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No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

I definitely have to say apps.

I'll go into the backstory a tiny bit. I met this cute girl who barely spoke English off CS. She ended up doing a "au pair" in the states. She's been doing the "au pair" in the states for maybe a one and a half years to two years more or less. Before she would tell me how much she wants to meet me, send me pictures of her plump fat ass, I told her I own that ass with a patent I filed which she liked among much more teasing her and playful banter back & forth, and much more.. She loved those things. Now, fast forward to 1-2 years after her being in the states:

I recently asked her about getting me a visa for residency in Colombia(TP10 visa which she was willing to do before becoming westernized very willingly without questions). She said back to me, well if I do that you have to do something for me then.. I said what?.. She replied, isn't that how it works is the states? I do something for you and you do something for me or you do something for me and maybe I help you in return? We went on talking some more and she pretty much said she wants a green card "fiancé visa" for the states if she does that for me in S.A. which within the first few months she was here, she wasn't fully westernized which now is apparent in her general attitude. I'm not sure if it was the app's or just other women here in the states telling her what she can for the most part get away with when talking to a large portion of guys.

That's just a short example of how the west corrupted her. Her way of speaking, attitude and so much more reflects a woman who left S.A. and came to the west and learned the bullshit games women try to play and how most men put up with it.

Dating apps are the death spiral for many men. 10 years ago you used to just go approach them, now they just sit down at there house with their cats eating ice cream swiping yes or no and for every yes (if they are a 6+) they automatically get a match.

"For each man must learn to live within the citadel of himself."
-Marcus Aurelius

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

Lots of good points. I'm seeing it like this:
  • Women going into the workplace
  • The welfare state replacing the role of primarily lower-income men
  • The considerable destruction of moral standards and marriage
  • Birth-control and sanitation
This opened up the sexual market place and ushered in a time when the average number of partners went from something like 1.4 to 6-7, peaking in around 2000.

Up to that point above average guys could hope to get a few bangs and a few girlfriends from living a normal life.

Then from around 2000 you have the emergence of corporate feminism, which seeks to turn the previous gender equality movement into men getting out of the way and vast affirmative action programs to give women more opportunity solely based on being a woman. While simultaneously saying the genders are equal.

Then from about 2010, more guys are finding out how to improve themselves in the market online; and you have the rise of online dating. This is a system that those with the best natural stats and game have gamed to gain a larger share of bangs, plates and mini-LTRs. This has left an increasing number of thirsty guys licking boots online in between 'sho bobs' comments. That's your incredible attention flow.

Some have mentioned the multiple facets of what women are interested in. Some of these mean less now, particularly the ones that women previously valued in traditional times such as being dependable and kind, but also how much money you make.

When people have an abundance they loose care for their more basic needs and go for extravagance. If you're average you buy a Ford. If you're rich you buy a Lamborghini.

If you're a San Fran fatty on Tinder you go for Mr. Curated IG rather than your market equivalent.

As the players have stated - it's about selling a brand, fame, style, good photos... None of this matters in the long-term. It's luxury a from abundance.


On the other side, when I was in Bangladesh, one of the poorest and most traditional countries in the world. For upper class girls, of this:
  • Women going into the work place
  • The welfare state replacing the role of primarily lower-income men
  • The considerable destruction of moral standards and marriage
  • Birth-control and sanitation
They have birth control and that's it. Some of the other elements are there in very small quantities. Online is virtually non existent. Prostitution is legal. And most people spend their entire life hanging around with their cousins. There is no luxury from abundance. Girls want commitment and so do their parents.

The upper class girls have all seen romantic films like Titanic and listen to soppy Western love music. The main thing they want as a result is someone who isn't going to beat the shit out of them and someone who will shower them in love.

In these countries the bar is so low that the demands are not even a consideration for most girls in The West.



would it be easier to control a nation of thirsty beta losers?

It's causing a divide between male feminists and incels. It's going to be interesting to see how it plays out.

The most powerful people in the world, almost all of which are still men and often gammas benefit from feminism. With the huge pushes of feminism into the corporate world, we've still seen zero notable female business leaders. The most notable are Marissa Meyer, who destroyed Yahoo; Carly Fiorina, whose stint as HP CEO left the company serriously lagging behind it's rivals and Elizabeth Holmes, who set up one of the biggest scams in history.

By thoroughly feminising the corporate spheres the titans of today are putting barriers up against the only people who can compete with them, 0.000001% of hyper-competitive, hyper-rational, hyper-observant, hyper-motivated and intelligent men.

The reason some men join with feminism is because they can better compete in an environment that is nice and compassionate towards them. They can't survive in a more productive swinging dicks environment. The Chinese won't be so stupid.

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

Quote: (11-09-2018 10:38 PM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

Men are so (for lack of better words) a thirsty that women feel they can get away with any thing.

SMV isn't declining. I know this has been said but think about all the tinder/pof/okcupid/etc accounts. Countless accounts have women BRAGGING about the terrible qualities they have. Women also post cashapp links! Yet more and more men are going after them, giving such bad behavior validation.

I see it more and more often and it's sickening.

Women won't get better until men get better but here's the paradox. Men are working harder and harder and setting a higher and higher baseline, all for women who are worthless. The basic "requirements" of pre-2000s won't even stand in today's world. (cook, clean, not fat, feminine, etc) Yet we have more men learning game, working out, building financial success, dressing better etc.

one thing about the rise of the internet i love the most is, it shows the HUGE differences between men and women. You would think with the ease of obtaining information that the gap between men and women entrepreneurs would be close but no. Infact its so wide that there are hundreds of special grants, and funding that goes into female business owners specifically.

Great post and very spot on.

The sexual market value for women has decreased.

Men on the other hand are competing more than ever for a limited pool of quality women, if any at all.

This is a game forum, look how many topics are on here about men improving themselves.

Men today are dating and marrying single moms.

Men today are banging older women on a regular, the MILF crap has gotten out of hand. I see many young men going for women over 40, simply because dating women their own age is too hard.

Men today are dating fat chicks, I am talking about women a few years ago that would have no options. I don't see this outside the West, fat chicks and old women stay home.

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No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

Quote: (11-10-2018 02:26 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Men today are dating and marrying single moms.

Men today are banging older women on a regular, the MILF crap has gotten out of hand. I see many young men going for women over 40, simply because dating women their own age is too hard.

Men today are dating fat chicks, I am talking about women a few years ago that would have no options. I don't see this outside the West, fat chicks and old women stay home.

It seems like SO many women these days because of the amount of betas they have at their feet, they allow themselves to get fat because they think quality guys (beta guys in reality) will shut up and take it. The same goes for women that are singles with kids by different dad's. It's a reoccurring theme non stop in the west now days which is why I do not like wasting my time with 99% of the women in the west because of their attitudes and/or fat/kids & the list can go on. Men if you want to find a woman who takes care of herself and you more than a woman in the states would, GO TRAVEL OUTSIDE OF WESTERNIZED COUNTRIES! This forum is a GOLDMINE of where to go to find better overall women in the world.

"For each man must learn to live within the citadel of himself."
-Marcus Aurelius

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

I have often wondered who benefits from state and corporate feminism.

It appears to be governments, which benefit from state feminism through the doubling of the tax base to pay the national debt. I.t keeps high street spending high but even this is being replaced by online shopping.

The CEOs benefit from corporate feminism because it keeps professional wages low and this has produced a pay gap between CEO and productive worker. This has conveniently been spun as a gender pay gap because those who earn more than the median wage are men who are promoting women who tend to be second income earners who therefore carry lower domestic overheads than male workers.

Despite women only representing 10 to 20% of students in my field, their share of my department is running at around 40%. All committee members to implement corporate policies ranging from the business plan and social events. Some get to meet the CEO and network with important clients and HR is adamant that corporate training courses should be reserved for women only. Since the gender pay gap fiasco, most recruitment involves attractive young women who are quickly ushered to work closely with director level men.

Even though their careers are on easy mode and men's on hard mode, the gap that has formed between these women and their male peers at university is just to wide for them to be contemplated as 'partners'.

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

The west has long been dead and buried. Any discussion on that topic is merely beating a dead horse.

The real question we should asking is how much longer will the pussy paradise countries last?

Older well traveled guys on the forum have already noted the gradual decline of various pussy paradise countries from their "golden years" but they are still good overall (previously they were excellent now they are merely good).

In concrete terms the foreigner who some years ago could hop on a plane and go to a pussy paradise and with some effort get an 8+ girl must often now be content with merely a 7 (or in some cases a 6 even) for the same amount of effort. However a 7/10 girl with a pleasant attitude is still a good outcome.

The question is how long left until the same countries will only yield 5s and 6s (for the same moderate amount of effort)? If things eventually decline to the point where all you can easily get is 6s is it even worth the effort and cost of chasing women in pussy paradises?

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

Quote: (11-09-2018 05:51 PM)EndsExpect Wrote:  

Significantly fewer women than men even bother to use dating apps.

I remember 20 or so years ago when saying you used computers was seen as geeky and weird. Now I think women are MORE wired than guys, just through smart-phones and not desktops or laptops.

Let's face it. Women practically live on social networks. As FB is about to release a dating app directly through FB, the blurring of the line between where a social network ends and online dating begins will be complete.

Maybe a lot of them are jaded and just window-shopping and not actually going on dates, but they are STILL interacting with these apps. Most guys have more things to do with their life than swipe and chat all day and night so I think if nothing women are more active on these, just not necessarily putting out as much as their activity may suggest.

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

Every western woman (barring extremes like those badly disabled) has access to an incredibly comfortable life, through a variety of paths, none of which difficult to take.

This extends to men as well. You can make 13$ an hour work 40 hours a week and have all of your basic needs met and stare into a screen all day.

An average man will get no pussy in the west living like this. An average straight up 4-5 women will be swimming in cock if she wants.

She's been convinced by corporate America and Hollywood that living with roommates and being a single dog mom Staples cashier is a great life.

She doesn't have to please anyone but herself, so she's a cunt, and dudes will still line up and give her attention in the hopes that they can get their dicks wet.

The root causes of the current state of the west would in no particular order be:

Government handouts
Weak men

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

Quote: (11-11-2018 03:54 PM)aeroektar Wrote:  

Every western woman (barring extremes like those badly disabled) has access to an incredibly comfortable life, through a variety of paths, none of which difficult to take.

This extends to men as well. You can make 13$ an hour work 40 hours a week and have all of your basic needs met and stare into a screen all day.

An average man will get no pussy in the west living like this. An average straight up 4-5 women will be swimming in cock if she wants.

She's been convinced by corporate America and Hollywood that living with roommates and being a single dog mom Staples cashier is a great life.

She doesn't have to please anyone but herself, so she's a cunt, and dudes will still line up and give her attention in the hopes that they can get their dicks wet.

The root causes of the current state of the west would in no particular order be:

Government handouts
Weak men

technology and goverment goes hand in hand. beta geeks invented technology so they can make the world more geeky and beta.. its that simple.. the goverment wants us to keep busy with things like social media and "game" so they can reduce and controll the population. its almost as if satan is in charge of this planet
internet should only be used for streaming video and music, things like dating apps/online dating social media etc should be banned or not exist in a ideal world

before only men who approached or had a social circle got laid. you basically got rewarded for your effort. nowdays theres no guaranteed reward for approaching. some girls straight out do not want you to approach at all,same goes for job searching,. instead of a work place getting 10-20 applications they now get hundreds sometimes thousands of applications due to them also moving recruitment online. its a very stressful enviroment for the majority of people.its also unfair because it does not reward those who make effort to search. we are heading for a future where the majority are unemployed and single due to femenism and automatization.

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

I just found this thread and didn’t read the 8 pages so apologies if this point was raised already but to me several reasons listed in the poll are overlapping, namely:
Corporate feminism, entitlement and denigration of masculinity, these 3 elements are imbricated and are major factors in the sexual misery many men live in.

We can work on our SMV as men by improving ourselves of course but the guys claiming that your SMV only depends on you and not on chicks are delusional, your SMV is determined by the market, you are the product and who buys? Women. You can be the best product, if the customer (women) doesn’t give a shit about that type of product you’re fucked.

That is why more and more men apply the geo arbitrage, your SMV varies from a place to another because the women are different from a place to another and this isn’t only due to economic reasons.

It is mainly feminism imo which is to blame, the idea of a strong independant woman who can do anything by herself and doesn’t need a man for anything except for sex results directly in a growing disdain of masculine men, women now want a macho man in bed who fucks them right and hard but couldn’t be bothered with a relationship with the same masculine man, on the other hand show them any sign of weakness and they disrespect you.

The SJW medias play also an important role in fucking up the masculinity, trannies are now posing for play boy and have profiles on online dating apps without being banned, dudes are more and more openly fucking trannies without realizing they are complete fags, as if the modernity and natural dvolution of the human is to be homo, if you have a problem with it you are a homophobic backward basic macho, not modern, not cool...

That’s how I see it.

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West


No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

Quote: (11-07-2018 01:48 PM)corsega Wrote:  

Quote: (11-07-2018 01:12 PM)gework Wrote:  

From reading here it seems like this year has been a banner year in The West for the decline of male SMV.

You could have made this post every year since the inception of this forum.

Every year, there's a select group of guys that will whine to no end about how the sky is falling.

Yet if you think about it logically, "the decline of male SMV" makes no logical sense.

Until women figure out a way to reproduce by themselves, male sexual market value will remain constant. It is not in decline.

What I think the old heads are complaining about is that male SMV is changing and they are feeling left out. Gone are the strong alpha males, the Paul Newmans and Marlon Brandos of yesteryear. , they lament.

But so it goes. Values do not decline, they change. In the age of social media, Fame is now more important than Game. And some guys will cling to their old beliefs until they finally figure that out.

Nope, the rules have changed you are correct on that but the qualities that make a man have always been the same, they are just not valued anymore in our society.

«Until women figure out a way to reproduce by themselves, male sexual market value will remain constant. It is not in decline. »
A growing number of « independant » women go to sperm banks to have babies, so we’re not far from that.

I am probably one of the old fucks who think guys like Humphrey Bogart, Paul Newman and Steve Mc Queen were the pinnacle of masculinity, in the noble sense, at least from their movies.

Now adapting to the current society and environment to get laid is something different and that is what you describe. I am still getting laid but hell I wouldn’t want a relation with any of these chicks.

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

^^Bogart, Newman or McQueen would still get laid a loy nowadays.

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

I grew up in a household where it was implied that doing well financially would lead to success with women. My mum and dad grew up in 1960/70's Ireland where women had little to no career opportunities. My dad is a surgeon and was viewed as a "good catch" due to his high earning potential and status in society. As a result of this, he was able to marry a woman 20 years' his junior who satyed at home, had 4 kids, and cooked and cleaned and took care of all his needs. All my dad was required to do was bring home the bacon, which he did year-in year-out.

I followed my dad's path hoping for the same results. I finished top of my class in high school, went to a great university where I graduated with a law degree, got a job on Wall Street and then ended up in London working for a hedge fund. I'm probably in the top 5% of earners where I live (Switzerland now) and have a great lifestyle. But, on the female front I have nothing to show for it. I grew up playing hockey so I'm athletic and in good shape, although I'm under 6 foot which doesn't help. I don't want to sound entitled but if, after all of this, the best I can get is medicore interest from 5/6's then I just don't see any point any more. The return on investment just isn't worth it.

I recently started visiting hooker bars here in Zurich (prostitution is legal here) and it's just a complete 180 change in perspective. Each girl is desperately fighting for my dollar, all eager to please and get me to choose them. I roll into the bar and order a G&T, sit back and relax and bat away the girls I'm not interested in. Tits too small, GTFO, carrying a bit too much weight, GTFO, I'm the customer and I can afford to be choosy. Once I'm ready I choose the girl I want, take her upstairs and pound her. I return back to the bar for another drink before heading to the Park Hyatt for their excellent damage CHF 200 (roughly USD 200). I wake up the next day with no hangover, no wallet full of empty drink receipts, and a full day to focus on what I want to do. My biggest dilemma on a Friday night is whether I will have a Romanian or a Latina chick that evening haha.

I contrast this was regular nights out. Every girl thinks she's a 10, every venue is full of thirsty men desperately approaching every girl, hoping for a few seconds to make their pitch. I've noticed over the past few years that the combination of more guys taking steriods and increased sexual frustration has resulted in increased aggression as males fight for the few scraps (5/6's) available. You end up heading home drunk, which means a hangover the next day, with your dick in your hand and an empty wallet. Online is no better unless you can craft a top profile which I believe most guys can't do due to limiting looks.

I have come to the conclusion that more and more men will just remove themselves from the game due to the poor return on investment. The goal of the state should be to manage this transition so that those men who can't succeed can still have access to sex (legal prostitution or maybe sex robots in the future) so as to avoid a revolt/social unrest. With the decline in religion and social values, I think a return to polygamy is inevitable.

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

I voted something else, and I think that something is the obesity epidemic. The number of girls who are now not just a little overweight, but instead are morbidly obese is staggering. For average looking guys with decent game there are just not many options. In the States now, just NOT being fat puts you pretty high up on the chain.

This is also becoming a problem in Thailand sadly. The fall here has been fast, but still waaay better the the U.S. which as others have said is a lost cause.

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

Quote: (11-11-2018 06:10 PM)Lino Wrote:  

We can work on our SMV as men by improving ourselves of course but the guys claiming that your SMV only depends on you and not on chicks are delusional, your SMV is determined by the market, you are the product and who buys? Women. You can be the best product, if the customer (women) doesn’t give a shit about that type of product you’re fucked.

That is why more and more men apply the geo arbitrage, your SMV varies from a place to another because the women are different from a place to another and this isn’t only due to economic reasons.

This is basically my gist from a few posts ago, well stated Lino.

[Image: idea.gif]

It's funny because I'd also like to point out that the snowball or runaway ("when it rains it pours") process also clearly present in the same screwed up western societies is the marked disdain for age gaps, even from people who trust/know you or are otherwise sane thinkers. They have been acculturated to think there's something wrong with a 15-20 year gap, even though most of human existence the 40 year old man -20 woman was classic and obvious. The only girls left who aren't fat or chubby, partiers or cubicle slaves that now hate life and lost their looks, are the 18-25 crowd, and that's generous. There are a few exceptions, but the point remains --- they cockblock these girls out too --- even people who know you would try to shame you away from this stuff. Amazing. Much of it must be from this point of view that is overly feminized, that people act like they don't know or are oblivious to the fact that women's bodies undergo major decline post 26, and that no one should state this obvious fact out loud or have a conversation about it, because women don't look at men that way (of course they don't). Again, if you go to the sane countries regarding men/women and biology, a 26 year old is often the equivalent of a 35 year old western woman = the reaper is knocking.

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

Quote: (11-10-2018 02:12 PM)gework Wrote:  

If you're a San Fran fatty on Tinder you go for Mr. Curated IG rather than your market equivalent.
As the players have stated - it's about selling a brand, fame, style, good photos... None of this matters in the long-term. It's luxury a from abundance.
On the other side, when I was in Bangladesh, one of the poorest and most traditional countries in the world. For upper class girls, of this:
They have birth control and that's it. Some of the other elements are there in very small quantities. Online is virtually non existent. Prostitution is legal. And most people spend their entire life hanging around with their cousins. There is no luxury from abundance. Girls want commitment and so do their parents.
The upper class girls have all seen romantic films like Titanic and listen to soppy Western love music. The main thing they want as a result is someone who isn't going to beat the shit out of them and someone who will shower them in love.
In these countries the bar is so low that the demands are not even a consideration for most girls in The West.

would it be easier to control a nation of thirsty beta losers?

It's causing a divide between male feminists and incels. It's going to be interesting to see how it plays out.

You make some very interesting points. You are correct that Bangladesh and many other countries have so far resisted pressure from Western Culture... but I believe that over time Western Media markets will eventually erode traditional thinking in these countries as they gain affluence.

Religion is the most powerful component of culture. In the west we have seen functional religions like Liberalism replace real Religions like Christianity. I wonder if it can do the same with Islam.

I am also interested to see how feminising men turns out in the west. Technically there should be a giant cultural backlash and the pendulum should swing the other way, but I simply don't see it happening. Women are simply much better at sticking together and pushing group think, while men are more interested in competing with one another.

Every Beta loser out there with a wife is an opportunity for me to score. Gone are the days of conquest where all the men of a nation can succeed together. Unless things descend to a point where we can go Viking Raider on a place like Bangladesh.

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

I'd like to ask a simple question. What's the point of this thread? To me, the answers to the question posed in the OP don't fucking matter anyway.

With the exception of corsega's post on the first page, this is six pages of circle jerking nonsense.

How many times are we going to cover the same tired old ground? What information in this thread is beneficial to the reader? Are we a group of doers or over analytical wankers?

Besides, this is the GAME subforum.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

Seems like this is a place where incels now congregate

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

Quote: (11-12-2018 01:41 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

I'd like to ask a simple question. What's the point of this thread? To me, the answers to the question posed in the OP don't fucking matter anyway.

With the exception of corsega's post on the first page, this is six pages of circle jerking nonsense.

How many times are we going to cover the same tired old ground? What information in this thread is beneficial to the reader? Are we a group of doers or over analytical wankers?

Besides, this is the GAME subforum.

I think we are seeing a disturbing trend of people over analyzing, searching for an answer perpetually, and never taking real action. When they finally put forward a half ass'd effort (setting themselves up for failure) and don't get the results they read about on the internet, they come back to complain about having difficulties.

It is what it is, it's a giant dumpster fire. All of it.

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

I blame smartphones. Turns brains into soup.

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

Quote: (11-12-2018 03:13 PM)aeroektar Wrote:  

It is what it is, it's a giant dumpster fire. All of it.

Yes, this is the point.

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

Wow. That was a difficult survey! All the options were good ones though I think most of them worked in relation to each other. The thirst is real.

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West

Who cares.

Get out.

No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West


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