I guess it is the 'trendy' thing today to be sexually assaulted if you're a Useful Idiot...?
Not exactly something to be boastful about; real or imagined...
Not exactly something to be boastful about; real or imagined...
![[Image: confused.gif]](https://rooshvforum.network/images/smilies/confused.gif)
Quote: (10-13-2018 10:24 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:
Upon review of the tape, it looked like his backpack is what touched her, and he wasn't even aware of the contact.
Quote: (10-13-2018 07:16 PM)MrLemon Wrote:
White women are full of outrage at all the terrible abuse they imagine they've suffered.
This is a result of Feminism, which is a mental philosophy devoted solely to training women to view the entire world as a conspiracy against them.
Feminism is the greatest feat of brainwashing in history.
But most Feminists are too cowardly to actually attack white men...their hated targets -- so they attack blacks, who are lower than them on the totem pole. Black children (boys and girls) are especially ripe targets for white women.
White women were the biggest racists, always. Southern white women always screamed loudest for the overseers to whip the black slaves. White women were always the ones who wanted to see black men lynched. The idea of having power over a black person gives white women a sexual thrill.
Black men have always known: white women are their deadliest enemies.
Quote: (10-13-2018 07:53 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:
That's a woman?
Quote: (10-14-2018 08:14 AM)Brother Abdul Majeed Wrote:
I don't think this creature's Jewishness has anything to do with the story.
It's just your run-of-the-mill post-wall, batshit insane, raised on feminism, modern day empowered woman, exercising her right to casually destroy other people's lives without much chance of any repercussions.
She picked the wrong target though, never mess with anyone lower on the totem pole of social grievances. Dumb bitch will learn a lesson now.
Quote: (10-14-2018 08:14 AM)Brother Abdul Majeed Wrote:
I don't think this creature's Jewishness has anything to do with the story.
It's just your run-of-the-mill post-wall, batshit insane, raised on feminism, modern day empowered woman, exercising her right to casually destroy other people's lives without much chance of any repercussions.
She picked the wrong target though, never mess with anyone lower on the totem pole of social grievances. Dumb bitch will learn a lesson now.
Quote: (10-14-2018 12:54 PM)godfather dust Wrote:
MrLemon good store manager. So many scared to throw people out who deserve it.
I had a job selling a high end item (3000-60,000 each) and this bitch bought and returned things with obviously no intention of keeping it. About an hour or more of work every time. I was probably the closest to the store manager (still talk to him every so often a couple years later) but I couldn't get him to ban her until about 10 returns.
Quote: (10-13-2018 09:45 PM)jordypip23 Wrote:
Quote: (10-13-2018 09:30 PM)HornyRamone Wrote:
I don't want to turn this thread into race, but I'm going to say it for the 1000th time. Jews are not white. They have some Euro genetics along with Asian and Middle Eastern. It's convenient to call Jews white when they're acting out of line, but it's not biologically accurate, so stop projecting what often appears as Jewish racism/misanthropy on to white folks.
It is one of the biggest assets the tribe has. Therefore they can claim the white card when it is convenient. A luxury that most Blacks, Indians, Asians, darker Latinos, majority of Arabs, etc. cannot claim. A lot of them have white in appearance skin tone & many within the past few decades have married Goyim / Gentile (white folk, etc.) so it's rather hard for everyday Americans to tell. But I have lived and/or worked and/or attended school in heavily Jewish suburban & urban areas throughout large chunks of my life so i am damn good (for Goy standards) at detecting who is Jewish & who is not. Been friendly with many & even got into the sack before with a Jewess heh. Neurotic as fuck as expected. But then again many women are.
Quote: (10-14-2018 12:48 PM)MrLemon Wrote:
It's a pure mental health problem. Now multiply that by 170 million women in the US and others in Canada/UK. It's an army of really, honest-to-god anger-addicted crazy people. Constantly being encouraged and inflamed by a very small group of very evil feminists, who are lining their pockets with legal fees and government jobs.
Quote: (10-14-2018 07:15 AM)Mage Wrote:
I cannot tell what disgusts me more - feminists making outrageous false accusations or people who portray every issue where a black person is involved as a race issue even trough this is clearly a sexism against men issue.
It seems that black people have no capacity to solve any problems in their life, because they put all the problems under the same label of racism. This they cannot solve their problems because they identify them incorrectly.
They really should start addressing problems they face as they are - problems of sexism against men, feminism, lack of education, bad role models, broken families, drugs, welfare killing incentives, single mothers and other things as they are instead of calling it all racism and wondering why solutions never come.
If this mother identified correctly that the problem is feminism and #MeToo culture she would become a conservative republican voter supporting Trump and future for her son. Instead she will view it as a race issue and double down on supporting liberal democrats who promise to fight racism, but in reality just create culture where women can put a man of any race in prison on accusations without proof.