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Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

For many years, modern day Detroit has stood as a reminder to many American cities of what not to do. However for a time, Detroit was on top of the world. In the 1950s, the city was home to almost 2 million residents, and it was home to a growing auto-industry as well as a thriving music scene. Since that time though, Detroit has lost almost 60% of its residents, and it was also the largest U.S. city to declare for bankruptcy. In spite of the city's bleak outlook, the city still manages to attract as many as 19 million visitors per year. The city is home to the Detroit River, Belle Isle Park, The Spirit of Detroit statue and 8 mile road where Eminem grew up.

Currently, the biggest private employers are Detroit Medical Center, Quicken Loans, Henry Ford Health System, Wayne State University, Chrystler, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and General Motors. It also is home to MGM Grand and the MotorCity Casino. Downtown Detroit also happens to be young and educated. As many as 57% of it's downtown residents are younger professionals (ages 25-34). In 2014, JP Morgan Chase announced it would inject $150 million in the Detroit economy. It is the largest commitment made to any one city by the nation's biggest bank.

Imagine RVFers, if we could make this city into the crown jewel of America it once was. Imagine if we pooled our resources together and purchased apartment buildings, houses, and run-down shopping centers, and also imagine if we flipped these properties for a huge profit. You might not see it but I do. All we need is a dream, a plan, and some blood, sweat, and tears to make this a reality. Of course, It also wouldn't hurt if we had some people that were politically and spiritually driven. People that have a goal to turn Detroit into the promised land it once was.

As a Minnesotan though, I've never visited Detroit. I've only seen pictures and heard about stories from friends and family that have lived there. A few years back, I applied to jobs there. I didn't get any call backs. If I submitted an application today though, I believe my outcome would be different because of the valuable experiences I've gotten from working in the truck manufacturing industry. I'm also more confident and ambitious than I was 3 years ago. My question to the RVF community though is do any members live there? and could you see RVF making a big community there?

I've done my own personal research, and I've seen fairly large apartment buildings on the market for $150,000 or less. These buildings have as many as 25-40 bedrooms. They are also made of brick, which means they are often more sturdy than a building made of wood. With that being sai though d, these apartment complexes are in need of a lot of work! The drywall and electrical are often the two biggest problems with many of these apartments. If you know what your doing though, you will probably only have to spend a fraction of the cost what a normal general laborer would charge. Assuming we put $50,000 -$100,000 in these properties, we could make a profit of close to $300,000 and potentially much, much more! That's more that 200% back on your return on investment!

As for the math, I went to and did some calculations. If we put a down payment of $50,000 for a $250,000 loan, the loan would be paid off in 15 years with only $1,800 monthly payment. If we decided to manage a rental property like this there are other expenses involved of course though: cable, internet, heating, electricity, so and so forth. However, if you are charging each tenant $700/month for rent that would amount to $17,500 a month in rental income. (25 tenants x 700)! That is a windfall profit!

What do you say? Do you see any challenges? or do you see a lot of potential if members worked together as a team to make this happen?

Here is a 52 bedroom apartment complex on the market for $320,000. The building was made in 1949. It is boarded up and it's anyones guess as to what it looks like on the inside.

Here is a 24 bedroom apartment complex on sale for less than $25,000. The outside looks decent, but the inside looks like it was squat fucked by Satan!

Here is a 14 bedroom apartment complex on sale for $150,000. The outside looks like it has some great curb appeal but there are no pictures of the inside.

Here is a 48 bedroom apartment complex up for grabs for $25,000. The roof looks damaged beyond belief though.

Here is a 60 bedroom apartment complex for $49,000.

Here is a 66 bedroom retirement complex up for sale for $99,000. It is all cinder block and no drywall, which means there is less work involved in having to rip out old drywall.

There is also this place which is 47 units and $850,000. However, there is almost no renovations required.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Here is a $250,000 school up for sale. It is almost 60,000 sq ft. I'm not sure what we could do with a school, but I'm sure the building could have an alternative use.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

[Image: 348s.jpg]

[Image: spirit-of-detroit-3-e1433425905836.jpg]

[Image: Detroit.jpg]

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

You can literally buy houses in Detroit for $1. By my calculations, if we pool our resources we should be able to buy the entire city. Then we can secede and build our own libertarian multi-ethnic utopia.

Since it was my idea, I should get to name it...

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Aren't hipsters moving to Detroit and trying to make it the next "it" spot?

I think that if some places were you can basically buy every house on the block for peanuts it wouldn't be a bad idea to buy the houses, level them and then turn it into some urban farming type thing in the meantime. Maybe a decade or so down the line the land might be worth something.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)


I love the ambition of the idea, it could change the course of history if it caught fire. Moving an online community or a chunk of it, to have a physical location and central nerve center.

If anyone has seen the series Wild County on Netflix, it is quite eye opening. A group of like minded people (cult) moving into a specific municipality. They were able to alter the towns laws accordingly. I think it fits with the narrative of moving off the internet and into something concrete.

Here are some of the key points in my mind (some of which are the OPs too):

(1) The buildings were built in a time where they have good bones.

(2) Real Estate Value is low because there is no community or local business - we would provide that.

(3) There are definitely alot of digital nomads who are on this site that would like to leave cheaper. (basically for nothing)

(4) The issue with the real estate value is also safety, needless to say lots of members on here who are young, will stand up for themselves, and of course we have the 2nd amendment. The main issue with security is numbers, and coordination / cooperation. We might find ourselves in some sort of gang war.

(5) We could have issues with dudes trying to bang other dudes foreign women. I assume there will be lots of chicks from all over the world here also. I would wager we would see lots of south American babes, eastern euros, and south east Asians I would guess. No one will want to game Detroit women.

(6) We will likely have an overflow of men, we will need to somehow bring women to the area. We may have to double our investment and buy another building just for the chicks. Perhaps a womans residence where we enroll foreign girls in a private (for profit) school to learn English by native speakers. We can select for girls via a personal interview process to ensure that they are ready for the life. We can then have social nights and dances where they can meet native speakers Alternatively, we could simply put the young single women to work on H1Bs.

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Quote: (11-09-2018 09:30 PM)numanist Wrote:  

[Image: detroit-downtown.jpg]

it would probably be a good idea to remove the "sideways-black-power-symbol" statue in reinvigorating the "cultural" elements of the city.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't know that was a black symbol. I believe if we ever gained any significant influence we would change the street names to reflect our heroes. As an American of German heritage, it pisses me off to know that there is a Karl Marx street in Germany. Even though he spawned a movement which killed far more people than Adolf Hitler or just about any President during my lifetime.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Got plans to deal with the hostile anti-white anti-success demographics and their ultra corrupt ethnosupremacist local governments?

This would be like white guys talking about what a steal farmland in South Africa is at the moment.

I'm borderline financially illiterate and even I can tell the difference between what a house costs initially Vs what it costs over 20 years land taxes and maintenance Vs returns on rent in a shithole nobody wants to live in.

And the second you turn a dollar, you-know-who will be there with an upturned palm and a gun in the other hand demanding reparations.

Detroit is what Zimbabwe would look like if it were the 51st state of America and Uncle Sam was obligated to pour just enough cash in to stop it going full-cannibal.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

So your plan is to have everyone on RVF pitch in money so we can buy dilapidated apartment shitholes stripped of copper piping and decorated with bullet holes? I'll make sure to bring all the bottles of water so we don't get lead poisoning. You've never been to Detroit. I'm also assuming you've never seen a black person or any conflict outside of your small Minnesotan farm town.

You're either younger than 17 or violently autistic.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

The strength of RVF is that its members are spread all over the world. It makes rounding them up and exterminating them very difficult. Your plan is similar to moving a herd into a slaughterhouse. We are waging intellectual guerrilla warfare and shouldn't be concentrated in one location.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Yeah fuck that place (edit: i'm referring to where the cheap buildings are located, not the whole city of course). It's cheap for a reason. I did a google street view around one of the better houses from OP's post and i wouldn't move to that neighborhood if they paid me. I didn't even need to look up crime stats or racial demographics of that neighborhood. The street view was enough.

If I was going to build a community of like minded men, I would consider the following options:

-Homesteading on a plot of land in a very remote area (Wyoming, Idaho or something similar).
-A desert island
-A cheap city or town perhaps somewhere in Eastern Europe (like somebody mentioned that "digital nomads" are buying $5-20K apartments in some small town in Bulgaria these days to stay there and hang out together).
-As a temporary option, renting a big house or a bunch of houses in a place like Bali or Samui or Pangan or something similar.

Frankly, if I was going to live in a community with like minded guys, I don't think it would be a big RVF community. Perhaps renting a penthouse or a villa with a couple of tried and tested guys from the forum would be cool for awhile, but living permanently in a community of players and wannabee players? I don't think so. To paraphrase one of the guys from the forum, if everybody was an alpha, the world would come to an end. Same thing with a community. Many cool guys here, but this is definitely not a group of people I would be comfortable to leave my GF or wife around if I had to leave for a week or even for a day.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Big cities like Detroit are not attractive to middle class families because of combination of bad schools and crime, and those problems cannot be easily fixed. Without middle class families, there will never be full recovery.

Instead of betting ON Detroit, East St Louis, Milwaukee, Rochester, and tons of other older northern cities (or similar cities down south) think of how to bet AGAINST cities that are currently thriving: San Francisco and the rest of the Bay Area, Seattle, NYC, Boston, Washington DC, etc. Suppose flu pandemic or terrorism makes subways unusable and crowded big cities in general dangerous. Do people start to flee? If so, where to?

Telecommunications was supposed to enable telecommuting and other ways of eliminating the appeal of big cities but that doesn't seem to have happened as predicted. Maybe it's just a delayed response and pressures are building that will eventually lead to the currently prospering big cities listed above following the path followed by the formerly prospering Detroit, etc, and following far more rapidly than anyone would dare imagine right now. How to prepare now to take advantage of such an unexpected change of fortunes?

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

I live in Detroit and own multiple businesses here. If any members want any insight into investment opportunities / game here PM me.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Quote: (11-09-2018 10:03 PM)moneyshot Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2018 09:30 PM)numanist Wrote:  

[Image: detroit-downtown.jpg]

it would probably be a good idea to remove the "sideways-black-power-symbol" statue in reinvigorating the "cultural" elements of the city.

Damn. I thought that was a monument to the fist bump since Detroit is the city of brotherly love.

I was all for this Detroit takeover then, but now, nope.


Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Quote: (11-10-2018 12:27 AM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2018 10:03 PM)moneyshot Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2018 09:30 PM)numanist Wrote:  

[Image: detroit-downtown.jpg]

it would probably be a good idea to remove the "sideways-black-power-symbol" statue in reinvigorating the "cultural" elements of the city.

Damn. I thought that was a monument to the fist bump since Detroit is the city of brotherly love.

You're thinking of Philly there. Which is marginally better than Detroit when it comes to demographics.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Quote: (11-09-2018 09:25 PM)numanist Wrote:  

For many years, modern day Detroit has stood as a reminder to many American cities of what not to do. However for a time, Detroit was on top of the world. In the 1950s, the city was home to almost 2 million residents, and it was home to a growing auto-industry as well as a thriving music scene. Since that time though, Detroit has lost almost 60% of its residents, and it was also the largest U.S. city to declare for bankruptcy. In spite of the city's bleak outlook, the city still manages to attract as many as 19 million visitors per year. The city is home to the Detroit River, Belle Isle Park, The Spirit of Detroit statue and 8 mile road where Eminem grew up.

Currently, the biggest private employers are Detroit Medical Center, Quicken Loans, Henry Ford Health System, Wayne State University, Chrystler, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and General Motors. It also is home to MGM Grand and the MotorCity Casino. Downtown Detroit also happens to be young and educated. As many as 57% of it's downtown residents are younger professionals (ages 25-34). In 2014, JP Morgan Chase announced it would inject $150 million in the Detroit economy. It is the largest commitment made to any one city by the nation's biggest bank.

Imagine RVFers, if we could make this city into the crown jewel of America it once was. Imagine if we pooled our resources together and purchased apartment buildings, houses, and run-down shopping centers, and also imagine if we flipped these properties for a huge profit. You might not see it but I do. All we need is a dream, a plan, and some blood, sweat, and tears to make this a reality. Of course, It also wouldn't hurt if we had some people that were politically and spiritually driven. People that have a goal to turn Detroit into the promised land it once was.

As a Minnesotan though, I've never visited Detroit. I've only seen pictures and heard about stories from friends and family that have lived there. A few years back, I applied to jobs there. I didn't get any call backs. If I submitted an application today though, I believe my outcome would be different because of the valuable experiences I've gotten from working in the truck manufacturing industry. I'm also more confident and ambitious than I was 3 years ago. My question to the RVF community though is do any members live there? and could you see RVF making a big community there?

I've done my own personal research, and I've seen fairly large apartment buildings on the market for $150,000 or less. These buildings have as many as 25-40 bedrooms. They are also made of brick, which means they are often more sturdy than a building made of wood. With that being sai though d, these apartment complexes are in need of a lot of work! The drywall and electrical are often the two biggest problems with many of these apartments. If you know what your doing though, you will probably only have to spend a fraction of the cost what a normal general laborer would charge. Assuming we put $50,000 -$100,000 in these properties, we could make a profit of close to $300,000 and potentially much, much more! That's more that 200% back on your return on investment!

As for the math, I went to and did some calculations. If we put a down payment of $50,000 for a $250,000 loan, the loan would be paid off in 15 years with only $1,800 monthly payment. If we decided to manage a rental property like this there are other expenses involved of course though: cable, internet, heating, electricity, so and so forth. However, if you are charging each tenant $700/month for rent that would amount to $17,500 a month in rental income. (25 tenants x 700)! That is a windfall profit!

What do you say? Do you see any challenges? or do you see a lot of potential if members worked together as a team to make this happen?

Here is a 52 bedroom apartment complex on the market for $320,000. The building was made in 1949. It is boarded up and it's anyones guess as to what it looks like on the inside.

Here is a 24 bedroom apartment complex on sale for less than $25,000. The outside looks decent, but the inside looks like it was squat fucked by Satan!

Here is a 14 bedroom apartment complex on sale for $150,000. The outside looks like it has some great curb appeal but there are no pictures of the inside.

Here is a 48 bedroom apartment complex up for grabs for $25,000. The roof looks damaged beyond belief though.

Here is a 60 bedroom apartment complex for $49,000.

Here is a 66 bedroom retirement complex up for sale for $99,000. It is all cinder block and no drywall, which means there is less work involved in having to rip out old drywall.

There is also this place which is 47 units and $850,000. However, there is almost no renovations required.

As someone living outside the United States, I like the idea. But didn't Democrats run that city to the ground? Even if we managed to all move there, those policies in places going eventually to tear down what we build.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Quote: (11-09-2018 11:47 PM)speculator Wrote:  

The strength of RVF is that its members are spread all over the world. It makes rounding them up and exterminating them very difficult. Your plan is similar to moving a herd into a slaughterhouse. We are waging intellectual guerrilla warfare and shouldn't be concentrated in one location.

Considering that the West is increasingly becoming a gargantuan bureaucracy run by terminally lonely female 4's and 5's, and further considering that the forum is blessed with a large number of travel-fluent top tier PUAs, I'd say the RVF is about one round table and 6 months away from being the premier rogue information gathering organisation in the entire world. It could either be the manosphere version of wikileaks or an incredibly wealthy blackmail organisation.

A handful of the membership roster here could gather the kind of testimony and documentation that would make Veritas look like Steven Crowder.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Quote: (11-09-2018 10:03 PM)moneyshot Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2018 09:30 PM)numanist Wrote:  

[Image: detroit-downtown.jpg]

it would probably be a good idea to remove the "sideways-black-power-symbol" statue in reinvigorating the "cultural" elements of the city.

It's actually a stealth masonic monument, pyramid...

[Image: attachment.jpg40605]

E Michael Jones has the most accurate and penetrating analysis on how this went down.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

The value of real estate is a function of its proximity to jobs, even more so distance from crime.

If there were jobs in Detroit people would move there and fix up the crap.

If Google or Amazon moved their HQ there it would happen. But why, I mean have you seen the Lions play?

It might happen if Trump could actually bring manufacturing back to the U.S. But those manufacturing plants would likely relocate in the South away from the Unions.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Cities consist of much more than nice buildings. There are places all over the world that appear like shitholes at first glance, yet are a thousand times more attractive to live in than Detroit with its remaining shiny skyscrapers and monuments.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Ford has plans to rebuild the train station there.


So your plan is to have everyone on RVF pitch in money so we can buy dilapidated apartment shitholes stripped of copper piping and decorated with bullet holes? I'll make sure to bring all the bottles of water so we don't get lead poisoning. You've never been to Detroit. I'm also assuming you've never seen a black person or any conflict outside of your small Minnesotan farm town.

You're either younger than 17 or violently autistic.

I'm from the 3rd largest city in Minnesota. I know what many black people are like. Some good, some ok and some downright ugly. I also went to a school with a mix of upper middle class high-schoolers and people that were really down and out. Occasionally, I did see some of my classmates chimping out (blowing up on the teacher, throwing desks around, and punching other classmates). A kid on my bus was actually charged with attempted murder.

Aside from that, I've also lived in Arlington, VA for a short time. I would see Black Israelites holding demonstrations and shouting obscenities about white people. In college, my university hosted Black Panther activists and people like Tim Wise. With all that being said, I know what it is like to live in an Anti-White community. Being around black people doesn't really bother me because I know how to stand tall and I know how to communicate with them.

My hometown city is an upper middle class city that is full of some really conceited liberal white people. Detroit while fiscally liberal is probably socially conservative in some ways. Most black people don't support homosexual marriage/abortion and many black people also probably do support the idea of capital punishment. It's the Jesse Jacksons, the Al Sharptons, and the Eric Holders of the world that send a bad message to the black community though.

White people settled Detroit first, and I don't see why we can't re-settle and re-build it again. Cities like Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed during WW2, but they were still managed to rebuilt after the war. Why is this? It's because the people of those countries had the willpower to make them great again. We can do the same, block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood. We just have to bring in jobs. Land is cheap, taxes are going down. These are all incentives for businesses to relocate their headquarters there.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

Awhile ago, I got invited to an NPI invite here at the Detroit Yacht Club. I really wanted to go but I didn't have the time. Honestly, I haven't kept up much with the National Policy Institute since. The group seems to be headed in the wrong direction. Richard Spencer seems disorganized and disheveled. I've also found myself in conflict with some of the groups views. Richard has even went so far as to ban people that have expressed negative beliefs about homosexuality. Recently, he was charged with beating his wife. As a good white person, I can't be involved with a person like that.

[Image: detroit-yacht-club-dawn-williams.jpg]

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

numanist: "As a Minnesotan though, I've never visited Detroit. I've only seen pictures and heard about stories from friends and family that have lived there."
This is your biggest problem. Until YOU go and see it, experience it, survive in it every day and think about it yourself, there is no amount of education from others that will help you be successful. I worked in and around Detroit for about 2 years immediately after college - there is nothing like actually seeing it and experiencing it yourself.

Re-building Detroit Into The RVF Promised Land ($$$)

I like your idea... really it sounds cool in theory.

But in practice maybe this city is just too far gone, and there's no turning back.

I checked the demographics of Detroit...

2010 = 10.6%
1990 = 21.6%
1970 = 55.5%
1950 = 83.6%
1940 = 90.7%
1930 = 92.2%
1920 = 95.8%
1910 = 98.7%

Black or African American:
2010 = 82.7%
1990 = 75.7%
1970 = 43.7%
1950 = 16.2%
1940 = 9.2%
1930 = 7.7%
1920 = 4.1%
1910 = 1.2%

In one hundred years, the ethnicity of the residents has completely flipped. Interesting.

So... realistically would there ever be a revival? Seems like a crime-ridden wasteland... Perhaps someone here with more local knowledge of this region could give a summary on what the economic future looks like?

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