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Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

He brushed by Ms. Klein at the store and she thought he purposefully grabbed her ass. She then called the police.

SJW media outlet covers the story, insinuating that we should NOT believe women when they are white and the alleged assaulter is black.


Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault


Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

I'm trying to find the image of that "just another queer/trans jewish woman stomping out fascists " from another thread. The resemblance is strong.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

White women are full of outrage at all the terrible abuse they imagine they've suffered.

This is a result of Feminism, which is a mental philosophy devoted solely to training women to view the entire world as a conspiracy against them.

Feminism is the greatest feat of brainwashing in history.

But most Feminists are too cowardly to actually attack white men...their hated targets -- so they attack blacks, who are lower than them on the totem pole. Black children (boys and girls) are especially ripe targets for white women.

White women were the biggest racists, always. Southern white women always screamed loudest for the overseers to whip the black slaves. White women were always the ones who wanted to see black men lynched. The idea of having power over a black person gives white women a sexual thrill.

Black men have always known: white women are their deadliest enemies.

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

Quote: (10-13-2018 07:16 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

White women are full of outrage at all the terrible abuse they imagine they've suffered.

This is a result of Feminism, which is a mental philosophy devoted solely to training women to view the entire world as a conspiracy against them.

Feminism is the greatest feat of brainwashing in history.

But most Feminists are too cowardly to actually attack white men...their hated targets -- so they attack blacks, who are lower than them on the totem pole. Black children (boys and girls) are especially ripe targets for white women.

I tend to disagree with this last part. I think the left has weaponized everyone who's not a white male against white males. So, feminists and blacks (the angry ones, anyway) are two heads of the same hydra. If you don't believe me, consider how many feminists are pro-BLM. Then there's the fact that when they talk patriarchy and rape culture they focus almost exclusively on white men while ignoring Islam. Brett Kavanagh, Duke Lacrosse team, UVA, etc. Never as much outrage over non-whites actually committing rape as there is against white men who are falsely accused.

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

Quote: (10-13-2018 07:22 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2018 07:16 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

White women are full of outrage at all the terrible abuse they imagine they've suffered.

This is a result of Feminism, which is a mental philosophy devoted solely to training women to view the entire world as a conspiracy against them.

Feminism is the greatest feat of brainwashing in history.

But most Feminists are too cowardly to actually attack white men...their hated targets -- so they attack blacks, who are lower than them on the totem pole. Black children (boys and girls) are especially ripe targets for white women.

I tend to disagree with this last part. I think the left has weaponized everyone who's not a white male against white males. So, feminists and blacks (the angry ones, anyway) are two heads of the same hydra. If you don't believe me, consider how many feminists are pro-BLM. Then there's the fact that when they talk patriarchy and rape culture they focus almost exclusively on white men while ignoring Islam. Brett Kavanagh, Duke Lacrosse team, UVA, etc. Never as much outrage over non-whites actually committing rape as there is against white men who are falsely accused.

I understand how it looks that way. But my experience with Feminists is, they HATE blacks with a passion, they are racist as hell. Blacks are safe in their camp as long as they are good little blacks and do what they are told. As soon as they ask questions or "step off the plantation" then the knives come out.

Women are all about slavery. They want slaves -- their husbands first, other lower status people second.

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

Quote: (10-13-2018 06:28 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  


Or vision of the past and the kid would have been executed or serving life in prison. History repeats itself and we are coming full circle.

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

So which is it. Jewish or white? The Jews seem to be another white tribe if from Europe. So , to be seen as a victim, her Jewishness will be put out on full blast.

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

He is not even a teen yet. So why would he even have the motivation to touch a woman's ass?

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

She is unhinged.

In the surveilance video, at 0:26 she air humps towards the kid (or mom, who knows).


Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

That's a woman?

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

I don't think she is racist. I think she is just a liberal feminist man hater looking for her 15 minutes of fame riding the gina tingling rollercoaster of victimhood...Waiting for the kid to be charged 36 years from now.

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

Quote: (10-13-2018 07:27 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2018 07:22 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2018 07:16 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

White women are full of outrage at all the terrible abuse they imagine they've suffered.

This is a result of Feminism, which is a mental philosophy devoted solely to training women to view the entire world as a conspiracy against them.

Feminism is the greatest feat of brainwashing in history.

But most Feminists are too cowardly to actually attack white men...their hated targets -- so they attack blacks, who are lower than them on the totem pole. Black children (boys and girls) are especially ripe targets for white women.

I tend to disagree with this last part. I think the left has weaponized everyone who's not a white male against white males. So, feminists and blacks (the angry ones, anyway) are two heads of the same hydra. If you don't believe me, consider how many feminists are pro-BLM. Then there's the fact that when they talk patriarchy and rape culture they focus almost exclusively on white men while ignoring Islam. Brett Kavanagh, Duke Lacrosse team, UVA, etc. Never as much outrage over non-whites actually committing rape as there is against white men who are falsely accused.

I understand how it looks that way. But my experience with Feminists is, they HATE blacks with a passion, they are racist as hell. Blacks are safe in their camp as long as they are good little blacks and do what they are told. As soon as they ask questions or "step off the plantation" then the knives come out.

Women are all about slavery. They want slaves -- their husbands first, other lower status people second.

Its not just blacks, feminists really hate brown men and most men from the eastern world. They are the main ones teaching young little white girls in college that all guys from the east are evil misogynists out to get them. Now I notice that to a degree, even the right sides with them for patriotic reasons but feminists do not differentiate between some crazy overbearing Arab from Saudi Arabia versus some Indian dude born and raised in the western world.

Feminism was created to empower white women and have them remain solidly in second place below white men. On top of that, feminists are great at weaponizing ethnic women and women of minority groups against men of their own race to try and keep them in line.

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

This woman is a miserable specimen. Brings literally nothing to the world.
Feels bad because she has nothing to live for, so takes it out on others.
Just fuck off and leave the rest of us alone.

As terrible as it is for that young man, he has gotten an early dose of the red pill.

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

Quote: (10-13-2018 07:43 PM)tomtud Wrote:  

So which is it. Jewish or white? The Jews seem to be another white tribe if from Europe. So , to be seen as a victim, her Jewishness will be put out on full blast.

Jews are considered white when going up against another minority group and are considered non-white when going up against whites.

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

Quote: (10-13-2018 08:48 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2018 07:27 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2018 07:22 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2018 07:16 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

White women are full of outrage at all the terrible abuse they imagine they've suffered.

This is a result of Feminism, which is a mental philosophy devoted solely to training women to view the entire world as a conspiracy against them.

Feminism is the greatest feat of brainwashing in history.

But most Feminists are too cowardly to actually attack white men...their hated targets -- so they attack blacks, who are lower than them on the totem pole. Black children (boys and girls) are especially ripe targets for white women.

I tend to disagree with this last part. I think the left has weaponized everyone who's not a white male against white males. So, feminists and blacks (the angry ones, anyway) are two heads of the same hydra. If you don't believe me, consider how many feminists are pro-BLM. Then there's the fact that when they talk patriarchy and rape culture they focus almost exclusively on white men while ignoring Islam. Brett Kavanagh, Duke Lacrosse team, UVA, etc. Never as much outrage over non-whites actually committing rape as there is against white men who are falsely accused.

I understand how it looks that way. But my experience with Feminists is, they HATE blacks with a passion, they are racist as hell. Blacks are safe in their camp as long as they are good little blacks and do what they are told. As soon as they ask questions or "step off the plantation" then the knives come out.

Women are all about slavery. They want slaves -- their husbands first, other lower status people second.

Its not just blacks, feminists really hate brown men and most men from the eastern world. They are the main ones teaching young little white girls in college that all guys from the east are evil misogynists out to get them. Now I notice that to a degree, even the right sides with them for patriotic reasons but feminists do not differentiate between some crazy overbearing Arab from Saudi Arabia versus some Indian dude born and raised in the western world.

Feminism was created to empower white women and have them remain solidly in second place below white men. On top of that, feminists are great at weaponizing ethnic women and women of minority groups against men of their own race to try and keep them in line.

Good call. I remember an old feminist hag I knew, describing why she became a feminist in the 60s. She said "well, the blacks had their civil rights, and when I saw that, I got pissed. Why should the N****ers get all the attention."

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

That video genuinely confused me as I was looking for the woman for its entire length...

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

Quote: (10-13-2018 07:53 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

That's a woman?

No shit, I was waiting for a woman and then, nothing. WTF is that thing?

"Women however should get a spanking at least once a week by their husbands and boyfriends - that should be mandated by law" - Zelcorpion

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

Let's just hope that this kid doesn't get nominated for the supreme court 30+ years from now. Then this woman will be back, demanding her own televised senate hearing.

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

I don't want to turn this thread into race, but I'm going to say it for the 1000th time. Jews are not white. They have some Euro genetics along with Asian and Middle Eastern. It's convenient to call Jews white when they're acting out of line, but it's not biologically accurate, so stop projecting what often appears as Jewish racism/misanthropy on to white folks.

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

Quote: (10-13-2018 09:23 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2018 08:48 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

Its not just blacks, feminists really hate brown men and most men from the eastern world. They are the main ones teaching young little white girls in college that all guys from the east are evil misogynists out to get them. Now I notice that to a degree, even the right sides with them for patriotic reasons but feminists do not differentiate between some crazy overbearing Arab from Saudi Arabia versus some Indian dude born and raised in the western world.

Feminism was created to empower white women and have them remain solidly in second place below white men. On top of that, feminists are great at weaponizing ethnic women and women of minority groups against men of their own race to try and keep them in line.

Good call. I remember an old feminist hag I knew, describing why she became a feminist in the 60s. She said "well, the blacks had their civil rights, and when I saw that, I got pissed. Why should the N****ers get all the attention."

Yoko Ono famously said "Woman is the n****r of the world". But I thought this speaks more to my original point, that feminists view themselves as oppressed by white men in the same way black people have been. Personally if I were black I'd be pretty offended at Ono (and other feminists) for making that comparison. When have you seen a slave master offer his slave a diamond ring?

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

Quote: (10-13-2018 09:30 PM)HornyRamone Wrote:  

I don't want to turn this thread into race, but I'm going to say it for the 1000th time. Jews are not white. They have some Euro genetics along with Asian and Middle Eastern. It's convenient to call Jews white when they're acting out of line, but it's not biologically accurate, so stop projecting what often appears as Jewish racism/misanthropy on to white folks.

It is one of the biggest assets the tribe has. Therefore they can claim the white card when it is convenient. A luxury that most Blacks, Indians, Asians, darker Latinos, majority of Arabs, etc. cannot claim. A lot of them have white in appearance skin tone & many within the past few decades have married Goyim / Gentile (white folk, etc.) so it's rather hard for everyday Americans to tell. But I have lived and/or worked and/or attended school in heavily Jewish suburban & urban areas throughout large chunks of my life so i am damn good (for Goy standards) at detecting who is Jewish & who is not. Been friendly with many & even got into the sack before with a Jewess heh. Neurotic as fuck as expected. But then again many women are.

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

Emmett Till must be rolling in his grave.

Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault


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Jewish woman falsely accuses 9-year-old black boy of sexual assault

Upon review of the tape, it looked like his backpack is what touched her, and he wasn't even aware of the contact.

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