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No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West
11-09-2018, 08:40 AM
No one ever said a guy can be a huge fat fuck and suffer no hit to his SMV. What I said is first of all that men carry extra weight a lot better than women do, and secondly that men are graded on many more attributes than simply appearance, so that even taking a hit to their looks by being a bit overweight they can still compensate in other areas. There is very little if anything a woman can do to compensate for being fat.
And by the way, this is what I'm talking about when I say that a guy can be "fat". I'm not talking about egregious obesity. Even excluding their massive fame, both of these guys would still do well with women even while carrying extra weight, because they have other factors to compensate (height, charisma, humor, facial aesthetics, money, status etc...). Every guy will obviously have a higher SMV if he's in great shape, but a little extra weight is simply a much bigger problem for women than it is for men.
[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]
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No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West
11-09-2018, 08:52 AM
Male celebrities are held to a higher standard, though. Chris Pratt wouldn't have been Star Lord and wouldn't have done that scene in Infinity War comparing looks with Chris Hemsworth if he hadn't gotten and kept himself jacked. Inversely, Russel Crowe ain't getting romantic roles anymore now that he's gone to pot. It's not just his advancing age. Both of these guys earned their sex symbol rep by being jacked even though Pratt's sense of humor and Crowe's hot-head personality help.
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No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West
11-09-2018, 10:37 AM
>>Women's SMV is dictated by men and vice versa to a certain extent.
Not "to a certain extent" but rather 100% the value of the product is determined by the buyer. Which is why we can settle the question of which sex is hurt more by being fat very easily. Do you see more lean guys with fat women or fat guys with lean women? (Ignore the other possibilities: fat+fat, lean+ lean.)
Where I am now (bumblefuck, USA), among wealthier married couples, dad bod or disgustingly big pot-bellied men with lean women is very common, and lean men with fat women uncommon. Among less wealthy, it's the opposite.
Which gets back to hypergamy. If you're an top 10% man in all respects except being overweight, you are overwhelmed with sexual choice, and the women know that, so they have to keep up their looks to keep you. If you are not in the top 10%, you are fighting for scraps with the other bottom 90% of men and so you are the one who has to stay lean to get a woman.
For both men and women, sexual market value is clearly determined by more than weight: face, personality, fame, youth, health, money, etc. But most people agree that youth and beauty count as bigger factors for women than men. So yes, being fat hurts women more in that sense. However, any decline in an individual woman's SMV due to fatness can be overwhelmed by an overall decline in the SMV of all non-elite men, as has clearly happened where I live in the USA, as shown by all the lean non-elite guys having to settle for land whales.
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No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West
11-09-2018, 10:58 AM
The average male is pathetic, weak, unattractive and asexual.
Girls do not want to bang the average guy.
His value is low which makes the value of girls go to the roof.
But this only matters for the average guy.
The player who learns Game has high value.
Girls have no choice but to bang him.
Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."
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No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West
11-09-2018, 10:58 AM
I'm about 20 pounds over my ideal weight and I don't get shit. Bitches 20 pounds over get so much thirsty fucking attention.
Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.
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No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West
11-09-2018, 04:18 PM
In nature, species that cannot adapt tend to go extinct and this principle also carries over to the business world too. Businesses that used to be great fail when they cannot adapt to the changing times that come with new trends and new technology that changes the way we do things. I find that a lot of it also has to do with ego, it is tough to teach an old dog new tricks and at some point, men become stubborn and too set with their old way of doing things that is no longer as effective. You even notice this with presidential elections where a candidate can use social media to great effect and no longer needs the help of news outlets to win.
Right now we are going through a shift in business as well where the more mundane jobs are either being shipped to the third world or taken over by machines. What is going to happen is that the people who are creative are the ones who are going to make all the money and thrive in the modern economy.
Now that is what has happened with game, you have men who have learned to adapt and are doing well versus guys who are unwilling to adapt. Game requires a lot more creativity now.
In the old days, a simple spam cold approach was enough and I don't doubt that it works even to this day. The reality is as Corsega has mentioned and others, a lot of the game has gone online now. Now this is where the divide is, the guys who get that will market themselves in ways that makes them appealing to women on social media, dating apps and portray that right image. The current market is made for those men, the ones who are willing to think outside the box.
I always chuckle whenever a member on here says "you're doing all that for pussy" or knocks a guy for doing something other than spam approaching like some aspie PUA, these are guys of an older time.
The newer times have called for newer methods, more creativity.
In recent years and even recent weeks, mostly all of my dates, lays and success from women has come through dating apps. I used to struggle but then I learned how to take good pics, portray the right image and work that angle to success. Now I am still working on my social media game which is weak because I didn't use my college years to build a following, I deleted my social media in those years because I was in the old man crowd of thinking it is a waste of time.
Women are bored, they don't have an incentive to really chase a guy for his money anymore. What the bored crave is attention and excitement, that feeling of new that takes them off their feet. Now because of that, it is those guys who market themselves in unique way and build a unique lifestyle that score the hottest girls.
The guy who decides to photograph models on the side, the guy who takes up hobbies that help him meet hot girls, the guy who takes a gig that helps in meeting women and the guy who creates the kind of value that is unique, creative and worth a second look that women want a part of.
Unfortunately, most men cannot be reasoned with. Most men are stuck in their old ways and convinced that their way is the only way, so they will get angry at the young guy who takes good pics for social media, call the guy trying to get a lot of Instagram followers a fag and rag on him for dedicating so much of this time to being more attractive to women by saying "all that for some pussy" but the reality is, these modern times are made for that guy.
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No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West
11-09-2018, 05:11 PM
One thing I have noticed is corny pick up lines in person work GREAT! As long as those pick up lines aren’t too sexual. Women 18-30 love corny.
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No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West
11-09-2018, 10:38 PM
Men are so (for lack of better words) a thirsty that women feel they can get away with any thing.
SMV isn't declining. I know this has been said but think about all the tinder/pof/okcupid/etc accounts. Countless accounts have women BRAGGING about the terrible qualities they have. Women also post cashapp links! Yet more and more men are going after them, giving such bad behavior validation.
I see it more and more often and it's sickening.
Women won't get better until men get better but here's the paradox. Men are working harder and harder and setting a higher and higher baseline, all for women who are worthless. The basic "requirements" of pre-2000s won't even stand in today's world. (cook, clean, not fat, feminine, etc) Yet we have more men learning game, working out, building financial success, dressing better etc.
one thing about the rise of the internet i love the most is, it shows the HUGE differences between men and women. You would think with the ease of obtaining information that the gap between men and women entrepreneurs would be close but no. Infact its so wide that there are hundreds of special grants, and funding that goes into female business owners specifically.
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No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West
11-10-2018, 11:18 AM
I think people are looking at the situation from the wrong point of view.
The real issue is that the average man is extremely low quality and that low quality men have perpetuated themselves for ages in all cultures through the institution of marriage and deliberately prohibiting women from providing for their own material needs. It is a mate-guarding strategy.
Prior to the social engineering project of Civilization we know that polygyny (one man with multiple women committed to him) was the main trend due to the percentages of male and female DNA. Polygyny is closest to our natural state and monogamy is an interesting deviation from it. Monogamy itself may be tied to the development of weapons, i.e., the practice is common because if one man threatened the genetic viability of another man, rather than have a contest of strength/quality, they could just use technology. So, marriage is then an arrangement wherein men of lower quality were able to secure reproductive success under threat of violence to superior men.
The strategy largely worked and became normalized. Most cultures also bred women for faithfulness-- they literally executed any woman known to have been unfaithful. That is a eugenic project that has actually had remarkable success. Despite all the horror stories, fewer than 4% of children have misattributed paternity: that means 96%+ of the time, the system worked.
However, in our present time the strategy is ceasing to be effective. Women no longer need a provider to meet their basic needs so they are not being held hostage. They have access to multiple social networks and travel is easier, so they are no longer able to be isolated or restricted to a small-town community. With changes to law, women can no longer be treated as property.
Thus, many of the pressures that created our mating system, one where even weak men could have reproductive success, are gone. So, what are we left with? I suspect it's a trend towards polygyny, where multiple women will want high value men and lower value men will not have reproductive success. This, in my opinion, is a better state of affairs than a system where men do not need to be excellent to reproduce.
The strategy of our time is: be excellent. 90% of this stuff is just showing up. The average man is poor, unhealthy, out of shape, untraveled, unassertive, and not exactly hard to be better than. So, just having a real career, working out, traveling, and being assertive is enough to be one of the "top 10%/20%/30% whatever % whiners say you need to be to get laid". This stuff is not that hard.
My thoughts are that all these shooting sprees and incels, etc. It's the execution of the unspoken threat of violence implied by the previous equitable marriage age. The thing is, it doesn't work anymore because conditions have changed. Threat of violence is not enough to allow inferior men to reproduce.
Luckily, I think excellence is more accessible than ever at the present time. And the rewards of being excellent are only getting higher.
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No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West
11-10-2018, 11:28 AM
^ I think that you're missing the point of social cohesion and sanity that goes along with everything, making the entire social construct problematic. What happens if you're excellent but even 7s are scarce?
The only way any of us will know if the guy typing on the other end of these conversations is FOS is if we meet him, but there is no doubt that in the west the percentage of 7+ is crashing, and that is due to social and technological movements that provide major roadblocks to looks, youth, and truly feminine qualities.
Yes, an answer is global expansion. It's becoming clear to me that, at least for those who are beyond 30, it's actually not that hard vs. playing the lottery here.
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No. 1 Reason for Declining SMV in The West
11-10-2018, 01:35 PM
The girls are definitely getting fatter/less sweet and also have higher expectations. It's twisted.