plates as opposed to seeking a semi-monogamous FWB sort of arrangement. You will find that, as time passes, your plates will start to fall on their own even if you don't drop them and you will need to replace them with new ones. You spin multiple so as to ensure that you do not experience a dry spell or period of acute loneliness immediately after one or even two of your plates fall because you still have at least another one or two plates in the air until you replace whichever one(s) just fell. You can get as close or remain as distant from any of your plates as you choose but they will not be your only plate as your FWB would likely be your only FWB (again, some guys have more than one FWB at a time but I have generally observed most guys only having one at a time).

Most women, like most men, will eventually find themselves wanting something deeper and more lasting than a casual arrangement. You may ultimately find that you are a member of the small minority of humans who genuinely do not desire or, for some reason, such as family law and the cultural tendency for women to let themselves go in the case of American men, find it unacceptably dangerous to pursue anything long term and, if that is the case, then you have all the more reason to spin plates.

*Pro Tip: Get male friends and maintain your friendship with them through regularly communicating and meeting with them. Many, perhaps most, Western men do not have any real male friends whom they could truly count on in the event of a crisis and this tends to make them weak and susceptible to orbiter behavior. Solid male friends will keep you grounded during those times when you encounter females who might be a little bit more experienced and cunning than you are at the moment. Ideally, these male friends would be game-aware so that they don't tell you to "just be yourself" or, worse yet, attempt to "comfort" one of your recently fallen plates whom you are trying to distance yourself from and who is likely using said friend as a tool to get herself closer to you in order to harm or harass you in some vindictively female fashion.

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

The other reason to spin plates is because it makes you less needy. Aloof is attractive.

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

Quote: (01-09-2019 07:00 AM)Hypno Wrote:  

When I was younger and inexperienced, before smart phones, I really wanted sex and thought the way to get it was to pursue mini relationships. It worked, but there are drawbacks.

These days, I have the inner confidence to communicate that I just want sex. There are plenty of women who are fine with that.

The mistake a lot of guys make is that they are not congruent. If you take a woman you just want to have sex with on a dinner date or to an art gallery, they get confused. One part of them tells them to not be a slut, hold back, and the other part is strongly attracted to you.

[u]The silver lining is that its easier now than ever to find a woman to have sex with.[/u] Ironically, it may be more challenging to find someone that you would enjoy having dinner with.

If you're Chad, sure it is. If you're Joe Average, it's anything but.

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

10-15 years ago, before smart phones, you went on 3 dates and prayed you both laid. It's a lot easier these days, trust me

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

I prefer a MTR or a LTR because chasing new bangs, spinning plates and hunting takes up too much time, effort, money and emotional energy I could be devoting to making my life awesome.

When I have a woman, I get loads of no effort sex, freeing me up to concentrate on life.

I also don't have to kiss her mouth an hour after she swallowed some other dudes load.

Also, the best sex is with someone thats worked you out, been trained and is comfortable with you.

Exciting as a SNL is, its never the best sex really if we are honest.

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

Quote: (01-09-2019 04:13 PM)Hypno Wrote:  

10-15 years ago, before smart phones, you went on 3 dates and prayed you both laid. It's a lot easier these days, trust me

I think I must have been living my sex life in reverse. I had never been on a "traditional" date (these days usually arranged with a dating app and then 2-3 dates to get the bang) until I moved to Bulgaria five years ago, when I was over 35. Dating was just something that happened in American movies and TV.
Prior to that the vast majority of my lays - some of which converted into short or medium length relationships - were one-night stands from clubs or bars, and the occasional party or other social gathering.

Guys that slept with hundreds of women

I used seductive reasoning for about 8 years being strictly polyamorous. For ANY type of relationship trust and respect are vital to maintain

at this point im less rigid with what type of relationship I want and it is rare a girl does not feel the og player vibe within a few min so I have to be less proactive about setting proper expectations

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