Refugees don't get to pick where the NGO's settle them. The NGO's settle them were it is most advances their purposes. No NGO needs to settle Latinos and Latinas in Miami, they do it themselves. A good number of them will even vote Republican to spite Castro/Chavez/Maduro/Mujica/Kirchner/Peron too. The ones less capable of making their own decisions go where they get put, because it isn't their place to argue. In the 1990's Saint Louis got Bosnian refugees and now there are parts of South City where Black Lives don't much matter despite the police trying to make them.
Detroit is an awful candidate for terraforming. If you want to start a settlement based around sanity Latin America is a better bet. There is plenty of room to play local socialists against each other to carve out a space for the sake of respecting your culture. You just have to avoid obvious money traps like any sort of settlement in the mountains (water is impossible) or being the spearhead for a renaissance in a trash barrio (the US embassy in Barrio Sur, Montevideo). Different countries resist to different extents. Uruguay seems particularly resistant to imposition on my Gringo values, but I can carve my lane for myself. In the past people have been sold unlivable desert valleys by Chile, which is even worse despite the friendly sales pitch offered.
If you want to save Detroit though... what does Detroit offer? Why not Caracas? Venezolanas are friendly and arepas are good food. It's like a taco fucked a johnny cake and the child got the best aspects of the parents (Colombian arepas are far inferior to proper Arepas Venezolanas, the difference is downs syndrome versus honor roll + state championship scholar athletes).
With a smaller population and entrenchment of corruption I could not imagine overcoming Saint Louis to impose sanity. Detroit seems awful dead. Leave it dead, and let the doubters get mugged. No person is responsible for lifting up the mass that labels itself humanity and saving them. Dead city is dead city.
I've considered South America for a number of years. The climate is moderately warm and you don't have to put up with winters like you do in Minnesota. The thing that weirds me out about South America is I don't know the origins of the people there. I'm more familiar with Europe. If you go to Brazil it's more of a hodge podge than it is in the USA in many cases. I once roomed with a guy from Columbia, we got along some of the time, but other times we clashed on politics. This guy said he was Republican, but he was making a lot of arguments that liberals would make. He would constantly said President Trump was a "racist" for his beliefs on immigration and he sometimes would call Trump "Adolf Hitler".
I'm of German heritage. None of my family members were in the German military during WW2. I recognize things that they did bad, but I also recognize crimes of the Soviets and the British Empire for promoting liberalism all over the world. As a student, my white liberal teachers would always invoke the Holocaust and WW2 to rile up students against German people. So when I hear people making false claims and calling people evil with the term, "Nazi", I get annoyed.
Another thing that got on my nerves is my former roommate would hang out with some un-savory inner city types. His sister who is also Columbian told him not to hang out with some of these people who were black. He didn't like this. I admit his black friend who was a substitute teacher was a great guy and could fit in in almost any community around the world. However, in a way she had a point, some of these guys were bad news (possibly drug-dealers, possibly johns).
The one thing that surprised me about this guy was he was never attracted to Columbian woman. It was always blondes. This surprised me. If you would ask me what my experienced with blondes in the past was I would say, I got burned. Just about every blonde haired woman in the past has let me down with their insanely left wing politics, their race-baiting, and their elitism.
As a brown haired, blue-eyed guy I've gotten more love from blanquitas from Latin America than blondes. I was in a bar in Minneapolis, and I met a Columbian woman there, and for just about the first time ever I got a girl to do all the initiating. She even kissed me on the cheek without me even asking. That is almost unheard of from American women. Her German friend liked me too, but she seemed tired and less talkative.
If I ever decided to move to South America I would want to work on a vineyard or work at a manufacturing plant. I would also want to have some male friends who were South American to help me with my path to becoming a citizen there.