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The truth about the Philippines

The truth about the Philippines

pads, they have pads, also I have a ton of period sex to the point where I think girls are on their damn period every other week.

I use to think their was no blood when you have sex with a girl on her period, however here in the Philippines my dick is basically braveheart going to war. I think when girls take birth control it fucks up their periods and that is why in USA it feels rare to see blood, but here, man I suggest you bring a rain coat for your penis.

The truth about the Philippines

This thread is getting boring like the philippines thread. Thanks guys

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-25-2018 11:41 PM)OnlySightseeing Wrote:  

^I was banned, yes. For saying exactly what everyone's saying now, 1-2 years later, that SEA is in decline, even though instead of just complaining I offered some solid advice on how to circumvent this problem. Another reason was for posting pictures of a pretty cute girl which for some reason led to the autistic butthurt rage of several people, including you, as I recall. Were you not among those who spammed PMs demanding proof that I was with the girl in question? Should I dredge up those PMs to help refresh your memory? Perhaps that is not required, as for some strange reason, you can still recall those old usernames, two years later. A lasting effect, then?

By the way, due to that ridiculous ban, I did not (could not) post an Amazon datasheet as I had planned, which would have been helpful to many.

Dig up what PMs? You have me mixed up with someone else because I never demanded proof of anything from you, but I did call you out numerous times because I think your a blackpill loser. Why the fuck do you pop up every few months on a mission to convince people "asia bad for white man now"? You obviously have a vested interest in discouraging people from traveling there. My guess is you're the exact kind of weird social outcast I described in my last post.

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-26-2018 06:07 AM)Duke.33 Wrote:  

pads, they have pads, also I have a ton of period sex to the point where I think girls are on their damn period every other week.

I use to think their was no blood when you have sex with a girl on her period, however here in the Philippines my dick is basically braveheart going to war. I think when girls take birth control it fucks up their periods and that is why in USA it feels rare to see blood, but here, man I suggest you bring a rain coat for your penis.

Yah, the birth control pill does not just fuck up their periods it has all kinds of other effects, psychological like moods, it alters the discharge of the vagina.

Filipinas are the organic eggs in the supermarket.

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-26-2018 09:47 AM)Jefferson Wrote:  

Filipinas are the organic eggs in the supermarket.

Damn. That was downright poetic, Jefferson.

The truth about the Philippines

Oh my cock's like a red, red rose
That's newly sprung in June
Oh my cock's like the melodie
Filipinas sweetly play'd in tune.

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-26-2018 09:47 AM)Jefferson Wrote:  

Quote: (10-26-2018 06:07 AM)Duke.33 Wrote:  

pads, they have pads, also I have a ton of period sex to the point where I think girls are on their damn period every other week.

I use to think their was no blood when you have sex with a girl on her period, however here in the Philippines my dick is basically braveheart going to war. I think when girls take birth control it fucks up their periods and that is why in USA it feels rare to see blood, but here, man I suggest you bring a rain coat for your penis.

Yah, the birth control pill does not just fuck up their periods it has all kinds of other effects, psychological like moods, it alters the discharge of the vagina.

Filipinas are the organic eggs in the supermarket.

You talk like some deluded crusty boomer that married a hooker from Angeles City and thinks she loves you that does nothing all day but drinking and selling the non existent dream to guys from back home on the internet.

Here's your organic egg supermarket that is a 5min drive away even from the fanciest areas of Manila like BGC:

[Image: bY1ASXB.jpg]

This video features your every day socially dominant young Brad Pitt from the west heading to the third world slums without income to marry an organic egg:

[Image: Me3GQGi.png]


The truth about the Philippines

Lol. Go back to watching RT.

Not really interested in your slum diary.

I ate very well at the Shangri La in Lapu Lapu, stayed at the Bluewater Resort. And btw, lots of Filipinos live in nice houses, clean and well maintained.

You could just as well take slum pics in Washington DC and claim that's what the States look like.

The Philippines I know is a mix of breathtaking scenery, charming people and clean well maintained houses. Who goes to a fucking slum? Wtf is wrong with you?


The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-26-2018 02:09 PM)Jefferson Wrote:  

The Philippines I know is a mix of breathtaking scenery, charming people and clean well maintained houses. Who goes to a fucking slum? Wtf is wrong with you?

The Philippines I know is a shithole with jealous people that hate foreigners and are largely ugly and live in filth, squalor and poverty.

See vid for a more realistic portrayal of your friendly charming locals.

The truth about the Philippines

Yes, for this guy also didn't work out so great. He hates the Phil too:


The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-26-2018 08:33 AM)zerorepfaggot Wrote:  

This thread is getting boring like the philippines thread. Thanks guys

You're not going to be here one week from now.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.


The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-26-2018 03:00 PM)Jefferson Wrote:  

Yes, for this guy also didn't work out so great. He hates the Phil too:


Your pilpul is off the charts friendo...

3rd world people are very dangerous and easy to snap kill you over petty stuff - usually instigated with passive aggressiveness and trash talk on their end so they can justify murdering you.


An American was gunned down in a Negros Occidental bar after refusing to buy a beer for two strangers.

Shortly after 10pm yesterday (Tuesday, May 15) Eric Hendrickson was having a drink in Silay City when two men asked him to buy them a beer.

According to a police report, after the 57-year-old politely refused, the two men started to insult him in local dialect, which Mr Hendrickson understood.

After responding in kind, the row escalated until the elder of the two suspects shot the victim several times in the left side of his head. He was rushed to the Teresita Jalandoni Provincial Hospital, but was declared dead on arrival.


The truth about the Philippines

Pilpul? Oh Hebrew, I see, that explains it.

Israelis have had bad experiences in the Phil lately:


But what's your story, Asianballer? Why do you really hate this country so passionately? It was a girl, wasn't it? Tell uncle Jeff about it...This is a safe place...

Genuinely interested.

The truth about the Philippines

Headed to Manila soon, does anyone have any current Intel on Nightlife in Manila SUN-WEDS.

The truth about the Philippines

Great thread with lots of debatable topics.

I honestly think PH in regards to girls is just like anywhere else in the world. A smoking hot 8 isn't going to be attracted to an old guy in his 50-60s besides his money thats just a biological fact. I see guys complaining about this and I'm thinking what the hell do you guys expect? Of course there's acceptions but the high quality girls simply won't be down for you. I can confidently say this because I've been three times and not once saw a high quality girl with an old dude unless she was a pro.

That video with the locals was disturbing but thats to be expected, of course the local guys hate foreigners. Generally speaking with regards to younger white guys, we have more money than them, bigger dick size, aren't associated with negative stereotype they have like cat calling, physical abuse, cheating etc. One of my main girls had a huge list of reasons why she hates local guys it was funny.

In regards to running a harlem, say if you have 5 girls you really like but don't want to girlfriend any of them up just keep them on rotation, how do you guys do it? Do you have a strict policy about which girls you hang out with on each day etc? What happens if some of these girls don't have the reason to go to work because they work from home and technically can hang out with you all the time. What excuses do you come up with to make them leave so you can hang out with another girl?

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-26-2018 07:22 PM)tezza198 Wrote:  

In regards to running a harlem, say if you have 5 girls you really like but don't want to girlfriend any of them up just keep them on rotation, how do you guys do it? Do you have a strict policy about which girls you hang out with on each day etc? What happens if some of these girls don't have the reason to go to work because they work from home and technically can hang out with you all the time. What excuses do you come up with to make them leave so you can hang out with another girl?

And now this thread is invaded by the autists...

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-26-2018 09:51 PM)zerorepfaggot Wrote:  

Quote: (10-26-2018 07:22 PM)tezza198 Wrote:  

In regards to running a harlem, say if you have 5 girls you really like but don't want to girlfriend any of them up just keep them on rotation, how do you guys do it? Do you have a strict policy about which girls you hang out with on each day etc? What happens if some of these girls don't have the reason to go to work because they work from home and technically can hang out with you all the time. What excuses do you come up with to make them leave so you can hang out with another girl?

And now this thread is invaded by the autists...

And your point is...?

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-26-2018 09:51 PM)zerorepfaggot Wrote:  

Quote: (10-26-2018 07:22 PM)tezza198 Wrote:  

In regards to running a harlem, say if you have 5 girls you really like but don't want to girlfriend any of them up just keep them on rotation, how do you guys do it? Do you have a strict policy about which girls you hang out with on each day etc? What happens if some of these girls don't have the reason to go to work because they work from home and technically can hang out with you all the time. What excuses do you come up with to make them leave so you can hang out with another girl?

And now this thread is invaded by the autists...

And faggots apparently.......

As far back as I could remember, I always wanted to be a player.

2018 New Orleans Datasheet
New Jersey State Datasheet

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-26-2018 04:34 PM)dsutmdo Wrote:  

Headed to Manila soon, does anyone have any current Intel on Nightlife in Manila SUN-WEDS.

sunday = try cove i heard its good
wednesday = black market will def be good is packed on weds.

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-26-2018 07:22 PM)tezza198 Wrote:  

Great thread with lots of debatable topics.

That video with the locals was disturbing but thats to be expected, of course the local guys hate foreigners. Generally speaking with regards to younger white guys, we have more money than them, bigger dick size, aren't associated with negative stereotype they have like cat calling, physical abuse, cheating etc. One of my main girls had a huge list of reasons why she hates local guys it was funny.

In regards to running a Harlem, say if you have 5 girls you really like but don't want to girlfriend any of them up just keep them on rotation, how do you guys do it? Do you have a strict policy about which girls you hang out with on each day etc? What happens if some of these girls don't have the reason to go to work because they work from home and technically can hang out with you all the time. What excuses do you come up with to make them leave so you can hang out with another girl?

1. Filipino guys do not hate foreigners, that was one shitty video where the guys were primed to say what they wanted to record on film.

Its like if you went around NYC asked girls why they like black guys and only recorded the responses that were pro-black. then showed it to a bunch of insecure white guys record their racism and then claim all white people in america hate black people while having a poltical agenda. This video was created by people looking for those answers to just piss off filipinos.

I have showed a few girls and talked to some other girls none of them took it serious. Also alot of the guys dont hate on me they think its cool I sleep around. Same with the girls:

i hear this all the time:

do you have a girlfriend? are you sure?

you have many girls [Image: smile.gif]

you are play boy said with a big grin.

They all seem to be okay with it, at least for me Im 25 so age helps.

your question is way to anxious, trust me its not hard, I have a 5 girl rotation none of them care i sleep around they all know I'm banging other girls.

It was weird but I was at Mango last night with this cute 7 and she said you want to find another girl for tonight? (she was going to go home with her friend).

I did end up getting another cute girls Facebook by being stealthy.

I feel like im def fucking up in cebu, im def dating down with 7s. I only really had 1 girl that really expected monogamy from me. She was also in the 8+ range.

The truth about the Philippines

Maintaining a harem in the Philippines can be a little tricky because they are jealous and emotional children. Unlike say japan where girls are still intellectual children but either aloof or trained to look the other way and avoid conflict.

Pinays can be real ball busters. You have to hold frame. Tell them you need some downtime to work, exercise, be alone, whatever. I read about guys here who were on bang missions but defaulted to a girl making herself comfortable and leaving shit. Then all of a sudden she’s basically living with you.

A lot of the Pinays have already been pumped and dumped. They are used to being the other woman or having their BF fuck as many girls as he can. You’d think they’d get over it. They’re no angels themselves.

Yet most of the girls I banged were super sensitive about me being a player. Any whiff of other girls on social media or hair on my floor was a big deal. It was annoying to say the least.

A lot of the time I just wanted to let the truth fly and be like yeah a banged a few other girls today, so what? Now do your job and suck my cock! I bit my tongue on the former and saved the latter for point of no return sex.

Maybe part of the problem is actually guys having sex with more than one girl at a time and a lot of times having unprotected sex with more than one girl a day. That is really inconsiderate and dangerous. Guilty. You got me ;-)

I just chatted with a good upper class girl who finally lost her virginity with an expat. She let him hit it raw. Then she was shocked to find out he was rawdogging a bunch of other girls all along. Now she is disgusted, hurt, and worried.

I do feel bad for her. My response was like yeah, well, this is normal actually. Most young guys in PH are kids in a candy store. The thing you should really worry about is if he’s smart enough or high value enough not to be sleeping with pros. Cause that’s when it does get gross and dangerous.

My experience with PH was not like Japan (girls look the other way) or SA (girls expect alpha guys to fuck women). You have to sweep the hair up. You have to police your social media. Deny. Deny. Deny. Use male friends as alibis. Let her know you need to login to work at a certain time and she can’t be there.

Never argue with her. It’s your house. If she starts talking about other girl coming over don’t engage. Ignore and give her a look. Then soft next.

Never see a girl more than once a week or you confuse her. Obviously this is hard to practice because quality girls are scarce. Having your cake and eating it to is a quality problem. Always challenging. Just remember that rolling over and being Mr. Nice guy is what she wants. Don’t be manipulated. You’re the prize.

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-26-2018 03:04 PM)Vladimir Poontang Wrote:  

Quote: (10-26-2018 08:33 AM)zerorepfaggot Wrote:  

This thread is getting boring like the philippines thread. Thanks guys

You're not going to be here one week from now.

He'll just be back again, though. No point in even banning folks anymore. There's even a benefit to not banning them now, you can look at their prior posts and know to avoid them.

I've never ignored anyone, not my style, but I'm thinking I'll have to start doing that now.

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-27-2018 01:04 AM)Purple Pumpkin Pumper Wrote:  

Maintaining a harem in the Philippines can be a little tricky because they are jealous and emotional children. Unlike say japan where girls are still intellectual children but either aloof or trained to look the other way and avoid conflict.

Pinays can be real ball busters. You have to hold frame. Tell them you need some downtime to work, exercise, be alone, whatever. I read about guys here who were on bang missions but defaulted to a girl making herself comfortable and leaving shit. Then all of a sudden she’s basically living with you.

A lot of the Pinays have already been pumped and dumped. They are used to being the other woman or having their BF fuck as many girls as he can. You’d think they’d get over it. They’re no angels themselves.

Yet most of the girls I banged were super sensitive about me being a player. Any whiff of other girls on social media or hair on my floor was a big deal. It was annoying to say the least.

A lot of the time I just wanted to let the truth fly and be like yeah a banged a few other girls today, so what? Now do your job and suck my cock! I bit my tongue on the former and saved the latter for point of no return sex.

Maybe part of the problem is actually guys having sex with more than one girl at a time and a lot of times having unprotected sex with more than one girl a day. That is really inconsiderate and dangerous. Guilty. You got me ;-)

I just chatted with a good upper class girl who finally lost her virginity with an expat. She let him hit it raw. Then she was shocked to find out he was rawdogging a bunch of other girls all along. Now she is disgusted, hurt, and worried.

I do feel bad for her. My response was like yeah, well, this is normal actually. Most young guys in PH are kids in a candy store. The thing you should really worry about is if he’s smart enough or high value enough not to be sleeping with pros. Cause that’s when it does get gross and dangerous.

My experience with PH was not like Japan (girls look the other way) or SA (girls expect alpha guys to fuck women). You have to sweep the hair up. You have to police your social media. Deny. Deny. Deny. Use male friends as alibis. Let her know you need to login to work at a certain time and she can’t be there.

Never argue with her. It’s your house. If she starts talking about other girl coming over don’t engage. Ignore and give her a look. Then soft next.

Never see a girl more than once a week or you confuse her. Obviously this is hard to practice because quality girls are scarce. Having your cake and eating it to is a quality problem. Always challenging. Just remember that rolling over and being Mr. Nice guy is what she wants. Don’t be manipulated. You’re the prize.

you are way toooo paranoid and probs coming off with a strong provider vibe. or you are over 40.

I dont clean up the hair I leave an orgy of evidence out for her to see from the get go.

when they ask do you have a girlfriend? Yes, I have 40 of them and 20 wives.

do you see many girls, sure dont you see alot of guys? start teasing her for how many guys she has. Alot of girls are doing the same thing. Which im cool with since im doing that as well.

Its not hard to hold frame, you should have plenty of options, no need to supplicate them.

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-27-2018 01:04 AM)Purple Pumpkin Pumper Wrote:  

I just chatted with a good upper class girl who finally lost her virginity with an expat. She let him hit it raw.

Was she fat and 30 years old?

The truth about the Philippines

OS no she was early 20s professional with a higher net worth than me. Not my type facially though. Just a friend.

I took it for granted he’s asking about a harem of normal girls. Coming over on their one free night a week. Not semi pros who also had sex earlier that day.

Normal girls are jealous and territorial. If you’re not encountering this then they don’t actually like you or you’re paying them. Nigga please.

You’re honestly telling me you get away with that behavior on normal girls and they are not disgusted and insulted? Oh oh wait you’re trapping them in the condo, I forgot. Too funny.

I assume you’re either joking or only banging filthy fatties grateful for your air con. -2 dating down MAYBE you could do that.

Congratulations are in order. I just threw a hot dog down the hallway in your honor. (It didn’t touch the sides.)

Do you also stick their head in the toilet and shit on them? That’s some next level Saudi Prince game right their bro. Tell us more.

OP you know I was trying to give good advice and not make you feel bad for asking. But if you want my HONEST opinion? Why do you have a harem in the PH? I never met Pinays I particularly wanted to fuck more than once. Are you dating foreigners?

You must run the modeling agency that sends girls to LA. The PH is pretty much a bang mission. Maybe find a decent enough local girl to travel a bit then let her go when you move on to the next area. I guess maybe you’re stuck there for work or something?

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