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Are you black pilled?

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (12-31-2018 07:53 AM)Pangloss Wrote:  


Penta Sahi wrote:

The Beast1 Wrote:
Life’s too short to not go down swinging.

This is the proper response. I think. This coming year will make or break me.

(Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to post a quote/link properly).

I'm in the same position, and I wonder if there aren't many other men who swallowed the 'red pill' over the last 10 years who've come to a point, partly due to age, that there must now be a step forward to a greater purpose and growth or a fall into a slow decay.

At some point, there are no more red pills to take, you either get it a deep enough level or you don't. I can't watch the news, films, I have no appreciation for current music or interest in mainstream society. I've also probably isolated myself too much recently. So, what's next?

The black pill to me means that no-one is going to fix my life, or society, but also that I can become strong and contribute in my own small way. After going through a fairly dark and lonely phase I realize all I can do is go forward; to always love the Good and reject evil along the way, rather than rejecting everything. Good does exist.

If society is broken, work to fix it; if your enemies are strong, become stronger; if communities or networks don't exist, build them. At this stage, one can either choose life and at least have the courage to act on achieving a higher purpose (whether it's family, religion, creating some kind of legacy or change), or not.

You nailed it

Us men have to figure out how to be part of the solution in our own individual ways

The alternative is be a victim, be hedonistic, complain, and sink further into defeatist beliefs and lifestyles


I've been Mr positive in my posts in this thread, so it's worth noting (to keep things realistic) I still have a lot of bad days

I've experienced most things people talk about above

In addition, some big problems I've had is that I deal with a lot of things in life (due to growing in business, in knowledge of how the world works, and overall all in life) that people like friends and family and the people I know can't relate to or give me advice on.

You outgrow everything you used to know, and you get left on an island in a lot of ways, where you don't belong anywhere anymore, or you're just too different to everyone else

Roosh said it in one of his live streams and I related to it massively - red pill guys, and some of us experience this way more than others depending on how much we are creating change in the world and ourselves across all aspects of our lives - get to a point as we age where we can't go to anyone anymore to relate or talk to about our problems and issues because they are too specialised or individualised.

Do you know how much that conflicts with our built in biology to connect with and relate to other humans?

That can become really mentally isolating, and it can wear you down from a psychological point of view over time. I've had to start monitoring my psychological well being at times because of this, and had to make sure I stay in regular contact with the people in my life, even if it's talking about the most basic mind numbing sh*t

If you add on top of that friends or family who are small minded or who have negative behavior traits or who try to drag you back into the past, health problems, financial problems, terrible work or business situations - it can all add up and start to push you over the edge, and you question what you are doing and a lot of your past decisions


But, you said it best - it always comes down to two choices:
1) Persist and be a solution solver in your own life, and look outside just yourself spend some time helping others and society or your community
2) Or give up on society and people at large, look for problems, become a social commentator, and be hedonistic by just looking for ways to help yourself

Are you black pilled?

Was gonna start a similar thread, 'cos have been feeling the same. You know what? It's probably just the time of year. It always makes a thinking man somewhat melancholic. This Robert E Howard quote always perks me up, particularly the last line;

" I have known many gods. He who denies them is as blind as he who trusts them too deeply. I seek not beyond death. It may be the blackness averred by the Nemedian skeptics, or Crom's realm of ice and cloud, or the snowy plains and vaulted halls of the Nordheimer's Valhalla. I know not, nor do I care. Let me live deep while I live; let me know the rich juices of red meat and stinging wine on my palate, the hot embrace of white arms, the mad exultation of battle when the blue blades flame and crimson, and I am content. Let teachers and philosophers brood over questions of reality and illusion. I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content."*

Work on yourself. Form a gang. Pass on your genetic code, or leave something good behind you for others. Job done.

* This quote works a lot better without knowing that the author shot himself. Still works for me though.

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

Are you black pilled?

If blue pill is the fairy tale fantasy of male-female relationships and red pill is the truth what does that make black pill?

To me it's the reverse of blue pill and always in a negative mindset. Is black pill the exact opposite, a bleak and dark fantasy?

Almost as bad to me.

Either way, red pill is the truth. Being aware and accepting the ugly aspects of life but doing the same with the beauty of life and taking steps to stay positive and enjoy it for what it gives, takes and the opportunity it brings.

Are you black pilled?

RE: "Have you been through and out the other side?"


Many forum members in different threads have already posited the solution to successfully overcoming the blackpill, the ills of society, holding frame, etc. -- though they may not have realized it. And that's to create your own reality/circumstances and to live by your own rules (for as much as you can get away with). True happiness lies here once you realize how things really work/are. Reject and avoid people who don't play well in your world (don't waste your time). Embrace those who do. Live how you ideally want or limit yourself by what society/family/friends say you can do.

The choice is yours... feel overwhelmed and helpless by things you can't control or create the life you want regardless. Success or failure is (and has always been) on you.

Not sure if this a good analogy, but there's a point in the final Matrix movie where Neo can see both worlds and realizes he can influence and surpass both by his own convictions and is not limited to the programming of the virtual world or the hard truths' of the physical world. That's what the other side of the blackpill looks like.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (12-28-2018 06:14 AM)Super Average Man Wrote:  

Quote: (12-27-2018 11:43 PM)Waqqle Wrote:  

The black pill is not in any way the same as nihilism. The black pill is looking at an imploding leviathan like a civilization whose glory days are behind it and accepting that, no matter how great you are on an individual level, you will not be able to save the empire from itself and completely turn the place around in a single lifetime because the problem is almost entirely external (from you) and whether or not it gets solved has virtually nothing to do with what you do but what the majority of your other fellow citizens decide to do and they will decide to be fat and worthless because they are low-IQ cretins who are chemically and habitually addicted to all of the things that are killing them and the once unrivaled civilization whose wreaking hollow carcass they are squatting in.

This reminds me of Julius Evola's image of riding the tiger (of modernity):

The principle to follow could be that of letting the forces and processes of this epoch take their own course, while keeping oneself firm and ready to intervene when ‘the tiger, which cannot leap on the person riding it, is tired of running.’ ... One abandons direct action and retreats to a more internal position.

Do you guys recommend Ride The Tiger by Evola?
I'm currently reading Revolt Against the Modern World, but it doesn't seem like there is much of a practical use of it in our daily lives.

Are you black pilled?

On some levels I think that the black pill can be good.
But you hear people like Mike Cernovich talk about how some self delusion can be good. Like scientifically there is no such thing as free will, but if we live as if there is free will, we live better lives.
I do think you can delude yourself through self talk.
But I totally agree with what Roosh says about how a lot of these realizations can make you focus on what really matters in life. (Family, God, Health, Nature, and Friends). At the end of the day, everything else is totally just past times.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (01-03-2019 01:41 AM)bobmjilica Wrote:  

Like scientifically there is no such thing as free will, but if we live as if there is free will, we live better lives.

As a free thinker, believe and follow what you think is right, just, and virtuous (group thinkers actually have it easy). Create that world and live it -- either alone, with a group of like-minded individuals, or with your own wife and kids. Relocate, change jobs, pick a new partner... whatever it takes to get to where you want to be. You will live a better life for the effort, and for following your convictions.

Senca in Letters From a Stoic (Letter VII) said as much:

"...what then do you imagine the effect on a person’s character is when the assault comes from the world at large? You must inevitably either hate or imitate the world. But the right thing is to shun both courses: you should neither become like the bad because they are many, nor be an enemy of the many because they are unlike you. Retire into yourself as much as you can. Associate with people who are likely to improve you. Welcome those whom you are capable of improving."

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (01-03-2019 01:41 AM)bobmjilica Wrote:  

Like scientifically there is no such thing as free will, but if we live as if there is free will, we live better lives.

This is a perfect example of where the scientific method runs up against an ontological limit.

In a purely materialistic universe free will is a contradiction in terms. If everything is nought but gears and forces, then the human soul is just another sort of machine. However, is everything is a machine, how does the machine learn to question it's mechanical nature?

God left clues to his existence everywhere. The overwhelming beauty of the universe (why should resource-optimizers think something as useless as Saturn is beautiful?); morality (why such love/hatred of good people?); even, occasionally, something as in-your-face as Godel's Incompleteness Theorem.

Science has a very specific realm, in which it works wonderfullly, but when it comes to matters of the soul it's like a toddler trying to understand global politics. It innately lacks the breadth to be able to make a meaningful statement on the issue.

Are you black pilled?

Am I black pilled? Whenever I hear a young female talk about anything related to feminism (no matter how contrived), yes.

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (01-01-2019 03:48 PM)realologist Wrote:  

If blue pill is the fairy tale fantasy of male-female relationships and red pill is the truth what does that make black pill?

To me it's the reverse of blue pill and always in a negative mindset. Is black pill the exact opposite, a bleak and dark fantasy?

Almost as bad to me.

Either way, red pill is the truth. Being aware and accepting the ugly aspects of life but doing the same with the beauty of life and taking steps to stay positive and enjoy it for what it gives, takes and the opportunity it brings.

When I was younger, I'd see fat unkempt guys sitting alone in pubs spewing "wisdom" like "life's a bitch, then you die" to any young unsuspecting person within earshot. They were the original blackpillers. The new ones simply broadcast this crap on the Internet instead.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (01-03-2019 10:36 PM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

When I was younger, I'd see fat unkempt guys sitting alone in pubs spewing "wisdom" like "life's a bitch, then you die" to any young unsuspecting person within earshot. They were the original blackpillers. The new ones simply broadcast this crap on the Internet instead.

Or are they just the Gammas of society that Vox Day describes in his Socio-Sexual Hierarchy video?

To me, people who are or have gone through their blackpill phase originally sought out the truth and eventually got overwhelmed by the realities of life/politics/relationships and learned that many of their strong-held beliefs were false, no longer in favor, or their lives were being manipulated by external forces. It's easy to feel disillusioned at this point and not know to proceed or find contentment. I imagine many just stay in a perpetual funk once they reach this point. Knowledge can be both a curse or a blessing.

Are you black pilled?

To me, a "black pill" is recognizing that the world works in cycles, understanding what part of the cycle we're in, and not wasting your effort trying to change the cycle, but better adapting to it. Constantinople gained prominence with Roman nobility moving their ahead of what they could see as the inevitable collapse of the Western half of the Empire. Cycle recognition, and adaptation.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Are you black pilled?

The main issue I have with Black Pill is that it sometimes comes too early in a dude's game career. I mean, if you run game long enough you realize that you have some limitations that you can't overcome, but that's not really a good mindset when you're a newbie. It's disheartening and can smash your motivation before you get started.

I am a firm believer that new guys should stay farrrrr away from the black pill until they've built up enough references experiences that allow them to go "this is true, BUT." That "but" is really important to have when you try to push to a new level.

It's sort of like the smart kid paradox. The smart kid is smart enough to know shit can't be done, so he stops trying.

The dumbass kid outperforms him simply because he's too stupid/delusional to know it can't be done.

I lean towards being delusional in regards to game since most people are weak and will be caught up in your delusional self-confidence if you truly believe it.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (01-03-2019 11:34 PM)Avoy Wrote:  

I imagine many just stay in a perpetual funk once they reach this point. Knowledge can be both a curse or a blessing.

This hit home for me. While I wouldn't say I was always "completely red-pilled", I was definitely ahead of the curve, which isn't some bragging point, but rather an indication of the issues I had dealing with people growing up and relating (although outwardly you probably wouldn't guess this about me). I get why people keep their minds occupied with drugs, alcohol, mindless chatter about others, and whatever else they do to keep their minds from going where mine had gone (and still is). I just can't do it. And 'perpetual funk' is an apt description. I enjoy life, don't get me wrong, but there's always a certain cloud hanging about just around the corner. Not necessarily a dark cloud, more like one of those clouds associated with the routine afternoon showers you get each day in the south (US) during the summer. You just try to make do with what life and each day provides.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (01-03-2019 11:57 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

The main issue I have with Black Pill is that it sometimes comes too early in a dude's game career. I mean, if you run game long enough you realize that you have some limitations that you can't overcome, but that's not really a good mindset when you're a newbie. It's disheartening and can smash your motivation before you get started.

I am a firm believer that new guys should stay farrrrr away from the black pill until they've built up enough references experiences that allow them to go "this is true, BUT." That "but" is really important to have when you try to push to a new level.

It's sort of like the smart kid paradox. The smart kid is smart enough to know shit can't be done, so he stops trying.

If I had to summarize my greatest shortcoming, or the main source of my shortcomings, I'd print this out.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Are you black pilled?

^ I'd say everyone has this problem at some level.

I found that breaking out of it meant I had to do things I couldn't believe. I had a funny moment once where I was benching 180 pounds for reps and I felt like a beast.

Then I looked at the bar and there was 200 pounds on the bar! I'd never benched 200 at that point but I had just repped it out like it was nothing!

I've had many experiences like that in life and it has led me to wonder how powerful beliefs really are. What other things can we do if we truly believe we can?

Furthermore, what are we losing if we DON'T believe in ourselves and our potential? I think we lose a lot more than we can fathom by embracing being "realistic."

Think of all the guys on this forum who go to countries where "the girls don't like (x) guys" and still clean up just because they determine they will have a good time?

I just can't really buy into being realistic after all the battles i've faced in my life.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Are you black pilled?

Great post! I think the same at 2am when I can't sleep.

The issue I have with the red/black pill is the sense of mistrust you gain. Once you acquire the new lens the world is tinted grey. I watch the 6pm news and question everything. Trying to work out the hidden agenda behind everything is tiring and unproductive.

The way I look at my closest friends and family members changed. The haze of ignorance was shattered. Replaced by something cold and brutal. Instead of taking the happy exterior at face value I would look for subtle queues that told me what was really happening. For me, this flipped everything upside down.

For a young man it was tough to swallow. The first 3 years of learning this material I lost all drive for life. I started to numb myself. Booze, drugs and easy women. I distrusted that anything would make me happy. Hard work didn't matter because families would still be ripped apart. I had role models telling me money won't help. Marriage and children aren't an option. Now I discovered instant gratification was getting boring and making me feel like a piece of shit.

Richard Nixon is right. Men need a purpose. Without it, the energy we have inside starts to rot of soul.

Ive felt the power of purpose once. It was during a solo motorcycle trip. I had a destination I must get to. It was an amazing feeling and the start of an awaking inside. I knew that feeling was possible so I chased it. Recently however, I have fell back into old habits.

How do you guys find purpose in life?

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (01-04-2019 04:14 AM)Nord619 Wrote:  

How do you guys find purpose in life?

I think coming out of the other side of the black pill and finding a purpose are two different topics. An earlier thread had promise, but it didn't get very far. You can view it here: thread-8476.html

I'm no expert on the subject, but I will say that people often equate "purpose" with being apart of something bigger than themselves and contributing in some way. However, "purpose" is usually more personal and situational. You can usually find it by looking within and figuring what to do with the strengths you possess at a any given moment -- be it for yourself, your family, or the greater good.

Honestly, though... I think I'm doing just fine living without any specific purpose. I'm content with who I am and what I'm doing presently.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (01-03-2019 11:57 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

The main issue I have with Black Pill is that it sometimes comes too early in a dude's game career. I mean, if you run game long enough you realize that you have some limitations that you can't overcome, but that's not really a good mindset when you're a newbie. It's disheartening and can smash your motivation before you get started.

I am a firm believer that new guys should stay farrrrr away from the black pill until they've built up enough references experiences that allow them to go "this is true, BUT." That "but" is really important to have when you try to push to a new level.

It's sort of like the smart kid paradox. The smart kid is smart enough to know shit can't be done, so he stops trying.

The dumbass kid outperforms him simply because he's too stupid/delusional to know it can't be done.

I lean towards being delusional in regards to game since most people are weak and will be caught up in your delusional self-confidence if you truly believe it.

What you're describing is the inverse of "Depressive Realism". If you haven't heard the term before, there's a theory that depression is a mechanism which forces you to take a more realistic view of reality. In scientific tests, people who are depressed are better able to predict the outcomes in games of chance when compared to people who are feeling elated (note: not in a psychic power sort of a way, but in a "I can tell the slot machine is rigged" sort of way). This seems to be an adaptive strategy.

In the simplest terms, a starving organism won't take chances on new food sources. This seems counter-intuitive at first, until you consider the cost of eating something poisonous. A healthy, well-fed organism can suffer a bout of sickness and carry on. A starving organism might very-well die. Depression is a form of emotional starvation; a reaction to lacking the physical/emotional resources needed. This creates an extreme conservatism in the individual, who then views everything through dark-tinted lenses. They won't be willing to take a risk on anything, because they can't afford the negative outcome.

But it's more than just practicality; the term is "Depressive Realism" after all. It turns out that depressives have a far more accurate view of reality than emotionally healthy people. Think Rain Man obsessing over accident statistics. Or for that matter, political dissidents from 500 years ago, who weren't just risking social ostracism like we are, but torture and execution. If we really considered how dangerous and risky the world is, we'd never act.

Living takes incredible courage and joy; and a healthy mind will manifest these emotions to an unrealistic degree. And yet, by doing so - by being so ridiculously hopeful - we manage to accomplish the impossible. Add this to the list of reasons I have faith in God. We are not meant for this vale of tears; but we must live here until we move on to the next life.

I think this might relate to your question, Nord619; how do we find purpose in life? By following the virtues. The cardinal virtues of temperance, courage, justice, and prudence - and praying to be gifted the supernatural virtues of faith, hope, and charity.

Or to put it another way: we do the best we can with what we got. One of the harsh truths I'm starting to accept is that marriage might not be in the cards for me. I dedicated the past several years to celibacy, hoping that I would find a girl who was herself focused on committing to something greater than ourselves, while keeping in mind everything I knew about female nature. I'm sad to say that women just don't seem interested in marriage; or, the marriage they're interested in is about as valuable as a modern, cookie-cutter home which starts rotting about ten years after it's built. I'm not putting a mortgage down on something that falls apart before it's even paid off.

Sad, but - well, it is what it is. For now I'm free to rent. I'm not tied down to a depreciating asset that the government will use to leverage me into paying taxes, and I know that any failure to get married - I mean, become a homeowner - is a fault of the world, the cheap construction techniques which modern people like, it's not a fault of my own.

So; I can live with that. But if I ever do see a good house for sale, I'm doing everything I can to put myself in a position to purchase it.

Are you black pilled?

Brilliant topic. I created an account just for participating in this topic.

I just turned 30 less than a month ago and I've lived a VERY intense life which has made me much more mature than my years. I feel like an old man in a young man's body.

What I can confirm, from the above intelligent posts (thank you very much, gentlemen) is the following:
- knowledge is a curse and a blessing at the same time; there's even a good quote in Ecclesiastes confirming this (although I'm not a Bible fan)
- depression makes you more realistic, which is not necessarily constructive as some have pointed out; yet another paradox of our existence
- everything is rigged, more or less, even our actions and mindset; all we can do is exercise some choice making here and there hoping for the best; I find the idea of just making the best out of whatever crumbs fall to my side very depressing
- all we can do is create our own bubble and enjoy life as much as we can, which again, for me, is quite depressing given that I started out as a huge idealist and go-getter in life

I took the opportunity of last year's shitstorm to find some new interests. Now I'm studying cyber security, learning jiu jitsu and reading about new areas I find interesting.

The problem is that although I knew that this would help me during my depression, I couldn't do it regardless. Which again, shows how much we are a reaction to what happens beyond our control.

God? I often say that when we will meet after this life, I will beat him myself as his mother should have when he was little. I am very fucking angry with him, with this Darwinian hell we are living in and with all people contributing to it. However, recently these feelings have lessened and I'm just focusing my energy on what I can do career-wise and hobby-wise (which is more than enough to keep me occupied).

I don't regret anything - pursuing knowledge, experiences and truth in spite of the odds and circumstances. If I would die now, I would die happy that I lived life to the fullest. However, this doesn't change the fact that we are living in a shithole. And it's even more depressing when I'm thinking that I actually have it REALLY good compared to most people.

As usually, take what you will (or can) from this post (and life in general). As for my attitude, I realized I have to control my thought expression as not to negatively influence some of my friends - in spite of a burning desire in me to crush their illusions and lies...

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (12-27-2018 10:51 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

The black pill: the belief that the current state of the world is too far gone, and even keeping up with current events is pointless and depressing. A state of nihilism.

Usually countered by "just work on yourself and your own affairs". But there is no denying we are part of the larger system and sometimes things are just grim.

I have been feeling supremely black pilled lately and wondering if its all in my head, or if things are really as fucked as they seem. Have you been through and out the other side?

I think that yes - I am black pilled. At this point in my life I have seen over 50 years of decline in the west, dramatic decline - from a time where space launches & the American flag were celebrated in elementary school, to a point where a cross dressing 11 year old is now what's celebrated and broadcast on the mainstream media. I think the destiny of the United States is a foregone conclusion, NO empire stands forever, history has shown this to be true repeatedly. What to do about it? Make as much money, take advantage of every ridiculous loophole or angle available, and take care of your OWN family or inner circle. Teach your children the truth as you know/remember it. The outcome is still inevitable, in my opinion, but we can teach those that want to know that just maybe there is a "Gaults Gulch" out there. If not yet, well than definitely once 'ol A.O. Cortez and her 70% top tier tax rates is implemented along with nationalized everything - then, their will be...

Are you black pilled?

A wise man once told me this: the only way to judge an apple tree is by its fruit (maybe he got this saying from Jesus, dunno). Not its appearance, not how its leaves rustle in the wind. You can similarly judge the quality of anything by its effects on the world. The black pill philosophy can sound perfectly rational and convincing, but look at the people who are black pilled. Do they bear any good fruit? (You can use this wisdom for everything in life, from game to investing to choosing a personal philosophy.)

Luckily, in the end you choose what you believe. Life is magical and not dark, you just choose to ignore that fact.

Are you black pilled?

Just live life as it comes to and do what feels right to you at the current time. Dont label yourself as "blackpilled" or anything of that sort. Labeling yourself puts you into a category created by someone else not you so it will create strange feeling inside your head. Just go with the flow my friend and dont see things as good or bad but see them as an experience. Good cannot exist without bad and vice versa. My 2c

Are you black pilled?

Some quick thoughts...

Quote: (01-07-2019 01:49 PM)TheDr3amer Wrote:  

- all we can do is create our own bubble and enjoy life as much as we can, which again, for me, is quite depressing given that I started out as a huge idealist and go-getter in life

I think a lot of us started out our early manhood in the same way: huge idealists and go-getters. One thing I've learned is that idealists tend to want/expect things to be a certain way, and are disappointed when they are not (can easily trigger depression). I'm definitely guilty of this. In general, you're better off setting your expectations low for people and outcomes you wish to see happen. Also, if you consider your current environment a "shithole"... it's better to leave, if fixing it is something that can't be done by just one person.

Quote: (01-07-2019 02:42 PM)Donnyboy123 Wrote:  

What to do about it? Make as much money, take advantage of every ridiculous loophole or angle available, and take care of your OWN family or inner circle. Teach your children the truth as you know/remember it.

If you plan to stay in hostile territory... I couldn't agree more.

Quote: (01-07-2019 03:43 PM)falafel Wrote:  

The black pill philosophy can sound perfectly rational and convincing, but look at the people who are black pilled. Do they bear any good fruit?

Yes, it's easy to get sucked into the darkness, especially when you get good at identifying it. Better to claw your way out and immunize yourself than to seek out the next outrage to throw your hands up about. In fact, you'll find that most non-redpill people don't care and will come to hate you for showing them the truth.

To me, the "Black Pill" is just another stage to enlightenment and self-mastery. Do we have a name for the next or final stage yet? Are we going with the "White Pill"?

Blue > Red > Black > White Pill

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (01-04-2019 12:14 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

^ I'd say everyone has this problem at some level.

I found that breaking out of it meant I had to do things I couldn't believe. I had a funny moment once where I was benching 180 pounds for reps and I felt like a beast.

Then I looked at the bar and there was 200 pounds on the bar! I'd never benched 200 at that point but I had just repped it out like it was nothing!

I've had many experiences like that in life and it has led me to wonder how powerful beliefs really are. What other things can we do if we truly believe we can?

Furthermore, what are we losing if we DON'T believe in ourselves and our potential? I think we lose a lot more than we can fathom by embracing being "realistic."

Think of all the guys on this forum who go to countries where "the girls don't like (x) guys" and still clean up just because they determine they will have a good time?

I just can't really buy into being realistic after all the battles i've faced in my life.

"What we do depends upon what we are, and what we are depends upon what we think."

[Image: Henry-Ford-Business-Quotes-Think-You-Can...reneur.jpg]

Beliefs are everything. You can imprint certain beliefs by using Auto-suggestions, or Affirmations if you want to call them that. Auto-suggestions are a better word though because it's Self-Suggestion as opposed to Suggestion. Suggestions are from others and outside influences.

You can do this by speaking to yourself in the 3rd person the same way you would influence someone else: "Fortis, you're smart as fuck, you are easily one of the smartest people on the planet. Nothing can stop you, because you have an IRON will. You're full of confidence and you take action immediately. You have infinite power inside of you. Girls find you sexy as fuck, you're the smoothest cat I know."

Etc, etc. Use passion and dominance in your auto-suggestions. Your subconscious mind will eventually accept them as fact, and you'll become that person.

The key is to take action in conjunction with your auto-suggestions. If you want to build confidence, tell yourself you are confident, and then act it out.

Don't repeat boring monotonous affirmations like: I'm getting healthier and wealthier day by day. It has no power this way.

We've been influenced in millions of different ways throughout our lives to believe certain things, positively and negatively. The news is the worst form of influence, constant negativity. 95% of the news is negative.

Thoughts/Beliefs -> Actions -> Results

Our subconscious minds are infinitely powerful, and thoughts are the key to unlocking the potential. Powerful thoughts -> Powerful Results. Depressing thoughts -> Shitty Results.

I suggest reading "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind", and "The Magic of Believing"

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