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Almaty, Kazakhstan, datasheet 2018

Almaty, Kazakhstan, datasheet 2018

I was in Almaty during the 2018 summer for two weeks.

This datasheet has very limited info on nightlife, refer to Cool Runnings recent and great data sheet for that: thread-64401.html

Black, not anglophone, fluent in Russian, had prior traveling experience in former soviet republics. 6’2, 205 pounds at that time, athletic frame.

Almaty isn’t a very walkable city. You can download Yandex taxi app (Яндекс.Такси) and order cabs. Locals use that app and you can’t get rip off since it shows the price beforehand. I think it’s only in Russian, but it’s easy to use even if you only know the basics. You can pay cash or by credit card. Very cheap. Time frame to pick you up was precise and fast. I used it a lot. I didn’t take the bus. I took the metro twice, it’s clean and I felt safe.

I rented an Airbnb located at Zheltoksan St / Kazybek Bi streets. This was an excellent area with cafes, restaurants, groceries stores. Also not far from nightlife including sky bar which is open everyday. When I came back from Kyrgyzstan I stayed at Grand Saphire Hotel. Decent hotel where guests are allowed, decent location.


Tyubeteyka, Satpaev St 32 (There is also a second restaurant in the city)
Kazakh restaurant. I went twice there. You can sit outside. At night, there is live music at times. I ate the national Kazakh dish : beshparmak. It’s boiled horsemeat with noodles. Got some Uzbek pilaf as well and lamb, very tasty. Good service from the waiters.

Чайхана NAVAT, Dostyk Ave 48
Kazakh restaurant. Really interesting decor. Very intimate with some kind of couches, so good for dates. Also hate horse meat. A lot of choice, tasty, I recommend. If you have time for only one restaurant, I’d go there.

Gosti, Kunaev St 78
Big traditional russian restaurant with a kitsch decor and different rooms. Calm atmosphere, good for a date. Borscht was pretty good.

Darejani, Kazybek Bi St 40/85
Georgian restaurant infront of Gosti. I like georgian food and their wine. It was tasty with good service.

The green bazaar on Zenkov Street: You can find all kinds of tasty and fresh products from Central Asia: fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat, etc. It’s worth a visit. The sellers make you taste for free.

Gym :
Adrenaline, Kunaev St 64
Nice gym. Two rooms, one with many power racks, free weights and a deadlift/olympic weightlifting platform. A second room with machines and cardio equipment. If I recall correctly it was something like 6$US each visit. Staff was friendly. I had some cool conversations with friendly Kazakhs there. I saw some cute Russian and Kazakh girls.

Excursions :
You can go by cab at the big Almaty lake. My driver was a nice guy, an ethnic Uyghur, we had interesting conversations. I booked a tour with an agency called Blast-tour to go to the Kolsai Lakes. It was really worth it. Amazing sights. I did some horseriding in the mountains. We slept in a small Kazakh village for 2 nights with a local family. The tour was in Russian and all the people were Kazakh citizens. Met some nice people there. The same tour is offered by multiple agencies including English speaking ones.

Museums :
I visited the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan and the museum of the history of the city of Almaty. I don’t recommend going there, don't waste your time.

Dostyk Plaza was a big mall. I had lunch at Cafe Central there, a big trendy cafe. That mall could be a good spot for daygame.

Parks :
Central park: mostly families there, no talent seen. There is a pool club : Delight pool dayclub. I couldn't get inside without buying a day pass just to check it out, but I'd say it's moslty families.

Koktobe: mountain. You can go up with the funicular and walk around. One of the main landmarks in the city. There are some cafes, including a relatively chic restaurant, on top and the view is very nice.

Walking streets :
2.zhibek zholy
Cool spots. A lot of people here at nights just relaxing, and walking around. Talent seen. Easy to approach.

I only went clubbing once at Chukotka bar. I really like the setting there. If I recall correctly there were two floors. Upstairs there was a little dance floor and a large bar, with table where people would eat. On the first floor there was another dance floor and bar. Ratio was good and crowd was mostly Kazakh in early twenties.

Overall experience and opinion
I had a blast in Almaty but I speak russian fluently. I believe this is a game changer. Almaty is a modern, green and dynamic city. As a black guy, not once did I felt threatened. Khazakh people were very friendly and polite to me. Many were smiling at me and wanted to have a talk since you rarely see black guys there. No harassment by the police. Khazakhs have a slight frame in general and the Russians were not very built either. Almost everyday I got asked if I was a professional athlete and was told how muscular and big I was. Got asked if I was a boxer, MMA fighter, basketball player, soccer player and Olympic weightlifter. Kazakhs are muslims, but I found them to be very moderate and open. I saw only a handful of girls wearing hidjabs. The younger generation doesn’t seem very observant. In Almaty, you’ll find a sizeable russian community. If you’re not into Asians and the purpose of your trip is mainly to meet with girls, I wouldn’t go there only for the Russians. I found Khazakh women to be attractive and open. There is also a community of ethnic Koreans who have been in the FSU for 3-4 generations. I didn’t have the impression that girls in general were particularly conservative. I talk with a lot of people there, guys and girls, and honestly I find the younger generation to be behaving like in the west. This is my anecdotal experience, and of course, the duration of my trip was short. Of course, in the countryside, the vibe was different and people are more conservative. They get married younger outside of big cities.

Personally I’m not sure I’d recommend to go there if you don’t have a basic command of russian but many guys who don’t went and enjoyed it.

I met wth a forum member there, also black. The only other black guy that I saw the whole trip. A very experienced traveler and player. He didn't like it there and left earlier than expected.

Tinder is big there. If you have a quality profile, meeting with hot chicks will be easy.

Almaty, Kazakhstan, datasheet 2018

Borat Sagdiyev approves

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Its 2006 / 2007 all over again, thanks to OP

Almaty, Kazakhstan, datasheet 2018

The top hobbies in Kazakhstan are disco dancing and table tennis


Almaty, Kazakhstan, datasheet 2018

Borat: I will give you automobile car, television - remote control, we will be together. But if you cheat on me I will crush you!
Blonde: That's what I don't like either..

Almaty, Kazakhstan, datasheet 2018

That Borat shit been played out.
Thanks for the datasheet Lermontov. Any rough estimate of % that speaks english, younger and older generations?

Almaty, Kazakhstan, datasheet 2018

Sweet datasheet.

I've met a few girls who were from Kazakhstan but they were ethnic middle easterners. Their English seemed mix - one conversational and the other only knew the very basics.

Almaty, Kazakhstan, datasheet 2018

Veddy nice datasheet!.I like.

I spent 4 months in Almaty KZ before the more liberal Visa regimes came into effect. Weren't many foreigners around. Very cheap city to live in. Weather is much more hospitable than its northern counterparts.

I like the unofficial taxi system a lot. People commuting to work will take you to your desired destination if it's not too out of the way for a negotiated fee.

English levels remain pretty low in my opinion. Knowing Russian is essential to do well with the women and form connections.

I also spent time in one lesser-known city called Temirtau. I didn't know about this forum at the time, but I got approached on a few occasions while randomly walking on the street by HB7 Kazakh girls. A lot of IOIs from girls who worked in the school which I worked at but being more shy and not yet red-pilled yet it culminated into nothing.

I got treated extremely well by the locals. They really are hospitable. Some of 'em had never seen a foreigner before. I was the first New Zealander to be registered at the local police station there. Then throw into the mix the fact I can speak decent Russian, and they lose their minds.

KZ is a good option in the sense you have Russians and Kazakh girls to choose from. Variety is the spice of life after all.

Almaty, Kazakhstan, datasheet 2018

Been wanting to go there for the longest. Great datasheet @ Lermontov!

Almaty, Kazakhstan, datasheet 2018

I really loved Almaty. I was there only 3 days though. Two things were notable from my trip -- (1) Skiing was really good at Shymbulak. Combining the mountains in with your trip somehow is highly advisable. (2) The men there protect their women and will cockblock you like crazy. I went out clubbing one night and almost got in 5 fights. The OP didn't do this b/c -- sounded like he didn't hit all the main clubs, and -- maybe because the guys there are afraid of black guys? Especially if they asked him if he's an MMA fighter. For run-of-the-mill white guys like myself, expect to have incidents if you are going to hit on their women, of whom I was personally a big fan. Russian helps.

Almaty, Kazakhstan, datasheet 2018

So this threat of an ass beating - is this just a nightclub thing or would you also get this problem walking around town on a Tinder date?

And yeah I agree that ethnic Kazakh women are good looking. I saw a ton in Korea and Georgia and I really like their hamster cheekbones and they got some nice curves, big butts and big breasts.

Almaty, Kazakhstan, datasheet 2018

Quote: (11-13-2018 01:45 PM)Ceasar Wrote:  

I really loved Almaty. I was there only 3 days though. Two things were notable from my trip -- (1) Skiing was really good at Shymbulak. Combining the mountains in with your trip somehow is highly advisable. (2) The men there protect their women and will cockblock you like crazy. I went out clubbing one night and almost got in 5 fights. The OP didn't do this b/c -- sounded like he didn't hit all the main clubs, and -- maybe because the guys there are afraid of black guys? Especially if they asked him if he's an MMA fighter. For run-of-the-mill white guys like myself, expect to have incidents if you are going to hit on their women, of whom I was personally a big fan. Russian helps.

I've heard this a lot. Search other KZ threads and you will find guys talking about native kazaks talking to shit to them, trying to fight the RVFer, or staring at the RVF walking down the street with his Kazakh date.

KZ girls are are bomb, curvy and they love dressing up in skintight outfits with heels. The only ones I found stateside were flat as fuck.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Almaty, Kazakhstan, datasheet 2018

Quote: (11-12-2018 07:10 PM)RiskIt4Biscuit Wrote:  

That Borat shit been played out.
Thanks for the datasheet Lermontov. Any rough estimate of % that speaks english, younger and older generations?

Hard to say since I almost exclusively spoke in russian with the locals.

A few locals approached me in english or answered in english and kept talking in english even if I was talking in russian, but we're talking about 4-5 persons. All of them were in their twenties.

Out of the five local girls I went out with, all in their twenties and with a college degree, three told me that they could speak english fluently enough to conversate and the two others could not. I spoke in english for fun with 2 of them for a couple of minutes. One had a bad and broken english and the other was speaking fluently almost with an american accent. I was dumbstruck.

My airbnb host was about 40 year old and told me that he couldn't speak english fluently. He told me that he had to use google translate with non-russian speaking guests. I think that above 35-40 y.o. the percentage gets very low.

Almaty, Kazakhstan, datasheet 2018

Quote: (11-14-2018 12:54 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Quote: (11-13-2018 01:45 PM)Ceasar Wrote:  

I really loved Almaty. I was there only 3 days though. Two things were notable from my trip -- (1) Skiing was really good at Shymbulak. Combining the mountains in with your trip somehow is highly advisable. (2) The men there protect their women and will cockblock you like crazy. I went out clubbing one night and almost got in 5 fights. The OP didn't do this b/c -- sounded like he didn't hit all the main clubs, and -- maybe because the guys there are afraid of black guys? Especially if they asked him if he's an MMA fighter. For run-of-the-mill white guys like myself, expect to have incidents if you are going to hit on their women, of whom I was personally a big fan. Russian helps.

I've heard this a lot. Search other KZ threads and you will find guys talking about native kazaks talking to shit to them, trying to fight the RVFer, or staring at the RVF walking down the street with his Kazakh date.

KZ girls are are bomb, curvy and they love dressing up in skintight outfits with heels. The only ones I found stateside were flat as fuck.

I walked in busy walking streets at night with both kazakh and russian girls and I didn't have an issue. Of course some people were looking a bit since there are almost no black guys but it didn't come across to me as offensive.

Keep in mind that I don't play staring contests with men in the FSU.

The nightclub that I visited (Chukotka ) really didn't have tough looking guys and I would have been surprised to see a guy interfere with me. But going out only once is not a representative sample at all. Anyway if you want to meet girls there, you really don't need to hit the clubs. Tinder and daygame are more than enough for a foreigner.

And I also concur, Kazakh girls can be surprisingly curvy and busty!

Almaty, Kazakhstan, datasheet 2018

I’d be extra careful there. If their Olympian medalist got murdered over a car mirror, then that tells you something.


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